The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 24, 1956, Page 14, Image 14

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    14-(Sc III) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., June 24, "56
Bride of Salem Man
Miss Margaret Miller- Bride
Of William Drips at Church
Nuptials, Reception Follows
' Sutetsaaa Saciety Eslitaf
At I Wtutilul ill whit wedding Saturday sight at St Paul's
CBueopiJ Church Miss Marpret LaVera Miller, daughter ot Dr.
mmT atriVers. WayM Miller, became the bride of William E. Drip,
jr k l Mr. and Mrs. William E. Drips ot Welches. The Xev.
GeflTH H. Swift performed the I o'clock ceremony.
KrL Bract Spauldini of Portland was the vocalist and Mrs.
James Tsdd the orfanuL Bouquets of whit peonies and delphin
ium wen arranged at either side of the chsncel rail with white
bouovU n the altar. Larry McCarfar and Tom Dunham were the
httraetls brunette bride selected a lovelr gown of white
tsnbrtfderea reueoer P f-"'r .'".T " "
weddini The oouuam sun esienaeo mm . un .
bodicewa designed with short sleeves and a iwccthnrt neckline.
AJullet cap of matching embroidered tulle held in place her l.n
gertip Uhisioa TeiL She earned a cascade nf stephanotis centered
with i white orchid and wort short, wbU gloves.
iritiT"enTnt preceded the bride to the altar Including
tier lour sister Miss Joan Marie Miller was me maiu ra n, ui ,
mJFlZ Miller. Nancy Miller and Robin McAlister of Portland,
the bridesmaids, and Miss Marilyn Miner w i f
They aU wort IdenUcsi wain gowns oi wmw "V
boat Shaped aeckUnes, short sleeves arid white sashes with Jjrii
bowV The? hts matched their dresses and they carried baskets
ilwhlt Esther Reed daisies with gsmet roses for a touch of color.
AU Irler stood with Mr. Drips ss best man snd seating the se
rdtaaSS wire In MSrrison. Johr. Misko Mile, Edwards,
Edward Murphy. Richard Reinhart and Dwlght Quisenberry. the bride t
"air MIDer selected I brocaded sheath gown of starlight blue with
matching hat and a eorsage of pink rosebuds. Mrs Prips Chose a
wtdgewood bluo lac gowa with pink-rosebud. corsage lor her son s
'rhlwtvweds'imted guesU at a reception at the Fairmount
of the bride s parents, rounn. s , " c. u V
the brides grannmomer, neroen ami.
fclches and A. T. Morgan oi :ama trui, vam.
era Miss Marie Breitenstein, Mcsdames P. D.
Wilmsen and Ray Miller of Eugene.
at the door were Mrs. Urlin S. Page ana Mrs.
Owea C. Miller. Hosts were Dr. and Mrs. -.ennein ro-rr . u v..
.... m- w.ii. Run Aii at nf were Mesdamrr William E.
Deeney, Miles Edwards. Edward Murphy. Robert Wilson. Misses
irma Hamilton, Carolyn Parker. Martha Loiland, S.lvya Oiols
Ana BUtchfordT Kthel Reeves, Barbara Peterson. Patricia and
For travellini the aew Mrs. Drips changed to a blue linen sheath
ensemble with blue and white tweed coat and white acceasorles.
After July 10 the eouplt wUl be at home on Marquam Hill. Port
land, where Mf Drips is attending the University of Oregon Medi
cal School.
a a -. t . i t
S si . ' ' I ' i V
an is j s .1
I- 4 ji '
Hostesses Will Entertain at
Tea Honoring Sandra Wolff
Social highlight of the coming weok will be the tea on Wednes
day afternoon for which Mrs. Conrad W. Paulu.v her mother. Mrs.
Thomas A. Livesley. and her siaters-in-law, Mrs. Roddick M.
Livesley and Mrs. Thomas D. Livesley. will be hostesses. The
affair will be held in the Oregon Room at Meier and Frank's.
The tea is being arranged in compliment to Mrs. J'auius future
daughter-in-law. Miss Sandra Wolff of Oswego, who will be mar
ried to Lawrence R. Paulus on Aueust 18. The bride-to-be is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wolff of Oswego A large group
of friends. Including a number from Portland and Oswego, have
been invited t call between "I and 5 o'clock to srert Miss W olff.
Receiving witfi the hostesses and honor guc-t will the laller's
Greeting the guests wUl be Mrs. Charles, W. Mills. Mrs Wheeler
R. English, Mrs. Breymaa Bois and Mrs Werner Brown Presiding
at the tea urns will be Mrs. Linn C. Smith. Mrs Roy II Simmons,
Mrs. Daniel J. Fry and Mrs. Bernard 0. Si-hucking.
Large Crava te Asaiat
Assisting about the room will be Mesdumes M.iraret Callaahan,
P. D. Quisenberry, Joha J. Roberts, James B. Younn Vorn W. Miller.
Arley Cornish, Keith Brown, A. Terrence King. Krfel W. Kay. llollis
W. Huntington. John Carson, Graham Sharkey. Slewart Johnson. Chan
dler Brown, Taylor Hawkins, Paul R. Hendricks. Charles Muggins,
Wallace Carson. Jack Price. Harold G. Maison, Wolcotl K. Buren,
Wayne P Loder and Miss L. A DeBeck.
Serving will be Mesdames Charles A. Barclay. Robert K. Powell,
Bingham Powell. Roderick Slater, Dwight Quisenberry. Evan Hoise,
William Duncan of Silverton. William R. Shinn. Daniel .1. Fry Jr.,
Carlton J. McLcod. Coburn Grabenhorst. Richard Grabenhorst. New
bury Close. Henry Hadley Dixon III, Blair McCabe, Cameron u. Thorn,
Lloyd F. Hamey. and Dopald Plymlon and Stuart Bush of Port land.
Miss llelcne SchiK-kingand Miss Plum Brown.
Weds Navy Officer
St. Boniface's
Setting For
Hill home
Miller of Eugene,
liam E. Wlc
CuttlBg tht
1" 9
Mrs. Don Melvin Archibald (Ellen Diane Ericsson; whose mar-'
riagt took place Saturday night at the First Christian Church j V0fe HI OnV
in Norm noiiywooo, taut. me orioegruom it ino sun ui
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Archibald of Salem. Tht couple will
live in San fa Monica, Calif.
Leave For
Phyllis Emfcry
Tells Troth
Mr. Archibald
Married In
Of interest to the bridegroom's
friends is news of the marriage
of .Don Melvin Archibald, son of
u.s ..
July Wedding
Dates Are
Mr. and Mr. W. T. Emery are
announcing the engagement of
their daughter. Phyllis Hope, to
Donald Dean Kerr, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Kerr. No date has
been set. for the wedding.
Miss Emery and her fiance are
graduates of South Salem High
School. She is employed at All
state Insurance Co. and Mr. Kerr
at Oak Crest Farm.
BPW Club to
Install New
The newly married Mr. and Mrs
Walter Franklin Buck are flying
to the Hawaiian Islands on their
honeymoon. The bride, tht former
Shirley Helen Brown, It the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Brown ot Aurora and Mr. Buck Is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Burnell
Olson of Newberg.
Tht couple' marriagt took
elact Saturday morning at St
Luke's Catholic Church in Wood-
bunt with the Rev. John Larkin
officiating at the 130 o'clock nup
tial mas. Vocalists wert Wayne
Meusey and Mrs. Ernest Kreft.
Of imported French chantllly
bet and nylon tullt was tht bridal
gowa, fashioned with re-embroi
dered lace at tht scoop neckline
and ta tht akirt, which extended
into a deep tullt flounce and chap-
tl train. The fact was sprinkled
with pearls an aequina. A crown
of tulle lilie centered with bril
lianti held In place her fingertip
veil tht carried a crescent bou-
ouet of white orchids and atepha
not is. Her only ornament was a
diamond studded cross, a gift of
the bridegroom.
Seven attendant! walked before
tht bride all wearing powder blue
cryttallette ballerina dresses with
scoop neckline and bustle bow.
They wore blue flowered mother-of-pearl
headbands and carried
bouqaeta of blut Marguerite
Atleteaatt Wear Bite
Mrs. Wayne Trachset was her
Ulcr'a bnnnr matron and the
u,f, .-T.. S-l Jason Lee WSCS
VGlul ivucasuug, Ann irj oriiiuiai.
Mrs. Gene Smith, Mrs. Tony Wis
Biewtki and Mrs. Undy Phillips
wert the bridesmaids. Jenny Phil
" lips was the flower girl and Eddie
Maggt the ring bearer.
. Gene Smith served as best man
far Mr. Buck and ushers were
Tom Brown, Wayne Trachsel,
Tony Wlsniewski, Garth Edner,
Walter Sprogls, Lindy Phillips,
Roy Buck, Don Eppers, Fred Her
ring Jr. and Don Brunner.
Mrs. Brown wort a tmokt blue
tact gown over rose taffeta and
Mrs. Olson chose a taupe rose
gowa with lace bodice and bud
. jacket. Their corsages were white
A wedding breakfast was held
at tht Marion Hotel in Salem at
, Bona and a reception followed in
' the afternoon at the country homt
, of tht bride's parents near Aurora.
For ber honeymooi the new
Mrs. Buck changed to a slate blue
uw silk suit with white acces
sories. After July IS the couple
will be at home on Route 1, Wood-burn.
The formal Installation of club
officers tor the 1956-J7 year will
highlight the final meeting of this
club year, when the Salem Bust
ness and Professional women s
Club meets at the Golden Pheas
ant on Tuesday night, June M at
1:30 for dinner.
Tht Installing officer will be the
outgoing president, Mrs. Marjorie
Whitmore, who will use a floral
ceremony. Miss Florence Beards
ley, president-elect,' will head the
new group of officers.
Special music for the meeting
has been provided by Miss Gladys
Edgar, club music chairman, who
will present William A. Utley, vo
calist, from New York City.
Report from committee chair
men will review the program and
activities of the club year.
Mrs. Gies Heads
Mr: and Mrs. G. N. Archibald ot
Salem, to Miss Ellen Diane Erics
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
0. R. Ericsson of North Holly
wood. Calif. The ceremony was
performed on Saturday
at the First Christian Church in
North Hollywood.
The Rev. Merle Fish officiat
ed at the I o'clock nuptials. A
reception followed at the (joiaen '
Valley Scandinavian Club in Van
The bride wore a white silk
gown with a sweep train and full
length illusion veil caught to a
pearl crown.
Miss Carol Ann Hlancnara. me
maid of honor, wore a yellow
crystalline dress and the brides
maids, Mrs. Thomas Kiddie. Mrs.
F. L. Wschter. Mrs. J. McElvain,
Mrs. Richard Foell, Misses Diane
Russo snd MaryeHen Foell, wore
blue crystalline frocks. They car
ried bouquets of pastel summer
flowers. Katherine Kiddie and
Eric Wachter were flower girl
and ring bearer.
Bob Archibald was his brother's
best man and ushers were Don cption
DarreH, Frank Day, Rod Hoff-j
man, Bill Bell, Fred Wachter
and Harold Koke.
After a wedding trip to Green
Valley the newlyweds will be a
home In Santa Monica, where Mr.
Archibald i attending Santa
Monica City College. He recent
ly completed service with the
Two brides-elect, whnse en
gagements were announced ear
lier in.the year, have chosen their
wedding date.
Miss Barbara Brewer and
Franklin W. Kehrli of Portland
will be married on Sunday, Jirly
June 23 i 22 ,l tne First Methodist Church.
vr. dtuoks iHuurc wni priiumi
the 4 o'clock rites snd a recep
tion will be held in the Carrier
Miss Brewer is the daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. Gaadon W. Brew
er and Mr. Kehrli is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Kehrli
of Portland.
The couple will live in San
Diego, where the bridegroom
elect is stationed with the I' S.i
Miss Patterson to Wed
Miss Ella Patterson and Wayne
Mahaffey have selected Friday,
July 13 as their wedding day.
The bride-elect is the daughter
of Mrs. Sue Patterson of Otants
Pass and her fiance is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mahaffey.
The ceremony will take place
at the First Congregational
Church at 7 30 o'clock with a re-
Sl'BI.IMITY St Boniface Cath
olic Church was the scene-of the
marriage of Miss Carol Ann
Kirsch. daughter of Mr and Mrs.
Alvin Kirsch of Pendleton, and
John McCaM Fahsholtz of Stavton,
son of Mrs. Fay Fahsholtz of Stay
ton, on June 16 at 10 a m. The
Rev. Robert S. Neugebauer Offi
ciated and vocalists were Mrs.
Henry Miotke and Joseph Dough
erty. Leonard Hendricks was the
The bride wore a ballerina gown
of white Chantillv lace over white
and pale blue taffeta and her fin
gertip veil was caught to a tiara
of blue and while flowers sprin
kled with sequins She carried a
bouquet of blue daisies
Maid of honor was the bride's
sister. Miss Joanne Kirsch. who
wore a'tallerina dress of white
net over blue taffeta with a white
satin sash. She carried white dai
sies encircled with blue net. Mari-
Un Ann flnlli ill. her i"m,cn-
: flower girl. Kenneth Miotke was
ring bearer.
Charles Fahsholtz was best man
for his brother and Henry Miotke
was the usher.
A reception was held at the P
J. Ktzel home. Presiding at the
I bride's table were Mrs. Henry
! Miotke. Mrs. Jue H Wolf, Mrs.
! P'. J. Etzel and Carol Coulter.
I The newlyweds are now at home
in Stayton.
.Spinsters to Mfft
Women Voters to
Picnic Thursday
The Bush House gardens w ill be
the scene of the June 28 meeting
of the league of Women Voters of
Salem. A no-host picnic, to be held
at 8 p nr. will nonor past presi
dents of the league and a feature
of the entertainment will be a tour
of the Bush House premises and
current exhibits.
Members are asked to bring
friends and any woman interested
in the League is invited to attend.
Mrs. Robert May is food chairman
with Mrs. Robert Corey and Mrs.
E. L. Corrigan on the committee.
Mrs. Horace Mazloom is assisting
with arrangements for Thursday's
(uild at Fauk Home
The Christian Service Guild of
the First Evangelical I'nited Breth
ren Church will meet Thursday
night at the home of Mrs. William
Fawk. 580 X. 22nd St., at 7 4.', p m.
Mrs. Audrey LeRud is chaimian
of the program and Miss Sandra
Mischke will give the devotions.
i Miss Barbara Peters, president of
the youth fellowship is arranging
the program, which will he pre
sented by the youth members.
Club Calendar
!K H ..'V
r r - -4 .1 M
Mrs. Edward Roethe (Thelma Jean Killlnger) who was married
June 17 at St. Stephens Lutheran Church in AAilwsukie. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Killinger of Mi
waukie, formerly of Turner. The couple will live in San
Francisco, where Ensign Roethe is stationed with the U.S.
Navy. (Glsdys Gilbert Studio, Portland )
The home of Dr. and Mri. Rob
ert F. Anderson, 1830 Childs Ave ,
will be the scene of the annual
no-host dinner for members of
Chapter AB, PEO Monday night
at 6 30 p m. Special guests will
be husbands of members.
Visiting at the home of Miu
Eva Taylor are Mr. and Mrs.
J. II. Reinken and children,
Charley and Janis. of Plains lew.
Texas and Mrs. Bob Ratjen of
Floydade, -Texas. The three worn-
1 en are sisters.
Horace Beldirv
Takes Bride
In East
From New York comes detail!
of the marriaee"ftf a Sa1m mi
Horace Otis Beldin. who took at
mi onae, miss tugenia Cerilli of
East Syracuse, on SaturHav mnr.
ing. The ceremony took place at
St. Matthew's Church in East
Syracuse with the Rev. Father
Costello officiating at the 10
o'clock rites.
The bride is the dauphin nf
Mr. and Mr Ppir rniii i
East Syracuse snd Mr. Beldin is
the son of Mr J P i
Salem, who flew East for lha nun.
For her wedding the bride se
lected a floor length gown of
Alencon lace and nylon tulle over
slipper satin. The basque waist
was made with a scalloped por
trait neckline and cap sleeves.
The French apron style bouffant
skirt was edged with a pleated
nylon duster ruffle. Her French
illusion veil was caught to a seed
pearl and Alencon lace scalloped
crown. She carried a, cascade of
glamelias and itephanotis.
Bride's Only Attendant
Mrs. Frank Lawton was the
bride's only attendant and she
wore a floor length gown of mint
green nylon tulle over taffeta and
carried a cascade of glamelias.
Frank Lawton stood with Mr.
Beldin as best man and ushers
were Alex Cerilli, the bride's
brother, and William Spinelli.
Mrs. Cerilli chose an afternoon
gown of grey lace over pink taf
feta for her daughter's nuptials
and Mrs. Smart wore a rose-pink
silk taffeta gown for her son's
marriage Their corsages wera
lilynf the-valley and white or
chids A wedding breakfast was held
at Enrico's in Syracuse following
the ceremony.
Following a honeymoon trip to
New England the newlyweds will
be at home in Syracuse. During
July the couple will be in Chau
tauqua. N. V.. where Mr Bel
din will be assistant instructor in
Improvement of Learning at the
Chautauqua Center of Syracue
I'niversity. In the fall he vull
resume his position as assistant
instructor in the education depart
ment at Syracuse I'niversity,
where he is studying for his d'c-torate.
Bthel 4.1. Job's !)..;.(!-;. Sot.,
tish Rite Tfivplr. 7 ill p m.
Salrrn Buine-- and Pr-i'esnonat
Women Cl.,b ctinnf- mretn-ie, (inld
rn Pr.r asant. ; :m p -i-
Social Aferni'M C'li.b. Ciidwitk
Chaptrr. OFS, Mason, c Tfmple. 1 15
p rn
Salem Navv 1-,'hfrs n-eet at Iaak
Walton cluht.n.i-. H p :i;
g'lho- n Sr v u-i Chi
The Spinsters will he entertained
Monday night at 8 o'clock at the
L-,,r,.,,,l U,ll nl thn CU-hA ' RV.ll N
i aiiiuviuiiL .mi iiunn in im vnoiui ... , mm .
ler Browns, with the Misses PliimTia ,i iirrn iu'n m.
Brown. Roberta Sears and Colcen C"r:-.-. -,.rt tiri
...... . ranlh SinMish Ri'.e Temp
Welch as hostesses. New memhers hosl ,j,nnfi
as well as ihe college nicniocrs. i
who are home for thr- summer,
will he welcomed at the meeting
teatlie of VVnnirn fiter
dinner. Buh Xnuse Hardens,
A r.i
jo n
S p m
Cherry Court Dinner
Mrs. Carl Gies was elected
president of the Woman's Society
of Christian Service of Jason Lee
Methodist church at the June 13
general meeting of the society. '
Also at this time, Mrs. Gordon
Black accepted the chairmanship
of the Clara Swain circle.
The first meetings of the reor
ganised circles of the W.S.C.S..
Jason Lee Methodist church, will
be held Wednesday afternoon,
June 27 at 1:30 p m.
The Clara Swain circle will
meet in the Kirby room of the
The Anna 1-ee circle will meet
with Mrs. W. J. Fair, 2020 N. 18th
The Laura Austin circle will
meet at the home of Mrs. Cora
VanPelt. 1604 Broadway.
Thoburn circle will meet with
Mrs. Roy Lively. 1190 N. 21st St.
Helen Kim circle will meet with
Mrs. E. R. Owens, 3495 Brenna
S. Army. The new Mrs.
Archibald attended the I'niversity Important event on the calendar
of Ariiona and is a member of ' this week for the Sojourners is the
Alpha Phi. annual luncheon to be held Thurs
day at Lipman s therry Room at
1 o'clock.
A feature of the affair will be a
Cherry Court, Order of the fashion show with styles brought
Amaranth will meet for a no-host ! especially from New S ork for the
dinner Wednesday night at the occasion. Joan Ross will be the
Scottish Rite Temple at SiSOommontator for the show and
o'clock. Members are asked to there will be music throughout,
bring their own table service and Cards will be in play following
guests are invited. Entertainment the luncheon and those wishing
is planned to follow the dinner reservations are asketf to cull the
hour. Miss Evelyn Stark is chair- chairman for the day. Mrs. K. II.
man of the committee, assisted hy Cowan. Assisting on the commit
Mrs. Otto Stark, Mr. and Mrs tee are Mrs. Carl Muller, Mrs.
Lyle McCauley and Mr, and Mrs. ; Bernard Brown and Mrs. C. H.
Elmer Boyer. Murphy.
NOTICE . . .
Drastic Rtductiong Now in All Depts. . . .
Closed All Day Wednesday ...
Grand Opening Thursday, 9:30 a.m. io 9 p.m.
WSCS to Meet
The Woman's Society of Chris
tian Service of the Morningside
Community Methodist Chruch
will meet at the church Tuesday
evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. S. A.
Van Dyke, president of Salem
United Church Women, will talk
on this year's migrant psigram
in the Salem area, showing slides
taken last year. Mrs. G. H. Tern
pleton will ting.
Mrs. C. W. Stacey will present
g, service ol meditation on the
new quadrennial goals, with the
theme. The Spirit of Christ
For All of Life." Hostesses for
the social hour will be Mesdames
Douglas Partridge, Roy Grettie,
Clyde Eldred Charles Myers, and
Gilbert Austin.
Reyal Neighbors Sewing Oub
"ill be entertained Wednesday at
ie home of Mrs. Lee Morrison,
71 Tyron Avenue, at 12:30 p m.
I salad luncheon will be served
with Mrs, Margaret Willis and
Mrs. William Conner assisting.
COM! AND HIAS-H.w kmhihh , finding Ik "Fntii ml Yvth"-Hw
iHftnk ilmtnti tan iharton ycur lil-Hw imInmiI Hiiii .Hictt ytvt
kaallh Haw yg cm "Hirv" an thrtt mli day-How la "Dial" far
Satiny, Vrt.lify, Virility, ana lanftvity. "Haw ta Win rha Satlla af lha
lla." "Haw Dial All.cli Yetir Haarl." rVaa "Yavlti Unlimittal Cactuil"
?i J
Mm Mart atitcavarlai arte) acriiavamanhj af haarrh ant) baavry tiana. Haw la "Ol-AOl" artratrvraly wrlnklatl
Ikwoat. Haw ta taftly talv yavr avar-waifht fitntra-lhialiaainf and flaaay tittua arablamt latwty tacratt frarn
Aa.lanl layat. 'aia Irftmtj a.ariitaa NO ADMISSION htr,t-Na Cadactian.
Ptrnala Iranian ktt baan ttodant af nvtrnSoa and tarittrici far avar 40 yaan and It aarfacl anamplt af
kar "Yagld Unlimtad' ahilatap hy-Camt taa wantaa af SO wka Uak. 10 yaan yaanfar than har calandtr yatrt
daman.tralt kar tana lattrna. Hatltk, Yaiitk and taairty fVafrtM.tFltl IIAUTY HON. r'
'Wrl M'i
U "- v '. ,1 't t s H
Uvv.'-ilM' tP
JL v ' 1 1 ' r A
. v w '-wn-r- fr.
in summer's Oriental fashi
summer s
and a marvelous mantle
of fresh flattering fragrance
by Fabergi...
cool couturier colognes 2. to 10
Afhrodisia Woodhue Tigress Act IV
IHf ouiwnIiii
lllir COSMO
UK atiai neirt aw vnr
it ODerdti si out'
Red Cross Shoes
TVn ajredlvcl tkM M iammi;
a W Ml TV AtWKM HawsW la. Om
90 RED
Your Favorite
Footwear Aoir at
a Great Saving!
Twice each year Miller's place Red Cross foot
wear on sale at a very substantial saving in
Beginning tomorrow', Monday, ovprXpo pairs
of these famous shoes. RED ( ROSS, will he
priced at $8 P0 per pair' It's yr.ur cue or hint
to stock up while your size and style is avail
able! Pumps, Straps, Slings,
Whether your favorite Red Cross is a pump,
sling or strap style in the various heights of
favorite heels, coma to Miller's snd be expert
ly fitter! and save! Remember .... the sale
begins Monday mornin? at 8:30 o'clock' Not
all sizes and widths in 8rh style
Sizes AVi to 1 0 AAAA to C Widths
The Best Ploce to Shop . . . After All