Cfitt News UBrneffs CRASH VICTIMS 'GOOD' TWO HOl'SES AUTHORIZED Mr and Mrs. Clyde 0. Rohi-' Two new houses east o( the State .ion, 1940 Lana Ave., both injured Fairgrounds were authorized by when a sawdust truck struck a building permits issued Tuesday pernor pule .Monday night and by the city engineers office. Botn turned on its side on Woodburn- were taken by L. T. Kpping for Molalla Highway near Pudding $10,900 one-story houses and gar River bridge, wore in good condi- ages at 3135 and 3140 Chester St. lion Tuesday night at Salem Me- A third permit issued Tuesday u morial Hospital, attendants said, thorizod construction of a $50 car Rohison'.s injury 4s an arm frac- port by Roy Glover at 586 Market ture and his wife, Mrs. Mary St. Robison. had severe leg lacera tions, they said. VACATION PROPKRTY becomes income property when youadver Fnr 1 roof that never needs re- tise it in the Want ads. To reach plac ing or for Revolutionary new tenants, roomers, and campers use asphalt shingles see Mathis Bros, the Classified section of the States 2061 State. Ph. 4-6831. 'adv.i man-.lournal, Ph. 4-6811. iadv.) OFFICERS INSTALLED j OLD SKATERS MEET Three Salem service clubs are Annual "old time get together" planning installation of recently- of patrons o( the "Mellow Moon" elected officers. Exchange Club to- and "Capitola." former Salem day will install officers headed by i skating rinks, will take place July Kdwin F r 0 n k, president. Down-1 5 at West Salem Skateland. The town Lions Thursday will install program for the skaters and their William Kimsey president and oth-1 families will start at 7;30 p.m. cr officers. Optimists are planning Thursday dinner, meeting at " " pm, in Chuck s Steak House to install Clare G. Kruse. president, and others ' FRESH frozen Turkey hens or fry- ers. Oven ready. Pick s Market, !75 Silverton Rd., Ph. 4-5742. HIP KRACTl RED Mrs. .Jessie Coe. 345 E. Miller St., suffejed a possible fractured right hip Tuesday morning and was taken to Salem Memorial Hos pital. She fell while dressing. Her condition was good Tuesday night, attendants said. Public Hccords CIR( I IT ( 01 RT Rrssie llellekson vs Hellfk Ilel lekson: Divorce decree awarded to plaintm as well as ner uwier , name o Kessie .service; properly . settlement approved. j Bessie Omec vs F.arl Omeg; Plaintiff's complaint (or divorce charges cruel and inhuman treat ment. Married Sept. 17, 194.1, at Vancouver, Wash. Carl B. Damaske and Frances K. Damaske vs Harry .1. Reese and Roma K. Reese: (nil suit based on alleged failure In com plete terms of contract, asks fore closure. l.eone Williams vs Lynn Wil liams Divorce decree awarded ,0 nlunliff- nrnniTlv tell Irmrnt an- plaintiff; property settlement ap proved. Carol ,! Turlay vs William F Turlav Divorce dc ree awarded to nla.ntiff as wel! as custoilv and $65 monthly support for one minor (,K(H (K,V l.F.CTt KE Pt'Bl.lC 1 child Carl L. Moline. Oregon City, will Raymond H Waidley vs Donna 1 glvf an illustrated lecture on ' The M. Waidley: Plaintiff's complaint j Farth God Created'' during a pub charges cruel and inhiimand treat- he meeting of Salem Geological ment Married April 27, 1953, at , Society at 8 p.m. Thursday in Col Rohin's Air Force Base. Ga. tins Hall. Leah 0 Helvev vs Marvin Karl1 Ilelvev: Plaintiffs complaint ft Modernize Your Bath with Dura- Hivnrrp rhariips ripsprlion and asks custody and JI50 monthly support for three minor children. Married May 17. 1946, at Salem. Sophia G. Sanderson vs l.yle G Sanderson Decree for separate maintenance as well as $112 50 monthiv support awarded In plain tiff Farmer In-urance F'.ihange and Mary M. Swcigart vs Southern 1'a rif:c Companv and U. I.. Stain bronk: Verdict in lavnr of defeml aol Chester G. Long and Gtncva .1 Long vs Richard G. W.irthen anil Marorie 0 Wait lien Suit allege fatluie to (omplv Willi Iitiiis of contract anil deinands halante of $779 or lorn leisure S'atr v Hr- tlie Hav nioni! 1 1 -: h T Harold Dee Wright and David Willis; Defendants cleared by grand jury on charge nf rape. State vs Glenn A LeMaster; Grand jury indicted defendant on charge of lartenv bv bailee State vs .lack Osier: Grand jurv ind.cted defendant on charge o' ruiilrihiiliiiE to the deliiigui in v of a minor. Stale vs Hubert Furiinc Grand lurv ileared delcnilant uf charge ol tlnltl slealing and indicted him Hi i barge ol nun-support. State vs James Hawks Deft nd- nt c 1 e a r e d by grand juiy ol charge of burglary. State vs Raymond Horn: De fendant cleared by grand jury ol charge of non-support. MARRIAGE I.K F.NSE APPLICATIONS Haymnnn Eugene helley. 27. salesman. Portland, and erna Ilarrllene Heaves. 21. Portland. j. Jerry l.rland Cunningham.' 19. V S Navy, 4215 Harlan Hd and Dixie Bn-e Thompson. 17, car hop. 4215 Harlan Hd. I Richard Kdw in Raluiscn. legal, j sheit metal vv inker 162(1 Clear ; Lake ltd . and Onj Mae Si h.iliert. 1 legal, 4.1 Market. I IT'SA6CtEO- IS CfALLY I VSUCuAC0MF0ETJ I I ! The dental office of Dr. William H. U,,rr.,l 111 I ivitclo.r Pltrt ,ill ho , " closed from June 29 to July ith. attending a seminar at the Colorado Dental Foundation. Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1 adv. 1 c nsignuy lanai nair removen (a(jv j safely, permanently. Price s Beau ty Salon. Ph, 3 5859. (adv. 1 HAND ITT IN KALI, Garry Kautz. 11. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Kautz1. 3335 l""T 1 a. .... tursu.iv . r a ueep nan.. : laceration apparently received in a fall with a bicycle on gravel near his home, first aidmen said. Dental plates repaired while you wait at Painless Parker Dentist. 125 N. Liberty, Salem. 'adv TWO CARS DAMAGED Two cars were damaged mod erately in a collision about "11 35 a m. Tuesday at Cnnijiicrcial anil Marion stints, Salem police said Drivers rr listed as Helen Ruth B,lrMin ilmiW , Box m and j.-rPtj Shay, 515 N. 21st St. CI'STOM meat cutting and wrap- ping, locker beef for sale. Lockers for rent. Dick's Market., 3975 Sil verton Rd , Ph. 4 5742. 'adv.i FOOT CACGIIT IN WHF.F.l. I Mores Fi ler. 5. daughter of Mr and Mrs (', ,1. F.rler. 2123 Coral Ave . was treated, lor ankle later alums about 1 p. m. Tuesday, first aidmen who extricated her loot from a bicycle wheel said Spec ial gift ware sale. I'p to 'j off on crystal stem ware, imported china, hand made ceramics Jary Florist, Capitol Shopping Ctr 1 adv. i '1',- Metal vall Tile 1249 So Com'l. Ph. 4-52!2. adv. MVKKS OV SOAP BOX Mull v vv onrl Lions Club at a noon luncheon today in the Lion's Den will see a Soap Box Derhv dim with talk hy L. B. Bud Mvers. Ue have moved our oldie to Comnirrual. , Poultry Cii. Marion ( ream k -adv . Kail road Wins Damage Suit Circuit Court jury Tuesdav !'inr,i r Southern I'nnlif roni panv hiatni If in a Irani c ur ac cident for vhirh the railroad uas heme -'lei! Sum vta-. hniu:hl I, -t Oi'toher bv the Fanner ln-iiranei- 1a- change in tnc name ol Swe.giir! a oi,i hub Marv M i. li.-iM-d on a n ion tn'l ,v t-i-ii a Sunt hi -r n ' - driven In inMipl.iii.i i h i n.uir .ii.ii ,i i ,ir'V k i r.'.il I 'I lie lii.niil Hie i.olioad w ll ll in 'I;li III e. Mini .i -i.ed lii pav lor ilaiii.i'.'i - to the i ar" the nielli ol April I I i si t t miii ul 1 1 udi streets. ..! tlie lllti I aail Wintir (IUD V V THURSDAY "Coffee And' 1 me wMli informal modeling of daytime and sport clothes A "come as you are" hour for women with cof'ee and light snacks av ailable. FASHION MODELING CftEGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR 12:15 1:30 P. M. ri Salem Air !" -'''r : " & y ( " I "1 V 1. W I 4 111 Salem's 9414th Air Reserve Squadroi, named the outstanding squadron in the 2644th Training ( en ter, is presented with the Commander! Trophy by Maj. den. Robert B. Landry, right. Fourth Air Force commanding officer, Maj. Roger G. Ritchry of Salem, squadron recruiting officer, accepts the trophy. State Session Draws Eagles Members of the Salem Eagles Lodge will begin leaving today for The Dalles to attend the annual ,hm,.dav sate Kagles convention, ThlirsH.1V 1 hal opens (here Thursday. m Wllamt.e Aene dnl ,eam u, - . -" participate with other teams for k,. c; f f'-iff;.. u,;u the slate championship The Sa lem team won the championship in l!54. Participating on the convention staff will be Dr. Floyd L. l iter, past state president, L. A. Hamil ton, stale secretary, and Jim Sim. past president of Salem Lodge slate drill team committee local delegation will he led by president Roy Kapperman. Private Kites Slated Kririav for B. W. King Private funeral services for Ben ton . King. 825 Vista Ave . who died Mondav at the age of 89. will be 10 30 a m. Friday in Clough Barrick chapel. Burial will be in Belcrest Memorial Park Births CARMNF, To Mr and Mrs. Roland Carnine. 176IIC Street, a son, Tuesday, June 26, at Salem General Hospital. WIKOKF To Mr and Mrs. John Wikoff. 4990 Silverton Rd. a daugh ter, Tuesday. June 26, at Salem General Hospital. HAMPTON To Mr and Mrs. Leon Hampton. 1247 Heather Ln . a .on, Tuesday. .June 26. at Salem General Hospital. PACE To Mr and Mrs Law rence Pace, 348 N. 12th St., a dauiihlor. Tuesdav. June 26, at Salem Memorial Hospital. TF.TSIIOW To Mr. and Mrs. .lames L. Tetshow, 7R2 Y Third St . Wooilhurn. a son. Tuesday. June 26. at Salem Memorial Hos pital. SMITH To Mr and Mrs. Ar nold Smith. 2205 St.. a son. Tuesday. June 26, at Salem Memo- i ial Hospital. Flowers Say What Words Cannot , Because You Want the Best Call the Com'l. Hh. 4 6841 - IUNE 28 1 Squadron Gets Trophy ;.-w 'if 1 Air Reserve Unit Honored Salem's 9414th Air Reserve Squadron was named first winner of a new 2644th Training Center commalKjPFS Trophv The silver . . . . . , airplane trophy was presented for the first time at a meeting of the :9090th Air Reserve Group Monday i , .. , ... . " at Vancouver Barracks, Wash The squadron was named the outstanding squadron in the 2644th on the basis of attendance at train- j ing sessions and recent increases j in membership. Maj. Roger G. i Rilchey of Salem, squadron re- : cruiting officer, accepted the fro- The'phv for the squadron in the ah-1. sincp nf LtrCtd. Charle Terry commanding officer. The presentation was made by Maj. Gen. Robert B Landry of Hamilton Air Force Base. Calif , commanding officer of the Fourth Air Force, who was speaker of the evening. The trophv .js;as don - ated bv Col. Weslcv Cook of Port- land rouD commander. f Five squadrons in Oregon and Washington were in unwitting com- petition for the award, which was sprung as a surprise at the Mini day meeting late annually The trophy will ro- Funeral Slated Today For Mr. Weatlierhy Funeral services for Mrs. Maude Irene Wetherby, 1525 .leffersnn Si , who died Monday at the age of 74, will be 2 pm. today in Virgil T Golden Mortuary. Burial will be at Willmar, Minn. TODAY'S LUCKY Master Money NUMBERS 315,095 577,213 $U5 494,314 $n 417,683 392,735 If you have a Master Money Kill with any of above serial numbers on it. vtm win desig nated award if vuu collect it before 9 P. M. tonight at Center nd Commercial. Kffettive now VOIR chances nf winning Master Monty are INCFI'.ASKD'. Starting now and for the balance nf June, the three daily awards, if not claimed on one day . . . will he carried over separately thev will not (pvramitll. To illustrate: if all three awards are not claimed on a given dav . . the following dav's awards will consist of two awards of $25 . . . two of $15 and two of $10. In other words, instead uf three win ners . . we'd have six win ners Thus, each tint laiineil award from one day becomes an added opportunity for vou to win a priie the following dav' Free Master Money Bill given a' all locations. Winners Mutt Claim Award At Canter And Commercial By 9 P. M. $25 MR. ROBERT GREGG 340 Hansen $15 G. A. HALL 4120 Toni LEONARD VOLLMAR 945 Market FREE WHISTLE POPS With Gas Purchases MASTER free Master Monev Bill Given At All Stations ' ' I jAl VJ j . ' 1 Warden Hack 011 Jol After Heart Ailment Warden Clarence T. Gladden has returned to full duty status at the Oregon State Penitentiary. Gladden was stricken with a : heart attack two and a half months ago Alter several weeks in a Sa lem hospital he resumed some of U; I ,u: I. his activities and this week re- turned to his regular duties at the P"Mn. ; Farm Bureau Position Filled Tl,m "avanaugh. attorney and insurance anjusier, nas ..P-:,' of God oointed cairns manacer or the,M ln enirai Assemtiiy OI ittxi .iiii in-'uidiiir Cnmnanv Al Tiffanv nWtnr nf : information, announced Tuesday Cavanaugh's experience in insur- " nre adjusting goes back prior to i IM0- Mn,n h ' uraduatcd from i the I'niversity of Nebraska, having I worked in insurance during his ; toIU-uc years Following World " " "t- iciurnru 10 .curasna to study law. later coming back lo Oregon and entering Willamette I'niversity where he received his degree in law in 1947. He con- tinned his work as an adjuster through connections with the Gen- er.ll Adjustment Bureau. He was in La Grande, until 1951, when he returned to Portland to be with thc General Adjustment Bureau. . Mr. and Mrs Cavanaugh and three children will make their home in Salem. Um TO REGISTER 5 wuuuu vnur chance to win an RCA WHIRLPOOL FREEZER All you do is register Nothing to buy Ju.t come in, renter then Keep y0urhrer.cro 1 ha r.rr.c1iy.i-.'-"fihaNv, n(1onalt.,mpotit,on.Yo..h.v. BS ood chance .. anyone , u. . f w lining a new, i '. -j iiarl Flavor won-t change more 2 degree. U UULZILZI To the first the new RCA WHIRLPOOL FREEZERS FROZEN F00D KNIFE...regular69v,lu. Tit . ".m.,-ln h(rd Iell.nt h.. brod Br ,t,,, "law foofh Good Housekeeping 467 Court St. Ph.3 Al Laue 2350 State St. Porter & Lau Sttyton Salem Man, 70 Faces Charge of Molesting Girls A 70-year-old Salem man was arrested and charged Tuesday with contributing to the delinquen cy of a minor. Edward Cook. 1125 Myrtle Ave., was arraigned in Marion County Circuit Court and bail was set at $2,500. His arrest was made by Salem police on a Circuit Court warrant. The complaint was made by the parents of two girls, 7 and 9 years ola' wno naa 0,-0,1 K 5 nouse Monday, police said Cook, a widowef. who denied the charge. said the girls had helped him wash windows, police said. Death Takes Elsie Bishop At Rest Home Mrs. Elsie A Bishop. 230 Mabel St . died Tuesday in a Salem rst home at the age of 70. She had been a Salem resident 12 years Born in Portland Sept. 25. 1885, she lived in Oregon all her life except for a few years in high school and normal school and later as a teacher of music and art. all in Washington. She and Dr. W. L. Bishop, Port land chiropractor, were married in Portland Aug. 1," 1916. Bishop I died of a heart attack in his office Lebanon in 1945. He was a resi- H.-nl nf i!ln ui.h nffw.oe U h..t I, dent of Salem with offices in both Salem and Lebanon at the time of his death. Mrs. Bishop was a member of Central Assembly of God Church. She leaves a daughter. Miss Kl sie O. Bishop, and son, Calvin K. Bishop, both of Salem: sister, Mrs Daisy Stearns, Sacramento, Calif.; brother. Dr. Frank G Keene, Lis bon, Australia, and three grand children Services will be 130 p.m. Fri- Church, the Rev. Fred Versolenko n...:.l ...ill I.. 1- n.l ' ' oe in on-, crest Memorial Park. N1 -w-v o nvoo( i Kites Slated Today Funeral services for Mrs Ku- genia Mav Norwood. 185 W. Bush St . who died Monday, will be 3 p m todav in Rigdon's chapel, Burial will be in Silverton Ceme- tery Mrs. Norwood', who was a hy- drotherapist at Oregon State Hos- pital for 16 years before her retire- nient two years ago, leaves two sons, .lames Norwood. Buffalo. N. V., and Kodrick Norwood,- San Rafael, Calif. KJEGCX! FOR DRAWING! o can't than O era people who come in to se bind Miller's Liberty and Court Ph. 2-2431 Inc. - 9611 Refrigeration Ph. 2-4195 Woodburn Music Woodburn Planner iiiii -V John A. Green, regional offirial for Jehovah's Witnesnes, is in Salem this week planning for a district convention of 5.000 Witnesses at the State Fair grounds .ug. IS. (Story on page 1). r Kites Slated Friday Requiem mass (gr Steve Ras per, I,abish Center onion farmer who died Monday at the age of 56, will be i a m. Friday in St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Burial will be in Belcrest Memo rial Park. A rosary will be said 8 p m. Thursday in Rigdon's chapel. Cowbov Hats, Other ! Clothing Discovered Salem police , were wondering 'Tuesday night-what to dn with a suitcase of men's and women's i clothing and two cowboy hats found on lhp curb in ,he 600 blfflck , North 20th Street. ..... L Thf suitcase ana me nais, eacn protected by a paper sack, were turned over to police by the finder, . t- . j fct inn. CI r.onne Antirews, on i""i i afu:TT- .i'n, pt'Clttl lllt'y IIUU urt-ll auaiiuuiivu by a prortlcr who had taken them horn a car. 111111111111111111111' (SCISJOWj "THANECS A MMLLION For Your Patronage" J YOU SAVE , f Jf f COUPONr5jn V on each of y&H i these items I flC lLfi? METAL SERVING TRAY TOIF. ROSE PATTERN Sie: 17ft" 12V- Has doens of uscs-in living room, tlcn or breakfast room. Rich floral design in full color on dull-finish blaik backL'tound Reg. 120 Coupon Value Yes, this Big Savings Event is our way of saying "thank you" for your splendid response to our Coupon Saving Plan a plan that gives you top-quality products . . . plus coupons as an extra dividend, and at no additional cost. But hurry! These special offers at only 20 coupons each expire August 31st, 1956. Visit your neighborhood Red Scissors Premium Store without delay. See hundreds of lovelv, useful premiums now on display All of them can be yours I RLE I OR COUPONS! IMPORTANT! Your coupom must ineludt tomt from o ! 2 ol Iho following brondtl BORDEN'S EVAPORATED MILK NO MAIL ORDERS . . . PLEASE! Rom.mbtr, Offor Expirti Augutl 31, 1956. Gtl Thoso Premiums Ar SALEM, OREGON Cherry City Elec. Appl. Sales I Service, 2040 North Capital St PORTLAND, OREGON Red Scissors Coupon Store, 1115 S. W. Alder St Z . . : Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed.. June 27. '56 (Sec. I)-5 School Staff Nearly Filled Salem public schools' ataff for next year has been employed by the whool board with the excep tion of an assistant superintendent and three or four teachers. Asst. Supt. Charles D Schmidt reported Tuesdav. 1 Selection of a successor to re- fleeted to the board poast. uoara place Schmidt when he becomes (committees and other officers wiH superintendent Aug. 1 will be madejbe named, hv the school board nct month ) Supt. Walter E. Snyder will Jeavt Meanwhile, the board will meet for! the school system to join the Or rcgular business at 7 30 p m. i gon College of Education faculty. OPEN MONDAY AND OTHER DAYS 9 30 Ililllri i ni $91.95 Letcyt vacuum .cleaner Modl 64-ih popular modal whfivtr you Want to citwn. No dull big to mmpty, im lou-awy btft. foworful wo t.on Compltt with tinning HKKmtnli. fft trial In your honw. Gnfout tltdt-in ailowcnct. Mail and ph'ontt otdm. Tiit thippinR cost to area outside our rtpilar truck delivery routet, VACUUM ClIANERS SECOND PlOOt Your Neighborhood Red Scissors Premium Store Says RANCHO soups 1 LANGEND0RF COOKIES A A la S.I..OM W. mm Thursday in the School Admin! trition Building. Gatdner Knapp will become chairman of the board, following the rotation plan under which each director serves as chairman in thf fifth year of his term. Knapp fol lows Harnr Scott, recently FRIDAY 12 IS TO 9 fM. A.M. TO 5 30 fM. $48.95 as low at $5 mnth NO DOWN PAYMENT lllllliltllll SALAD BOWL -ivory-colored American Wart decorated with brown -tinted lustrt fdge floraUpray center. 9 diameter. Reg. 120 Coupon Value SALTED NUTS JO