1 1 i i i. u j i I I f ' f i n n t i i if U li S V i i ii 12-Sc. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., June 23. "56 Demo Delegation to Form Here on July 7 $.' dekption to the Demo cratic National Convent ton in Chi cago will organize at a Salem meeting July 7 in the Marion County Courthouse. Most of the party 'I 1 delegate TooLaieto Classify COZY turn, apt. prir. nC It hih, uui. pa. ww intr . r"ONSOL.fV."crlfior Clearing floor, terma. S. It H Jreen stamps- Batdorf't Horn t Auto, 42t Slat SU ' Ph. J-4482. To Fisit if "-. i , - ,1 LZJ ISIM G. C. Electric washing ma chine & Duro Therm oil burner. Ph. 4-4943. J2S N. 20th. rni- ourt WC AC Tractor, (rood rubber Ar cond , witn road gear, will trade fur cir or livestock.' $450 value. Ph. Fairfax 7-2428. Jef ferson. Ore. U-PICK Cherries, Qulnaby Road. 7c lb. 9810 and many of their alternates are I"?" ' ""t"11"?"' " ' ' -j u .... .u- ... .1 lu" appliances, 174 Co which a chairman and vice chair man will be chosen. Sessions will open at a luncheon meeting in the Senator Hotel at which Jason Lee, Salem attorney, Will De master 01 ceremonies. 1 . HENS for locker or laying . JOc ine over as temporary chairman at ib. 2-0100. the business session to follow will ism? buick Spec sdn m good p d u,lt of Salem cond.. 27.000 actual ml , trade be Roy R. Hewitt, aiso oi oaitm for 4nvklnd uye,. cattle Lee was elected delegate from the preferred Ph 4-mxi state at large while Hewitt won a entire ground fir turn apt. i position as 1st Congressional dis trict delegate. Speculation by party members here indicates that Sen. Richard L Dnttenfl ukn I. I., fseuwrgrr, soiuonu. - - . BrG c,rm,n ghepard pup.. ceived 181.487 votes for delegate- Rm-Tm-Tm blood imc Also at-larze to lead all other candi- atud service Ph. 4-2 dates. Second ranking Mrs. Edith: GRAY part Arabian mare bred c- ...u nmon from fire. I "! ''V"'" UlCOJ, Wllljira" ...... Ph. J-37S.X gon s third district, was expected to get the vice chairman roie, 400 Agriculture 400 Agriculture 42S A lection Sales 425 Auction Salts mm story corner rise. IRth At Chemeketa, 4 rms . 1 hdrm . I lrge cot. S adults. $45. 3. Its. on Mill Creek, trees, lawns, flower fardens. ISO N 16th GOP Hoping Pig Crop Cut To Add Votes , KatlMal Scattigfc RtW teae Uln ar A. 8mlth. WasfclBgUm. P. C, Who will Tssit Salem Taesslay. Scottish Rite Commander To Be Feted " Salem's Scottish Rite Masons will stage a reception and banquet Tuesday evening la honor of Luther A. Smith. Washington, D C. sovereigi grand commander of the Scottish Rite. It will be the national fraternal leader's official visit to Salem dur ing his current tour. He will be accompanied her by Leslie Scott, Portland, sovereign grand inspec tor general in Oregon. The Tuesday affair will be at 130 p.m. In the Marion Hotel. . Grand Commander Smith, former educator, attorney and banker,. Is tatrve at Georgia and was long time resident of Mississippi. He became a master Masoa in 1907 and a Scottish Rite 32nd degree llaaoa and Sh finer In 1920. He has aeen active in the Scottish Rite Su preme Council Since 1933 and has been grand corAinaader since last October, Water - Short To Ws Pleas Get Pipeline . BfiTHANY, Mo. It) -Water- ' pincheii BeQiany, ita municipal res ervoir down to a two-wee supply, could take heart Friday. Its pleas for help have aot gone anbeeded. Thursday, Gov. Phil M. Don eOy calted on Army engineers for a proposed 10-rnile pipelioe which Would tap the North Grand River. . Meanwhile, this aorthweat Mis souri town of 2,714 a aited an emergency truck load of water from aeighboriag Pattortsburg, 17 miles south. Also, Fort Smith. Ark -With two lakes "spilling over" has offered Bethany a trainload of water, if the railroads agree to haul R WASHINGTON - The gov ernment Thursday forecast a smaller pig crop and Republi can strategists hope this means more votes for the GOP. An Agriculture Department re port showed that farmers are vol untarily curtailing production of hogs 8 per cent this year in an effort to bolster prices. A survey indicated production will total 88 million head com pared with 93 million last year. Prices tumbled 40 per cent last year as result of the big crop and brought appeals from Secre tary 'Benson that production be reduced this year. Farmers complained bitterly over the price decline and the government engaged in a surplus pork buying campaign in an ef fort to raise hog prices. As a result of the indicated cut in production, prices are expected to be considerably higher at elec tion time this year than a year earlier, when markets were de pressed. Republican leaders have been pinning hopes of carrying states oa the possibility of higher hog prices. The downturn In production will reduce supplies of pork at meat countrs during the 12-month pe riod beginning with the late sum mer this year. But supplies of beef and poultry are expected to continue at last year s high lev els. The report put the 1958 spring pig crop at 53,085.000 head com pared with 17,890,000 lor the J9 spring crop and 53.923,000 for the 10-year average. This 8 per cent reduction from last year's spring crop was four times as great as the department had forecast last December. This year's fall crop was fore cast at 35 million head compared with 37.914,000 for last year's fall crop and 34,219,000 for the 10- year average. 300 Persorul 312 Lost anil Found LOST: 2 diamond enKaerment ring Substantial reward, no questions aftked upon return. Ph. 3-!22 nrJ-4772 LOST: from 1105 Fairmont. Chartrue parakeet, female. Ph. 3-7685. LOST: Spinning outfit Ahiqua, Tues afternoon, finder Ph 4-9.W5. LOST: Springer spaniel, hlai k white Answers to ' King " 1025 No. 17th or call Ben at .1-6151 LOST ladies rose gold Cruen wrist watch aVt with 4 chip dmnds. Si rlnetn bracelet Re ward. Catl 3-5U3 after 5 LOSTfHanrPnraided bridle- rein somewhere on Battle Creek Rd. or old highway. Child's keepsake, reward. Ph. 4-6164 eves. SUNDAY, JUNE 24TH 30) P. M. FVRMTt'RE - APPL1ANC.ES - MOWERS - TOOLS - SPORTING GOODS - A parti lisllnf tn b offered , follows' Ijnard refill , 1 Frigid.. ire rt-frif , 1 C.I. rttshwasher, 3 AB pt in elec mrnes, 2 fits water heatem. 1 Electroday range , 3 Kenmore elec. ranges. 2 AB elec. rangei, 1 Bendix auln. wtuher. 1 Bendix aulo. dryer. 1 Kaity ipmdry washer. 2 G. E. w ringer washers. 1 elec. broiler new. living rrn aeti and piece, table, chairs, beds, ipnngt, mattresa full rtr twtn 1 bhy buggy, bedrfom suite 3-piece verv attractive, dir-wrs. end tarties baby crib, high chair, 1 very attractive v. alnut china closet, a 5-pc mahogany dining rm mite, an ft-pc walnut dining tuite with buffet, library tables, sports equipment me Hiding haehati mitts, shin guards, catchers mask-, xoUeybilh, basket b Ms. volleyball nets, books, pressure ('bokers, 300 hand garrien tools, cultivators, rollers, rakes, clod butters. 1 two-hnrne dec, motor. 2 new elec lawntnowers, 1 rotary t pe cn-powrrrd Uwnmower, 1 twentyone-inch all channel Silver tone TV. and numerous other items. Buyers and seller bnih welcome If you with to consign gome- thing to be sold on this sale, call 3-3151 Ext. 35. Sale location: Warehouse in alley back of 167 So. High St , Salem. Auctioneer: Claude Kilgnre of Salem. 450 Merchandise 45S Housa Go-h W Sti IT1X SIZI Lang Ferfeet rond. Accept, any naa. ofter. 249 w. Wilson. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatja: wash ers, drvers, range 4k twig. Ma il Jr up V EATER APPLIANCE CO. 37 Chemeketa St 410 Seeds end Plants 316 Personal ALCOHOLICS Anonrmous group No. 1. 208 N Cocn l J-4M7 ALCOHOLICS Anonyrnoul,- M S Commercial 1-210S OPALKING. well knownPs rhlc Reader, 970 Union St. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sola REG. Jeraey heifer to freshen July leth. Ph. 4-6:i4. , PRorESSlONAL norseshotr La Hanson. 4-0724 or 4-9043 Bill Seeks Italy Ownership of Continental Shelf ROME I A bill in th cham hor of drputira scdtJ to establish Italian ownership of the continent al thrlf in the Mediterranean on a VERY GOOD small kids Shet land pony, also small saddle and bridle. Call evening or Sat. Ph. 3-MSX TOPLOCKER beef-frorii-eal to five yr. old cholre earting steers ITc: two yr. old at 915. 3 and 4 yr. nlds at 10 in Pick out your beef 111 bring It in when vourp ready, JU 5. Box II2A. Ph. 2-S2ZS. COW TOR SALE, will Ireshen soon. Ph 3-7176. FOrTsALE, 2 good famllyJersey j-ow.Ph.4-777S. S Guernsey milk rows, I h 7 yri 1 fresh Sunday, 1 In Sept , both food milker. Ph. 4-862.1 1 BLACK gelding, 1 orrel mare 1 horse trailer. Ph. eves, or Sun, .1-821)6. BEGONIAS & F1TI1SIAS COPI.FY GARDfclts. LHKMAWA RU Chrysanthemums 4 for $1 BeeunLis 5 for tl. trailers A brudir.g. Fushrlas S tor II. up right 6c trailing. Geraniums. S'lull, 4 for SI. Duarr Dah lias. 3 for 15c: Hanging Bas kets $2 21 to 1,175 Sahia Oc rid. Petunias 45c. Marigolds lllcv Snaps 35c. Periwinkle 4iV Benbena .'IV All fresh planls Lowery Greenhouse. 2. Chssiava Rd L(;. blooming Fuchsias, tl Lge. blooming geraniums 3 for II Fuchsia baskets 12 50 Mer rill's Greenhouse, Brooks 430 Merchandise 454 Sewing, Machines ASPARAGUS 10c lb. U-pick George Asher, Grand Island (12 Fruit & Farm Produce lit FROM DAWN 'TIL DARK GOOD r PICK MARSHALL STRAWBERRIES lOcLB. BRING OWN CONTAINERS. FIELD LOCATED AT WEATHERS Dl'STS ELAXT. GO TO KEIZEft. Tl'RN WEST & FOLLOW WINDSOR ISLAND RD. 3 ML SEWING MACHINE LATE mdl. Singer Console. For ward A reverse stitch, 1200 value for onlv 168 50. Easy terms St liberal trade In al lowance. Ph. 4-710J idlr l SEWING MACHINE " THIS beautiful Pfaff Zig-7.ag 1 45g Buildin hands uith an RR halaiife Assume contract for II per. mo. Ph. 4-7102 idlr ) NEW platform rockets. 134 JO Used Mds. Mart 179 S Lib. erty. Open Frl. night 'til (. No down payment io.a.c-1 rh. 4-.T71. Record Plaver Chairs 455 OXFORD NEW maple daveno $c chair arts 1129 5. Used Mart, !7 5 Liberty Ph. 4-S371. Ope rn. nigrrt 'til I. No atowa pay men! to.a e.l 1M WesUnghouse tl" T V. aet, console model only S1M.M. Used Mrfse. Mart. 170 S. Lib erty. Ph. 4-1.171 Open Frl Night til S. No down payment oa c I DAVENPORT Chair S3A. Pa 2-M.ni ll io Saginaw USED Mangle 125 Salem Ironrile 10 . 1137 S. Coml. 4-S73S. 4S6 Wanted Houm Good's CASH FOR FURNITURE VALLEY FURN CO. Ph. 1-74T1 110.000 CASH To spend for High grad Used rurniTure St Appliances. Ph 3-5110. Paying Top Ptit for wetter fjrade. Glen Woodry. 1105 N. Summer TOP CASH PRICE - FuHNl- lUBi, APPUANCES. ETC USF.D MFRCHANDISE MART .'70 S LIBERTY PH. -371 455 House Goods for Sale FOR SALE or trade, gentle ponies for children, alto good saddle hone Bob Frank. 305 N. Water St. Silverton. Ph. 3-4134. Salem Meat Co. locker beef. Custom killing, cutting A wrap ping, trailer loaned free. 403 Livestock Wanted wards. Rt ! buri 3. Be ox USSE. 4-H13 pasture for rent. Horses pre ferred. Close jn Ph 4-1074. TO rent or buy white face bull. Ph. 3-5787. CATTLB. norsea, at your larm LC. Mccandltth. Rt 2. 3-0180 CATTLE buyer. A. F Sommer. imo JIarmonjr Dr. Ph. 4-07 CATTLE buyers 4297 State. E L iii H. snethen. 2-1345. 2-43110. But as If to remind Bethwy n "" " lne. rai"rin on . jgn.. . f-rrrr- tt atlBtd. fire Tetiertlav -1 "lnur orwn aN mtlers 1 , troyed private grage. tncludinj , -n"" two automobiles. I The line would hr FRYFRS I', to 3' adjusted Ihi 2R(. Ph Frrernen hoard down mtirby wn"rc ,h,re a coniuct witn a baby c hirks hatched yr mnd TURKEYS, oven ready, fill ynur lockers now, Wc lb. A- up. Closed Sat pm A; Sunday. Kuvkendall Fggss At Poul'ry. 33SJ Lancaster Dr. Ph. 4-3! !.. "CI'STOM "DRESSING Of poultry. We buv rahhtts Wings 3n3 State. Ph 4-3n buildings with only uvr minutrs of water allowed, Uwfi helplessly watched the farage go up in flames. NOTICE OF IXAMINATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Civil Service Commission Exam ination for POLICEMEN'S EN TRANCE, subject to the rules regu lations nd orovltn of the Ovll Ser vice Commission of Salem. Oregon. la amended) will he held at the- Clty Hall, Salem. Oregon. THURS DAY. JULY li l5 00 A.M. GENERAL SCOPE OF EXAMINA TION: la addition to physical exam InaMcai by the city physician, keen am of observation, reading com prehension, ability to follow diree- tlBi. eeiatlon with others, aptitude lor police work, simple problems. PAY 1319 00 per month for he flatten. AGE LIMITS' 24 to l years (WITH MILITARY S E R VI C E CONCES SIONS). APPLICANTS will be required to tke a ohyalral examination from the city physician Eawh applicant ahall caua to be filed with the Secretary f the Commission a statement from trt city physician certifying that the applicant la mentally and physically lit for the position he seeks. In the abtanr of such a certificate an ap plicant will not h permitted to tak the Civil Service Examination APPLICATION BLANKS may be obtained at the office of the City Recorder, Second Floor, City Hall. Salem; mutt be filed IN PERSON and will not b acreoted to filing after the following data: Thursday. July I. 1954. at the hour of 3 00 o ilock P M DATED AT Salem, Oregon, June IS 1SI54. CIVIL RFRVICT COMMISSION Alfred Munrit. Secretary and Chief Examiner, June. U), So, 11. 22 13 S4. neighboring country over an ad jacent area. Israel is believed to be the only Mediterranean country thus far having flaked a claim to mineral rights on the continental shelf, ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify XOT1CE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice ) hereby given that the un deraifned haa filed in the Probate Department of the Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon, for Marlon Cownt, his duly verified Final Ac count, as Executor of the last will and testament and estate of MYRTLE BBCHTEL, deceased, and that said Coart has fined Monday, the 25th stay of June, IMS. at the hour of S IS a.m. of aasd day, as the time, and tha Circuit Court Room In the County Court House at Salem, in Marian County, Oregon, at the place tor the hearing of said final account, and all objections thereto. Oatad this Mth day of Mav, 19M. WIIXIAM BECHTEL, - Kawtutor oi the Laat Will and Tea tamarrt and Estate of Myrtle ' Bechktt, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executor. Sot Oregon Building, ftaterm Oregon. JH .JOJ. 2. . 10,.!. s. Th North American Continent produced 3(t9 tnillioa tons of pet roUom in 19SS, ' - Wondorful Buy for Home l'i A. Firt houc Went Print?. whool on pAvd road fjtsy lrm S M. D. Looncy, wi'.ii WHliaim 1 Mom'.h Hill , 3.11 1 a State St, FJh. 3-413 or 4-14HB OWNER BUILDER I R. N House App. 1 5(0 sq ft miry hU. dining room witn bu.Jt in bulfct. kttihfn in birch with eitinR un, lar;e utility room, ?k Urpr pias trmj larair, rnrnn lot with paving Woodwork all m natui etl An mreptional hou for 114.97!. At 4175 Btuft St.. Nulh rf Albert Drivr, iwar Dirksnn Maikrt. Open fur vtun in !( tinn SundT afterncwm Dl'FKIKLD BROTHKRS 4045 Hluff St USEu'il i'Misi, Eastern built trailer priced to sell. Jovhawk Trailer Sales. IMl IVirtland Rd Ins i 't t ronn pickiiii, g,,d cond Ph. 3-6754. See at IHI K logwood Ave BY OWNER 1 hdrm ," I vr. old house, car poi 1, extra large utll A lot IHI Pleasant View Dr. Will sacrifice for quick sale Ph 3-.II41 tS. 2 BDRMatlached "garare. 4 nlorks to High or Grade. IW5 Judeon St. Ph 3-Ml2 j' BDRM.,-mod-llJ,ana deal, tease or tell furn. or unfurn. Ph. 2-4218. VERY nice." welf located? util A farage, birch kitchen Ac large iv. rm. li I bdrma. 70. Ph. 2-2114. CHERRY p1cers:ToirUlesNortr. on Waller Road Take the left hand road at the Y. eecond house Edw. Lenstrom, Rt. 1, Box 47J. Salem. CHERRY nicking "starting "June ii. E. C Brunk, Rt. 1 Bo S70. Salem. Dallas Hiw.iv MEN over 27. Public relatione or selling experience, public speaking helpful. Salary, re tirement, skpenses Inquire ?li73 rairgrounda Rd , or Ph. GIBSON upright freerer Tike new, tun See at I4TI Mar tin li Driv. Ph. 4-M. YOUNG, heavv, lrx kcr hens A laers. 4-20H'). 408 Peti A K DACIISIR'M) C . male pup Ph 2-5871 WAN'TID good home for 2-vear trained male English Spring er. Frank Stevens. Rh kree.il. I HI 1. Bx 21.1. Ph. Amit.. Slfiii r pit'K iic Northwest . Marsfid". clenn field gi.nd pickmu. 11! till dnrk W. H. i A P Williamson. Rt 2 B 444. Pli 4-41174 . REAL nice ripe Marshall straw berries. U-plck. Sc. 2 ml North of Keirer on St Paul Hwy. Box mini. Ph. 4-2544 li-PICK""Manhalls. 10c c7 T. Andresen. 4990 N. Lancaster Ph l-mi U-l'K'K Marshall." s'thl." on 99E. left at Lake Lahish Srh. House on left. Herman Hahn MARSHAll,TSL'-plck10clbr"l mi. west of Macieav. Rt. S. Box 465. Ph. 4-2503 Carl Moore. No Sunday picking. RASPBERRIES. MrsrRrantnef. 2B5S Chemawa Rd. 2-l.TM eves GOOD U-PICK MarshallirReadv Sal. and Sun , Ic lh O. C Trogley, Rt. 2, Box ) Ph. 4-117, U-PICK Northwest Strawherrles lnr lh. Clean field Ed Pierce. 4-5979. 1290 Minium Dr U-PICK Marshall Strawberries 10.- lb Odin Hnllin. Ft 1. Box 187. C. Brooks. 2 , nil. E. of Bronks CHK.RRIKS Ripe Ttnvai Anne lT-pirk. ftr lh Rav Marshall. 5:1.15 Haves ville Dr Ph 4-W.. tu-n right Green Apple Mkt . Port land Rd . I n i Fa' L'-PK'K r.Mc ruie N W. Straw berries ( lean Pa,,'h. H"" lb 1 ear.srfi llas. 5ti!'0 Quinab Flrt 2-2.mn HA1.F.D Clover hav for sale Phone 2-Bllft ) (Jnoscbcrrics. Oclnerpfi ril. 4 1373 U-PK"K Northwest s'rAwberries, bring r . containers k lh C, I, H.HT'ann, 4p.i Blossom Dr , turn WM off or Portland Rrl. at Maesioe Shopping . g" ' i mi I'h 2-7 U-PICK N W strawberries. In, lh Albert Pair 471IS Swrg!e lid. CI. FAN pat.h." I'-piik Marshall strawberrirs (lr lh F. U. Hammer 7210 I.ardnn Lane I'h 2-2:iiiR BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE $.10 rlnwn will buy a completf hmiM'hold of furniture in cluding appliances. 9-drawrr desk, walnut, looks like new. $44 50. Console radio-phono combina tion, 3 speed changer, limed oak cabinet, $69.95-. Davenport 4 club chair sets as low as $15. Mattresses inner spring cotton as low as $15.' Mattresses Inner spring cotton as low as $3.50. See our large selection ranges and refrigerators, every one guaranteed. Priced from $39.50 up. 7 piece mahogany dining set. Duncan Phyfe. You can't tell this is used. $129 50. Gossip bench with lamp at tached, $7.95. Mattrrioll 500.000 FEET New. fresh-milled aid at growth lumber 2x4 to 7x12 in I to 24-foo: lengths. Delivered prices Salem. $30 per thou minimum Ted Muller -im wooDny; HE ..WfHRftllU 515 S. COM'L PH. 4-3319 maple USED chair. $59. State SI arm daveno A Hogg Bros. 241 IN LA IT) Lino.. II 5 per q. n. u erty yd. R. L. Elfstrom Co.. 20 S. Ub UNFINISHED furniture. H. L. Stiff Furniture, 175 N. High NF,W white enam. toilet teats $3 5. Judson t. 279 N. Com l. BUILDING? IS felt & craft paper 12 W 3 tab 215 lb roofing. Cheap Cedar Shingles :l. 5. New iron roofing per aq. 110 ay iniiii per keg. IK 95 Outside white paint, gal 12 50 12-2 wire, roll at 4,c Garage doors, all siws. cheap Barb wire 80 rods 15 93. 17 45 Ceiling til l"x,12" 10c tq. ft 4x1 plaster bd. 11 40. 1 00. I as 4) no. 1 Asbestos siding $1.1 50 sq. New Water heaters, sell out Cast toil pipe 75c ft. V galv. pip 12c, m-ltc. l',-29c. l',-Wc. 500 gal. tteel sen. tanks $51 50 300 gal tteel sep tanks :i9 .V) New bath tub complete MO M a) Toilets with seats S2S.50 Wash bat with trim $1950 Iron, tteel, ttsinless tteel sinks. Drain-board covering 30c ft a" Ceiling fans $13.75 Deluxe 14x24 med. cabinets ... $11 9$ Oak flrg, randem .ength Cheap 4 New window sashes, choice $2 00 Windows at frames, large stock Mahg. plywood 4x1. 15c iq. ft. a) 1 (Mill doors, hardwood Ar glass STRICTLY CASH-U-HAUL CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS C. C, LONG h SONS PB. 4-M51 1 Ml. N. KEIZER C0MP. wFRAMES Itx20 rough opening .... $3 50 ea 2x49 rough opening $fi ea Jfix2 1 lite sash $3 ea. 42x42 I lite sash 13 ea. Also Many Other Sizes! Used door At frames comp . $4 50 it up Terra Cotta bldg. blocks I2x8xl . 9c ea. Clay flue liners . 95c ea. Concrete shower bases 32x32 13 ea Shower unit spravs $2 5fl ea. 4" blk. drainage pipe 30c ea. Heiert hardboard 5flxlO0 Reject hardboard 50x100 i? E.S. R1TTER & CO. .. . Save time - Save money . Tar tht Beat fnltsnomii Services CALL II EXP Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ADDING MAC BIN U Buy aa yea rent. Roan -Typewn tart. Ph. 3771 All makes Court trruAMti WESTINGHOUSB Woodry runurure C. 474 ate. CoKl P 4-fill aKUal4 CAPITOL Baddittf Mattresa re- novaxora new ma urease i-aaai BIltCK BLOCK MASON BRICK and block Wark guar- antaatl. Ph. 4-43t. CAssPKNTBB CONTBACTOB ' NEW building ar remodeling, est. rrest. t-ajt. alter a J pleat CARPENTER (NTRACT0R rramiBf, remodehng fosinda- uon retalainf walla, cement oe bunar block, rrw esti mate. 34 mo. to pay. 2-42M CRANB WOBB 15-ton Lorain not crane Sa lem rand Oraval Ck. 2-2441 EXCAVATINO VINCENT C. NEAL fxcavatlng Co Excavating Grading Ph. 1-KM I'LOOR COVERING! NORRIS WALKER Pilot Ca. Floor-covering. Division t)ual Ity Installations Linoleum. As phalt At Rubber Tile Wall tile Fre Estimates 4-2ri GBAOsNO ts DOZING BULLDOZING A bark fill, 15.50 per Hour. rh. I-ti33. DOZING & LEVELING rVl-942 D PAWTC'VICB aWLLDOZTNG, elaarr-ng readi, panda. D-4. E-t rarryalL V. Huaaey. Ph. 1-314. BULLDOZING, grading at Lead clearing. Elm W. Locker owner A operator. Ph, 2-5742. pa rut in a riwrimg EXPERT brush ar aorar Dalnt. Inf. Hr. ar crsn tract Ph. 4-300 PaintlAg and Fre esthmatee papar-hanglag Ph a-dilS. PAINTIN6 EXPERT tprty. bruah painting, paper hanging, your paint or mine. Free eat. Terms. Ph. Nekton 3-tJ3. 3-tMJ. Bruah or spray. 111110 or in. tenor. Pre estimate. 2-91 K! PAPKtUNG AAlTlNt? PAINTING k WXORATING Dirt Cheap Prk 3-7552 PAINTING: Interior A exterior Fre fat. 4-uaM, -2&26 OOFIN6 SALEM BARTILE ROOFING Most mod. lift time roof color choice. Free est. J-75"0 eves, for comp. information. To place classified ads ' ' call 4-6811. RUTO-VATINO CUSTOM Rotovatlng, Ferd equipment. FlelnV. lawns, or cliaids At gardens. Ph. 2-UliB 600 EanployMCDt 404 Hal. WwtiBBd, Men SAND A CIAVBL WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1425 McGilchrist Crushed qiiarrv rocks and trav el. All tize for road, drive ways and parking lots. -RF.ADY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, hull-dozing;, thov eland dragline work. 3-1U4U SALEM SAND tt GiCAVEtTco" Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravei, aand and top sotL I4M N. Front St 2-2441 TAlXEi BAND It GRAVEL CO Cruhd 4 round gravai. Sand At con mix. l-40flt 81PTIC 1KRV1CB MIKE'S Septle aarvtoa. Tanks cleaned O'rootcr cleani a wars drain Phono 2-94oa HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter, sewers septic tanks cleaned. 3-9327 Hamol't septle tanks cleaned, line service Guaranteed work Phon J-7404 or J-0774. TREB lEBVICB D Rosit Tree Servi,.. Treat Shrubs, Hedges. Insured 1735 N. Liberty St 2-l ev I'PHOLSraiNQ UPHOLSTERING Profeotion!: guar. work, free st, pickup, deliver. Ph. 1-4294 450 Merchandise 458 luildinq Mottriolt Ovcrtatad tteal nraf with htrdwar. 13954. ln ttallad 444.141 . Galvaniaad eva traufb. Ult par IV EPPLNG LUMBER CO. PIL 4 6123 3740 SILVERTON RD. ELECTRIC wall" hiatersT 25 ntr. 32 gai. elec. water neater. tA5. 12-2 wire. 4'ic ft. Light ftxturea reduced. 3 pc. bath set. $120 Built-in ranges. S off. Outlet boxes. 25c. 14-2 wire. 4c ft. Apex Electric It Plumbing 1410 Rroadway. Ph 2-1W4 Open Fn. eves. We cut wire, pipe It pricea. 459 Do It Yourtelf CHANGE YOUR OWN OIL Buy bulk oil at wholesale. Eastern 11', c qt HO. detergent II 'ic qt. 1 gala, or more In your container. W hav all weight. PRINE OIL COMPANY 32 S. Lancaster Dr. 462 Spoftt Equipment INLAID Lino., tl 59 per tq. yd R L Elfstrom Co.. 360 S. Lib- rrty FREEZER, I only-saTifice Will tcrept terms SAH Green Stamps. No bank or finance co. involved, you pay directlv to us. 1st come. 1st served. Raldorf Home Ai Auto. 1420 Sidle Ph 5 rooms" or" furnitureT" 12' x25 rug. G. E Dryer, Maytag autnmatlr washer G E ( hmrne Dinette set Cold refrigerator, desk, ch 2(i4ii rv.niand rd Ph MAYTAG automatic w a t h e r. ' 74A Portland Rd g,a condition. $75 01). 1142 Liberty Ph 4-57TT 4321 I7 TP ab Female. IB ni'i . $15 3-Ct STATE ir 4 -1 111 I' r ted milk 5c. Ph n F. 4 (dr on state Unfinished Chests, New 5 Drawers $ "9 5 Drawers $4 95 No Phon Orders Pleat HOGG BROS. 24 Slate St. t'SFD washers $15 A up. Mm ern Appliance Center, omi I'h 4-9715. INLAID LinoT $1 59 pe"rtajrd R L. Elfstrom Co. 264 S Liberty ROSE, bed da'venn Excillenl ' !P '?" "IRCH DOORS condition 140 A. St t Mod. 1141 S4f Ph 4-1111 4 Mi No. nl Sslem. ' Nfi No. nf Tntf m Pole no 91F Open All Day Saturday AND LOTTSA" We've Got Boats! 15 BRYANT 15 ft. SEA RAID ER with lots of extras, steer ing, chrome hardware, wind shield, aqua meter, divided front seal, storage compart ments, at mahagony. wtth 1 055 EVINRUDE 25 H P electric starting, like new. this outfit complete snd retdy to go for only $1195. 14 FT. CABIN BOAT. 1 vr old fiber glassed bottom and sided 1954 MERCURY MARK 21), this outfit complete wi'h ateenng A- remote cnntrols. chrome hardware, ready for the water. $325. 15 FT. YATES KIINKER BCII.T all seams ftberglasseri and boat it completely repainted I.T49. 14 FT. Pl'RCHCRAFT repainted oars, hardware, trailer with 1ft ' wheels, in first class con dition $.T25 12 FT Rl'NARniT with center deck, new paint. Reg $225 NOW $!59. EXTRA WIDE II FT PLY WOOD boat with hijn sides and wide transom This boat la like new only $2TS. I YR OLD. I FT Burchcraft. wonderful bargain for onh $295 CREDIT GLADLY OPEN SUNDAYS 500 Bus. & Finance 500 Bus. & Finance 515 lnvt4tiMittTi SI 5 Inveirmdntt WORLDS largest inttallert oi home netting, need on mora man to leant warehousing tales A tervice, assured future, apply In person. 1057 S. Com mercial, Monday before noon. FRY cook wantedT" ihflsnift. J. B. Drive In, 2234 Fair grounds Bd BOOKKEEPER: GeneraToffica A ledger work, typewriting rtecaary. Giva full details; experience, education, salary expected A references. Writa Statesman-Journal. Box 141 COMBINATION Welder - Mill- wrignt. must nava xp. Apply office Willamette Bldra. Sup ply Co, Aumsvillc. Ore. or call Mr Traehsai at Salem. 3-i65S after 4 pm. W ANTEDiAppha TrK-es7lMman. Prefer experienced man. Ex cellent opiiortunity with un limited earning fo'r man wn can sell Applv Montgomery Ward Store. Salem COrUtFXTIONALCiciraT-Imi medial openings. Stat Peni tentiary. Age 21-40. Minimum height 5 feet, 9 inches. Starting aalary $25. For details con tact Stale Civil Service, mt Public Servir Building. Salem. FIELD REPRESENTATIVE" We have an opening in our auto mobile financing division that offrs varied, nnn-rouUn work, Involves contact with both dealers and customer and we provide you with an automobile. This job Is a step pingstone to managerial re sponsibilities. No experience Is necessary and we prefer single men between the age of 21 to 26, who have had at least two year of college. Call Commercial Credit Corpora tion Phone 3-4ie WANT several wood cutters? Apply Capital Fuel Co., 19C4 N River Bd. WANTED: Good Butcher Tak charge or Slaughter House. Steady work Montgomery Lockart. Silverton. Halp WtmtdW, lady YOU CAN MAKE YOUR MONEY EARN A BETTER RETURN BfY 1st rr.ortages on-improved tenl estate in Salem and vtcinilv Your mnnev nels 5' ,-, Examine the aecuritv voutself All details and collectiona taken rare of without obligation Mori gages now available from $15(1(1 to $M1imi We me now servicing over IK IHKHitt of 1st mortgagee for institutional and indi vidual investors lust like yourself. Over 18 yeart satisfactory tervice for the Willamette Valley. STATE FINANCE COMPANY 1I7 HIGH ST SALEM. OREGON PHONE S-.T15I 4.50 Mct-cliandisp 470 For Sole, Misc. HEATROLA wood A coal beater, eacel. shape. $13. Good for cabin. Ph 4-9912. RADIOS, all mustgo table-A consoles. From $S i5 at Used Mdse. Mart, r.il S Liberty Ph 4-U.T71 Oprn Fn nighl till 9 Nn down pa mcnt loin NEARLY new Underwimd A Hm at," stenographer's desk & rhatr Reas. I'll 3-51B9 eves Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam Oial 2-1749 Prompt Delivery keiierSand It Gravel C. 4 IX)TS at Rrst taerrreterv Gardens, tjbn ea Perpetual care Wonderful view. E. B Smith 3-M01. Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL PH. 2-4310 " NEW hutches. Maple" finish" 444 95. Used Mchse Mart. 270 S Ubert). Ph. 4-4371. Oren Fri. night til t. No down pay ment lo i r I CAMPING trailerwas JAS now ISA. How-er Brot. 1145 S. Utn Ph. .1-.1446 TOP SOIL Phone 2-157S. 2-43B1 I- ka.k AKC Keg I licrtn shnl Ql'AI.lTY AKC Ilachvhund pups, ti kv nlfl lerrns a - ' replrd 1241 N L'lth rtlR SALE fierman Shepherd I PKTF M pup--. J ( Chapman. :i mi N nf Iridependen, e 17 PCPI'IKS Wire f.,x le-- ner. I'ekirtese (',,, ket f hampion blo.wlhnes low pn. -ev DfMieias Kennels. S'-ntls Mills. 5 Ml. N E. .Sllvert.in Mi ls, iv 2i:i REAUTIFVI. A K. (' "re."sa moved puppies, white with hlai k polnis. I'h. 4-02(1.1 Salem DOCS hoarder! Cr.rkhaien Ken nels Lu. lie Lund. Hi 3. Sil verton l-47SrT PASTEURIZED w'o milk 75c sal lloiii(ih-enired, 71c. lj gal lon 4'ic. t leary Dairy. 2-.10.;5 413 Fcrtilixer In, Valin CHICKEN nian ire "urk 1 tin. delivered 4-2t 414 Form Equipment l.C. Ivanhoe oil heater. 2 barrels wracks, exc. cond. Ph. 2-4427 FOR-SALE Sola A chair" $75 Ph. FREEZER new lrgel4cuft. 5 year guarantee. 5 year food I spoilage guarantee at Eartory I rost only $H!i ii. Terms avail ! ahle I'h 2-9S.72 ; IB Cli r.H.t refrigrratnr A- Irce j er combination in good uork- ing order $7:, 8119 Hroun St. I Dnllas. Ph. MA J2411 KENMORE .19 in elec. range, like nc $!M Ph. 4-US11 jrilH SALE, old fashioned ihlna .losct. ,.val .glas, ISO lOL'n I llirknrv be.nitifulh' designed LOW COST ! ' INSULATION 120 sax AI.DER shop A paneling 'j price of birch1 SDC, 59 5(1. FIX;. S9S0. PAINT 2 50 gal. SCREEN DOORS 95 up -Alum Screns to fit' FENCE MATERIAL all types. Won derful stains for finish - see Ihem' nnn m WALLACE RD. PH. 2-2476 CASH paid for used runt, mod ern and antique Cascidt M-rc 1230 Broadwav " attention" pilots $12 Buys shrir in tri -fena PLYWOOD SPECIALS: 151) Cessna U0 Ph 4-MH7. sheet- oi BIBC"H snd 14' SPORT run-about, trailer 25 KNOTTY PINE Closenut H P. Evlnnide. padded seats. 2Sr It Knnltv Pine IV ft l"'s of extras, $H50. Mayfair FIR PLYWOOD - anv sire 3-352. Dallas i i i i i.si, rnts. iremen- nnAT 13- Br..., p,n...aht I romp, wcontrols. cover, trail er It 15 H P. Evenrvide. 1040 Harris St BEV'S rummage, everyday.' 473 N. Cottage. Ph. 4-73P0 f YPrWRITERS a d d i n ga7a chines, cash register, dupli cators, desks, cbiirs. tiles, sup plies Roen s. 454 Court 3-4771 USED radlrs-rihonn. corah con sole RCA, $.. Hogg Bros., 348 Slate St. FOR sale, hooks, dishes, glass ware A misc 'Ml) Leslie FOR SALE, 2 good men s suits ( heap, vnu tar. t lose. Call 2-7fi'l7 nr GOOD selection of . Miflren s shoes. $2 98 Sl7es ' . tn 1 ARMY A NAVY Sl RPl I S 21.1 N f nm I Ph 3-434.1 pit run'(;kavkl black top soil DEL. $1.23 A YARD PH. 4-2463 V FIDO I N(i V,ov." sizf; Mras . Th 3-6K47 LIKE NEW, Russian "tquirrel hark rape ilet out' cost $27n. ell $1 Call J-3223 472 Wanted, Misc. VANT CHILD SLIDK PH 4-6135 WANTFD Mar hn,e I'.orl Mimeograph Ph. 2-7()2. dous selection. M F. o.ri ll ri ser H:os 3-3H44 nlr II "5 r !'iS5 mdl $225 lira' -S 121-1 Ph ! MdVINf. n ur v I lure. 17 fl de ' nil stove Rt i-il n isi furnt ep treee and NAILS 9 25 keg f'LOSEOlT -, Odd lots Pine Paneling 100 M. I II! ( edar Sds LIS M. 112 NEW CAfl lop boat Cash or CEDAR BOARDS Rgh back- trade for large boat. Ph 2-3225 2U. ioiu uil r.. i. FOR SALE, H ft. ', Run-about i ivsis! nemioca csg l - 4r- ft Ft 111 SALE I '144 Eorrl tra good shane. I'h 2-2.I4H EllH SACK or Ttade A C W C tta tr r. food , , , r , ri and r.t--Isl Load gear, lor -a '- at ha-.r miii' l'i fantas 7-.'tja J'-f f.-rson 425 Auction Sales BOSTON terrier puriple lb svk old 1 male 1 female fteauli fullv ma-ked A K c ph 4-:'4H9 FREE KITTENS, beautiful riK. strip ph 4-mi.ri WHITE Prke. also Ttnv Eon Ter rier pups .T41S, Williams Ave FOR SALE 4 cute ro.Jcer pups left. 2 hl k A blonde. Call 3-9019 or 1280 Peace St AKC registered boxer pup. fe male. $30. Ph Sllverion. 3-4222 FOR SALE extra nice chihuahua puppies 4 mo 2-3473. VWNC; parakeets, rates feeds Mlcgey'i W2s S Com 1 7M PURE BRED Sprinter Spaniel .-. ,. pups. 34'iq sunnyviev Ave i motninery 1 ! 9 CU ET (ilHSDN refrigerator. esoeltent rnnditinn i'h 4-142.S t'l'RTAINS and 2 pairs of lined faille drapes, exr. ron . ar-oept I ai reasonable offer. Ph , .i--i:i2ll FI EC range. Frtgidaire 4 burn j er. 30 oven, like new 1040 Harris St OF FURNITURE AT RCOTTY'S TONITE 4840 CENTER STREET VSED platform rocker $11 Bros.. 24S Stale SI Hogg tug S.mded PIVvsood 17r ft.! Rgh. 4H 4 11 sheet' Cosh . New AI.l'MINl'M STORM' DOORS low price PAINT' GRADE JAMRS - 2 15 set Like we sav 'TOTS AND LOTTSA ' "' Remodeling SS MONTHS TO PAY NOTHINC. 'that's right i NOTHING DOWN Ve us soon you'll enjoy vour visit Motor A trailer, flsed 1 ymn $H See at 29M) S Com I Shell Station BOAT k TRA.II.KR 13 ft fishing boat New finish Cheap. 3-7193. 464 Bicycle l,on,ru"::ho'r.nf.i:r:'PnrtlAnd Knar) I.iimbr-r Yard FOR Sale C.irls 2d' hike. $12 Ph. 2-.72.12 after 5 p m. OIRI.S standard hike, excel, ennd. $27 SO. After S p in. 4-4149 SALEM 450 iMerchamlise 34'MI I'h. 4-21130. FOR SALE Puppies, all kinds Com see afternoons at 3354 Livingston or call 2-79H9 will bu if'FCK STOWE A Wilcox easv edger and elbow ma. hlne $20 4771 Lowell. buy puppies any kind MOOKF. f'KTS Toy Fn Terrier puppies. B rds boarded Open eves 4003 State BIRD Paradise for Mrfli cages Supplies 1144 Livingston I 1442 I'SKD lin-ed nak step tablet. $11 9S. Hogg Bros . 244 State St CSEf) S pi . chrome dinette aet $.19 Hogg Rros . 24S Stale SI LEE'S ELECTRIC , CRAF'I MAN elec 1 HP. like new, 2-0401 hand $45 .SERVICE 1 SKI) apti.iancf: sai.k $50 A- up 3S4S Portland Road Ph 4-4433 oi'f:n all day saturday" 468 For Rent, Mite. mm FOR REM or lease iga ware house space cement floor brick , bldg.. downtown. In quire H L Stiff rum 3-41 8V 470 For Sole, Misc. GUARANTEED R;i nurs 5 v Refng 410 Ssredt )rd Plants $30 A up i $45 A up 3J A- up 1 Auto Whers Jvn A. up for a poer lawn mower 22n i.SFr) ACCORDION A RADIOS iii 1 f-; i-: ; l-ancastrr & Silvrrton Rd jewinq Mocninet TRADE 2 hp. fartlrn cultivator , er 1 Ph GOOT) BLONDE finmhrd I ft wrapping! ''"iintfr with mnnv I drawer. t?ry rcisomhlt? 265 I N Hih St , 248 Statr SI MISC itf ms, furn . rlisjif s. tnci or what hsf )u t''A Bark ers Furn. 4-0,44. ;i7!4 Silver ton Rd LOGS WANTFD T.p pricrf paid 6-m tt ,i0-in dietninci in fl-f1 or multiplf . nf fi-f W Ijo huy :ti,nnpjtge Birrk.aid Lumber (nnipan. Turner Ore Ph Turner 1125 FriMt" phc-r Turner 2'f'2 r-r Snlrrr WAN! F.I) Peeled nr unpeelrri Odar and Eir Poles Please telephone mllert (Apitn 2-H5HI Niedernic.ver - Martin Co . Portland 4 Ore(nn WANTED several thousand enrdi of wood, ill specie Ph. 37721 Nighti 4-&6.13 4T4 Mitcelloneout Hamilton Rearh l.-e i reni mix er. Ph. Fairfax 7242. Jelferson ADDING machlnea. csh regis Clarv 1 979 Fairgrounds f-.VOS nr.NTAL i'iaiiTrspair J-HR, SERV1CF IN MOST CASFS DR HARRY SEMLF.R, Dent'st Adolph Rltlg. SUte Ai Cnm'l SU SALEM .. PH S-Mll 4?o Fuel FOR sale- 44.000. teaaoned 4 , contrast, well secured, liberal discuunt. B. M. Mason, Rll . 341 Chemeketa. 510 Maitey to Lam COLOXIAL In re town t Co Rral PropertT Loant Contracts Purchased 4T Court 4-2243 W HAVE cash buyers for real estate comrade and 2nd mort gages. Ohrnsrt A Ctlabt. Retito'rt 477CourtSt Phone 2-41 Is PRIV ATF, money- tniuan74r. interest. Ptt. 2-07K4. $3,000,000.00 CONSTRITTION MONTY Availahl for THA. CI or long term convention! mortgnge loans snvwhere in the Willam ette Vallev. 5' ;. 2fl.vear money alio available for existing home loans. WANTED: Experienced silk tin. isoen ac teamaire! ror small shop. Steady job. S's da. week. Ph 2-20SI evenings. FRY Cooks Kxpenenced woman, l.ouis rtsh Grotto, J71J R. ('"tn I between 11 t m. A 3 p rn. Th 2-77110 ANYONE nore Tnteresediiil giving l 3 sr. chllrl a home thifn money invols-ed? Rog l.Tt .Stateenitn-Joumal. WOMAN "to carefor2 "giris'4li .1 m mr,therless home In coun try Would consider 1 child. Call bel. 5 Ac 4 p m. Ph. 4-871K. EXP Bookkeeper, capable ot managing office, please give age, mantlal ttatit, experienc A pay expected. All repliea confidential. Write Statesman Journal Box 1.17. H01-SEKF.ir.PER. " wanted for yg. widnwer alone. Rtata ag A: salary expected. Box 134, Statesman-Journal. WANTED older girl or woman for housework in good home, private room, good aalary. Pn. 2-172. ( o 4-3 U I j Business Loans To .rz.oon ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS Loans lo Purchase, Repair or RefinaiK r A!l Tncs of Fq i'ii:' "1 Incluitiin- c .! T-n-i-n tt Ttailr' llon.et PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOAN'S We, lis s C Krsjmer, Manager I.iheitv Tn 4-220." 608 Pickr$ WonteaJ STRAWBERRY ' Pickers minted; start Thursday. Mav Itisl N West hemes. 1 block West of Keiter Schl. Ph. 2-0437 C HERRY PICKERS Start SC urdav. June 23. Adults pre ferred. Paul A. Andresen. 4994 N. Lanceater Ph4-2M,r CHERRY pickers wanted Mon day 25th at Browning Av At JoneVRd, Ph. 1-1140. Lilly BaaterV U-PICK Northwest atrawbme, Ik East of Tolem pole, rlrtt left turn past new rltrelgreen School. Vic Williamson CHERRY pickers ttart Jane 24. 2 mi off Wallace Rd. on Or chard Hts Rd R. I Wnrrta, Rt 1. Box 44fl. Ph. 4-1048. CHERRY Pickers: Starting Mon Close in. turn East at So. Salem Dnve-In. Ph. J-IH22 R W ROGO A Sons start pick ing cherries June 22nd. Gnnd t rop, 10 dav job. Can use SO more pickers. 31J Dallas Rd. Ph 2-3 1 74. PICKERS wanted. 30 A. N w". Ilus rt . 4 Cor . State. 121h ft Mission. I'h. 4-70B7 CHERRY pickers. Phone 3-704J. 4123 Kurth St at W. Browning. CMFRRY "pickers wnted. Twa on hards good picking Adultt or groups with men preferred. S A Wheatley. Phnnt 2-444 or 3-.14,i CHERRY Pickers wanted ai :;20i Moody Ave. Pb 2-.1ai. W ANTED cherry pirker-. start ing Fn . 22nd Otto Beu'lee, 1 mi W of Pratum. Ph 4-1331. I'-PICK Msrshall trawberrtea. Ph 2-0111 $1500.00 .STRAWBERRY PICKERS Now yiu ran horrow tlVK frnrr ux, on furniture, autos. txalVr hn: ijej and equipment Wf rn happy ttut after 21 jrvars we are ahle to txter.d ihi additional serv:re to you. 117 S Cnm l Salem, Orrfo General Finance CORPORATION FH0NE .-ni61 li !23 to $2.VW Pacific Industrial Loans n4Sl.1bertv Ph 4-B03 LOANS $.10 00 to $1900 00 But What You Need Consolidate your bills. Finance through WrLLAVrETTE CREDIT COMPAfTY 142 S Church St Ph. IS4J1 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted ' MULCH Pest with mushroom remitter rm tor sou lea. Ph. iMxnt. &TOOU .L-I.WUI.LVHI.V 0 1 O PI eis! dm'i" t" iiges A refrics' $.ut in a up YEATriR APPI.IANfK CO. Vlahoganr lambs $4 95 ea. 1 '"uii,,. si. ' rtr casing 4c Itn ft Iron roofing Jrfi us sq .1- panel doors, all sires. $6 93 ea. Fir exterior ply. 9c sq. ft Son n-a ' C , KJ... .lahmel bin-h ph 3!K; sq ft. l'KP. H""v" 1 1x4 N J Sl.. '-'. 10' '" Hogg Bros 1'ngths $34 30 M WESTERN WEAR' Roots, shirts 1 h.ti iflu, tiec r.et r-, i - .- - rioev sil nsv t.Tconiv ' - . ... .".r nr.i ii.mji i lursr.n Montgomery, ' " ...r. . , now lor .lulv 4tn it mr AHMV SINT.rU elec oohols'ering sew. W"rrt w""'- after' , A NAVY Sl'RPl.l'S 223 N in, -",cr otr n " "- . . C & K Lumber Yard j ' sell or trad lor what hav , Linoleum rugs Srxlt $3 S Lancaster It Center VSFO plav gym $t2 93. Hogg ou? 3-5611. I Valley furn. Co.. 114 N. Com l. I Ph. Si lem 1-1 too I Bros , J44 State SU OI.O grnw-th fir $12 per cord Ph. 4-00M. WANTED several thousand cords o." wood, tl) species Ph 3-7721 Nights 4-5433 Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINOS SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Planer F-nds Choice stab snd block mined 1420 Broadway Ph 2-7721 ANDERSON'S s 1 a b w o od I'h 2-775l or 4-2654. HIGHWAY FdrHTcO SAWDUST It WOOD 3-6444 Sprinp Special Mulch Sawdinf. Ffrtiliirr . Block A 4ah Wood Wpt Salem Fuel 1S24 Idgewatar Ph. $-4031 CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone 2-0636 354 N Winter Adjoining Presbyterian church Free parking In rear Exclu sive listings on ll types of employment. COUPLE to manage apis in ex change for rent r'us $25 sal ary. One may he employrd el.j-where Ph 2-2H04 man oh Woman over 20 tor fruit stand A- grocery slore work MM15 Portland 'Rd. Green Apple Mkt APPLICATIONS-iTre-no"w oelng taken for Statesman bicycle routes Several routet will be open Applictntt must be ec companied be their ptrents or have their wrilten permis sion Annlv at the Circulation Department of the 4jtatman-Journal Mon . June 25th. It A irrigated Northwest hemes Stanley Snecd. Ft 1. Bnx 73 Rronka, located 1 ml! N. of Brnokt. on Hiway Ph 2-3146 tfter 6 p ni 13 A. Northwest, start 2nd pi k. 1- .f June 12th. 4447 Setter Dr. R A Fiedler Ph. 4-3$40: w I Peterson. 2nd yr. Msr shlls Heavy picking, trans, f.irn Ph 2-5934 Jf'J STRAWBERRY pickers wanted, 20 A Northwest, 3rd picking, :ii'i- a carrier R P Parnwell, 4'i.Kl N. Ruer Rd Keirer Ph. 4-4:104 TICKERS-wanted thru .tune. Heavy, irrigated crops. Mar shall's r L Meyer 2's ml. W of Brush College Store Th. 2- 6177 eve 610 S0I44 Hlp Wwt4d IF inu are an experienced REAL ESTATE SALESMAN we hav a good proposition in discus with ou. Th Hnmeseller, Salem WANTED 3 salesmen, Salem area A golden opportunity for a producer, liberal commis sions t ail 2-3:i9. EXPERIENCED car sslesman Salarv A eommls-lnn, brand new building, excellent nprmr Mnities In'iuire Cene Tcagil ( hex rnlr t, Stiiyton, Ore SALESMAN wanfed: Elertrolug t nrp 1H7II Brdtsy Salem. MAN-to dlstrlbut A pic up Fuller Brush catalogs $100 weekly comm. ta start -42' FOR immediate employment, $tno mo. guaranteed com ap ply 329 t. Bush 4 $0 ta t A.M. Only. 612 Work Wonted, Mew DIAL 4-6811 TO PLACE AD NEED AN ADDITION' Remodeling' Cabinet work. Fre rxt Esperl work Work guar. Ref. Oo anvplac Chat Ex line Ph 2-7014 C A RPENTFR. new. remodel, free est Ph. 4-OS7.I PAINT1NO -FRFE ESTIMATES, REASONABLE PH 2-8551 EVES EXP blade A dozen msn Ph. 1WR Independence Lawn Mowing Th. 4-2301 ROTO-TliJ.ING ' Ph. 2-231