CBfly News Garfieffs S STATION AUTHORIZED A new service itation at 80S S. mmerciai St. is authorized in i ilding permit issued Monday to :hficld Oil Corp. The 114.000 ilding is slated for the southwest ner ol the Mission Street inter Minn, where workmen are now mpletinu demolition o( a house, permit jgm.SSS house alteration o was issued Monday to Mane infill, 2061 N. Fifth St. ASH DAMAGE CAR rar driven by Marian Aureli.i 'son, 771 Kingwood Dr.. received ensive front-end damage and (Hired towing from the scene of collision with a city engineer car out 3 p. m. Monday at Hanson d Cook streets, police said. The y car, driven by Carl B. Alle :n, received slight rear-end dam o. they said. oed more elect, outlets? Call idson s, 2-4141 for prompt wiring' mce. 'adv.) H)NE SIGNALS EYED Marion County Court members mriay instructed County K.ngine- John Anderson to make inquir s of the Southern Pacific com iny concerning what portion of e cost the company would meet t installing standard warning xnals at the intersection of oone Road and the company's ain line south of Salem. "ur storage at Lachelle's assures our furs the quality care they eed in refrigerated vaults. 1348 erry. Ph. 3-6814. (adv.) iT. McGIIRE LEAVES Marine T. Sgt. Eugene 'MeGuire ,1! Ieae Salem to return to San ego where he is an instructor Marine drill sergeants. He and is wife have been visiting at le home of his parents. Mr. and Irs. K. H. MeGuire. 2020 Berry t. The son is a IB-year" Marine eteran who formerly lived in alem and McMinnville. Ve have moved our office to ll)i i. Commercial. Marion Cream h 'oultry Co. 'adv.) UN ( IT IN KALI. Bobby Kitchen, S. son of Mr and Irs. Lome D. Kitchen. 1020 N. 19th t , was treated by first aidmen ;bout 11 40 a. m. Monday and later by a doctor for chin lacera tion which required five stitches. The Injury was received in a fall uhile playing at home, his father -Hid. II BCAP THEFT REPORTED Theft of two hubcaps from a ear .jrked nverniuht on Highway WY. .ear the north city limits was re girled to police Monday by Ken neth W. Clark. 4810 Gobert Ave. Loss was estimated . at $10, police said. TODAX'S LUCKY Master Money NUMBERS 538,634 352,708 n 493,997 573,422 w 497,517 If yoa have a Master Money Kill with any of above serial numbers on it, you win desig nated award if you collect it before 9 P. M. tonight at (enter and Commercial. Effective now VOIR chances of winning Master Money are INCREASED! Starting now and for the balance of June, the three daily awards, if not claimed on one day . . . will be carried over separately the? will not (pyramid). To illustrate: if all three awards are not claimed on a given dav . . the following day's awards will consist of two awards of 525 . . . two of $15 . and two of S10. In other words. Instead of three win ners . . . we'd have sis win ners Thus, each unclaimed award from one day becomes an added opportunity fnr you In win a priie the following dav! Free Master Money Rill given a' all locations. Winners Must Claim Award At Contar And ; Commercial By 9 P. M. $25 GEO. MEYER S39S Willamette Dr. $10 CARROLL AIST 1.13ft Franklin KENNETH SCHOMAKLR 650 Chemawa T. A. BERGLAND 680 N. Summer C. T, KIEHM 13 Mission MARVIN FLEMING Rte. 2. Box 174 FREE WHISTLE POPS With Gas Purchases MASTER Free Master Money Bill ARM CAl'GHT IN WRINGER Roger M. Mellar, I, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Mellar. 1153 N. lh St.. was treated by first aidmen about noon Monday for abrasions received when his arm was caught m a washing machine ,irfle,d ,2 dav, j( ultjmately wringer at the home of Robert Mil-; X(mcM of( onf of thf m0!t jntfn. ler. 1053 N. 18th St . first aidmen MVt exp.nsue and best-coordinat-sa'(' 1 ed air-ground search ever held in Special gift ware sale. Pp to 0r'on- . . . .. . , off on crystal stem ware, imported h Frl ,Snd"' 6,rnr 0 china, hand made ceramics. Jary " ate,,aId Aernnautic of- Florist. Capitol Shopping Ctr. , fina,1' hi"e,1 ,h fnr ,he r r 1J(jv ) missing plane and its two occu pants last night, some l.ooo man WHEEL REPORTED STOLEN S hmirs on the ground and more Theft of a spare wheel and tire than 200 hours in the air had been valued at 12.') from the locked trunk expended in the unsuccessful hunt, of a car in a garage at 745 Brllevue , Nearly M.000. borne equally by St. was reported to police Mondav the state and the volunteer pilots by Reginald A. Garratt of that ad-'o' h Priva, s,arih Planrs- wa dress. The handle was broken to'P"- plu5 an un,old amnunt m eain entrv to the trunk, he told ! '" "n1 0,hfr Pnses to police. MILKMAN'S LEG CIT Dean Jones, 3155 Lynn St., was treated by first aimen about 8 40 a m. .Monday in the 3300 block fisner Koaa lor a leg gasn report edly received in a fall on a milk truck. Jones, a Curly's Dairy em ploye, slipped while climbing on the truck, his wife said. Are you contemplating re-styling your furs? Consult Ben Wittner at Lachelle's. 1348 Ferry. (adv.) MeCLl'RE TO SPEAK Salem Junior Chamber of Com merce, meeting today noon at the . Marion Hotel, w ill hear a talk on i ritv nlnnninff hv C A Mpt'lnre -' j - engineer fnr the Salem Planning Commission. EVERY HOUR OF EVF.RY DAY Lebanon dentist, and his passcn vour classified ad is reaching pro-! Kir and friend, the Rev. Hart spects. Ph. 4-6811 todav. (adv.iiwicp Hansen of Longview, Wash., CANTALOl PE CCT SLIPS Kathy Fisher, 9, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Gerald F. Fisher, 2094 Center St.. was treated by first aidmen about 3 p. m Monday for a linger cm reponeaiy receivru in slicing a cantaloupe. Unsightly facial hair removed safely, permanently. Price s Beau ty Salon. Ph. 3-3859. Udv.t LODGE HOLDS DEGREE other circumstances permitted, un A third degree ceremony for til last night, new members will take place all From their headquarters at Mc the meeting Wednesday night at 8 ! Nary Field in Salem. Snyder and p.m. of the Salem (idd Fellows j George Douglas, aviation safety Lodge at the IOOF Temple. Wnt with the Aeronautics board, I who have had many years experi Dental plates repaired while you em e in air search projects, imme wait at Painless Parker Dentist, diately started the ball rolling even 125 N. Liberty, Salem, i adv. I though they know thai only about FARM TALK SCHEDULED George Dewey, Orecon Farm Bureau secretary, will be the speaker at the weekly meeting of Exchange Club of Salem noon Wednesday in Marion Hotel. Spranger Chosen To Marion County Rural School Post A. C. Spranger, Salem farmer, ! was elected chairman of the Mar-1 ion County Rural School Board Monday. He and Walter Bell. Staylon. were reelected to the five-man board when itementary school districts throughout the county voted last week. The vote was canvassed hv the board Tuesday in the office of ' County School Superintendent Agnes Booth, who also is secretary , of the Rural School Board Directors chose Harry Olden burg, Jefferson, vice chairman. Other carryover directors are Fred Schwab, Mt. Angel, retiring chair man, and Sylvester Smith, St. Paul. Earn director represents a zone within the county. F.LFSTROM To Mr. and Mrs Robert Elfstrnm .Ir , 1775 N. 24th St.. a son. Sunday, June 24, at Salem General Hospital. w Births HAGEN To Mr. and Mrs. Vince , make sure the Salem-to-Bend plane I'.. Ilagen, 1075 Highland Ave , a had to be contacted, daughter, Monday. June 25, at he week old trail led to Los Salem General Hospital. Angelfs. The pilot's wife was lo- SCHUTT-To Mr. and Mrs. W.l-' ,-.sh said herf.hBMnRh ter W. Schutt. 779 Gerth Ave., a ! f 1 on ln Rhode daughter, Monday, June 25, at'sland- Salem General Hospital. Snyder telephoned him there Yes. he said, he had flown from PIRSINGER-To Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Pursinger, Eugene, a son, Monday, June 25, at Salem General Hospital. HAl'SF.R To Mr. and Mrs. I.. Ilauser, 1520 N. 19th St. daughter. Monday, June 25, Salem General Hospital. t ..it SALEM, OREGON CLOSED ALL DAY WED., JUNE 27th WATCH GRAND OPENING Thurs., 9:30 A.M. To 9 P.M. Friday, 9:30 A.M. To 9 P.M. Costly Search for Lost Plane Endsf Many Tips Checked in Hunt for Pair Rt CONRAD PRANGE Staff Wriler?r States nil When a small maroon colored nlan tnnk nff from thp f-etmnrin the hundreds of ground searchers and pilots who volunteered time and efforts Airfields Cheeked Facets of the search extended ,to Southern California and to r I- 1.1 I f ...AA 01 airncius in a nail uozen snails were cheeked. Dozens of "lips" and rumors of sighted or downed aircraft were investigated. Even (he Coast Guard and the Pentagon in Washington, D. C. got into the act. When the four-place, high-wing Fnirchild, which is still missing, took off from Lebanon at 6:15 p.m. on June 14. it circled the field once It was last seen heading east into the rugged ( ascade toot- 'hilt; i r with "plenty" of gas. In the plane were pilot Dr. Ralph Johnston, .13, well known a lormer saiem resiurm. Vacation Bound They were headed fnr a vaca tion in Minneapolis, Minn. There ih.v were to ioin their wives and familieSi who had gone ahead by trajn whcn ,ne mrn falpd to ar rive at MinneaDOlis on the follow ing night Mrs Johnston called friends in Lebanon. This started the search, which was to continue, when weather and 20 per cent ol nnssins! - plane ie ports actually bear out. No 1 light Plan Through phone calls and radio communications with other state networks they first checked every major airport from Lebanon to Minneapolis along the missing fly ers' intended flight route. Before they left Lebanon. John ston and Hartwick had indicated ston and Hansen had indicated they intended to head straight for Boise, Idaho, via Bend and Burns. Thev did not file a flight plan. During the time of their flight the foothills of the Cascades were cloud covered. Despite bad weather searching began by 40 aircraft over some 4,000 square miles in the vast forest-canyon area lying roughly between the North Santiam Can yon, Eugene. Bend and Redmond, including the McKcnzie River area. The pilots, many of them friends of Johnston, flew out of Lebanon, Springfield and Redmond. They were in communication via raaio with the several hundred ground searchers. The latter, all volun teers like the pilots, included log gers, hiking clubs, sheriffs' parties and friends. Retrace Flights The hunt was officially halted last Thursday, a week after the missing plane had started on its fateful flight. Then the next day two forest rangers reported they had sighted a plane on the upper McKenzie on the day and time of the missing plane's flight. Snyder already knew a plane had gone from Sa lem to Bend on that same day. The question was: Was this lat ter plane the same one sighted nn the McKenzie" Or was the Mr kcnue plane the missing craft? To Salem to Bend on the evening of June 14. But he had gone high and 'taken direct route. Copier In Hunt R i "Which meant. Snyder reiauru a Monday, "he was not the pilot of at the plane sighted in the upper Mc (Kenzio. Which meant we had an- FOR I other area to search. So we search ed it." Meanwhile a Coast Guard B-17 had flown over the two possible routes the missing plane could have taken to Boise An Air Force helicopter was stnnding by at Mc Cord Air Force Base at Tacoma. Wash , in case it was needed for rescue. Slate police, forest rangers and even the Ground Observer Corps .. A 41 x Earl Snyder (rlghu, director at the Siaie Board of Aeraaautlcf, and c-wrkrr George Douglas, rherk over map which shows area of one of Oregon's most extensive searches for a lost plane. Twelve-day hunt fnr a missing Lebanon plane was called off last night. Aeronautics board plane Is In background. (Statesman Photo) Public CIRCUIT COURT i Ruth Young vs. William Frank lin Young: Plaintiff's complaint for divorce charges cruel and inhu man treatment and asks custody of two minor children and approval ol a certain property stipulation. Married March 30, 1941, at Ellens buiy. Wa.-Ji. J-C Company vs. Enoch I. Maeri: Civil suit, based on alleg ed failure of defendant to fulfill the terms of a certain contract and alleged wrongful conversion to the use of the defendant certain equip ment owned or leased by the plaintiff, asks judgment totaling $15,505. State vs. Duane Arvid Spencer: Defendant to Oregon State Hospital for 30-day observation after he waived grand jury hearing and pleaded guilty to obtaining money by false pretenses. State vs. Delmer Lee Frahm: Defendant fined $.ifl and sentenced to 30 days in the county jail for crime of petty larceny; defendant will he released upon making restitution. State vs. Charles LeRoy Arm strong: Defendant placed on pro bation until his 21st birthday lor crime of burglary not in a dwell ing. PROBATE COURT Estate of Gertrude A. Turney. deceased: Final account approved and estate ordered distributed. Kstate of Rose Olive Moore, de ceased: Order sets July 27, 1956, as date for hearing estate's final account. DISTRICT COURT Melvin Lamar Stokes, 38 , 5233 N'ewberg Dr., sentenced to 90 days in the county jail for larceny of a bicycle. Roy Lee Stanley, Seattle, fined $100 and sentenced to 10 days in Special Contract Meeting CANNERY LOCAL 670 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27 Labor Temple 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. l rci,-o r r"JSfle xee j& w 'v K w" FREE ESTIMATES ELMER THE Venetian Blinds 3870 Center St. were busy checking all possible leads. And Saturday a telephone call came to Snyder from an Air Force colonel in the Pentagon seeking progress of the search. Ckeck la Lake Reports that a Portland woman saw a "plane wing" in the water ot Twin Lakes was painstakingly checked. She raw something al right, she said, only it was en Me morial Day more than month - . Ilecords the county jail after pleading guilty to driving while intoxicated. Walter Alvin Reid, Poland, waived preliminary hearing and was bound over to the grand jury for investigation of a charge of be ing an ex-convict in possession of a lirearm capable of being con cealed upon the person; bail set at $2,500. Daniel F.ugene Harrison, 1695 Yew St., sentenced to 10 days in jail for escape from the Salem City jail. MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATION John Malcolm Peeler, 23, deliv ery man, 2020 Hazel St., and Edith May Doss, 22, secretary, 1205 S. 14th St. Kugene Leroy Phillips, 22, Navy, Scio, and Diane Marjory Prichari), 19, secretary, Stayton. MUNICIPAL COURT Ralph Gilbert Whisman. 166 Gerth St.. fined $25 on pleading guilty to display and offering for sale of fireworks: fine suspended. Drunk Driver Fined, Gets Jail Sentence A Seattle man was fined 100 and sentenced to 10 days in the Marion County jail after he plead ed guilty Monday to drunk driving. Roy Lee Stanley, 39-year-old mill worker, was arrested Monday morning by State Police on the Salem by-pass. VLNLT1AN BLIND' Nationally advertised. Unparal leled quality. Beauty with privacy, air lifht ctntnl and fade pritectita. Revolutionary eloaoiaf east with UVOIOK'S catalytic plastic-coat aiumiiuii tists. Cnclotcd deal, sill tdjustiif tilter. Tapoi disappear lots oottom bar. Plastic end caps protect sills la Linen Fresh brand or solid celors. Perfect fit and installation. Vjlue packed prices. Came in or call now for Ireo estimates. Identified by the LEYOLOR BLIND MAN Shcdes Drape Phone 3-7328 v. s ir : y V ... A . ' ' t n " t,"- I . ,t ,f r MEDALLION 7 NB coo - eouAiizfi tassii ago. Although the search has official ly ended. Snyder and his crew of volunteer pilots in the Air Search and Rescue program will continue to fly down any leads which ap pear. Meanwhile the fate of the miss ing flyers remains a mystery, which may take its place along side a doien stmilary cases in Oregon's aviation history. Geary to Inspeet Guard Training Ed Geary, speaker of the House from Klamath Falls, who is Ore gon's governor this week in the absence of Gov. Elmo Smith, will inspect National Guard troops at Camp Clatsop near Astoria Wed nesday. Geary, who arrived here Mon day to occupy the governor's chair, said lie and his wife and their daughter Alice would spend the day at the camp where anti-aircraft artillery units of the Oregon Guard are holding two weeks of training. The temporary office of gov ernor will be vacated Thursday by Geary when Gov. Smiyi returns to the slate from the governors' conference in Atlantic City, N. J. mm mm S0M0 Dress Go At One Loir, Loir Price . . . BE HERE WHEN THE DOORS OPEN TUESDAY, 930 A.M. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., June 26, '58 (Sec. I)-S ' Reservoirs Save $20 Million "n"aI stToda7 , . n For Crash Victim Hood Damage, engineers say Flood damage on the Willamette, River was reduced by nearly i1 per rent last winter for a savings ol almost .0.000.000 because of dams built on Us tributaries. "Resenoirs on upper tnhutar- les including Detroit on the North ' All physical elements are now Santiam reduced the flood crest present on the W illamette for sue by an estimated four feet at Sa- cesjful barge operations. They can lem. nine feet at Kugene and five advantageously haul such items as at Albany." Henry Stewart, dep- oil. lumber, sand and gravel, uty chairman of planning fnr the grains and other agricultural ' Army Corps of Engineers, told the goods, chemicals, canned goods, Salem Chamber of Commerce ceiwent and asphalt. Public opin Monday noon. ion can bring this about." Barge Traffic Up Dougla McKay, first chairman Chamber members also were ' th Willamette River Basin told that barge traffic on the Wil- committee, was master of ccre- lamette is increasing Thomas monies for the program. The eight White. Portland navigation attor- princesses of the Willamette River ney, sajd that the minimum flow P'' '"tival were introduced. on the Willamette was now deep enough to permit year-round barge YANKS CONFUSE JAP traffic. CAMP ZAMA. Japan - Fiji Rounding out the Willamette Yamada. counterman at the US River progress program. Robert Army snack bar here. cant get Hullette, commodore of the Salem used to American drinking habits. Boat Club, said that from a ree- He says Japanese go fnr cool reaticnal standpoint the river was drinks in the summer "but not "coming back" as a playground the Americans. Here it's coffee. . highway coffee all day long, no matter how, In outlining the completed, un-hot it is." oer construction, ana auinornea dams and reservoirs of the Wil-' lamette River Basin program, Ste wart said about 40 per cent of the money for the project has been spent. Project Authorized "W hen completed," he said. Willamette v a I le y flooding will have been 80 per cent eliminated. Streamflow will be more steady and contamination reduced. Bank protection work, which has saved millions already is about 50 per : cent complete. Important projects: now are Green Peter and Cougar reservoirs, both of which are au thorized." i Pointing out that barge traffic ! on the Columbia River has in-' creased "beyond ail expectations, j since Its beginning 20 years ago',; White said that the Willamette pic-' ture was blighted by rate warfare. 1 "When one barge line started hauling petroleum on the Willam- I LUNCH IN COMFORT AIR-CONDITIONED Cherry Room Tuesday's Complete. SPECIAL LUNCH Ground Round with Pan Gravy, Whipped Potatoes, Stringv Beans, Ho! Rolls, $1 1; 'Dessert and Drink Come As Yoa Are Park Fret With Purchase $wU Raenwr's Closes Real Soon! Shoes! VALUES J0 LTvair! etle several years ago," he said." ' Southern Pacific railroad imme - dia'ely cut its oil hauling rates This has placed the barge line in difficulty." MrKav u Emcee mm Alt shoos must go at rodtxod II If p prico. Rogular $12.95 ami f M VL III $13.95 (hoot roducodj to " closo-out prico ... A A 1 IP J6.95&7.95 MMl' All Sales Final! connouits Km md KANGEROO SHOES , Mm f Hi 114 H vm No Rtfundt - or Exchanti ciosi out 7.95 Ston Room for Rent Vory good blond finishod wrapping counter with monoy drawer . . . VERY RIASONAIII I LOWE'S FOOT AID SHOE STORE 25 N. Nigh St. (Next to Modoi Food Mart.) mm Casuals! TO 1895 466 State St. r Funeral serv ices (or Alpa Pediaa ght. 2115 N. Fourth St.. wht died Saturday at the age oi 44, 'wlu be J p. ra. today ia Howell- Edwards chapel, the Rev. Paul V. . Barnett olficiaU ig. Burial will on 'in City View Cemetery. B3W1BEL' a A. O. Smith PERMAGLAS Ho Fin at in Gas Heating by Day Heating Co. "First ta Gas Beating la Salem Sine ISIS" FrM Survey and EstimatM 223 Division St. Ph. 3-4122 m ooo Flats! fib.. All From Regular Stock! Plenty of Sizvs and Styles 3 Given At All Stations