1-MSee. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thur., June 28, '56 5 A bigger, brighter modern , Penney's for growing Salem SAltM, OREGON Onen This Thursday and Friday Night Until 9:00 P. M. For Your Shopping Convenience! ! DOORS OPEN PROMPTLY At 9:30 A. M. THURSDAY Top Quality Penney Styling lira WW wp - mi- ,t its1 A i M; Trr? J w 'wy 1' I; '1 , . , ' if Grand Opening Feature for Men... TOP DRESS STYLING IN DENIM Denim, tht ill-time great of sport fabrics, joins with 1 deluxe Penney dress styling in one of the summer's most comfortable, practical and good-looking slack valuesl Saddle stitched tide seams and patch pockets ara just 2 of its finer points. "Faded" blue, green, charcoal, others. Sanforlzedf for safe machine wash bility. MAIN FLOOR SLACKS 9.88 . Sizes 29 te 42 Matching Jacket 3,9g f ,, ,t FEATURE! BOY'S DENIM SLACKS Men's Washable Cotton Plisse Sport Shirts 1 .49 She S. M, L The oriRlnal Hash V Wear sport shirt . . . cool no-iron rot ton plisse! N'ow in a whole new crop of colorful vat prints at a Penney price that's hard to re sist. MAIN FLOOR f Sixes J 4 te II Jacket! 2.9S Yes, it's Penney's sturdy, rirartiral 10-e a a c e Sanfer ledt denim . . . washes and wears beautifully. Now get it with Penney's fine dress fea t u r e a . . . saddle stitchinf and all. Faded blue, other shades. MAIN FLOOR if ! A Men's Washable Gingham Check Sport Shirts - 1 .98 Sires S. M, L f herked for fashion . . . check ed for value! Penney s gingham check sport shirts are ill)', comhed cotton for top wear, top comfort. Pastels and deeps. MAIN FLOOR I , 1 1 Get Set for the 4th! Wash 'A7' Wear ; V Get Set for the 4th! I sl; vj aVnSao I r ifl fill ' I, ' f tu..,, . r'fi 11 af-inf STRIKING PENNEY SHIRTS NOW I FEATURE WASH N1 WEAR 'FINISH! 1. . m U... . . . u.. I L.J .. ,:.L . ft tI Penney tested wash V wear fabric. Townrraft's full cut fit and meticulous tailorina. Colorfully printed on fine quality combed cotton . . . San- tonzecr . . . specially treated to save much of that ironing board drudgery. Name your color . . . Penney's has it in these smartly striped shirtsl What a cool Summer bargaml MAIN FLOOR 1 98 tmall, medium, large, extra Urge Men's Rayon Nylon SLACKS Prnnev thrift hiiv! Men's itrr. or utility gabardines of rugged ravon V nylon! Machine-washable in lukewarm water. Treat. resistance built in. Ready-cuff ed, too. MAIN FLOOR Also Riitclirr ae Rayon Walking Shorts , . 4 : - , v;. ) 1 -"J ! Ill ; 298 IA-Ml .98 Si7CS 29 to 12 mm ap j Feature! Boy's Washable Tennis Shoes J88 Rim m to it J66 Rltei 11 te I Cool duck with non-absorbent sponge cushion insoles. Wash able. eSnitlied for cleaner wear, DOWNITAnLS I TORE f.v m 1 mm Lmmi!mfA)t mm " Boy's Ralanec Arch Washable Deck Shoes 2 19 2 69 Riies 4 to 12 Siiet 12', to S Needed support for on-thego youngsters . . . money-saving Penney price for Mom! Cool sturdy duck with cushion heels and Insole. Washable. DOWNSTAIRS STORE - - n unit 1 I'll i Men's Machine Wash. Canvas Deck Shoes 4 .49 Sites I1, to 11 Made of heavy, air-cooled duck with smooth crepe soles, cush ion insoles, eork platforms. Washable. DOWNSTAIRS STORK No Laces, No Elastics in Grasshoppers .90 8 Sites m to 12 The distinctive, dependable Ta loi Shu Lok saves a lot of fuss, is always well-groomed! Penney's Towncraft adds fine continental lines, fine leathers, fine construction. DOWNSTAIRS STORE 1 v.V !'I!TII if.. I p 1 1 f 1 .1 . 1 1 iiii.s Fihrene Effects! Shadow Tones! t --f t 53 i MEN S SPORT SHIRTS . . . NOW SPECIALLY PRICED! Terrific! Now save on half a doiea, r more, of the coolest, most comfortable Penney tail ored sport shirts you've ever worn! Pick stub rayons or fine cottons in brand new colors and prints. All fully washable. 1 -1 tiies small. medium, large 1 F :z ' ea Save! Men's Cotton Plissc Pajamas . . . 9-22 BKm sites A. B, C, D Men, Penney's rool n 0 i r n plisse pajamas are tops in warm weather sleeping comfort . . . especially with that roomy TowncraftH fit. Popular pas tels. MAIN FLOOR - : SPECIAL! COTTON PRINT ( SPjORT SHIRTS FOR BOYS! f A one time Penney buy! Fine qua lity cotton with the sensational new, easy-to-carefor finish. Yes, mom, these shirts machine-wash, need little or no ironing. Penney styled in stay-bright printed pat terns. MAIN FLOOR 1 c sizes 4 te 18 Balloons For All the Giildrcn - Second Floor Your Newly Modernized Penney's Will Be Open Thursday, June 28tli And Friday, June 29th From 9:30 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. Ask for Our Souvenir Slore Directory and Calendar . . .