The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 27, 1956, Page 6, Image 6

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    Spinsters Welcome Teh New
Members at Monday Meeting
' The Spinsters tare added In new members to their roster and
tht young women were welcomed at a meeting Monday night at the
home of MiM Pluir Brow. IV new member and thumbnail (ketch
of rack it as follow: j
Mia Jody Bush Livesley. daughter of Mr. and Mn. Roderick M.
Lhesley.a Junior at Stanford and currently traveling in Europe.
MiM Julie Mellor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George Mrllor of
P or Hand, a graduate of Willamette t'niversity and the Katherine
Gibbe School in ,N'ew York, and a member of Pi Beta Phi. She i now
director of information at Willamette University.
Mitt Catherine McCermack. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Mc
-Cormadt, and a graduate of Mills College. She plans to embark an '
' a leaching career in California this fall. j
MiM Joaa Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis, a junior i
I Oregoa State College, and a member of Gamma Phi Beta. j
Miss Beverly Lockard. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard I.ockard,
a junior at the University of Oregon; and a member of Kappa Alpha
Tketa. I
Miss Joan Seamster. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Seamsier, I
attended Oregon State College, pledged Delia Delta, and is now em
ployed by the state.
Miss Barbara Franzwa. daughter of Mrs. William Franzwa. at
tended Willamette University, a member of Delta Gamma, and now
employed by the state.
Miss Sidney Kroner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Kromer, a
senior at Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, and a member of
Alpha Phi. j
Miss Marian Baum, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. Wells Baum. a
Juaior at the University of Oregon and a member of Kappa Alpha
Miss Jearmine Craber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R
Graber, a junior at Willamette University, and a member of Pi Beta
Statesman's HOME
I anorama
Women . . . Music . . . Fashions . . . Fentvrss
Chicago to Be New Home
6-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Wed., June 27, '58
Around Town . . .
Sliding Dow Model
Ranch Type '
J lighted (overhead er sidelights)
, Asserted sixes and grade
J7$H rowrKui MM
' gsJem,Orto A
Store Closed
All Day Wednesday
of Your Newly Modernized
PGmGV'S . . .
Thursday 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday 9:30 i.m. to 9 p.m.
I THE PARTY WHIRL . . . Mrs. ' often been a guest, to dinner at
' Ralph Hamilton and her daughter, Meier and Hrank's Oregon Himm
Miss Norma Hamilton, will be host- ... later the urmip will attend the
lesses for a pre-nuptial party to- IVntaile Theatre's current how,
'night when they entertain at their Bell. Book and Candle . Bidden
FairrmxHit Hill home lor the plea- by Mrs. Farmer are Mrs. Kiith
sure of Miss Marilyn Dunn. July 1 Hermann and Mrs. Thcrese Crock-bride-elect
ol Thomas A. Beach ol att. additional guests. Mrs Ken
Wenatchee. Wash . . Forty guests mlh Bell. Mrs. Itonald K. .limes,
have been invited to a 7 30 dessert Mrs. Karl (I Becke. Mrs F.dgar
supper and a kitchen shower will T Tierce. Mrs Harold (1. Maisim.
fete the future Mrs. Beach. . . Mrs. Walter Kirk. Mrs Italoh
A aopnlnr . . . krideMo-br Is Mis. Hamilton, Mrs F. W. f'oorman and
Merle Rhotr., wk. wlU be married . M" Brazier Small. . .
t. Joh. Reeves Jnly 7. . . Sat- ... the International
ardav morning Mrs. Charles La- ' '"' r.nvrntion la San Kran
aort ha lavlled guests t. a e.Hre ' w" r n Mrs.
at her (bemeketa Street la Willis Ross. Dr. and Mrs. Henry
honor of Miss Rhotea. . . railing M.rrts. Mr. and Mrs. C. Burton
hours are lr.m II U ll:M o'clock Frost and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. I II
. . . Assisting Hie hostess will be man . . . sessions were held In the
members f (hapter BC, PF.O of Civic t enter with .ver 14,000 at
which the brldr-elert's mother, 1 lending from all parts of the world
Mrs. George A. Rhotea, Is a mem- . . . social highlight for the women
ber . . . Tuesday afternoon and was the fabulous fashion show pre-,
evening Mr. Reeves' mother. Mrs. tented by sis leading women's fa
Waller Roberts, was hostess for an hlon store in the civic auditorium.
Informal at home In compliment visitors of note . . . Arriving in
of her future daughter-in-law. . . Oregon this weekend I rum Mel
tke occasion also honored the 7th bourne, Australia was John Blair,
birthday of Mrs. Roberts' mother, who making an extended visit
Mrs. Cella Eltlreim. . . wltn nij nlulrit.r. Mrs. Robert B
An ae . . , luncheon hon-' F. ber sole, and Mr. F.hersole . . .
ored Miss Sally Joseph, daughter I The Enersoles are planning trips
of Dr. and Mrs. Rpbert r.. Joseph, about the state, and to Montana
en Tuesday when members of the and California during Mr. Blair's.
Girls State committee of Capital stay part f trie t,me wl also
Unit i, American 1-egion Auxilary ,pent at lhfjr beach nome at
entertained in the Oregon Room at rj, j.;n(j
Meier and Frank s . . Miss Jo-1 ;,,'., .'.,, ,hf ,mf of Mr !
seph. who was CapiUl I nit s dele-lIM Mr ,h,r MrAm,r ,r,
gate to Girls Mate, was chosen the (Mr .im.lam tni dauh(rr u.
slate delegate to Girls Nation in B
Tia.MiiiiK"'" v. v. . . . ?ic rir
." v ! '' t I
J. ill lii..-1aiai 4'- ' H r .V.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. ChoiewczynsW (Suzanne !Adr,e Smith)
whose wetldinq vas an event of June 16 at St. Vincent de
Paul Ca'hoi c Chuicn. Tiie bride 15 the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Smith and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Anna
Siar.akis of Chicago. The couple wiil make their home in
Chicago. (McEwan Studio).
trains for the Fast on July 4 and
will be accompanied by the other
Oregon delegate. . . a farewell gift
from the unit was presented to
Miss Joseph. . ,
Cavers . . . were placed for the
gaest of honor, her mother, Mrs.
Robert Joseph. Mrs. Lea Br.wn,
ekalrmas .1 the Girls State com
mittee. Mrs. William J. Bruun.
rhildrrn. Janet. Michael and
rrank. who nave been living irn
Washington. DC. the past Ihrer
yrars ... on leaving Salem in
mid-July the Napiers will go to
his new assignment at Fort Riley,
Kansas . . .
Voting guests ... of Mr. and
Mrs. (ilade Follis thd past week
have been their grandchildren, Mi-
Mrs. Frederick Hill Thompson. nu wnMromperu ui
u i.k. ui Mr. r.,i Kugene . . . Mr. and Mrs Ktillis
Schneider, Mrs. Glenn 'Holman. children on a trip toj
saM Rantea Mr. M si.nh. Seattle. Victoria. B.C.. Hoods
rnton, and Mrs. NeU Witting. . . , Canal . . .
The stage musical . . . U.imm
A dinner hostess . , . Friday
night will he Mrs. Velma Fanner,
who has invited members of the
Tuesday club, at which she has
lunch in Comfort
Cherry Room
J Wednesday's Complete
Braised sirloin tips with vege-j
'table en casserole, ambrosia j
! salad, hot rolls, dessert Q"., I
Unit rfrinlr J OK,
I fome As
You Are j
Purchase j
. . . takes 60 seconds
'.v.- f
1 H
byej' j ''''
Yankees, playing nt the Portland
auditorium this week Is attracting
a nnmbrr of Salem people ... At
Tuesday night's performance were!
Justice and Mrs. Willinm ('. Perry, 1
CI. and Mrs. I.ogan ('. Berry,
thrlr daaghter, Mrs. Robert tee
(iibson, and Mrs. Berry's mother,
Mrs. Waller Brow olow ... In an
other group were the I.lnn C.
Smith, the Frederick Lamport!
and the Lester Barrs . . . Attend
ing the opening on Monday night
were the Glenn McCormicks and
daughter, Glenda, and Jack Mar
shall . , . .Making up a line party
at the show tonight will be Mr.
and Mrs. William R. Shinn. Mr.
and Mrs. John H. Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. Rollin llaag. Mr. and
Mrs. Robert W. Gnrmsen and Mr.
and Mrs. Philip llawlry . . . Hav
ing tickets for Thursday's matinee
are Mrs. T. W. Creech, Mrs. Frank
H. Spears. Miss Ada Ross. Miss
Beryl Holt, Miss Helen I.ane and
Mrs. Ross llogue . . . Ilr. and Mrs.
Charles Campbell will be among
those attending Ihe show Thursdav
night ...
It's a boy . . . for Mr. and Mrs
Robert I. Klfstrom .lr . . . the lad
arrived Sundnv at thp Kalem lien
eml Hospital and has been named
Konert Lewis III . . . also welcom
ing the baby is a brother Timmy.
and a sister, Susan . . . His grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs 1M
Weger and Mr. and Mrs Rohrrt
I,. Flfslrom . . . and the greaf
grandfather is K V. Klfstrom . . .
( I OVKRDAI K Mrs. Gerald
Waldrnp 'Barbara Pease, wis
honored with a shrmcr at Ihe I.nren
New kirk home on Friday nmht
Assisting Ihe hostess were Mrs
Lome Newkirk jr., and Mrs. I) .1
Waldrnp. Those attending were
the Misses Celeste and Fvelva
Hennies, Gladys Rirhrs. Sharon
Rates, Sandra F.dwards. .lane
Feller. Joyce Grurhnw. Mil'lred
MuniPr. and Mesdames Albert
H"nnies, Frank Schampier. Kail
Wipper, Sam Drager, Cliff Feller.
Hubert Shaffer. Wallace Riches
Harry Pease, Robert Cnoksnn. WaV,
ter Pease. Homer Wilt, B. Maupin
and I) Timmnns.
Barn Dance at
Bartlett Farm
On Saturday
MrmlM-rs of Hie Homesteaders
Square Dance Club are busy mak
ing final arrangements fur the big
barn dance to be held Saturday,
June 30 at the Jack Bartlett farm.
Route 1, Box 141F. northeast of
Brooks. The club has inwled all
interested square dancers to attend
the al I air. Those attending are
asked to bring their own card ta
ble, folding chairs, table service
and a cnvcml dish Colli e will be
served by the Homesteaders.
Mr and Mrs. Jack Bartlett and
Mr. and Mrs Curtiss Wright of
WwKlburn have been working the
past two months preparing for the
barn dance Mr and Mrs. Arth'ir
Paulson have made signs to be
placed on the highway directing
guests to' the farm. The covered
dish supper will be served begin
ning at ti 4.) inn on the Bartlett
lawn In case of rain the barn,
will be used for the dinner.
Mose Van Dell w ill be, in charge
of the dance and master of cere
monies for the program. Callers
will be Charles Rowan, Keith
Rahes. Dick I.enz. Fva Shrake;
Jim Slundler. Jav Blair and Mose
Van Dell
The club has made arrange
ments to sponsor a new beginners
ckus.s in square dancing at the
I'zaak Walton Hall starting in Octo
ber, "with Mr and Mrs. Van Dell
instructors. Registration mav he
made by calling the club presi
dent. Vail Priest.
CAIRO -The Middle Fast
news agency reports Fgypt and
Libya have agreed to have Egyp
tian officers rain the Libyan ar-
Two Alumnae
Will Attend
The 41st biennial convention of
Alpha Phi Fraternity, to be held in
the Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island.
Michigan. July 2-6. will be attended
by Mrs. Wallace Brennan and Mrs
Sydney Kromer of Salem. Founded
in 1871 at Syracuse University.
New York, Alpha Phi International
Fraternity is one of the oldest
women's fraternities.
Guest .speaker addressing the
convention at the traditional can
dlelight banquet will be a noted
Alpha Phi, Georgia Neese Gray,
former treasurer of the I'nited
Mrs. Brennan, international vice
president and director of pro
grams, has moved to Salem only
recently from Washington. DC
She left by train last week to visit
in Montana and in Fvan.ston, Illi
nois en route From Kvanston she
was to drive with other board
members to Mackinac.
Mrs. Kromer is the official dele
gate from the Salem Alumnae
chapter of Alpha Phi and will also
represent Oregon in her capacity
as state chairman Mrs Schuyler
Smith of St. Ijiuis director of
alumnae, has invited Mrs. Kromer
to assist her in the round table
discussions of alumnae and state
With .Mrs. Mark Farris, president
of the Portland Alumnae, Mrs
Kromer will fly to Chicago Satur
day night. Sunday they will join!
other Alpha Phis on the special
train to Mackinac. On the return
trip she will stop for a two-day
visit with Mrs Collin Froslid in
Detroit. Mrs. Froslid, a cousin ol
Mrs Maylon Scott, has visited in
Salem several limes and has many
friends here and in Portland.
f LOVTRBALE Mr. and Mrs.
George Cadmus honored the ninth
birthday of their eldest daughter,
Cathy, with a party on Thursday.
Those present were Deana and Co-
Cathy and Diana Head, Rutty ud
Martha Head, Barbara aad Re,
berta Rogue. Virginia Modfstt,
Rnvanne Calvin. ShJrlev Job.
Danny, Nancy and Molly Cadmoj,
lren Hall, Lea and Diana Church. 1 brother and sisters of Cathy
No Other Starch
Gives You
The Va no Touch
that means so much
About a third of I' S spending
units 1 families and single people 1
had incomes over $4,000 a year in
tnso compared to half in 14.15.
Dope control experts say
cotic addiction is increasing in the
I'nited States, but declining in the
I'nited Kingdom, France and
. Complete food service
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Stokleys Honor Brand and Old South,
Fruits, Vegetables and Juices
Bellanna and Ocean Garden
Frozen Seafoods
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Let Hoffman Stock Your Freezer
"Guaranteed Good Eating"
Hoffman Foods Has Been
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Telephone for Our Price List and
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Easier Ironing
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(lull ('.ah-mlar
Hix .,1 NnghtHiit Srltif C'ilb witi
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Ci-r:; feurt. O.dfl cf tl-' Ann
rsn'h SroMmn Flip t-np'. fi 10 rm
hosl dinner
!a!Ti!r nf Women VnlrfV p:rn;c
dinnrr. Bush House garden, pn
American (Inlrl Star Mnlheri. Kred
Rirrh home. ISM Highland Avr ,
picnir dinner hnine
o 6
Talc with half-size
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Sachet with half-size "Correa" 1 J
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Regular size "Correct" Deodorant in an easy-to-use "Twistick." 10
Choose from four famous Coty frsgrincts:
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405 State St. Corner of Liberty
We Give S I N Green Stamps