Here's How To Spruce Up Garden Sets Outdoor living has become a big part of Willamette Valley summertime. With this trend a new interest in garden furni ture has awakened. Bamboo, rattan, redwood, wrouRht iron, aluminum, stain less steel and plastic are jutt a few of the materials that bring the outdoors into the realm of easy living. Redwood is popular, easy to rrfinish and to keep looking new with his method: Sand, smooth ing away wood fibers, using a holder for the sandpaper. Re move all wood dust with a clean cloth. Two coMs of eolor-tonrd resin sealer give a durable fin ish protecting your wood against damaging moisture and special Pigments filter out sun's ravs. Kesin color tones include drill- wood, redwood, sage, cedar, ma- hogany or others, permitting nat ural wood pram to show through. Sand lightly between coats. Can Rejuvenate Furniture Outdoor metal furnilure may be rejuvenated by washing, sand papering rough or glassv sur faces, cracks and rust spots, and then V. r, V r. r'bm a coat of metal primer. Stir a Ore8on communities will attend a forp ,hp 0 pratjon. D.H. speed enamel that is a nonfading dinner hrt' Wednesday honoring ,n a blK.kct nf watpr 2.l Answer- I bought one from a weather protector. I'se a clean 'aMlrs 0 Cnnvill, 72, first city 0ns) hang a cloth bag containing local nursery this spring-and I soft-bristled brush. Tlace tables manager of Corvallis who plans to 10 ounccs 0f your regular plant1 know a number of the Willamette upside down so you can do legs retire from public life June 50. He f,l0(j Let it soak overnight, then! Valley nurseries do carry them, first. High style colors this will be succeeded by John F. watcr the flat with the solution. 1 think you'd be more successful summer include antique white. Porter, former city manager at Sf starter Solution I getting one that has been some cream, dusky black, aqua, pale Grants Pass. , c night before transplanting ' wnal acclimated. You can buy pink and coral. You can sprinkle in his public service career, prPpar(. another bucket of water ', them in large buckets and set them a little gold metallic powder on c'nnvill was citv manager nf As- i tm. .... . .ni.iht i out at anytime, provided you do newly painted surfaces before the pa;nt dries for a special treat Bamboo and rattan are aln be ing painted in a dull black finish - better for patio or covered ter race, however, than in the hot sun. Reds, visit green and blue paints are being used on other wood finishes. Cracks or nail head indentations should be fill ed in wood chairs with a spack ling material before sanding and painting. Wciglilv Problem i. Given Junk Man CHICKASHA. Okla. - Mrs . r w Harrell is eo-nc to double C . Harrell is to aouoie check from now on when she g,vc, away anything to the junk man. She discarded an ole; set of scales from her place of business. eral days later the hauler reported he examined the old scales ana took out 25fi peonies. The scales 1 had been nut in back of her store fur eight years. Answers to Crossword Puzzle ClOlVjE 0 L I VE 11 Alt I N E HlE0 LkB kE 10lt N CE , aJR G 0 0 E 1 Ii3l0OI) VER NlO R Ijn o Njfnrfe A T ojnfiA liylAjmTpHWEDT R 0 Y 1C EjZwkll! UE IRIO TflT I T U LlAqj U H Pl R dP A l lPCIA LAB Atemfjtj SlCjO'RjN'E IRDm'a R I TATncTAtTER T;alQtIa i iiDrJi dTIt akHe l i QR ANnsUli DaIli MeDst Wp 'R 0 TATM;AifRDWTQRiC ( Pl e'l eim.i QG:e!n aiTTQlIe iaDIrIa'c eTr w,aF j1 j'AQAlT I (Ll rPjL 0 I Nft""1 S.MAiLiLjEjSiTnC R yppf AlNiTil jNG N 0fET 5P A TMICE0U&ni oT MR 1 1 St ejEjR'l EflE R 0 0 x EIL 5A P A'S'UT'R E NiTUeIrin'e silR E E D or mum Soft subdued finish adds new beauty to all interior wooden surfaces whether new or old. Recommended for use on lino leum. Excellent for use on knotty pine, birch, etc. Panels and cabinets plywood furniture floors. Dries in one hour two coats may be applied in same day. May be applied over old paint or varnish. It is not necessary to strip surface, simply remove wax if anv and apply WAWKON SATIN FINISH. As a vinyl plastic it differs from larquer base finishes in that it is flexible, is pradieallv odorless and needs no special thinner. WAW KON SATIN FINISH mav he reapplied to areas suhjert to wear, and it blends with sur rounding area with no mark of ;jtch. WAWKON SATIN FINISH Is long lasting Will not darken any surface Is easy to apply by brush Is hard, tough, and water resistant Available at . . . Morris-Walker Paint Co. 1710 N. Front Ph. 4-2279 lots of Fret Parking 7 l5 a. V Time to Plant Now for Laic Summer Blooms 1 Bordeaux mixture has been rccom Whenever a growing plant is this treatment, and many mature n,rnrc(j for many years, and is uprooted and moved to a new herbacious plants as well, fade auj.c effective but formate gives location it sutlers a severe shock, Woody plants usually die lrom iUMUiin iu J vi Clirillfr lailUCr P p rnnVAI US il Stall, rrmntv and c.y olficials from Northwest tnrj;, rr u vears. Port of Astoria commissioner. Iongiie nf Oregon Cities director and treasurer: stale veterans commission man ager. and Portland parks supcrin lendcnl. Lutheran Body Votes to Merge MINNEAPOLIS i - The Kvan- gelical Lutheran Church 'KIX' Saturday arbptcd a resolution 1 committing the church to unite with "anv or all of the confer- ; ring" Lutheran churches. 0tn(r conferring churches wilh cn the fcU. lor, merger are , 7" 0 ; ali "ic Lume,r,an, rJ , Sev-"LFO and the United Kvangel.. cai mmeran Lnurcn 'v-'- ine irsujuuuu as auuiru a 1.377-129 vote The I'KLC took similar action Friday at Cedar Rapids. Iowa FREE BOOK! FILLED WITH FACTS ABOUT CYCLONE FENCE FOR YOU YMD To get this book and a frit ftnet tslimatt, coll RKImont 2-8105 400 N. E. 11th Avenue Portland 14, Oregon our miTit Htm mti totoii, auficiuiis cmoai uwi L t i'ikw jr t i w if ii.ii i , , i i mr si LAWN SPRINKLING SYSTEM TtuMiuMtxcusiny ly BURT RICHMOND Salem, Ore. . . I While very young herbacious p iamt snouiu survive i , uie miuik dlWUS St'lS Ull'lll Udlfc. 11 PBS! to take precautions to increase io iaKC precautions 10 increase speed recovery from transplant- ' inir shock. 11 uu nnvc If ou have grown your own i ffi'-""" "i, nl'in g 1 1 rilnt nrnt nrl inn give .nant food according to instruc- lions for a starter solution. Take it to the garden along with the plants. away. Disturb the roots ol plants as moles; nave inea various mnas litlle as possible. of bombs and soil poisons but the Dig a hole large enough to moles keep working on as if noth hold the plant roots with room jng had been done to disturb them, to spare, and deeper than neces- They can ruin everything. M.N.O. sary. Mix a teaspoonful of plant Answer Best thing to io is to food with soil at the bottom of t.ap thcnlf Get some good strong the hole; and throw In an inch j mole traps and thcn have your of fresh soil. Now hold the plant ! n(v .inl hnw von host method where it is to stand, and pour into the hole, over the plant roots, half a pint of the starter solution. While the water re- mains in the hole and around he plan 1 roots draw m sou to fill the hole completely. Do t e the roo(, or top ..n periment stations whose person- Inel have studied the matter, ad- "el have XJf 'roots an(1 iMve5 it has, and will recover faster if you leave them intact. . Still Time to Plant Pouring water into the hole and drawing earth into the water Avrlnrlr air nnrlrefs And insUTM good contact between roots and soil. Do not oark the wet soil:, it will pttle down bv its own i shrinkage. Plants set out in this way sel dom wilt but in case they do, no harm is likely to result. They soon recover and begin growth as soon as the shock has worn off. There will always be a check in the rate of growth as a result of transplanting. But because , you start the seed indoors sev-1 protcct the birds. If you don't con eral weeks before it can be sown trn thPrri, you can't expect to do in me garnen, you Kei an eanici harvest by transplanting. And frequently bulbs continue blooming late in spring and you; want to plant some flowers in early sommer for late summer and earlv autumn bloom. Greenhouses i and nurseries still have a lot of bedding plants left ti.ili nra Avfrtllent nnui fnr fill.; J. u,iii u.,nt ,n get a few extras, to replace those that moles or some other pest injured. Don't hesitate to set them out now, using the above methods. It won't be long until Ihev Mill Vio in hlnntn , . . Fireplace Screens AND ACCESSORIES Measured and Installed ELMER THE BLIND MAN Everything for the Window Ph. 37328 S870 Center i. A. O. Smith PERMAGLAS The Finest in Gas Heating by Day Heating Co. "First in Gas Heating in Salem Since 1935" Frtt Surveys and Estimatts 225 Division St. Ph. 3-4822 Answers To Garden Questions Question Last year grapes came on heavy, but soon began to turn brown and fall off. Several others in neighborhood doing same. fan you tell us what is wrong? B B. Answer Probably Black Rot. In some cases a three - spray schedule will take care of it. I se (crmale immediately before and , i. .1.1.. ........ ku. - J in limmeui'lieiy uiut uiuuiii, ami m davs to two weeks later. In severe cases use an additional spray when the fruit is about the sue of peas. 'excellent control together with in- j , ld cr vine, 5Drayed wj(h bordrauXi A .i..u'-ttBt whir- so badly but have been unable to find any in local nurseries. Would one ordered from a Massachussets nursery grow here We formerly i lived in the New England ..ate,. not let them dry out during the summer. Question How can one control tn tran wh.n vou have one in a trap, you know you ve caught that one, anyway. Some of the gasses, bombs or other chemical methods may work, but I feel best when I see the mole caught in a trap. Question There are a lot of big black beetles working around in the soil, right near the top or under some object. Are they harm ful? H.J. Answer No, I think they are more apt to be predators feeding at night on insects that may be ; pests in the garden. I Question- I have neVer seen so many slugs as we have this year They eat huge holes in all my plants. I don't want to put out poison for fear I'll catch the birds. Is there anv other way to control them? R.T.O. Answer You can go out at night with a flashlight and gather them by hand, dropping them iOto some lethal fluid, . or you cover your poison bait with a shingle or some other material which will much gardening, ittito; . 1 Vf W IO Uallier . T) , n KoSClHlTg IOr i mr AllllUal Meeting B ROSKBl'RG I - The 35th an-l a' encampment of the Oregon department of Veterans of For-: eigh ars will open here Wedne- day with upwards of 1,000 mcm- bers expected for the four-day sossinn Thnrsdav-. hiohlioht will 1 i , 2. - First-day activities include dedi cation of a children's playground at the Veterans Administration hospital here. THE TILLER SHOP M E Rotary Tiller Power Mowers Garden Supplies Sherwin-Williams Paints 1198 S. Com'l. Ph. 2-1009 FREE ESTIMATES On Floor Coverings NORRIS-WALKER PAINT COMPANY 1710 Front Phone 4 2279 HO DOWN session, tnursaays nigniignt wm Firs, W1 ,0 remove 1 be the appearance of Timothy ' ,h(, mnHirl, i'w ld fhiwl MurDhv Boston Mass national! . , , , Sf I VrcommSoVr na"onaI.or putty ( knife as a lever. To l.""wTr: I avoid sdIi ting the moldine. start Kwitk tii-K9-w"JMI Horn Biggest Flowers in Town ' - II" III ,.. , It,,, u,,,.. ;,,,.- ;. ; -. ;-,..c.J tir:. ... . . r 1 ' : V .. fv ' ' :'., . . ' 1 m'jp; .' ' ' -, -rsw ''""ws"' " ; :-v . , . u .fi : t. ; 1 r , ' ' " ' f ' ' -t t'"," V " - - Want U grow linalas with (be biggest ties give them plenty or water and a litlle plant food and yoa Mould have no trouble at all. Theso particular one. Mown bere are Century variety. Mulch Ancient Device To Ease Garden Work Of all modern devices to make home gardening easy in this era of power tools and chemical weed killers none eliminates more labor than the ancient and inexpensive practice of mulch ing. Originated in the stone age, as a means of stimulating plant growth, research scientist, are discovering today virtues about whjch the inventors never I dreamed. Dictionaries define mulch, or . . rau,v ,... or rom. post used to cover soil near plants to conserve moisture. Modern practice applies the term to a long list of materials, which may be used to cover toil or plant, for any beneficial pur pose. Any home gardener who can get suitable material, will save much labor in cultivation by cov ering the toil round his plants with a layer deep enough to Screen Repair Can Be Made Much Easier it you are lacing a repair joo on your window or door screens, there are a few suggestions which might be helpful. I perhaps you want to replace - whnl .Petion of old .rrwnin . ,, u.. . rirsi, you avoid splitting the molding, start at the center and work toward each end. When you put the molding back again after tacking on the new section of screening, use a nail set to counter sink the brads in the old holes and fill in over the heads with plastic wood. Be sure to use copper tacks with copper and bronze screen ing; galvanize steel tacks with aluminum or steel screening. If moldings do not fit tightly at the corners, use plastic wood to lill the gaps and prevent water from seeping in. To reinforce frames that are loose or broken I the corners, vou can buv mending irons in a variety of shapes. For small holes in wire screen ing, you can buy a packet of already-cut patches, or you can cut your own from a strip of new screening. In either case, the patch is held in place by bending down the ends of wires en the edges, pushing the ends through the screening around the hole, and bending them against the screening. OEAUTIFUL LAIVHS, SHRUOS, ROWERS, GARDENS OKCALLOUH EXPZKISHCSD atrtv WARRANT! ED PAYMENT BANKTEftMS Phone 2-0774 $-fr--Jtit,C 'W'eaaBSB bloom, in Uwi? Bay oo4 varie shade the ground and prevent weed, from growing. Lawn Clippings Good Mulch Dried lawn clippings make an excellent mulch. They are a waste product of gardening and when heavy should always be re moved from the lawn. If piled Lp,; they heat and ferment, de stroying vegetation beneath them. When spread thinly and occas ionally aired they quietly curt and become safe to use. Sawdust and ground corn cobs arc used extensively -where avail able. As they decay rapidly they may take nitrogen from the toil to feed the bacteria that break them down, unless tome nitrogen fertilizer is mixed with them they are spread. When a mulch is applied to the vegetable garden the soil should be well cultivated before, and a thin layer of the mulching material worked into it. On 'this foundation the rest may be sjread to th desired thickness. The soil around tomato plants should always be protected by a heavy mulch. The disease called blossom-end rot (black or brown spots opposite the stem) i. caused by change, in the moisture content of the soil, which mulch- inff tendi In tihllb In ualor. ing tomatoes, juwid shallow !,prinkllng, applf a good soaking vurn n,tt.A Mnleh .. . m.,n. nl r.v.-.. in erosion ir rnmm.nri.rf h. '!?!l.Vu"CT.m'nded.?y percen,e of li which enter, lw ' j , wn oll decreasing run-off. They prevMt miittin ciuged bJ r.ii;. k. 1 1 lnry mcrease me Mill IHlllllg Ull UflJC BUII. Woodbox becomes an attractive fireplace bench if a cushion is attached to the hinged top. Wetlera Red Cedai or Douglai fir Is used far this rlevrr unit, built right on the wall and ensembled to shelve, above and wall paneling of fir or cedar. ism Built-in RANGES OFF Open Friday Evenings Box Bench a VlJ - (I rh mini nv Tvn Rnni SppHr m Summer in Get Full Garden By L1LLIE U MADSEN Garden Edllar, Tat Btateaaaa Vegetable teed, sown In early spring, can make only half a gar den. If you want a full garden or the other half (and frequently the better halfi-teeds mint be own in the lummer. All the early vegetable,, which grow and give the first harvest, should be sown in summer for fall crop. There are other, that that do not grow tuccesifully here from tpring sowings but yield fine har vest, in the fall. If this is your first year in tht Willamette Valley, check with the weatherman in your particular district, before you tow early vege table late, to learn when the first killing frost usually is expected. That will give you the number of usually frost-free days which re main for tender varieties. And don't let anyone tell you we NEVER have early frosts in the fall. While it is not common to have the heavy frost a early we had last Nov. IS, somewhat lighter killing frosts will frequently show up particularly in torn sections of the valley at varying date, in November. In other yean, there may be no frost that even nip the tomato vine before Christmas but you can't depend upon that. Harvest Befare Kraft Harvest of vegetabes ihouhi be gin at least a month before the first frost it to be expected, and it may be advisable to aelect the fastest growing vanetie, to make sure. Remember that early growth will be slowed somewhat by hot, dry weather, to a little more time is required to mature torn sum mer sowing. Vegetable, difficult to grow in the spring in many sections may Garden Calendar... June 24-27 Best time to tee wild flowers at Oregon', Saddle Mountain State Park, 73 miles northwest of Portland via D.S. Highway 26. Wilderness covert 4 square miles. Camptitet close to park entrance. June 9-July 1 Long Beach, Calif., midsummer shade plant thow, municipal auditorium. June 20-July 1 46th annual Tacoma Rote Show, 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, and 12 noon to 8 p it. Sunday, South Park Com munity Center, admission 90 cent,. July t-J Puget Sound Lily So ciety Show, Frederick Neltont. Seattle. July It Zen, Garden Club meeting, Community Center Building, 2 p.m. First election of officers. July 14 Men't Garden Clubs of America. Northwest regional conference, McMinnvllle. July 2I-2S Grant, Pass Gladio lus Feitival and Show, Memorial Gymnasium. Aug. 11-12 International Glad iolus Show. International Har vester Building, just north of Milwaukie. Aug. 11-12 Begonia and Fuch sia Show, Salem Begonia Society, South Salem High School patio. Ana. 15-1S Clackama, County Flower Show, Canby. Aug. 15-16 Salem Garden Club Tour Aug. 11-19 Washington Glad iolus Society Show, South Tacoma Community Center. Aug. 23-2J Gladlolu, Show, Meier 4 Frank Auditorium. For further information call Week, Gladiolu, Gardens. Aug. 23-24 Annual San Fran cisco summer flower ,how, City Hall, San Fenciscoi Calif: Aug. 24-26 Polk County Flow er Show, Rlckreall. Aug. 25-26 Mill City Gladiolus Show, Mill City High School. SEE IT HERE the only blind that makes your room NOT JUST . DIM ; . ... . - ! "a ?' , Lj." '.: New Flexalum TWI-NIGHTER Yon eaa turn day into night hut by flicking tht cord I Wipe-eitaa puwtie tapea. Snap-back atuml nnm slata with sw-prodf Aninh. Choose alata and Upas color matched or ia any of ortr 200 eovoMaaUoTM. act anMUTi l Banana asaaaaa mm Mcotanwo aooruri Phone 4-1856 Capital Shade & Drapery Shop 1I9S Fairground, Road Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., June 24, "58 (Sec. IV)-23 L 0 o 0 Lillia L. lAzdizn yield tint harvest In the fall. A reason for thi. In tome cases ts that long day, and hot weather makt the plant, bolt to Med, and spoil their leave,. There i, bo tendency to do thi, when day, grow thorter and night, cooler. Storage The thrte-dlmeatiea kltcaea el U day Mark, the atoragt Instead f the pit, and aaas. Hera la a kaady J-D stacked atarage la a kltcaea kallt ef west etaat kern lack. Nate kaw every kit ef a pact ta a timed: Storage tray, aaa all space la tale aswalag aad tlld lag vertical drawer, pravlde eaty-tt-reaek raaat far pat,, fry ing pant, teag-kaadled tatla. New towing of turnip, In 60 days, beets in SS days, snd carrot, in 70 days, will give fall crop, of much better quality than old plants which may survive from spring sowings. If you want good, early fall turnips sow the Purple Top, White Globe around August IS. Carrot, planted around July 1 will be nice for the table around Oc tober 1. The Nantei, the Chan- tenay, the Supreme Half Long, and Touchon are all good .carrots for planting during the last week In June and first IS day, of July. 1 Lettuce plants seldom live through midsummer. You will not tome of the early sowings have already gone to teed. Fall lettuce is dependent upon summer sow. ing. Oakleaf Gttd Aaytime Oakleaf lettuce, a very fine, hot DRAPERIES Cutest. Made ta Oar Shea hum Craw a4t Ctrafct Borta a) IU, Carm .8E.E ELMER THI BLIND MAN rrat IttJauura Day af Nlckl nia irtraitl mtCtatatSt 0a ell chaailcali, rtad ceWJaei sad direct ieai stfere aiiaf. OtTMO: OtTMOCiali ISOTOI T.H la U S H. OMIc CAUrOINIA inAY mm JL-... ...r'...- 1 aftt;U i- 1 Dy Harvest I weather lettuce, may b aowa at anytime, and should be planted ! again in mid-August. Salad Bowl I will bring pretty good mid-October results if planted during tht last half of August. Cauliflower, frequently difficult for amateur, in the spring, snaked fine heads of excellent flavor It' the fall. For either fall caboaga or Brustea sprout, It might bt well to sow teed promptly bow la a nursery row in the garden. TWa does not take much apace. A couple of feet go a long way ia plant,. These should be ready ta be ready to set out In late July or early August. Both of tbcaa vegetables will give a fall harvest lasting until Christmas, surviving repeated freezing, without Injury Some varietie, of broccoli mature In 60 days and the quality k muck unpnvra vj coot euiuma nigma Fall Taralpa Beat In many way, the fall harvest i, the beat for all kinds of vege tables - certainly the fall turnip and radish crop, are the beat of the year for these vegetables. Na real vegetable gardener can af ford to neglect the summer sow ing which will make bis fall bar - vest complete. Summer towing is easy if the precautions which insure good germination and emergence of needling,, are taken. Make the drill, a little deeper, soak the soil hlAr anil mmiinA thm Mviv th teed with a special porous 'toil containing little or ao clay dnd keep the soil moist until toe seed lings are well tstabUthed, If yoa have sharp sand, put a half-Inch layer, about three inches wide, across the seeded row. This will help insure keeping slugs from' eating the tiny vegetables as they appear. ' BBJ PRICELESS COMFORT Anyen Can Afford NATURAL GAS IS awn SAFE THRIFTY Mill Stba Httrhj I .' Shttt Mttsl Ca. l DlUliltlli I ainniii'iPiW SUGGEST ORTUOCIDE TU MOlagly MrMtite, It-ajroajnal Itw wlltttt f taatral f at rtitt, lenm. bulbs, wail aa ffnalt caataiat famawt CAPTAN IcmmiIciI, t; I at. caatstor atakas up ft J5 tallaai af iHwHi gprty. Ca ka caakiaat MOTOX Itr ne) far APHIS, MD SPISa Moths, earwigs, ants; TURirStndUTUPIlUtf IMPROVID IGOTOH GARDEN SPRAY M Combints with ORTHO CD! Garden Fungicide to give the home ac dtntf all -around con trol of many pest, ant) fungus diseases. Easily applied with OKTHO Sprey-eHe. 0TH FAMOUS 0RTH0 PRODUOS AT YOUR DEALERS - CHIXUCAl COU,