800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 806 Houm For SoU 806 Heum For SoU 806 Htutti For SoU Timmw ISfiflKS BESIBUyS - . TICKLED PINK mmrK VAU.E When we (how you thia livable, prctlT pink exterior romDlimenti tha wtlUfrMmtd vard and deairable neimbornood. Immaculate, spacious roonta well planned for comfort and convenience. The pullman balh wftlt knivered. shuttered window! eouldn t be more charmine The birch kitchen u modern in every respect and has a picture window in the eating area . . . We could go on and on be cause thia home has ao roan extra feature, but we know you'll want lo tee for yourself, to phone Fred Klanf now for a showing. During the evenings and Sunday he will be at 1-332. NEIGHBORHOOD CONSCIOUS? Then of rourw you've had En f If etpeciauy proud to offer this know vou'U agree thia is a and dining rooms are? carpeted in a luscious grey and green scrolled broadloom, which accentuates the expansive feeling you'll find throughout the home. For the sportsman, there is an extra building which will home your boat and all of your fishing equipment no boat.' then ue it for a playroom or guest house. You'll really be happy here . . . Phone Carl Han sen tor an appointment. Eves, and Sun. 4-0465 REALTORS Ul N High St. LOW DOWN PAYMENT, ran be had on thia dandy suburban home. 3 Bed Rrms. llj Acres. Wned for washer A drver. Low Taxes, Only U 100 00. Call Edna Morgan eve. 4S0M BEST BUT IN TOWN. Older 4 Bed Rm Home Just redecorated Best of locations near arhool Shoppine; A- Bus Hi lot A: nn-r shrubs. Price only 1O.5UO0O. Good term. Call Stearns Cushini. eve. SMS. I VERY LOVFIY NEW S Bdrm Home Just belnr finished rire-'oTrs place. F A Furn I'j Bjlhv Dhle aaraar. Lnrated in Bel- vedere Garoena. 11.75n 0U. Terml, Call Mi. Klgsinj eve 454H4. BEST FARM BUY' 1 leJ Arre. 4 Bed Rm. modern home. Baaemt. Family tru.l. Barn 32x60. Machine .had.. G.ra.e. 15 Acre, In .m.ll i.nn . .r, 1 crop. o with the (arm, Term.. Call Mr. leaven, eve 34735 MORTCAO.K LOAN'S. COXSTFU'CTION FINANCING C. V. KENT & CO.. REALTORS 4. N Chuich A( RES WITH (500D HOUSE. KI.0OO- Will trade atr.iiitit arrou l DOWN fU mo, water. fur houf in toivn l.ocaled about 2.S nillrs ftoni Salem in a Elect . Ea?t, $li00 farmini area. I'a.tine for 1011 head sheep. Fenced. Barn and Gennal HI :I Ph. .1-32119 .ome timber. Call Fied Doeifler. 1 LOTS fnr sale bv owner lAi nlFICE SALE-A real huv at I7.5UO (lint- will trade his' Nor,h Salm.Ph. 3-.10(i:i equ.t for cor. trailer ol what hae mi. Buyer can assu nr B OWNFH heiutitul corner Inah. House in fine condition. 2 bdrms . living and dininn ..lot 7017n 1 nii K rif K"?e' inia. cnmhiiied. wall to wall carpet. Aitilitv. extra large attached tru't tree- A some hriihs garage. Big fenced lot. Call Don Vanclci vort. v.onderlul view i75 Ph. after I 3 pn 4-!'l6 17 ACRES SOl'TH-6 mile, from city renter Would trade for m.- 1 000 houe 111 town on a busline Acteaae has bdrm home, " """""" " harn piimo and irrigation equipment, pasture, a-ietv truit. gift CnvMa Cap tMu Farm machinery and atnek can he purchased extra. TeiiTia;0" ror," r joie can be arranged. Full price INCOME PROPERTY - A REAL store combined with a good-sized trailer park which Is full all the tune, has very lutle oeihead Stoie well-equipped and i doing a wonderful business. Books available foi insoectinn j Cement store hlrlg . 2.280 sq ft floor space, all .tore fixtures and equipment IW.400. Call Mr Hick' j i ITARTER HOME Verv neat 1 bdrm home well-!ocaer! fur- i nished On a larRe lot Good foundation and roof, low- taxes Can be bought on Rood terms. Pi iced $4.2nO. ROY TODD RF.AIa ESTATE J.1I9 State Si 157 S Hifh St. fHA Gl OR 20 YEAR 5 , CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE IRAN'S FOR BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION CI.EAM 3-RR, home South, i Good location Paved St Cle tn school A hui. Total pfii -1 !M). MM down $tS0 per no i ( a! Stanley ' Briwn. Ke phone 2-5M1. I-BFDROOM hnue K W 100 i-iMier hit. muni ligation Full piHc $4 500 T'Trm or trade e en fm co.ist pri.net r v turrn Oti Waldpoil (all Y: e phone 4-2filH ooo. Gonrl -BR home NoMh ("lo.e In rw Wali infftnn School Hfl nVhwa.i l.arjir !!. Tjrd strrrl Will Iradr for West Salrni pniprrlv ol trailer honsr Tall Stanley Bwiun. F.rs. phone 2-.')."(ll 4-BFDROOf - S.ViO dnn-M-A eiv fc.ii, nut hunqlo I p 2-5ton In rxcrllpnt con- OCR SERVICE IS TO HEI P YOC Rl'Y AMI FINANCE YOI'R HOME - COOl) LISTINGS NEEDED Rl'YERS AVAII.ABIE ! riNFST IN FASTMOREt AND 1 htrl"i. nen one nf e m.r.' hitn.. ri ihe rlntru t. I rae hrautlful lot, very neat f'xie! lent concilion thrunut Sre this Call todav NOTHINf: I OVFI.IER Situated on one acre with Mew nf ri!v and mils Natural woods, complc'eh larpetci, tui complete hath. 3 large bedrnni'.. den plm a TV mn.ii & fairilv room. 2 fiie p'are. E'eivthtng to make vnu happj. Suburban living at be'l HARD TO BEAT- Nice clean 2 bedim, lull hatml . Ihi i exlra neat thrtiout, well arranged. Englewood Di-l Call now ACROSS FROM PI SH PARK lost off S High, secluded sired, splendid 3 bedrm . balh A large hing and dining 100:11 c'n'r.tl hallwav No liner location or home for Ice monrv an w hei e Don 1 dela COOO HOME FOR EXPANDING FAMII Y Rooms to exnand in HoMvuciod Dl.t. . frees A garden spot, full h.T;ni1 . 2 bdnm on main flooi fireplace, close lo n'oies and schools Price $7 R(H1 TO SELL YOI'R HOME IS OCR ONLY Bl'SLNESS lllrMurn Sun A Ee H P k Mill And'1 Hahoi-en 3-71P1 Mini rranl.. 2.fi!H3, Bon Clear) 3-9'llK, Joe Hinitnel -5122. Rov Ferris 2-ftoIft 1.14 SOCTH I IBFRIY HI F PHONE 4-447B I rm. and Ivi'h in good location, wired for range elec water heater lltllltv rm . garage, paved street A reallv fine alue' $2,730 I rm and hath 3 hedrir, . utiliti room, fcarpge. roinpletelv reno vated and re-flei m ated, wired for range, etc Nice lot Close in A good bin $5,150 About acie. rdtfe of cilv. 8 vr old 3 h.'rinn 'nodern home all one floor shake exterior, basemen I . wired for range, etc A good value $7.()ti:i 18 acres all in walnuts -ri'aturr P'ees Excellent building site on paved in, id Macn ne sped, Ca.e tractor, cover crop disc h,T -' ro.v. etc. Full price $1,750 J7 acies. about W) acres cultivated Some buildings all fenced 3', miles from Slherlon $9 500 75 a.-rei ruHKale--new dnl'rd well a r,n ar.rl hath uperl' for range etc. Al ham. small grnaiv. new marnine shed, pnul-ry house, etc tll.000 Call or write for listing bulletin and free City Mnp and rirluie Folder , M a.sONIC HI'll DISC SILVKRTON. ORK(iO 318 N. Cluircli St 10 ACRFS Suburban North. Iicst of soil, feniid With v,orn wllf. some tiniOei, excellent strawberry (i. Can he ungated, mod- em ti vr old .1 bdrm house, firepiu-e, hrlvv (lr- F. A oil In - ' """'V- db,..H"" shP ' 10 PI""""' Well worth the price. 122 900. 7 .Oflfl BUYS nice bdrm home, clone to Slate Hnspital hdw firs . Ib kitchen with plenty 'S closed p.meled porch, i.xtra g lot. tool house--ood buy. . r.AlRMOCNT HILL DIST Beautilol location nice 2 storv older tpe rm r. v.el 1krn i pic of hrtrni hon e, excel lo'. vitct-l i to alle Nice 're;'' - shrub. lawn' if livine rm . dlnine no. f null i" wiirt l'.'.pl.'.ce '! kitchen with pintr-, leentn( l't rm crcrnc-1 in 2 hdrm vnp stair1- Iwml with furnace Reas onable lermJ. Prfce $10.90(1 Ien:nfi Cheatham 4-fiftft"i. R.iumgartner 4-478 Woollen 3-80S6, Healy 3-B49J. lovable J-bedroom horn. Thai wood in mind all aiong We art toveiv 3 bedroom home and we true value at 113.900. The living , Phones 4-03.11. 2-IMJ n,k !rs halanra na,lnr All Phone 42J1.1 $8,500. Call Mrs. Graham. MONEY-MAKER Fine grocers' Phone 3-31S1 dttion. Wash the window, mow the lawn & meve in. You will be pleased with ihe com bination of comfort anM nounrl p.'oimmv thi home offrt". tn lt,e large famil v. Call Oaude Kihlore. Ph. 3-3181, ext 35. SFRVICF Station. PtimDink 1(1.- (100 naif per mo. Well located i firnri location. Holt K re- I pa;r hop Full price tmludma ! i.w..u... Sell on or ioosirler Ir.rt, I I 1 hfalth force? n.ilf Call W H S-eve- aleiman. Ees. phone 4--II1B. STBIRBAV Ea $500 down i ID 750 ;-HR Dinmu i .11 at! 1 fai.iae l.llr lot i on . cnient ' V ica'ccl to storrs vc'loo! Ideal for n 1vci nn or two rl .lighter famih Call Claude ' Kileoie I'll. 3-3ISI, evt 35. 1K1 i Realtors i Ph. 3d2:l6 of bulltins Utility rm Pin-, en- Schreder 3-725, NEW 1 bedroom horn. Fire- place. Dminr room. I1 baths Beautiful birch kitchen with built-in range, oven, and dih vasher. Full basement with 2 car garage. South suburban. An exceptional value at onlv Sl3,yi0 Call Wsll Jones. Eve. Ph. 4-78J2. AL ISAAK & CO. Realtors xa N. Church St Ph. 4-J31I or 3-;tX ry nivr D A. near Fruit- land. modern 3 bdrm. aae., att gar . garden. IS.JM. Ph. J-11M BY BUILDER OWNER LARCK lot. beiutiful view, 3 bdrms . 2 baths, t f rpli . 1g liv. rm . din. rm . kit. with nxk. family rm., dbl. gar. lots of built-in. Built-in oven & range. dih aher. disposal. Oak firs. vinl fir covering ceramic tite rnunlers. Tree shaded patio, lots of. brick. las imulation. $23 iWO. Ph. 47800 for appoin'mpnt. FOR SALE 2 bdrm. house. pft furnished, lot 70200 V151 Joan Dr. 8,250. Ph. 4-3011. 807 Apr'g. Courtt for So It INCOME PROPERTY: 2 duplexes anrl a rice home, fur aale t.v owner, gh 2-3M7. py OWNFR' unit ant house pvt hath? 5 furnished very food r,nta, d,sl 75J s-,rr). I . QUO LOtt rpr aole I SA1 FM' VtVFST ' crTTH M..r MVmi.v hl i!.!"- J"r Mf.tkinJ'..Tho"1 virw. iire. rnui. iiiv hi ter Priced ruht at 11.2IK1 Ramsev. Realtor Ph 4-.TW!. Evr and Sun. 2-2985. 2-6li88: 4-2670. 4-38U7. VIEW LOTS-;ijx214 it each Price S2150 A $24.i(l Located on E.nt Ewald with Nnr'h. west A east views Ideal for daylight basement homes See the mountain and Salem from here COl BATH LAND CO Realtors. Dial 4-4494. eve 2-37B or 2-6311 KIKGWnOD. view, watrr, Bfi Sl'B . N. water. II. DUO A . SOL'Tll 11.(1410 OWNER MUST RETIRE due to health, zu plus acres on paved road, good modern 4 bedroom home with a beautiful yard and smelt greenhouse for mother hobbv -2 Ure chirk en homes and good bern. about 7 acres nf ecetlent walnut grove, friiiul.v fruit orchard , Ralam e in cuHia.Vnn- irriga tion well, a!! r.O'Cssary equip ment go-s. Price will surprise (mi, and tm terms, for further details, call THE HOMESEI.L ERS. Renllors, 702 No. High St. Phone 4-4441 A HIG bargain if there ever was one 11 acres, all in cul tivation, now in fine wheat crop with .1 bdrm all on one floor. Almost new ranch type home, cement foundation, )ge l.R and DR . Jiue kitchen, bath, garage, chu ken he . elec tricity, on good mad cise tn ton. All at the low rlc of .HH), some terms C. R. GUNZEI.. REALTOR Phone 13.10 S. Haker St , ,U Minnville, Ore. 2 BDRM HOlmE. 1 A., barn "and chicken houM. garage. n TRADE - TRADE 37 ACRES JI'ST OUTSIDE CITY I.ARdF HOMF IHRI HATION WELL TRADE FOR ' I CITY PHOI'ERTY COl'RT. i BUSINESS BIJIl DINC. OR 1 HOMF. A (iOOI) BCY AT tllT.OiXl WITH TERMS EVES CALL CARPENTER, 3.M. SILVKRTON RD. ACRFS. 2 BDRM HOMF TRADE FOR LARtiE HOME. CLOSE IN PRICE $11,500. TERMS KVFS (ALL CAR PENTER. ,l-t)64fl TOUXTRY LIVING ON THIS I ACHE OF (".ROUND. I 4 BEDROOM MODERN HOME. I NICE CHICKfN HOl'SE ! ACRE OF BERRIi-S ALL FOR M1.-n EVES CALL MRS I LEAVENS, 3-47.15 .. K . A . 31155 PORTLAND RD. 2-7li4i. 4-8W5 ". '' ' '".. nairnonf! Iioors. Iircpiacr, fami! fruit. ?' ini west nf Sale in. Near (.rernwood Sthtx.l Inquirp at IMnk housp IlffM m rnilllin lliuil. lirni I Rickre.lL $2 000 down, balance: like rent Ora art;. Rl. 1. Box 161 Rtrkreal! 1 FOB SALK or tradp 1 A Kri7r icmi' Ih 2-4!i;W or 4-(i5CC. OWN KM Tians. Sacrifice .T Br . 12A.. So. firepl- lg. plav rm., R A Cherries. P(. 2-3115, DUE TO old agr, I m rptirinf from this .'(1 acre farm located on the O.ik Noll rn.irl Some t.ill limhn, f acres in ("lirr ries, 4 bedroom lunie, inany outhuildinps Wilt cll for f.1000 down to reliable part v. Call mv ernt Ben Colbith. Hp.il'or, Da-, s 4-44rn, eve. 2-K3M 120 A. .FARM between Turner A- .Aumsville No bldgs. Running water. Mrs Pearl Cnen, Tunrrr. Orepor. FOR SALE by Owner, good in come property. B 15 rirrc Rn al Anne i berry orchard with 2 bdrm modern home Vcrv good location ( lose to Palem Hi ive iut A ' tl eais Ch- irv top' (icoipe Kork. 5150 Caplmerr Road. Sa le in 3 12100 Acres Cleared Acres 4 bdrm. house J(l oq acres 4 bdrm. llOUSC () 2 Bv Owner. Ph. 4-6213 BY OWNFR 1 4 A N. Santiam , free water, Rood summer 01 ; retirement home. Ph L'-Hl.'iH 'w AC RFS near Rn ed'le t .':e I offrr at Pioneer Trust Co. Sa- ' ' ' 10 Af'nrS 2 brdiooni larpr Ihhim . 11 .'lanrhiini lorn 3 I i-rr hernm. $7 Will, will take smaller plate in tr.nff- K ! Brown. Hi. 1 H. Aumia Wiseai rr l.ane 812 xch.Reol Entott wil.I. tr.ide mv 1IT.2 C'i-lei v-R for enui'c In 2 hi'dioum hotor ('.ill Ben Collialll, (lnyl ,- 4-44H4, eve 2-6::ll TB.nf. ,.,,,.. . hrl,.h h,, ,or la.e model "a, PI, 4-7W 4f((.r 4 p n, PORTLAND home I7.C00. 2', hdrms . tr.ide on 3 bdrtn up to SIO.UOO. Salem or vicinity Mill - S F. Schlllrr. Portland RF 4-79B2 SFLl. nr trade: equity in 2 hdrr 4 r old houie 2.1 mi V ,,f , I A near Covina. 'ii''e liv Ilenlx for S 1 IN) mo Will Irrl. , for .late mril car or xoni ca ''j plus undeveloped jiruptitv l'h )-B75. I 850 Automotive 852 Utxi Con For Solo trmrett BEST DEAL New Of 1955 CADILLAC $.5995 62 4 DR SEDAN', 1 OWXFB. VFHY WFI.L TARED FOR CAR Fl'IXV FQlllPT Pl.t S POWER STEERING. BRAKES AND DUAL RANGE HYPRA 1955 CHEVROLET V-8 $1995 BEL AIR 4 tlR. SEDAN RA DIO. HEATER DKF TINTFD GLASS. WHITE SIDE Vs ALL i TIRFS J-TONE PAINT, VERY CLEAN. 1955 BUICK V-8 $2245 SPFCIAI. : DR. SEDAN. ? TONE PAINT, RADIO. HEAT ER TINTED GLASS, ONLY , 12.000 MILES I The Above wir m FOR THE BEST USED CAR BUY Many Other Makes & Models To Choose From vLaiU U U vUJIL, Oliiilit MHac USED CAR DEPT. Open Late Friday Nites UNI0N& COM'L. SEE & DRIVE THE LIVELY && ENGLISH BUILT FORD Anglia Perfect THE NEWFST AND SMARTEST SMALL CAR ON THE ROAD ! U W II. U J tit I'HK t. $1545 Delivered, Includes healer, de frosters, turn annals, slop lite., white w n 1 1 lire., twin lender minors and a lot more Open Friday Nites ' BRITISH CAR SALES , 2085 N Capitol Ph 2-6602 DODGE cpe. excel, con $300 Ph. 4-3169 1952 PLYMOUTH Cranhrook k. to. . n.tfa - i;si vsil.I.l. Koou ures. aa Also 1II43 ( hev., good running cond and lues. $50. Rt. I. Box 2911. Brooks. Ph 2-3791 Salem ,Q11 i.t-v ,-lnh o.nno rarlin an(j j1(,ater, 65.00. Th. Silver-, , 3.4758 1949 I II r I ar Kadio. heater.; A le.u nu onti -"'a. eas. letm- .vni .ins i si a l ars, 1297 State '50 STUDEBAKKR 2(1 000 mnTe ; nveihanl. j:so After B pm, tm Memeo Drive In Manhrm (.arrl-ns. ; 1947 OLOS hdromatir. radio i heater. 11.10. mayle purchased; with m dn. l.'IO monthlv. ' MrCall l:ed Cars. 128" State BODY MAN SPECIAL '53 l.ini oln ('ap:l convcitihlf rolled uvir. ?:i!i5 Can be een l;.fi.i H10adu.1v. Ph. :l-H27l SPOT ( ASH 10 1 clean l!!.r.( f. I'iSl model en- Mi (.ills I'srd c '.11 . 12117 'SI lie 19 KOnO Club Cpr . '47 Nash SMn . both pood shape, will li.ule Ph n-.".7fli. '31 MKHC 4 tl r Radio A, Hi-atcr 1 mvrr, 'pollers Ph. (..rvai- 2402 nrw 1irn ()() Heal Estate 812 Exch. Reol Estate HAVF 2 mntifiM Pcrllanrl hnn!" 'm trnfi fm Salem prnpf-rly in , a r'Hi?t', rln-. in. Jinx i .SiHt"-iiir)i,-.Iniirnnl. HV 0Vf:H. (i unit apt hnuie. U-r in. s ilc-tradr, 4-."tifil . KOIT! Y m "i.-r 1! fnr . l(f n, ,,,,. , htm f Hi' Huu ar or trailrr 816 Resort Property I'.V OWNFR i2 ilill ll.n k what M Ui r " '! Ii.,.kine lo . i luirins . ((iniilaie, Ii0 fiom: ii- i,iii. .'ll u 1 hlk from S.irl Tides l'h Url.ilp,:i7lll or I' O Box 4'.:i. Iltnn I ake. W. C Pane. HV OWNFH. $11 Wl. Ocean front. 2 houses, ffuoil hejeh. Ilnr set up (or -niii'mer Itvine or week- end Ph Delake .1748 or wrile P. n Box IS, Oceanlake W C Pace 818 Wanted, ReafEstate WANTFD o,.d ? hdrm. home, u 2 i-nr ea- 'ce in nice South Silem loclinn Pav $11 00(1 ,-a.h What have inii' Call M Welli Ph .'I04 Yr 2-1718 Colbath Land Co., Realtor. 8o0 Automotive 832 UietJ Cora For Solo! MS BEST DEALER .. Used 1955 BUICK V-8 $2595 CFNT1RY HARDTOP COVPT THIS VERT POPI'LAR SE- R1ES AM) BODY MODET IS A VERY FINE AUTOMOBILE 1955 FORD 6 $1545 MAINLINE Tt'DOR SEDAN. GREEN PAINT. WITH HKD AND IVORY INTERIOR. VERY ATTRACTIVE & PLUS ECONOMY. 1955 CHEVROLET $1545 I CYI. . I DR SEDAN. IVORY WITH RED CAP, HEATER. A DET DIB SIGNALS NEW SEAT COVERS. CarsAre wmtm PH. 3-.'U75 $895 5.1 FORD Six Custumlin 2-dr Wonderful condition inside and out. 1 boueht it new 174J1 fr0rm'p"" Ph 4-mt- '51 CADILLAC "W Cpe., very aharp. no trade, ph, J-454". FORD Cpe. 46 A-l motor. 155. ! j Ph!-0054. I 195! NASHRamhler Station 1 Waon rm. Ph. 4-15.16. 41 CHEV. truck with flatbed wl" J-3. 5.1 DODGE V-l K5, verv food 2-11458. 105O PONTIAC adn cpe. 8 c 1 . 1 nvnrnmatir. radio, healer. Clean, 465. 2-U4III. 1260 Neb raska. igM. nash i.r"..,i. drive, bed type. Sharp, far above averaie J445 McCalls lHl Ciri. 127 Stale fm-('HEVY!r"ood " condPh 3-7803 Sllverton alter 5 ;i0 p 111 3S4 Trucki, Troil. tor iok PANEL TRUCK, ran be seen at Boh LaBari Mobil Service Station. .1390 lancaster 55 FORD pickup. Like pew. tVM.S. U W Dr.,11., i A,,..,. ville. Ph. 1714 or 17.1 1949 DODGE 'a.T. pickup and 1948 Chev. 'j-T. pickup. Both tar above average. McCalls Used Car. 1297 Stale EOR SALE. '46 Ford pickup, . Ion. Good running cond. llr,. ,j ,..lr Ph o.n-m-i rnw -j ion i umiji. unoq nan.., iau. oou r-uiiiana nn FOR SALE. IM7 1', Inn IJodrr flatbed with slorl; rark. 600 Jelleraon SI Diilla -y, niEV." Plrk-iip. Ph. alter 5 3.fl981 a'i.L STEEL herl trailer Ph j 4.20AH - ... . . I IMS STUDEBAKFR Truck. Flat bed, all ready in unrk. I'i'i.s Jayhauk trallfr lr 2610 Portland Rd. l'h ::-8043. 47 STUDK. ton. Needs Ilatbed. $2S0. 2.120 Kapphahn Rd , near Hollywood Bou I ; 2 DUMP Trucks: 5.1 Chev. 2 I 2 speed axel 4-5 d. box. ery rlpan. make offrr Bernard, ( he ( o , Woodlmrn. Ph. , 2-li.M. 856 Wanted, Can, Trucks WANT or Ufcr ( ai as part do pa mtiit on new 3 hflnn i ' " i (all Glr n Hamilton. I0P CASH For (' ( an I en ( ari l'orl iti i.r Nut Bob i Bill's I sfd Can t nion & Mich SN B58 Motorcycln roil SAI V r Ir.d.nn Cl ii f M..I..1 .e. ".. IHi l. l-'iTr.l Hit N I Hiert. MO'KHll'VCl F. C - ! " 10 1 id .A 1 .. I .mum 4 I..I. ia.e e.ne. $:'il"l Lu ll Ui l.l. lied Hue All.r 4 MA J-2.14.1 111 2 B. Uallav 14. HI" llatlev II.' . mill., l'h 4-i'i:m : ill uli. Hood u Suit. . ,ill iii.vi iisa turd l'h .)-' T SO House Trailer. CASH FOR TRAILERS E f n' m loan I.ana Ave TRAH.FR space lor rent Real J597 Portland H. I8."0 Automotive 8.10 Automotive, 852 Utd Cor. For Solo IE Will rrign in your home when you arrive ia a fine car from WILSON'S. With modesty in cost you can bring to your family new pleasure in driving. We will be pleased to help-you make a vise selection and arrange a found financing plan with bank or GMAC. '56 Mercurv Montclair $2993 Twa door hardtno with power mercomatic, heater, and other eitras Three lone while 55 Buick Super Riviera Coupe D inflow, radio, heater, T.7X record ol aei ue. oo Buick Century Riviera Sedan Switch pitch dynallow. 13 H P V-t. radio, heater, 11.700 miles. We acid new. '55 Buick Special Riviera Coupe $2595 Dvnaflow. C7I radio, healer, whitewallt, custom interior. 11 900 miles We sold new '56 CHEVROLET BKL AIR SKDAN 219i i5 CHKVR0LKT V- STATION WAC0 S21SS '54 MERCl'RY TWO DOOR HARD TOP $1895 S3 BUICK SCPER 4 SKDAN I4S5 '51 BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE $ i 'S3 FORD 4 CUSTOM TWO LKX)R $ 8S5 '52 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SKDAN S TS.i '50 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN $ 55 '49 FORD CUSTOM V 8 COUPE $ 345 '49 BUICK SUPER SKDAN J 295 ' '46 BUICK SEDAN $85 OREGON'S OLDEST DEALER Commercial at Chemeketa Phone 4-5711 IWlJltl SlIHT COMFORT AND DEPENDABILITY WITH ONE OF THESE CARS FROM W. L ANDERSON. INC 1955 DeSoto Firedome Four Door Sdn $2495 1956 DeSoto Firedome Station Wagon $3995 1953 Pontiac Custom Catalina Coupe $1495 2-1954 DeSoto Firedome 4 Dr. Sedans $1695 THE ABOVE CARS ARE "TOP VALUE" THFY RF. Kqi'IPPFD WITH hauios ntnir.na. nuwurtui nava rumn an.bnLPlLi AND POWER BRAKES. SPECIAL $595 1951 Pontiac Chieftain Solid light Bi-ay color, nearly new tirea. radio, heater, thia car If in perfect condllion. r n DESOTO PLYMOUTH 28 YEARS . . A N LIBKRTY 362 House Troilen Another Load of 15' SHASTA'S WILL ARRIVK SAT. BUY NOW 1940 I. A.N A AVK. I'll. 4-42M SHOP at Earl Malm Traile .Salea w'le'e all sires ate ihnwn. 13 11 thru 40 ft Aloha; Kenskill: Cruiei: Movflower A- Rollawav Corner nf l.an- iH'tei A Siherton Rd. Ph 4-7127 COVERED smule horse Iraller, good condition Crvstal irine. Ranch Ph 2-XI27 CLEARANCE SALE WE honestlv need tht rr.om. Vf have mnrp nw trailers rotn inp in fnmi 'he f'ast .nrt we will need i oom fnr thnti so we miirst mow somr u out Irpinendnm ilnrk, iiLiti1-' fam oiK htandti. ABC KIT. SCHt'l.T. TEHRY. I'K HARD SON. TRANMHOMK. CHKAT I AKF NASHUA. SIKSTA. K Cdl.DEN STATK. in varaHo-) li.tilet. or nmbit him e.. ? ;i hi-lnm. with hatn. am I lung fm Ihr trailer hir.t-r We Are Not Refusing Any Reasonable Offer Terrnt Trarir dim TRAILER SALES 21,40 I'liill.md Rd I'll 3-BW.1 HV OWNFR M !t tra:'. r ho me. ''' "'" ' r' " "u .10 !lM,.idw.. J- If.'! I (l at Salem 1 1 I'l A SiiiiHleh... N. w C. nler tieel 'I ralle-r Court 'I'r.uler Spa. t i a ulahle 4I.M Center St HMICAIN' 4V Fl ( All I ilr n '1 1 rm. I .aua I. line. ,1'' m 1 Ac Itkailli: to win r : HYIIAWK TRAI! Til SAI.KS M4(l Pnrtlana Rd Mi -f'4' W'll.l trade $2 .V0 eriiulv in 40 P. 2 hdrm 'Vi Traile- f ir rr hirnlture or rash I'll 4-M9 after J. Fill CRF.S'1 Irailei Paik under 51 CHFV 2 dr F'eelline De cew manaeeO'enl le.irlrieo h'xe real ru e Im'u i oc.d in snare, for rent Will N (live. evervwav take trrle ,x Fin- Rd Ph '-(CH.1 --MODEL 22 ft Vrest.ine.; aliiminii.ii trailer house, bath V awnj Exc con4. Ph J-W73 852 Utf Cora For Solo fFIUl steering power brake, radw .$2895 fUss, we told new and have .$2895 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION. Deluxe 4 Dr. Sedan 11. PH. 4-3492 IU1 11 The responsi- to Y.ii Sullivan's l.i (l?anfd mil uni stork of ' SMe-Bu rd I'art1' We need clean cars, all makes 1 models to take in Irade on new IS" MKRl l itiS' We need ust-d cars, you nmi a new MEKlTRY. We w. ill make vou a in al, If vou hi COMK IN TODAV efiSH Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. 41(1 N COM I. ante Discount fur is. I fii;ll P"r,""d Rrt 4'J4" lB4fl FORD, jood cond. ph I loodhurn J-14S7 eyci. 1U $425,000.00 mm MIST! WHY 850 Automotive 852 Vi4 Can For Sal. '55 SUPER 88 HOUOAV COUPE pujj power quipped locally owned & eerviced. white wall., power .teering. brake, etc. '34 98 DELUXE HOLIDAY rCHTK Full power acjutpmrnt. gltstrn inf rrd It black finish $L'495 '53 SUPER 88 DELl'XE TOWN SKDAN full power ateenne. brakes, ex tremely low mitoafe, nearly new car condition. $1495 '52 SUPER 88 DELUXE SEDAN Frallv a bautr. Inw milajf . inunacuiaie rondiuon. ran 1 be b" $1095 mm CENTER & LD3ERTY Ph. 4-4M1 Open TU Nina Alwaya irug uuu ini wis NOT WITH A NATIONAL MU ised fer 100 WARRANTY ON PARTI MATTER MOW MANY MILES '55 Buick Super Riviera Coupe $2695 ltaWtin Haatar at una at. I 5 Sf.1 Radio, heater, fordomatk. '55 Olds. 88 Club Sedan .$2295 naaio, neater, nyara. ate. '55 Chevrolet V-8, 2 Door .$1795 njiflio, nentrr, etc. '54 Chevrolet Bel Air Raven black, beauty, fniU equipped. '54 Chevrolet Club Sedan . . Radio, healer, puwcrglide, tr. '5:1 Chevrolet Bel Air one owner, ZB 000 miles '52 Pontiac Chieftain Harlln hiar hvrlra a.11 l.alhar tr .r. 52 Pontiac Chieftain wct,ja v u c..i; , 50 Pontiac Chieftain '51 Nash Ambassador Sedan $ 495 '51 Hudson Sedan $ 495 '50 Ford Custom 2 Door (Sharp) ....$ 495 '49 Olds. 88 Sedan ". $295 '49 Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe Sedan ..$ 245 '49 Kaiser Sedan $ 145 OPKN FRIDAY YOU CAN'T BEAT timm mm m) No. Liberty A SAI K I'l.ACK TO Bt Y P.ANK FINAM'K i Pnmiar 5dn I inlleage flil'l I IBM Find .Sedan , A Mice one ;il'l."t I9M Men Conv Loaded i Sharp 1141 1HM Na-li Amli -Sdn Radio. Hauler ol) w I IH'I Nah .Ramh-Coni Nii e -111 I SKYKRAL OTIIKRS $.VI 11' :' Olitrr it Open (!! Ph 1-7714 MOLL MOTORS (TlltVSI.KIt I'l.VMOI III Tip Top I'st'd C;irs Silver! tin. Oi I'll. .1 5 Hi I IH.W MFHCCin . scat cuv e 1 1 '' lut Ah.. 1 "fid Hui. k while w.ili. he ml 4-.1. sll.UKhl I'.n ,11 i ' ;..c er ru e ,. I si' I .in. " is week I Hi N 41li l'h 4-41'.:! '5:' (II I)S 'IK III. II. I.ii ( ,e for -ale i.r triule njiuli' fnr 4'. or '.SO n.odcl i a r Ph 4-''7tK after 6pm SALF OR TRADK 2 buses I ? pa'senKe' A I 211 pa-'eu-fer, (food npe.atinf roid 1 hits helrc u-e.l f' spare i'K sell s fnr 4.MI lu se 1 S.M -ara'el'. T.ikc in- ... p'iku'p m trade See at 241 (enter. Th 1 J-3858. ANDERSON'S fiWs Statesman, Salem. Ore., Fri, June 22, 58 (Sec. IV)-35 Maaa" ' ' i ia n as an i an. i aa..... ..eOj 830 Automotive 8S2 V4 Cart For SoU '56 SUPER 88 HARDTOP COI PK 4 SEDAN 1M dtacount on these our aateamen ha-e uaed aa dem onttraiort. full power equip ped new eeart at nearly 14500 Priced aa low aa $95 '53 98 DELUXE CONVERTIBLE COl' PLC Locally owned. low mileage, potter steering, brakes, auto ye. $17 '52 98 DELUXE HOLIDAY CCKTK Fullv power taulDmtnt. lorallv wnrt. vry low mUraft, in Dfauuiui ronauion. $1495 '53 SUPER 88 HOLIDAY COUPE Hr ara hard to ftnd In bautl- fill condition, everything you could want ia a hardtop couae. LABOR FOR ONE YCAR. NO YOU PRIVB. '52495 ate. .$1395 .$139 $1195 Deluxe Catalina .$ 995 Deluxe Sedan 795 r Deluxe Sedan ..$ 595 EVKS. TILL 9 P.M. Oregon i Oldest Deaier BUST BUY l ied Can Commer' lal A Chemeketa Ph 4-171 1 l)a 3u l C, Hdsli M.irk II Tl) $1125 Fx, rlli . t loniiitoiil. ;,2 i-'uid i(itia 9M A 11-.1l hut. ,'i4 Cie I'll klip DeltiM' I'llli iUtKi I lleai i ;l peed gr.ir Imiv Fx ; 1 r a l.em i lr il.-r Ion h M'i Mm lis Mi-linn W'aiinn New $1545 1 u "iii M (I MiiKnelte Sdn. $2.u". British Car Sales :'ii:i:i N Cnpiinl Ph my: ; I'M I OLDS. 2 dr I cond. Ph. t-847. adn., food 11 1 Dllv m N- H',h r Pl- 7!K3 ym ism ' U V U vi v- rrn nnn r n?innr l'h. 2-4113 MIES 850 Automotive 52 Um4 Cmn for fat SMTESl si! WITH A FUTURE 1955 01J. HOLIDAY COLTE Attrariut red ftauh. itaatfaral traaamiuiaa. New whila wall tirea onl ll.ooa mllea. For quirk trade VH 1954 OLDS N. 4 DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, defraater, he ramatk. atrikina kraua mt Tellnar aetifr). aaa kxal tm r. Really OK 14 1953 "M" HOLIDAY COCPE Low milriie on owner. Thia la a beaut w ith ita new paint. Job. Ha lull powar, Hurrv oaj Uia oaa IM 1954 M OIDS. 4 DOOR SKDAN Thia ana alao haa full pewer, on rotor, whit wall tirea, beauty la aew, a alaaaare drive Kin 1952 Sl'PER It OLDS. I DR. SDN. Powder Wua lb wtifte, ndla, defraater, hvdramatlr. powrf ateannf, a Bar car at lw prlca nm We havt nrwl othrY foaa . cart to (riect from. Com In and drive your choict. REMEMBER! IF it comes from Loders . . . it's Good SAFE BUY IB ENTER ED SULILVAN'S mm $2000 CASH AWARD if you buy a used car from us nowVa .then win a Mercury Phae ton in the contest 8 Weekly Contests 2680 PRIZES ENTER NOW. i! wr lot, m N. Com. LINCOLN MERCURYJNC. "The Car Makes Good Or We Do" POST Auto "Sales BUICK'S 1955' e. r..n, wf nave tvren M BUICK. Raadmaileia, C'enturys. 8upr ic Spaclala, Hardtopa and 8dns . all lull equipped for you to pick from. 53 BUICK ROADMASTKR Sdn 21.11011 mllea, radio, healer, dvnaflow. power ateerlne, power brakes, all of this lor only 114U5. 53 W ICK SPKCIAL 4 DR. Radio, heater. rtenaflnar, 24 (Kin actual miles aervica record available, thia for flTO 55 MONTCLAIR SKDAN ,25! Kadio heater, mere-o-matle, power s t e r I n I, power ntakei., naletv belta, a blua At white beauty. 55 MKRCl'RY IIAHDTOP tMi H.1.I111. heater, one with ov eidne. a. one with inei-o-inatii' both are real heautys IIK5. 53 KORl) CLB. CPE. tlOM Radio heater, whin walla, car is like new. 55 CIIF.V J10 V-8 Sdn radio, heater power (elide. S new while wall Cen- n.l liies .. 1 1 MS 'M PONTIAC SDN. Radio, heater. rvl. la out miles A steal at ' 11291 M OLDS M SDN. Fix diamatic $IH9S '52 OLDS SI PKR M Holiday Hadlo. Heater, hydra. I1.19I 52 NASllnRAMBI.KR Station walon. $ 7U$ WILLYS SDN. $ iW Oveidrlve PICKUPS '46 DODGE 'i Ion Healer 4 sprl. .trans .145 new 4 KORl) i, ton t JrV$ ;OPKN KVKS. TILL P M. POST AUTO SALES 1 1105 SO. i:TH ST. PM. 4-tUU n n o mm wm NOW Mem Contest!