The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 27, 1956, Page 7, Image 7

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    For You a Roup
The Odor of Blooms
Remains for Winter
Malesmai Wtmu'i Editor
Crime summertime and rose blooming season and there are
fnrrvpr rails lr making things with petal Hav (ever victims
are not applying, but others like the odor of rose jar to give a
hreath ot summer in the house. It s an old fashioned recipe, and
one that s good for ambitious children to make as a summer
project We have other suggestions too. and though we've printed
fome of them before, they are still good.
Rose beads are a project for kids in summer too. I well re
member of getting a recipe from the Book of Knowledge, in my
vounjer days, and having fun. 1 made Rose Jar too.
Rote Beads
Gather roses on a dry day and chop fine Put, in a saucepan
with enough water to barely cover. Heat for an hour but do not
boil. Repeat this heating for three days, adding more waler if
necessary Never lei the mixture boil, just heat to moderate tem
perature Make heads by wot king pulp with fingers and forming
Tierce with a large needle and leaving in until partially dry. It
uill be necessary to turn the heads on the needle occasionally
whllr fc-uig Held in a warm place the beads give off a pleasant
aroma.' --?"
Another recipe is different. Merely gather rose petals and to
each pound, use 1 ounce each cloves and allspice. Pound in a
mortar with pound dry salt. Make into pellets, pierce with a
large needle and let dry. They will harden with age
Here's an Italian recipe that might be interesting. It's said to
be especially good as a cake filling
Rose Petal Coaservr
cup sugar 3 ounces rose petals
I drop nil of roses g tablespoons fine sugar
4 drops red coloring I tablespoon lemon juice
Gather fragrant, perfrct rose petals Wash gently in cold ater
and pat dry with soft cloth Place petals, the line sugar 'bar sugar
hich tomes in carton is good- and lemon in a porcelain or glass
bowl, mix and mash wiih a wooden spoon until mushy
Boil waler. granulated sutar I minute and add mashed petals.
Cook over a low flame for 10 minutes, or until a small quantity
dropped from a spoon forms a ball Stir occasionally Add oil of
roses, which may be purchased at the drugstore, stir and add
coloring to gue pink tint, stir well Pour quickly into sterilised
jars, fill to lop, cover with paraffin or seal lids tightly. Store in
cool, dark place.
Caadied Rose Petals
1 nip rose petals I cup very fine sugar 'bar
1 cup powdered sugar sugar
' cup waler
Select large, perfect scented roses Separate petals and soak in
cold water for 5 minutes, drain Place on a soft towel and gently
pat dry so as not In bruise roses Place powdered sugar and water
in enameled saucepan and cook in minutes over slow heat Boil S
minutes Remove from heat and add rose petals gradually. Stir
gently until all petals-arc covered with syrup. Leave petals in syrup
for .1 mir.uetes. remove one al a time, placing on a cold platter to
dry When thorouqhlv dry. sprinkle wilh fine granulated sugar,
slore in an airtight container and use as desired.
inlets can he prepared in the sauje way as the rose", the whole
hlooni being candied Mint leaves are also good candied
Salem Theta Rho Girls' Take Part In Assembly
Oregon's fifth annual Theta Rho
assembly was held last weekend
in McMinnville on the Unfit-Id Col
lege campus. Miss Virginia Cal
lahan of Forest Grove presided
Salem Theta Rho girls attending
the two-day session were Misses
Jean Roth, state treasurer for the
1956 assembly. DeAnna Norton.
president of the Salem club, Donr.a
McClure. Martha Pierce, Jove
Mennis. Julianne (line. Sherry
Steen and Juanita Chrisluficrsoii
The Salem Cluh put on the initia
tion ceremony during the confer
ence at which time Juanita Chris
tofferson was initiated. Others from
Salem attending the initiation
were the Misses Pat Schroyer.
Sally Billings, Lynda Zehner. Kay-1
Caleb Clarks
To Celebrate
Anniversary j
Mr and Mrs Caleb Clark will
celebrate their golden wedding an
niversary on Sunday, July I at
t'-e r home . J22.1 I' Street Their j
I:, ends are invited through the'
press to call between 2:30 and 5
o i lock
rranning the affair are the
Clarks' four children. Reginald G
( !ark of Salem. Arthur C. Clark of Valley. Mrs. Oren Bar-n'-koom
of Randon and Al Clark o
S.-iicm There are II grandc hildren
end fi great grnndi hildi en
The Clarks were married on July
? I9f)t. in Deer Fark. Wash and
! cd in Silverton until coming to
Salem ;n 1H1 They are members
f' the Renrcamed Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Hav Saints and
V.r Clark was with the Silver
f alls Timber Co lor 2.i years
More than 4X).ono skilled young
run under ,1ft were deferred by
f;e I S dralt program in World
War II
east west section of the transat
lantic telephone table vViTt be start
ed July 8 and compleld by mid
August. The -west-east cable was
laid last year. The telegraph ship
Monarch is loading 1 2H4 nautical
miles of cable The
don service is expected to start
about Oct. 15
Kor an Knghshinan an auto
glove compartment is a cubby
Ask your neighbor when to
spray your roses, but if you
are going East don't fool
around, be sure! Take
ing all-new Domeliner "The
City of Portland". You'll
agree it is America's finest
Gen. Passenger Agent
Phone CApitolTfttl
Eranrirrv-t h .
NOTICE 1 ! !
Salem, Oregon
Martin, Claudia Rich, Diana Rich,
M.Tgarrt Roth and Joann Soott.
Thirty-seven clubs from Ore-nn
were represented at the assembly
and elected president for next year
was Virginia Callahan of Forest
Grove, where the assembly will
also be held. During the assemhly
the Salem Club was awarded an
jhonor roll certificate for hann-;
; their annual report in before tin
designated time
j Theta Rho girls, who range in
age Iran 12 to 21. are govcrmd
by the Sovereign Grand Lodge of
the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows and Asociation of Rcbckah
Assemblies, with 48 dubs in Ore
gon. Mrs. Helen McClure is ad
visor for the Salem, club and Mrs.
I Bettie Sumpter the assistant ad-
i visor, assisted by a committee of
five Rebekahs. Mrs. Clio Norton,
chairman. Mrs Vera Neuhauer,
Mrs. Lelia Ohlsen, Mrs. Leona
1 Roth and Mrs. Coral McNeill.
I Tfte next meeting of the Salem
i club will be July 5 with installation
of officers. They include Donna
McClure.. president elect: Julianne
t ime vice-president: Joyce Mm-
,m refolding secretary: N.incv
Waite. tinamial sectelary: and
i Claudia Kit h. traMirer.
In 19.V) about half of V S. spend
ing units families and single peo
ple' had incomes dnder 13,000 a
year compared with half 'under
$4,000 a year in 1955.
Win in Tournament
Duplicate bridge player at Col
umbus Hall last Thursday parti
cipated in a nine table tournament
of senior play. First place points
went to Mrs L. J. Ahsenmacher
and Kloine Osburn. and Mr, and
Mrs. Henry Kroop. Other winners
were Walt Cline and Arthur Lew
is. Mrs. E. W. Hughes and Mrs. j
W. G. Rogers. Mrs. Rupert Tark i
and Mrs. Walter Barsch and Mrs.
Al Cramer and Carl Charnholm
SI BLlMiTV Mr. ami Mrs. Ed
win Nielson of Newport are the j
parents of a son, Jeffry Stephen.
born tm June 15 at the Santiam
Memorial Hospital in Stayton. The '
baby has a brother, Scott Kdwin. ;
The grandparents are Mr. and j
Mrs. Bernard J. Minden and Mr.
and Mrs. James Nielson. '
Modem Etiquette m, Salem, Ore., V1, June 27, '56 (Sec l)-T
Q. How ran we let our friends
know we are moving from an
apartment into a new home'
A. Have some new address
cards printed, then write by hand
on eaah one. "We shall be living
here after such-and-such a date."
and mail them out to your friends.
Q Is it proper for three young
married couples" to combine in
sending a nice wedding gift to
another couple?
A. This is quite all right.
Q Is it necessary that a guest
untold his napkin entirely when
placing it on his lap?
A. This is neither necessary nor
proper. It should be only half un
Summer dress shoes
and sandals for children
234 N. High Op Friday Til P. M. Ph. 3-1771
To Get Your Newly
Modernized Penney's
Ready for Grand Opening
Thursday 5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
anrJ Friday 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
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fta nulla .if n i m
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Phone 3-9191