L(l(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., June 23, '56 Dad Bevens Tosses No-Hit Victory as Post 136 Wins 2-0 Dan Bevens pitched no-hit'victory (or Legion Post 13 Jim Get til pitched a one-hit victory for Field's Master Service and Dickson's Market became the first team to win (our games in the Class C action of the Junior Baseball League Triday. Scores is the Friday fames were Post 13 over Jackson's Jewelers 24, Dickson's Market over Pour Corners 20-30 dub 1 and Field's Master over Berf Market 2 j Bevens, who only last Wednes- day hurled victory over Fields. struckout I and walked 4 in turn- in in Friday's no-hitter. Post 136 was ablo to get only two intieia singlet of( Tom CreU of the Jack son team. The only ball hit into the outfield during the game was a fly caught by Post 13t outfield er. (iray Scoots for Rot Dennis Gray scored one of the the Post IX runs when he walked, stole second, went to third on a groundout arid scored on an error. Jim Dirjit it. scored the other run when be got on with an error and tallied on a fielders choice. A five-run outburst in the third was all Dickson needed to notch their win over the 20-30 Club. Den nis SeRinc and Buck Seegcr each hit two-run singles during that in ning. Warreg Harvey came on in relief in the tihrd to gain credit lor the victory. Fred Hood singled for Berg s fiiantei to ruin muu cnances oi no-hittel for fields. The only hits by Fields were a pair of singles by Gerry McNaU and Frank Bart- ruff. . Jiriwnii soo oo J Poll 131 001 IX III OrtU and Crary; Bcvtns nd Stif fler. SO-ia Ctuh 101 10- 1 1 ( DlrkisfM ! - Sit Edwards, rik (1), Edwordi (li and Lthnuna. tchruotbury (4): PolU. Homy (1) and Rln. Brf'l one 00 8 14 Fitld'i SOS Ox- I I J Noltm and DIMhart; Conn ai4 Btnrutt. Hogan Proves WENTWORTH, England lit -The fabulous Bea Hogan proved Friday he's human after all. He took seven on the last bole of a practice round lor the Canada Cup International golf competition. opening Sunday. Th. mat Tai Mlfer was (7 coming to the last bole ol the yard Wentworth course. Then It happened. Hogan sent his tea shot screaming out of bounds and tmk seven to let down for a i 71 - 'Sam Snead, who partners Hogan In the international competition, went round la at "approximate 70." ' Hundreds at tana followed the Americana, who art favorites to retain the two-man tropny won for th United States last year by Ed Furgoi and Chick Harbert. Fifty eight golfers from 27 na tions make up the field for the competition. The winning national team wui bo the one wita the low eat aggregate score for two play ers ever 7 holes. They also will compete as individuals, using the same scores, for the International championship. Salem Girl Nab 10-2 Win 8ILVERT0N - Special -The saiem Mercnams Iir oiidm i:am conunuea weir winning streak here Friday night by past - ing the Independence girls, 10-2, in aa E I raa ITnlla I niai aieiiMak outci r.... iauo n...r. Maureen Scholuan pitched the , wm tor tne alem team ana ni-n. lowed Independence five hits. The Salem team will play a doubleheader at Eugene Saturday night. Independence 002 00 2 5 0 Salem 420 4x-io 7 2 Wilson and Starks; Schollian and Lambert. Today's Pitchers NATIONAL LEAGUE Milwaukee at New York Spahn (1-4) vi Antonelll IS-St. 81. Loula at Philadelphia Schmidt (1-3) or Uddle ll-J( va Haddix (4-3i. Clncinnat at Brooklyn Kllpp tein S-4 V( Koufax (l-li. Chicago it Plttiburgh Ruah (S-l) vs Friend (11-41. AMiaiCAN LB AO UK New York at Chicago Grim (4-01 VI Wllaon IS-31. Boaton It Kanaal City (night) Parnell ll-ll vi Gorman (4-1). Baltimore at Detroit Moore (5-5) VI Ury (4-7). Waihlngton at Cleveland F-aa-eual (-7( va Lemon tS-4i. Meadows Selections: Saturday wxrt time I p m ? 1. Kick Them, G. F l Hurricane, Fabuloui Joe. I. Sonoma Sickle, Reprieve, Col onel H. A. J, Lord Abbey, Great Spirit, Phar 1IU. 4. Dut Out. Snow Flight, Lady Liaai. 5. Thrifty, Hli Lait, Deep Canyon. S. Lycoa Lady, Jewel Offering. Beeeham. 1. Dancer Loote, Ski Pole. Boret. a Huahaa. Freddy Th Fox, How De Lee. S. Bneba Conaented, Coma. : IS. One Speck, Foolish Girl. Speed Tatrr. BF9T BET Tuihan, II h race iONGSHOT POSSIBILITY Will ratchet, 7th race. ' Tide Table tidbs fob ran ukigon (Compiled by V. . Coast and Geo4lie Survey, Portland, Oregon I Tint Height Tim Height T Hiffe Waters Low Waurg Iiim - ft .- L 22 1:4 pjn. ! " tJn- . - v:sa pjn. i s a " ata. 9. Jl a.rn ! f I , 2.13 p.m. 4S IM pm. IS Only Human - 14 pm. 4S T:44 a,jn. 1.S M I 24 ,m. I t . J M a.m. fl .ltit am. IT I Jf " i Jslrm. II 1:11 -. Jj! . V..l m M-llsiasw aVl a np I Qt A C I imp JUIIC 0 1 JJI1G Much Wasted Watch Shows Where Many Minutes Lost KANSAS CITY I - Just how, much actual time is the ball in play during one of these long winded modern baseball games? Sports writer Dick Wade of the Kansas City Star, armed with a stop watch, kept tab on Thurs day's 14 inning battle between Washington and Kansas City. For the official records, the game, lasted 2 hours, 3t minutes. And Kansas City won, 15-6. But Wade said he actually clocked only t minutes, 55 seconds of action, Wade reDorted that in arrlvine t his total he used the watch on i ai hit balls, both outs and safe-, ties, and counted home runs until th ball wo' over the fence. He1 allowed a flat one second for , eacn pitcn irom mouna to piate, including the umpire's call. Hurlers Use Most Time "Where, then, did the missing 1 hours, 28 minutes go?" Wade asked. "Pitchers took the most of it. 'Tor instance. Dean Stone aver aged M seconds between tosses. Camild Pasqual, a dirt-kicker and pants-tugger, Is a 17-second man and Pedro Ramos likes to get it over with in a hurry, averaging only t seconds between offerings. (All pitch for Washington). "For the A's, Jose Santiago took an average of 11 seconds. Bill Harrington 10 and Bobby Shantz limited it to 7 in the one frame i he worked." Wade counted 279 pitches during the game 150 by the Nats, 129 by Kansas City hurlers. SUpf Watch Oddities Here are some other stop watch oddities Wade recorded A baserunner must make it to under four seconds to foil oublP1y- L t t The catcher gets the ball back piwner in iwo seconas to When the umpire throws it, takes three. The average two-base hit takes a little under seven seconds; a triple, a shade under 11. Harmon Killebrew's grand slam homer was out of sight in :04.. Gus Zernlal's towering smash was in sight for :07.S Players' Reps To Hold Meet NEW YORK M - The 1 mnlnr league player representatives will meet at Washington July 9. the day before the All-Star baseball game, to discuss nrnnow) Above Freezing (Simonlsi 4 20. Quin ,u. ....... P. lella 132 00. Time J 40-45 cnangcs in tne player pension; i , , . . pian anu a move 10 increase mini- mum salaries from W.000 to J7,- 1200 lommissinner rnrn Frirlc it iw. i .0t a ne for sa e of the rat in nrl television rights to the All-Star ,nd Wor(j series games. The CUr- rpnt contract, calling for about ... ... . ii.zoo.uuo per year, exmres after: the 1950 series. The new contract expected to call for at least $3,000,000 a year ' ' Major League Leaders NATIONAL LEAGll G AB R H Pet Long. Pittbrgh tl 105 3 70 .341 Boyer, St. L so 23S 44 so a.T Clemente. Plttbh 49 180 23 53 . 331 Mualal, St. L. 80 223 30 72 .32(1 Moon. St. L. 5S 205 IS 5 .317 scnndnit. N. Y. 44 ISO 23 50 Robinaon. Clnci 57 203 43 61 Walla. Plttbgh 55 IS5 m 35 Aihburn, Phila. M 240 33 71 Aaron, Mllke 53 203 3J to 313 -300 2!7 29(! .20(1 . Home rum: Loni Piitibunh 17 Snider. Brooklyn 15; Bover. St. Louis 13; Banka, Chicago 14; Rnbinnon, Cm clnnaU 14; Poit. Cincinnati 14. Runt bitted In: Muiial. St l.oun 54: Boyer. St. Louii 51; Long Ptttaburgh 47; Jablomkl, Cincinnati 39; Banks. Chicago 3S; Lopila. Philadelphia 3S. AMERICAN LEAGIE r, ab H Pet Mantle, N. Y. Maxwell. Detroit Kuenn. Detroit Vernon. Boiton Berra. N. Y. Minoaa. Chicago Skowron. N. Y. Goodman, Boiton Wertz, Clevland SI 132 S2 M 49 158 37 M 31 IBS .10 SB 47 19 27 AS S3 201 33' S3 UIN 17 SI 4 14 22 52 42 1S2 30 51 60 217 34 SS Lollar, Chicago 51 170 23 53 Home runs: Mantle New Vnrk 97 Berra, New York 17; Sievera. Wash Ington 17; Wertz. Cleveland IS; Bau er. New York 14. IffiiZIt! SPICIAL If. 1 0) 1? chaise Vor v fi BEEF ROAST Locktr Wroppsid . l,b. 25c I f-ROUND STEAIC u SALEM MEAT CO. 1325 S. 25th St. Theyll Do It Every 'SeZ&Srf"f FR4U BLIW'SQU4TWILL KZ&X&I ws 1O0Ay I AD MIL0 H4VE (Jul bU4Uil i MIU . I aumcAWW in y,. Ktmd NEXT 64TURDdy- BOTH THINK FsouMOSvTasnWlNsNl 'SHE PESEHTS l I KgT S MI "j! I TUOUGefT rT WAS J MORE MEMBER'S 1 MY BELONGING l"TEKSJ,l,A 'W MVB4l?tl4CU04 k WILL BE TdKinfi TO THIS 04J8- IV TUB Xty TQWU X gy A (JQOMS 4TTWE SUES SOUS WWEM r-W. rf r-,r REFERRING ) V CLUB"" J I GO TO A EUU. 7 rpT II r -1 Kjo- Cyclists Set For Scrambles That class of speedsters who risk iheir necks on every turn and Jump will be offering plenty of Inrll,, oumuy w Motorcycle Club presents its "Snorkel Scrambles." The motorcycle races will be held at the Salem club s grounds located off Maclcay Road near Four Corners. Events will get un derway at noon. Signs will be post ed from Four Corners to the Mac leay Road cutolf to direct fans to the races. Sunday's races are sponsored by the Salem riders and are sanc tioned by the American Motorcy cle Assn. Riders from Salem, Corvallis, Lebanon, Portland and some Washington points are planning to take part. Bud Davidson, Portland, winner of the recent Gypsy Tour at Long Beach, Wash., is also scheduled to- appear. John C. Tay lor. Salem, who took second in "r't J he7mon the L l g The "Scrambles consist of a variety of thrills. During the races the riders will guide their two wheelers around sharp, twisting courses, make short jumps and face hazards of quick drops and sudden slow-downs. Remits Frldty. Jun ! eleir ond rint rr,SM0 yordi, quorter boron: Dunno Kid iBoifi 1.10, 10. ISO; Pudding Foot iKnowlni ISO. ISO; Joo Wiener (Wood!) ISO. Quinlelll (14.70, Tim .IS S. Second race. 380 yordi. quirter norm: Tuizy Col I Duncan) IJ). .ISO. 3.10; Ookle Twitter (Woodi .I SO. J on, Utile Man H I Miller I 3 50 Qulniella $1K; Time .19 1. Third race. S furlongi.' 4 up: Can't Check Simonlsi SSO. 3.40. 2 JO Fork Harney iKnowleji 4 4n. 3 20: Tnber- morey I Dixon) 30. Quinlella 112 70. Time 1 13.45. Fourth rare. S furlonf . 3 up Venui De Roe iSmothem 17 40. 5 (0. 3 90, Lonx Oat iHenshaw) 2 SO, 2 50; Fat Chance ' Dixon ) 5 10. Qulniella (13 00. Tl ' 00 Filth rare. 1-lIS milei. 3 up Flrur D'Afonc iHemhawi 4 70, .ISO. 3 00: Bullrclis (Dales l lOfto. S 20; sixin race, o Tunc Sixth race, furlongs. 3 up Saan- irn M,jd ismothemi 12,60, 5 so, 4 3o; i Maid ank W oopy i t ne 1:13. Frank Wellei iMIllen 350, 3 00; iScoopy iDoxon) 3 40. Qulntla 15 70 c., ..ih a frinn., up- lama Duke iBreckon.. 18 50. 8 50. ,i 8 - 80 Blllv Vencro i Smothers l 8 20. Pacolma Double iChojnackn Qulnela 00 50. time 1:12-45. Sth race 5'j furlont. 3 up. Ludler Illiril iBreckonsl 8 50. 5 00 . 3.00. Cinocl ,Mrno,.in 5 50. 2 1)0; Rill Qulniella 20 00. Hart iDuncam : w time 1:07 Oth race 5't furlonss. 3 up .'ran Sue iDixon) 0. 3 0 3 50. Good Joe (Hopkinil 3 90. 2 SO; Rn.e Bo iKnnllsi 3 50; quinlella 12 50, time 1 05 4 10th race 1 mile. 3 up Carton Fiowrr iHenshaw) 1150 I 4 20; Fluff! (Miller) 4 20. 3 10: Kllanriave to 1 Boat i 7 30. quinlella 24 10 1 41 33 Attendance 3443. handle SI in 352 National League Milwaukee 002 loo 00O-3 10 1 New York Olio 000 001-1 7 0 rrnnp and Cmnrlsll Cniver nns- ,om ii. Wilhelm (9) and Sarni. L-- Gomez. Cincinnati 020 310 001 S n Brooklyn oo oon oiio 0 2 0 Lawrence and Blley; Magllc. Roe huck I.Vl, Lehman i7i and C. impanel la. L-Maglie St. Louis 001 000 000 I J 0 Philadelphia l( noi mi' !M Poholsky. McDaniel 181 and Smith. Roberts and Lopata. I Poholsky MEADOWS RESULTS f ONLY 104 A ROLL iX .1 - MEADOWS ENTRIES Portland Meadowi, Saturday, poit time 1 pm: : First race. qrtr. horc. purse $400. all ages in gride B, 350 yds. , 1. Kick Them. A. Sherman 120 j 2. Bfautv Hobler. R Hollev 120 ! 3. Pudding Fool, I.. Knowlea -. .. 125 4. Fabulous Joe. G Dixon ... l-'S 5. Redwood Pansy Jo, H Farl .. 120 8. Chubbv I Buck. A Duncan . 125 7. Lambert J Teddy. R Woods 123 S. G. F t Hurricane. J. Boag . ICS Second race, claim, purse SfiOO, 3 year olds and up, ilSOOi, one mile. 1. Colonel H A.J. Brfckons . 110 2. Kings rnhli. F Smothers . 119 1 3. Laura Bed. R Hollev . .... Ill 4. Charier Way. J. Boat 119 t i Sonoma Sickle. D H'nshaw . 114 . Double Dream. G Divon . 119 7. Roval Plaver. A. Duncan 119 5. Bell Fast, W. Pnillip . 119 9. Reprieve. S. McDowell 119 10. Lady Able. P. Hidalgo 114 Third race, claim, nurse WOO. 3 year olds and up. ill.OOO), one mile. 1. Pharlita. L Dales 112 t. Great Spirit. P. Hidalgo 122 3. Lord Abbev, J. Breckonl 122 4. Red Runner. A Sherman 122 3. Booter Prince, S. McDowell ... 122 5. Caddis. D Hens-haw 117 7. Red Green. (J. Simonis 122 Fourth race, claim, ourse 1600, 3 year olds and up. 1 5800). S'i fur longs. 1. Pernle's Star, R lonatti .-r 121 1. Snow Flight. S. McDowell - 121 3. Halladae. J. Boag 118 4. Dut Dui. P. Hidalgo 121 5. Ladv Llsaa. G. Dixon 116 . Goldstone, W. Phillips . 121 7. Our Judy. L. Knowles .118 S. Bethertorvou. D Henshaw ... Ill 9. Rare Question. A Sherman . 121 10. Early Burley. J. Breckons . 121 Fifth race, claim, purse 1700. 5 year olds and up. iII.OOOi. 1', mile. 1. Mr. Swoop. V. Phillips 2 Con'cnricr. ('. Dixon 122 3. Vickv Jo. I. Knnw es 117 4. Slot Machine. L Dales 117 3 His Last. D Henshaw 1!7 Deep Canyon. A Sherman . 122 7. Thrifty, S McDowell 117 Sixth race, claim, purse WOO, 3 year olds and up, ISSOO), S', fur longs. 1. Prmcesa Aleah. H Herr 112 5. Minnie Marsh. L. Knowlea 17 J. Miss Levant. P Hidalgo ..Ill 4. Sidney Chief. D. Henshaw 118 5 Jewel Offering. G. Simonli ..111 Little Baton, G. Dlxnn 118 1. Lvcos l adv. A. Duncan 107 5. No Photo. J. Breckons . 121 9. Just Joe. R Hopkins 117 10. Beacham. S McDowell 121 Seventh race, claim, ourse IfiOO. 3 year olds and up. i SI .000 1. five fur longs. 1. Ski Pole. L Dales 118 2 Jim Criss.. D. Henshaw 110 3. The Meddler, C, Dixon 118 4 Dancer Loose, T. Smothers .118 3 Borel. W Phillips 121 8 No War. A Sherman 121 7 Call Brand. S McDowell ... 121 I Will Breeches. L. Knowles . Ill Fighih race, purse 1700 3 year olds and im. 31? furlongs, ' Hamley and Co. Handicap" 1 How Dee Lee S McDowell .. 120 2. Tushan. L Knowles 119 3. Aflllg. G Simonis 118 4 Freddv The Fox. W. Phillips 119 5. Carta Snow. G Dinii 113 8 Ocean Brittle. P. Hidalgo 119 7 Early Choice. D Henshaw 114 Ninth race, purse II .200 . 3 vear olds and up. 1 mile 1lSth. "The Portland Handicap" 1 Consented. L. Knowles 113 I General K . C. Dixon ... US 3 Jeromev. f Chojonaki 17 My Bov Bohhv. r simomers Sheha T . P Hidalgo 113 Coma. Ft Hopkins 1H Fullnn Rose, .1. Rrerkons 111 Sandv Lee. S McDowell 117 l nv. Her A Sherman 110 lo! Booter'i Gem. W. Phillips 1 1 1 Tenth race, claim pure S0O. v-.r olds and no. iSSOOi. one mile 1. Audacious Boy. R Holley J, Speed Fairy. L. Knowles 3 Douhle Fusser. J. Breckons 4. Speed Ballet, D. Henshaw 5. Sunny Grand. P Hidalgo . . Sam Jones. J Boag 7. Royal Carlos. G Simonn .. S On Speck. R Hopkins a Snow Poms. C. Dixon 10 Foolish Girl. W, Phillips 119 . 114 . 119 .. 109 119 . II ... 119 119 1 1 1 . 114 People Do Read Spot Ads Time By Jimmy Hatlo THEY'RE JUST W4RMING UP- tm warriNG von milo to EXPLAIN TU4T PURPU EYE. C0MMISE134T1MG WITH THE BROTHER MEMBERS WHOSE WIVES COSTT UNDER 6T4MO THEM eOrt, TXi H7U ttrr TO 1 IN'WL Line Scores Lewlston . .100 002 3002 ( 1 Trl-Cily 001 010 1014 13 1 Robeils and Donanue, Kostenuk 1 and Martin. j Eugene 000 101 000 2 61 1 Spokane . 100 101 00x-3 7 2 Hndtea and Dapper, Bottler and ' Collins. PCL Line Scores Hollywood . ooo ooo looI 5 1 Seattle , 100 002 20' 3 13 0 Naranjn, Donoso 7l. Sawyer (Si and Hall; Podbielan and Aylward. Sacramento . OOO 000 001-1 (I 0 Lo Angeles 201 010 0.T-7 14 0 Hirnst. Elliott ifii. Cand.ni ifli and Baich: Hillman and Tappe San Diego 010 OOO 001-1 g 0 San rranriscn 001 ooo ooo I 7 6 Mesa. Gettel iSi and A'troth: Sur kont and Sullhan. 4 - t i V we liaJstB , AW J f,K, JVM CaPs Regents Take No Steps Solution for UCLA LeftUptoPCC (Continue' from preceding page) made by faculty members of UCLA and California. Pauley said he hoped the penal ties will be given careful review, especially toward the athletes. UCLA players were declared in eligible for this year except when they can prove no illegal aid was obtained. Extreme Suggestions Regent Donald H, McLaughlin of San Francisco, saying he was coming outjf his "ivory tower," mat a "n.nu'in. j.la.la P.i) I n iiunu m fivwiitg, uiasa-nt:, cat III-; dignation over the' fact the board of regents allowed football to be come a commercialized institu tion." He said football should be given back to the players and suggested playing the game without paid coaches and with no gate receipts. "But I realize that would be an impossibility." he added. Gov. Goodwin J. Knight, the board president, praised the con ference chiefs for seeking a reap praisal of the violations. Florida Put On Probation ATLANTA I - The University of Florida was placed on proba tion Friday by the Southeastern Conference for violation of rules on aid to football players. The SEC did not specify a time limit for the probationary period. The NCAA on May 2 placed Florida on probation for two years for the same rules infraction. The SF.C action was announced by commissioner Bernie Moore after an executie committee meeting here. "Every corner of our house is cozy and warm ...now that have OIL HEAT Buy from the Oil HEAT Lucky Len, Iassasssss9iastMBSassiaaMlPMa 1 m jg -"s.se'ieH''y.jBe?!sa V I jV yi m. ' ) Leonard Ahsrnmarher, left, of Salem poses with Urge sailfish he bagged during; recent AC Spark Plug convention held In Arapulro, Mex. Ahs'eitmarher was representing Ihe E. H. Rurrel Co. of Salem. Wayne MrCann nf Seattle is other lurkr angler In photo. it The best part of remodeling this house was getting the new oil: furnace installed. . . . And, what a relief to have good even heat for the whole house! "We keep warm now upstairs and down every room is evenly heated all the time. And Oil Heat's cleaner and safer, too! "Bob says we're saving about $12 a month on our fuel bill and that sure makes a lot of difference in a year's time.' Why don't you folks change to Modern Oil Heat, too? dealer who displays this seal of quality.. .he is an oil heat specialist OIL HEAT.. .your most dependable, automatic, heat INSTITUTE, SALEM HEATING We'd Say ; i f,, OIL DEALERS - m: t JUiUJ-S I fflMsi -i Braves Share 7tli Straight Brooks Lawrence Blanks Bums, 6-0 (Continued from preceding page) met. Ray Crone, who won his sev enth, singled home the other rur in the fourth. 'Second baseman Red Schocndienst, starting for thi Giants for the first time since last week's deal with the Cards, wai O-ror-4, Robin Roberts won his seventk in IS decisions on Knnis' tie- breaking crack in the sixth. Tom Poholsky. who scorrd the tying run in the third on Stan Musial'i double, lost his fifth as the last 1 place Phils won their third in s row. Rookie Sam Ksposito. whnsi pinch two-run double gave thi White Sox a 4-all tie in the 11th, 1 blooped a single to send the win ning run home in the 12th with two out. The Yankees, held hit- . less for seven innings by Dick Donovan, scored once in Ih 1 eighth on a walk and Billy Mar tin's double, then lied it at 2 a!l in the ninth on Mickey Mantle's , lone hit a single. The Yanks got two in the 11th on a single, by ,loe Collins after the Sox purposely passed Mantle to load the bases. Sandy Consue gra won it with Tom Morgan the loser, both in relief. Mike Garcia shut out the Sena tors for the second time this sea son with the help of three double plays. The Indians scored all their runs in the second off loser Chuck Stohhs on an error, two walks, a double by Karl Averill and singles by Al Smith and AI Rosen. Gar- 1 cia is 5-7, Stobbs 5 3. Williams drove in three runs for the Red Sox while Frank Sullivan, despite nine Kansas City hits, won his seventh. Williams' homer came with one on in the first ajjainst Inser Art Pitmar Don Ruddin also hit a two-run homer I for the Bostons.