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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1956)
8-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., June 28, '56 Foes of American-NATO Radar Base Lead Iceland Balloting By TOM REEDY i count would show Prime Minister I foreign troops ,to leave Iceland, ta) vote strength It takes 27 seats to organize a along a line fronting the Soviet RFYKJAVIK Iceland ijfl Re-' Olafur Thors' pro-American re-! would not insist on anything more : The National Defense Party, cabinet. Thors was thus out of the j Union's northern borders. turns from kev areas in Iceland's I ime is doomed under the pro-! than a cut in the size of the force which is unfriendly to both the picture and the burden shifted to Iceland u a member of NATO parliamentary election Sunday in-' portional representation system, j and payment by the Americans of Americans and Russians, virtually Jonasson. j but because it has no army agreed CAMROSE. Alta. OP - A care- dicated Monday that foes of an' w "n more man no.oou voies cast ; import amies. wr. , mere is a Battalion 01 i.wxj - ....- ud-,0 ful study of cocktail bars as a American-NATO radar base on ut 01 tne elWDie w.ow men ana . The Communists, who captured The Progressive-bocial Demo- American Army, wavy ana Air, "J " "- means of cutting down sales of the island are running ahead. (women voters, it appeared that the trade unions and then weaned cratic alliance apparently had Force men stationed at a fighter erI(iN ,'u P0": linnnr hv th hnttl and wirn n.irr iiH ATO Thors' Independence Party lost awav Hannibal Valdimarsson. Ice- (inched 25 of the 52 Althing i par- base at Keflavik. They man a Americans puled out. ! consumption was urged Monday , special meeting might have to be ground heavil-v- land s labor boss and Social Dem-; liament seats against Thors' 19 NATO listening post for the early would he a wide hole in the the Camrose I mted Church, i called to weigh the situation. The Progressives, wno joined ocrauc leaner, intreasca irn-ir io- ana me communiMs n. dining ruudi )mci rMun.MK-u - rccom-, The 10-century-old republic was 1 forces lor me election wim me ChurchVrges Study of Bars As Drink Curb Labor's Political j lethargy' Blasted In Morse Speech! ijJKSE to Cul ()ffke 1Ioi,rs !o KciT lJl 0,1 Kookkeoping r h. ZZ, lEJ ? i wL ui rv. in . " ' committee reviewing the cess especially in the Arctic circle , out of here in the next 18 months, j LS&TfJJlJ!:-? M province', liquor laws. i area. The final tally will not be, But some Icelandic sources hint- WASHINGTON - Secretary to the public three hours each ; will be open for the filing of docu- hour-lon addres to the Wester Conference of Teamsteri. Polities' Cost Non-Existent Thp rhnrrh mad th KIM, IH1UH f Un.u LfcAdl K COLOMBO. Ceylon uf A Cey. lon-Sov'ct friendship league h.ij provinces liquor laws. i area, ine nnal lally will not be oiu some iceianaic sources mm- n.wnmjiu.i ir wirciary m puuuc inriv wwi ran m mi m u- iiu mir iV umn unuv n.uii , i - ine cnurcn onti, one oi ji run- nown wiure mcMiay. 1 ru iit-mieni uuiiaasuu, muhicsit ui mi- imunn,,,. ,.iwuo. ...... . .......jv.. ..... v.K ........... - --i ,,., ' uSl a.i , i Z. 'sidered Monday, said the church! -But the way the voting sized up leader who engineered the March , dered the Bureau of Land Man--of their book work ' between ID am. and 3 p m.. local former British colony and all Iron the IntmaUoiud hernood of rMliM,s cwnPlrte abolition of ji-, Monday, it appeared the final 27 Althing resolution calling on agemenfs 15 land offices closed I Effective July 27. the offices time. Monday through Friday. j Curtain countries. "Too frequently labor in Amer-! P"cllcal nd mt ,,r U. awwl nnl I ! llama '""r- Regarding cocktail bars, the church said it recommended the but you don't deliver the goods iw- wh rilrf nn .v7 legalizing of cocktail bars be giv- . i. us .i.i. en careful study by the commis I- ... Mihintf'ni nm vntin. " i n. if it is thought their opera- WASHINGTON III - Statements bowini wbo gavt how much to tho major political parties, which the Justice Department has been setting iw varum, urauir Iitl,i rigki." tow," were declared Monday Bight to be "not in existence. This word came from clerk Ralph Roberta of the House of Representatives la we waxe repeated effort bytho Justice Oepartrvnt U 1 find the docu ments Sir l) determine whether they atill existed, rttfcably fcrapsed Roberta told reporteri he as fumed the reports filed with this office by the campaign commit tees were bound up and disposed of as scrip paper. This ia custom try procedure for papers no long er kept in "live" House files, Rob erts explained. : Withholding details, the Justice Department said m correspond' Waned f Daager "You cannot afford the luxury of lethargy," said Morse. He add ed there is an "inseparable con nection between economic and po tion might, if closely regulated by law, reduce the sale of liquor by the bottle and the illegal consump tion of alcohol hi public places The brief, however, asked for continued restriction on the num ber of liauor outlets in the Drov- Political freedom cannot be ince along with restrictions on separated from economic free- mixed drinking , now permitted ev dom. Show me a monopolistic ec-frywher. but in Edmonton and onomy in a fascist or communist , Calgary, bans on liquor advertis- siaie ana I win snow you an econ-1 ,ng an( on tne saie 0 Vodka. omy where there is no political freedom. ' There has never . . . been a state in which there has been po litical freedom without economic freedom, or economic freedom; without political freedom," Morse said. Rm.i a. PlalfArnt Dave Beck, general president of. TP Dlril- Hnm the International Brotherhood of 1 U UlULIY lCtlll Teamsters, told the conference American labor should be "econ- WASHINGTON Committee mic, not political. hearings en an amendment by "But no great army can so far Sen. Neuberger 'D-Orei to halt Hearing Ends On Attempt Ii--Si. u.?,w. forget their political obligations, present construction of Pelton rawan Oregon ended statement for 195 and the Intern- " "'"' ?' " "T: " al Revenoe. Service wanted the owsn lm Jtn,lu' """"""' , 1 1 - A . II I I 1 vemocraiac - (lawnwiu iw uw same year as well as statements for 1M9, 1950 and 1951. Roberta Disagree ,. Roberta took the position the Corrupt Practices Act, under which candidates for federal of fice and political committee must file statement with hi office, re quires the keeping of such records tor only two years. "I have that on the best legal authority," Roberts said here Monday The committee members agreed1 to defer a vote on the amendment to the Barrett hill "for a few days" and possibly until next week. The Barrett bill would reaffirm state control over streams within a state's boundary. Neuberger's amendment would halt construc tion on projects now underway unless state laws are complied with. This would halt, temporarily at least, construction of Pelton ORANGEBURG, S.C. (-South Dam on Oregon s Deschutes Itiv Carolina State College for Negroes er. : Robert also disagreed with the "ere has asked 15 student, not to Sen Murray J KUont rta.r- Jiiitiec rjenartment'i nosition that return nexl lall ana nas not re-' man "immmi, mm d seSorU f ileT bv ooliti " ntracts of "several" he had received many commum- ctrSt r-lt of actions the Barrett JbiU and siuoem sin in nprn iivcr h-kiv . . gation matter. should be given this legislation." Secretary W.G. Bethea of the) Sen. Rarrey iR Wjqi . criticize! Negro College Drops 15 for Student Strike ever to the national archivist after being kept for public inspection for two yean. , .Campaign reports, Roberts said, are "statements from outsiders and art not considered official records of Congress." Roberts said ho baa a "suspicion" the 1952 reports' already have been scsnned by the Justice Depart- . mem, r- Metal Buying McKay Says Plan to Slay PORTLAND U - Douglas Mc Kay, Republican nominee for United State senator and former Interior secretary, said Monday he ha been assured the govern ment will continue its chrome purchase program until June 30, 1959. ' - McKay said Arthur S. Hem ming, director of defense mobili sation, notified him of the contin uance in a telegram. The tele gram said, In part: MIa testimony today (Monday) before the House Committe on Insular Affairs, I will make the following statement relative to metallurgical chromitet The Department of the Inte- " rlor his advised us that continua tion of the program until the en tire ejuota of 200,00 ton ha been purchased may serve to develop a ' significant mobilization base. Therefore, 1 have authorised the ucnerai - services wminiiiriuon to extend the program until June 10. Vt5$. ; . ' The chrome purchase program wm scheduled to expire June 30, 1957. In letter June II. McKay arged early announcement of the extension to, encourage continued exploratioo. ' ' There are some chrome mining operations in Southwestern Ore- fnfl board of trustees said Monday the student had been notified after the end of the school term, so "they were not expelled." He said three faculty members' contracts had not been renewed and sev eral others had said they did not want their renewed. Probe U Start A legislative investigation of Na tional Assn. for the Advancement oi Colored People activities at the L Km -n,J IrUliricc will UTIU UVII, wuim said both Murray and Neuberger. He said he thought the committee should approve his bill immedi ately and said it might have had not Neuberger offered his amendment. Murray assured the committee that "it is not my desire to block this legislation." The committee decided to defer a vote on the bill until the hear ings on the Neuberger amendment This is ex pected to take a few days . , ,, . . , ! 1IIIVIIJI UUliUill 11,3 VI till .,IU No publicity had been given the bergfr a"mednlent appoaring be- fore the committee Monday was a spokesman for the Portland Chamber of Commerce. HI I gin at m news vuuit'i-i ! as one of 25 students and , J fT 1 'rJ'LnTr' smissed;iasser lakes J Egypt Helm faculty resignations, contract non renewals and student "do not re turn" notices, but Monday in New York Rep. Powell ID-NY) intro duced a girl at a news confer ence as one of 25 students and six from the college Expuliisi Threat "It was only 15 and they were not dismissed," Bethea said. Bethea said all the notices. resignations and the contract nnn- CAIRO, Egypt Carnal renewals resulted from the "in-'Abdcl Nasser was officially pro surrection" of last April 9-12. 1 claimed president of Egypt Mnn when students led by student body ' day w ith powers under a new president Fred Moore of Charles- constitution that match those of town went on strike. his revolutionary rule A threat of expulsions ended the , The .18-ycarnid president was strike, but Moore was dismissed, j feted at the Cairo nflicers club He left to complete his senior! after the government announced year at mid-western white col-; he ha4 won 99.9 per cent of the lege which ne declined to name, tjotal vote in Saturday's election. j He told the nation in a radio . speech "Egypt is feeling its ixl seckiim ;r,r wnHH" knnws i,s posi,inn r "1 feel like I (lid on the day jY(jtllJJ our revolution four years ngn !i in. niiy way wr dliiii"en iiii was through self denial. During Vjcrmaii rmy i,ni ,irnn p"nt in Egyptian his. J I lory 1 feel great responsibilities." BAMBERG. Germany - A double-switch in military allegi Jr,,ff '.v ( imri Rsh ance appeared in the offing Mon- ' n"," dy night at the U.S. Army's 85th Hurts Hurried I iYfn u.iaiiiij irKiiiiriii 111 oaiimriK M!l.'AIft ic . n,, n,.c Nose Restored After Mishap PHOENIX. Arix. lift - Mrs. Lois Koerber lost part of her nose ia an automobile collision Mon day but only temporarily. ; The tip of the 39-year-old wo man's nose was found in the wreckage and taken along with her to a hospital. A doctor quick ly put the tip back into place and taid Mr. Koerber would not be disfigured. A former soldier in the German army who now is a soldier in the 25. St. Paul, dashed out of the courthouse so fast Mnndav after ' uht u iw tinman aiuii again. Livr-Tir.'.i.t ar.grr 7une CHAMBER PROBES HOUSING t NEW YORK UD The cham ber of commerce has formed a 55-member committee to study and plan the redevelopment of housing, shopping and traffic fa cilities in lower Manhattan. The drive is directed at making the area the country's leading finan cial trading center. ' TST'i IMS :vrxiTxxx TV. .U.. tJ.., II - c. """ " "" """ ,lir IHflUI,- , . IUII M. Oil- lrt tt re, it 1 u I li i , i , ,,i , ',p w3 treated at a hospital kolowski. 32. formerly of Black (nr cllt, nn hs r h, kn0(, River Fans. Wis., refused to con- ,ld lrf flf wa, h firm or deny the story that was rv hl,,.:Jr hls ,.ar wa, " "" r-r- m a No Parking uvu mt- iauiu unwind upriaitru by the U.S. Army in Europe. The infantryman served with the Wehrmacht in World War II. bu later emigrated to Canada and the WnHed States, winding up eventually in the American Ar my. His father, a German officer in World War II. is an active of ficer in the new West German army. Sokolowski joined the I'.S. Ar my 14 months ago nn a 3-year enlistment but is still a German national. Mexicans smoked over a billion packagef of commercial cigarettes in 1954. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of All Kinds, Trusses, Abdominal Supports, Elastic Hosiery Expert Killers Private Fitting Rooms "Ask Your Doctor" Capital Drug Store 405 State Street Corner of Liberty Z'H' Green Stamps Top-speed relief for oar Momach, gas, ad lodigMUoa (S1 fiUh First in 1956 Newspaper Consumer Surveys! HAarshmalloivs Shortening Staivberries Fluff-i-est Brand, Reg. 23c In the Twin Cello Pack Golden Fluffo Is a New Kind of Shortening Bel-air Brand Frozen Premium Quality 8-OZ. Pkg. Mb. can 10-oz. Pkg. '19 79 $1100 Kraft Save 14c 19c Velveeta Z Breeze Cheese Cereal a. 17c Na Viti Pepped Wheal Regular 14c $m 4c !i 75c Pk, 73c 10c Apricots Cat Food Grapenuts Sundew Irind Whole Uripteled 5 Nip 'N' Tuck Brand Save il Safeway America's Favorite Reg. 21c Each Ho. 2' cant 1 5 02. can 10 'id. Pkg. $00 10c 15c Here's a Real Value! Save 18c on SALAD DRESSING Duchess Brand Reg. 57c Quart Bottle Check These Prices, Remember ..It's The TOTAL That Counts See how you can save at SAFEWAY where all prices are low . . . ai Just like home-balced bread! It's famous 90-year old recipe rpquicps that it be made only Irnm Iresh unbleached flour, pure Golden honey, fresh cream erv butler and other linest ingredients. ib. m SIM. . Imumm tUttimkltm XmImh MwM . Cfc OMw . Mm) fa Mmi fm OmtltH In ImHi . GaU . Srffi-fi .Hall Soa All Safeway Beef Is "U.S.D.A. CHOICE," Properly Aged Or Porterhouse Steer Beef Ib. Steer Beef Boneless Ib. T-Bone Steak Top Sirloin Spencer Sleak BBo'nndfr DaaI (!,. Tender DCCI JlCIf Lunch Meats lb. $1.05 $1.15 $1.25 Boneless Somerset X Varieties 8-oi. Ib. ,, 69c 29c Sandwich Spread KT S 29c Round Sleak fi.l.:- T: Beef Steak Jill VIII llJ Bonele Beef Pot Roast ?! Beef Pot Roast Q.IAfin. Short Stick Somerse DOIOynd Monte (1 12 oi. o Manor House UasI DlAe Mannr House Beef, ncal rlCJ chicken, Turkey less Blade Cut Round Bone Cut ,, 79c ib. 98c b. 45c ,b 55c r,b. 45c R-oi. Pies 29c 5 K 98c Mb. ft. IlaK $1.0J LUCERNE 3.8 MILK 1 Homogenized BRIQUETS Ho,g, WHITE SATIN B"1 ,UR,r CANE SUGAR ( anrii an' (HERUB MILK Evapor"f,, JELL'WELL i'tittin I)frri TUNA FISH Torp'do NOB HILL COFFEE AIRWAY COFFEE EDWARDS COFFEE INSTANT COFFEE rM CANTERBURY TEA s"r bas' KOOL SHAKE JuU tM mi,k VELVEETA CHEESE Kri,t ICE CREAM Sno s,"f guart 45c SKIM MILK ,u"rne MARGARINE Sunnvhank Braml CHEESE FOOD Br'"' SODA CRACKERS Busy Bak" ORANGE DRINK Hic RICE lnclf Brnf MARGARINE UrVt CREAM CHEESE fMhMpM !' 43c 10 lb. sark $1.35 2.Vlh. sack $2.57 10 lb. sack $1.03 3 Ta" 39c J cans 4 pkKs. 29c ans $1.00 Z $1-95 $1-81 tun $1.95 6 o7.. jar $1.45 24 baR, 76c 5Pk,s.29c 75c 85c 33c 25c 73c 28c 27c 39c 29c 16c LUX SOAP 3 ' 27c Sealed In Cold Fail Toilet Soap 2 2 27c New Lux in Geld foil WAX PAPER Brand IWhV toll 20c 2lb.ikK. Half Gallon Half Gallon 1 lb. pkR. 2 lb. pk. v 1 lb. ran 46-01. ran 28 ol pkg. Mb. carton 3 oi. Lunch Bags 2 23c Zet Irand NAPKINS 2 29c Chiffon Paper M-D TISSUE 39c Fin Ttiturt for Bathroom 4 Reg. Rolls Paper Napkins M D Brand a hgj. ftm Paper Wrap II0 DC Toilet- Tissue 4 ' 53c CASCADE Powder loom Auorttd Delergtnf for Diihwiihen Z 49c ROQUEFORD 59c Salad Dressing Vt n. Duncan Hinti Bollli TAMALES 29c CINNAMON BISCUIT OC Pillsburv tot. JmkJ LUX LIQUID Save 10c Save 10c BALLARD BISCUTS 2JS.29C 12i. Bottlt 29c-59c With Sauce Wilson Brand 16 oi. can "ALL" laundry Detergent 24 oi. Pkg. Free 101b. $1)39 with Purchase el Pall J, CRACKERS 29c Kriipiai Always Fresh lib. Pkg. NEW Taste Treat af Safeway Now! Skylark ST0NERIDGE FARM Stone-Ground Thin Sliced Bread Safeway' ground beef is made of only lean, tender chunks of flavorful beef. It's always fresh . . . always at the peak of good ness. Discover for yourself the wonderful quality, economy and versatility of Safeway s ground beef. Whit er Whole Wheat Std. Loaf 25' NIBLETS Whole Kernel Corn 12 oi. can 19c LIFEBUOY 3 2 29c Refreshing Bath Soap RINSO BLUE 64c Detergent Save 1-5c 54 oi. Pkg. MUSTARD Kr'f' FRENCH DRESSING Kra,t FRENCH DRESSING Kraft r,,ino KRAFT CHEESE frackPr Barrrl Mp" HANDI-SNACKS Kra,t LIQUID SCAMPER S 26c FREEZER JARS Ba" 2201 jar' MASON JARS Kfrr rf8U,ar quarK KERR JARS w(if mm, pnu JELLY GLASSES Half pin" 10c 25c 29c 63c 29c 54c Dozen $1.65 Dorcn $1.45 11.45 . 83c (-oi. jar Rot. jar. 8 07. bottle 13'j oi. pkg Soi. I L ai. Bottle Doe n Featured This Week in "Safeway's Garden Room" Safpway produce exports pick these melons for "mature" fbwir and sweetness. Vine ripened goodness nature grows into those cantaloupes is safeguarded by ice-chilled air dur ing shipment Take a tasir and vou'll know why -wajV the best !.ne in tnwn-tir bity-eenleloupes; safe- Vine-Ripened Sweet Mealed Ib. 1 c i0 Bananas Tomatoes Lettuce Peaches Fancy Quality Tops for fool Salads Local Firm Heads Grown in Sunnv Calif. New Potatoes S!10" Ih. lb. 10 lbs. 19c 39c 10c 25c 89c Watermelons Vine-Ripened-Red, Ripe Whole Melon I ib 6c 6V2C Prices in this advertisement are in effect through Wednesday, June 27, at Safeway in Salem. W reserve the right to limit quantities. Ne tale to dealer.' il