t 2 Guard Pilots Fall to Deaths MTiifiPiiiBiri wtmm BOISE. Idaho Two Oregon Air National Guard pilots or i gun nery mission jumped to their deaths Monday when the jet engine of their FWB fighter-interceptor plane quit shortly after takeoff. Maj. J. B. Blair, public information officer for the 142nd fighter interceptor wing at Gwen Field, identified one of the men as the pilot of the plane, Capt. Wallace L. Parks. 34, Portland. PDCDDS When Eisenhower was president of Columbia I'niversity he inaugu rated what is known as the Amer ican Assembly. I'nder university auspices a group of people were invited to Ardcn House, the former E. H. Harriman home in the S: mountains near New York Cit to spend several days in cone traled study of important public questions. Those invited came from varied walks ol life, political affiliations and places of re.M drnce with the common character istic of interest in government and capacity to make some contribu tion to discussions. Several of those Assemblies have been held, rid their published reports have given an index to the thinking of informed Americans on many cur rent issues. This year the experiment was tried of having regional assem blies to consider the general topic of state government One for the Pacific Northwest was held in Spokane June 21-24. It drew to- gcthcr for the four days some 50 .icprcjentative citizens of Washing ton, Oregon. IdaJw and Montana. They included professional people i chiefly lawyers1, some public ol ficjals, educators. ,, labor leaders, businessmen, club women. In working they were divided into three groups. Each group was giv en the same set of questions for each session. They worked through four half-day sessions, then as sembled Sunday morning to ham mer out a summary of their views. (Inly three 'speeches" were heard at the evening sessions. One was by Thomas Stewart, Juneau liiw yer. on Ihe draft constitution re cently prepared for. Alaska, one by Frank C. Moore of New York, who was controller under Gover nor Dewey and for four years (Continued ta editorial page. 4.) Truck Flips; Pair Injured lutrimin N f wt Srrvlr WOODBl'RN A sawdust truck went out of control Monday night on the Woodburn-Molalla highway , near the Pudding River, struck utility pole and overturned. Two Dersons were injured. Stale nnlice investigation of the crash continued into the early morning hours, with details not ail! assembled. Salem Memorial Hospital re ported admitting as emergency pa tients from the accident Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Robison. They were still under doctor's care with no report of the extent of injury im mediately available. Non-Swimmer 9 12, Drowns MADRAS. Ore. old girl w ho 12 - year - COIlldn t swim drowned Mondav afternoon when a raft overturned in a (arm pond near here She was Beverly Ames, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Marvin G Ames. Madras area farmers. She was playing with two com panions in the pond on the farm of Earl Watson when the mishap occurred. NORTHWEST I.EXGtT. At Yakima 13. Salnn .1 At Tn-Clty 5, Euiifne 4 At Wenatchf 2. l.i wistnn 5 PxrlHC COAST I.F f;l'K Al Vancmnrr S. Porlland 4 Al San Uirso 2 Sacramento 9 OnI K.tnirs M-hrflulpfl N TIOS l. I KAI.I i: Al Piooklvn .1. ChlraS'i ? At Philadelphia a. Milwaukee S At Pnlslnirt;h I. Cincinnati 2 Only famrs scheduled AMFRK AN I.FAGl'K At Kansa City I New York 9 At Detroit 3, Washington S. Only games achrduled WILBERT "This Is my lost warning, Cronpo. If you don't stop spoil- Ing Wilbert I'm going to 1st yew hove him!" :.-.v;.:-.y- ?s7, . He said Parks was a caretaker for the Oregon Air National Guard He identified the other man as 2nd U John G. Kominoth,. 27. of Bay City. Ore. Blair said Parks radioed that ; the engine of the plane was giving out. Moments later the men jumped from an altitude of about 200 feet. Blair said one of the parachutes opened partially and the other not at all. Air guardsmen from throughout the Pacific Northwest are here for summer training. British Judge Shot in Cyprus, i.u Lcaiu I check out of Walter Reed Army NICOSIA. Cyprus ii T w n1 Hospital about Kriday or Satur gunmen Monday shot a British oilV. 8t ,ne sam' lime postponed write who had nassed six rlenlh talks with India's Prime Minis- sentences on pro-Greek rebels. He rr Nehru which had been ar-1 was ih a dangerous condition Mon- ranged belore his illness for July day night. 7-lfl. justice Bernard V. Shaw, c.i, Th'y had planned to confer at sulfered head and throat wounds Eisenhower s secluded mountain The gunmen shot him while hc!lodKe at Thurmont, Md. sal between two Turkish police1 The President agreed with Neh bodyguards in his car as it stop- ru'j suggestion that he might not' ped for a signal light in busy Vic- be sufficiently recovered in time, tona St. The assassination at-.to go ahead with the talks on tempt occurred shortly after 1 p m in Ihe teeming Armenian quar- ,pr 0 tnp 0i,j war( t.l(. The tun ncvnilanlc nr,.c,mH iama trip by the be pro-Greek Eoka underground workers, fled as Shaw's body guard opened fire and pursued them .They leaped info a small car and escaped. At Nicosia general hospital a doctor said Shaw has a chance but emphasized that his condition was dangerous. i A Greek woman was fatally' wounded by troops who cordoned off the area in a search for the gunmen. She was struck by a bul let aimed at her husband died in a hospital later. She McMininice Won't Seek Senate Helm PORTLAND ( - Re-election campaign plans will prevent State Sen. Warren A. McMinimee from sepking the presidency of the Sen- 1 ale at the 1957 Legislature, the Tillamook Republican announced Mondav. I McMinimee said he could not . take time "from mv work hnlh tn campaign and to make contacts necessary to plan with members lm R "r me coming session. - Only Republican senator nnwi (actively campaigning for the pres- idcncy is Warren Gill, Lebanon j attorney. , Playwright, Miss Monroe Won't Saturday; i ROXBl'RY. Conn Arthur Miller said Monday night he and Marilyn Monroe won t be mar- ried before Saturdav. , The playwright talked to a group of reonrtcrs outside his eonntrv Marilyn, S3 $ ti S' U Li C ; k I ' 'Li. ROXBl'RY, Conn. Playwright Arthur Miller and actress Marilyn Monroe snuggle for photographers j jlwn 0f n, country place here, where the couple drove Sunday night from New York City for I a vacation before their marriage. Miller'' mother said there will be NO word tor a few davs about plans for the wedding, since the lOorh Ytar Panama Confab Bids Ike President to Kest First at Gettysburg WASHINGTON' - President Eisenhower decided Monday to at tend a July 21-22 Panama City conference of the American re publics after a period of conval escence at his Gettysburg farm starting this weekend. But the President, planning to schedule. On the other hand Ki-' senhower concluded that he will be v eil enough to make the ran- end of the third gan. of Monmouth, Oregon Demo cratic stale chairman, announced u'5 Monday afternoon the President stened to music and napped. Twining Sees Supersonic Russian Jet MOSCOW Top American and British air generals took a jeep tour of liirssia's tightly guard- ed Kubinka airbase Monday and were -shown a new twin-engine bomber which they were told could fly faster than sound. The U.S. Air Force does not yet have a supersonic bomber. Gen. Nathan Twining. U.S. Air Force chief of staff, seven of his aides and s party of British, French and other foreign military men invited to the I'SSR to see its latest aviation achievements.! traveled in a motorcade to Ihe airbase 40 miles outside Moscow.! A party of American newsmen ho ,ried 10 ,rail alon8 wrre turned oack ny missian olliccrs M mlles ou,slae Moscow. r - t .iion nnun., i. WASHINGTON Robert Hiimphrcvs was sworn in as a t'.S. Sen. Monday, succeeding Ihe late Alhen W. Barkley D-Ky. Beauty Visits at Fiance's Home home here after returning from New York. Miss Monroe is visiting Miller, his molher and Miller's two chil- dren by another marriage j When rennrter akrd Miller Arthur Snuggle r j couple is "worn out from i strenuous two weeks. (AP Wirepholo). 2 SECTIONS-! PACES Resigns PORTLAND Howard Morgan, above, resigned Monday as state Democratic chairman to join the national campaign staff of Adlai Stevenson. (VP Wirepholo). Morgan Quits Demo Post to Aid Stevenson PORTLAND Howard Mor- Mondav he has accepted appoint- mcnt In I hp mtifin;ii rntnnnipn staff of Adlai Stevenson and will ' not seek re-election at the state party meeting next month. Morgan said his new duties will begin July 1. He said Stevenson had asked him to work in his be half in some of the Western and Miri,. ,.ci,.rn ciot.c anH "ihi will include Oregon, where, at the re quest of both candidates, I shall work for (iov. Stevenson and Sen. Wayne Morse as well as lor the rest of the Democratic ticket." Possible successors mentioned include Chct Lowry, Washington County party chairman, and Bob Boyer. Jackson County chairman. Lowry announced earlier he would be a candidate while Boyer has been asked to run by some Demo crats but has not made up his mind. Gunmen Collect From Club, Bank MINNEAPOLIS - A stocky gunman with a blue scarf pulled un around his fare srooned iid about $25,000 and escaped Mon- dav after a noon-hour holdup at the suburban Plaza State Bank, . ; CINCINNATI iff) Two gunmen , L 1.J nc 1 nf ll.iut-u i. (JdiliiilS 1NU l-lllii)r ui the Sportsmen's the Sportsmen's Club into a din- ing room Monday and robbed the Icafe of an estimated $13,000. about the wedding, he first said it would not be this week Then he allered Ihe statement to say "not hcfnrr Saturday." Where would the wedding he' I "I haven't made up my mind Happily If. The Oregon Illness Fatal to Admiral King Dies of Heart Failure; Kites Pending PORTSMOITH, Ml ifFleet Adm. Ernest J. King, 77, who commanded the world's mightiest sea force in World War II. died Monday at Portsmouth Naval hos pital after acute heart failure in duced by high blood pressure. In failing health since a brain hemorrhage in August. 1947, the wartime chief of Naval operations was stricken early Sunday. Still on Active List King, still carried on the Navy's active list, came here June 5. fol lowing his custom of recent years to spend the summer residing at the Naval hospital to avoid the heat of Washington. Winters he spent at the Navy's medical center. Bethesda. Md. King's death left three five star fleet admirals Leahy, Nimitz and Halsey. Death came at 2 45 p.m. King's son, I.t. Comdr. Ernest J. King Jr.. was at the hospital. Comdr. King flew here Irom Washington Sunday after his father's condi- l'n was adjudged critical, Tentative Services The Navy said in Washington it has tentatively arranged funer al services for Adm. King at 1 P m- 'r-ui rnaay. Washington National June 29, at Cathedral. A spokesman said that final ar rangements must await word from the admiral's family, but that it was understood that it was- Adm. King s wish that he be buried in the cemetery at the Naval acade my at Annapolis, Md. Further details are not expect ed to be available until Tuesday. Hound Bites Hand That Fed Traffic Ticket to Owner NEW YORK on A woman motorist's dog Monday bit the hand that gave her a summons for improper driving. Patrolman Marion De Lauro, 2". issued a ticket to Mrs. Ida P"1"'1' for olnS the wrong way on a one-way street. She asked him how to get to Pennsylvania Station, and he said, .... nAf....J in Ai-rJinntinn a nr KI ami t u , AH.a,,al,u,,, a,,. . , . , . . hunting hound in fhe back seat'.. . , . . ,, . ' reached out and grabbed his right' index finger. Wed Until yet." he said. "It probably won't he here because it's too close to' the main road. You fellows 're porters and photographers i will be ; all over the place." Miss Monroe remained in the house all day. while reporters. . photographers and some sightse-1 ers galhered outside She joined ; Miller on the lawn Monday night and posed fur photographers Asked if he and Marilyn intend ed to stay here the rest of the week, Miller said he didn't know . and added that perhaps they would move further away from New York, which is about HI miles from here, lie gave no hint ol where they'd go If the couple takes out a mar riage license in Connecticut, they must wait live days before using it, unless Ihey obtain a waiver from a probate judge. So far Ihey have made no visible mines to ward Ihe marriage that they an nounced lat week would take place before July 13 Ihe day Miss Monroe leaves fur London. Clouds Slated To Follow Sun Salem's summery day Monday brought out a hot sun and an 82 degree thermometer reading, but this probably will be followed by some cloudiness today, the V. S. Weather Bureau station al Salrni airport reports. "Perlect weather" prevailed al so along Ihe Oregon Coast Mon day. There, too. Mime clouds are forecast lor Tuesday. Forecasters saw a possibility ot light showers in Salem by Wed nesday. COP Clambake Sel for July 1.) SKASIOK 'f Republicans are planning a ebmhake and political raMv here .Inlv 1" The alla'r is uunllv vpun-ored by Ihe Oregon Republican Clnds and Ihe Multnomah County (lOl' nrgani7ntiun Some I IKW are i-x- pecteri In attend A special 20-car passenger train svi.rv pn:riplTTlos will carrv Ihe Renuhlicans from ln irt of wihfr far s-pl Portland to Seaside. FOUNDOD 1651 Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, June 26, 1954 ritish Okeh Tests WASHINGTON By agree-1 mcnt with Britain the I'nited States Monday got the right to a S.00O mile track in the southern Atlantic Ocean over which to test guided missiles. New Test V -VS'' V" fc C"WiV . -.V , . ir . m i mum i MS-1 - . 3 J ASCfKSlOW I j jLwi A-iy . . . ,SIMD Si PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. Map shows location of Ascension Island ia the South Atlantic with relation to Patrick Air Force base In Floriita. Britain today agreed to allow the I'nited States to fire test guided missiles from Florida over British Island possessions to Ascension Island, some 5,000 miles. (AP Wirepholo Map). Averell Gets Boost From Gov. Chandler ATLANTIC CITY I - Averell Harriman got a strings-attached boost from Gov, A.B. (Happy) Chandler of Kentucky Monday as i he and supporters of Adlai K. j Stevenson skirmished backstage to line up Democratic governors ' behind their Presidential cam ! paigns. i While nursing Presidential j hopes himself, Chandler made it ; apparent at a news conference I that he was ready to dicker with Harriman about second place on .1 " ' V , tion in August. And. in a whirl of political de velopments at the 48th annual conference of the nation's gover nors. 1. Gov. Phil M. Donnelly of Mis souri trumpeted a note of dis couragement in the direction of the Harriman camp with word he ! lRlr('a on waler now " us believes former President Harry1!""1 wl" 'ac Sa,cm citizens for S. Truman will he unable In con- 'he first time on the water bill trol the state's delegation to the Democratic national convention 2. Gov. Frank Clement of Ten nessee was engaged in a round of political maneuvers that could knock some of the main props out from under the remaining hopes of Sen. Kstes Kefauver of Tennessee to capture the presi dential nomination. Fire District Gains Okeli A fire district for the Wallace ltoad area north ol Wevt Salem was approved overwhelmingly by residents Monday. Seventy of the ?R ballots cast wore in favor of lormation of Ihe lire protection di.tricl Fire d. rectors were elected for the district They aie Margaret Hurlmi, with .Vi voles, Houaid I,. .Irnks, .Vi. Mollis U Huntington. 4R, Glen Martin. 44. and Kmmct T Rogers. 43. Deleated candidates in the close election were Carl Fisketinn. 30; Bart Smith. 30, and T .1. Means, 29 The district, covering both sides ol Wallace Hoad Irom Orchard Hcichts Hoad north to Ihe north rdge of Rogers Homcstiads and cast to the old Willamcllc Hiver channel, piobably will contract w.lli Salem lor lire proleilion ser v ii e. lingers said. The Weather Min 41 S VI KM INmChihI II,, k 1 1 Miillorfl Niulh lli-ncl Rnsrhlll H Srfn Fr.mi-i'ii I.m Armi-U-s rnlCflt?" Nfu Vol v. W iltinirtw 74 C f' 1 1. ...i I S V f'C'KIC sr llr..m 1 1 I (1 s.'.mi l',-:l. r !.,.,; ( W, Cm it..- v ,!. 1 J VVrdn, (I n - II; i .il j In Temnriliir Thli Year I t Year Nnrmal I MM 11 21 IS 19 Over Missiles are fired from test center at Patrick Air Force Base in Florida. Until now the missiles could be fired only 1.000 miles under agreements signed with the British in 1930 and 1952. Route Okehed for Missiles City's Water Prices Boosted; Starts July 1 By ROBERT E. GANGWARE City Editor, The Statesmaa" The price on garden watering- and on commercial water use la Salem will rise abruptly, beginning next week.'tht City Council de cided Monday night. But the city's minimum water using under 360 cubic feet) will being. Salem aldermen voted unani mously to put into effect a new rate plan designed to boost water revenues by $110,000 a year in or der to pay off the long-term bond issue for a second major water supply line from the North San tiam River. Review Possible The rate plan passed Monday night may not be the final an swer, Mayor Robert F. White de clared. After the heavy water use season of the next few months, it will be reviewed to see if the additional revenue is sufficient and is fairly apportioned, he in dicated. I'nder terms of the new city rate law. the new charges will be ,""' receive in juij. Lose tow Rales For householders throughout Ihe city, the principal change will be in the elimination of the low Irri- cation rate which for years has been in eltect during summer -. i I i ..,;ll monms. mis means me inc go up from 5 to 15 cents a hun- died cubic feet after the first 500 cubic feel In general, this feature will add up to a doubled water bill in the three or lour irrigation months lor householders who use a lot of evlia water outdoors in the sum mer. Over the year. Hie waler bills for most residential users ill probably average out al some where between 2 7; and S3 50 in stead of Ihe present $2 to $2 50. water olficials have eslimalecl. Small Concession Industrial users will pay heavy evtra water prices, too, especially the canneries 111 summertime I i;i In 1. -ers w II pav 7 instead of 5 rents a hundred in Ihe high brackets ller 500 000 culm feet a month 'which largest numerics use-, the rale would he '. cents, this concession having been made In the council last nighl after a vliiilv aimed at bringing the big industry water rate increase clos er to 25 per cent than the 40 per cent originallv outlined in the two ( i. vc; :.r-ill cialer rate proposal 1 Additional 2, Ser. l.i Council news. (iales. Faor MillCilv Merger Of HidiSehools ,,0i Stxlrsman Nfi Sfrvue '"'! M1U, CITY SchiHil voters of 'Z both (iates and Mill City voted mi ; heavily in favor of a union high school district Monday no Mill City favored t h- merger 114 '"' to 2 and Calev voted f 24 lor the "" ptopoval lolh 1 1 -t r i it -i had pre it viol .Iv ca-l l.ivoralili- voles on the ir al; i i 1 In;! a thil il pi opcisi cl pal ',','( ! -'o alley h.id at that elee ; tain volr'l to slay out The new ele I lot; ! neit w a- nei-cs.il i Voters in Ihe two di.slncts Mun : day a!-u appiovcd the proposal to I take over MJI City High School 1'nrnnrrtv for the union hich dis I r- t - ' J - " - I trici. PRICI U - U Possessions1 The old agreements permitted ' the- missiles to be shot over the British Bahamas. j I'nder arrangements completed in Washington Monday, the range jis extended to Ascension Island, rate of 11.20 a month (for those stay Ihe same, at least for the time Salem Video Firm Asks i TV Channel WASHINGTON I - Salem Tel evision Co. Monday applied to the Communications Commission for TV channel J at Salem, Ore. I At the same time, the company asked the commission to vacate i the channel 3 construction permit ! held by Salem Radio Station KSLM. The petition said forfeiture I was warranted because the permit jwas issued in September, 1953. I and no station has been put the air. on i j is owned I Salem Television Co by C. 11 Fisher, vice president of KVAL-TV at Kugene, Ore. Storer Broadcasting also is seek ing Salem's channel its Portland outlet, operating on I'HF 3 for use oy u '. T m iv recently aavisea me com- I mire inn it nnii rnnt rani A In mif ... .--. ... "". i Hofman, 61-year-old faun neater, chase the Salem channel. provid-ihad wo) inf1uonw over Juliana ed the commission will permit Hs;h , to a(far 0f state r,nt n. In I'Arl anfl Kxcursion Hoat Proposed for (lily A Willamette River excursion boat was proposed to Salem City Council Monday night Councilmen referred to the city manager a request from Richard I. (' Panek, of Willamette River Trolleys, for permission to estab lish such a boat service with loading privileges at Wallace Marine Park In another tjgn of increased marine activity here, the alder men adopted a Iraflic code apply ing to the marine park, with one way routes set, parking specified and special area reserved for boat trailers Embezzling 20-Year Term in Prison Milll-'OI.K. Va Minnie Maii-;um. who stole more than a million dollars from her employer. , was .sentenced Monday to serve j L'O years in prison She will be, 'eligible lor parole alter live years j The .Vi year-old defendant, a! plump spinster whose formal edu- cation ended in the seventh grade.! was sentenced to 10 years for em bezzling $1 ,(W2 .8 I'.i and 10 years for lying to the stale corporation commission in her financial re ports. i Corporation cour' indue II Law li-ece Btilloc k speci'ied lite two sentences arc to run consecutive ly He imposed sentences ol two vears each to run concurrent with the :o vc . ers. on eight indict ments alleging forgery, two allcg - i ing false information and one al 'lcing embezzlement ol J17.000. N. 91 vilDSSDUe S.tM mile la the South Atlantic roughly halt way betweea Africa and South America. ft will be possible, aa Ah- Fore spokesman said, to test hilly long range fuided missile, such as th "Snark," one of the newer weap ons under oevekwrnent. Each missile which leaves the launching area in Florida trav els down a flight corridor aver aginj 40 mile ia wkhh, Irom 1 which all ship and planes have been cleared ta advance. All alocf the way the flight t observed by radar, by f d watchers en island stations and where possible by camera-eauiD- I ped observer planes. Fewer to Destroy A safety officer at all times has ' the power to destroy the missile if it fives any Indication ot get Ung out of control. The extension of the range lim its from 1,000 to 5.000 miles car ried the implication that the t'HV' ed States is nearinf the time x.Iiet 1 1 it will be testing missiles of much . ! ?reaer age thanr these already tried out. .. Navah Tested In addition to the Snark, the Navaho is another intercont'ne-'al missile .which has been -ut through its paces at the te f ground at Cape Canaveral, Fla.; Both the Snark and the Navaho have ranged up to 5,000 miles. -J Two agreements were signed by Secretary of State Dulles and British ambassador R;pf M sk ins. Besides the Aseens on island I cement there was em extend" I,."- ml..n. .. i Puni Hko to St. Lucia in tlx- Wind-; ward Islands, roughly 400 miles. Dutch Royal :: Couple Said; : Fighting Again AMSTERDAM Ml -The Gh man weekly Der Spiegel at Ham burg, first to publish the disputed report of a rift between Queen Ju liana of The Netherlands and her husband, Monday carried a fresh account of friction ia the royal household. , The news magaiint said Prince Bernhard. Juliana's husband, was threatening to leave the Dutch royal court and take twa of hil daughters with him unless his mother received an invitation to the June garden parly on hit birthday. A high source at the royal pat-! ace here said this story was "non sense." The report appeared as front; mi eei her snlaxhed Dlcture of' ! Juliana and Bernhard smiling hap! ' Pily together when they were- Join- prince Margriet, 13, and.. 17-vear-old Princess Irene at a sports festival Sunday to raisa funds for the Dutch Olympic I team he royal family's first Der appearance together since SpjeBe ciajmed that Miss Greet I . ...... ' L nd thai the queen and her hus band wrre about to get a divorce. That report of Der SpiegcJ was denied by government leaders and palace officials. Today's Statesman 'age Classified 14-15 Sec. .11 .11 II I .. 1 II , H II . II I .... I ... Comics 11- Crossword 13 Editorials 4 Homo Panorama 6-7. Markers 12 Obituaries 12 Radio, TV 11. Sports 9, 10. Star Gazer 2 Valley News 3 Wirepholo Pagt 11. Minnie Gets Three other indictments char?-; ing embezzlement of $2.R84.000; were dropped on stale pros. Lin- . wood Tabb's motion. Miss Mangum demonstrated great skill at juggling the books of Commonwealth Building and Loan Assn to conceal defalcations of almost three million dollars that toppled the institution into ruin At her trials last month the state produced witnesses who testified Mis Mangum stole the vast sums ol money during the past 22 years and gave much of it to hr rela tives and friends. A score of these relatives and 'ricncls are now being sued by the f Heral Savings and Loan lnsur - ; ance Corp. lor more than a million it contenas miss Mangum gave them from her employer's fundi.