I' 3 !' KKSoc. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon, June 25, '56' J!nMC, Unit Flyweight, Bantam Champs Will Risk Crowns By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Flyweight champion Pawual Perei.of Argentina and bantam- weight kinf Robert Cohen of France defend their crowns this week in Uruguay and Italy. Peret meet Oscar Cuarex of Havana at Montevideo. Uruguay, ; Saturday, the first championship NWL Hitters wis Yakima Swatter Has .415 Average Led by le From the looks of Yakima out- 0f prjn,,, earner and Paloino fielder Herman Lewis' batting , Uicudun in 1933. acbJevemenU In the Northeast j DteiilM Disputed League, the circuit might well be, in , non-title match at Tunis called the "Herman Lewis Loop." . two yean ago, Cohen beat Litest Jijures from the William D'Agata on a holly disputed deci- Welti Bureau In California reveal !,, n was one f the two de- that Lewis wai leading the league ; eats i D'Agata'i 52-bout career. in batting (.415), rum batted in, !t wj Dc Cohen's first start 70),-home runs U3, hits '81'. since he broke his jaw in an auto runs S2 and I total bases U42 accident. D'Agata also had a close games played through Tuesday, ca K month, ,g0 wnen his part- June 11 ncr in a laundry business shot Carl Hutxler of Eugene-Ts clos-(him , the ,tomach afler a jis- est to Lewis in batting average, pute with a . mark. n tne fnjtod states, within Ytaag Ha I Wins reach of the television cameras. In the pitching department. Bill (he mual ..udio. programs wlU Griffin of Eugene finally lost a M game ana now nas a -i recora. Yakima s Vict Young leaos in fegthcrwejgn, contender, takes on Baltimore victories over the Ti total wins wilt lues aaaeo an-,kJ che,,nut Wednesday at Wash-,gers A two-run triple and homer ii.il?0!. ii I .fi"? were ington s Uline Stadium. It will be by Harry Simpson and a homer complied). Bill Bottler w Dposane i (h, (irgt away.rom.home start fr by Vic Power paced the Athletics JLISntttaJi ?lCos,a- yMW Brooklyn boy. to their victory. and atso leaTOie bases w jB,h.m. Meeli Tiinier - -.. - oivision wnn a. . .... a t4M. Tagj 111 top fie d'nj CIUO WHO .oi. oaiem u iaui here too, with .WJ. The complete statistics: TEAM BATTINIO b ' h ft 3b hr prt Yklm Lewliton , Trl-Clty , Euiene Sonkant Slem Winitcht 1593 wo M 3.1 40 :S9 H2i 3M H 11 13 .175 m m it .1MI 3U II 17 Am 419 AS .1411 V M 10 .14tt US M S ii zn K .Ml 13 .151 17 J41 TEAM FIELDING ( po tufen 41 1A8S 413 St UwUton 41 HIS 473 71 Wtnaictw J...M 1171 Sit 71 Trt-Clty .44 11 441 IS Yakima .., . 41 If 4M SS Mem . 41 lli4 M4 tl Spoktnt ...... .. 41 12U1 US lit dp pet 31 .Sit 45 .1157 55 .5S indivioval battihu !?. .1 .V . ?.r in!!'; LtwU.Yak Huttlrr.Euf RnMl.Spo Wllnon.Yak Mclnlmh.Lew Xetfe.Uw OtburnX H JackioB.Bpo Rirwy.Lew Bnnr.Yk Holden.TC rJunnilAl 144 M 1 111 4" 15 1.11 41 S an 4 1MI S3 10 45 IS S 1SSS4 S 154 50 S IS 45 S 151 St IS 5 1 22 ? ? 1 4 ..1341 S 1 II 1 4 21 114 I 74 S 11 St 1 It 1 1 S3 13 41 S Is St T i uti Mtriin.TC t S M Ejrrbrook.Sal 131 41 IS 1 40 Jll Nuon.Ylk 1M SS IS t 1 Jll Eutburn.Eug twilmJll Helbic.TC Laeoita.Euf J Jeob(.Lw Wllllm.S4j Hill.TC MulUny.TC Cauthler.Iuf Nesl.Yak Stmpaon.Spo WUon.W 132 41 I I I It Jll 74 23 t 2 12 ..111 152 47 10 4 21 ..lot 152 43 S 2 0 2S 2H S IS .215 4 14 40C 141 44 I M til IS 1J 1.17 40 tl II 141 43 1S4 47 175 50 Klln(lerXW 144 41 11 Prles.TC HI MurDhy.no 1S4 S3 10 Herrers.TC 1S 4S 7 Lundbcrg.Wen 147 41 11 H'llfmnn Srx m 3S 7 WUrox.Yok ISO 50 4 Sfovia.Wen 170 47 11 V'tbtUr.-"! 11 44 7 1rinacel.Eu( 11 31 4 Donihus.Uw M 41 II Mo-ti.-l.Yak 1M 45 4 Anderon.Wen 1J3 41 5 D-an.Eue 15 4 1 rirdley.Eu 151 41 5 Durttto.Wen "4 17 3 Umlth.Eul W 4t 7 Tft.TC 117 41 I Svkula.Sal 154 40 l k m 3 " f." J 2? in!: iJ "" i 2S im 0 s il 34 ,'H 1 111 21R J g , j,7 2 5 IS "OS 0 4 0 1 2 2 2 2"i 2fi!i 5 12 2".1 3 :tl 2'0 1 20 5 0 15 .:51 1 1 '55 0 9 .255 2 ! ."SI 1 I .tSfl Knur Sal 139 M 4 Vhrt.TC lis 30 I Kotpfal l :s .1 f-hllch.1w 51 M 1 Marvlrr.Weii M J5 5 J tyne.Lew H II 4 Orutti.Yak I 0 flkavlrh.Yak Ml JS S r-lrh.Yak PI 31 7 VlniS?! 31 I 2 Klnntll.Spo 3.1 I 1 Kellar.Eul 41 10 1 J Jarkaon.Spo 111 7 1 1 urten.Sal 14 21 4 S-hmtdt.Lew Ira W I Kamamoto.SDO Ul 2A 0 Bourbeau.Spo 121 It 3 Vinnl.Wen 1 14 1 Matav.Wcn II 14 4 ZirlJSel 50 10 3 Flvaa.Wen l.M 30 I Pnpper.Euf 55 10 1 CarlnnSpo 21 3 1 Folay.Wen 10 1 I 0 1 .'SO 2 n 21S S " o q o 10 .200 I S .100 l n .irn 7 IM o 2 101 o I 100 riTCHINO RfCORDS w I in r er hh o Daly.TC J PiMtn.Euf 9 : . . Farrar.Wea 2 Wnlfh.SKl 1 Crlffln.Fuf -n i rtowiH.Vak 4 ' Poenker.Yak 7 Drummond.Yak I Meraeth.TC 3 I Oeorte.Sal i , Youna.Yak I I , J Pentold.Euf 4 , Loy.Iu 4 G.Jacobn Lew 4 t gory. lew 1 ? f Ward.Yak 2 ;t! Buker.TC 2 j. Hodeei.Euf S f" Klndnfather.TC . Aldrtd.TC J S Marten.Euf 3 , KoaUnuk.TC 4 Alderman.Yak-Sal 4 ! s- Wadaworth.Lew S ! - Benton.Lew 5 Roberta. Lw 5 ' AtntlA 3 ' Cox.Yak 1 " - Kawk.TC 1 Weekly.Spo 1 i Cad. Sal 4 .. f. lrinhau,Wfn 4 ghnrtlldfe.Wcn Lvbeck.Weo 2 Bottler.Sro 4 f I.uedtkt.Spo ' '.-: Bound.: 1 Ratallch.Sal 3 Meeklnapo S Han.Euf 1 Caruao.TC 1 i Kinf.Sal 1 s Chaaopo J 1 Herrera.Yak . Humphreys.Wen r Michol.Wan Brewer.Euf Oodel.Lew S y Patula.Euf Altman.Yak S o n is ii a 12 a rr i i -vn (I 33 1 1 2i 0 LB 20 IS 23 ? 1 SO 33 5S 51 S7 B1 31 M 31 40 t ll 3iJ 5, ll 4 M 47 34 31 i 3 k is is 7 SI 3ft T 3S ? S H !J J5 ! in J . . i 1? A i? -a 5 t 2s 2 M l so 4 4 34 4 ' sJ 53 -! J il 34 42 iifl 33 1 It 37 39 9 u M is 4 ? !? f? ?? I 11 Kl 20 15 1 11 12 11 S 1 14 1 7 4 S SI 92 43 4 1 M 4.3 31 27 9 71 4!l 40 3S 4 7S 4.1 M 27 (I SO SI K 99 4 7 S7 92 4ft 2 2D 1 2.1 21 7 SS 3D 33 34 97 97 44 4S 1A a m M I ai 4l ?i I ; ;2 3 23 39 28 44 7 14 II 8 13 1 10 S i 1 I T 1 IS 18 8 7 8 a t i t 0 4 ? ? 1 FOOTBALL RECEIPTS RISE SYRACUSE. N.Y. I Football , TlimfilA nA 1 AUior Dfi1r. Tb - - - I lni'Or tidret return! i 'y"euM0unf 'iy 'rZJZ " Le.1"7.ntn, th arc up mmnm. ..-. - ra. i ". MTrro . i. , u n. Colgate will visit Arcnrwia dium in the fall This Week bout ever held in that city. If Perex wins, he must defend against Mexico's Memo Diez by Sept. 30 or forfeit his title under a ruling of the National Boxing Assn. Cohen risks' his championship against Mario D'Agata. Italy's deaf mute punche' Friday at Home where promoters expect a I crowd of 30.000 for the city's first world title scrap since the days Carm,)0 Cosla. tourth.ranked I Costa won a decision over Chest- , wi(n a record. Costa's record is 29-3-4. Yama Bahama, the classy left hooker from the isle of Bimini in the Bahama Islands, boxes expe- ricnced Gil Turner nl Philadt-lphia 1. ,1,. P,iu k,t .1 U-Hiinn " ' ...v ............ ;!quare uaraen. uanama nas won v siraigni, whipping Hardy Smallwood at championships at Kalamazoo Col Syracuse, N.Y., May 11 in his irg(. s gtowe Stadium, latest start. The newcomer has a Jose Aguero will be out to bring 39-4-2 record. Turner, 25, owns a Tuane University its fourth 50-12-1 record. straight singles title. The Monday show irom M . IN icn '.violas Arena in New York-brings ; js the University of Southern Cali g -Ellin a new face in Jake Josado forftja The Trojans also won the u '.m' Hhilndelphia. a lightweight, ;teara u,u, and lead in poinls for against Ludwig Ughtburn of Brit- the ,sn Honduras, who has won two of three this year .Insado. a kiiikkuui wmiiri um'i niuiui I ei I!?! i 'lev in December, has won six in ..IIS ..1.11 ..MS - 128 ..125 ..124 a row. Lakers Nudg Yakima, 43 .311 .313 KLAMATH FALLS, Ore Of The Klamath Falls Lakers, l is .214 1 semi-pro team, posted its third ji W2 ' stra'Rnt v'ctory over Yak(ni nl l it T ,ne Northwest League in an exhi i 7 .217 1 hition baseball game here Sunday. i ii In ' The core wa' 4'3- 0 is !tii 1 A single by pitcher .lack Henkle 1 Vl -JK scored Steve Stewart with the winning run in the last half of the ninth inning. Klamath Falls has scheoMlrd another exhibition scries with Yakima and 'one with Salem of the Northwest League Sacra- mento and San Francisco of the Pacific Coast Lragur also are to play exhibition games here later mis season. Pii7m Help in Find Oxygen :J HI PI I II .A OKLI'IIIA '.r-The 1'hil- 1 I .24 adelphia Phillies are giving their o 5 .lis - piu-hers a whiff of oxygen in be ll II !J ,wf,n '"imR5- 2 25 mi Trainer Frank Wek-hec has in- stalled an oxygen tank in the dug- out and on hot days, (he pitchers ; and any other Dlaver in need of some air can put on the mask and get revived. Wcichec says little fellows like Harvey Haddix and Stu Miller find it toush to keep up their ftrenglh on wickedly hot days mc uAjfccii utdimrm in uie dug- 23 out helps them t RIM Maralhon Takrn Bv Slu ridan. 2(M6 7 , ,. . , 33 SHF.HIDAN - (Special - The .17 Sheridan I nmU i..l ...... . c..... S . -rinK marathon from Blue . I nk. s,inHi.v h.. ,inu,, .h. . .. .. i5 1 inK Por,land lcan'' 2I)18' Sh"i- si dan's 18-hit barrage was topped bv 43 a homer bv Fred Ilulett and a " triP'' n-v Bob Hi"''". it ' Blue Lake mi Ml ooo m l.i 5 m i s,l'ridan 017 m OOx-20 in 3 521 Fleishman, Clandough 151 and 11 ' 'omanle, Miller fi : B. Ilulett. 4 Wederquist 6i and Hampton. fl IS K4 44 2 4 3 7S 3.3 IS SI Goin ' After 'Em . . 3S (Inntinued from 1. On anel tinea hn. inn 1, (,1H i j j j . . . ' .. nveoeu nap ana tne wind nies days it doesn't pay lo go fishing 14 13 9 t 1 J Trout fishinf is on the Improvement with numerous good re ports coming in most ol last week. Marion lake has been pro curing fish to some anglers at has Lake Ann. Detroit reservoir has keea a fair producer and should improve. Some fine ratehes have beea taken from Clear lake with the rainbows big and fat. East of the Cascades anglers .. UDOer Desehlllns and tilvi nn Din ' auumi ui itisc. 1 lit mini oil civil ui 10 iiivsu; brown trout water with the fly fishing offering th best chances. Wickiup reservoir is still producing some large fish in spite of the abundance of water Flv fishermen and snin rasters are taking and "ost of No sign of algae inff this vear until after .tnlv nh sir , ; It is nice to get reports on lliUiaild X7UH 11 Nats Club 7-2 Rrtls Belt Dodder Twice, Regain 2nd tfoalinrtl fram rrrrdiaf ftt) ; operw 5-J. The second fame was ': halted by rain with two out in the Cubs' half of the sixth. Baltimore .dealt two 3-2 defeats to Detroit as the Tigers" losinj streak stretched to eight, their longest since 1953. Kansas City . thrashed Boston. S-i. behind the sir. hit pitching of Alex Kellner. O'ComcII Big Hitter The Braves, who haven't lost since Fred Haney succeeded Char- lie Grimm as manager eight days ago. received superb pitching from righthanders I-ew Burdette and Gene Conlry yielded four be- fore leaving in the eighth of the second game because of a 20-min- ute delay mused by rain. Danny O'Connell drove in fixe runs, three in the first game with, his second homer of the year. Pinch hitter Frank B.iumholtx j singled in the winning Philadel- Iphia run in the ninth inning of the nightcap after Ken Boyer had powered the Cards to their first game win with a pair of homers and a triple, Home Runs Help A s Spook Jacobs, obtained from Kansas City a few days ago, drove in the only run of the game with a single as Lauren Pepper, bonus righthander, outpilched Sam Jones in the Pirates' abbreviated ( vjrtnry Wall Morj.n-s norm,r ca. fired a two-run eighth by the Cubs which snapped a 3-3 tie in ln. first R8rm. - Bj and Ray Moore a pair of ex-Dodgers, hurled the NCAA Tennis Meet to upen KALAMAZOO. Mich. . i, . ...... naunns lop couegiaie tennis piay- rr. begin comnetition Monday in th, national colleeiate tennis - , nPfndinii ehamnion in dnuhles UCLA placed the bowl in com petition effective .ith the championships to honor William C. Aikerman. long-time tennis roach and member of the NCAA tennis tournament committee. The Ackerman Bowl will become permanent possession of the school first compiling 20 poinls. Southern California has S points. Tulane 3, Washington and Texas 2 each, and UCLA and Michigan 1 each. .scnools to he represented ;n Washington and Willamette. Now n Poem From OSC The following little ditty romes lr"m Jnn Kggcrs of the Oreson 'ate I ollcge athletic depart-; ,m(,.nt- J,,hn ,the Bardl is alh': letl5 Publicity director there and evidently has time for a hit of piny on worns now and men i THAT TIME OF SUMMER It's that dull time of summer, When roaches fear the fall, Sports scribes follow Mantle, Bui watch the nearest doll Portland's Beaven fill Multno mah, As (Ireg warms up his arm, ' Chuck Taylor lauds his Indians, ' Those 'pure' ones on the farm El Trojan flexes muscle, He's a favorite in '56, Casanova has the barkfield, The Huskies may be nixed Sanders lost his pupil, He lost some players, ton. rrothro has them worried, About the things he miht do John Wille is a Beaver, Playing tackle is his trade. Everywhere that Wide goes, Progress will be made Francisthrow.thefootb.il. u'.L lit., i. rlln Defiranl pirks his victim, ! And gets the job well-done j Pappy his his problems Though Harvey Knot has gone, Midgets seldom win titles, The season looks too long A change is on it Pullman, Jlm thf M The Skipper isn't ready. A cimp Id,h0 ' mou,d NmlK th' winner won't he easy 'un- however, to try: s ' hen Stanford. Husky and Bruin to tie The race stacks up close, I.en nd Tommv will be tough, Things are lookin" belter. They easily roufd be right rough. reeedlng pare) Tli,( II.. ..o.. 11 n. A ninn latos . " .',' 1 u nown so everyone ratcnes nsn. smni' at all are having good tly fishing on the cleetf-h nf llin nrhlllp hetwMn lIUi Ei-at.k nl malar ia mnctlu yet in Wickiup and it should hold Vi-t.hur.h ..... better fishing lor a change. Rosen Gels " 'jc,"- f ; J CLEVELAI Al Rosen, Cleveland's slugging third baseman, got his l.OOOlh hit in Sunday's 7-2 Tribe victory over Washington. It was a tsi rni homer tit the fifth inning elf Hal Griggs. All of Bosea'i hits have been for the Indians, with whom be started his major career in 194S. His home run total now stands at 185. (AP Wirephoto.) viti 111 I nitimif too YVp. it 11 n Theiiiip. iiviu ijimnce in irxaui (Continued from preceding page) the race with a groin injury in the national collegiate champion- ships eight days ago. Held, the recognized bolder of SPORTSMAN'S BASS BUG FISHING - In early summer, before the hottest weather arrives, a PLY-ROD BASS BUG li ONE OF the best lures k3u can use. bass then prowl in shallow waters for food, especiallv at pawn and dusk. Cast bus near weeps, let it lie motionless until rin&s around it disappear. then use the faintest twrtch possible, when it's quiet again, twitch bus forward 2 or 3 inches (). wait a6ain, then "pop' it a few inches to . rest, then "pop AGAIN, ETC. HOLD ROD a- S tip HI&H . . . r TPIEVE'lS A RyTHWATIC JIGGLE OF HIGH-HELD ROD TIP. IT CRE ATES A FROG-SWIMMING ACTION. Auiihsvilh Legion lops Silveiion CASCAPK HIGH SCH001,Sno cial ' Aumsv ille defeated Siherton 9-5 in an American Legion Junior baseball game played here Sunday. Denny Frank hit J-fnr-5 for Aumsv ille. Frank Marlatt had two hits, one a triple, and (larv Down er belted a home run in Ihe first inning vv ith two on bae Tom Thomas had a triple for Sil verlon Siherton 010 10 020 5 5 Aumsv ille 3oO(H2 0nx-9 1.1 9 Olson. Kronur: Smith, F. Marlatt (9i ond F. Marlatl. Specr '9 in 7 n National I.rajrnr N TION M. I FirM panie ( incinn.itl f m.i r 402 o ift inn Bienkli Khnp. 030 30(i ooft r. 3 1 IUl.-1 1 I . mnrl tlA'lei Tr ue I eh Rneh.irk (Si. F.e- ent ',1 and Walker V Park 1. Roehu.k Second Kail.e. riniiD'iati on' 000 din 2 7 n Rmnklvn 000 (n tdfl 1 .3 C -ixhalt ii'id aRilev Drvdle. I.a bine 1 rt 1 .uid Campanetli I. l.ahine Ftr-t K.ui.e Milwaukee 21111 ono (1411 d 7 ft 1 New Vi.ik 2(10 nun 0(1(1 2 4 1 I n,irrpiie ,-ind Cia'dil' Riitlk. , ll,M,n ' -' and Sirni I. Henrn "irnnn f a: tie Milwaukee New York Cnnlev. .Toils 1 inptnn ('nntt.ili! (nil 102 102-. 7 11 ft 000 ono 010 I 7 2 1 and five Wnrth 181. rirl'ini 'Ol and VVetrii'ii. Mangan ley. I. W'nrthlngtnn W'-Cnn- Fir.t Panie: st jn. nil ("ft lot 8 1; ft Pp I lade Iphl i "02 Oil 0011 4 9 1 Dlrkon. VVelnneier (9i. and Smith; i;inmn, n Miller i.v Itiwin t Flovier i7i. Nesrnv (91 and Lopati. W Wehmeier. L Simmon. Second name: St I. nms ftOfl 2(10 ftOft2 8 ft Phllidelnhla 002 000 001 .1 0 Schmidt. McDanial '9i and Kilt. Owem, Mev-r i4i and Semlmck. W Meyer. L Schmidt First game: Chicago (111 OftO 1209 T I 200 001 0003 4 1 n .t. Rillh V Rjih. Vilenllnettl i7i and Lnd- rlth: Law. King i7i, race (81 and Foilei. Shepard (II. W-Valentlnettl. L-rac. Second game- (CZ ( ailed nd or fifth rain) ono ftp. ft 8 0 000 01 1 4ft Pepper and Krav- I Jones and chm 1,000th Hit m . rp . ' the world javelin record which was hollered Sunday by Finland's Sojni Nikkinen, failed to qualify in the event in the national AAU meet which came to an end here Saturday night. 1 The committee felt both Sime and Held, in view ol their injuries Held had been hampered all spring by ailments should be af forded a chance in the tryout It was believed addition of Ihe two to Ihe tryoiiN was Ihe first time such action has been taken since Ihe tryout program was in itiated in this country in Hi:t2 Team Takes Shape Thus Uncle Sam's Olympic track and field team began to form shape as the athletes quit the scene of the AAU competition and headed for Los Angeles. Final tryouts for the 19.i6 United i States Olympic track and field j team will be held in Los Angeles 1 .June 29-30 Here are some of the ; athletes who have qualified for I the tryouts. They were among Ihe leaders in Ihe national collegiate. national AAU and Armed Forces meels. Qualifying Marks (iivrn Tunes and distances in qualify ing given where available HO-metrr high hurdles Dean Rcnson, Willamette, 13 9, Richard Lindsay, Montana. .V non-meter run Hill Dellinger. Oregon, 14 48 S . 3.0D0-meter stecplethae Ken lieiser. Army 9. 20 I .laielin throw -- Leo I. o n l. Olympic Club. 2:;fv.r2. John Frnmm. Pacific Lutheran. 21.V0 Discus throw Fortune Oordi en. Uis Angeles Stririers. ITS feel fi inches. Des Koch. Air Force IT0 :u Hop-step-lump Martin, Pedi go. Oregon 47-9'j. Look and Lirn By A C (.(lit HON 1. What are the names of the twelve sitjns of the Zodiac'" 2. What is the most valuable form of carbon'' I What are the six New Kngland state capitals'1 4. What is the current color favorite in American automobiles'' ! 5 of what is the calorie a unit : of measure' j AN'SWF.RS j . 1." Capricorn. Aquarius, Pistes, Taurus. Aries. Gemini, Cancer. .en. Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Saglll aHUS 1 2. The diamond !i Augusta. Maine Concord. N H.; Montpeher. t Providence. Fi. I Boston. Mass ; and Hartlord. Conn 4. More lhan 50 per cent of car buyers are c h 0 0 s 1 ng blue green .V Heat. and DOWNTOWN SALEM MERCHANTS OPEN MONDAY UNTIL 10 ACRES OF EXCIT ING MERCHANDISE Junior Ball Games on Tap Berg's, J Will Decide B Leader CLASS C DIVISION W L Prt W L Prt DU-luon 4 1 Ml Slunk 1 i .133 ;PwllM 3 O 1 WM) Jtckson l 1 .w 1 Lioiu 1 ' - 1 3 3V1 fwklf 2 1 VMBri 0 ww Namrlrii 1 1 Mi CLASS B DIVISION W L Prt W L Prt r Bem'l Vim ; Rotary 3 0 I 000 Lion 1 1 5I0 3 OlOflOMitter 0 J 000 t I Ml Truix B 3 000 t 1 Ml i Corner 0 3 .000 1 t .MM Four undefeated teams share the leadership in the Class C and B leagues of the Junior Baseball League but one of these teams will take an undisputed league lead aft er Monday's games. Dickson's Market and Legion Post 13fi share the top spot in Class C. Dickson with a 4-0 record and Post 136 with a 3-0 mark. In Class B it's Berg's Market and J's Drive ln-Kmcry's Market who each has a 3-0 record. Berg's and J's will clash in one of Mon day's Class B games that will leave one in undisputed first place The game will be played in West Salem. The other two Monday games are Truax Oil vs. Four Corners Merchants at Rarrick Field and Vista Market vs. Master Service I Stations at Leslie Field. 3 More Games The C League will play its first games this week on Tuesday when six of the teams will see action In tomorrow's clashes it will be West Salem Lions vs. Nameless Market in West Salem. Berg's Keiier Market vs. Steinke s at Bar riik Field and 20-30 Club vs. Amer ican Legion Ist 136 at Leslie Field Thre teams have lost only one game so far in the season The West Salem Lions in Class C and Vista Market and I.ahish Center in Class B all hae a 2 1 record. Kieper Takes 200-Lap Race PORTLAND -Johnny Kiener of Tortland won the 200-lap .lunior Chamber of Cnninierce slock car race at the Portland Speedway here Sundav with a time of 1 hour. 35 minutes for the 125-mile course He finished only a quarter lap ahead of Clyde Palmer of San .Jose. Calif . to win the grand na tional event, sanctioned by the National Assn. of Stock Car Auto Havers. Kieper. who drove a 1955 Oldsmobile. earned about $1,000 with the victory . Favored Herb Thomas of Olivia N C . had two blowouts that slowed his time Results included, with laps com pleted: Hal H a r d e s t y. Kennewick. Wash , 198; Fd Ncjfre. Longview. Wash , 195; Bob Keefe, Yakima. 186. Spectator Killeil At Harness Have P1:I. II):i;K. HI .TLShaltered hoards from a fairground fence killed a spectator at a harness racing program Sunday Two oth er spectators were injured. The track's pace car went out of control and crashed into a wooden fence near the grand stand. The impact shattered the lor.ee and sen! boards Hying into the grandstand. The dead man. Cus Fleshner. W). apparently suffered a concus sion MORC.ANTOWN. W.Va. --West Virginia football coach Art Pappy i Lewis has t.ihhed his son. Camniy. for future gndiron stardom Cninmy. 15. marie an indelible impression on bis father when he ran into the fender of a parked car while chasing a pass during foot ball practice. Damage to the car amounted to S14 Cammy kept on playing foot ball The fi-fool. ia."i-pounder will hp a candidate for fullback al Morgantown High School next season. Title TinF.S FOR Tahlp All liltK.ON 1 f, ' n m pi !fcj hv C S C'nat and Cieodetic Survey, Portland Oregon! I Time Heieht Time Heiht ! Hiith Waters I. Waters tunc ft ft j 23 1 10 p m. 4 8 57 1 m. -1 .3 ft 23 n ni. 2 fi , 24 12 !ft a m. S3 7 .30 a 111 -I 2 2 13 p m. 1 9 7 03 p ni. 2 S 25 12 47 a m. S 3 111 -1 " 2 4(i i m 4 8 7 44 p m. 2 5 2d I 24 a m II I ."it a m. -n 8 .3 2(1 p m. 0 8 27 p m 2 4 27 2 02 a 111. 5 7 0 n.i a m -n 9 3 ."i2 p 111 S 2 !i :.i p in. 2 3 28 2 17 a m S 4 ul im, -0 1 4 26 p m S 3 in II p in. 2 1 29 3 34 a 111 4 1 in 14 a 111 0 3 .". 112 p 111 S S 1 1 1.3 p ill. 1 ) 30 4 ;:i a in 4 5 10 .'.3 a m. 0 7 5 12 p 111 5 7 P.M. Thcyll Do It Every Time XLLT4KE THAT you H4M-4NO SOME S41jIMI-TW(?EE AH MO BETTER NUkE IT POUR FOUNDS OP MOT DOSS-WVUT AH DID VOU S4V, WINDY? M) ir iisx i VlND6EI?K?y SsOlWKED 4LLTHE W4Y HOME YESTEPD4y WHES MIS MISSUS BOUGHT THE PICNIC V1TTLES Senators Divide Pair, jKWsWiil Get Sell Bob EasterbrookE,el,,,a:foi,lc ; The combined Motor Olvmpics (Continued from preceding page) ' Arlie Alderman and Mel Krause "d Tournament of Thrills show at half of the pennant race.'' Luhv for 12 hits, including a 3-run horn- Hollywood Bowl Friday merit isn't told last nisht "and we need not er bv Don Lundberg in the third overlooking the kiddies The B-30 onlv a f.rt baseman who can olf George. Phil Marvier. Bob o'clock show, which includes 28 hit 'and drive in runs but one Duretto. Ron Foisv and Shortlidge stunts in all. will give the young who ran also field his position each had two hits off the sour try an opportunity to ride on Ihe adequatelv I believe Roshurg is Salem hurling. K'ant mechanical elephant. $8. (mo the answer And since he is a vet-1 After four games at Yakima the ort of mtr,ca,e mechanism, free eran, I had to sell Easterhrook Salems return to Waters Field "0l lnarSf- to make room for him " Friday to open a local stand with The kids should be at the howl Faslerbrook is "bitting 313. Tri-City. Things could be inter-' tary in order to gain a ride on which includes 13 doubles, 1 triple, esting at Yakima, lor these two "if elephant. 8 homers and 45 ItBI's. He was foes had a pair of fistic run-ins The stunts on the reqular pro- the leading hatter, home run hit tor and run producer for the sen- ators. The Amanllo club is tied up with the Sacramento outfit of the Coast I.eajue, as is Salem Williams Mav Co sked what he would now do with K C Williams, the rookie first baseman who has not been play ing regularly, Luhv told he would probably send the young- ster to a league of lower classi fication where he can plav regu larly. Salem moves into Yakima to night after losing three of four at Wenatchee. In Sunday's first game Ad Sat alich pitched his fifth win and hit a home run. one of three pro duced bv the Senators in game. Ray Webster had one. his first of the season, with two on in the siNth inning, and Chink K.-segian blasted his third. also with two on in Ihe seventh. Only Two Hits i Satalich gave only two hits. but seven walks cost him the I three Wenatchee runs. Faslerbrook had two of Salem's i seven hits, one a double. He fail j ed as a pinch hitter in the second game. Frank Chase, picked up by Wenatchee from Spokane was Ihe loser He was belted soundly by the Solons here early last week, when Spokane was in town In the second game veteran Ceno Shortlidge checked the Sa lems to four hits, two by .lack Dunn and two by Gene I.aursen. Salem's run came in the lirst in ning when the Chiels made three straight infield errors and Williams walked, fining in Ihe run. (ienrge the Victim Wenatchee hanged Andy George, 410 FOR CKRNF.RTS CASPhR. Wyo. T - The Wy oming state high school 440-yard dash record may he sale for a few years Casper high school has run out of GemerN In 1954. .Jim tiern'-rt set a ret slate record of fl -n? seconds. .ast year his young brother. Hi, broke the record with a 0 50 6 clocking Hi lowered Ihe record to 0.4-.I.5 seconds t h I s season. . A 1S Mf K j J AUTO THUCK-riHC- LIFE UBlNKWS H , ALL your insurance needs! Osko&OskoDist. Agents Phent 3-5661 1465 No. Capitol Salem i-. PUWMINS 4 COUNTRV suvajy picnic or sura avES vou 4MT4RCTC EX AH 4PPETTTE , PEDITION? TU4T'S ENOUGH TO FEED F J t. . m Mi IHi ALL. W A XX) GOT ?A -nS XX) GOT ?. 4!?MV OF r406OCV COULD EXT, TVUT MUCH.' n But AT "COME AHD GET IT TIME "ME 4TE ERyTHlNS IN SIGHT 4ND THEN SOME"" - ., then. the. Valis were last here, Even Up rirt ti silem (im (D wnitrhrp , , , n 0 Arrtln.t 3 " n.inn.-. 4 i n mm irr i i i n ra.e2 J j j l' '? ? n S F , rhrk i .1 t ? (Swim 2 n i n Sekuisr i 2 l ni dhrsc J i Knrnf . 2 I (I n f 2 ii n Wrh'i" 2 1 I (BlldT Sv.ilich.n 4 1 1 ocha.-e.p Wl ins ;-l 0 1 0 0 V.inm : ii n n 1 0 n 11 i 11 " " Km-r.r n ii j, H h: .d loon Totals 2 10 7 1 Total? 21 3 2 1 r Oil ndeel o.it fur Cii il Str.irk out (i.r Karidr in ."! 7 R.in tur F.jltihrook in 7::i i.ilf.n "20 ni:i 4-io 7 l Old i 2 0 - 3 2 2 f S.t (!- h ' I'M-f '''S ,,h ! l r M. h 21 2 3 1 - 7 .'2 t f 4 7 1 7 3 4 2 2 I tv irnniK i I.o-inp p:ti 'i I'li.i-.r i I..,, firr. 1 11.1 t. Oil, ! . (i ,1 r t.v . .- Ii-. S.V -,- I ! ."i h.e. S f VV fi H .-. S.r.i 1. vVch- 'pi. Fs.-PS;nn T1.' n-h.ir '-i'- Ks-l-frhrnnk, SrrnMi R'.iiii li'it'rrl in Sr Jiivia .Ii. Sat.illrll, VVr'i-trr I)i rftto K.sP((.an i3' S.ii; line Spm la F 1 Tmif 2l I'vpirri, Flshrr. Kfl'v and Second lime Salrm (I) (1 Wnatrhr R R H F R R H F t.rspn.3-2 4 0 2 OSliilni 4 0 il n Donn.m 4 t 2 OMrvcr I 5 : 2 n Kr.ive Sp 4 0 ft I Wtsnn 2 3 I i Fs g an l 4 0 n Ii n-,in -ci 3 4 " Spkul.1 r 3 0 ll ft And'Mi I 2 2 W hair- 1 3 0 n ft t rthprr I' 4 1 7 in ( -3 4 0 (1 0 F'.i- v 3 n Webster i ! It I Bivi" 4 0 (,pnr(p p 10 0 0 Soldpr p 4 I) Vdmn n 0 n o ft F.trh-k : 0 0 ft K'irpic 0 ft 0 0 Tii'h :'! 1 4 I T"' 1 -t" S v f-;.rrl .-I' ( r ,d' -i .in in S,i;:' !' tM10 'I"' I Weit.iVhre -,a ""' Wiininr r '( "" s-""-ii'dee 1 tonne pitrr.e- (leorpe 5-1 I'i'i hr r in 3h hn r er v Genrie 4 15 5 5 I 1 1 0 4 1 I.' 3 Aide:'! ;.n 2 !C n SnoreidRe .71 H't hv piti-he- Wh nil t VV' ( 1 idl-e Aifieni .in I.rl! in h.i'-i"- s 7 w 7 Fri.n Witvin n.. ."f. F Kr.,ii9p ll'i-i.e run' I.unrlhe:? T'.'". hi ! Marvier. Dure"" 2 It " p'1 ', '!n ,',:.f,:;.'rd'7;4, .n.'sii-.-'w "iB' Doiihte iv K-ur io Wnluw Kianse in vvh. 'frr " Vr r '.Jm. ii ahi nd.ince :,o.'ifi We strive to pay claims same day within hours if possible. Payments are fair as well as fast. Of a million accident victims, 97X said, "We were com pletely satisfied with our claim payment." You're protected against more risks by broader, more liberal policies. To see how much more real protection you get, call your neigh borhood Farmers Insur ance Group agent. By Jimmy Hatlo 3V IF VtXI K4MT TO Altt E4T, SET OVES TVtEWE QUICK 7H4TGOON ts 60t5 4T rr UKE A PL43UE ALL 0 LOCUSTS! 2 gram include motorcycle side-car racing"."" btuad jttrnpnig npw autos from ramp to ramp, precision driv ing, a trapeze artist who performs atop speeding autos, intentional roll-overs and other spectacular erackups and crashing throush flaming harriers The show is operated by Hill Mr. Caw.' the Califorman ;.s'in char:e nf the ".hue Chitwond Duredtuls" uni, wnich gained fame the world over McCaw claims this produc tion is hv far the best of its kind i now uii int- i wan. The appearance here is spon sored by the Valley Sports organi zation which is in charge of auto , r.u nig at Hollywood Bowl. I Proceeds of the snows go into the I SA Olympic Carries Fund, accord ing to Ron Ail, Valley Sports pro moter. American l.'ajrti Avimmv t.r.Mitr r.ft .i:ip New :o. s I'm mm o in..- 2 in t Chu Rln 422 3111 02" 14 1 I) Kurd. T.rlrv i2. tn-j.n '4 and Bf-n H'lviT-d ,?i Silvpra iTi; ,I':p:,p rM Collar. M" i7. U- Ford. Sprnnd Eamr: ! N("w Vmk (mo 003 000 .1 .1 0 O'cicn 400 010 in- S I .'in'fi ' l.rtlNril ' nn... St.iirv. Vla:'m WJ ta Hnwrll if i and I. -VtrDf'wiN riii fa-v.r P.i .r,. I no 20O 3 II ft .,i' mi ;! 2 9ft - F'r:Hre-e Zii'.rruik 'Si i "id H S-i.i"i (;.: ek. Aii. Bi iimI Hn ie VV - (.: rk -1 c. r P ., e 3"0 I tii'O i B ft nun iiu ik'ii 2 t ft i' r "v p '. i Kert ' : ee 1 11 1 :.i. .. ! v- .? I .i'v. "1 : I- . H'ld Wiin : 4 i ; to ft 'Hi V, fi 0 '1 (I illl (" If Kiel'- S. ar.rl IT'i: p-"n Only three American League rs have hit mure than 'id home runs in one season flahc Fifth Hm it four limes. .1 ininiy F'oxx hit 50 and 58 and Hank Greenlietg belted 5R in 13H We aim to give you the BEST insurance possible! 4 1 'T7