The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 26, 1956, Page 6, Image 6

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    AC) i Statesman's HOME
Wcraea . . : Music . . .
6-(Soc. I) Statesman, Salem,
BEING WELCOMED . . . borne
t this weekend were seven! travel-
ten, who have been East and
South the past month . . . Mr. ana
Jlrt. Leon Perry and tons. Steph-
en, David and Dennis, arrived in
the capital Sunday from a three
tad a hall week! cross-country
motor trip . . . they visited in 21
states and their main stops were
In New York City. Washington,
D.C., Williamsburg and Kentucky
. . a highlight of the trip for
the family wai in New York,
where, they took a ' boat trip
round Manhattaa Island . . :
three wwkVmolWp were i
Mr. and Mrs. DoaaM M. Camp
bel aad sea. Larry, wbe weal U
Cawker City, Kansas to visit her
aarrals, Mr. a Mr. C. W.
Hetle v they alse were guests
of other relatives aad friends
- while la Kansas . . . Eareute
haM the Campbell stopped at
ceak paints latladia Estes
Park, YeUewsteaa, Denver aad
Salt Uke City . . . - '
A Hp walk . . . for Mr. and
'.lira. Harry H. Holloway and ehil
. dren, Katherine and Douglas who
have returned from fortnight!
. vacation in Saa Francisco, Santa
. Barbara, Laguna Beach, Lot An-
jeles and Disneyland . .. . Mr.
: and Mrs. Charles Layport and
;on, Jim, returned this weekend
'A from a week's mjourn in San
Francisco and bay area points...
Vacationing . . . la Victoria,
B.C. and Seattle the prst week
. have been Mr. and Mrs. Rex San
ford ... Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Jochlmsen and daughters. Son
dra. Suzanne and Sally, are home
; from a atay in Tacoma and
JPuyaUup, Wash.
: Exaeeted . . . t arrive la the
taapital Wednesday for a ateath'a
fay will be Mist Jane Lack
ridge, who will visit at the heme
f her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
, Albert C Gragg . . , Miss Lech
Tidge, who hat area making her
Mease ia Chicago far h aaeiber af
' yean, la earning West to live ea
the toast . , . Before resuming
her career the will take an ei
leaded erest-eeaair trip, leav
ing here la August far Cali
fornia, Nevada, Teiat, Washing
ton, D.C aad New York ... la
Kiagtvtlle, Teiat aad will visit
her kretker-ia-law aad titter, IX
- aad Mrs. Paul Xarteaaia . . .
A visiter ... at the home of
Jilts , Alice : Crary Brown tbla
' week la ' her longtime friend,
Mrs. Donald Spencer, who re
cently returned to Portland from
Ave yean of travel in Europe
and the Orient r, Mn. Spencer
vu for many yean manager of
Mn. loan L. Zirbes,
charming Los An-
mother, Mys, "We en
joy Nutro-Life Bread
with every meal, and
my two-year old daugli
' tcf especiillf form-its
delicious flavor. VC'e like
it especial ly for breakfast,
because Nutro-Life Bread
makes the most wonder
ful toast imaginable!
Nutro-Life is our family
bread from now on be
cause it tastes so good,
and because we ve had
absolutely rtn irregular
ity problems in our
home since w e started
eating Nutro-Life
Fattens.. . . Featrrjs
Ore., Tues., June 26, '53
Town . . .
the Portland Symphony Orches-
tra ...
mi Ik kam af
Cm 1st several
Mrs. Chester
mrtkt tn
grata' aleee aad
mrrwtm, vmm.m mwm
. . . ,
are tat rkildree af Mr. aad Mrs.
Deald (swles, waa kavt ften
visited la the capital ...
r. r.iif ha..
come Mr.. Anderson Cannon and
Mr,. John Withycombe, who will
spend several weeks in Portland
and Salem . . . They are sisters of ,
north to participate in the North-
west bridge tournament held here 1
this weekend ... J A reception followed in the
Te fete a visiter Mrs. Charles church parlors with Mrs. Hobart
S. CampkeU will be aestess far aaiSha and Mrs. Harold Fisher,
informal rodre Friday maraiaf at aunts of the bride, pouring. Mrs.
her Virginia Street ksme for the ;
pteasare af Mrs. Forrest T.
af Kaasas City. Ma., was is visit
lag la the capital at the kerne of
her brstker-la-law aad lister. Dr.
aad Mrs. Mayaard Shifter . . .
Mrs. Jsees came west with h-r
haabaad ad sens. Dkk aad Bab
. . . Mrs. CampbeU has lavlted a
few Meads to call betweea ! aad
IS e'elarl to (red Mrs. Jeaes
. . . Presiding at Ike eaffee ara
will be Mrs. Ralph Wlrth aad Mrs.
Raaael E. Pratt . . . Asslsttag wiU
be Mrs. Sidaey - Hsffmat, Mrs.
Charles Gray. Mrs. William, U
Lidberk aad Mrs. Harare McGee.
IavUaliaat . . . are in the mail to
the wedding of Miss Joanne Ellis
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford j
it. cms, ana ueraid lonratrt. son
of Mn. Roberta Conrath of Port
land and Earl Conrath of St.
Helens ... the ceremony will
take place on Sunday, July 15 at
the First Methodist Church at S
o'clock with Dr. Brooks Moore of
ficiating ... the reception will be
held in the Carrier Room . . .
A pre-aaptlal . . . parly will fete
Mlaa Ellfs Wednesday
when kef sister. Miss Ursine Ellis,
entertains at their fctmr n North
JJtk Street . . . kifdea are the
femntlae members l the family j
aad daring the evening they will
wrap dream cakes ... a kltrhealMrs. Frank H. Adamek of Powers,
aae pantry aaower ant aaaor Ike
(tart Mrs. Caaratk . . . Gaests
wilt laelade Miss EUls. her grand
aaetktr, Mra. A. H. Waif. Mrs
damei C. E. Waif, M. C. Waif.
OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M.
5 ride un
action free SAROISG
Sarong lets you feel completely free while walking; hen
ing, sitting. It's the famous Sarong CrissCross front that
gives you freedom, yet this same exclusive feature flattens
the stomach effectively. Brocade front with leno mesh
sides, satin elastic back panel, zip closing, waist 25 to 34,
lengths 14" to 16" . . . $10.95 Other styles from
$5.95 io $13.95
Sari bra by Sarong, stitched circular cup with low cut back.
White cotton bandeau in sizes 32-36A, 32-38B, C and
32-40D cup . . . $2.95
Three-quarters length bra in sizes as above $3.50
Mail ik phone order'
'plus shipping cost to areas outside our
regular truck delivery routes
Miss Rosalie
Fisher is
The First Christian Church In
Monmouth was the scene of the
marriage of Miss Rosalie Fisher.
Fisher of Monmouth, and Thad-
aeus Lee uavis, son m sirs. Anna
Davis of Monmouth, on June H.
The Rev. Richard Own performed'
the I o'clock ceremony. Miss,
Glenda Fisher, sister of the bride.!
and Joann Mueller lighted the can-.
The bridal gown was of Chan-1
tilly lace and a nylon net ballerina!
skirt over satin. The lace bodice
was fashioned with cross pleated
n) 'on ,0 'orm tn nec''line. A I
crown of iridescent sequins and!
n.,rl. lull in rt aim Vitr ti nn art in
veil. She earned a bouquet of pink
r ncht roses and stephanotis.
Miss Donna Fisher was her sis-;
tor s honor maid and Miss Ardith
Shaw the bridesmaid. They wore
P'nk crystallette gowns with em-
"ow,er 'T""- r0Pl
Tr Isl''
f"nk ,nd ,e,lhi
ered carnations. Lm,m ttmmt M
man and Frank Davis and
1 M.n HeiH prr the uher
Douglas Fisher, the brides aunt,
and Mrs. Frank Davis, sister-Mr
law of the bridegroom, cut the
cake. Assistine were Mrs. Celon
Carlson, and Mrs. Donald Shaw,
the bride's aunts.
For her wedding trip the new
Mrs. Davis wore a light blue linen
suit with white accessories. The
couple will be at home in Mon
mouth at 410 N. Pacific Ave. after
July 10.
Eugene Lebold. T. B. Wells. W. 1.
Albas, Gearge Hawell, JoJia Wolt,
Sue" Renin. Nancy and Judy Waif.
Carat Waif, aad Mrs. Clifford El
lis .. .
Honor guest ... at a bridal
oVutti ai tnniaht ufill Ha Mice R..r
j, Adamfk whpn Mrs Howard
Blankley and her mother, Mrs
Ammon Grice, entertain at tin
former's Orchard Heights home
. . . Miss Adamek will be married
to Donald G. Olds on August 4 at
St. Mark's Lutheran Church . . .
Forty-five guests have been bid
den to the miscellaneous showir
and a late dessert supper will be
served by the hostesses . . . ho:i-
quels of sweet peas and roses will
be used about
the rooms and tin-
brk'e's table will be centered wilii
a miniature umbrella adorn-1
with satin bows and bells . . . Mis:
Adamek, the daughter of Mr. and
j is employed at bears rtoebuck... .!
her fiance, the son of Mrs. Lydia 'districts to ease the work of the The Royal Neighbors Past Or
Olds of Portland and Dean Olds state president. Mrs. Bobbie Hook- acle club will meet on Tuesday
of McCoy, is with Allstate Injur- er of Albany was elected president at 7:30 o'clock with Mrs. Mable
ance Co. I of this district. The 1957 state con-1 Miles, 195 East Madrona Street.
f Mi FT
Enroute to
II f l , I -s hi, " f . -l
mil' A I - -" a . 1
. faaa ( .u"'m'mm' igli ill Kim irjkt " A a
Three high school students from Salem stopped in Washington,
D. C, to 'visit with Congressman Walter Norblad at the na
tion's capitol enroute to Europe to spend the summer: under
the American Field Service student exchange program. Left
to r.ght are Miss Dotty Lynn Jones, a North Salem High stu
dent, who will live with a family in Sweden; Gary Zwicker,
a South Salem senior, who will be in Germany tor the sum
mer; Representative Norblad, and Bob Trelstad, also a South
Salem senior, who will spend the summer in Norway.
Auxiliary to Meet On Wednesday
Auxiliary of World War I Vet-; vention will be held in Salem,
erans No. 113 will hold a social New members welcomed by the
evening Wednesday with a pro
gram, dancing and games on the
At the last business meeting of
the group a report was given liv
Mrs. John .lanlinc un the state
omentum Ivld in Baker recently
Mrs .lardine was appointed chief
of staff. Mrs. Norma Dillage was
elected the new state president,
rt.e siaie ka. K,,,n divided into
auxiliary at the last meeting were
Mrs. Sarah McNeil. Mrs. Ixivey
I'ottc and Mrs. Emma Butte.
The American Gold Star Mothers
will meet lor a pir.cmc dinner
Thursday nnht at the Ered Birch
125$ Highland Ave., at 6:30
Mrs. Frames Lightner will
p m
be assisting hostess.
Awarded by
SUN VALLEY, Idaho-For the
seventh time since the annual
Amelia Earhart, Graduate Schol
arship for WOmen in eronautical
engineering was established in
1938 by Zonta International, two
young women have been selected
to receive awards. Miss Shirley
Ann Holmgreen, Brvsn, Texas,
will use her award to work to
ward her master's degree at the
University of Washington Seattle,
and Miss Beverly Beane, Fitch
burg, Massachusetts, winner of
the only award given in 1954. will
use her second $1200 grant to
complete work on her doctor's de
gree it Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. She began the work
with her first award. She is the
second Amelia Earhart Scholar
ship winner to receive a second
The announcement of the Am
?lia Earhart Graduate Scholarship
winners for 1956, was made Mon
day morning during the opening
meeting of the 33rd international
convention of Zonta International,
service organization of executive
women in business and the pro
fessions, by Dr. Helen Pearce,
Salem. Oregon, past international
A member of the Amelia Ear
hart Scholarship committee, Vt.
Pearce reported for the commit
tee in the absence of the chair
man. Miss J. Winifred Hughes,
Syracuse New York. This com
mittee accepts the applications
for the awards and selects the
winners. It was during Dr.
Pearce's administration 1938-40
that the scholarship was estab
lished as a memorial to the fa
mous woman flyer, Amelia Ear-
Vt Hlpint -it ICA-Viclw
355 Center St.
Open Monday and
S23& VIS A
'Air- r .'r , a i
U $m Uawri, - at
1 Not 2395-Not I79l-But Just II" for This
"Dig-Family" KENMORE
Every feature you could want! Square shape for greater cooking
area . . . Frying Guide on handle . . . adjustable heat control
automatically maintains temperature you select . . . non-stick
finish for easy cleaning! Quality? Absolutely first line merchandise
with full year guarantee! And it's yours for only $11.88! An
outstanding value! Compare features! Compare price! Then come
to Sears for yours today they can't last long!
jMt ST, "Omts tMft ImMat 0n. IMK f fr, ... M SwtIm Owrf
Former Willamina
Girl Is Married
lutiwu Mtws itrvtra
WILLAMINA - Miss Donna
Newkirk, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Delbert Newkirk of Port Or-
ford, formerly of Willamina. and
Harold Oisen of Estacada. son of
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Olsen of
; Bcmidji. Minn , were married
' June 9 at St. Christopher's Kpis-
copal church in Port Orford, by
!Rev. Bruce Spencer.
The bride wore a white satin
'povin with fingertip veil and car
ried a white orchid and pink rose
buds. I Miss Jane Roberts of Portland
was maid of honor. Colson and
Robbie Henson. candlclighters,
and Toni Scioli of Staples, Minn ,
flower girl. Robert Olsen of El
jturro, Calif, was best man for his
i brother, Robert Helmar of Salem
and Denny Sarver of Estacada
' were ushers, and Phillip Paris,
altar boy. Mrs. Pete Reynolds
of Willamina was soloist and Mrs.
L. V. Emmons, Oswego, organist.
Monmouth Mn. Elizabeth
Swenson and her sons. Eric and
Irving, are entertaining Mrs. Swen
son s brother and sisters- Clyde,
Kda and Rosa Bufton of Kenosha,
, hart, and the first winner was
announced at the convention in
1 1940. Dr. Pearce has continu-
; ously been a member of the
selections committee.
I At the conclusion of her re
port, Dr. Pearce introduced Miss
Holmgreen to the convention
body, pinned on her the Amelia
Earhart Zonta award wings of
gold which each winner wears,
and presented her with the
Amelia Earhart Medal, a certifi
cate of award, and a check. Miss
Beane was unable to be present
and will receive her wings later.
NcM if lunkm W twiii
Phono 3-3139
Friday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.
Shower Given
Mrs. George Pro was hostess for
a bridal shower at her home on
Saturday for the pleasure of her
granddaughter. Miss Caroline Eliz
abeth Hulings of Portland, who will
be married to Richard Fiske on
August It at the Gabel Community
Church in Portland.
The bride-elect is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Hulings
Sr. and Mr. Fiske is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Fiske. all of
Honoring the bride-to-be were
To Feie New Pastor
The Rev. J. C. Johannas, new
pastor of the Leslie Methodist
Church.'and Mrs. Johannas will be
honored at an informal reception
on Sunday, July 1 in the church
parlor between S and S o'clock.
Members of the church and friends
are invited to call and meet the
Rev. and Mrs. Johannas.
Fashion Modeling
12:15-1:30 P.M.
Electric Skillet
Soak in suds to
end of handle
By Mrs. Pro
Mrs. Charles D. Hulings Sr. and
Mrs. Charles D. Hulings Jr. of
Portland, Mn. Elmer Ingram of
S Madras, Mn. Milton Ingram of Eu
gene, Mrs. O. D. Youngquist. Mrs.
E. Kennedy, Mrs. Loretta Kinney
and Steven, Mrs. Robert Laws,
! Louise and Patricia. Mrs. W. G.
Bates. Mrs. Harry Epping, Mrs.
Bertha Prange, Mrs. George Ben
son. Mrs. R. A. Horn, Miss Patricia
Lockling, Mrs. Roberta Shepherd,
Mrs. Earl G. Holticlaw and the
Mrs. Walter H Smith entertain
ed the Gaiety Hill Garden Club at
luncheon at her Mission Street
home Monday afternoon. Mrs. Ro
bert E. Shinn presented the pro
gram on "Phlox in the Border."
Mr. and Mrs. John Eaton af
Quincy, III., are houseguests at
the home of Vr. and Mrs. Joseph
A. Daniels, Brooks. They are Mrs.
'Daniels' brother-in-law and sister.
It bakes!
k Casseroles I
'Satyszcfapmzxtudn fflflfc 550 N.Capitol3-9191