;.16-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore.. Tues., June 26. '56 Showdown Vote Due Today on AF Budget Hike By WILMOT BERCHER WASHINGTON - The Senate reed Monday to limit debate on the huge defenM bill and have a i how down vote Tuesday on wheth er to add more than a billion dol lars to the Air Force budget. Democratic leader contend the extra money it needed to aure American air superiority over :' 1. I 1 It Quick friendly service... You'll enjoy every visit to a livings window at First National. Smiling, alert tellers give you i friendly welcome every time. It's fun to watch your First National livings grow. T Russia. - t Eisenhower for the next 12 ' leader, obtained unanimous agree- The Republican leadership Is months. j ment to limit the debate Tuesday, fighting to hold the increase to Aftpr several hours of speech- starting at 12:30 p. m. KST. 500 million dollars above ihe making Monday, Sen. Lyndon! 0ne tn na" hur" were al amount requested by President Johnson of Texas, the Democratic 1 1",,, ,or debate on the Demo cratic proposal 10 ammo: tne House version of the defense hill by giving the Air Force Ihe addi tional billion plus for more planes, bases and airmen in the next fis cal year. A similar amount of time was allotted for debate of the GOP compromise proposal There will he an additional three hours of debate on the whole bill before voting begins. The House has approxed a de- frnse outlay of $33,635,000,000 for all hranches of the armed services in the year starting July 1 Sen. Rnmrtson 'D-Va charged Monday that celitenes of the B2 intercontinental bomber, the Air! Force's biggest punch, "are not approaching e en the administra tion's schedule " But Sen. Saltonstall iR Mas.O. administrative spokesman on de fense matters, said "that is not strictly an accurate statement." On security grounds, he relused to' disclose the B.'2 delivery date'- Sen. Symington 'D-Moi com mented that it looked as though the I'nitcd States would be trail ing the Soviet I'nion in every type of military production before long Sens, .iackson D-Wash and Symington explained that 800 mil lions of the proposed increase were earmarked for aircraft pro duction and this would mean 100 B.)2's. if costs remain at about 8 million dollars each. Actually the RO0 millions is not restricted to B"2 bombers but is intended to be used for new fight ers and other aircraft also. Both Jackson and Symington re minded the Senate that Secretary of the Air Force Quartos, den. Nathan F. Twining, Air Force, thief of staff, and Secretary of Defense Wilson all had warned that the Air Force budget must be increased next year The inference they drew was that the Republican administra tion was holding down the Defense and Air Force costs this election ear but would increase them next vcar. : Johnson spoke out for the bil lion dollar increase earlier. First National is Oregon's favorite place for savings! nnPDPnnn llV- N A -" r s v i - 1 A Bank safety... There's no substitute for a bank savings account. At First National, you have the extra assurance of a 91-year history of complete safety for the savings of every First National customer. KIT Extra convenience . . . Handle your banking needs . . . including savings, checking, safe deposit, and many other services . . . with just one visit to Oregon's favorite bank. And. ..wherever you go in Oregon, there's a First National Branch nearby . . . to serve you better. 7 T4 FD tUSlf NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND "iirj tuns okgom TO-i'Mir" 7,3 JTATtWiDE BANKING OFFICES TO SERVE YOU Portland Eyes Permit for Traction Firm PORTLAND - A recommen dation that the Rose City Transit Co. (formerly Portland Traction Co.) be granted a two-year per mit will be before the City Council Thursday. The recommendation was made Monday by Commissioner Nate Boody, whoal.so asked a public hearin:: before the permit is acted upon. The company's current 30 day permit expires July 10, and the proposed new permit would lerve rates, fares and schedules unchanged. ; Power Men Ask Snake Dam Permit About a third of l.S spending units 'families and single people i had incomes over W.nnn a year in 1950 compared to half in 1935. PENDLETON, Ore. W - More than 40 spokesmen for power com panies, farm and labor groups, and individuals urged a special board of Federal Power Commis sion examiners Monday to grant licenses to a Northwest power combine to build two dams on the Snake River to forestall a threat ened power shortage. Foes of the Pacific Northwest ! Power Co 's plan to spend $113,-1 000,000 building the Tleasant Val- ley and Mountain Sheep dams on the Snake will have their aay Tuesday. Principal speaker at Monday's opening session was Allan A. I Smith, attorney for PNT. "No other major hyrdoelcctric ' project or combination of projects: has the necessary preliminary 1 work of engineering, negotiating and financing completed to the point where prompt issuance of a license would permit getting a substantial block of new power on the line to avert a shortage by I960." Smith said. "Of all major new starts, only Mountain Sheep and Pleasant Val ley can reach production by I960," he said. Declaring that the Northwest has experienced "10 years of in adequate power auppfy tinder the federal program," C. A. Frdahl, Tacoma, urged "no slowing down or moratoriums on proposed proj ects ... if the region is to go ahead in development." Frdahl is chairman of the Pa cific Northwest Utilities Confer ence. At Tuesday's concluding session, opposition to the dams will be voiced by representatives of Ihe National Hells Canyon Assn., Na-i tional Farmer Unit, Montana Farmers Union, Oregon Farmer Union, and the Idaho State Fed eration of Labor. Cm r.f.r.. r&S; SERVICE STATIONS. INC. j Cannery Wage Vote Pit Off In Portland PORTLAND JT -A vote on a proposed new contract with (.en- eral Foods bas neen posiponea indefinitely, R. C. F.vanson. busi-1 ness agent of a cannery workers local here, said Monday. . A strike against 12 canneries in the Portland-Vancouver area was postponed last Thursday when tentative agreement was reached on the contract. It was announced then that the workers would vote . . , i on tne agreement .mohimj i Tuesday. Evanson said the union local s secretary was in Vancouver. B C . and "we don't know when he will be back." Evanson said a new date for the vote probably would he set after the secretary returns Meanwhile, negotiations with other cannery firms are being de layed. VIETNAMESE, LAOS IN PA( T SAIGON .f South Viet Nam and the kingdom of Laos have agreed to establish diplomatic re lations. South Viet Nam already has relations with Cambodia, the third Indochinese state. M OR S Win A New 1956 MORSE Portable Sewing Machine - Free $ m re Here's All You Have To Do Maka up words, in croft-word puillt faihion, .tarring from lh waid MORS! filling in a Wtt.r in tack iquara You MUST tart with tha word MOUSE. All word, muil road from top lo Bottom or Iron loft to right . . . Ilka in a cronword punlo. Plural, ably, but no hyphonatad wordi. Alt word mutt appaar in an fnjlith dictionary. No propor namai. Whan all tha Iquarai ara fillod, add up to total point v.luti, according to tho oinl vauo-tabla. and wrilo tho total pointt whoro hown. -rauia of tho difforont point valu.i on aach lottar, tha hishait tcoro rl obtalnod by wiing hlgh-valuo lottort. Iilio X or 1. Mail tho putilo and coupon j MOSSl all antriat mutt ba poll- mamaa oafora midnight Saturday, Juna Oth. POINT-VAIUE-TABLE A-2; B-3; C-3; D-2, E l, M, G; H-4; 13; J-8; K4; 12; M-S; N-S; 0-1; P-3; Q-10; R-l; S-2 T-2 CLIP THIS COUPON! $ I THIS MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY AND MAILED ' 1 IN WITH YOUR ENTBYI I I GENTLEMEN: Enclosed is my entry in your "Morse" con- tfMt. Nam . 1 . Address I City Phone ID You Own a Sewing Machine? . . s-sr IraneJ Age I SALEM MORSE SEWING CENTER 2007 Fairgrounds Rd. Salem, Or. L . i Contest Ends Saturday, June 30 at Midnight RULES OF THE CONTEST I. Only ono ontry from oach houtahold and only ono winnor will bo namad in any ona houlahold. 1 ConlaitanH muit ba avtr II yaari old . Entrioa wiH bo judgad by corroctnou, highait point valuo, noatnoat and promptnaaa of roply. Tha dochion of tho judgo wiH bo final. Alt antriai bocomo tha proporty of MOtSi. 4. Employooa of Morw and tho nowipapar ara not oligiblo to partkipata J. AN antrioi muit bo poilmarkad boforo midnight Saturday. SALEM 199" List Price AflORSE FIRST PRIZE Brand new 1956 MORSE PORTABLE SEW IN MACHINE, (imranleed for life. Built-in Sewlighl, Fabric Selerlor, Automatic Darner, Automatic Bobbin Winder, lloatinn Presser Foot. Sews practically anythin(. 40 OTHER PRIZES SEWING CENTER 2007 Foirgrounds Rd., Salem, Oregon Phone 4-7102 t 0 I hi YOUR RECIPE FOR BETTER HEALTH We require a doctor's prescription to protect your health. Stil'ed pharmacists always ready to serve. Rx is Latin for "recipe"! Capital Drug Store 2 Locations to Better Serve You Main Store: 405 State, Corner s Liberty Prescription Shop: SI7 ( hemeketa, (.riffin Blrig. WE (.IYE W GREEN' STAMPS Our Store is Air-Conditioned bv Frijcidairr Shop Here ( omfortahlv rT7 iT 1 NOTICE 1 1 ! SALEM, OREGON LAST (LEAN-UP DAY AT PEHMEY'S Closed All Day Wednesday Grand Opening Thursday 9:30 A. M. To 9 P. M. Also Friday 9:30 A. M. To 9 P. M. li L Sq'Yd" CARPET yVa Reg. Price 7.95 NOW ONLY L-LiJ Sq. Yd. You Save 3.00 Per. Sq. Yd. t A closely woven, loop pile carpet of 100 Avisco carpet yarn. Beautifully loomed on a heavy rubberized backing to give years of luxurious service. SELECT ROOM SIZE RUGS or WALL-TO-WALL TYPE jj Check the savings on these room size rugs. REGULAR SALE S,,e PRICE PRICE 9x12' 95.40 59.40 9'xl5' j 119.25 j 74.25 12'xl2' 127.20 79.20 12'xl5' 159.00 99.00 12'xl8' 190.80 118.80 12'x24' 254.40 158.40 No Binding Necessary You save an additional $4.00 to $6.00 per rug. Custom Carpet 2 Rooms Wall-to-Wall Only $13 Per Month Typical Room Example 24' DINING ROOM LIVING ROOM 12' Completely carpet these 2 rooms, in cluding heavy waf- fie padding & gen uine smoothedge, tackless installation for only $259 12' f AlC $.nO DURING THIS SPECIAL EYENI NO DOWN PAYMENT PHONE 3-9148 FOR CARPET CONSULTANT He will be glad to bring samples to your home and help you with your decorating problems. (ON APPROVED CREDIT) WILLAMETTE TALLET'S LEADING APPLIANCE & HOME FUJNiSHEB SALEM OREGON CITY FREE PARKING FREE DELIVERY 260 State St.