6-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat, June 23, '56 SATURDAY BROADCASTS (UlUr'i Mtot Tk lutiMti fnfeHikM la t ftHk Uw mnH Iri ilaat at prsnTMat) ay saala aaa TV ttalMai, aart krrauta fUlaaca th arairamt are chant wlllMwt aatltl rattan thU newspaper k laaeaaaiatt far Ue acenracjr heiela.) SATURDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KPTV SATURDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS CHANNEL 171! 1:M .. 'Triumphlni in Trouble". How to ue the froublei in life constructively. 1:11 p.m. "Resurrect km", the first 0 the four movie versions of Tolstoy s novel. lt:M b.m Mystery Theatre "Carrie Coffin" A woman orders her ewu coffin and states the time and place of her death. 1V.H p.m. Saturday Kite Owl Theater "Yank in London", Anna Neagle and Dean Jagf er. KOINTV SATURDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL t)i t:M p.m. "Devil's Cargo" with John Calvert and Roehelle Hud son. "Western Gold" with Heather Angel-and Smith Ballew. i7:J p.m. Stage Show Guests will be Jackie Robinson, Jimmy Randolph, Fran Warren, and Earl Hall. 1I:M .Showtime on Six Fun on a Weekend' with Eddie Sir Pierson Dixon, England I Ambassador to the U.N. SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS 7T (filter"! late: Tie lUlmu pnkllskrs In ihI raltk Ik rt nw M Umn h prarMat ky rail an TV statlaas, kat kmyw ifttlm the pratrasas art chaai.e wltaaitt aatlflcatlaa this aewtpape' a raapaaslkle lar the accaratT herein.) SUNDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KPTV SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL Z7)i 1:M p.m. Zoo Parade Capturing Wild Animals . Show Includes JruiJe TV Bob Hope Triumphs n Video Spectacular COLUMBl'S, Ohio -New By EVE STARR lof their own rather than pouring i radio signals "which presumably If Af T VlKAArk of inn T r 1 . 1 1 1L.1 .. i u . tatam Ikeif 1 sit-1 oi n a t a nn Vnii uiora rnnnrl rA me capture 01 a girane run down cowooy nyie in an auiomoo.ie. port i t.lk.H ns Hn. nn li. nnt onin in h. hannv working bv an Ohio Slate L'niversitv radio e:. pm.-mW .ne rrwa-uuvr.nor n.w.u, . usr ,he phofle mjnu,M h. nad ,0gether. astronomer. ing onwill be questioned by Charles Lucey of Scripps-Howard. Ernest (ini,hed ne of ,he most , The finding were mode by Dr K. Lindley of Newsday. ad Richard Wilson. - ,. Tv lhm, B. mv rinn. STARRDIST: Bob Clampett, , , n .. ,J , VM p.m.-Debut of Stevi Alien s hour by comedy variety shoWjhj, 0WB o.minute spec- '"""J ?l "Tiro J " ?"y,"i,,: vmity'a radio observatory. Ear ..iiw tamMi, riiDia . .. (ninil ffirpa with nroducpr iMn r ... J "" ....,. . . ucuiar wnicn ne mrew mgetner Her this month, Dr. Kraus re lief p.i Hingle star Doctor Finds Radio Signals From Venus p.m.-Alcoa. Hour-Darren McGavin Janice Rule and Pat ;for (he lptciie purpo,P of plug. I' vL."" ; Ptcd rad.o signals resemblm; ar in "Archangel Hamgan ilory of a man who claimed he:gjng hj, new p,ramount picture, ' Do ou Trust Your wile. ) to sta(j(, from ,rrr,,strial ,hund(,r could fly and a mountain sir! that believed in him, l:M p.m.-Sunday Star Tfme "Spirit of West Point", starring Doc Blanchard and Glenn Davis, famous West Point football players, with pictures from some of their games. KOIN TV SI NDAY S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL : IMS p.m. Adventure "The Bayeux Tapestry, guest and guide Bracken, Priacilla Lane, and Tom Conway. KLOR-TV SATURDAY HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL I!): t:M pan-Spotlilt Theater-This Will Make You Whistle" starring Jack Buchanan, Elsie Randolph and Jean Gillie. A wacky comedy with whistleable tunes and testful dances. 4:N p.m. Gardening for Fun Deaa Colling gives (he deadlines for planting annuals to give color to the borders and beds through th summer months. I:M p.m. Academy Theater "Chicago Calling." with Dan Duryea and Mary Anderson. The story of a guy who drank too much whose outlook on life is saved by little dirty-faced boy who loved him. !:M p.m. Cinema Showcase "Queen For A Day," starring Jack Bailey. J:M p.m. Armchair Theatre "Don't Trust Your Husband : ted MacMurray. Madeline Carroll. A wife hires an escort in order to make her husband jealous. 1:00 p.m G. E. Theatre Screen Star Claire Trevor plays the starring role in "Emergency Call." Tragedy brings an estranged husband and-wife together. 10:M p.m. First Run Theatre "Man of Conflict ": Edward Arn old, John Agar, Susan Morrow. r That Certain Feeling.' Hone was in Dress Room No. U ML a UU ' hsnk .nlnr ilil. hOW OH dio when I ,Ur!ln ,! reached him, and he wss buoyant. He knew without l.-ii . being told that tS''"," it had been an exceptionally good show, one of the self-satisfying efforts where everything plays the way. it is supposed to play instead 01 just Iving there making weak, pathe tic little noises. He was enth starf a new puppet film series to; be titled "Rlinky" . . . It's def- rr storms were recei"cd from the planet Venus sometimes re ferred to as earth's "twin." NBC Kridy nights,! astronomer said the new And in the eon-! signals, ol a distinctly iflillerent tract it specifies n. polities, no type, resemble raoio telegraphy eontroversv. That's rather like in many. ways. naiever pnenomenon inite now that Walter Winrhell ; will emcee a half-hour variety , show Cliamiel (Ihtickles ft BIT. KEANK iathe- -1 husi- J1I ingly SATURDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV, WT n; KOIN TV, VHP I; KLOR. VHP It HOUR M:M I:1S H.St M:4J IPTVI KOIN I I Mighty Moum IMIfhlt Mouit 1 KOINB..tb.il IRfD S Ifury IBawball (Tttu Ranfrn !Tfx Raniera t KPTVlHowdr Doody IHowdy Doody II Married Joanfl Marrird Join KOINInrD liKPTVIru sw I Uncle John IBawball HKPTVIcipt Gallant ICapt. Oallanf ITBA KOINI Baaaball IBawball :Bawl ffKPTVlTBA KOINI Ba-hall 1 IBawball TBA IBawball IBawball Chriatophara IBawball lUnolf John JBawball ITBA IBaarball IChrlitophara ISporta Club KPTVI Man to Man KOINIlKSua Plhw KLOR! . Country Camp iBrradbaikH IBrradbatkrt J-Cun PlyhM ll-Gun Plyhw ll-Gun Plyhw I iTait Pattern ITant Pattam KLOR-tV SINDAY S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL l!l I.u .lmur!ol Th.9lpL-'Rrio!nH. RanH ' .larrins imliui SStiC about itS SUCCCSS, SCCmin v : ..j c. iw Tk. ...ii.. ,k... ..j ,.Mr ( mni.i, untired and setting ready to bandits by a small band of soldiers i've by plane that mt mgH l:M p.m.-Famous Film Festival-' Stairway to Heaven," starring ",r 1,r.w "c ' David Niven, Kim Hunter, Raymond Massey and Roger Livesey. several more guest appearances British airman who has been shot down and who, fighting for his lifei,or ,nal r""" in an operating room, envisions himself standing trial on the threshold To Hope's credit, pluxs for the of heaven. picture were not overdone on the 1:00 p.m. Coronet Theatre "Lulu Belle" starring Dorothy !-a- show. The longest plug, actually, mour and George Montgomery. The story of a sultry beauty and her was a series of highly entertain love for a rising young lawyer who forsakes his career and fiance ing film sequences taken during for her. SUNDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV. IHF 27: K01N-TV. VHP ; KLOR, VHF U HOUR W:0 M:1S 0:3 M4S in KPTVI KOINI tl Person C'n Do lYour Troubla T 2IPTTI Mr. Wtiard KOINI Armchair T Sir. Wizard ITBA Jnduitrv KOINI Armchair The. lArmchalr Tht. lArmehalr The. lArmchalr Tha. KLOKI Bit Plttura BIP(1ura Spotlit Thaa. ISpotllta Tha. J KPT VIhotw Opera IHorst Opera I Horn Opera Hone Optra KOrN Armchair Thaa lArmchalr Thai lArmchalr Tha. lArmchalr Thca. KLORiBpotllt Thai, gpotllte Thta. ISpotllta Thaa. SpollltaThca i , KPTTIsky King I Sky King I Bill Hickok I Bill Hlckok Armchair Thaa. lArmchalr Thia.l3howtlma Mom'Showtlmt Mora Klttmtr. ... uaiwmiia lUBrorniiia luawjy nivri iv,d(iv n 14 nKPTVIraith Today KOINIrajthJToday 19 KPTVI r.Hh Front. I. Ifalth Today iralrhTodar Faith Front. KOINI Lamp to Fact Lamp to Tret KLOR Tnt Pattern IThii In Lite I Bill Hlrkok Amrr. Forum , Adventure rolkf Prca KPTVIZoo Parade KOIN raca Nation KLORlLlfhtrd Wind. Zoo Parade IFire Nation Lishtrd Wind Outlook iSunday Ncui Bids America t- avri V cue Kid ICIaco Kid Troubled Y'th ITroubled Y'th SkUIINlBlf picture Bia Picture IBeat the Clock IBeat th Clock KLORIUurl It HardylLaur't A HardylF.lhel It Albert IF.Ihrl A Albert (i KPTVI tnduilry Movie Museum; Blf SurpriM IBif Surprise 1 KOINtWUd Bill Thca. Wlld Bill Thea. iWiid Bill Thea. IWlid Bill Thra. ' KLOKI Academy Thea Academy Thea lAradcmy Thea lArademv Tliea. ; KPTVIpaltt Pae IPattl Par .IPatti Paee IPattl Pare t KOINIjackl GleaaonUackle Gleuon Staee Show 1 St ace Show KLOKI Academy Thea. I Academy Thea Dougl. Fairb'ki Doufl. Falrb'ka . KPTVI Waterfront IWaterfront IJImmy Durante Jlmmr Durante KOINI Twa (or Monev Two tor MonevlAlwava Jan lAlwava Jan - KLORf Lawrence Welk'Lawrence Welkl Lawrence Welk Lawrence Welk Cobtl IGeorfe Cobel lAdvtnture " ! fttINIGuiMmoka RLORlLlfe-Chance frhiiM.tfe IBill Hickok Amer. Forum Ad enture CnMefe Press iOutlook ISundav News iBIdjr. America Dr Spock (Church in HomeChuri h in Home ILone Raneer The Wy IThe War Christophers Transition Onist Science KPTVI TBA TBA TRA TBA KOIN1 Armchair The. lArmchalr The. (Armchair The Armchair The KLOR Imperial Theat. Imperial Theat Imperial TrielmjyrialTheat KPTVI Roy Roger a iRoy Rogers BigPictuie Bu Picture KOINlArmchair The. lArmchair The. Telephone Time Teleph'rra Time KLOR! Imperial Theat. Imperial Theat. Pioneer Theat. 'Pioneer Them Perspective ' Perspective ll.assie. '1 as'ie Oral Roberts Oral R,,her!j KPTV'Dr Spor k KOINI Lone Ranger KLOR! Christopher! the filming of the movie and showing Hope and Pearl Bailey muffin their lines. Another highlight was the introduction of Hone's four children, one of whom appears In the picture with him. ' Outstanding in the kind of spots that senerallv don't come off too well in TV were Jnne j Russell. Betty Grahle, Marilyn Maxwell and Dorothy Lamnur, wilh George Sanders lendinc what can only be called yeoman support. Equally outslandinK was Steve Allen in the role of emcee- commentator, w ith the -show sen - the ing as somethins "f a break in for his start next Sunday as NBC's new one-man "Comedy Hour." a. iy j Is re sponsible for the signals must be of rather complex type, Dr Kraus said. This type of radio emission has many of the characteristics of ( signals from a terrestrial radio telegraph transmitting station," he said. j Sufficiently numerous and varied observations of the signa have been made to make it ap pear very likely that they do tome from Venus, Dr. hraus added. MOMMY By THE MOSSIERS e,. .. . .. 'P " Ti N,U T, Im. In, aiwt a, u s f Qft "I can remember the time when I loved a rcloxing day ot the beach !" Myrtle Creek s Mill to Close "Drop into nn olliee during the seventh inning stretch!" Air Leaders Ask Funds For Dispersal WASHINGTON - The Air Force has askict Congress lur an estimated lto million dollars (or new construction to sl.irt a pro-. Kriim of dispersing its strategic' striking forces. Strategic Air Command ' SAC ' oflicials outlined I h e program skolchily during recent hearings before the House Appropriations ROSKBl'RO f - The I'mpqua Plywood Corp in Myrtle Creek Mill be out of business Sept I. its sawmill manager, George Rit tenhouse. announced Friday. A subsidiary, I'pco Logging Co., was dishanded last fall Beset. Hittenhouse said, by la bor ta. smoke and flood prol)-' Icnis. the company will discon tinue a .15-inan shift at the saw mill A TO man shift at the mill was terminated alxif two weeks ago The company at one time oper ated a plywood null at Myrtle Creek, hut that was closed more than a year ago The plywood plant and sawmill began opera tions in IMS ....... 4 1 1 ie f ' 1 1 KPTV'Meet the Preaa iMeet the Press KOINlYou Are There lYou Are There KLOR' Pioneer Theat Pioneer Theat IGunamoke fLife-Chance lAdventure ITalent Scouts (Talent Scnuti ITomor, Stari ITomor. Start 10 KrTVIllyalarF Theat IMytUry Theat. I People Funny IPeophj runny KOINI Diamond Jubll.lDlamond Juhll. Showtime en I. Showtime on I KLORI Cinema Show ICInema Show ICInema Show ICinema Show (KPTVlTopper ITopper Frontier F-ontier KOIN private Sec y. IPnvate Sec y. What a My Line What s Mv Lire KLOR V Asked tor It U Asked Tor It Famous Films firr.cus Filma 7KPTV'steve Allen ISteve Allen Sieve Allen S'eve Allen KOIN Ed Sullivan iF.d Sullivan Fd Sullivan 'Fd Sullivan KLORlFamous Films tFamnua Fllmt Tamoui Films Famous Films KPTVlAloca Hour KOINjG I Theater KLOR Ted Mack's Hr. HKPTVlNlte Owl INIta Owl INIIe Owl . Wlte Owl KOIN! Showtime aa t IStiawtlme oa ( IRhowtlme on I Showtime aa SATURDAY'S RADIO KSLM UM KOCO 1S KOAI 14M COIN 7 KOW ;t KEY list Aloia Jtour . Aloca Hour Alncs Hour G E Theater Air. Hitchcoe A!f Hitorn,-tc ITed Macks Hr. Ted Mack s Hr TfJMirs i Hr Morte Crlsto City Detective Coronet Theat KPTVI Loretta Vounf (Loretta Vounj iMonte Cruto KOIN m OO0 Ch'H ne SM 000 Ch'll nira ICity Detective KLOR: Coronet Theat. Coronet Theat Coronet Theat. ISundav Star lst Run Theat Rel Town Hall III KPTVlBowlinf IBowllnr ' KOINI is) Run Theat KLOR! Coronet Theat. t Nil Meracycles KOIN HI I; HEX ft.; ROW IM J HOUR 6 N:1S W:45 Ht News-K Time Keep fima SLM Hamlnfway Braaa Gan koco no to tows KGAY Game Comm. COIN KOIN KVock COW Monitor CIS slews KSLM Nawa Mus Tlmkpr Mut Tlmkpr News COAT farm News Salute To Sat Salute To Sat IKGAY News OIN Newt-Amer. KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock COW Monitor Monitor Courtesy Car ICourtesv Car Ski-Keep fimc Keep Tune nf Rrcakl Cane Newa Tunes r Time ITunea A Time iTunes A- Time Salute To Sat ISalute To Sat IKGAY News Newa Goaa News Consum Newa Monitor Wthr-Monilar Monitor Keepjrtma Keep Time Keep Time U.B Time Haven nt Rest HavenTol Reat" Local News. Tunes Af Time ITunes tt Time ISalute To Sat ISalute To Sat. IKGAY News Guest Start Gunsmoka Gunsmoke Monitor Monitor Monitor Keep Time Keep Time Keep Time Farm It Home Pastor I Call Bariairi r'nTT Tunea Ar Time ITunes It Time ITunes & Time ISalute To Sat. ISalute To Sat. KGAY News Music Galen Drake Calen Drake Monitor Monitor Monitor NoSchool No School No Sthool Music Baseball 'Baseball lim, Tune St. UIW Tune St. lim Tune St. ISalute To Sat ISalute To Sat. ! KGAY News Amer. musio Dance Orch Dance Orch. Mus jMcAnurtv Mus. 1 ms w'Stnrs Tomor'ow 1CSI.M Pasebatt IBaseball tBaseball I Baseball COCO Newa-Sporta I4W Tune St. 114X0 Tune St. IMdO Tune St COAT Salute To Sat. ISalute To Sat ISalute To Sat Salute To Sat KOIN Story Master Hobt. Q. Lewis Root Q. LewliiRobt Q Lewis w.w mcAsnisi asua mcnnuiiT asua McAnu te alu. McAnnll. a CSLM Bible Hour COCO Sport Shots COAT Salute To Sat COIN Story Master COW Monitor bsCIS, Keep Time CSLM l-H Show COCO - News-Sports KGAT Salute To Sat KOIN Story Master COW Monitor CEX No School 1CSLM Newt COCO Newi-Sporta KOAT Camera Club avKOIN Newt IlKCW McAnulte Mill M-Anuliv CEX Start Tomor'ow Stars Tomor'ow Stars Tomor o SIX Festival Festival 1a.at.ai naaenall Baseball COCO World New Sat Matlae KOAT KOAY Newt ISat. Hits 2 COIN Noon Nawa Weath r-Farm COW Farm Si Hem Farm' as Home CEX Festival Festival .ei.w n.wmti men v - nounn Sat Matinee ISal. Hits INewspaper I Monitor Rust Conrad Merrv-Rnund Sat Matinee Snt. Hits Sat Chase McAnulty Mut. Rust Conrad IFettival Baseball Sat Matipea ISat Hits Garden Gate Monitor Festival iFestlval I Baseball St Vjilnee IKGAY News IFarm Facta iMonitor Festival 2j c Ik, (I eaC "M"erry-Round Sat Matinee ISat. Hits OCO Newss porta COAT Sat Hlta I KOIN Newspaper . COW Monitor CEX Rust Conrad t ft SLM Merrr-Round OKI Newa-SoorU fCOAT Sat. Hits ' COIN Sat Chase OW McAoultv atut CEX News-Conrad CSLM Merry-Round Merrv-Rnund Merry-Round SHOCO News-Spnrti . Sat Matinee . Sat Matinee. r auai ai mis .v.n. tins Sat. Hits OIN Man Bites Rec 'Man Biles Hee iMan Bites Rer. PKC.W McAnulty Mut McAnultv Mut Monitor CEX Newt-Conrad Rust conrad Russ Conrsd Merry-Round Sat Matinee IKOAY News Way lor Youth Wav for Youth Kourtcsylar touitei. Car iCourtesy lar iRusa Conrad Merrv-Round Merrv-Round Sat Matinee Sat Matinee ISat Hits IKHAY News Good News tl Never Know McAnulty Mus iMcAnultv Mut. Ruts Conrad Russ Conrad Merry-Round Sat Matinee IKGAY News Man Biles Rec. I Monitor Russ Conrad .CSLM Guest Star iOCO nrta I KOAT Sat HIU ItOIN. Klrkham Hmm lG W Couitesy Car CEX Newi-Blkhrn Newt Boh Crosby Musk- Jrny inta Jau rny tnta Jail Imy into Jaia ISal. Hiu ,Sat. Hits ' KGAY News i U N. Record Dander Ahead I Music Courteay Car IMonitor Monitor Bob BlackBurn Bob Blackburn Boh Blackburn 5 KSLM Newt HOCO "wti COAT Sat. Hits oiN Newt-Weathar KOW Monitor REX Newt-Blkn'rn Country Style Pop Timet IStt. Hits Man In House Monitor Bob Jack Klzziah Pop Tunes ISat Hits IHarmon Sots IMonte Ballon Jack Klrrlah Welly's Sports ISifn Off Gnss News Monte Ballnu .KSLM Hawll Calls aaaKSLM Wea n Serenade Wes'r Seren'ae Wei KOt'O Bhyinmalres 6ai.nt nawu " COCO Newt hoin rt. Li KOW Monlto M m tt Dull CJ It ramie Blackburn Bob Blackburn Rob Blackburn Hawaii Callt Western Sere. VVe.tern Sere. Pop Tunes Rhvthmalres Rhvthmalret I Ft Laramie Indictment Indictment Monitor Gr Ol .Inrv C.r Clle line Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn Serenade1 Wes'n. Serenade nance Parl nsnce Part? Jimmy Wakelrl Jimmy WaVely Heck Harper Heck Harper Bob Adkina Bob Adkint lbug-o"utDopV iBaiebj.l Dance Party Dance fart? iBasin St. Jam Basin St. Jin; ITruth or C'nag.iTnith ar C'snq. Adkint Shew 'Adklns Show 'COIN CiXl Hospital IOW Heck Harpet CEX Adkint Shew Rhvthmalres City Hospital Heck Harper Adkina Show KPTVsunday Star KLORIchrlstophert it Run Theat Coronet Theat. ISunday Star (Christophers S.;ndav S-ar 'at R in Theat Re! Town Ha l ISundav Star Sundav S'ar Europe Crusade Kurnpe C'uade SUNDAY'S RADIO KSLM IMS COCO MS COAE I43 KOIN ITS KGW :t REX IIM FM: Meiicyelet KOIN ml: KEX K.l; KGW IM I HOUR M:N 0:15 00:43 KGW 1:3a Church Hyms KOIN list Church of the Air Church Belli Salt Lake lab. Sun Music ll.ieht K Life hum MelodT Journ'vtMelodr Journ'yiMusic KOIN Inv to Learn llnv to Learn Salt Lake Tab. KGW Radio Pulpit Radio Pulpit KEX iame Com Join Navy KSLM Cont'v Baptist Salem Acad. COCO Never Know '4-HCIuh KGAY Waflfe Club IWaflle Club COIN News-Music iKxplorer COW Sun. Music I Sun. Music CEX Hihle Studv Bible Studv KHI.M Bible Clast Bible Clasa K(M O Mus for sun Mus tor Sun KOAY Roberta Ocean jliuberti Oman KOIN Jewish Faith Wealher KOW Scandinav Hr. Scandinav Hr KEX Jnaker Hour Uualur Hon KSLM News Christian Set Frank A: Frn'st Paul It KOt'O "res ivter'an i'ri".ln i. in wanli Me Si.n Music Lnht At Life Back to God Back to God Nazarene Ser Mus fur Sun Wallle t'luli KGAY News iKor Af Rept. Si Fiancis Voice Prupli'cy A'olce Propn'cv Luok to Sklfs lioL) Ciosbv Voice of Proph Voice of Prnph Mus for Sun. Mus for Sun Hit Review KCAY Ncus Auv in Science News Scandinav Hr Sc.md'nav Hr. 'noen People Hru Biainh Ford i Hem. KliAV Hit Review II Ut RtMew illlt Review KI.Al v OisOIN Music Fest iMusic Fest. Ilvlusic Fest 'Music Fest KGW Munc for Sun. Music for Sun Mikic for Sun Mus for Sun. KEX slews-Branch Branch Branch Branrh 1 KSI.M JoinNavT Concert Min tr First eth.i 1st' Tint Metliodist KOCO First Baptist First Baptist 'irt .saptisl F'rt Baptist KGAY Lavman's Hour ILayman's Hour Layman's Hour Lavrnjn Hmr 1KOIN Music Fest Music Fest Sun. Aftern'n Sun. Aftern n COW F.ternal Llht Kternsl t.l(ht ('Hholic Hr. Catholic Hr. CEX lewi-Branch Branch Branrh Branch 1 em" 3 KSLM News Well at Work KOCO World News Sun Matinee KOAY KGAY News ISerenarle COIN Percy Faith Hr. ,1'ercv Faith Hr. CCiW News-Monitor Monitor CEX Revival Hr. IRevival Hr. Sun. Serenade nn Matinee ISun. Serenade I Wiishuigtnn Mnnitni Mennonites Sun Matinee 'Seienane Percy Faith Hr. stonitnr IRevival Hr. Mennnniles Sun Matinee IKGAY News Percy Faith Hr. Monitor iRevival Hr. The Hope show proved several (hints about TV which have needed proving lately, esperiallv so far as the spectaculars are concerned: I.e., that (resh. new material Is belter than re hashrd classirs, and stars with enthusi ' m for what thev are doin( are better than stars tine to rise (a the occasion. In this instanee, Hope had seen performers, in cludinc himself, who obviously j were havinr, a wonderful time 'onstage aqd the material to make jit fount. I The Show also proved that. 1 with the right material and the right support. Hope has no peer as a SO-minutr performer. ' . THE CH.p PROS ha t a f;eU for themselves Sundjv ni:h Bob Hopelia'l things a!! his own i wav in the Sundav spectacular with Bmg Crosby thrown in for good measure in a never hefore . seen production number from "The Road to Bali" which had been cut from the picture when it was released some years a:o. And later, on the Jack Benny show, ( rosbv and Oeoree Burns joined with Benny in a priceless vaudeville sketch as three hoof ers of the old Palace days Just to round thinss out, Hope was in for a surprise spot at the end The appeomnce of Hope, ( rosbv, Bennv and Burns in one evening raised that old question all over acain: where are the new pros coming from'1'' THE FABU.OIS TKAM of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis has reached the breaking up sluse again, this time apparently for good and with a marked lack of iH feeling. They leave soon on a ni'htrlub tour, which Martin savs will "probably" be (Heir last as a team. He has been offered the starring role opposite Doris Day in a film version of "Pajama Came." and Jerry wants to star and direct a picture of his own for Paramount. What they have to work out now is a new arrancement with NBC. with whom they have a five year contract to do four TV shows a season for five years. Odds are that NBC will agree to let the boys do separate shows ! ( ..iv,,,!,.' Vw,r nnri tl l i signing Babe Ruth with a clause omnn lee, which is considering a (.r an( )rain wj M fx(,n saving he can't hit anv home nin to nnanee ine iirr.Ki.im rln. Initial phases of the dispersal program call iur csinniisninc heavy SAC bomber units at It ex isting air bases in the I'niled States Most of the funds requested would be used to widen and lengthen landing strips and build hangars to accommodate heavy bombers The bases, and the funds re- I.iberace may not he making headlines any more, but he's sure making the money, hp ii liivc two concerts at the Akron Rubber Bowl July 4 for a fee of S3S.000 . . . One of Radio s best comedians from the old days, Jack Kirkwond. will be in troduced as a new character in the "Life id KiVv" series. sue limber holdings nf the firm southeast nf Myrtle Creek, com pany officials said I i ( . p r nal 1 kOA(V .").() k.c, l SJturtUs ii w f jt r- A e '. 10 M am- Y.-r IS IS r,.:-c. a!h t- Ved . s! As..- ISO S'.-s T"e II aa T-e I'.'i'if Ha l K tav-The Nevis -4 -e: It 11 p m m - Rj - H.-.r 1 -Voices y-jfxe m s" trus. 2 et Al.. . , , : .- tn-e-s 4 Kv -r . J..:: J l ers ej-e-- S1- e s- S Je Osf- -.re Pa-'- F -., S IV-r- ''-ess ew tsV-r-le N(.i l no West- IS H....a! (-'..' t 4V-r- Be--, .i ' , : tv r, t . 'e-i s l.v T S'r i t-i Wea'.'.e- 1 H S i- C:' ' qui sled for each include Amarilto Air Force Base. Texas. $17.2)2.000: Mather Air Force Base. Sacra mento. Calif . SJ I ti-V) (VHi : Shi-pp;LT.d Air Force Base. Wichita Falls. Texas SIT.ool IKHI Bcalc Air Force Bast. Maryswllc. Calif ." .5ta.0l; Bergstrom Air Force Base. Auslin, Texas $li Ji.18 (W. Clinton Sher man Air Force Base. Burns Flat. OUa . t.9i:.0i. mm SERVICE STATIONS. INC. DAVID I. Mc DONALD Prttidenf UNITED STEELWO RKEKS OF AMERICA "STEELW0RKERS FACTS 1956" KLOR-TV 10 PM KVAI. TV. VHF 13 fll.JNK kI-r (hJnn'l 1! ( Sittirdiv i . ! (HV-S'd.-s r-f - -1 R i - it vi F.a? .r2 C e . w S'.."trt Ma'.'ef T'"ar p:- ; i a ; r; d s ? a a and R . a ;, e: ;n : e s-: . ol a dig a rnnf- .1 i ,i-d uf s: KiliiriaJ 1 iM Mm; -, U vi .i, Jnt Mi.-Cr" m'jer1! - a rrirr. rfpoi'pr (li fn ' F.,.'fit' In (I. a ..n tAC' ;f rr.ational :j.tr;uf ?U iit-("a-T-tra 1ft Rm-TiP-T.n: 7 :M A-f-rtf VAV S :c'A 1106 Ft?op i,. Are irr fi Fvj'iru H'W fiiiv I.ciriiharo and Roial f'anariian. 0ft ( ;or;'ff )f ; ou 1ft Advrnr'f Tl 10 0ft ,1. it s II Oft Rc- t FMc.vl-.f.jvP v. it , "VVtaiurv" 1 1 ;i n r p runs nut j, TrnaRr ntiipr had pUnned for hr KU.KNF: KV L-TV, hannrl U ( S unda i ..J0 thi i-stwin Scif nre; ll-J't.pprt HihU- St..r , 10:00 OihI Hdheits, 10 JO LiuMlt-ii Window; 1 1 WO i n.tiiipiiaaisnip Bo a In i w itM AII-S'h- Finals ? ftO Frontier ut F.ii'!' !?! An rrican Fnitni; I Oft imi 1'ai.idf. I:.tu Finni'ii I'l.iv ;.u-r '.itn W M 1 1 1 it- Id ('(innnf in "DstTt Kci-kunin -a mall plane fratis in tin- itMit I (Ml Suiiiiav M.itinee Tlu-atei .th HutKiid Arlen in w ; Dim ;i pi'ot and his h u t ,(: (i'i:pie Mi: j s-r'-. rt : :i This v Hit- Lite 4 0 What One Primm (;tn Do tfl Ft Vnuf Infer ni.'itinn 5 00 ( p ihe Pre-. u iln Ciovt'i not A i t'uir B L,nef nf Wash i n Ton ; 5:3() H Rul'cis. S.Oft Tnppei , i iO TRA T 00 Ti c Sieve Allen Shnu . R 00 CHv n-tort,ve H1W.itei -f innt (1ft I.fret1a Ynmu' S'iniA ; : lftFnni -Star Plavhrni-e w it n l.o refa Youne in ''Earthquake'; 18:00 Tclrphnne Tiuir presents Ida l-upino :n ' Woman A ft aid' . 10 10 Sunday Shnwtrre presents "S'liith nf Fcua-rior"- tne stnrv of an American engi ni er ho risks a fortune fn save human lives from effects nf earth quake, TBA KSI.M Medicine KOCO Sun Matinee KGAY Sun Serenade KOIN Washington Kf.W Momtni KI.X I'an-Ani I'nion I'. Sun Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Matinee Sun Mittnea Sun. Serenade Kf'AY News Hi d vv I'aiade Ridwv Parade iinti't ''nr Iur n-Am Tnton llii-ii Mmrent High Mnirent Kftl.M Hasehntl ll',aeh.itl IK'M'O Sun M it l nee un M.itinre KC;AY Sun Serrnaitv Sun Sr-icu.uie ' .OIN l.isleninR Fir ,1 Klrning fat Kf; W Monilnr 'Monitor Kr X Hr ol Decision Hr of l)erli-nn hafhail o Haehalt vhm M.ittnee un Ma'lnet Sun Sex-n.'.'e Kf.AY Nru I 'stciune K-ar KleumR Far 1 Met't the PreS' Meet the Pi Herald of 1 ruth Herald of Truth ft s T KSLM Muale KOCO Nawa.Sprtt KOIN Rock It Roll KOW Hrc Marpar KIX Adkint (how FXSBaaball I Music Dance Paris 'Rock It Roll I Heck Harper Adkint Show Iniaeball D'nre fmrly IMItrh. Miller X Minus Una Rob Adklns KOCO Newa-8rwrtl KOIN Mitch Millar JIUW X Minus Ona KX rvir. Adkint Baaaball !' ar Sit final Good Ewnma Dance Time ' oaoc nma (IX Oancinf Party Panceiana Dance Kfl.M Rjsebsll v 0(0 Newa-Sporta nisi nkr.w VI IBaseball (lance r'urtT IMItcr). Miller Dacca Tima Mankind Ways "'Baseball hi ici Paris Good Crenlni Dance Tlma Dpccland KKLM Dance KOCO Newe-Sport 0(N . Nawt-Mutte 1 1 l Dance Time I (IX Danceland Dane tart Mua Mldnlehl Dance Tlmf Danceland' Rueball Danca IMitrk Millar Danca Time Mankind Wavs Baseball Dince ,art? flood Evening Dance Time Danceland IPanra IDanra Danca Parit Danca Party Mut Midnight Mut Midnight panre Time Danca Tima Danceland Danceland KHI.M Hasrhall H.isehill Have'.1! n.'sehall K Teenare Tunes Teenaee Tunes Teenaee Times Teenaee Tunes (Kt, Sum, Seienarie Sun Scren.irU ,Sun Serenade K(A' N'eus KtllN FdRar Hergen F.ilenr Mcrgen KflEar Hergen Kilrar Herjjen Kt.W Munltnr iMnnilnr Monitor 'Mnnitf- JirX Hi-Fi Time Hi-Fljime Hi-Fi Time Ili-Fi Time KSI.M Hnse1'-,!! illnse'-sM Huei,,;1 Raseltall Ikim k Teenage Timet Teenafe Tunes Teenaee Tunee Teensce Tunes iKtiAYG'tHn Fnrum Kf tun Forum Atrlime 'Air Ti-fe IKOIN Mlisir Hall Music Hall rRM Newt ( RSNrs KGW Monitor Monitor Shlrlev Thnmaa Shlrle- Thomas KFX Bob Srott Show IRob Srott Show Boh Scott Show 'Bob Srott Show Kai.st Hlseblll Baseball Lutheran Hour -an 'tour IOC" Teenage Tunet Teenage Tunes Teenage Tunes Teensse Tunes tOAT KOAY News !Sen. Neiihereer Sun. Serenade Sien Off IKOIN Cnrllll Archer ICorlln Archer 'Two for Monev Twn'nrMnnee KfiVt News-Mnnltnr .vlonitor Mnnltor Moriior RKX Boh Scott Rhnw'Bob Rcott RhowlFtoh Scott Show Bob Scott Shnw rKLM Walt Wlnchell Front Paee Bob rnnsidlne News KOI t Teenage Tunet feentge Tunes Teenare Tunes Teenase I lines IKOIN O'Mara 'O'Haia (iunsmoke (,urtmrke PKfsH Monitor 'Monitor Amer Fmum Amer. Forum K(X llrew Hearken Jlmms Ftdler finest Star 'Here's In Ve's askl.Sj Memorv Room vlemrvr Poom Pearson Music KOffl Teenage Tunes iTeenaee Tunes reenaae Tunes Tecnaee Tunes KOIN Master's Mel'dy .Master's Mel'de Juke Bon Jurv'Juke Bo Jur X(!W Monitor 'Monilnr Mus Festival Mus Festival XKX Mun Headllnes'Ftith Our Time Growing Palns Crowing Paint KM M Mmlc IMusic Music IMusle KOIN Juke Box Jure'Juke Box JurykSt Louis ISI Louis KW Musle Felt. Music Fest "us Fest 'u F-st T.X Sports Co to Town ICreat C mp i rs Great t "mo's ri 4 5Kf Kf Kf Kf 4 7! 81 KFX tKII.M Newi Davt Hott Price In Valley Peace In Valley KOIN jomharrlo Time Lombard" Time Face Nation 'race Nation KflW Music Fest Musle Feat Meet Preaa . e i'rr- Kath Kuhlman (f,ath Kuhlman Israel Message Israel Messare Show Tunes 'Show Tunes Show Tunes Mus Memoe rhurrh of Air f'hurrh ol Air aih R,u,t I ' . t . u.a.. ii . i n u . nr n Q KFX Final Edition Finest Musia Revival Time il-vial Time KM M Mullc I KOIN sun Nile Ftn si, w KOIN Music Music IMusic iMusic Kr.w Newi Nightcap City rmtnctl t'm Council Citv Council CX Billy Graham Billy Graham aul Carton Paul Carton INTEGRITY In Filling Your Doctor's prescription! Each prescription at our pharmacy is com pounded with meticulous care and only fresh, top quality ingredients are used. Bring your prescription here! Complete Modern Pharmacy Capital Drug Store I I orations tn Better Serve Ynn Main Store: 40S State, Corner of I il.rrlv Prescription Shop; I7 (hemekcta. firiffin BlrlK WK (ilVK i'K 'tRKKN STAMPS Ol R STORE IS AIR ('ONI)lTinKt RV r RlfllPAIRE SHOP HERE COMFORTABLY. Hurry! Sale Ends Extras! Soon GROCERIES of a MONT- $100 Worth of FREE with the PURCHASE GOMERY-WARD Refrigerator or Freezer PLUS 20 Discount on FROZEN FOODS Purchased During this event. PLUS Liberal TRADE-IN Allowance for your old appliance. 9.3 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator . . 239.95 FREEZERS as low as . . 249.95 Yojjr Montgomery Word Store in Salem Offers These Outstanding Values in Cooperation With the Following Markets: Nameless Market . . . Salem Nameless Market . . . Dallas Nameless Market . . . Lebanon Hop's hAarket . . . Independence SHOP WARDS - OPEN MONDAY & FRIDAY 'TIL 9