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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1956)
18-(Sec. IT) Statesman, Salem, Ore:, Wtcl., June 27, 06 400 Agriculture 401 Uytc Wonted jjatl BU1CK Spa Ida. la toed . 17 (0 actual aiL, trad w anstuasd uveetoca. calls. aitlerr. Pit. -aaa. CySSlOC k Clawoe Sd- fit TLA mim X t t MCVanuiian, m . e-i fAiTLI lum AT locmer I in Htnnaa w m EiiTLl esieer 4701 Stata 1 t H ImIMi -. W 404 Puttry t4 UbMt TOUNG, heavy, loekaf km ft WILL take orders let Raepber - .aoa 4 nes. PH. 1-M7I. flJlXrra. Whit Rock, alao New tt aaoa laying, $ or II in Sana II amts. Mil Holly, wood Dr. Pit. 1-Ktt. fitNS lor lockar ar laying. 0c a t-mam. ABY Chk-ka hatched yr. round. ViUty Farm Store. 4-aQ4. fURKtYS ovaa ready. Oil your lackers no. " u Cloard Sat am. Sunday. Kuyaeexlall Eggt Poultry. XM Lancaster Dr. Ph. -ljt custom DREssLb Of poultry any rabbit. Wlnga j6S Stat. Ph. 4-H 401 ft fOR BALI: Tiny, part Chlhua. kua Duppie. Perfect hnue ptu lor children, rM, FraSiAiTViltirtig tor free, ph. 1923 falrmount f RCi. vary cut kittens A moth- at eat. Ph. HUB. FRISKY rat terrier, aable-white. pupa. CaU -ML-M-: flRO Paradise rol rtrda. eaje .uiionei II tlweaioa M miKITn:NS 419 Hertel Drtva. Ph. t MO. Old Reg. Oermaa short ESSE" .."i roitoL Ph4-Hl ! haired Pointer, iui - . .. IkC R". ,Lab remal. II " perm, artota, - : Mickey a n - - RjRI BRED Sprtngar SpanW Pupa, 4e Iunivyylw Av. h. 4-39. fOR BALt-Puppiea, aU kinda Com aa alurnoon. at MM Livingston or call l-7 Will buy aupptea any kind. 410 Seedi Bud PUnti MULCH ptarrith muhron ttrtlllaat rid lor muleii. Ph. Ml 112 Fruit firm Produce MARSHALL ''"berrle. J. pick at, out SHverton Rd. N. in KlrhT Rd. U B. Hamrnar, ph. t-tm. ., . ! Hay for gala 1 n. HartwalL RL t. Bok tit, Aumavilla. Hwy. 214 near - Shaw. Ph. ! Montmorency pla charrla c. U-pick. rn. i-si ffTplCK MarahaUa, 1c lb. ml. from Bcotty'i Auction houaa. Out Cnlr curve, turn right U A. Tuancll. Ph. 4-M TeTCH graai hky. lll lW ton In Held PhAum.vllla ML ff-PICK Northwest atrawberrlej, 10c lb. i mt. out on Glen Creek Rd. T. t. Shipley. Rt. 1. Box 44 fSuckNorthwet "trawberrle.. 10c lb. R. I. riedler. 4441 Sal ter Dr. Ph. 4-1540. PIE CHERRIES PH. 4-S648 KITES, U-plck place. Royal Anna Cherrlet 4W Ridge Dr Ph. fiAliSHALLsnpIck oc lb. I ml. we.l ol Macieay. ni. a. Bo 4t. F'h ll0Ca,r5 fOR BALE: Tomato plant., lie dog. IM 8 Lancaster. 1-HOM. gobb U-plck Marahatli. Ph. 4-I7M. 5-PICK Northwest Strawber ries 10c lb. Lauderback Ar reU. Lardon Rd. Ph. 4-lll. rj-PICK Northwest Strawber ries. Only 1 ml. from city lim its. 10c par lb. Bring your own containers. Field open from I a m. to I p.m. K. A L. Straw berry Farm. 3791 N. River Rd Turn Want it Tele Treat Drive In. IT-PICK Marshall's 10c on Clax ter Rd., noon 'til dark. Turn 1st rd. W. past Hollywood Bowl an MN. l'a mi. Paul A. Andre sen. Ph. 4-1943. fi-PICK Marshall Strawberries Jerry It Nita Andresen, 4.15 N. Lancaster. Ph. 4-1173. FOR BALE raspberries, either picked or U-pick. Call 1-5982 altar p.m. ASI"ERR1ES. Mrs. Brantner, 285 Chemaws Rd. !"; V-nCK N. wrs"trWDrries, 10c lb. Albert Pats. 479 Swegle Rd. STATE inspected milk 45c. Ph. 4-1111. IV. m. E. 4 Cor, on .late PASTEURIZED wnole milk lie al. Homogenised, 79c. a gal on 40c Cleary Dairy. 1-3035 WlLL TAKE orders for Rasp berries. Call 3-I5UI ves BALED HORSE" HAY PH. 4-27S4 42S Auction Soles Furniture Auction .WetL.Eviv.June 27th; At 7:30 P.M. I rooms of good used furniture from one consigner, all like aew. t ft. Phlloo refrlg with freezer chest St built-in dour ilal model) t pc Wal Mr tt Mr. " bedroom set. Uuillwell dnv-no S chair iGruy freizei. 9x12 freen wool rug A- pad. apt. C E. range, 3 pc. solid Maple dinettt set, red platform nxk r, green T V, chair, Roll- away bed. Seelev Orthopedic mattress, Beautyrest box springs A IS mattress. Easy ftpln dry washer, lamp Si rof fee tables, coll springs. Maple Jenny Lind bed. floor A table fee tables, coil springs Maple lamps, nicnlr table A 1 bench es, table radios, lawn swing, lawn mowers, lawn chairs. Slumber Queen box spring St I S. mattress, Coldspot refrig , T V. antenna Ar mast, hl-chair, and many misc. items of lur nlturt LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION Phone 3-4094 391 Silvertnn Rd , LIVESTOCK AUQTI0N THURS.. JUNE 28th W AM. Misc. Tools, flowers. produce, farm equip. 1M P.M. Livestock. Chickens tt rabbits, calves, A tr1, pigs, heifers, feeder atoek, milk tt beef .cowl, hulls. aseers. gnats AV sheep, UNE SUDTELL'S AUCTION mom m auvtrtgo id. 400 Agriculture 112 1 Firm "rouc UTO rurrants. It erate. F s-f-j5i KL 1. Bos (M. Croaaaa , , Creek Kd , -.- ...... lnni A, l! Ring's- ic la.. you Uki all. UU Rett L STRAWBERRY packers' wanted, tram, turn Ph. t-li v SAIISRAlXarpick. UurMrt Stetlte. nil Blm Dr. lt alar tout ol Chesnaara. ffTpick atravatrrin. r lb. Bring cantainers. I mi. on Highway 111. RL 1. Box II Brook. U-PICK Willamette raspberries II par flat, bring contain. 1 G. Parley. 348 Brook, Av Ph. 4-SWTJ. 413 Ftrtiliitr CHICKEN manure, truck loadt. 111. dellvered4-. pETaTlloa from chick tray. Jc aack. Valley farm Store. 414 Farm Equipmtnr GARDFM tractor wtth cultivator diK- blade 1 In. plor r E. Ewald Ave. Salem. Ph 1-40U. A. H Stevena. 430 Merchandise 454 S?win Machine SEWING MACHINE LATE MrtDIX Singer desk mod- .1 -M. i.u. raa atitrh ' j 7n -7L.. I... 7u..; uilw IM M.I Ihi term. Liberal trade-in ! allowance. Ph. 4-7101 iDealeri SEWINC, MACHINE Portinje 11196 Singer Sewing Center Wood. 1-7111 Singer Sewing Machine Ral Due on Contract Singer Sewing Center J.J511 Woodburn 1-7112 LATE MODEL ' . Cabinet Elect, wii 1238 0 NOW M7 0 Singer Sewing Canter 3.1311 Wood. 1-7911 455 House Goodi tor Sole USED Refrigerator Sale t NORGE GENERAL ELECTRIC PRIGIDAR1E CROSLEY , ALL MAKES k SIZES IN GOOD RUNNING CONDI TION. VALUES TP TO $700 COME EARLY FOR BEST BUYS We give Ur redeem S A H Green Stamps. 5 NEW twnal chairs 114 95 ,on - you ll enjoy your visit, j Xdn.l"lia2Zt'PonhM Road Lumber Yard! - a , - l rv., -i-v.4 . r, . i . j n J tik A iii Illt-IIV LM. VlSTII W I. Iliftlll til I. ATT.: Plumber.. Builder.. Home Owners. Save 1100 New G E Dishwasher-Sink comb. Now only 1289 95 complete, easy terms. SAH Green Stamps Master Service Station, 365 N Coml. TWO Queen 'Ann occasional chairs, $11 pr. Ph. 4-9082 MAH drop leaf table A- chairs, reas. Call 4-020iafter 9 30 1954 KENMOBE auto " I new) 1175. Ph. 3-7S94 after 4 30. USED refrigerators. Ill) 25 A up ' AI Laue, App., 21130 State St. 7nTi,r-A- :.rL ZZ.Z.a i Si , iiaa ' " ; - - . NEW chrome dinette acts. $59 95. Used Mrise. Mart. 270 S. Liber ty. Ph. 4-4371. Open Fri. night tit 9. No down payment lo.a.c ) FOR SALE Easy Spin Dry wash er, good cond. 10. Ph. 4-4215. or see at 1315 Norway. FREEZER." Special " nevi io-fi" upright only $190 95. Helder s M3 N. Illgli SITCED gueeri waslirr. 3 yr. old. reg I8 $0. 155 00; Deluxe Westlnghuuse 30" Range, Reg. 1259 0, like new 1125 00; RCA Deluxe rsdio. phono. A-I shape, sold new 14119 00. 149 00 loo So Summer. Ph. 4-8074 FREEZEn7ronry-sairticew"in accept terms. S A H Green Stamps. No bank or finance ro. involved, you pav directly to ti.. 1st come. 1st served Batdnrf's Home Ai Autn. 1420 St1ePh 3-9582 USED d.veno. from $1195 Used Mdse Mart. 270 s Liber ty. Ph. 4-6371. No down pav TfieTltrB f .f T 'TJiifff rP.' rSg'tiT til 9 FR1GIDAIRE range, excellent condition. Make oiler. Ph 4-3828. C(H)LERAT(IRr"chest type deep freeze. 13 cu. ft $I7j. Call 2-4H4oafler 6 4-WAY agitator action wasl er A- push button temp selectol dryer. Will accept terms give full guarantee s A II Green Stamps 1st served. Bat durf Home St Auto. 1420 State 3-9512 FRE"EZERTlft gwid 7 new flencral Electric $149 5(1 Heid er's, 361 N High j USED" rorae-s from $,,. l'sl Mdse Msrl 270 S l.iberlv Ph 4-R.TM Open Fri right tl! 9. No 4nv;n psyntft -nacl INLAID Linn 119 per sqyd R L tlfitrom Co 260 S Lib erty IF YOU need a alngls Item or a complete household of new or used furniture or appliances. Buy now on our easy terms Woodry s Thrifty Used Furniture SIS So. Com'l St Ph. 4-3311 I block Soof Paper Mill USED washers 115 A up' Mod em Appliance Center. 1141 So l'iim' Ph. 4 -:$!)!$ HOSE, tied daveno. Excellent condition;. "164(1 A,; St Unfinished Chests, New 1 Drawer. 4M S Drawer II 9) No Phone Order. Plea. HOGG BROS. 141 Stat St. RE THRIFTY -Buy" ued"'furnT turf A appliances, THE, T H It I T T V WAY on Easy Tfi.f WOiMJRY"!" "niRIITY USED ruiw. IUI Carol ph. 4-JSlt 430 Merchandise 4SS Hovm Cdf ff SU V ACTUM CLEANER PRACTICALLY new EVrctrolux. only 124 S Payments II per aree.. H. 4-7HU. .Dealerl. WILL trle. brand new 'S Ad miral TV et for a auio. value : 1171 S. Cctuae. eve. I m I .veirtree with purch. nl II It luoreme refriferalor, larte Ireeier capacity with auto, defroater li down. 11 moniha lo pay. Fireatone Store. S N Liberty nLAIDl.inoI II n per aa,. yd" R L CUatrem Ca. lad Ua- rty I'N'riMSHU) furniture Stiff r-urniture. 17 N H L. Hin INLAID Lino. II M per eq yd R L ElMrota Co 14 I Lib erty USED Mantle 125 Salem Irontit Co.. 1137 S Coml. 4-ST54 456 Wonted House Good.' WANTED FIRNTTIRE k MISC. PH. 3-6UMS jio.oaf cash To apenr for High grad Uaed Furnilure ai Applianrea. rh J-5110. Paying Top Price! for Better Grade Clen Woodry. 1WS NSummer IOH-CASH--HIC1 . - rufl.Nl. ti're. APPUANcr.s rrc ItsrD MfRCHANDIsr MART J70 S LIBERTY PH 4-4371 457 Rodio end TV NEW portable TV aeH a. low ai ltt5. Heider . Nlligh. SAVE 1150 00 automatic A dryer.. Helder ., M3 S. High HI-TI new Magnavox Conwile ai low a. 14ll with diamond needle. KCA VICTOR""AM FM 10 tube radio phonograph beautiful consule. Looks and work, like new Only Ian SO. Helder.. 33 ,N High. TV SETS, 21rlnch guaranteed to work like new from 170 00 to 1100 00. Money back If not at ufied. Jleider 'wriHlnj ZENITH All .peed radio phono graph. New guarantee 7000 Heider a, 33 N. High. 458 Building Moterioli I. NEW LOAD BIRCH DOORS -heautlfulh designed - LOW COST ! ! INSULATION 1 10 sax. ALDER shop A paneling H price of birrht SD; M50. FLG, 59 50, y PAINT 2 50 gal. SCREEN DOORS 4 95 up Alum Screns to fit! FENCE MATERIAL - all types. Won derful .tains for finish lee theml PLYWOOD SPFCIAI.S: 10 sheets of HlfK'H and KNOTTY PINE - Closrnut 1IIS AND LOTTSA" 2ic it Knotty Pine 15c :t 4.6H71 No down payment FIR PLYWOOD - anv sire a ,. ,' Open Fri. night till 9 - CUTTINt; FREE - tremens dous selection. 'LOOK!, Koal A- Lnderwoud t iiewrlters. almost new. Stenn. NAILS 13 keg CI.OSFOCT - desK g, rhalr. reas. Ph. 3-5169 Odd lots Pine Paneling 100 M. . ... . - CF.UAR BOARDS Rgh back-I II" HCA TV Its a hnnev, m" i .rtir Sriii 1115 M. lxll i Woodry Furniture Mkt , 1605 , ', 104M Hemlock oau 1015 4c ft. i 4x1 Sanded Plywood 17c ft.. Rgh. 4x8 4 25 sheet' Cosh -New ALUMINUM STORM DOORS low price PAINT GRADE JAMBS 2 95 set. Like we sav 'LOTS AND LOTTSA "! Remodeling 36 MONTHS TO PAY NOTHING ithat'i nghtl NOTHING DOWN - See U1 I .lOIsI rurilgUlU nX'dU r Vdd "OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY" O IS felt tt craft piper 12 35 O 3 tab 215 lb ruofing Cheap O Cedar Shingles 13. $5. $6 O New iron roofing per sq. $10 O Nails per keg 18 95 O Outside white paint, gal $2.50 O 12-2 wire, roll at 4'jc Garage doors, all sires, chean o Barb wire 80 rods 15 95. 17 45 Ce ling tile 16"x32" 10c sq ft. O 4x8 plasler hd II 40 1 6(1. I 85 A a 1 S.kHln, ,ia na 111 SO a O New Water heaters, sell out O Cast soil pipe 79c It. i." galv. pipe 12c, .-18c. i.'4-c. Pi-Mc. lfl gal. steel sep. tanks $51 50 O 300 gal steel Sep tanks $119 50 O New b.lh tub complete $59 95 O Toilets with eat $28.50 O Wash has. with trim $19 50 O Iron, steel, staiulesa sleel filnks. Drain-board covering 30c ft ' Celling fans $111 75 O Deluxe 14x24 med. cabhiel. 18 5 O Oak flrg. randem .riigth Cheap O New window sashes, choice 12 00 Windows As frames, lsrge stock 0 Mahg. plywood 4x1 I5c sq. ft. O I lion doors, hardwood A glass STRICTLY CASH-U-HAUL CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS r IV LONG A SONS PH 4-5051 ' T Ml " N. keiER 5 COMP. wFRAMES 39 x20 rough opening .... Ill 50 ea. 2fixl9 rough oitenlng .. . V ea 16x42 1 lltr sash $3 ea. 42x4: 1 lite sa,h $3 ea. Also Many Other Sizes! LTsed door A frames I'Omp $4 50 A up Terra Colta bldg hlorks !JS 9c ea f lav fi re linens 9V ea Concrete shower bases 32x32 $3 ea Shower unit sprays $7 50 ea 4" blk. drainage pipe 30c ea. Reject hatdhoard 50x100 Reject hardboard 50x100 E. S.RITTER&CO. 67 Portland Rd Ph 4-1.111 4 Mi No. ol Salem, i. Ml No. of Totem Pule on 99K Open All Day Salurd.iy ROOKING A Siding Installed Highest (Quality Material ap plied bv Licensed Workman, lo year Warranty. FREE ESTIMATES MONTGOMERY WARD Call .1-3191 Salem, Or 500.000 KEET ' New. freih-milled old It second growth lumli-r 1x4 lo lxll In I to 24-fon length. Delivered prices Salem 17 oer ihu minimum Ted Mullar a-1196 BARGAIN 71-100 Sq. it.ed roof til. Ph. 4-MIS or at Chmktw 430 Merchandise 433 IttiUiwj MaffialB ELECTRIC waU heatvrv alt U al. time, water heater. MS. 13-1 wire. 'K ft. L.fht fixmrea reduced, i pc. balk art. 112 Built-in rantea. i off. Outlet box, 24. Il l wire. 4c ft Apex Electric A Plumtnnf. 1411 Broadv,ay. Ph. l-iaaf Open 7n. rvea. We rut wire, pip At prtcrf Overtwaw Meat farafa aaara with hardware IM M in- ii a I lea 141 M Clv.nlMd ev traufh II kt par EPPLVG Lt'MBtR CO. PR 413 J740 SILVERTO.N RD. 442 Sport tquipmn COMP. equipped U' Wiiard res. anrter A Holaclaw trailer. Mark a Merc . enfine. II.H.VI. Call between A- I p m. 1-U4J See liJO Wilbur 11 FT. Plywood boat, good cond I7S Ph. 3-WJ1 VL,..r boat, it util. trailer lit. Hh .2-WI1I. NEW CAR top boat, lull or trade lor large boat Ph 1-131 GOLF CLUBS, matched et. la dle. McGregor, irons, wood., bag like new. 1.100. lfti So. Summer. FOR SALE, 14 ft. Runabout. nahncany center de.-k. wind shield, remote control, cover. 16 h p. motor. Ph 3-AOfiS MERC . "A" motor. 2 unit. prop5. Make offer, Ph. 4-1934. 733 Madmna. CASH ra id for ued gun., mod ern and antique Caicade Merc.. 1131 Broadway. 464 Bicycles BOY'S 20'' bike. exc. cond. Ph 4-WD 468 for Rent, Mite. FUR RENT or lease . wara houe space cetneni tioor brick bldg . downtown In quire H L Stiff -urn 1-I1M 470 For Sole, Miic. THAYER BABY BLGGY 207 N. 14TH PIT RUN GRAVEL BLACK TOP SOIL DEL. 11.25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 NEW Simw-n. Studio fauchet. IH9 50 1PI5 .N. Sumitwr. l MANUAL adding machine with .tand ii 1 electric com bined adding it posting ma chine wilh siandPh. 3-6H8.1 9x12 LINO nigs. IU Glen Woodry .. 1605 N. Summer SPINET Wurllter piano. Buffet Philco cabinet radio, small sue bicycle. 17S0 N. Church. NEWtarnp,.'l.!lS up. Woodry s Furn. Mkt., 1) N. Summer S, it T. Gas Conversion Co. gas burner, for every purpose 20 yr.. preferred service on burn er, in valley. Ph 4-46(15 PAlNT-good. II BS gal. 1105 N Summer Street MONTAG Trash Burner, new. IflS OO Woodry Furn. Mkt . 1605 N. Summer ary bucgv 117 50 t'sed Mdse Mnrt 27(i S Liberty Ph. N Summer AM -Oriental rug. 9x12. like new 145 Glen Woodry Furn Mkt . 1605 N Summer. FOR SALE; Kelvinatnr Range, sutn timer. Boys' 26' bicycle. Ph. 2-3708. NEW. mod., full foam rubber oaveno v cnair. green n rr., buy. 1139 50. Woodry Furn Mkt . 1605 N. Summer r, coro rtv " .,..-, .it ' ,tta,.hment5 Nr,v new :ia Woodry Furn. Mk, . I65 N Slllllllier. TUNA 15c! weimes 25c lb., toilet tissue. 5c. Wadhams carload coffee sale 89c lb. Come to Handy Mkt , 4114 S High GOOD used daveno. $39 50 good bicycle $24 50. Gas refrigera tor. $55 00. Hest buvs m town.. Elec. ranges A fefrlgerator Shun Woodry Furn. Mkl , 1605 N Summer GIBSON upright freeer like new, $250 See at 1475 Mar shall Drive I'h 4-8609 BH.TWELL Rockers". $33 BB. 1605 N. Summer. Ph 3-5110. 2 GAL garbage cans. $4 89 Wnndrv Furn. Mkt. 1605 N. Summer. Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam Dial 2-1749 Prorrpt Delivery Keirer Sand A Gravel Ce. Pit Run travel TOP SOIL. PH. 2-43 10 TOl'SOlL Phone 1-1575. 2-1301 BEV'S rummage, everyday. 473 N Cottage. Ph. 4-7300. rYPFWRITFRS adding ma chines, cash register., dupli cators, desks, chairs, tiles sup plies. Roen s, 456 Court. 3-4773. 472 Wanted, Miic. WANTED I SED BRICK PHONE 4-9513 USED bicycles. Woody Furn Mkt , 1605 N. Summer. Bring in MtC" th-Tfrs-, fttrtt ; dishes, tottl or what have vou Call Bark ers Furn. 4-0414 . 3794 Sllver- tnn Rd WANTED several thousand cords of wood all species. Ph 3-7711 Nights 4-5633 474 Miscellaneout ADDING machines, cash regis lary vj,9 f airgrounds 1-51175 " l)ENTAtPLAir REPAIR lira SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SFMLER. Dentl.t Adp'ph Rldg. S'.a'e At Com'l Sts SALEM PH 3-3311 476 Fuel Sprinp Special Mulch Sawdust. Ferliliier Block A Slah Wood West Salem Fuel 152 Edgewater Ph 1-4031 OLD growth fir 111 per cord Ph. 4-053 WANTED severs! thousand cords of wood, all sp.cles. Ph 1-7721 Nights. 4-5833 IHCHWAY FUEL CO SAWDUST A WOOD 1-6444 ' Capitol" Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINC.S SAWDUST FOR MULC1IINO Plsner Ends Choir slab and block mixed MSB road w a y Ph. 3-7 721 ANDERSON'S s I a b w o o d. Ph". 1-771 or 4-164. S0O Rus. Si Finance CO-.0N7Aw 'nrubwaatCo ;aaj r"rorrrf ioaa vo,aTct fri fr-Ttri. ts-lTr, 300 Bus. & Finance '600 Employment 510 Man4ry f Lmi ForCasti HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. IW Fairgrounda Rd. I Hollywood District I HOME OWNED HOME OPERATED So lnvrtiration Feea. Free Pjritm Lot. Call S-70.T1 WE HAVE caih buyer, for real eetat contract, and 2nd mort gage. Onmart 4 Caiaha Rea.ora 477 Court St Phone 1-411 5 to S23X) Pacific Industrial Loans 111 S, Liberty Ph 4-103 LOANS 10 00 to IImXIOO Buy Wnal You Seed Consolidate your biila. Finance throjgh WILLAMFTTF CREDIT COMPANY 111 S Church St Ph 1 343? PRIVATE money to loan. intere.1. Ph. 2-Q.a. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone I-Ofi.18 34 N Winter Adioinina PTe.byterlan church Free oarkinc In rear Exclu- aiv lutings on all type of emplovmenL WANTED, a family to pick cu cumbers for ',. Ph4-2457. APPLICATIONS are now being taken fnr Statesman bicycle route. Several route, will be open. Applicant, must be ac companied by their parent, or have their written permis sion Apply at the Circulation Department of th Statesmaa Journai 604 Help Wonted, Mew WANTED- Yard work in Salem. Ref Write M D. Anderaon, 906 10th St.. Dallas WANT several wood cutters Apply Capital Tuel Co.. 3WM i N River Rd WANTED: a steady barber Buck. Barber Shop.182S WANTED Living quarter, for family of 4. for the .ummer. exchange part time work. Ph. 2-7112. WANTED Appliance Salesman. Prefer experienced man. Ex cellent opportunity with un limited earning lor man who FOR MONEY can sell Apple Mon'8oniery.R(,mopm((, ,, worll rrrt Ward Store. Salem. 606 Help Wonted, Lody LADY' wanted to drive car 2 or 3 day. week Write Statesman Journal. Box 154 WAITRESS, experienced table service, Louis Fish Grotto 3715 S Com l. Ph. 2-7790 be tween 11 am. A- 3 p m EXP. waitress North s Restau rant. Capitol .Shopping Cen ter N'o nhone call EXPERIENCED w.iltress want ed. Nohlgren's, 440 State. 40xKl) SHOP building Ph. 2-251:7 after 4 or see at 3-75 S. Comm. EXPERIENCED Waitress want ed The Spa. 1182 State MIDDLE - AGE woman to do housework. 2 in lamil. all mod. conveniences. t in Ph 4-6559 WANTED: Experienced silk fin isher A seamstress for small shop Steady job 5'2 da week. m. ie:i .,.a.ina. . - BABY SITTER, your home. Vir. I.efelle A S. Coml Ph. 3-5881! ll,rlim I WOMAN IB to 35 to answer I lOU'S tre service Spray, top phone A do some typing Easy ping, prune, cabling. 4-2666 work, ,.iu lo sir nr v rue iuii , details to box 153 Statesman-1 Journal. WOMAN to care for invalid gen- llem.n and do house work Modern convenieni e. good ' wages, live 111 Gervais 2-252 .i..,..t ...o- ti....i .... i.iis larvr .corpi iuiic ui un s 'Z-rU Not : soliciting' Requires 20 to 30 uauv ouigomg cans iu pios-i peels to whom advi-rtusing has ' oreu ni.iiiru. iicvu.os i-amc-: lence in dealing with public necessatv Age or handicap no barrier. Write AMBC, Inc 1700 Dclrnar. St Louis 3. Mo. FRY Cook. Experienced woman, Louis Fish Grotto. 3715 S ( om I OPiween ii a m at a p in Ph. 2-7790. 608 Pickers Wanted WANTED, N W Strawberry pickers. 40c rarrier. T. J. Shipley. Rt. 1, Box 44. " WE PAY MORE STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. starting looav. Good picking. Field located E of Hrooks I ' , mUe. to sign on crosstoad. Sl'MMERS Ph. eves 2-4602 - days 1-U30 BLACK cap pickers wanted. AI Depenbrock. Ph. eves. 3-75H8 CHERRY pickers wanted? E. G. Brunk, Rt. 1, Box 970. Salem U-PICK Marshall strawberries. Ph. 2-0108 before noon. CHERRY pickers wanted Ph 2-3349 Salem, nr come to Rt 1. Rickreall, 4 mi. N. of Brunks Corner j U-PICK raspberries toe lh Ros si Anne Cherries 8c lb. Ph. 4-1503 RASPEMRRIES pickers. Rt S, BOX 98. Ph. l-Ttttd nr 4-6485 CHERRY Pickers wanted Start Mon. Good picking, rlose in. K. W Noteboom Ph.2-7209 CHERRY PICKERS nanted, star tine Tues 26111. Call 4-11145, P W. Wuelke 6240 lloodview Kd U-PICK Manhallsr "Mc'luTwV L Pelerso.i I'h. 2-2998. WANTED CHERHY PICKERS Young trees, heavy crop, guud uicknig Locatiun Lllierty District Days: Phone 2-2471 Evenings: Phone 4-9994. BFRKY PICKERS: Sunnvview Ave, H M Schaffer. 3 ml East of Lancaster, good pick' ing CHERRY niilver. in miles North on Wallace Hoad Take toe left hand loan ar the Y second house Edvv Lenstrom. Rt 1, Box 475 Salem STRAWBERRY Plrkers wanted: start ThursdsT. Mav 31st N West berries. 1 block West of Ketzer SchL Ph. 2-0457 CHE'RRY PICKFRS"i StartSaU urdav, June 23 Adults pre ieired. Paul A. Andresen, 49'KJ N Lancaster Ph. 4-294H CHEHRY Pickers" Close In. turn Easi at So. Salem Drlve-In. I'll. 3-6922 R W. HOflO St Sun. start pick ing cherries Jun 22nd. Good crop, 10 day Job Can use 50 more pickers. 3163 Dallas Rd. PtbJ-3171 CHERRY pickers. Phon 1-7041. 4121 r.iu'h St. t '.v. Browning CHI''V. . aean'et. Tts n.-v.-: '!. VI tr - o v 'fi "i,". .r.'fred S. . 'vNei-.e. i'c.o.-. J-tlAJ nr ;.1sw9. W I, N a.vysa. liod sT. Disr atvJi rtsavt p'asnrf. vsaa IVvb. Fa. l-lrvt aflat MS Pickers Wonted STRAWBERRY PICKERS Hon.. Jun 25th. 19 A. Irritated NarthwrM berries Stan It t Krvml. Rt. 1. Box 73 Brnokn. located 1 mil? N. of Brmtks on Hiway 9a. Ph. 3 3144 alirr f p m. Strawberry Pickers Picking- Starts Thurs. II A irrigated Northwest straw berries. I i e i d located a t Weathers Dusts plant For transportation Ph 1-7U51. No wilting lo c.ish tukr's We I pay for each c.trrier. Go to Keirer. turn ftet, follow Windsor Island Rd. i n.i PICKERS WANTED 40c A CARRIER C. L. Sundet Ph. 4-27y Rt 1, Brooks. Box 178 610 Soles Help Wonted PART TIME SALES WORK I to 9 pm . average lis 50 gjar- anteed comm. Pn. 4-2248 IF vou are an experienced REAL ESTATE SALESMAN we have a good proposition to discuss ; with you. Hie Homeseller.j Salem SALESMAN wanted Electfolux , Corp. 1078 Brdwy Salem. MAN to distribute tt pick up Fuller Brush catalog. I1IHJ weekly comm. to start 3-8J57 rOR immediate employment. 400 mo. guaranteed com ap ply 325 E. Bush. I 30 to I A M. Only. 612 Work Wonted, Men 3 : , - AHPLMER w ork, maintenance or repair. Ph 4-1075 Mow hayfield or vacant lots. Ph 4-6372 between I pin & 8 a m. CONSCIENTIOUSrcapableman needs work desperately Can do most anything in tiie line , of maintenance and repair Worked at last Job 21 yrs. as foreman. Write to Box 2-'l2, Sublimity, Oregon NEED AN ADDITION"" evt KviMrt uiolc V'nt k niizr Ref. Go anyplace. Chas. Ex-1 line. Ph. 2-7016 CARPENTER new remodeT, free est. Ph. 4-0873. PA intingf"reeestimates REASONABLE. PH. 1-951 EVES R0T0-TILL1.NG Ph. 2-2518 CFMENT work: guaranteed; i prompt service; free e-tmiates. I Ernest Drake. Ph 4-6::M TALL GRASS, law n "culling A 1 1 - del son. 4-0443. 26b N. CipitoL ROTOVATING ; Tilling. Howard Rotovallng gar- den cultivating, lawn prepar ation by hr. or job. J-iii'i5 ROTOVATINGorlTeveT week ends. J Hathaway Ph. 3-3828 ROTOVATING PH. 2-4763 CARPENTER WORK, day or contract 2-1842 or 2-1459 EXPERIENCED roofer, hln- glmg, siding A roof repair. You furnish material Work' snirinlnd Ph 4.41T7 XII ,MNr: Hnw.rri Rotovatnr PhT 4-2823 or 2-3535. No calls Sat. please Home Building A Remodeling (l JOH.N'SON'-Ptl. 2-9740 ill XA i a a. a -J.. o a nor. nanrea. inav - ...... , f WILL care for two g.rls , ,v country iioine dav or week.! rn. operator mria j ry s; r -s; c , uh home, also baby tirni Peace 4-9617 von Lh.ui --tru child or patient i care Ph 2-1985 1 - - - , , ERi capable girl wants to care i or th i Id in my home Prefer , to 2 yrs. Ph. 4-4215 HOMEMADE frozen fruit A chicken pies. Cookies baked to order 4-51135 nr 3-8761 WILL baby sit. 5 year olds & up Ph. 4-9349. WAITRK.SS. food or cocktail, experienced, refer., short hrs Ph 4-5108 after 4 CHILD Care mv home II da 25c hr. 4-corner.. ph. 2-9572. j MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mrs Poe. 66 N 101 h Ph 3-3643 SEWING - Drensmaklng. In my home, all types. Ph. 1-9392 WANTED Ironing In my horn. 1919 N 5th 2-UI6 BABY SITTING your home, ma ture woman, former teacher. Ph. 4-3775. 61S Situations Wonted FRANK-HARRY S POWER DITCHING Installation, sewers, septic tanks. drain lields. tiling 2-0108 CARPENTER A cabinet work Free est Ph. 2-0493 after 5 p m WILL rare fnr babies, not over t vr old In my home. Mill at 2-1029 RETIRED couple would like a .job, as care taker or managing a court, api. etc. lias ekp Skyline 7-2565 Monmouth EXPKliT spray, brush painting, paper hanging, your paint or aune. Free est. Terms. Ph Nelson 3-8493, 3-8243. COMPLETE lawn work, hedge St shrub trimming. Ph. 4-31MI5 4, 'a. s. Vd shovel, crane, hoe. drg line. 2Vton mobile cranes. D4, D7 csts. carry all clear ing blade Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SANTJ It GRAVEL 140.i N Front St Ph '2-24S1 PAINTING Dirt chean prices 25 years In Salem Ph. .1-75.13 SMALL carpenter jobs, good work, reasonable. Ph. 4-1424 LlOHl crawler dozer, leveling grading. 3-7041 L. Kurth INT-decorating Chas. McLean, 417 E. Madrona. Ph. 3-3935 PAINTING, papering. Fre .tl mate.. Don Lucero. 3-5522. CARPENTER work, any kind, reas 4240 Macieay Rd. 4-5961 LAN O CLEARING O-l Hr L C Mitchell Ph 3-3317 MOWING A "taking. D Mir sball. 1-11143. SCHAHFF BROTHERS Installation R p I r Sewer., Septic Tanks. Drain Fields, Power Ditching. Backfill. Ph. 2-5SW or 3-5071. 618 Education pf!AmrI. NURSES needed Com". Pnsnilala. State lnstl- 1':M.'.. Ti ' 't t" $14 ds!l H'.g. a hi,,-! -d.v.a ion not re quired i i rl hems. Writ A.nrlcsn. I4.k tgn. st.tptnv.n-J-n.'rwl, giving tsban snl ear-r- l ddrfui (or Intat-risa. N, 600 Employment 611 Educetion AITO MECHANICS - DIESEL OPERATORS Trained men earn J to 14 per hour Me chanically minded can learn at home for these well paid trades Don t delay Write American. Ben 1, Statesman Journal, givinf phone and cor rect address tor interview. MOTEL APARTMCNT HOl'SE MANAGEMENT Men and women start training for th, last growing indutr Ideal fnr couple Write American. Roy Mi. Statesman-Journal, filing phone and correct ad drevs for interiew C S CIVIL Service Tests' Training until appointed. Men Wnmen ll-U Start high as .t77 mon'h. Man Jobs oien F.lcrience often unne.-essarv Qualify NOW' Get FREE M- ...u-,,.. . salaries, requirements, aamnle ; tests WRITE: Box Statea- ' man-Journal. tt I I i UU IfUlUS 702 Sloan taateia laatdl ' J C P' ' . ,a, 7 .',-, i per m. Ph 4-3742 SLEEPING rms for 1 or 1. 7S0 N Church. Ph 3-4X15 II A ijkY.'l a week Near Capitol 411 N. Summer. NICELY furn rrn also basm t rni bM N Wintrr. CLEAN quiet, near State Dldg , shop Dist . kit. privel. 2-1449 CLEAN? Comf ims. T. V close in 21 S Winter -7Ti TV. Nicely furn.. clean sleeping rm. 120 mo. 2-7620 board avail. WANTED Man to room and board. 264 N. Capitol. 705 Aportmenti For Rent nicely (urn. 1 hdrm. Apt. Walking distame tu town, 10. ph 4-1HM2 Fl'HN. 2 ap 1st fir . pnv. o.ilh ,v ent.. aj. Ph. 1-524J. SoO l nion 1'OR RENT lower furnished 1 apartment, 150 per mo. Inquire at 1160 S. Liberty. Ph. 2-5210. WEBER Court New manage ment. C lean furn. A unfurn. apt , all elec. laundry facll. S. Llth. at F Rural Ph. 4-2895 Room turn Apt. Private bath Close in, lovely. 310 Bellevue 1 BDR.M. Court Apt., steam heat, burnt . range A refrtg Adults, no garage Ph 3.8300 or 3-74R4 VERY nice 3 rm. apt. fl65 Court St. Ph 4-5648 1 3-rm. furn. Apt. 1 unfurn. in 4 ptex Ph. 2-7520 FURN. apt. ground fir. near State bidg Inq. 930 Garnet St 3-7645. FURN. lgeTjrms-8556alT"st FURN-2 bdrmTcourt apt. 812 N. 14th. l-RM. Apt. bath, utll 450 So Capitol NEW, very nice 3 rm. A bath furn . w-w carpet, walking d. stance down town. Single person. Ph 3-7870 or after 5 30 . 2-1897. 3 LRGrms. A balhfurn. T V" Ant .redec Ph. 2-8342 FURN. 3 rms A bath. closein A clean See tj appreciate :i-8tiM3 or 4-OiH2 after 5 3 RM Hath, lum garage A water Included .'l.i IUI5 N Liberty SI. I'h. 3-84. , or Mr Young 4-4401 ENTIRK ground fli fuin apt. 2 storv corner use. 18tii A Chemeket.i 4 r-r s . I brirni . 1 Irge cot. 2 adults. J45. .1. $55. on Mill Creek. trees, lawns, flower gardens. 280 N lHtn COZY' furn. apt., pnv. ent A bath, utll pd. 3-6236 after 4 CLEAN oulet 1 rm ant. down I town ladv nref 445 Ferrv -FOR RENT 3-rm. furn apt , pvt. bath 160 S. I5th 3-7310 - - , .- -, t - 3 RM furn. apt. light, water. irii ik . iiui.iur niiiiritr, nns line. 1474 N. Summer. Ph 2-7666. MOD. furn. apt clean 3 rms A bath. Ground fir. pvt ert Couple or ernp lad . lVh Ph 4-4727 360 S i 4 ROOM lower apt furn. Close '. in. Also sleeping rooms Phone 2-8776. f v.. "'"'" "-new - Stahe bldg. . ' . run HL.l-rurn .i-rrn. apt $15, inc ulllillcs. 1133 Chemek- eta. 2-54110 after 5 p m. AVflLABl'.E"" Jul f- rooms, ground floor, small vard. De sirable. 2 blocks from PO 3-6553 Hollywood Apts. Furn. unfurn. 4-4713 or 4-7S79 SMALL altractive clean apt . util. paid Near All State Bldg. A- Shop. Ctr 3-5407 FURN Apts $35 A- $45 Util ities Inc! Employed lady only. Ph. 4-1587. AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furn. Apts. 550 N. Summer 2-9208 J HM heated apt. vv pvt. ent Furn. or unfurn. 1411 Couii. j" jM. apt-295 Nith Client eketa A 15th. Ph. 4-1279 MODERN 1 bdrm . Court Apt Unfuin. except Elec. range A refrig W Salem. Ph. 4-6875 2-8743 COURT apts. Extra-nice, clean. 3 rms. A bath, unfurn.. except stove, refrlg T V . latin., park avail, inq 134H s. 12th. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDR.M. UNFURN. 1165 Chemeketa St Ph 3-8630i 3 RM FURN. apt. pvt. ent N Liberty. 2-6947. 705 3-RM apt. well furn. ground floor. Mean. Adults. l-IWTI. 2 RM furn. apt elderlv gentle. FOR RENT, dovvntnvvn office man $15 A $20 mo Work i space, teasnnable. II 1 M.n if desired I'll. 3-5276 eves j n Rlt . 1141 C icn.eketa Scenic view 1 lidrm unfurn court Apl , range, r-fl Ig. 2-2908. 706 Duplexei SELL OR TRADE duplex on beautiful lot 131x1100 with small year 'round creek. Each unit has 2 bdrm.. Apprux. 3 yrs. old Price 115,000, Will take house to 17 500 in trade Allen C Jones. Realtor. 2111 N High . Ph. 3-58H8. Eve 4-1689 COURT Apt. clean. TV ant Ph 2-2650 close in FOR RENT ni etv furn duplex $50 . mo , cpl So of lown onlv Call 3-5765 5-RM flat. I hlnck P O. 666 Ferry, Ph. 3-6275, 3-3437. 15250 1 bedrm., 1 blocks from Capitol Bldgs. Auto oil heat. Wired for lc. rang. Ph. 4-1863 SUBURBAN 1-bdrm. duplex, the nicest you'll find for 39 50 Ph 246 707 Houtet For Rent 3 BDRM. home. Ph. 3-8814 or 3-1500 FOR RENT-UniaTrnlsned fbed" room court, $50 per mo. Inquire t 43SS.J5th, Ph. 1-7864. CU)SE IN Srm "partlyfurn. hse. to steady dependable at tendants E , lovely yard. 2-4069. i nijiisi nse inna aisi. .-single nr elderly couple. Ph. 3-8961 To place classified adi call 4-6811. Oft Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ADDING MACBINIS Buv a. you rent All make. Hnen-TvpewnteiA 4j Court: Ph 3T773. I fPt lAMka WESTINGHOl'SE Woodry Furniture Co 474 So Cot.-'l Ph 4-1111 .MIIIINO ripnni iwHini u .i.r.n rr1 nov.tor. .New mattlwsse. J-404S BRICB BLOCK MAION 1 BRICK and block Work guar . antred Ph 4-4.1J CARPENTER CONTRACTOR NEW building or remodeling, est ' - - CARPENTER CONTRACTOR 'Frsminf. remodeling founda-; I'ons retaining walls cement1 ons retaining walls cement1 .... mates, je mo. to pa 2-b-HO IRANI WORK 15-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand A Gravel Co 2-Z4AI rVra't irivfl VINCENT C. NEAL Excavating Co Excavating - Grading Ph. MIM TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 700 Rentals 707 Housei For Rent 2 hdrm . full bsm't. Eave Seal alter J JO Call p in 4-3594 THE IIOMESELLERS, 4 4441 WANT reliable party for 3 Mr home with fireplace and f ill basement, large piav arii South. 150 per month Inside needs redecoratinn and i lean up work Owner will furnish material. See our agent Joe 1. Rnurne. at 1140 N Canitnl TWO modern, late built 2-bed-room homes One fi5 per month One I7ll per mon'h Call State Finance Co Realtors 167 So High St , Salem Phone 3-1151 1 BDRM frpl , range, water 160 Ohmart ,t Calaba. Realtors 477 Court. St . Ph. 21118 $65. 2 BDRM , attached garage, 4 blocks to High or Giade 895 Judson SI I'h. 2-0812 j BDRM , mod 112 "on. lease or sell furn. or unfurn Ph. 4-4216 Pnv. trailer space for rent. 1775 n Front. Ph 2-3544 , W SALEM Clean unfurn' V, hdrm. house A gar Suitable for couple it child. 40 Ph 3-7987 FOR RENT new F.nglewood r anch tpe. 3 ndrnis , partU furn 1', hatli;. cool rm den. 2 firepl . $125 YluM see 'o au preiiate Nu smarl chi.ilr, :i Ph i-aii MOD 1 hdrm home. II ml S E ,ity lihuts 2-0294 Sl'HURBAN 4 hdrm near Sue- gle S- h . frpl . elec. I. eat dn- MODERN 7 unit Sile er. 1', baths $75 a', i-o-t.e sell .,: place 4675 Sunnjview Ae , Ph. eve 3-11820 friH RFNT 3 room "house I'll . N Winter St , avail Jul) 3rd Ph. 3-4.(71 4 BDRM. house near Shopping Ctr. No pets. Ph. 2-3949 RENTAL" SERVICE 2 RDR LO CARPETED I. IV. RM. YOUNGSTOWN KIT. FURNACE. RANGE A RE FRIG . GARAGE $70 1 BDR. UNFURNISHED $37 50 145 1 BDR , RANGE A REERIG $ll 1 RDR NICELY FURNISHED $34 WE HAVE 15 OTHER RENTALS CENTER STREET REALTY nag renter Eve 2-78t2 1 HDRM. house, llilil S Cottage1 St $o5 mo I'll 4-1122 -J- " iUies Pn 2-i9i5 after 5 i I 10 , 3-HDRM lose in unfurn , $.",11 See at 353 Nor'h ll'h. ATTRACTIVE 1 hdrm hnue. sfove. refrlg. A garage, 2-5570 1-BDRM. cottage, stove, refrig. firepl., garage. $j0 3-8171 FOR lease, nice 2 bdrm. modem house, no children. Ph 4-51R2 TRAILER snare $10 per mo. No pets. Ph. 2-8B83. 1740 Ox ford 707-a Furnished Houses PARTLY furn 1 hdrm house 4-7730 1042.3rd St W Salem CLEAN 1 bdrm . with basern't firepl. gar. $1.0 So. 2-9B91. 708 Forms For Rent PASTURE for loo sl.eep poss cattle or hoises. Close in Ph 4-2614 710 Wanted to Rent Hiei 2 BDRM furn or part furn preferably nut of town. Ph 3-5871 WANTED to rent 2 or 3 hdrm ' home, prefer N. suburban. Ph I 4-S.3I5 I REI.IARI.E party wants to rent 3 or 4 hdrm. home in vie ( an- dalaria grammar sch Write box 147 Statesman-Journal 71,4 Bulineil Rentoll j ' - l,Hln':" ncnim LEASE -- New warehouse f, imo su ft,, loading dooi. , offhe spc Ph. 11-91188 or 4-2IHI1! WAHI'IUII'SE spa.r for lent 61X8) sv. It on H H spur Close In liiquiie 320 S. Cap Itul or call 3-9171 DOWN town office space, store rms. St warehouse 3-4114. 716 Retort Rentoli MODERN cottage. Ocean Park Washington, good clamming 3-5687 Salem. 718 Convoletcent Hornet ' WILL rare for elderlv people in my home. 25 vrs xp Clean verv comfortable home Ph 4-3742 EI.DEREST Nursing Home Pri vate rooms available. 2630 N. Church. 1-9611. C O TT AGE CONVALESCENT HOME. 152 N Cottage 1-7020 780 Moving & Storoqe Larmer Transfer & Storage Complete moving service Also agents for BEKINS Nstlon WldeMovers PhS-.V31 LOW COST storage-RLSUfl rumitur Ca l-llll. 800 Real Estate nmsi t . 801 Bulinett Opportun. FOR LEASE near completion new driv-e-ln restaurant with heavy traffic count Some equipment furn Bog 13. SUUsuan-Jourriai. Save time -Save money For tht Best ProfessionaJ Senic LIH i'ornivi NORRIS WALKER Paint Co , Eloor-covertng Division Wual- ity installations Linoleum As. j nhalt A Rubber Die Wall tile free r.stimates s-zz.a GRADING DOINO Bn.Lp07.INa & back fill. I 50 n..-,.k.- . ' utl.l.NU at Lr.vr.LI.Ms i Ph l-0Sj; O KArOVltM i -- - - - - - .BULLDOZING clearng roads. piinas u-s. ij-i rarryau v II ,.,.ry Ph 2-5I44 Bl l.LIK17.ING. grading i Land Irarmg Mmo W I.., ker . owner A: operator Ph. 2-574: pAPERIN3 PAINTINO tX.f RT"brushorrav T-amt". ing Hi or contract I'h 4-isuu ,,-.. -nH ,.n.,..m. rree estimates i'n 3-H3I3 - i ii. Brush or sprav Exterior or in terior Free rtlmatrv 2-Ul I PAPERING A PAINTINO " j PAINTING" 4 DECORATING Din i neap I rue i.u; laiVTINn lnletutr A- vtenor 1. Free Ft 4-OH94. 4-28L'6 j ROOFING SALEM BARTTi7eR0j"fTnG Most mod lif time roof, color choice Free est 2-7500 eve. for comp igfnrm.tion 800 Heal Estate 806 Houte For Sole ST. VINCENT'S DISTRICT A;t'.''e 2-hedroo:n ho-re. 11x19 hing ro,"n w.'n a'tr.iti-t iireiilace nue kitien wi'h rlm:ng a-ea in.irie itihv i 'i.'he.i garage large lot Will go F H A. or C.I. Asking 19756. A-k for Hicks Eve ph ll-filllS IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Ne.i' 2-hed-on'n hving roorn e.t'ing space A furnace hard ond f iors A't.icied gar.ige ( inner lot Fnglewoorl rlis'rir F H A. appraised To' il price 189511. Call Lucas. Ee ph. 3-9388. NEW 3 BEDROOM - TRADE V.ew Private living room to rear Attractive fireplace I.arfe k'Unen with lot of hiii'i hiill-ins D,ub plastered garage. 1'. haih P.. id stree's Near Mormngsirle 1 HA cintru' ed' Priced 1t You .an tr.irle sour small mea'pet hum in on trade if priced right. Call Johnson, ph J-,18'8 R EI MANX REAL ESTATE Jul South St. Ph. 3-9W.1 5751 6 n...,M- B0 1 Bunnell Opportun. SFt.I. OH TRADE for horn up lo 18. ISUI Have 1' acres east with 4 houses and conuneri garage building Hldgs aod acreage in linmai-ulate coc.rli tion Illness fon e.s alc I': u p in ."no F,.r apt . i a'l A'!" C Ji.r.i's. R. a"..' 2 11 N il c 1'" .'".rllH .-.e 2-.w. 4-l'i.-T' WILL s. I small Salem I'l ,ifle 1! tei trade l": .-'t all apart:' r t close in. Owner 2-7110 MAJOH oil in will lease ider .1 sratlon in downturn Sale ii to q j.ilrfieii ope' it'" S't'.ill inves'"ient nqnel (a'l Delapiwr. at l-M-'H ev t-ni! g. MOTEL SITE '"I HW Y 100 FT $2 Ml) :un tt Sionn III', dn. S'ar Realf. 5330 So Par ll.i I' , 2-2h51 I HOTEL for lease fu-n for a m Crntr.-.lia. Wa-h Cross $1 -1 DOO veirlv Al-o 'i-unit cabin, ciur' vv-tav.-rr h ttc or fed in S- i"ie VV I1 .. 1 -.. fo- S.le-i: I"- 2-117 alter ." ,v Fn . Sal , Svio ' HofsK .vi'n a:.t up b I -in. - t ..n to L.f tl..vs ,1 i- ' it,- lllllol 1 -".2.9S MOTEL 22 u' .' 'ike Salem IV-per''. : trade ; TAVERN lard .1 a i. Hot Spot H6D110110 Terms. i GROCFHY-i lean s' new fl-!trrs rrasooahle SER SI'A llnod lo, a'lor.. I?... 5uii on 1 TUCKER R F M . EST ATE Lcoano'i, Oregon 802 Buiinen Property "Tor SM E la-ge I 6 HIM Ml ft fir S-.'tal s'ore vsarel'o;ise c'o floor! 1 catton A verv good mve rne'.t Pr l- e ilropncl f-.r rjoi sale ee 7M N' 1 an'-as'er r-4-BI1.12 .OFFICE Space on grouml f t,, lease or ror-r f'-TKiog g alion I'h l-lHl'l 803 Suburban 3 RFAL (,Oori SUBURBAN' BUYS No I !'...'. I'-lolr-n 65xi'iS lot. $9 inn No 2 Ru i 2-hdt 'n vv ':' 2 above $9 mm Citv bos No I b'iv t-hd-rn de Iiin 1 ' old. $9 500 Call Cer e IVdweT VERY NICE SUBURBAN HOMF - New'v rle. orated in-idr a id out P.vretlent garden soil. I Lots of shruhs and fruit Com fortable 1 - hdrm well - at - I raneed K'trirn anH rawsk. aaice 1 dtning room, den plavioii , Large gilafe. lot-- of s'o-aee spo- Si'-'.'illO (.ill Hon K:i:-. ev e .1--V . It'll 1) O .' THIS BE A 1 "I lEI'I. 1 Silc Located tufli oil a hill. 111 an .11 i-a i.r itoo.l ' 0111 , lull, chicken rise Ttr s . 1 loo! See Call Hill Fuller, r .c 4-7148 ONLY $8,850 for th.s 20 acrei mi ludes almost new tractor,, plow and'ov atol . a'-o lle and slu i p Ho i-e old I. ,'. liv ab'e ('.ill Fr ank ll':i".'i n eve II, IB I 80 A SIlAKniliN HILLS R. . t i.' ta. mi a.odi 01 iHiiiic and Will ' ik ' i.r in i'e-.v ("all Herh Barne. 1 REAL ESTATE I .lis. N. Church St. Ph. 4 fi7l S 3 RF.DROOM. subuthan. nne ' floor 'i acre, fine yard A' garden. $1000 buvs my eouitv i Mav he seen after ti p rn. -aoti Notman Ave. lOtf Center St i 806 Houtet For Sole 6i0 Sq. Ft And Ciiiiiplctily Furnished Move right Into the spacious H-bdrin. home I R 20x16 Large 1)1 fireplace. HW floors Wall-to-wall caipet in living room and dining room. Includes IV set. dining suite, range, rem? , lawn equip., etc. Price $!fi.R00. For appt rail Geo. Pstrnv. 3-.58.iS. Eve 4-1689. Allen C. Jones Roaltor I 131 No. High - S-5I.1I Iv. 4.-1684 ' RIITO- ATIN; Cl.'STOM Kotnvating Ford equipment rie!ds. lawns, cr. chards V gardens Ph. I tAM A 3-4774 .AMI A GRAVEL WALLING SAND AbGRAVEL 1425 McGllchriat el All si 'cs tor drlve- u .. . 1 , ..... RKADY MIXFD CtjNCRFTE , . . ! 'Garden sand. ahov. ' w.., ---i- SALEM SAND A (.RAVEL CO. Rrady nils concrete, crushed ana round graet una ina inp soil Uil.i N Front St 1-24H'.. V Al.LEi SAND tt GRAVE1 Co" Crushed A: round gravel Sand Si con mi J-40HI MPIIf SIRXIIE MIKE'S septic service lank. cleaned D'rootei ,ie.n aawer. drain. Phone 1-Vtftl HOWARD S Roto-Rooter, sewe'i. frolic tanks cleaned. 3-51127 nmel . .eptie lank, cleaned, line Mrvice Guaranteed worn. Phone 3-7404 or 1-0774. , LPHOI.STVRING I'PHOLSTERJNG Pmtess:or,flt !,r work free est , pickup, deliver. Ph. 1-4250 TO PLACE AD IN THIS GLIDE PH. 4-8 1 J100 Real Estate 806 House For Sale M IZEH DISTRICT 1 R-V't s o I sibie. (' on ' . ar" e Ter ms pos all Eieil Head, 2-79511. A REAL BIT Make o on $'. -no eq'iuv In i -ii oo r-e Halan e - :t:ii at 5 loiiuries lu'erest. taves and li - at $.'.. principo insul imr lii ,neu on ', a. is two h'nr-ks from s-hool and s' cerrer A noe hor;. and I gi"-e !ce : estrr.ent. Call Fred Head. 2-7'l.'6. 3 BEDROOM nom, with overtired kite' en In Washington grhnol district, $9 700 Call J.rk B' 4-7702. ,,. hr.l.r.K . .(.R . i.vr.old J-hdrm. , new ham. rastnr ecclosrri vvrtri ror 'T Oikl Call .lark i (w eta 'in e'ao roni pie l e. f,-n ril (!!. II a KI-'.IZER v. th spat i a large herl g i age anl ; $13 125 Call 7fi2. TRADE I. bed- n .. . .id : and ' .. a-- He 2-t'fiT'O. I. o k Row Is, mt Rd. i-Kiiai THE HOMESELLERS C. I) MiCARGAR. RI.TR. OWN YOUR OWN HOME - Let :t e s vou these lovely Good M AO 111 S ol Good H 150 financed li:,7M . R a id re v S ' oil Road tvpe AI' p- iced ti sr Thicsfii. rve '- Sit ISO CaM Martha . I"' ENci.Fwon nisr .hd"" home vvr'h w ell - landscaped vard l.R phis DH r.i.peterl O'-apes. Rindix, curtains and TV jntenna go (Inly $1175 Wl'h tcl'i:- ! SCI 1 . V in 1, Llo il IL. -hdr'i' and I o 'er -ii. ( all e e -i.l' A( HPS New lo , t It r.uo s ,o(i Uo a o oil bus ! lo-r- I 1 ,, - .11 '!.. or Ml ft. ... 1 : : ol tr .u1e tor ige loone. ( a , i.c Sc.,1. CVC I .TH 0)2 .No High 1st i'hone 4-1441 OWNER TRANSFERRED W.ll sell spacious 2-brlr'P hurr a, I . t'rs est- a Ige utility, t ' F H A appr 1120 No. EXCEPTIONAL YALCK tl rn.n ,' : rd" , furna. 'ill pr,,-, 'ii- basei-r -rplai es, rv I" EXTRA NICK ACRE with neat and clean small home, lg garage. Price JS.lim JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 40 N. High Ph. 4-312 Ev 4-3220 i Why not have a little income along with living'.' These 2 properties ate hnlh tn lire Englew'i'id !i' Two houses on one lot furnished A rented. ALSO- A three-unit rnurt rent ed These are owned hv sen arate parties and ran he bought separ.Vc v The too houses. $10 vw T i, emirt $1V 4MW. (all Art for mot d"pe. Art Madspn Roalty 1326 Stat . 1-5560. 1-M1, 3-1401 ss -aai