O Statesman's HOME I anorama Women . . . Music . . . Fcshions . . . Features Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., June 23, 06 .(See. I)-3 Around By JF.RYME VISITORS OF NOTE . . . Guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Dean K Brooks art her sister. Mrs. Carl Wasson, and children, Lynn. Chip and Marybeth, of Topeka, Kansas . . . they will be here for the sum mer . .'. Arriving next week for a visit at the Brooks home will be her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moser of New York City . . . Mrs. Moser plans to be here several weeks while her husband is in Cali fornia and the northwest on busi ness ... Arriving ... In the capital today by train from Omaha, Nebraska will be Mm. Leighton Fairham and j children. Kern, Steven and Bruce, 1 w ho will spend most of the sum-1 mer In Oreoftn . . . they will make 1 their readquarteri at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. ; Bruekman, and will also visit with Mr. Fairham'i mother, Mrs. Silas E. Fairham . . California .' . . visitors this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hom er Ooulel r. nave been her brotn-er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Khret. their daughter, Mrs. Winifred Brown, and Mrs. Goulet's sister-in-law, Mrs. .laimft A. Nor wood, all of Oakland . . . The is ilnrs have also been in Seattle at the home of Mrs. Khret's siler. Mrs. J. R. Justice, and with two n:hrr sisters. Mrs. K. C. Appcrson in McMinnville. and in Portland uilh Mrs. William Dielschneid er . . . (Quests ... at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Case for the sum mer are their daughter, Mrs. G. A. Heed (Maxine Casel and son. Charles Lundy. of Los Angeles, uhn arrived in the capital this week . . , Mr. Reed will Join his1 Kingwood I 'nil . American Legion lamily here later in the sum- auxiliary installed new officers at mer ... Thursday night's meeting at the House guests ... of Mr. and Kingwood Legion hall. Mrs Karl Mrs. Ira Fitts are their longtime Moblcy was installed president for nends. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wins- the coming year: Mrs. Lillian Wil ier of Phoenix, Arizona .. . I liams. 1st vice president; Mrs. i ' l :j i. A reunion ... of hieh school '.iends was held on Thursday when . : Irs. Paul Jaquet and Mrs. Karl j v. Broke entertained at luncheon i the former's country home at Victor Point . . . they all attended -aliin High School and there was ouch reminiscing and picture tak ng during the afternoon ... In he group were Mrs! Flvin Lands : I Seattle, Mrs. Robert Vial. Mn. William Gosser, Mrs. MrDannrl Hmwn and Mrs. Ralph Westering, all of Portland . . . Mrs. Chester K. Dawns, Mrs. Edna Olson, Mrs. J li C 1 U I w King. Mrs. Dolph Craig, Mrs. Ron ild F. Jone. Mrs. M. Theodore Madsea Jr., Mrs. Becke and Mrs. iaquet . , . In Portland . . Wednesday night tor the Stephens College get-to-::;ithrr at the Renson Hole! were several from Salem . . the affair ( vas arranged in compliment to I prospective students planning to titer Stephens in the fall . . . I .''arents of the girls were also uests at the gathering . . . Attend in? from here were Mr. and Mrs. lllenn McCormick and daughter, lilenda. Mrs. Kdilh Anderson and daughter. Gloria Andrews. Mr and Mrs C V. Mooncy and daughter. Mary Clare . . . Attending ... the Yale (.Iff Huh concert in Portland Monday night at the Grant High School auditorium will be Mr. and Mrs. Oliver B. Huston . . . this is the tirsl time the glee club has come to the coast on lour . . . Ihcv have JEFFERSON - Friends of Mrs Like ii I in our "kidnaped" her I uesclay morning, all enjoying a !t o'clock breakfast at the. home ol Mrs. David Wied The occasion was Mrs Gilmour's birthday Oth its in the group were thr Mes dames K. R Henningsen. Kugcne Finlay, Finest Freeman. Gilbert Itelknap, Delmer Davidson John Zehncr, A. li Blinston. Almon H inn. 'Lynn Brown and Miss Ardys "rown. J I J . 1 Ln I W r 1 -1 ! I "if: 9 SATURDAY-JUNE 23 SALEM ROSE SOCIETY'S 11 TH ANNUAL ROSE SHOW 10 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. AUDITORIUM - SECOND FLOOR Personal appearance of Miss Universe . modeling Catalina Swim Suits. 11 A. M. SPORTS SHOP STREET FLOOR ! Town . . . ENGLISH sung in Europe the past two sum mers ... Mr. Huston is a grad uate of the Yale Law School and was Yale scholarship chairman in the Willamette alley lor a aura- ber of years ... One of the speakers ... at the Pi Beta Phi national convention to be held at the Huntington Ho- tel in Pasadena. Calif, next week will be President G. Herbert Smith of Willamette Cniversity . . . he will leave for the south this weekend, stopping in the bay area enroute . . . Dr. Smith will speak at the Thursday luncheon . . . From Corvallis . . . comes news of the arrival of twins, a girl and a boy, to Mr. and Mrs. Jame R. Smith (Evelyn Collins) . . . they were born on Thursday and have been named Deborah and Jerry , . , also welcoming the twins are two sisters, Virkl and Linda . . . The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Collins of Salem "0WKnm mnqum oi iavf ni rr o ;i and the great-grandmother is Mrs. Pl"nlllm Mrs .'-M Hamlin J. R. Smith Sr. of Corvallis . . . i was hpr """"'-law s matron of 'honor and Mrs. Norman F.spe and A son . . . was born to Mr. and Mr Donald t'llman were the Mrs. Mikal Mikkelsen iClaralyn Lee i of Corte Madera, Calif., on June 9 ... the lad has been named Todd Steven ... his grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A Lee of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mikkelsen of Brookings . . , Mrs. Mobley Is New Unit President '-r,a v mn, am vice president Mrs. Verne Axclson. secretary treasurer; Mrs K. A Dickson, chaplain; Mrs. Gay Hastings, ser geant at arms, and Mrs. Floyd E. While, historian. Mrs Kueene Die!?, past presi dent of the unit, was installing nlficer. Mrs. Mobley appointed her com mittees for the ensuing year. Com mittee chairmen are Mesdames Elsie Noteboom, Americanism; Eugene Dietz, constitution and by laws; 0. B. Urns, civil defense; Fred Muller, community service; Dean Davenport, Girls Slate; Guy Hastings, child welfare; Lillian Williams, membership; Yen eta' McMorris, music; Let a Combs.! poppies; lil Kolsom, hospital and rehabilitation. i Delegates to the state convention are Mrs. Mobley and Mrs. Wil- liams. president and 1st vice ' president respectively. I A rummage sale is being plan- ' ned to take place in the fall, after the unit resumes regular meetings on October 4 I nit members will meet for a picnic in July. Cousins Gather For Reunion The ninth annual Kaser cousin reunion and dinner was held at the home ol Mrs Joseph (iambic in .lellennn on June 17 Mrs. Rita Moran of Omak. Wash . sister of Mrs. Gamble, who originated the get-together, was unable to attend. Attending were Mrs Ruth llan na of Silwrton ..Mrs. Phyllis Mor gan of Beatcrtun. Mrs. Laura Tok slad of Silverton. Mrs. Helen Bert uleit Tif Gresham. Mrs. Kdna Lin coln of Portland. Mrs Ventta Me Mm ris ol Salem and Mrs Irene Sachtlir of Portland. Aunts at tending were Mrs. Bessie H. Kaser of Portland. Mrs. Alice Kaser of Salem. Mrs Elizabeth Jackson of i Silverton and Mrs. Ljdia Klopfcn- stein ot Portland. 5 m 1 -fKl I S 1 '"" lJ" V V js- I J Miss Roberta Hamlin Weds Mr. Listelfa Miss Roberta Arlene Hamlin be came Guido I.istella's bride at an 8 o'clock ceremony Friday night at the Calvary Baptist Church; The bride is the daughter of Mrs. L. R. Hamlin and Mr. Listella is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Luco Listella of Akron. Ohio. The Rev. Omar N. Barth of Patterson. N.J., formerly of Salem, officiated at the nup tials. .lay Horick was the vocalist and Mrs. James Francis the organist. Miss Marcia Studebaker and Dale Kbeling of McMinnville. cousin of the bride, lighted the candles. Of net and tulle was the bridal m designed wjtn an apron slve s(jr ( embroidered net over tierrd nylon tulle. The bodice was made with a Peter Pan collar. A leaf bandeau of pearls, beading and rhinestones held in place her pure silk illusion veil. She wore a single strand of cultured pearls, a gift from her brother in Korea. She carried a cascade of stepha notis centered with a purple throat ed white orchid. F.rvan Wilbur, a longtime family friend, gave the bride in marriaee. Precede The Bride The three bridal attendants wore misty sheer nylon frocks with a hnwknot all-over design in shades ! of lavender. The dresses were i made with Kmpire waistlines and bateau necklines. They carried I . i i i 1 l J.l bridesmaids Sharon Hammel was the flower girl and Tonalri Rich ardson of Coquille the ring bearer Donald Blensley, the bride's cousin, was best man and ushers were Norman F.spe and Delbert Rodgers For her daughter's wedding Mrs Hamlin wore a mauve gown with appliqued lace panels. The bride groom's mother and his sister. Miss Mary Listella. came west Irom Akron for the nuptials, also his uncle. John Canneli of Sacra mento At The Reception The wedding reception was held",Temp"le. Mr. and Mrs Fred Koken. in the lireplace room, with Mrs. Ervan Wilbur in charge. Pouring were Mrs Fay Ebeling of McMinn-j ville. the bride's aunt, and Mrs. David Brogy of Monmouth. Cutting the cake were Miss Mary Listella and Mrs Harry Bachle. Assisting were Mrs Eugene Poitras of Tur- ner and Mrs. Jack Bartelt. : The newlyweds will go to Akron. Ohio, on their honeymoon and for traveling the bride wore an orchid ((( Tennpee jn Ore ; Mrs. Ruth print sheath dress of cotton satin. Ta(1 wor,nv nialron of Rhododen with matching orchid linen duster dron' Cnapter. Mrs Beryl Parker. and white accessories. After July lti the couple will be at home in Salem. Mrs. Norton Delegate Mrs. Clara J. Norton was elected delegates to the Grand Temple session of Pythian Sisters to be held in Bend in the fall at the meeting of Centralia Temple' on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Herman Bargner was named the alternate delegate from the temple. Visitors were present from Albany, Cor-1 vallis and Dallas. Later the group ; went to China Citv for a late siid- ! per. This was the group s meeting until September. last FtU COFFEE. Came In. tat mi WALLACE HARDWARE ejailclovt tup 4 COFFtEM ASTER cKm. Factexy ra)mnMive Kara all day damaittervrina faiaaui Sunbaam MHn(e. $e fer yourself haw wanelerful that laeever are. Perfect controlled heat for more delicious foods by simply setting the dial. No more cooking failures. Water sealed .i..n. avaitaaii m element. Sqwara thapa caaks V, llV, ir 20 mare than Hound Pas Wallace THE MARSHALL Aboard Navy Cruiser i J )LJr: r fc ft it a 1 VI t TVTV :U V't 7T' Commander and Mrs. John A. lindbeck, right, and his sister, Mrs. Ivan W. Crum of Dallas, left, on board the USS Rich during a recent one day cruise on the Destroyer in the Vir ginia Capes area. The cruise at sea on a navy warship climaxed Mrs. Crum's recent-visit with the lindbecks in Nor folk. The Rich is commanded by Commander Lindbeck. The Lindbecks are former Salem residents. (Official U.S. Navy Photograph.) Fathers Are Honored By Chapter Ainsworth Chapter. OF.S. met for the final meeting until fall Wednos- 'dav evening at the Scottish Rite ; worthy matron and worthy patron, presided. Honor were Mrs Pai,i Hauser. past gran(j marnn 0f the jGrand chaper , Oregon; Mrs. !Giad,.s Harnsberger, member of he Kjtar, awards cornmit,ec 0f n,A n,tor. Mr. I FHaar Reay, member of the Estarl Fund Committee of Grand Chapter: Mrs. ll..l..n Ror-li Oanri Renresentative worthy matron of Zenith (hapter; and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Myers, worthy matron and worthy patron of Cedar Chapter. Reports of Grand Chapter Ses sion were given by Mrs. Paul Rif- fey; Fred Koken; V. Omer Huff and Mi's. J. Edgar Reay. All fathers present were honored by the worthy matron and. April. May, June and Jury birthdays! were observed Mrs Morse Stewart presented a Fathers Day skit. Taking part were Mrs. Robert Zemanek at the piano. Mrs. R. L. Rolow. reader, and characters Mrs. Ove Mrs. Claude Cummings, McCrary. Mrs. Ron- satva ye New Only 19 Patented Radiant Con trol gives uniform toast every time whether bread is frozen or fresh, rye or white, thick or thin. Hardware - WELLS STORE ' - ' "7 ATI Men Serve Dinner FOl'R CORNERS The WSCS of Trinity Methodist Church opened the year's program with a 6:30 o clock dinner on Wednesday eve ning al the church. Covers were placed or forty w ith the men serv ing the dinner to the WSCS mem bers and guests. Mrs Hilda Beeh ed the devotions followed by a pledge service. Mrs R. E Win gard from Jason Lee Church and Mrs. I.aurance Walworth from the West Salem Methodist Church pre sented a skit, "Operation Sugar Bowl" as a preliminary towards a benelit for the Methodist Home, , aid Cummings. Mrs II M. Boesch, ; 'Mrs T. Gordon Barnard, Mrs.; John Vernon. Mrs. George Avers,! Mrs. ,J R. CaKert and Mrs. V.' Omer Huff. ; Mrs Anna Kirkpalruk was in, charge of decorations and Mrs. i Cyril Parkers headed the refresh- jmcnt committee, assisted by Mes - i.ames i,ou i. se niuuer, rranK u. nnarp. a. vt. rox. rranK li. tsrown, R J Jager. B D. Peyton. Charles W. Ronk, Mr. ton. Parker and Mr. Pey- I FREE! COFFEE Delicious coffee that taste even better in j company of many friends. ! BALLOONS ! Bring the children for a big; icolorlul ballrcn This will bet a "familv affair" : i i 21 Cu. Ft. Jumbo Upright Freezer Excellent Value at 399.95 I Hold.' 70 "pot Super Value at Door ihelves free;e ihelves unit, Dengnpd value. ndj of food ... I IK Zeniih low price! B'p ad jstflhle. Sharp Famous Fcono Powr and pr.ced for lop I SAVE 40.05 EXTRA fvm Altrusa CluB ' Installation Dinner Altrusa International held its an nual installation dinner at the Marion Hotel on Thursday. Miss Peggy Peterson was mistress of ceremonies and Mrs. Lois Keeney served as installing officer. The following members were in stalled to serve for the coming year; Mrs. E Alexander Tueski. president: Dr. Martha Springer, vice-president; Mrs. R. V. Cooley, second vice-president: Miss Elsa Maxwell, treasurer; Mrs. Clyde A. Clark, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Joe Seal as recording secretary. The members serving on the board in addi'!on to the officers are Mrs. William Williams, Miss Minnie Just and Miss Flo rence Cameron. i The tables were beautifully deco rated in blue and white delphini-J urn. white chrysanthemums and daisies. In addition to the floral decorations were white replicas of pinnacles flying a flag bearing the word Service. Blue and white are the Altrusa colors. Miss Joe Ann Blunt was the solo- st. accompanied bv MLs Arlene ' Haverlanc and piano numbers were given by Miss Pat Whelan I Guests were Mrs. R. Ezell of Phoenix. Arizona. Misses Marguer ite Spicker. Adeline Kendall and ! Bernice Gardner of Portland. Bes-! sie Kunalds, Kathryn D. Fisher; and Paula Enzel of Albany. Plans were announced for a work shop and picnic during the sum mer months with regular meetings convening in September. Little Boy Born To Densons ' JKFFERSOV-Jefferson friends have learned of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs James L. Denson of Corvallis on June 11. He is their first child and has been named Charles David A grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Denson of Cor vallis. he also is a great-grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Denson of Jefferson i Mrs. Alice Thompson of Oakland, Calif . has been a guest of her sister "w-law, Mrs. Maud Epley. and other relatives here. j Mr. and Mrs. I.arrv Johnston, ac- companion1 by the latter's mother, i Mrs. l.ona Armstrong of Salem and grandfather, William Rumgar- ner of Gales, recently visited rela tives at Grand Coulee, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Denson and their house guest. Mrs. T. J. Den son of Poeatello, Ida , attended the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leighton In Carlton Sundaj' , Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Watts re i.,rnH to Jefferson for the sum mer this week. They have been in Ventura, Calif., for the past several months. , FEATURING MODEL RD-9S Great Refrigerator Freezer Value Excellent Value at 269 90 f ill width freezer itorei of fron food, 9 78 (u or wi'h 'martyr' riooi Jpfrostitic. FuM wid'h (ti JfTITEPI I " Jfil I E 4 the! ' II " I f ' i li 1 1 1 1 ii i i n u IWU UUUUUWWWUI I ! 1 SAVE . 30.50 1 EXTRA over 40 ll)i I ft. refngtr- ' . Puihhutton I per. Motiey- I I "9 SAVING! CUSTOM 30 - ELECTRIC RANGE IN. SAVE 27.05 EXTRA Excellent Value at J3.9.95 Yo,. D'ea"i t, A utomah' oven v. t"a-H KAf rOnt'w(tiOr irvindo ' u'i'a "iodern nd b g "p'i,jf l ;'tfe cook .ng jni'l rd puifi. bi.Mon operation. Coppertont tf'rn. Special Prices in this 1 llliltf tlillTI Tlutt Time 'Again You Too Can Make Those Maraschinos By MAXINE Bl'KEN Statesman Woman's Editor They're already clammoring for the Maraschino recipe, most popular one we have ever issued. This came some 15 or 16 yean ago from OSC and has continued to be the one women most wish to make. These maraschinos are less involved then they sound, the actual working time being short. It used to be that the commercial cherry pickers were willing to give away a gallon or so of the bleach used in the first part of the process, but soon too many women were ask ing for it, so we suggest you buy the materials at the drug store, it's simple to mix and not at all expensive. 1 Two admonitions first leave cherries in the bleach until you get through your other canning, they can stand for months, even years and not be harmed The commercial packers Jiold Ihem from year to year until the price is advantageous. Second, when fresh ening the cherries in cold water, be sure the brine is all out a little left in can spoil the flavor of a whole batch of cherries, and adding the syrup to cherries with even a little sulphur flavor will not cover it up. . MARASCHINO CHERRIES 1 gallon water 3 ounces sodium-acid sulfite 1 6 ounce citric acid ounce calgium carbonate Stir mixture together in a stoneware glass or wooden con tainer with wooden paddle When combined, nt will be milky add unstemmed and unpittcd cherries, keeping well covered with the brine. After at least two weeks (commercial packers often let them stand for years before finishing!, remove from brine and freshen. It is best to keep the cherries under running cold water for sev eral days to freshen. We put ours outside and let the hose run into them slowly for at least two days This washing is important, as the cherries will taste of the sulphur if not thoroughly washed free of it. Test by stemming and pitting one and tasting if entirely tree of flavor, they are ready. When thoroughly washed, stem and pit. A pair of rubber gloves is recommended to protect the hands. For each gallon of syrup needed, combine 1 gallon water, 1 cups sugar, red coloring to desired lint and 1 teaspoon citric acid. Add cherries and bod 3 minutes. Set aside to cool for 24 hours. Drain off syrup and measure. To each 4 cups syrup, add 4 cups more sugar and coloring if needed, and add almond or wild cherry flavoring to suit the taste Return cherries to syrup, heat to boil ing and pack in hot, sterilized jars. Put into water, and boil for 15 minutes, complete the sealing. Some folks want a maraschino cherry less like the commercial kind and more like an almond-flavored preserve, so here is the best recipe we know for them: QIICK MARASCHINOS ' cup salt 2 quarts cold water 2 teaspoons powdered alum 4'i pounds firm, unpittcd Royal Anne cherries Dissolve salt and alum in the water, let cherries stand in brine overnight. Wash well. 'j 'pounds sugar 2 tablespoons almond flavor 2 tablespoons red coloring Juice of 1 lemon 3 cups hot water Stir sugar, coloring and hot water until sugar dissolves. Add cherries and bring to a boil, let stand 24 hours. Pit cherries, bring to a boil again, adding lemon and flavoring. Pour into sterilized jars and seal. Next week we'll print our annual recipe for cherry olivet and other specialties using these popular little fruits. Humphrey Reunion The Humphreys Clan reunion will be held Sunday. June 24 at the Rickreall Grange Hall and a no host dinner will be served at k o'clock. Coffee will be furnished and those attending are asked to bring their own table service. Jemtjh HOME APPLIANCES! EXTRA SAVINGS kii eitrt iheppertl riiriltl fer t.terd.y 3.19 SPRINKLING CAN F x p I u i v f 4-way hrsK heid pfrmlti rnntrollerl Rprai'ina B-qt sie I.ifht weight but sturdy. I 98 95c MIXING PAIL Graduated fnr meas uring hruirj or fped Hravv weight, thnr iiRhly Krtlv anlrrd 59 IrltAl hnsrhnld a'lfl slot k pail. REG. 5.75 LADDER - f t ladder bargain. Has safety tread s1pp vM Intn side raih Step) rodi un der parh ntpp F'ail h-lf 3; 29 6.45 ELECTRIC FAN T'lt up and d n thr v ou want it. l'imvhpl aluminum Madf. A real ha' h a I e r for vtmr hne. 1.65 VAC. BOTTLE Famnu I.nndPr -mim bottle with rout plasttr nip Kp'P1 Pint 1 J r-j 1 1 1 r! i nn or h'H jr.pg time 09 ifh SATURDAY JUNE 23, ONLY Ad for Saturday Only ... tPSOMBgilEBBl Custom Made la Our Shea VtlMeee fraven oa Cerntet Bori e Sit Coven SEE CI MED THE LLnLK BUND MAN free titlautm Day Ntfkl Ft tint I TamO Mil Canter St FOR Autom. Washer With Color-Keyed Controls Excellent Value at 249 95 lie eo'plf'e1 flea, b! wejtbprT 'h f .herqi nw t,,b u t deepi vw ;r hot (nncer, 4 i pr thorough rmiei. Spin dnei. Quiet! Set it. Be Sure to Register for DRAPERIES L V r " 7 " 1 r J I . V - MOOIl 1M V MOOU V SAVE 30.05 EXTRA JEFFERSON - Mr. a. Mr. Marion Dornick of Zillah. Waali . wert recent guests at tht homt Mr. and Mrs. Clareoct Miller. TM Donticki operate a fruit ranch at Zillah, near Yakima. Needlccraft Just about everything your dju ling wants in ONE pattern! A beautiful J inch dolly and to many ' clothes: 2 dreaset, blouse, Jumper, pajamas, ski suit, play-set. She ran dresi dolly for each day! Pattern 937 hat 9-inch doll transfer; clothes patterns too. Send TWRNTY-mg CENTS ta mini fnr this pattern add t emta (or each pattern for ltt-cuua mtl inf. Send In The Orafnn Statesman, 121 Npedlecrift Dent. P. O. Ho Is. Old Cheliea Station. New York II. N V. Print plainly PATTRMN NUM. UK. your NAM, ADDRESS and ZONI. ) LUNCH IN COMFORT AIR-CONDITIONED Cherry Room Saturday's Complete SPECIAL LUNCH -Mushroom Omelet, Huh Brown Potatoes, Fresh Fruit Saliri .with Sherhet Dreuinv Hot Rolls, Drink and Dessert 85c i Came As Tea Are Park Free With Purchase CLEANER FREE! BE SURE TO REGISTER THIS 41.95 DOOR PRIZE! No obligation . nothing to buy. Simply reg.tt 10 partitipett in tb drewtng for thn mefvtlou Zenith Centittr Clotnor. Mtnort not tligiblt.) SATURDAY ONIY Zenith Automatic Electric Dryer Excellent Value at 199 95 Trior keyed contro'l . . . jul et and forget. Hett control for any type . fabr.c. AutomttiC ffty door; built- I m L nt tcrten. Suction drying. the Door Prize! I SAVE I 21.05 EXTRA I THE $AYE-PLAM BUY ON EASY TERMS Invntigat our TIMf PAY PLAN . . . I My It htvt what 'yew want. 2043 No. Capitol St. Salem, Ore. WALLACE HARDWARE c5 2043 N. Capitol St. . . . SALLM, OKI. IvM M Afflll VI r O