Mishaps at Home Worse Than Traffic PORTLAND .f - The State Board 01 Health reported Tuesday that more people were killed in home accidents in Multnomah County last year than in traffjc mishap.s Pr Harold M Kruksnn. stale health oHiicr. said that 11? n( the MS accidental deaths in the county last year occurred in the home area, compared :th 76 traffic deaths Male Different Krukson said that 218 persons in the county died from communi rahle diseases last year, 157 due to pneumonia For the slate as a whole, motor ehirle mishaps lead a the cause of death. There were tli traffic fatalities in the 1.08.1 accidental deaths Hume accidents were ranked second with 2l Then came occioational dealhu. 207, and pub lic accidents, 1.11 Fnckson attributed much of the increase in home fatalities to a jump from 4ft to 72 deaths from burns. Most of these occurred last winter in a series of home fires. ID from Falls Falls in the home accounted for in deaths, most of them among persons above 84 Pnisnns claimed 22: suffocation from food or hed clnihms. 22: firearms, 12. and drownings, 8 A total of 8.1 of the home acci dent deaths last year were among children under IV Seven were among persons IS to 24. 27 among those 25 to 44. 34 among persons 45 Tn M. and 118 among persons fi.i or older Nips Withhold Criticism to Keep Business TOKYO f Japanese are so reluctant to criticize one another. M hoi-Is hack business,.,.!' S mar keting expert said Tuesday "The customs and traditions of .lapan are such that nobody sas anything ill of anyone else and it's difficult to establish credit," de clared Dr Theodore Smith, dean of the Montana State l'nier'stty School of Business Administration. Missoula. Smith was interviewed after he completed 5'i weeks lecturing and visiting business leaders through- out Jspnrt at the chairman u a I'S. government and privately sponsored learn of American tnar ketftig experts He left last night for the I'nited States via Hong Kong Smith fair) "there is no ques tion" hut that concentraied control of industry is returning to Japan The Japanese were most inter ested in learning about the wide distribution of stock among Amer icans." Prank Gives Texan Boost In Popularity DALLAS. Tex. f - Several hundred disappointed women in the San Francisco area are sorry they ever heard of a Dallas con tractor named John A Maxwell. Maxwell returned to Dallas Tuesday after attending the 41st annual convention of Kiwanis In ternational. On his arrival at San Francisco's Whilcomb Hotel. Max well was told that more than inn women had telephoned him and that some SO more had come to I he hotel in person looking for him "Some of them came from as far away as 3(l miles to see me," Maxwell said today Then Maxwell learned the rea son for his popularity. A prankster I rum his luc.il Huh had sent a i l.is.sified ad to Ihe San FramiM-o Chronicle that read in par! "Texas oil executive needs 2(1 secretaries for expanding linn Salary $.VK) a month " Maxwell .said he is still wonder ing it it was Ihe t'M monthly sal ary or the fact that he was from Texas that caused all the re sponse. Jew Elected Dublin Mayor DUBLIN', Ireland - The new lord mayor of Dublin is a Jew. lie said today his election is a demonstration of the 'absolute tolerance" of Catholic Ireland. Robert Briscoe was picked as lord mayor of the Irish capital Monday night. His name was drawn from a hat after there had been a tie vote between him and the outgoing lord mayor. Denis Larkin. Briscoe is a member of former Prime Minister Kamon de Vn ler's Fianna Fail party. Larkin is a member of the Lanor party. WHERE'S GRANDMA? This year take the whole family back to see the folks. Ask about UNION PACIFIC'! Family Fares for a real travel bargain. You'll have fun going and coming and Grandma will be tickled pink! CAU UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD f'Rr.D UMiKNFF.l.DKR, Gen. Passenger Agent Phone fApltol 77771 Portland LIMITED QUANTITY EASY WRINGER MODEL, REG less trade-in . Rubber Floor Rug Oval Braided Type 20x29 Size. Reg. 4.95 Bun Warmer Reg. 3.98 Spun Aluminum Famous name brand QQC $2 88 Cake Cover and Humidifier Reg. 3.98 Spun Aluminum $088 Keeps cake moist. Am Picnic Basket Woven Wood T', Rq p 98 $C88 Completely fitted to: fout J Electric Percolator Reg 1 1.95 R-cup Size $Q95 Famous Brand. Fully automatic Electric Fry Pan Reg. 22.95 Fully Automatic $195 Complete w;th covei. West Bend I m Toastmaster Toaster APPUANCK, DOWNSIAIUS t ""ZZT"' I II SPECIAL PURCHASE! 1 nrjTTll CAFE CURTAINS 1 mHx&mm? 36x30 1 ph IfnfhlUlHfevi Valance .... 0V .1 t -' &t k , uV'i 1' I t 1 - C vL 7. "j Gay, crir.p pretty cafe curtains in smart bright Jjjt ' I "S foC''lSil4!iM. " '' P"n,s ,or 1 fchen, dens and riming rooms! A iJ&Mf J D?-' ' v i t, V- f' " ra'i ' . $f 'l ' decorator touch at a budget price. J VjlL r hh f . lx fer I !a P i - ix; JlirALJ I UuN " - i AC L l -L E ? L J CURTAINS-THIRD FLOOR Ci I Reg, 27.50. Full Deluxe model $Q88re9- '8c-Fine Finished Complete tray, sugar, creamer. I M Electric Roaster Oven Reg. 29.95 Famous Nesco $1 088 Oval 8-qt. size . IV HOUSEWARES-DOWNSTAIRS 5& JO) J 10 Court Street 10 FREE SIH OREEN STAMPS FOR EACH BOOK (LIMIT S) YOU BOOK MUST CONTAIN AT LEAST 2 AND NOT MORE THAN 39 C jP I : " j n4 Tilting Mirw ...159.95 I.- Ba I -sssss--" 1 WCE LSalad Bowl Set Keg 8.95-Made of Unbreak- $49 Lhl Rrillinm.-7.nr tot able Bnllium -7-pc. set kake Decorator Reg. 1.29 Complete with nine LC hps asst. style decorating 0W Mixing Bowl Set Stainless Steel -Reg. 6.95 $069 3 qf. - 1' :-qt -1 pmt $iz penuine China Set keg. 105 95 93 pc set Sen $4995 ce for 12. Luolie pattern China Cup and Saucer mported Reg. 1.98. F.ne lor a I pattern. . 99' Hamburger Press Reg. 98c-Fine Fmishec (Wood -Roaster Design. Ladies Luggage Reg 16 50 21" Weekender $ I? 99 Plastic covered tan, green, blue J HOUSEWARES-DOWNSTAIRS Super Spindrier Does Your Week's Wash in 1 hour One tub washes while the other tub rinses and exclusive POWER-SHIFT that makes the Easy spindnes. You have easy-to-reach control with moie automatic than ever. Other' strjamlined features: "Cleanflow" water filter, 9-lb. capa city tub, 3-mmute automatic spm-rinse, auto mafic bell timer, swing faucets, high speed electric pump. Reg. '179.95 Less Trade-in 20.00 Chintz Fabric Value to 1 .98 Multicolor 79' Noveity punts yd. Bamboo Rollups Popular 36'x6'-An excellent M.C Window Treatment for Summer WT Owning Canvas Wonrjerf jl a-,-.l of Jiummgi t.ol- JLC rrs. St'. pes and piam colors yd. W ped Spreads lOne group of floor samples- w lightly soilel twin & full. 2 Prii 690,ton Prints IA bright and gay selec'ion cf $1 patterns for cur'ams, drapes. 3 yds I CURTAINS-THIRD FLOOR ' -- - LAST WEEK: JUNE BLANKET SALE! Roberts Famous "Slumber Quttn" All Wool Blanket S yew Guarantee Made by Farib I' Satin linding 10 Decorator Colon Reg. $1195 ... Extra Heavy BRING TO OUR GREEN STAMP DEPT. 3RD FLOOR. EACH PAGES OF STAMPS. SORRY, NO MAIL, PHONE, C.O.D.S. :vy.'.-'' ; ... rL i x . , r- " ''.'!; -, 10 PIECES I 1 2 for the price of 1 KNIFE EDGE COTTON PAD ALL ALUMINUM FRAME CHAISE Really deluxe chaise ... at a price wo'rtti looking at1 Fran e of 1" polished tubular aluminum, back adusts to three com fortable positions, wheels have 5" rubber tues for quick, and easy moving. Deep, cotton pad is coveted with vat dyed fabric in choice of bright oreen, blue rr.r.n Rf. 29.95 EACH. MAIN FLOOR ir at a muHfr -"f TT 3C1 REG. 310.60 LUXURIOUS WHITE JADE MAHOGANY FINISH floMII IB(oL7DLn) No Down Payment en our approved credit; i long 24 month to py Enjoy luxury bedroom set with modern styling as this. It'i eleganct with last ing construction features as dustproofing, centerguided drawers, dovetailing, and more. Beautifully designed and detailed to smoke burnished-brasi drawer pulls. Plan to change your bedroom over now ... at savings like this you CAN affoid to live with style and comfort. , 4-Drower Chest available; reg. 49.95 ... now 39.95 FURNITURE SECOND FLOOR r iHiar'r r A'-' AdU.1.- Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., June 27, 58 (Sec t) 14 (2 for 29.50) STURDY DOVETAIL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY WORKMANSHIP HAND-RUBBED 6-COAT FINISH BURNISHED-BRAsi HARDWARE SPECIALLY PRICED FOR YOUR SAVINGI TWO for or 18.88 ea.