Valley News Statttman News Ssrvict Queen Candidates Pose Pomona Area Grange Meets, Plans Picnic Star Mail Route Carriers Weigh Portland Meeting OAKRIDGE . Oregon's star mail route carriers will try to bring the organization's national convention to Portland in 1957. This was decided Sunday as the Statesman, Salem, Ore, Tups., June 28, "56 (Sec. I)-3 ! Marion County Pomona Grange at a recent meeting decided to hold its annual picnic at Champoeg ! carriers elected Willis H. Scofield. State Park Aug. 1J7 Sixty-eight at- j Kugene. to another three-year term as president. rTtnripal speakers at the closing session included Harold Young, postal in spector from Salem. tended the June 20 confab and nine of the 13 granges were represent ed. It was also decided to hold the next meeting at Keizer Grange in October. Overseer Clarence John son presided over the June S meeting in the absence of Master Bob Barnes. Memorial services were held for Dimma Cline and Victor Van Brocklin. Chaplain Daisy Bump re ported that Mr. and Mrs. George Sander, hospitalized after an auto' NEWPORT. Ore. if - A six accident, were in lmDroved condi- year-old Newport boy was fatally tion. Newport Boy Killed by Car SILVERTON These are SilverUa Hill's first strawberry inert candi dates. One of them will he telerted aid crawaed the afternoon i Juiy i ia me Mirertaa hum (..range Hail. Manning ir.m ten it; Mrs. Lilv Magee reported on right are Gayle Tucker. Veraa Stympff; seated. Muriel H.viand, completion of the scran book while Pennants Presented Pennants for 100 per cent dues ' paid were presented to Fairfield, j Woodburn and Ankeny granges : Woodburn Grange also received a check for the greatest increase in , membership, and Edith Beugli an-, noumed the coming White Satin! sugar canning contest and urged t Mr. all members to participate. ! lire injured Sunday when he darted from behind a parked car into the path of an auto driven by James L. Crowell, 1. also of Newport It was this city's first traffic fatality in several years. The right fender of Crow-ell's car struck Kenneth W. Haga and he died soon after being received at a hospital. He was the son of and Mrs. John R. Haga exonerated Crowell of Po-any negligence. Barbara Benson and Kreya Martin. Mrs. Daggett, 79, Succumbs World Champion Iig Holler Due At Albany Festival George Benson said that straw berries grown in Silverton Hills were larger and sweeter this year in spite of the weather. Grange Session Repert Good Horse Sense tateunan Nfwt Ifrvlro ALBANY - Mrs. Maude Huston Daggett. 79, died at an Albany Hospital Sunday morning. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p, m at the Fort-1 miller Fredericks Funeral Home ! Interment will follow at Riverside Cemetery. Born in Plainview she lived in Oregon all her life. She was mar ried to the late Walter Daggett ' here in 1913,! and has lived here ever since. j Surviving are two sons. Major Ronald Daggett with the V. S. A.r Force in Germany, and Braden Daggett of Salem; step-daughter, Mrs. Villa Wagner of Corvallis; si.ters, Mrs. Fannie Biddle of A I- j bany. Mrs. Ollie Fisher of S.ileiri. and Mrs Eva ( Whit.' i Salmon. Wash ; and two brothers Del llustnn of Albany and C. 11 Huston of The Dalles. ALBANY Special" Jimmie Herrnn, 1-ongview'. Wash , reign ing world champion Ioe roller, will defend his title at Albany on July 3rd and 4th Jim Herron. along with his brother F.d, of Kelso, have virtually monopo lized the championship log roll I ii lor the past several years. The event, a part of the annual Timber Carnival, will be held at Waverly Lake, the natural am phitheater, on the edge of Albany along with high climbing, top ping, ax throwing, chopping and bucking. This year's carnival will be the largest in history in prize mon ey and events offered WASHINGTON - The Dis trict of Columbia's traffic safety ' officer. Anthony L. Kllison, views Mate Grange Session was report- , , . . "... ed on bv Delegate W. E. Savage. j recklfs dnvers ,h,s way: The Champoeg picnic committee I "There were just as many reck- is Lawrence Paradis. Clarence i less drivers 50 years ago but Johnson and Prudence Moore. j in those days they drove some Lecturer Leona Krenz presented thing that had more sense than a program featuring Mothers, . ... Fathers and a tribute to the flag. lnfy "'" . Musical numbers were presented I by Madge Wilson. Mary Schmcr ber. Don, Jean, and Mary Ann i Dunn. Valley Briefs If a do-it-yourself fan tried to make a lead pencil from the basic raw materials it would cost him about $50. I VENETIAN BLINDS DVI fYaf Alum- fcreen KiLVIA and Doors For Everything 'or Year Window sf.e CI MFD THE a a LlFlLK BUND MAN . rrtt Estimates Day or Night A Mrs. Mantel's Rites Pending S I L V E R T 0 N Funeral an nouncements for Mrs. Rosie Man tel. 86. will be announced later from the Ekman Funeral Hume Mrs. Mantel died Sunday night at her home at 401 South First Street, afer a few days illness. Born April fi. 1870, in Pennsyl vania, Mrs. Mantel had lived in Washington before coming to Silverton, 30 years ago. She had been a member of the Dayton, Wash.. Rebekah lodge for the past 54 years, and a lifetime member of the Christian Church. Survivors are the widower. Peter Mantel; a daughter. Mrs. Nels Winnett. Silverton: a son, (Mil Huntley, Walla Walla. Wash . and one grandson. Statesman Nrw Hervlrr Butleville Vacation Bible school for tilt Rultculle Congregational church began Moday. It is held in the ewnint Irnni tn ft itntt is fnr ! children from lour years of age tnTaugh the eighth grade. Butleville William Dentel is re ported doing well at Portland Gen eral Hospital where he was taken for observation last week for an infection. Butleville Miss Marilyn Ras- i mussen. daughter of Mr and Mrs. 1 John Kasmussen. and a member of the Buttons and Bows Sewing Club of Butleville, are attending 4 II summer school in Corvallis This is her second year at sum- i mer school. a your gas appliance denlnr I Vinf today! Or, call Portland J 3c4K7j ( fjr Gai& Coke Co.... CC A Salem 3-3111 Er JTF JPlN& Jm" Jjjr JLmf JmJr JLf jLm jLmf A Births At Valley Hospitals SILVERTON-Tn Mr and Mrs Gene Kelly. Mnlalla. a son. June 24. at the Sihertnn Hospital To Mr. and Mrs. Joe Messer. Orvais. a sun. June 24, at the Siherton Hospital. To Mr. and Mrs Don Gros .lacquos, Sihertnn. a daughter. June 24. at the Sihertnn Hospital Colorful new sportswear with the famous Levi's name! .10.000-Milf Hike Slated by Oanailians MONTREAL - Two Cana dians are going to start walking1 next month from Montreal to Van ) muver by way of the I'nitcd States and South America. Laurent Olandn. 2fl. and Wener; Mahau. 3.V figure they'll walki about .Kl.tXW miles on their long detour. It's little more than 2noo; miles to Vancouver as the crow flies but they're not (lying They say they won't even hitch noes. VTAvthonzed J 1 PEN ffl REPAIR J 1 Ouorontctd lorvrtt tor AU TENS by toctory Iroirwd lochnicioni. Compl' itotk ol torn- ouf wfitiog equipment, foolurmg ShcoHtrl mo SmtVoI '"s n7 I t? I iX mm tAN'OIIZIO FOR MEN, YOUNG MEN AND BOYS Zipper jackets with striped knit collar, cuffs and waist full-cut slacks with deep pleats both tailored in rugged vat-dyed. Sanforized denim In four favorite colon: Lighter Bluts Wheat Frost Gray Gretn FOR YOUNG MEN Popular l'eg-Topn. tailored b IJiVTS in two tough. Sanforized fabrics in ten terrific colora waist sizes 26 to 36: In ten terrific colors: DfNIM: llghitrlluot Whiot ffll Oroy Orttn tWIU: Wk.l. Twoiont To Sky Hut O'ty lo(k NEEDHAM'S Stationery Office Supplies i&S Stale Street, Salem, Oregon At better stores everywhere... m mx uvi t it MiiitiKtia th( u pit e 11.0 of no-is tfmitt ntl cs.r mi u 1 (o , 11 itt'i't i ,! f""tit (MB J nociOOCANoca rL O 'I 1 WHEN NATURAL mi IT MEANS THAT: Tht cleanest, safest, most economical, most convenient fuel for horn heating will be yours. Make your application now! Apply Portland Gas and Coke Com pany in Salem, 109 S. Commercial, or let Sears help you with your application. Visit our appliance , or plumbing departments, ask any salesperson. Sears Is Ready! Complete Line of A.G.A.-Approved Gas-Fired Equipment and Appliances! Free Surveys and Estimates! Buy Now ! Make First Payment Oct. 1st - a r Mess When You Heal with (lean, Convenient GasI HOiMRT GAS CONVERSION BURNER Nothing Down! For furnacM hiating th vorago 4 to 7-room houia USE SEARS HOME MODERNIZATION CREDIT PLAN 3 YEARS TO PAY American Cat Allocation Approvtd t) Nona aafarl Safaty Pilot cod off gat upply in cat pilot light it axtinguithodl SEARS WILL ARRANGE LOW-COST, EXPERT INSTALLATION Homarl Automatic Gas wall mm M J 1,1 1,1111 w'.'a"M' mm 1 1 i i ! ' I I j i " Botaart GAS FUaHACE SS?1... 249.95 Completa with Plenum cham ber combuation e him bar cuarinteed 10 yean Un Sean modernization credit! plan S year to pay. Nothing Down! USE SEARS HOME MODERNIZATION . CREDIT PLAN 3 YEARS TO PAY Heats up to to 4 rooms-porcelain enameled combustion chamber guaranteed 10 years. Front panel projects only 3',j inches from finished wall. Equipped with the Honeywell silent gas control valve. High efficiency gat burner it designed for economy and long life. A G. A. approved. Automatic Safety Pilot on All Models ' t . an mi 1 1 . ; , : v P.lkJJ-.;-: For Cloaet or Utility Installation 279.95 3 Heati the average S-roora home. Heat exchanger guar anteed 10 year. Equipped with a Honeywell illent gat valve. A.C.A approved. For Gas Appliances, as Always, It's "SHOP SEARS AND SAVE!" Copper and Chroma 30-INCH DELUXE Kenmore Smokeless Broiler j CSS 149 Down Thirty, beauty packprl inches of modern riiokmK convrnienccl Clock and Kentimpr 25 in oven has interior lifiht. AGA Approved Indoor Sunshine for Bettor Drvinn? w w m w mw m j m j DELUXE KENMORE DRYER 19995, Down 3 temperature wlection automatic ignition, hindy load a door holds clothes. AGA Approved DECORATOR DESIGNED! lily Gas Heaters 30,000 BTU ... 94.95 iwh km' r mtai m Mm, " AGA APPROVED The Facts About Natural Gas . . . Q. WHEN WILL NATURAL GAS ARRIVE! A Natural tn is scheduled to be available to consumers of Portland .a &. Coke ( nmpanv in Aueiisl. Q. WHY IS NATURAL GAS SO POPULAR! A Natural gas is the rleanesl, safest, most rronomiral, most convenient furl for home heating. 0. WILL THERE 8E PLENTY OF NATURAL GAS! A Yes. By linking by pipeline of natural gas supplies (rnm the ast tan- adian fields with those in New Mexico, Insures a dual supply for the Northwest. Q. WILL NATURAL GAS BE CHEAPER! Yes. Substantial rate reductions will be made upon arrival of natural Q. WHO WILL DISTRIBUTE NATURAL GAS IN THIS AREA! A Portland das k Coke Company, fiasco's 2,500 miles of existing gas (lis- tribution mains will bring natural gas to all present customers. Q. WILL PRESENT GAS APPLIANCES OPERATE WITH NATURAL GAS! A Yes. Your present appliances will be adjusted tn use natural gas by a rrew of skilled and experienced experts. This adjustment will be made frep of charpe. WHY DO I HEAR SO MANY GOOD THINGS ABOUT NATURAL GAS FOR HOME HEATING! Because: Because: Because: Because: Because: Because: Because: Natural gas is the finest heat you ran buy at any price. .Natural gas brings you the moat convenience at lowest possible cost. Natural gas is the cleanest and safest heat of all. You have no delivery problem. You can always count on gas heat. (as heating equipment costs less to buy, lasts years longer. All modern gas furnaces come with a built-in safety guard which automatically shuts off the gas should the pilot light ever go out. (.as heating equipment is simple and trouble-free has almost no moving parts to wear out and cause expensive repair bills. Phone 3-9191 550 North Capitol