800 Real Estate 106 Houses rVSele Home With Income Oldef style in tip-top condition Verv fin location. close to large shopping center. I1 monthly income plus owners quarters Full baelment. heau liful. shadv and secluded lot, $14 500. Ee Ted Morrison. J-504. Ted Morrison, Realtor 150 Y HIGH PHONK 4 7977 BYOWNER-iT) TorfbaTi home, ISM Waller St 2-34l MODERN J bedroom house, weatherstrtpped A- insulated, attached garage. Englewood hool district. 2 blocks tn high arhool. Corner lot. large living room, new wall to wail rarpeting. Reasonable. Call owner. 2-M51 H .CAVING tnwn..r old home. 1 bdrm.. nice laree ard Pri 4-M74 after p m LOVELY ENG 1pe home with 3 large bed rooms on 21 , ai rt-s j lots of beautiful trees A shrubs ' greenhouse, barn Will take amall house ax part payment Call Geo A Walterv Healtnr, (Kill S Com 1. Th. 2-6714 or 4-6165 - (. j 2 RORM house, almost new l.ow down payment, 4'?' in terest Wetuood Heights, rear KS1 M. eso C'lar Mont Dr FAIRMONT HIU. Eoui'v In .1 bdrm bungalow Tomer lot Ph. 2-n:.l BY OWNER -Nearlv new 1 bdrm . din rm , firrpl.. garage. Inclosed yard, redecorated rn gvwi.od Dist . 112,000. Th 4.JT04 EAIRMOl'NT HII.I. DIST. NM brand n h it verv nice. 3 bdrm.. din rm . hreakfaJ Honk, flrepl . full hasm't with j knnttv pine plnv rm . fencetlu back .rd, fruit tree. Soo 2-1554 1 3-RDRM. Dalke. houe. bv owner 115 Stoneray Dr. Ph See 3 BDRM. home. Irpl . hasmt , l( , llv. A din. r-n , also 2-bdrm. I rental. 17-5 Madison j rtrnt'CED Sinno. new.t-bdrni ! 'uvne. now priced at 112.500 Ph 4-.1459 from living and dining areas of this spotlev. rustic two-bedroom home in MrKmley Dis trict Beam ceiling and a drv pAFfrnent, nnlv ifi.fl.'Vi) Mav trade for ,T bed r oo'ii home. Sou'h For mote information. Call Mr. Jones. Eves. 2-8.13. Joe Hutchison Realtor ITU Fdgrwa'er Ph. ":;10 So t'onimerciai Ph 4-ST41 4-7874 3 BDRM house with imall acre- ( 1 ' age at 970 Ratcliff Dr Make, Frr rig A Smdavs ca;l Salesmen offer at Pioneer Trust Co. Sa-"Mrs R cnaid'on 4-H5.JW H K La "mn J-.MW Walt Soioiofsky 3-flR.tS lem j Ralp.. Bruce 2-fi"Rl J F La ii-MLi Ron H.idkins 3-8712 FASTMOHF.LAND 3 hrirms . r, haths. birch kitchen with dish washer, dhle. gar. Ph. 4-;:t.il NICE 2 bdrm home, near grade r -h A rew Jr Hiph N E rii' $T.Ml Make oiler on J..,Vm equity Ph 4 -Win Beat or BUY my equity in Man hi in j Gardens home. 1 hdrms . -r 2 bdrm and den F A. heat., f-i'l and palm. II IVl lit: . $11 -R.V1, (135 Manbnn Dr. Ph. 4-J45.1 FfUl SALE hv owner 2 hdin h"me, fireiifafe. paved aree' terms. 3360 Had ley St. PC. 4-4'! BY OWNER 2 bdrm. 4 r, old verv clean, will lake ii' trailer, or what hae vnu1 t Jnwn pvm't. invned posses- ; sion. After S p rn Ph 4-j'i.Vi j BYOWNER"2 bdiin. 8 r old house, car pm t. exti a lai i;t ulli A lot ,!77.i P1eaantj view ur win sac ri rice ror Cjuick sale P-i .'t-3141 davs. 2-7ififl after fi p -c INCOME PROPERTY 2 duplexes and a ntce bnrre for sale h owner. Ph. 2-3H17 3 BDRM rnur.trv home. , ears old. C, I take oer State loan. Monthlv pav men ts $."i4 Wonderful loratmn for child-en $f) 500. Off ( hemavs a Rd 1-42'M H.iiH h-!vlo -VirKirlry A sm ,u1 Inekina h"iise , E'H.fl l.n .j'ntn i !i,sp In Mi h ii i-v .1 heiir- 1 f.ripl... e in..;.,, oflxl.i.1 temed (: il I'll1 ' $1:' ; r.n Fr J-.iin 'an Osdnl. .1-7J4.I Ted Morrison, Realtor 2.V) N. IIKiil PHONK 4-7HTT PY OWNER, home 1 , 1 11 old. nicr w h.ll like if gain Th 2 kept 2 bdrm !vulh i.iuu ij. This is a har- 10', DOWN MOVES VOU IN TODAY OR Bl'H.D TO St'IT ED FISCHER. PH 4.JU1 1 BORM house tile bath, larce garage vsutl'ity rtn JlillO hus our equitv. Ph. 2-6211. BY OWN'FH 2 t.dini well hlllll Inmr f7 nu'd'-rr 100 I o i 4-241.1 raled it 1455 7lh. I'll t e t! Hl'ILDKH NKW 3 bdun noir.e I S3leni s hools .v l,.' I K i ,S U17I Wll.l, tr.Hle f(iillv In 2 bdrm It'iiie for tralier house. jL'40 Sunny side ltd. 2-093.1 BV 111 ILDKH NFW spar ions 3 bdrm Enple wnod Disl. Top ou.ility 2-,U.T BV OW.NF.H modern 1 hdi-n rome. gfod In nis ui lino dnu n cavir. s Ji 120 r. of 1 pn 7 1MMAIT1 M E e ritv 'orat'onc hra-i'i't t hd' e . 2nd 1 l-di in Mr;, s ,rd- perl lot dv nnr-eiv. ph 2-.7.V,Jl , JOE H1TCHINSON R F.ALT OR Le lis sor o-.ir hftr.e needs Tn Rip . Sell or Repl Call Ph 4-574.1 1211 F.rige-,saier Ph 4-7171 710 S, Comm'l 2 BDRM. house on appiox. 5 A . So ni I'rmcle Dist 2 bdrm house at 2lft Draper Pioneer Trust Co. .l-.Tt.H BY OWNER A'Vactiie Fairmont Hill 3 hd- r'i s plip drn. G F Kitchen I with dishwasher A garbage deposit! Fenced bank vard with pjtlo. $13.fi00. I'h. 2-09'i after 5. CLEAN 6 yr oU 2 bdrm subur ban home, hdwd. firs venitlan blinds. nice shrubs $7,250 3H.15 Monroe Ph. 4-5544. CANDAI.ARIA Home, hv owner" East view. 3 bdrtna. Ph. 2-07S.1. 802 Business Property RY OWNER Large- business coiner. eciI lo cation N. plus home now used s business office V residence plctd lor quirk aalo. 4-3661. i 800 KfalErtali 806 Houm For SU SflAK'S BEST BUHS 322 N. CHLRCH ST. WE PHONE 4 3311 YES INDEED A lovely 3 bdrm home Lge Iiv rm Sep util rm. Tiled bath Hdwd fir. Near fhoM and transp. On larre lot Offered at only fftftSO. A trrrific buy Call Mr. Richmond. IT'S A DOG NICE i-orner lot on Pine St If sou re a roofer, carpenter and painter - It's vours for 12950 500 down will handle Call Mr Crawford Eve. Ph 4-5020 UNUSUAL HOME Beautiful in eerv respect Spa cioun" rooms. I.iv. rm , Dfi rm Kitchen I.ove i f i replace 1 1 naths F A ml heat Hdwd (In. Beaut: fullv lands aped Nice shade tires Only 1 mod "Id. He sure tc see th at tn.fifti rail n c. Dan Uaak Ee. Th. 4-iW53. TOP RESTAURANT WcM located in f d Willamette j Va!le Tow r Popular truck ' ntnp. Open 2 hour a day l.ge private nom for special partlc Larce parktnf area off street S'-nu s s cr I pr-t in ( im f Fl..! " plus .tiHk (ali Mr, Wnod-i-ot k F f VV- :-Ti6 LICENSED AUSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO.. REALTORS r Eirning t-VCC 4-TU2 i-Mt. 4-M.V1 If mi answer. Dial 4-72l GRABENlRSTBROS IMAGINE SU'WS (-ft- Thn i vou. need p.v for a laur- .1 nuM.e Fa t n-- .H 1 iei ft lot Hn water rarlint !;cai A ste.i! t 'h' low j: ,ce. ( .ill RON Hl'DKINS FINE BUSINESS I OCAlloN C!..se 'n Mr it - A Fr..nk s I..-' j(tlf) I...rsrc hou-c. Ki'si claVs location for U"ci"r o: accountant of In or o'he' humcssrs $Vxi down $'W per Trio A iso corner !o 1! xWl ,n sa-ne location RcfH close, in CALL MRS. flU'H AHDSON WHERE THE BREEFS Rl.OW AM) THE HORNS DON'T j Off the heat en path and in a f;nr neighhoi hood Children will love l.fce I'V rm witti ft:t p. -ire. din r-v . hi rrh kitcnen .1 lovelv rwln A hath A-i'o-t il fotccd a.r heat ing ( AI L J LAW .(iRARENHORST BROS., REALTORS 1 da c t lnt-nTV ;t I (lAN'S FOR Bl'VlNC; OR slice Home in K ni iL'h ii! tiuod Cor rt-r r;....tf inlPillU'T'i- fated a lo KChnoi- slopping and h iv stop. 2 ).r ee oed nr . iiv. rm. with f.irpiace, din rm . kit dhie gar.im . F A ml ''(mi Oveisi'M In! vsitn nu r t .it k v ai d Ow ;;! at t o sell JV.ce $11 Anv -ra- snii.il' otrr u i.l hf con'der- ed Dean Klarr, Prutm Eve. 2-7090. tomple'e Se lip o h Ar Keeping Nice 2 hrt r pie tclv fui nished vv furniture & appliances onlv 1 o see i a All f..r R E Gillesp.e Ev e Phone 4-ii'Ul (This is tl-.al nonif sub,: ! T- Being i $')N1 Lr I fine !:'tip on i'A n p (illlrspir K 3 hd-m Onlv 2' ban offe Make offc Cai; I! E Phoiv 4-0.144. Hfl'i CMEMEKET Wednesdav Trade i rahf voi r i nnni homf In' 'n; .1 h'l:1: turn p !il' li 7 r . n e cl for Ini'.u.i' Has lo's ( ..!! ('.-.dp I i'.'i K'.r 2-.il L'.i 1RAI1F FOR gr Mi l fhs r ., 1 1 mtrin. HIS MIT (.HO( FRY SIORF U I I H LIVING U l.r ' sii! 'akc in i r niiil tl iv, ,!,-'- r I, nod sin k .ind pquipmcnl Uili ,iImi ruiMiln ( ait Do: ol i If i! t( i-Hh Q IHAUK M.UH, HUME FuH 'I HIS i I.O'-F IN Ml ACRE FARM h.loi: o! le l-o,,r Tins l.ii'i, ,11 5 . . V- of fil.iri- sitirll'is: I ill hp put To good use Inr th' lin e ht;n lias II hiiio ho f: (! . (leu liiilir h,r;, fiid -vis l--r po'i!'r- S ri np-'T'it Apples n"'s. 40 Acres in mitigation $17,ois.l. i Hr-'h M.1,,'1. He l-SH',! 1 RAPE ViirR VICE HOMF IN NnKlTI SAI.KM !or this 2 ; . .:-,-Kc, r. An r,-'.. oilier e i'0;,i:', -..'-I i o! p,.-- Ii.i.rr. II ,o e 1 ,i- u:.rr In- i ' n-iurr l ot w ile-- h I .rt: r - 20s::l llislil fo l-rf - and "-.irrnln rnl lew 5'.2 Ca-1 ( oot Nol-on Kvr 2-1:150 INTOMF PRHPERTY IN THF l)( Foil Hi IMF. IT TO IJi ap's -ind 2 sp. p rrn'fils g'n.sf . $'l'J.i por,f on'" Thp e",,r t,e..n piope-". l;!rd a' t.'ltnim r 1 Dirk Si-h-nsrit. Eve 2-7W7 NELSON & NELSON, REALTORS IJW S I oiiuti n il Th. 2-.IW9 HIMMEL & FERRIS. REALTORS DISiHICT -.did l-.ici. .(! lirii" in FNCI IM S t VI E L.V n..:' .: nu ! i . sei ' i and I"i -it i ftrsM I'AUK il,.-. ( il' li.t-r rm Ei:t time if I !('' DISCKI .UN T1NC 2 been it 11 ' 1 1 t'S in the trmned pa' io hr.f va d'e CI OSE IN LOCATION r-i rim i - P' 1 HE MPS I 1 ST El ill 1 HE psi: I. U i'l 1: sle ii TO SFI.i. VOI R HOME Sulesorn Fi- A - : Ron ( learv Hail orsen Perk .t-Slll And; Himmel 2-5122 111 SOI'TH I IBERTV NKAR ST. YINCKNT COZY and room v. 2 good-l7'-d , bedroom TMk 4 - e;,r - old I home was built under FHA spei ifiCsitlons Cat age 10x12 I Price tn.950. Tern.s . HIOICK RKNTALS ' THADF. In vour home on these : 4) units. Nearly new Each ha, 2 rifrirnoiii Bring in $JH0 ' monlhlv. $.'i2 0trO. Terms ,' svXU UK TKADK ! RAMSEY, REALTOR FflR aci e.ige f .nnd ?-brd: onm fiOOP 2-hedr oom home I.a ce hn've Trer-hfldfd lot Now living room Dining room rrn'ed for $5S a month. $7,500 i l'i'ii;v (.-Ttie ho fl ifdf Ten.w Th. 4-2fi70; i-m. 1 old Asking Sfl.iWO. Terms. 427 Ferry List With Us Office 4-.W81 Eve. Frank Vlasie 4-2fi7ft; Msnin 1-2989; Jim Ramsey 4-3897. 800 Real Estate 104 Houm For SU SPECIALIZE IN TRADES OR J-7C0 A GOOD BUY 3 Bdrm home Good med roomi Dinnette Tiled hih F A ol heat Hdwd flr hlkf to achool But at door inxUT lot . Onl 1 u old Pl"ed " -"-! ! at IH'SJfl (all Ee Ph. 4-:M2 Wait Jones DRASTICALLY' REDUCED Exceptional valu in th-s very nice hnm Nice sirerl i sn rnom. Sep. dining room. Econ- omirai aawou.i neat nsrot , Evrellent location F.rglewood district. Newly painted and re decorated thrnufhout A teal at The low of 8O00 Better hurr ("all Walt Jonea. Eve Ph. 4-7fUi. 20 ACRES NORTH Well dra:ncl laid Ideal for heme Paved ! o.-,d Modern 4 r old 2 hrtrm home Jus.t 111 7M (iood tei ni ("all Mr. Crawford Eve. Th 4-S020 GOOD INCOME On thn apt house and , rental , set up Main rtldg has five Rental roonu 4-2 bdrm cot- tages on rt-ar or ioj. aii furn iture in main bldg. included, except in ipanous owners quarter Very i lne to city irrter Fxrellent rrctal Irwa 1,. .i f ull price Ml 500 Terms tall Mr. Sword. Ee. Pb 2-BlM" F SAUFM HOME tie atten'ion Need lit ncw rnof oi! l irnai e, 2 i ve.ti ago 4 rs V . hrimi Nicr en P:icr $11 - cin-cd hi T.sn CALL ALT- SO( OLOF- SKV. WEST VIEW o cr'o.ikine C,ol course -i hi)r -iiN . f,i'i th ino-n wall 'o li carpi ting and drapes K" Butlt-in mrn ranee w.isnrr and dryer Divh v. ashr'i Split level '-n;r:e Price ?21,.VKV CALL RALPH rHUCE. LARGE FAMILY HOME 4 hdrms plus a drn Full havni three hath, lot of jinraje space Double g.irsge,. (iood srhool location Price $2.I.5("K) CALL H K LAVMON Pll t.ru7 CONSTHITTIOS' 1 OR 5'.' Loc!v spot in the trees Nite 2 bdrm home. Liv , rim rm . kit. u til . separate gaiace ti() lid lot Thi i a nice buy of $7 4Vt Call Dale Rihutn for Appt to ser Eve phone 2-2045. INCOMF on 1 I- PROPERTY 2 homes 1 his .1 hfirirv . hv inE t-i fireplace Separate u . YounjTsto A i ! i' tot ti le Full h.t e-v.rnt d. mi's wiln almost new E A furnace ('nmp'ptel v r edecora'ed Src und tuiiisp is a Hood 1 hrtnn rc'i'.il rome I mated :u-t 4 h!;: from S Salem Hi O.it of 'own owner anxious to fh Bn?ti him.fv vacant. Move r igb ' in If sou d'-n't need a h r r to livr in this, would n akr fl StMtd cnt.-i invest.! rci.: F;.ll p: ' i $12 90 Call I Hem v Rjnri to sf Evening j V Sutidav s Phonr 4-1720. TiIONE 4ft.1T.'. Dav At Nelsons on 5 to 20 ackf.s of land : a Iii'iiip lnpslment as it is p.H 50x150 and sells for 500 W NTMWN A R E A TO BE TF A DKD I Tois p-i -, w il :i InlU rented brdr e l.r n.ilv Toanv dn v hrith and '., pav 1'inent n nil , 1 1 r.'iiil rntrv I Le.it. .splendid 1 ,i: it I I PI V EH Ihiv is ; ' Thentiopanr hCeit. pnva'e hai one of the .liui-st a ind"w s pla k Vfiiri. beautiful Vtir,itie F.ni!lish Slvle hnine. Ige t'.v .,, n.iv floo-s f'lll basement, douh 'i.HMin iil hm ITASlEsr :' ,, w...,. ,s "d k-t'-her f.l'il spftie Pled halH. oom pnd lorr'P'-e O-i fo-eed air fnr- IS Ol'R ONI Y Rl'SINESS ,rl Fran" 2-S94S. H , Err'is 2-H0I0. .foe PHONE. 4-U7B n HOMK ON CREKK VOT'EL love the setting bed rooms. Fireplace Basement. 2 va garag ( mport In tip-top Mi,iie Asking $14,800. Terms 3 BKDR00MS FOH $7,500, with some terms Near new firant m hool Big Jiving rnotn f Jar age. Lot fiRx 125 Fruit Nuts. WKST SAKKM Lehmann 2-66M; Violet Bishop f800 Krai Estate SOS Houses For Sole liwiSiiiiit & 311 N. Church St MORNINC.SWE SCHOOL Modern 1140 sq tt ii. spare. 1 Mock to HOW. EXCELLENT Bl lI.DING LOT Soui on West Fwairl St llnnHS Can be n add mtc J lots Only U 500. 2 ACRES Anrsrox- 10 -rules S W Al in cultisatmn 3 hdrsn house, Older type, amall ham, out buildings, grsnel well-Only 18.500. Termt. Sl'Rl'RRAS SOt'TH Anonn 1 Ar'l fodern 2 txtrm plul roon for additional 2 rnlrm. on second fir 1, vr old f A Oil heat. Nice gron. School bua ty door Prire 110 SOO heat. Nice gron. PRICF. RFDt'CFD Only t ,M for 2 hdrm home t Vincent Dutrict Won t last long at thia lure-term if deaired Evening- S. '-redrr S-iKS Woofen ' 4-QftiiK Baumgartner 4-4TM 4 BEDROOMS W.vhlrtgton achool Ijrfe lot Full dining room Uw taxea. Pru-ed for quick 5 ACRES flSOOo Ketrer 1'bediootn horr e m food condition Fireplaoe Walk-in cooler room Double rar ate I we.l of SO tnut and nul tree Manv arietie of cane heme j mile to jrade tchrml and hop p;nf. Hifh ground 60 ACRES $13 0OAAbt 12 mile from Sa lem. 3-bednom home Ra'h Wired for range. 1-arge ban Family orchard Ideal mock ranch Deep well. Also spring fed irrigation pond with pump and pipe for S acres Would consider Salem home or equitv in tiade 2 NEW HOMES $11 Vo - North 3 bedrooms Doub e garage. Bus service 1 hlocit 12W) sq ft home f 1 .300 nown will handle Tradei con- dered $U 7.Ve-South .t bedroomi Dovi hle plaitered garage. 10x11 d . n I n g room A bea u 1 1 f u 1 home t arge corner lot. Trades considered PARK AVENUE $4 ?V A ronve merit l v located home I large hrdtoom A leal good buv for nnlv $1,000 doAp. . $700 CASH DOWN SUBURBAN -$10. VH) A 4-vr -old 2-beriroom home in perfeVt condition. Diaprs and TV an tenna go with Low laxrs. You'll like it CLYDE PRALL REALTOR 154 S High St. 4-.151 or 4-7711 FVFNINC.S J. 72.10 or 4.914 It Can t Bp Beat When vou ran buv a CLAR ENCE WOLF house with 3 hedrooms, 2-ear garage, 2 firs- ptaces. family room. I1 baths, in a good loci t ion. lor onlv Si4..'v00. need we uv more? Eve Coidova Stephenson, 4-fiU) ; Ted Morrison, Realtor iiiO'N. HIGH rilONF. 4-71177 AL WATTS PF.AL FSTATE TONIGHT 6 TO 8 P.M. MANRRIN GARDENS Ne S- bdrir. . tirrpl.irp. central i.ill, p.ed si. sidewalks and spw prs closp 'o -rhool ind 1 1 v bus. SI'i MARINO DRIVF. - (ol lnv Ihr signs Jai k Rawls will snow, or call 4-7762. ANOTHFR MANRRIN CAR DFNS DPFN HOl'SF-.l-hdrm . family itmni. 2 fireplaren en trance hail, beautifully done Will consider $1,500 down Walt De Puv will ahow. or call 4-0.121 4141 No Hiver Rd. Off phnne. 4-finfll ' lee th.s neat and clean 2 hed Miiitii home on Ninth 2.(rd SI in ..i Sl.iic L.ii kt I i I n g loom. fi3 liuiit kit with h;iih li"'! galoT Modern bat h. Hdwd f loori thruout At tached g-nage Latse lot Price 2.')fl Suitahle terms w ith JSi-ii riow n on contract C.i.I W..1M' KO RYRKIT CO. 1 !8t Prnndu hv Ph Fe ?-R0g Swanky rartyrnnm Like tn entertain1 Look st this - 17x21 living mom i paneled, matching dininj" room. 2 bed-roorv-.. ln' ot flagstone, a HCf.E party room with hig "f , i e place. hea;n-(l cci I i . -'i.i v Inr, rtr;i hath. i)'M) .sq t Ti all Eve Mirjni.c F.inning 4-fiO'.8. Ted Morrison, Realtor 2.-,n IIKiil I'HON'E 4-7H77 BY BCII.DER Three hednnnr.s. fireplace, huge kltihen eating aie. only twot t blocks from school and plav- I ground 1074 Shamrock St Turn 1st St south nl MorninR- sirle si hfto! Pr ire j. $10 T50 '. Oprn evcrv rlai Ph 4-f..V1.1. ' lli oSE:lt tlien vsoortrv will; nnv ton price for vnur turn i I wi'nre. Ph 3-5110 s7s nN on this hiand neu 2 hdrn- borne East in rilv For'-ed air furnace. Hardwood floors, f lose to store A Hu Only $F7 10 -k for Geo Palrnv M ith Allen (' Jones Realtor 2.11 No High. Th 3..VKW Fve 4-1SW. HOMES $1'0 to $f00 dn $4.i to $75 per mo Why rent when vou r an buy our own home on these tc-ms? a Allen (' Jnr.es. Roaltor. Til No HlRh Fve. 4-lfiK., 2-fR48 or 270H $700 DN Full price $4800. Older t pe home 2 hdrms D rm All Irye rm. Hmt Needs re riecor;itlng C. W Reeve. Real tor, 1HGU Mission St. I'h H-4.V.0 Eve. .'-iiRHf! BV OWNER A near Fruit land, nirxlern 2 bdrm hse . an gar. parden. $.V500, F'h 2-1154 HALF ACMF ON PARK AVE -Prett home in setting of nat. lira I beaut v-. Large I King room, di nirc room 2 large her rooms, tinfjnished upstairs full basement, oil furnace. 2 car garage, fruit tree Call Gen A Walter. Realtor, oan S. Com'l. Fh, 3-6714 or 4-6363. 800 Real EMate 106 Houses For $. 'Realtor' Th i K3t 3 tsdrm hotr-e. nnlv x rs 'a school. 4 Mrs. to ritv bos. Only 3-1 , Heair J-ll. cWeatham Near St. Vincent J J hedroonii in -rnojn hone all on one flooc. Forr-ed air oil heat. Ra.emeht with 4 -room tv o-Ked room apt . outside en trance two-car garage Close to bus and chopping 1 Odd down to right partv. ( ail E J 7 etvehka. Realtor. Phone .i-4ii:;j Family Room New 1 bedroom brue located m LINCOLN PARK Living room ith huiitin bookcae. birch kitchen. 2 fireplaces. I', baths, familv room with wood paneling. 2-rar garage with overhead imrage paved tTeet curbs and sidewalk Onlv $14. 000 for all this. Liberal teims Radiant Heat Located In Walnxit Park within walking distance to rapilol bldg. and state hospital 2 bed rooms, large living; rom. din ing room, wall tn wal) carpet tng, fireplace hot wa'e.r. ra diant heat Window dy ane.rv and electric range included at t.ns low price of SI 3 .000, onlv ILSOOdjn on FHA. Abrams & Skinner 411 Masonic R dg Real Estate Mortgage Loan. Insurance Office 3-9217 Eves 2-470D or 3-73M A Very Good Buy rOR A large familv. or home and income 4 bdrm . double plumbing, full hasement. with modern oil furnace, senarate garage. Topnotch residential location acroM from Bush Park, near schools, targe lot with shade trees. Cpstairs now used for furnished apt. ren'ed for $.W Owner has downstairs Price reduced to SAP.V) for quirk sale These buys are hard lo find. We believe this will go C, I for low down pav ment Health nnlv reason for selling Opportunity knocks. Mr Family Man. Call Mr. Bourne, eve 37217. Income "LOSE IN modern 9-unil court with 3-hdrm. home for the owner, all in exrellent condi tion and fullv rented Proper ty shows a 10 net return on investment, and it will con tinue to be desirable property for manv years 1n come. $54. 000 Owner might consider some trade Call Ruth Morn son, eve ph. 4 1 644. Five Acres TLOSE IN acreape south, with two homes, full srt of good small farm but Iriings. Family fruit and nut trees, land can be subdivided. near school site !hs income from second home This is one of the heM close-in suburban acreages in the Salem area, and will in. crease tn value. SI 8.000 Might rniiMrier some trade Call Mr Coodwater. eve. 4-9570. 2 Bdr. South N'EAT S-rnorn home with inside utilitv . w ired for drver and plumbed for washer. Fenced in hack yard, near stores, bus ; MiiM he sold. Owner will con- sirier low down payment, or good contract or mlg. Call Al Roome, 4M15. Joe L Bourne. Rltr. 1140 N Capitol Ph 3fl21 NKW DELIGHT Fl'L, Rt'STIC Spacious 3 hdr in. home, 1 1 j baths, sepai ate dining room with door to palio. Larce in side utility. 2 car garage Quality built with tinted bath fixtures beautiful fireplace, lovely Birch kitchen 78x135 lot. paved street. South This excellent home offered 1st time for $15,750 Call GRANT ROWDF.R. Office 4-3.194, Home 4-:i9t)9. If nu answer 3-SU56 .$10,500 111 v 21 livmt! loom with fireplace rtnri wall tn wall carpet in hv me rno-n and hall. I.arce kit- Inr n with eating space Z big bedrooms, utility room with part hath. Wired and plumbed (or automatics $:i.f00-f, Rooms F-'a1e Sale Cnnipact one-bedroom home nn small tot not f-ir from the him line and can nerv Just the place for a smg'e person Good value. ; E. J. Zwaschka, 1 REALTOR i Ph(me 3-4(i:!.i 174 f ; rant jCOUU St'Fi 3 Tdrrn. luime. No Ik Iiv. i m . tt din. rtn . full hasm't fruit A shade trees. 3. acre. $M.lM)0. Ph. 4-1172 808 Lots For Sole $2200 2 lots Fruit trees. North Paved St Small bldg C W Reeve. SI I'h Kealtnr. Id) Mission 3-4ri!l F.ve 2-011911 LOT BOx202. Beautiful view of Mts A city. South Ph .1-H909 i BV OWNER beautiful corner! Inl 70X1711. I ril F of Keier Frnd tieca A some shrubs i uorrlerMil irss $!'7Ti. Dr allei ; .1 p m 4-91. Sfi , ! VIEW lots with water. $1 Ron Salem Academy Heights In - O'ure 162 College Dr VIEW LOTS -82.x244 ft em h Price $2150 $2450. Located on East Ewald with north, west A east views Ideal for dav light basement homes See the mountain and Salem from here. COLRATH LAND CO. - Realtors. Dial 4-44'4. eve 2-.i7:i or'2-::i4 R :? Zone 4 fraction lot, each 728 wide Total ground space over Sii.two sq It On crt-ek ne.ir Men.o t is I hospital Location for court oi multiple dwellings Price $5 000 Terms: S5u down hal $50 per month Call 3-4015 F. J Zwaschka. Realtov 1745 C.ranl St ? I.OTfr'for vale hv mvnr' North Salem Ph 3-.Tno:i 807 Apt's.Court tor Sole RV OWNER? unit ant. house, pvt hatha. 5 furnished very good rental dut "55 Ferry. IH90 FAIRGROUNDS RD. 800 Real Estate ilOo Houses For Solo LOOKING FOR A DAYLIGHT BASEMENT HOME Tmi will a that thn hoeoe at packed with vai u It will compare with the ver bet in thn price range plua a tremendous view irtii i ec,t'nlv ttlfferert We ucget o.i ee .t with.-,.: anay. cU Don Doughton EXTRA trOOn Lt UHMART A I-hovfrctom home tn Manhrm Forced- .e oil furrae a!i w alt cj peting. fen-ed-in and hedged rck ard Thn houve rea.il u extra good in every repec? F financing Pnced tn tell quck at $10.V0. Se Louit Lorenr ngnt aa ; FAMILY ROOM:!! Hard to f.nd in thii price range Owner lea ing S large hed- 1 rivimi w :th doufelt plumbing, (amily room itn he a -red ceiling, excellent floor plan and tmm poneiiton IfcO m ft living aea and all for ONI V 115 Good term available ; CiU for Ralph Maddy. i I rot corners are. 1 Alpoit new J-bed room home living room has wood paneling around fireplace Manv pe cial feaiurei throughout Large windows took nut upon an especially pretty lawn and colorful flowers, on paved street Well-priced at $13.100 00. Ask for Adrienne Serromb IK YOl'R HOME IS FOR SALK OR TRADE CALL I S OHMART & CALABAEALTORS 477 Court St Phone K11J . I41H . !4U7 Tve Pon tOl:h1on 41414 I.OUH Loreni t0 Ralph Maddv 114M Adrienne Sercombe 4KiJ " STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 17 5. High Street C.I PR 20-Yr.AR. LOANS FOR Bl'VlNC, FARM IOJ Acres. 125 A in cul tivation. Irrigation water for 100 A. 2 modern houaes. 4x 100 barn and other outbuild ings, cropt included in price of 41.ont) Terms This place Is on pavement and can be divided Consider smaller farm in trade Call W H Stevelev, Salesman. Ees phone 4-218. CI. FAN 3-BR home South. Good location Paved atreet Cloae to sr-hool A bus Total price tMt.vi :i.vi down, arm per month Call Stanley Brown Eves phone 2-5MI. 2 LARGE Lota and double pa rage used as living quarters Has plumbing. wired for range, water connected, etc Price fclOOO. Trade equity of I2HM1 as down pavment on .1 hr home Call W H Stevelev, Salesman. Eves phone 4-2618. OCR SERVICE IS TO HELP YOIT Bl'Y AND FINANCE YOUR HOME-GOOD LISTINGS- NEEDFD BUYERS AVAILABLE GOOD SPOT FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER Y Large home suitable lor store and living quarters for couple tn a rapidly developing area. Well-built older home with large roomi and good arrangement. Call Fred Doerfler and look this over. Price 15950. Low down payment will handle. SOMETHING SPECIAL IN EASTMOREI.AND Roomy l-bdrm just 2 vrs old Furnace., utility, attached garage, beautiful krehen and breakfast nook -the kind you dream about. Lot 60 x 130 A very good buy at 150. Call Mr. Hicks. NEED 3 BDRMS ? Here's a very livable home on a -nlct lot 1(1 170. Has lovely lawn and shrubs. Everything in A-l condition and you can move right in. Living room, separate dining room, hardwood floors throughout. Suburban district. Will trade for house closer in. Price 19500. Call Don Vandervort. MAKE AN OFFER ON THE DOWN PAYMENT on this very at . tractive 2-bdrm. home. Located south on 'j acre. Living room, dinette, convenient kitchen Fenced yard. 1 block to school. 3 yrs. old. Low tax area. 11500. Call Mrs. Graham. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 2319 Slate SI. Ph 2S591 Eve. calls HH'ks 449.10. Mrs Graham 447H; Vandervort 47B02; Doerflrr 237B4. CLUETT & KENYON, REALTORS li0 FAIRGROCNDS FD, PH 3-3551 I.OVE HORSES? RIDF-RELAX-ENJOY LIFE- Here's that "heavenly pot In the country" that we all dream of. hut so seldom find. Approx. 11 (14 acres, part beautifully wooded. Verv livable 2-bedroom home dble. plumbed, two fireplaces, latge patio 5-hox stall barn; dble garage Can't find another one like it lor $21000 lonlv a few minutes drive from down towni. Eve. Th. Thelma 4-BH19 or Fred 4-73T. 800 Real Estate 810 Forms For Salt 8 Acres - View No buildings, build to suit your self IS minutes from down town. South in the Prlngle district. Owner will consider lot as part payment Price :i.Soo Call E J Zwaschka. Realtor Ph 3-40HS NICK COUNTRY HOMK" 10 A close in Good house neirTv ne. modern 2 bed rooms dovsn A 2 up not fin ished l.aiee lising room ft fireplace Good well for un guium and hnine use. nice ah.-ide trees, new barn, creek thru place, good soil. You would like this place Price $12. 500, terms. Call William F Moses. Realtor. W, State St. Phone 3-49M or 2-7IW 37W ACRE TRADK You have d'eamed of a seclud ed acreage In the country' This one has a 2 000 sq. ft house wilh a view of 2 moun tain ranges Located 17 nil. from Salem. Tiade in your house or acre or two on this larger one For all the details call 2-B'l7 C S JACOBSEN. REALTOR 14'j ACRES with modern, older type home. rn. vvanasn b-.ui.ii Albanv 2ft' 3 A. FARM between Oak Grove A Bethel. Ml 1. Box 21,1 Rickreall. Frank Stevens W A( RFS near Rosedale Mke offer at Pioneer Trust Co . Sa lem BY OWNER: 4 A . N. Santiam . Ine water, good summer in retirement home I'h 2-l!irH. 2 IlDltM. HOCSF, 1 A . harn and chicken house, garage. 2-1954 812 Exch. Real Estato LOT TO TRADE as down pay ment for .'1 bdrm. home neu or nearly new. I'h. 2-7417 afler 4 p ni THADF. 4 Ildrm . hse in Port land, rinse to stores. M hools transport A chunhes for Sa lem property. Call 2-BH2I Sa- leni KM nodr in home A fur- 'ore Isrge arr M v en u ' ' v f..r f imrlern trailer house Ph 2-8001. WII.I trade on m reage or mod era'e priced home 27 ft. 2-dr Tanriun wheel Srhueltz trailer bouse. Sleeps 4 hrater. refrig dhle sink, plenty atnrage A njphoard spare, completely ; equipped. Write box 14fl, j Statesman-Journal $.'! 50ii 1 B R. home located No:th. trade for larger house. pd difference Jake contract mortgage, pay difference,. B M. .Mason. Rlt . 341 Chemeketa EQUITY in nice 2 bdrm. home, for late model car or trailer hi. use 115 Kenwood Ave. 818Wontcd7Reor Estott WANTED TO Buy a home $5of) down, up to $75 Mo. describe fullv. write Pox 155 Slates- nan-Joiirnal WANTED To pun base Wl to 1(1 ai res of Innfl i lose in. suit able for nih-riivision purposes Piefeiahiv unimproved Cine location, price, terms, 1st let -I l.r Percy Webb, P. O. Box 1 til, Salem, Or.. 800 Real Estate 106 Houses For Sob HLDV C AlARA i In lopnotch condtnn Attractive Phone 3-3151 CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE OR CONSTRICTION 12 Wfl-- See thia new. modem home J-hedroorn and den lo cated near Washington achool Has large livinf rm . nice fireplace, dining rm. Aulft. oil car-rae l ot (to i i. ran be purchased as low ai $ri.VI down Call Stanley Brown, eei phone 1-531. BA1.! ROOM Tavern. The Willamette vallevs oldest and he-t known ballroom A tav ern husinesa is being offered for the first time The present owner hu.lt the buildings and the business and now wishes to retirp Will sell on terms or consider apt. court or other business that does not'-requlre aolual phvslral supervision, as trade-In Call Claude Kllgor. Phone J-WSI ext. 3S 830 Automotive 852 Used Cns For Solo BUY A 2ND CAR 1940 DODGE 2 DR SDN. S 39 1947 DODGE 4 DR. SDN. I 49 1939 PACKARD SDN. $ b 1947 BUICK SUPER SDN. S 99 1946 DESOTO SDN. $119 1948 CHEVROLET AERO $129 IMS CHEVROLET 4 DR. $2.19 1949 FORI) 4 DR. OVERDRIVE $389 Many Later Models To Choose Erom USED CAR DEPT. I'nion A I'H Commercial :i-.ir,5 l'ol F'i'd J Cvl 4 III Sr.lan f ord-o-in;tic. drive Rviio A hfi'ft. rtv c;ran $'i:i5 Mc( Al.l .S I SKI) ( VIIS nr. STATE ST . Jl'nrick conertlble. excellent ndllion. .750. Will take older trade. Th. 2- FOIt SALE or trade. I'i,i4 Olds, Star-five convertihle. inimacu Ule throughout, low mileaee. fully equlpt Will take older - car in trade Pn Dallas Ma afte r 5 .10 or 610 Les ens I4 FORD : dr Sdn in enod cond. 1 owner Low mileage on Engine since overhaul See at 650 N. 2uth Ph. 4-071H a FORI) Statldll wajon aH-S L'l 4 t r.-stvii'w Dr Ph -fli:S STOCK 112 Ford body with sfl Men ury motor hydro brakes A- in pood i-nnd Make offer I See at 1155 Oxford I'h 2-7411 him NASH Rambler St.ition Wagon, radio lfi'15 I'h 4-1.VI6 TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6S11 Why Worry & Fuss Frei few! ftoO Antomotire 152 Utl Cort For Solo Thf? rrponse lo Ed Sullivan's $425,000.00 mm Has cleaned out our stock "Safe Buy Ised Can' rvn We noed rlrsn car, all makes it models tn take in trade on new l"ia6 MKRCL'RVSl ! We need used rar. you need new MKRCVRY. W will make you a You may m In cash, if you buy a new mtm COME IN TODAY! Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. 4.T0 N. COM L. Oregon's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Can Comm.rnal St Chtmeketa Ph 4-71i 55 Packard Clipper Sdn. One of Americas trutv fine cart at a price vou can af frud. We sold this rar A jei viced tt in our shop Fully guaranteed. Buv the car this week for only. PACKARD WILLYS Comer Center at High BODY'MAN SPECIAL '53 Lincoln Capri convertible rolled oser. 11195 Can be seen 1365 Rroadwav. Ph. 3-1)271. 54 OLDS "BR", 2 dr., original owner. 1,00 Call4-91 '51 KAISER sedan, must sell. $159. 1321 N. Captlol. 3-7WL i53CHEVY'. good cond. Ptv 1-7S03 Silverton after 5 30 p m. 854 Trucks, Troil. tor solo ALL STEEL 2 wheel trailer Ph. 4-20H9 1948 Ford T flat bed. far above average McCALLS CSED CARS 1297 STATE ST. MCHEV , t T. Pick-up with canopy Good tires, excel cond. $1,000 Ph. 4-71SH. See at M0 Ben Vista Dr BEST TRAILER -.ve can buv un der fi5, two-wheel Write Statesman-Journal box- 115 FOR SALE CIIEAI ,954 CHFV tractor 1954 short v. lirclti.'ise cah over truck. 1954 ahorf truck for pulling houae trailer 19 5 1 Internationa dump truck Ph Skyline 7-Ifini 271 (Tav St., Monmouth 856 Wanted, Can, Trucks WERE PAYING TOP CASH For Clean Used C.rt Paid ror or Not Bob & Bill's I'sed Cars 1 toon & High St. 858 Motorcycles PUfl t'l'SMAN t nprtillon I'ii scooter. 1. Itood 862 House Trailers ,15-FT trailer liouse like new, make offer, will trade lorn nehl on Slnincrl 1. at North end of PriMdM.iv. 1st Imuse on i km Pii n -4; : t ;," FT Si hull ' I .ilrr i-e . JI7V No (Inn n Prtinfiil on ap provrri i led-,' .VS.M VAI ATION s-.-c trailer pouses for saie or iri.t See Far' Malm. 411.10 Siliert'-n Hd -1l.'7 I TnA"nE clean all alllinlnn-n t trailer hse for larger trailer or , rar. OTHERWISE, clean ilo- mileage i pu k-up for car , Write Statesman-Journal Pox 152 ! TRAILER spac. lor rent-Real ! 25nl Portland Rd i $:i50 lSllV.'N 29 11 metal Faa'ern built, bath, heated fir f'h , 4-2217 a,k fur llaker . j FIRCRF.ST-frailer Park under new nianaf enient restricted' spaces for rent ItlllO N Hiv.l Rd Ph 2-6.11,. ONE or Salem's Better C..urt Center Street Trallc Cuuit, 4155 CENTER ST '52 MI1WF.I. 22 ft Crestline. alliMim-irn trailer 'rnnsr. b.ilh A awns. F.xc cond I'H 3-no75 12 FT Metal trailer house, rea- sooahle 170 W fliownmr e enlrg A eekenrls 1 KMLEi: TOWINd IAYHAWK TRAILER SALES M4 Portland Rd. - Pn. ! HELP 11 MI W IT? mmm liliM $2395 Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., 850 Automotive IS2Um4 CrtPr$4il PICKUP 19SS.G. M C. S ton ipd pickup trucli with mly IS 0 mlin. alue rab tinted tiaas fnnd rubber, csillapsibl. cana canopy. EXCELLENT roaittJ'i,".huntin trip and on the farmTl top. $500 DOWN Will buy this popular truck CALL 2-7973 arid ask for Berri or Getl 41 NO. HIGH "the Lot With A Lot" THIS WKEK'S BARGAINS 1.V1 Dodge St. Wgn. Law "tileag. I'.JM Merc Conv. leaded Sharp U4S I947 Dodge Truck. 8-ipeed 4SS Several other. J40 Center 81. Opea till I rh.3-S734 MOLL MOTORS CHRYSLER PLYMOLTH Tip Top Used Cars Silverton. Ore. Th. 3-5191 55 FORD V . . $1X95 Radio, heater, evtrdrkt, low mileage 55 CHEV. "210 4 DR. SDN. ... .. $1595 Real value, Ac equipped. '53 PACKARD CHIPPER $995 Radio, heater, auto. tram. 52 BUICK RIVIERA HARDTOP $895 Fully equipped, V a premium THESE CARS ARE PREMIUM liin SALE JHI Spifflll IS Hiiiri ANTEED. WE ALSO HAVE MANY MORE CARS AT EQUAL VALUE. AIL PRICES. REDUCED. PH. 3-7802 Packard CORNER CENTER HIGH m i Jilf f I Misty ENJOY IT MORE IN ONE OF OUR THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED USED CARS . 1933 NASH STATESMAN 4 DR. SEDAN $1095 Local one owner, with hewter, overdrive, 1 tont paint, aharp. 1952 RAMBLER STATION WAGON $895 Radio, heater, overdrive. 1953 DODGE V- CORONET 4 DR. SEDAN $995 Radio, heater, fyromatle tram. ALSO WE HAVE VERY GOOD SELECTION OF SECOND CARS AND WOK CARS THESE CARS CAN BE BOUGHT WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPROVED CREDIT. -'50 Nashs Priced Erom ....$95 to $195 -'46 Plymouth Sedan $95 -'47 Kaiser Sedan (Clean) $100 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM D) ii HOME m r i:tkr AT THE "Bargain Center of SALEM" '4(1 FORI) 4 rir sdn. $145 49 STl'DKBAKEH 4 dr. Sdn. 2fi3 Ifi OLDSMOIlII.E Clh dn (WS 41 CHEV. Turinr sdn Sfi.1 41 01. DS 4 dr. Sdn. fu '49 CHRYSLER 4 dr dn m Til rACKARD 4 rir rtn W '51 CHEVROLET 4 dr dn $,V).'i NO DOWN t'AYMENT ON' APPROVED CREDIT Sihrrlnn Rd. al Lancaster Dr I'll 4-9114 (INTIAC Deluxe 2-dr exc ml , 11,200. Ph SIM. 4 m.:i Merc 4-dr. equipped, pew re perfect througlifult. tfiiw ' erais 24U2 2 PI YM'TTH Cranhronk ,ub i pe I'h 4-''4B5 eves ii ITIKVIIOI.KT ho ..ope air conditio ,'i'iti l oint St afle- l n e s !5 10 p ' I'.lli N ith 4 Dr Sedan Odrle I '.ucm.ls rsi-.n ,ns 17 STATE ST. ' June 27, ofHSec 1T)-19 830 Automotive IS2 Um4 Can f SS SI PER n OLDS ...tun 1 DR SDH, RADIO, C H. HYDRA. CON DITIOHI O AIR HEATER DEFROST. FRS. Tl'RN SIGNALS. Ort, FILTER. AIR CLEANER. TWO TONE PAINT WHITI WALLS. SJ PACKARD 4 DR. SDN .IMS RADIO. HEATER. STAND ARD TRANS. REAL CLEAN, LOW MILEAGE. 49 OLDS 4 DR. . CSS RADIO, HEATER, HYDRA, Tl'RN SIGNALS. ROCKET ENGINE, VERY SPECLAU 51 STVDEBAKER COMMANDER . Utt V I ENGINE. AITOMATIC TRANS . NEW TIRES. NEW PAINT A LOT Or CA FOR THIS PRICE No Down Payment On Approved Credit "The kit With A Ut SEE EERGE OR CEIL " J43 4-S344 461 No. High Ph. 2-7973 52 DODGE CORONET 4 DR Radio, heater, aharp. "52 FORD CLUB COUPE S69S Radio, heater, whlta wall Uras, '52 STVDEBAKER COMMANDER tSSS V-l. radio, heater, evtrdriv. IN EVERY WAY k GUAR Willys UNION It HIGH 1952 NASH STATESMAN 4 DR. SEDAN $891 Local owner ear, radio, hat tr, overdrive, twin btdi. 1952 FORD V-l 4 DR. SEDAN . I79S $9,000 actual mile, vary d.aav mm OF NASH PH. S-928S S2 FORI) VICTORIA VI CHEV. 4 DR. 210 $925 D50 JIM 40 CHEV. 2 DR. C.ood transportation 54 CHEV. PICKlT Rrdurrd lo $90S Drliixe cah. hevy. 3 speed f Dismission 51 ROADMASTER MARK II TD $1123 G MORRIS STATION WAGON NEW $1545 Xrw '56 M.G. Mag nctte Sdn. on dis llay $2555 British Car Sales 20115 N CAPITOL Ph. S-660J 11 Chev. 24 000 actual mllel S1S0 4'1 Ford elb cpe 1150 lit Podge, recently o'hauled. no rubber. U75 No down piment on approved credit, I'h .1-578:1 '.pit Mercurv 4 Dr Sedan, radio, tie.i'er, O dnve S445 McCALLS CSED CARS 1 2!7 STATE ST MCE-I.OOKINC, 19 Olds " 4-.r RAM 175 Ph 2-3380, n Dearhcn 5fl PONTIAC 4-dr Cataliria, 11 ?oo equitv for trade for lot of (nod 52 car, ph. 4-894 attar 4 pm. Lite mm, ilirs SB If Sd Id V0)a TRADES