Rebuilt Dallas Bridge Ends Hazard V. . vl . , . ; ; '. -..-.?, -,.;-,.r- v , , ; ; '- riff ' ..'t;''."JiKt. fi.:?, - " . . -riAtl , DALLAS Now opr to traffic Is thr nidcnrd Ltvrni Stmt bridge, eliminating hazard af former narrow bridge. The new bridgr has M-foot roadway with S-foot aidewalk oa either tide. Walk wrsl aide runs all thr way to Lyle School, two blocks north, assuring safrtjr of school childrra. Bridge was con structed by Charles Wiedemaa. contractor. Log jams in winter floods nearly washed it out. Valley News Statesman News Servic Summer Kvnils On Calendar of Silverton (fIii) SUlPknun Nrws Srritf SII.VKKTON - A umitier nic and fluurr slum aiv lit'intf planned by the SiUertin, , Jy-t'- The picnic i planner! fur July pie- Pioneer-Style Tent Meeting Starts Jiiv 7 Slatrtman Newt Servira MONMOITII As a major lea lure of its' centennial activities, scheduled Inr (he last part nl July Harrv Dill in President of Church Group AUtriman Vrm Sifrvlrff McMIN.NVlLI.K-Dr. Harry L. Dillin. president of I. infield col lege fur 13 years, has been elect ed president h( the American Bap-ti-.l Convention representing 1. rOU tKHi members Irum 6M con tireKulions in 34 states Other new Baptist officers are Marguerite Hazzard. f'elham. N. .. fust vice president, and Rev. Jilsuo Morikawa, Chicago, second vice Dresidcnt. !t at Cnnlirlce and MeClaino Park '"e .Monmouth Christian ( hurch is )r Dillin. who rose frnm as at Silvertnn. and the tlower show sponsorins a pir)ncer tent meeting sotl;iP professor of economics to will he Aug 4 at the Kugene on the rity lot cast of the church, l.mfield s president in 12 years, Kielr! huildinj. Bene! it of the col- from July 1-15. lws sfrvc(j ono year on the On fee hour in conjunction w ith the The churih is completing plans eral Council of the American Bap show, will he pre-school play- tn celebrate its inoth anniversary j list convention and is a past pres ground equipment for the Coolidge nf founding as part of the centen ident of the Oregon Baptist con- roltee hour;mal celebration in .Monmouth this vention. jear. , The Rev. Klery Parrish. well j SIIOIXD KNOW BETTER known minister and evangelist in( MKX1CO CITY i You'd uienon. lormeriy pastm oi ine ,lc ,hjnk ., bllrl,.ir wo,,i( know bet- f (Fund Probe " !: Yields Video 'Blacklisting' NEW YORK .r - The Fund for the Republic Sunday found black listing lor political beliefs a wide I spread practice ifi the movie, ra dio and television industries, but much less prevalent in the the ! ater. In a two-volumt .Wpage re port, the Fund said that in Hol lywood blacklisting is "almost un iversally accepted as a fact of life" "All the studios are now unani mous in their refusal to hire per sons identified as Communist Par- "'-aJ 'y 'Il('mor', ho have not subse nnontlv tnctifioH in full hfnre the House I n - American ActiMties Committee." the report said. "The studios are equally ada mant about not hiring witnesses who have relied upon the Fifth Amendment belore Congression al Committees." The report found that blacklist ing was "more complicated" in the radio and television fields than in Hollywood, where the hiring is concentrated in five or six major studios. In radio-TV, the report said, "advertising; agencies, networks, program packagers and sponsors all have a voice in deciding who will he user1. "The result is a multiplicity of lists and procedures, different pol icies on different networks, the creation of a secret and labyrin thine world of political screening" Humphrey Baekcd for Veep Post MINNEAPOLIS - Senator Humphrey iD-Minn was recom mended as a can8idato (or Vice President Sunday by the Minne sota State Democratic - Farmer -Labor convention which held Pres ident Eisenhower ' primarily" re sponsible for what he called a ' "crisis" in civil rights. ' Nomination of Humphrey for Vice President would "strengthen 'the. National 'Democratic" ticket regardless of who is the presiden tial nominee." a unanimously ap . proved resolution said. I It also called on the Democratic I National Committee to recognize ' Humphrey as the most effective I "Mr. Democrat" who could be French Slay 51 Algerians ALGIERS. Algeria if The French said Sunday infantry and mechanized ca airy units are locked in a battle with national ists in the desolate Aures Moun tains of northeastern Algeria They reported 51 rebels killed The French also reported they had idled or captured more than 100 rebels in operations along the Tunisian frontier in the east and the Moroccan frontier in the west. The battle in the Aures Moun tains began when motorized in fantry units trapped up to 3w uni formed rebels 20 miles southwest of Khenchela. chosen to keynote this year's Democratic convention. Miss German v Tille Won With Ciippyr, Vills BADEN BADEN. Germany -Marina Orschel. a curvy 19- year -old blonde from West Berlin, was chosen Miss Cermany 1956 Saturday night. Thre pills and two glasses of champagne helped her combat a fit of stage fright, but then she won by an overwhelm ing vote. With the title went 30. COO marks '17 140' worth of gifts, including in air ticket to Long Beach. Calif , where she will take part in the Miss I'niverse con test. She Is a student of classical dancing. Her statistics: 37-21-33. The New York metropolitan area has 12.300.000 people. Statesman, Salcm,Dre., Mon., June 25, 56 (Sec. Bullets Spear Bystanders j KANSAS CITY UP-Four inno ' cent bystander were wounded here Saturday when police ahol ! and captured (unman in a pistol duel on a cmwded downtown street. Atl of the people struck by i stray bullets escaped critical w , jury . said attendants at a hospital i here. The gunman, identilied by police as Joe Casey, was shot la the left arm. Most seriously wounded was ' 26-vear-old Lester Williams of Kansas City, who was hit by bul lets in both legs Also wounded were Leror Williams. 2S, his 32-year-old-wife, both of Kansas City, and Harold Riggers, 31, of Kan sas City, Kan. Casey and a brother, William, were jailed for investigatioa. People Do Read Spot Ads (You Art) j. and MrClaine Park has been set lor 2:30 to 3 p. ni. The young women have voted to discontinue horticulture frnm the show and will have arrange ments only Mrs. Harlan llotn will be chairman nl the show, others assisting are- Mrs. 'loin Myers, publicity . Mis Ol.rf Paul son, classilication: Mrs. Robert Howell, registration. Mrs. James Nelson and Mrs. William Hanson, judges; Mrs. William Duncan, hostess: Mrs .lames Ekman. pos ters; .Mrs Keith Anderson, invita- I Young Lion Arrives for Convention MIAMI. Kla 'A frisky three-months-old lion scampered down an airliner's gangway Sun day to serve as four-day conven tion mascot of 40,000 Lions Club members from 79 nations. The tawny cub, named Cee-Zee, is a gift of Portland, Ore., and Portland l.ions (Tub. After the Lions International Convention, it'!iv,,le (hristuin Ihurih, w ril flT 'rnis one swept up loot in the ""' ,ul' W1" r('Mlme a Journey brinx messages each night at 7 ..45 nonle 0 Virginia Diego de Garcia. 10 200 at Santiago. Chile. ., except Saturdays. Old lime ?o-,,l Tnt. ,)(lt ini.liao(i a parrot. Me! Santiago plans to send Port sinmnK will be part of each night's ms, h;lve or),(,.n a ,)alrot can .land's zoo a Chilean condor in program. Musical presentations,,. Tn, parrol talked - at the exchange. and special leatures are planned ! top o( hls volce. Hls str,M.thes Delegates to the 39th annual and a nursery for babies will be brought neighbors who nabbed the Lions International convention maintained in the nearby churc'.i , burglar. I convene Monday. OUlKllIlg. The Rev. Richard Owen, pastor here, states that "churches in this tions; Mrs. David Demeter, prires; Mrs Uarence Hrownell, anf. ,.,r,mlB(1inl, ,mmilnlilr rules and classifications Robert Sites, tally reporter Mrs. Crash Injures Valley Pair Statesman Nfwi Srvirt SII.YKRTON - Mrs. Clarence F.ishhaugh, XI. Silverton, is at the Silvertnn Hospital with broken ribs ;tnr) possible other injuries sus 'ained in an accident in the Brush Creek area early .Sunday morning As a result of the same accident 1 cMcr Peterson. 41. Independence, v as also hopit ali7fd with non sci 1011s injuries when his car ap parently went out the hank at Hn:h Creek, hospital authorities said Hospital attendants said Sundav c. emng. that while neither was considered critical, the extent of 'he injuries were not yet known as X rays had not been completed. cordially invited to share the out door services, and visitors will find a friendly welcome extended." Vallev Births SUtMtnan Newi lervlr SILVKRTON-To Mr. and Mrs. Kujjcno Fowler, Scotts Mills, a son, June 2.1 at the Silverton Hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Vergu son. Silverton, a daughter, June 23, at the Silverton Hospital. NOWMN IN PARIS MONMOI'TII - Army Private Nnwlen H Nowlin, 19)4 graduate nf Oregon College of Kducation, re cently arrived in Paris and is now assiKned at Supreme Headquarters Allied Towers Kurope. Get Ready-Set-and Go-To DOWNTOWN TV SALEM (J STORES OPEN i p M i TODAY TO Best of Service Grtitett Values 1 0 Acret of Exciting Merchandise Vallev Uriels Stayton The monthly merlins of the women nf ihe Churih ot Christ will be held in the Bible School building Thursday, June 2R al ft p m. The speaker of tie evening will he Dr. James .Vh haugh, Marion County juvenile ol ficer. Willamlna Truninse Rehekah Lodge initiation ceremonies will he held July 5 for Mrs. Ardyth Johnson. On the scrying commit tee that evening will be Mrs. Al bert Johnson. Mrs. Hud Beck, and Mrs. Just LePage. Stayton Stayton I'mon High School district 4.1 will hold annual school elections Monday, June 2't between the hours of 2 tn 8 pm in the high school and Man Linn school at Lyons. Lincoln Mary in Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Avail Miller nl Lin coln is on a two weeks training program at Camp Clatsop as a member of the National C.uard, Company D. MrMinnville Joe Brimmer, Shirley Jaeger and (lilberta Small, all of Salem, are enrolled in sum mer school at Linfield College. Mc Minnville. The first session of the school ends July 20. and Ihe sec ond session will start July 23. Stayton Miss Lnuann Schlies nf Stayton was elected regional cre-nresidenl of the National Fu ture Business Leaders of America j for the northwest district recently j .m Washineton. I) C She is em ployed in the real estate office of Drushella and C.orman .since her graduation this spring. PISCATORIAL ROl'NDl'P SHIZl'OKA, Japan 1 - Fish ermen of this village staged a sort of piscatorial roundup Saturday. In 20 boats, they stampeded a heard of 5.'0 porpoises and SO black dolphin intn the tiny har bor. Just caught them sporting around out. tnseaand ran em in. The catch is iorth about $4,200. Where are youf valuables? A desk drawer provides little protection for your hard-to-replace YaluaHes. Yet that-! the filing'' plate for many irmirnnce policies, wills, deeds, car titles, discharge papers savings bonds. Fire and rheft are constant threats but they can"t harm the aluables you keep in 1 Ssfr Deposit Box at l;. S. National. Your valuables receive bank vault protection... and you are sure of absolute privacy. Rent your Safe Deposit Box now at V. S. National real ftt j mind for Uttl mm lb a pen) day! roav-' -v v i zimi--Z7ZW.Ari- went." ?. 1 STATEWIDE I A N K f CONVENIENT BRANCHES IN SALEM UDO 1 WSW SAUM MA NO Itttt mi C www ml GOODYEAR'S o Nri O O 3-T SAFETY SWEEPSTAKES See us for your entry blank now! Nothing to fcuy 575 chances fo winf if ir -n 1 n u u v y v y v y iriiunu y ('0(DO). 1 111 DoLuxe Super-Cushion Look no further! We've got the world's belt deal on the world's most popular tire. Our trade-in allowances are almost as tremendous as the tire itself. You can't go wrong on either. Goodyeir's exclusive 3-T Triple-Tempered Cord and Grip-Seal Construction pro vide extra protection against blowouts and punctures. And for stop-start traction plus longer, safer mileage, you can't beat the skid-resisting, deep-rubber tread. Come in and sec the 3-TTubeless DeLaxe Super-Cushion. Check cr deal tai you'll deal! Convenenf Terms Sfis per mtk buys fwo fires HACK SIDE WALLS WHITE SIDEWAUS tiewtrM Wei IstwirM Wei SIZE hitVfe eiWw , 921 hii-ai aflew arks' fee ifke" fee MO k IS $27.15 $6.96 4.40x15 $34.10 S 152 6.70x15 29.50 7.31 6.70 x 15 34.15 f.04 7.10x15 32.35 8.09 7.10x 15 3145 11 7.40x 15 35.45 M6 7.60x 15 43.45 10J6 8.00x15. 39.45 M6 100x 15 4M5 12.09 1.20x15 40.90 10.23 120x 15 50.11 12i7 M flit T ' ftr Me rttspaoWi tirt MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND MMTH SAUK IRANCN VMIVtRSITY MANCtl 1W4 fmrpmit K4. 13 II SUti JL Wf SI SAUM ImANCII 1117 EliMatar Iji U 12 Mis To Pay $1500 CASH GIVEN DURING JUNE! FREE Whistle Pops With Every Gasoline Purchase While They Last GET YOUR MASTER MONEY TODAY CENTER AND COMMERCIAL MARION AND LIBERTY, COURT AND CAPITOL CENTER AND LIBERTY KEIZER DISTRICT GREEN STAMPS With Every Purchase