Hi ...1 I 800 Real Estate 34-(Sec. IV) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Fri., June 22. 08 700 Rentals 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate Real Estate ; i; ): I ? i ? 1 y rl 450 Merchandise 471 WtwHi, MiK. WANTCO: Vwd Mintefnpk MISC Item, fura, ehihei, tool a wfcat have you. Call Bark en rum. OM44. 174 itreer- tmM -WANTED: FmM or unpaeled Cedar and fir Pole. Plea telephone eoilerl CApltel 1-61. kwimi Mania Co Portland 4, Oregon. WANTED evrl tnauMiM eoro at moot. all natw Fa. -TTU Nlfbta. 4 Mil. 474 MiKeilnowt Hamfltoa Be ir ere mi or, P Fairfax t$42t, Jefferson ADDING mactiUM. eaa BM Clarr )n rairaraondt -a.i7 , DENTAL PLATE REPAIR VHV HRV1CT. Di MOST CASKS. DR. HARRY SEMLER. Dm'ltl Aetolph Bidtv State Com! It uuh ' ru. -u 474 r..i WANTED atwal thouaana eord 1 wees, all ipmm pa. i-nii Night 4-sMS Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST rOR MULCHING Planer End rtuvti-a alab ma bloc nixed 142 Broadway Ph. -T7Il ANDERSON! el.Pn" -T7$l er fMM. HIGHWAY FUEL CO SAWDUST WOOD . Spring" Special Uakh Sawdust, Fertiliier Black SUa Wood West Satan Fud t5tdrwatv Pa- HW1 500 Bus. & Finance 310 Monty ts tSos COLONIAL IWeataaaat Ce Real Property Loan Contract! Purchaaed. M7 Court 4-12(3 WS HAVE tain buyer for real . aetata cob tract and End asort- : Stimart Calaba, Reior 47T Court St Phone Mil . PRTVATE money to luan. 1 Interert Ph. S-S7M. . $1500.00 Maw yon can borrow I1S0 from u. an furnltur. auto, trailer - hauaea and aqulpment. W ra kappy that after IS year w art bl to extend thl ' ddltiooat (ertrlc) to you. ... .. 131 S. Com! Salem, Omgoa General Finance CORPORATION - PHONE 3-9161 . . .. IS to i2S0O. Pacific Industrial Loans tit f. Ubarty Ph. 4-tm LOANS tN M to S1S00 N ' " Buy What You Need CansoHdaak yeur bill. . FlMncPthnrjili ' WILLAMETTE CjEDIT COMPANY Ut S. Church St, fh. tm ii InVOStTrrSftrt rOR nle: St MO. eaBoned IT. contracLi well aecured, liberal . oiecount. b. m. aiaton, Hit . ,. Stl. Chemaketa.,.,,, .; 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted CAPITAL , EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone Mtja. 354 ft winter Adjoining Preabytorlaa church Free parking to rear. Exclu alv fitting aa aU type af employment. COUPLE to manage apt. In ex change lot rent plua $1$ (al ary. On may be employed iMwher. Ph. I-X901. MAN OR WOMAN over 30 for fruit stand it grocery stor work. $00$ Portland Rd. Green Apple Mkt ASSISTANT Manager man or woman wtth ear to help se lect ft train aalet people. Ad vance eommiMlon. For. per . Bona! Interview Ph. 4-7404 t a.m. to 13 noon or after I p.m. APPLICATIONS are now being takes for Stateamu blcvcl ' rout Several route will be - pen. ADDUcanta mutt be c " comBtnieo By metr parent . er hav thlr written permit ; lion. Apply at th Circulation paparuntnt of tha Btatma Journal. o,4 Help Wonted, Men BARBER to rant A operate Hayeavlll Barber Shop, good location, $150 Portland Rd. CORRECTIONAL OMlcersT Im". medial openings. State Pent- . tentlary, Ag 31-40. Minimum height $ feet, t inches. SUrtlng alary $2U. For details con tact State Civil Service, 101 Public Service Building, Salem. FIELD REPRESENTATIVE W hav an opening In our auto. mobile financing division that often varied, non-routine work. Involve contact with both dealer and customers and w provide you with n automobile, mis job is step. pingiton to managerial re sponsibilities. No experience 1 necessary and w prefer dngl men between the ages of tl to 36, who have had at least two year of college. Call Commercial credit Corpora, tlon Phone 1-4108. WANT someone to cut aih treet Into 16" wood. Will pty $. a cord. 4-4007. . OPERATOR for out of town faat growing I BM. Install tioo, wiring asp. neceawry. Must hav lupervitory poten ti.l, aalary $400-471. Apply SUtesmsn-Journal Bog 105. WANT Hveral wand cutter. Apply Capital Fud Co., 3900 n. River tia. . WANTED: Good Butcher. Take charge of Slaughter House . Steady work. M 0 n tgo m ry Locker, Bllverton, , Hi Help . Wanted, Lady WANTED: Experienced silk fire. tsher A eamtre for small (hop. Steady lob. 5'j d. week Ph. t-35l evenings. FRY Coskt. Experienced woman Lout Flan Grotto. 171$ S , Coml between 11 jn. A 1 p.m Ph. 1-7790. ANYONE mora interested in Svlng a S yr. child a home an money Involved? Box 13$ St teaman-Journal. WOMAN to car for S girl 4 A Ik mother let noma in coun . try. Would conaldcr 1 child Call bet, I Jr pa. Ph. 4-1719. EXP. Bookkeeper, capable of - managing office, pleat give (, nuritial atatli, experience ti pay experted. All replie confidential, writ SUtermn Journal Box 117. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for yg. widower alone. SUte age taiary ex pec tea. dox ia. , SUtemn-Journl. 600 Employment 606 Htln VrWed, L.d'61S Sitiistwis Wswt4 WOMAN 21 to H with ake per eneaalit she aeon to add MS. . to S7S. per week to family In come. Car enentia lor local driving. Permanent position. Flexible tesrtunf hew. Ph 4-1404 betweea om. A 11 ooa er alter MONTGOMERY WARD Bill opening; tor aa infant A an- wm inn-wiiw. w iem. derwear Dept. head. Muata , a , shovel, crane, loo. have recent aellin. experience, i hm ivim mmi. mrm medical ben fit paid vaca tion, A discount aa aff pur ehaa. Apply in peryxv WANTED older girl or woman lor homework la (nod home, private room, food (alary. Ph. Mia. iOTrkktrsWontew CHERRY Picker: Startlnf Mon. Clow In. turn Eat at So. Salem Drlve-ln. Ph. t-4M$. UNPICK Manhall. Sc. SaL A Mnn. J. V. Lenrman. 1 mi. a. of Brooka. Ph. 4-137$. a w HOT.G It Son turt Dirk' tng cherrlei June t2nd. Good crop. 10 day Job. Cn uae 80 more picker, um uanai era. Ph. 3-317. PICKERS wanted, 30 A. N W Bui rt.. 4 Cor . State, 121h at Miulon. Ph. 4-70M. CHERRY picker. Phone 3-7041 4133 Kurth St. at w. Browning. CHERRY picker wanted. Two orchard rood picking, aouiii or croup with men preierrea S. A. WheaUey, Phone 2-449 orM34B. - - CHERRY Picker wanted at 3206 Moody Ave. Ph. 3-39S1. WANTED cherry picker. trt- Ing FrU nna. otto neuuer. I ml. W. of Pratum J-Jfl- U-PICK Manhall (trawberrle. Ph. 1-0104. STRAWBERRY PICKERS Mon. Juno Mth. I A. Irrigated North went berrlet. SUnley Sneed. Rt. 1, Box 13 Brook, located 1 mile N. of Brook, on Hlway M. Ph. 1-1141 after 4 p utt 13 A. Northwrit. Urt Ind pick. Ing June Ilth. 4447 Salter Dr. It. A. riedler. Ph. 4-3540. W. L. peterton. Ind yr. Mar- hall. Heavy picking, trans. furn. Ph h 3-'-W8 after 4. WANTED Raspberry & boyien- berry picker. Reenter now. SUrt June Und. Ph. 2231. STRAWBERRY picker wanted. 30 A. Northwest, 3rd picking. SOe a carrier. R. P. Barnwell, 4930 N. Elver Rd. Ketzer Ph. 4-4304. PICKERS wanted thru June Heavy, Irrigated crops. Mar- anau t. r. L. Meyer, I1 mi. W. of Brush College Store. Ph. 3-4177 eve. STRAWBERRY SUbM, W-M.ul. - m.uH.W May 31t. N.Weat berries. 1 block West of Kelier SchL Ph. 3-057. ea 610 Solts Help WonttJ IF you are an experienced REAL ESTATE SALESMAN we have good proposition to discus with you. Tha Homewller, Salem. EXPERIENCED TV Salesman lor Salem Dept. Store. Write box 13$ Bttesmn-Journa1. WANTED 1 aleraen, Salem rea. A (olden opportunity for a producer, liberal commis sions. Call 1-M39. EXPERIENCED car talesman. Salary A commission, brand new building, excellent oppor tunities. Inquire Gene Teagu Chevrolet, Stayton, Ore. PART TIME Multl - Million Dollar factory need several men a repre sentatives. Car essential. Guar anteed commission. See Mr. Reynold tonight 7:00 p.m. (harp, Marion Hotel. No phone call. SALESMAN wanted. Electrolux corp. 1079 erowy saiem. MAN to distribute It pick up runer Brush catalog lino weekly comm to strt 3-8357 FOR immediate employment. $400 mo. guaranteed com ap ply 323 E. Bush. I 30 to I A.M. Only. -r 612 Work Wanted, Men EXP. blade A dozen man. 1MR. Independence. Lawn Mowing Ph. 4-2301 MOWING, spading, yard clean up, ahrubt trimmed. Ph. 2-Mdfl HIGH SCHOOL hoy desires frm work. Ph. 3-8633 fter 4 pm. CARPENTER" work, repair " A paint up. Call Morrlsett. You wllljlot be orry. Ph. 2-3798 14 YR. old bny desires to earn hike by mowing lawns. 955 Center. Mow hayfield or vacant lots Fh 4-0.171 between 8 p.m. A 8 a m R0T0-T1LLING Ph. 2-2518 CEMENT work: guaranteed; prompt service; free estimates. Ernest Drake, Ph. 4-83.19. TALL GRASS, lwn cutting An derson 4-0443. 26fl N. Capitol ROTOVATING Tilling. Howard Rutovatlng. gar den cultivating, lawn prepar ation by hr. or job. 3-515 ROTOVATING work ev.. week ends. J Hsthaway Ph 3-3828 PA INTTNG free estimates re- sonable Ph. 1-9551 eves. ROTOVATING PH. 2-4763 CARPENTER WORK, day or contrct 1-1841 or 1-1459 EXPERIENCED roofer, ahin- gllng. siding A roof repair. You furnish material. Work guaranteed. Ph 4-4127. LOU'S tre Mrvlce Spray, top ping, prune, cabling. 4-2660. TILLING - Howard Rotovator. Ph. 4-2823 or 2-353$. No calls Sat. please Home Buildlnr. Hr Hemodelln CALL JOHNSON-Ph. 2-9740 614 Work Wonted, Lody HOUSE. Clean hv hour. Refer ence!. Ph. 4-0278. HOMEMADE, Iro7en pin" Home made cookies baked to order. 4-5335 or 3-8761 PRACTICAL "nursln. IS vn. exp, Will live In. Ph 3-44M t D4.Y (enenl office. A M. or P. M. Varied experience. Ph- ,?!',a9: BABY litting in home by dy or hr. 1.183 N. Church. RETIRED NURSE will care for Infant or imall child. My home Ph. 2-967$. WILL baby lit, $ year old It up Ph. 4-$34$. WAITRESS, food or cocktail, experienced, refer., ahort hr. Ph. 4-5108 after 4 CHILD Car my home $1 da 25c hr. 4-corner. ph. 1-9S71. MIMEOGRAPHING typing Mr Po. 865 N 16th Ph 1-3843 4 SEWING Drewmaking In my home, all type Ph -3M WANTED-Ironine Ift-my hem 11 N. $th. Mil. 600 Employment LAWN MOWER SHARPENING COMPLETE REPAIR r . c fotttp rn v " "'L " ' D4. DJ eat, earrv all Hear ing blade Rental xontract or unit price SALES! SAND k GRAVEL lk ,N rront St Ph 1-M4I PAINTING. Dirt cheap price year In Salem. Ph. 3-7552. SMALL carpenter loo, good work. reonbl. Ph. 4-1424. LIGHT eriwler doter. levelm grading 3-TfXl L. Kurth CARPENTER helper very reea. ware. Ph. 4-10111 eve. WlLLtk carelif boy I to 1 yr. old in lovely Englewood home. lge. yrd It play toy, want companion for our child, nominal charge. Ph. 1-OM. HANDY man. ny minor repairs Your home. Yrd work Rea sonable. Ph. 1-4711 INTERIOR decorating. Chrlea , McLean. 417 E. Madron. Ph 3-3935. PAINTING, papering Free eU mate. Don Lucero. 3-55W. CARPENTER work, any kind rea 4240 Macltay Rd 4-59B1 LAND CLEARINOD-a Hr L. CMitchell Ph 3-5337 MOWING A raklr.g. D. Mar- shall, i-1343.j SCHARFT BROTHERS Installation R p t r Sewer. Septic Tanks, Drain Fields, Power Ditching. Backfill. Ph. 1-55M or 1-507:. 618 Education PHONE 4-0856 Driving lesson. $3.50 . 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, 800 rd SLEEPING mi. for 1 or I. N. Church, Ph. 3-4335. NICELY furn. rm. also baim't rm. 539 N. Winter. SLEEPING ROOM 735 No. Church CLEAN, quiet near Stat bldg.. jhop Dlst., kiuprtvei. 3-1449. CLEAN, Comf. rm.X V . clo in 315 S Winter I-17I3. TV. Nicely furn., clean deeping rm. $20 mo. 1-7BZ0 board avail. WANTED Man to room and board. 2M N. Capitol. 70S Apartments For Rent FURN. APTS . all utll. paid. 1397 H. Com 1. Ph. 4-9390. 1ST-FLR. furn. ptTl'oTSe at 3306 Moody. Ph. 1-3901. NICE CLEAN APT. 1710 N. Capitol APT. for 2. partly furn. utll. pd. 1341 Waller, eves after i. CLEAN, quiet 1 rm. pt. down town, iay prei. 4 rerry. MOD. Clen, neatly fum. 2 Turner. Salem bdrm. apt., 4-3497. 1 RM. Furn. Apt., utll. furn.. clo In, 4-1843. 148 Mnon FOR RENT Nat 1-bdrm. apt. Walking dl Unc to shopping and ttat buildings, $80 per mo. unfurn. except for ttov A refrtg. AL . ISAAK A CO.. Realton. 312 N. Church St. Ph. 4-3311 or' 3-7120. ADULTS: Small furn. apt. So very desirable Ph. 2-794S. FURN. apt., women only. 1118 0R St.. Ph. 3-5834, FURN. 3 rm. basm't. apt., nice for working couple. $33 N. Summer. CENT loc. 1 m furn. St 1 Irg. unfurn. near new Stat bldgs. it Univ. 3-1137, 1-5511. LARGE lst-flr. clean fum. apt.. fireplace, auto, heat; near Capitol. Adults. 1-4505; 1-5172. AVAILABLE July 1-5 rooms, ground floor. tmll yrd. ue Irtbie, 2 block from P.O 3.8553. Hollywood Apts. Furn.. unfurn.. 4-4713 or 4-7879. SMALL! ttrctlve clean apt utll. paid Near All State Bldg. A Shop. Ctr. 3-5407. VERY nice 3 rm. furn. apt. Lady. 101 Mission. Ph. 3-7870 FURN. Apts. $35 A $45. Util ities incl. Employed lady only. Ph.4Jf87. CLEAN furn. 4 rm bath, redec. PH. 3-5.123. 4-1410. f RMfurn. Apt. close In, child welcome. Ph. 4-3681. AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furn. Apts. 530 N. Summer 2-920 3RM. heated apt. w pvt ent. rum. or unfurn. nil court CI.FAN" turn. 1 A 2 ' rm." apts. 6.1.1 Ferry. ) RM. apt , 2115 N. 15th . Chrm- eket ft 15th. rh4-,127!i MODERNT bdrm . Court ApT Unfurn-. exrept Elec ranite A refrig W Salem. Ph. 4-6875 Eve. 2-R743 Scenic view 1 hdrm unfurn court Apt., range, refrig 2-2908. COURT apts. Extra nice, cli an. 3 rms. A hath, unfurn.. except stove, refrig T.V , laun , parK avail Inq IM8 S 12th. FIIRN "apt for rent at 1210 Tile Rd. In Hollywood. Ph 4-9332. FURN." AIT Pvt- ent. "A hath, near bus. Stale, ft Gen. Hosp Ph 2-.I957. CAPITOL Pl.AZA . I BDRM. UNFURN. t IBS Chrmeket St Ph S-W30 3 RM FURN.apt."pvt. erit. 705 N I.ilierty. 2-8'i47. NICELY furn" f 1 rm "apt". Cloae in. 888 S Surnmer. KINC.WOOD CourU: furn. 3 rm. apt . laundry far., 3rd St , W. Salem Ph 4-8514 FOR rentl hdrm."aptT775"Miir Ph. 2-1236 FURNISHED bachelor ft 1 bdrm. Apts 2136 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph 3 3138 before 6p.m. or 3-0580 after 6 P.M. $20 50 "CLOSE" ln""Nnrthl Hm furn Apt. All utilities furn. except gas. Inq. Apt 3, in rear of 486 N Liberty, Ph 2-5-180 ATTRAC 2 rrn. furn, apt. Ph. 4-7887 nr 2-7481 i2v 2 RM furn. apt elderlv gentle man. $1,1 ft $20 mo. Work If desired Ph 3-527H eves SMALL furn. Apt. cloae In. Ph 2-8.1(17. COURT APTS -Hal "prlvite f, modern down town apts. From $50 to $85 Ph. 3-7440. In quire 8H5 Cnurt THE LEE APTS. SALEM'S Moit Dlitlnfulihed Address. Bachelor unit available now. Unfurn. $83 mo Inspection tn vited.S85N. Winter. NEW 1 rm. turn. upsUiri apt . pvt. bath. Ph. 1-4503. 706 DuplcMM 4 ROOM lower duplex pt. furn. Cloae In. Also ileeping room Phone. l-776. FURN. I -hdrm duplex, adults 2231 Lee St. 4-7194. only. 706 DupVtEti FOR RENT ntcetv fura. duplex So. of town. a M. cpl. only. Call 3-S7. VRM. flat. 1 block P 0. M Ferry. Ph. 3-T7i. 3-343T. t515a. I bedrm. 3 block from Capitol Bldg. Auto ell heat. Wired for elec. rang. Ph. 4-iaai 707 Hots For Rtrtt LARGE t bdrm. home with dfn A gar. Croisan Creek Rd. Fh. 4-797 SMALL 1 BDRMS . DrtJy"furn. Si5. Ideal for couple. 1-7J04 after 4 30 I 4OR l"bdnnn.onrrfu-rnTc.-. Imm d. poa. IN. 1033 Oik. Call 4-tUi to ere. S. TRAILER space 110 per ma. No pet. Ph. l-ttaS, 174 Ox ford. 1 BDRM. house, clean, stove A refrig . utll. rm. On Bonny Way A Can-art Dr. 53. per mo Ph. 4-4791. 1 BDRM. houe. utility in far. oil heater wtank. Minion St., H Ph. 3-4091. W. SALEM Clean unfurn. 1', hdrm. house A gar. Suitable for couple A child. 140. Ph. 3-71H7. LARGE, modern I bdrm., walk ing distance. 590 So. Liberty. IMMACULATE potential 3 bdrm. house with beautiful yard, N. Salem. Ph. 1-9(13. FREE 11th month, almost new 3 bdrm. house, elec. rante, autn heat. hdw. floors, insul ated. 21.TS Maple Ave. 1-BDRM. cottsse. stove, refrig. firepl .garge. 150. 1-471 NEW I bdrm. house, lots of closet space, stove, refrtg . ar.. some utilities. Inquire 1905 N. 19th. FOR lease, nice 1 bdrm. modern house, no children. Ph. 4-5183. ATTRACTIVE-lbdrm ' hoUM. sfove. refrig. A garage. 3-5570. NEAT and Clen 1 bedroom home in "4" Corner rc. Couples only Rear of 410 S. Lancaster Dr $35 00 a month. I'nf Call Rudv Calaba, 1-4113 After 00 call 3-3779.. OHMART A CALABA, v REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 1-4115 Nelson Rentals 3 BDRM. hse. S. unfurn. !K1 3 BDRM. hse. S. unfurn ... 1110 3 BDRM. den. furn. N $M 1 BDRM. unfurn. hse. rlos to Cannery $50 NELSON A NELSON, RTRS 1390 S. Commercisl 1-3669 DOROTHY DEAL. FOR RENT"l bdrm. home. Ph. 2-9498 eves. I BDRM. home $70 per mo. Call 3-151 after 3 p.m. LEASE 2 bdr. house with bsm't. Close In. Adult. Ph. 3-5345 RENTAL SERVICE 4 ROOMS AND A BATH $17 50 1 BDR. UNFURNISHED $37.50 1 BDR. HOUSES WITH RANGE A REFIG $43, $50 BDR. HOUSE WITH,, RANGE A REFRIG. $70 1 BDR. UNFURNISHED $i 3 BDR. DUPLEX $45 FURN. APTS. . $.1$. $45. $50. $55 CENTER STREET REALTY 1748 Cerfter 4-0831 Eve 2-7811 3-BDRM7EnilewooddisT$7S. Ph. 4-3687 1 BDR.M. house, basement, furn ace. Ph. 3-4215 3 BDRM7 house, gar.. So. 1-8841. JOSS Albert Dr 4 BDRM. house near shopping ctr. No pets. Ph. 1-3949. NEAT Tbd r nvTe lie 7 heat, at 2281 N. 5th. $40 Ph. 1-8709. 2 BDRM house. 1790 Falr,groundi Rd $45 mo. Ph. Rawlin Realty 4-6873. 707-a Furnished rlou$e$ PARTLY furn 1 hdrm. house. 4-7750. 1042 3rd St. W. Salem. 1 BDRM. cottage antenna, auto. washer-dryer, 147 N. 18th. , 4-ROO.M furnished cottage. Elec trically equipped. Couple only. 835 N. Commerci! St. MOD. cottage. Lg. liv. room. hdrm., kit. dinette, ahower hath.ojlll. rm . lg. closets. Hd wd. firs 5 min. walk to city center. Quiet t. Avil July I. 883 N. CotUge. ph. 3-8.182. 1160 S. Liberty. I bdrm. furn. home. Ph. 2-5210. SM FURN House. T V. Antenn. dults. 3.13 N. 25th. 2-7440 FURN. 1 bdrm. cottage with burnt., garage N. Mce yard. Trees Ph. 3-.1289 CLEAN 1 bdrm . with basem't. firepl, gar. $60. So 2-9894. 710 Wonted to Rent H$e$ FORRESTER A family need 2 or 3 bdrm house by July 1 Pre-, fer Richmond or Englewood area, near bus line. Rcf Th j 4-6500 WANT 7 or 3 bedroom house Call 2-2527 after 4 p m YOUNG businessman A familv 1 need clean 2 or 3 bdrm. house Ph. 4-4686. 714 Buiinesi Renroli WAREHOUSE space for rent 6.000 sq. fi. on R R spur. Close in. Inquire 120 S Cap itol or call .1-9171. COMPLETELY equipped ia(r Barher Shop attacherl Write Parifir City Cafe. Paclllc City . . Ore. 1 1 11 ) V N 'own office ipace. stor: rmi A warehouse 3-4114. I 718 Convoleicent Homej El.DF.REST Nursln Home, Pri- vate rooms available. 2630 N j Churth. 2-161S i C ) 1 1 A fi E CONVAl.ESCEM HOME 252 N CotUBe 3-7020 780 Moving & Storoge fD)? MA.VKLOWKR Movine and Storage mix OILS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER Larmer Transfer & Slorace Complete movtnf lenrtce. Also agent! for BEKINS Nition Wida Movers Ph 33131 LOW COST storage H Furnitur Co 3-8185 L Miff, 800 Krai Estate - 80r BullHSrt Opportun. RESTAURANT, well established and doing good business 1U- 1 ness forces sale Onlv $lnn rv dn For appt rail mv sqeni. Att. c i.,I.. ut m ii,,t V'E'vf''t; i I FOR sale or rent -- small deli- i catessen and grocery A apt. in rear on main artery near 2" achools Stateaman Journal Box 140. VARIETY store, onlv onein payroll town. $10,000 CARL SON REALTY. 583 N 9W McMlnnville. " " SERVICE STATION ' FOT lease my Major Oil Co Equipment and utilities fur nished. Inveil. In resale mdse only For infor mil Mr Big ger 3-4703 until 5 o'clock ex Sat, and Sun LARGE huunesa hldg . 1 acre C'en Woodry 1605 N. Summer. t Iks i 801 lotirttti Opporhm. CAFE atork tXXI rash, leaving tat, acroaa from the tele phone office in Turner. WILLAMETTE valley grocery store owner wnta to retire. Sell tork A equipment A lease More. Write Box 133. Statesman-Journal. FOR LEASE near completion new drive-in restaurant with heavy traffic count Some equipment furn. Box S3. Statesman-Journal. WILL sacrifice due to ' Illness small business In downtown Salem. Ph. after 11 a m. 1-9110. SERVICE STATION for rent at Broadway A Libert) . Inq. 1320 i '"'tTOund. Rd unit aiem moiei ot home, sell or consider trsde for small apt. house, clot in. Owner 1-7130. MOTEL a unit, good return, take Salem Property in trade TAVERN land A all. Hot Spot lUOOflOO Term. GROCERY clean stock, new fixtures, reasonable. SER STA Good location. S3,- onm TUCKER REAL ESTATE Lebanon, Oregon 802 Business Property FOR SALE by owner. Service Station A work shop in Al bany, or trade for Salem prop erty. 713 Ferry St. FOR SALE large building" 000 sq. ft. fir. lot 140x140 ft. Good location. A very good Invest ment Price dropped for quick sale See 773 N. Lancaster, call 4-46J1. 803 Suburban ACRE RANCH STYLE 3 bedrooms. 1 baths, 14x31 ft.. living room nd mny other fetures make this deslrble tiome to own. There is a 30x30 ft , barn, law-n. shrubs and garden space Price $13,500. Owner would take care as part down payment. CALL C S JACOBSEN. Pealtor. Ph 28978. 1 BDRM. modem house. A.. large garage. 11 500, term. 1131 Brown Rd. 806 Houses For Sole & A REAL NICE 3-BRM HOME Hardwood firs Has living rm., dining rm., birch cab inets in kitchen, utility rm.. colored bath fixtures, forced air heat, plastered. Only $9, 500. Call Gene Pedwell. 2 PLUS ACRES OF GOOD SOU. Very good location, a 2-bnn. home, good well, some irng . garage, small ham. Reduced to H.OOO dn pavmt. Total price $5,600, See Ron. Kraus, eve 3-5668. Looking for A NICE HOME In the $7,500 bracket? See this one. Has living rm . dining rm . 2 brms., beautiful yard with outdoor fireplace, tfees. etc Call Frank Graham, ev 4-4748. A 50x100 waterfront lot on West ide Devils Lake This is a steal. $875. Bill Fidler, eve 4-7448 e NOW IS THE TIME TO Bl'Y FARMS. SEE THE KIND OF CROPS GROWN ON THEM WE HAVE A GOOD SELEC TION. CALL GEO. KRAUS OR HERB. BARNES. REAL ESTATE 31fi N. Church SI. Ph. 4-6871 BY OWNERVwell kept 2 bdrm home, furn or unfurn . 6 yrs old, nice yd . South 1599 rln , hal. like rent. This is a bar gain. Ph. 2-8375 BY OWNER: Sub.North '2A House has 1.46.1 sq ft., liv. A din rms. combined, wall to wall carpet, firepl. nook In kit., dishwasher, inside util oil forced air furnace, patio. F. H. A. terms. 4-S753 FULL DRYBrnt.. 2 bdrm.plus finished upstairs. 1850 N 19th. 10'r DOWN MOVES YOlT IN TODAY OR BUILD TO SUIT rD FISCHER PH. 4-M.I.1! FAIRM0UNT HILL DIST Din, rm . hrkf. nnok. frpl , nil heat, bsm't wpariv rrwim. fin. 500 2-15M. 2 BR. hou?, mut sell tmmpd , tprms. Ph 4-8871 7-RM. home, larjje Int. treet. Paved sts. Ka?v termt or trad' for .-mailer hnme nr trciilrr house. Inq. 3.80 Sunnyview : Ave "owner "transferred 2200 SQ. FT. 3 RR & den. 2 Kiths. wall to .all carpft'nR hean reihnc in I. rn . Rntmn ,'lp fireplace, 1 enr!o?ed patio or family rm. Auto ml heat. 3 rm Bupt apt ; Re.iutifulW I a n d f a p e r & fenced lOOyliO lot in C, Salem I 115.500. 2-20e7. i OWNER BUILDER" ENGLISH stvle. on K.njwond H-ts . neatly new. well rnn ejtrurted, 1 !rr hdrm . Mv21 1 1 v rm . lovelv din rm , cen ter hall. 2 frp! lg kit v. i h nnok, full firishrrl h::Tif , p.irtv rm . den. hohbv rn, , 1 hath. laundry fruit -"i Mti'-t he soen. Low dn. p.-iv-. nif-nt SIT ,7f Kir (.arrtenx . at Lowen Axe. 3 7212 I 2 HDRM. home tile bath, laree Karate wutllity rm $500 tuns our equity Ph 2-8211 3 BDRMS , "baths, "birch kitchen with dishwasher A dis- poai ficrpi m iare iivmi rm Lrg utility 2 yrs nM nner transferred. $'.5,200 Pli 4-73.il. Sc y Fnullv Buvir. waiting (nr homes Earnis. Rentals and business. List row -Quick action at Mar Realtv. 5.1.10 S. Pac. Hwy. Ph. 2-205 1 MH UWNEH1 Oicn vVotrdrv will pay top prict for your turn AV anniiances Ph a. 51 to BY BI'II.DKR NEW spacious hdrm. Engle wood Dist. Top quality. 2-7071 BY OWNEB modern .("bdrm. tionie. good term1 fn dou n pavm't. E of 4-L'nrncrs. Ph. :i-:i7flfl FOR SALE by owner: 2 hdrm. home, fireplace, paved street.' terms. 3360 Hadlev St. Ph 4-4316. by 'OWNER. 2 bdrm. modern. well built home. $7 500 Lo cated at 1455 7th. Ph. 4-2415 eve 2 HDRM house, lot 80x118 035 ! Fairview Ave. So $4,50(1, $200 down, $40 per mo BY BUILDER NEW 3 bdrm oome neat S Salem schools A rperk 2-7071 nITV ml .,,,,., equity in Manbrln K"ST frpl and patio. $1 150 dn . $11.- 850 635 Mnnhrm Dr Ph 4-2453 - Colonial Showplace Entrancingly beautiful letting with 115-ft creek frontage J bedrooms. 3 hathi. double ga rage, basement, greenhouse, den Close to schooli. Eve: Ted Morrison 2-5046. Ted Morrison, Realtor!1 abd"$x" 250 N. HIGH rilONE 4-7977 S06 Hotitos For Solo $1,000 D0W I BDRM., ENGLEWOOD Owner tel. take tlOOD down for quick sale! 3 Bdrms . full basement, fireplace. epartr dining room, larre dinette, aewing room. Home Is insul ated, has new oil furnace, hardwood floors Lot 50x130 with Cherrv A Walnut trees leaving Salem SWM. Call GRANT BOWDEf. Office 4-3394, Home 4-3909. FAMILY HOME AND INCOVTE WII.l. TRADF SPACIorS. 1 bdrms down. 1 up l.Svl llvlne ronm l fiinine mnm 1010 nmk f,rnlr EXCELLENT CONSTR1T- TION, hardwood floorv new ; comp roof INCOME. US. per mo. rental apartment AT- 1 TRACTIVE English type home good neighborhood. 114 773 Sale or Trade Call DON BEL LINGER, Olfic 4-J394. Home 4-04 tt. 5 ACRES SfBDIVIDE OR FARM IT 183 Ft. frontage on Lancaster 3 br. home with separate din- in room; marnine snea. i brooder house Loultrv house ; Variety of fruit trees Entire Attractive Fairmont Hilt S hd J acreJ $13,3110 Call IRA ! r" plu dm G E. Kitchen MANSFIELD. Office 4-3-t94. Home 3-9721 1890 Fairgrounds Rd Ph. 4-3.194. If no answer 3-9958 $1000rDOWNr " $5000. FULL PRICE buys 3- ndrm home all on one floor. 57xl2 lot. $50 per month pay ment at S'tV No financing charges, immediate possession. A lot better than the price in dicates. Eve. call RAY DAVIS 4-5917. davs 2-6680 ED l.UK INBEAL. REALTOR. 4.13 N. HIGH Huge Ranchstyle Hom 1700 q. ft! 17x33 Itvinf room, huee kitchen with nook. 3 bedrooms isome with pan-1-inRi. mammoth utility. 100x180 lot with covered patto, nar beque, lawn and fruit trees Very showy. $18,500 Subur ban, Eve: Cordova Stephenson 4-6149 TED MORRISON REALTOR 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 OWNER transferred: 3 bdrms.. din. Rlst patio, dishwasher. Wajl to wall carpet A drapes go. 2 Fireplaces, dole, plumh, full bsm't . family rm . $21,000 145.1 Narcissus Dr. 4-4855 BY owner-builder New 3 bdr . t.Tl . DR. birch kit. wnook. utll., firepl . forced air heat, insulated Ik far . le lot $10,900. Low dn pavm't. See at 4443 Munkers St. Ph 2-5116 3 BDRM country hnme. l'j years old. G. I. take over Stale loan. Monthly payments $.4 Wonderful location for chil dren $9,500. Off Chemawe Rd. I 3-4209. $350 EQUITY in modern 2 bdrm. home. Utll. ft attached laraee. Ph 4-2808. $373 00 DOWN, $60 00 Per Month. 3 bedroom, oompjelelv redec orated Immediate possesion To see call Chet Rawlins Eve 3-6216 RAWLINS REALTY 60S CHEMEKKTA Salem, Orejlon Office Phone 4-6875 AN OLDIE BUT A GOODIE Hollywood District. 2 bed room hnme plus furnished basement apartment wl'h pri vale entrance and half hath 2 car irate Price $5,050 Terms $1000 flown Call Ben Colbath. Realtor, davs 4-4(91. eve 2-6.114. OWNER, So, .1 hdrm . daviijht hasm't . $17,500. Ph. 4-7820 REALLY WORTH $6,500 Ex'ra nice 'j acre with verv g'jod smsll home. g garagr $10,900 $1,000 DOWN Vrrv nire 2 bdrm. home plui rental apartmen' AT 4-TORNERS. $oVk1 Mnrtern. clean 2 bedr-n home JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 405 No Hiso Ph 4-348: , Eve 4-.1210. 2-7401. 2-4644. 4-8UI2 . CANDALARIA Home, hv owner. East view. 3 hdrms Th 2-078.1. Lit tic Paradisp 120i:o Int. !0 nak trpe dog wood. In Up tree prnfuel v landscanrd. secluded 1 a r c e patio. 2 bedroom, unmaculale ppipe. wall tn wall carpet mg Reautifullv decorated You won't hkp it. vou'll love t 1 Ec Maijoric Eanning TED MORRISON REALTOR i 2V . HIGH PHONK 4-7977 BY OWNER .1 hdrm home Will go G I See at 424 W. Brown- , log after fi. BUSH PARK 4 bdrms," 1530 S j Church. 3 bdrms.. 1085 Oxford 4 BDRMS , 2 baths.' new roof, aluminum sidmg. garden! snacp. fruit trpps. on laree; corner lot J12.7..0 Fh 4-48('0. OR TRADE equity in 2 hdrm modern home for trailer bouse or smaller house 1060 Shady Lane 4-6416 WILL trade equity In 2 bdrm home for trailer house. 5240 Sunnyslde Rd. 2-09X1. BY OWNER: 2 bdrm house. South Nth A- Waller. Ph 4-7620 after 5 p.m. 2 IMMACULATE homes Ideal i cltv locations, beautiful yards 1 2 bdrm., 2nd 4 bdrm , equip ped for day nursery, ph 2-3508 $1(10 KoVlTY In almost new 3 bdrm. home. Large lot. Nice' lawn ft shrubs. Ph 3-4448. SELL equitv 2 bdrm house, 3 vrs ojd full basm't $Kl Ph 3-3505. 288 Draper St BY OWNER:' V, - year - old 3 bdrm. house', fireplace, att. ga rage, fenced yard Englewood Dist. $12 000 . 4-7304 JOE HUTCHINSON REALTOR Lei 11s solve vour home needi To Buv. Sell or Rent Call Ph. 4-5743 1211 Edfewater Pn. 4-7874 2710 So.Comm'l SMALL-down-payment on at tractive imall 2 bdrm home Total price $7 950. 2430 N. Church. Ph. 4-3680 BARGAIN: Coiy. clean 1 B. R. hnme. range nd heter in cluded, large fenced yard, lo cated off "99" Highway North $3300. $.100 down, take car In trade B M Mason. Rlt J-8841. 3-3068. 3-3342. on approx. 5 Prifigie nist : U.J 1 - tr.m c Pln,,r Tru.t Co. 3-3138. in 106 Houses For Sole 'N ROLL - In a nr 3 hdrm hfm. ckv ro ichooU V bus, pavrd Sis 100 G.I. LOANS EXPIRE IN JULY Go out l.ibertv Road to Reea' C.ardcni sign on left or call tndav. Glenn Hamilton, Bldr. 210 State St Office Eves. 3-Vil 4-TM4 1-1509 FOR SALE by owner: 9.10 sq ft.. 1 hdrm. home, plastered dble gar. firepl ft oil heat. Price 110 500 4-17S rjv' ML'Vt'D "l- UVVrVr.K "h dishwalier A garbiee disposal Fenced hack vard with patio. $13,600. Ph. 3-09M fler 5 FAIRMONT HILL Eqmtv in 3 bdrm bungalow. Corner lot. Ph 2-3.125 A QUALITY HOME BULT BY JOHN W0IF You will airree this new houe la the nest In tt. clas Tber is a family room with fire place and slidmjr. glass drvnrs leading to the patio, a luscious pink and birch kitchen vith built-in desk, a spacious liv ing room has a fireplace, planter, bookshelves and al derwood paneling. 3 bedrooms boast large cloets. in fjet there is extra storage space eveiywhere. even a place to p:it golj bags. Other feadrrs are 2 baths, double garape and a good suburban location. q ft. of quality for 515.. JHJ0 To see it call Mr Jacob -sen day or eve. at 2-6978 C.S. RKALTOR 7fi PRENVER PH 2-fifl7H Low Down Ontv "on down. H bedrooms, oak floors. LR . kitchen, din ette, hath, large garage, near ly acre with nice lawn -Located on Macleav Road close to school and bus Total price 17,000 with low monthly pay ments. South With View j Panoramic vew of city and mountains Horne is onlv 3 yrs i o'd .T bedrooms, wail to wail carpels in living room and dining room, bath v ;th tile counter, large kitchen with , nook, spacious utilitv room, i forced air oil furnace, fire place. 2-car garage with huge storage room, covered patio. ; laree landcaped lot 10n' x IWTt Kocated South on Pin ner Drive. Slfl.500 wih terms Abrams & Skinner 411 Mannic BIHg Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loans Office 1-M17 Eves 2-4700 nr S8750. SOUTH "'" LATE-hullt 3-hdrm. home all on one floor, oil heat, attached farace. $1500 flown, no financ ing chare Call FLOYD Mr NAI.I.. Eve .1-77(14. davs 2-8fio. ED I.l'KINBEAL. REALTOR. 4.i:i N Hih. A HONEY FOfl THE MOVEY 2 hrlrrns K den. hrauMfu! flowers, shrubs f.- lawn, radi- ant heat Located on Slanlev ! lane in South Salem Eytra ini inciuoea i,enne slate Make offer on trtn A- nnre Call REN COLBATH. REAL TOR davs 4-4434. Eve :-fi.tl4 .3 BEDROOMS We have lut ltffd this gpm of a ho-e Ruil ?, vrs . ranc s'vle. 3 nice bedrooms, a 11 x 27 ft living and dining roon bt a. ha"d' k'Trhen w:h hr "nnlt, utihtv mom and 13 21 f g.irarc This home i- spot-le?-; The lawn and hr'ibs are in Don't mi seeing ' 1 1"? sq ft for 12R.V) Call 2-WT8 d 'i.' nr e e C.S.J RKALTOR 7fi8 RREN'NER TH 2-f17a 3 New 3 Rrirm Houses in W Salem ? botisps w;lh 3 bdrms and da- . light basements on Cascade Dr Must he sold Ph. 3-8181.' 2-ISI3 or 3-.'W41 I See. this nra and clean 2 bed. mn'u home on North 2:ird St rear State rooni Lnrec hvini Tonji'. rlavliijht kit u Uh hinlt m g.iiore. Modem h a f h Hdwd floors thnmut At - tached par.igr Large lot Price SR 250 Suitable terns with ,V)f t down on con t r a t Call Wallar. KU RVRK1T nS't Hroadav :-:i!!7. Eve 2-fi4i bedroom Kcwer hot NFW Douhle platrrrd garacr F'rr plaie 1 Mock tn Cltv Bu Heartv to occupv about ,.i ISIh A real buy at 111.5011 acd onlv 11.300 ra-b down handle Might trade CLYDE PliAl 1. traitor. 154 S Hig! St. 4-3851 Eve 3-725(1 or 4-'H81 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY BUSY SEASON STARTING : NICE 5 Ur.it court. 2 hdrm i home, all modern, take .some trade NICE ocean v iew court. 8 apts 7 sleepers. 2 A. land, on Hsv 101 fa ocean front, private stairs to beach, take some trade WM 1. GRAHAM A CO. Rltrs rhone Dcl.jke 2683 DeLake. Ore Acrcasp' Cheap 320 acres, patur, so-oe springs capped well, al: untmnroved. lotne wooded Approx 80 at'res tillable South of Salem app 11 miles ONLY $70 an acre' All for J22.400' This is a good buv Eve: John Van Osdol 3-7.143. TED MORRISON REALTOR .. n..n.. 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 -r ' GOOD BUY $6f10 BUYS 2-bdrm. home with unfinished upstairs ft basmt j on Market street in Englr- wood Dist fiOxHS LOT with i tree, immediate possession 1 Fve rail FP l-flB05. rittvs 2-fifift0 ED LUKIVREAL. RE- 1 ALTOR, 4oJ N. HIGH. 806 Houses For Sole IT'S DIFFERENT Clou I this u Clast? to new 3 bedroom home new area, J off hiti ceiling, intul. . Mtchtn double inside utility back vard. This home has everything you need in a new home LEI OHMART Ralph Middy. JI ST LISTEN Call tndav and hear how vou ran acquire a vear old S bedroom home for much less than replacement value One of the best floor plans we have seen uith family room, double plumbing and 2 car garage Located South among other new homes and priced below $13.000. Hurry on this! Call Adnenne Ser comhe. nob mix Beautiful view, close to schools. 3 bedrooms and den. basement, double garage Will consider vour present home in trade Priced at 117,200. -Ask tor Don Doughton. SOMETHING SPECIAL A ranch style, all while, spacious country home with the elegance and privacy you never dreamed possible yet it only a few blocks to a fine shopping center 2 all tile baths, expensive wail to wall carpeting, hot water beating ivstem. A plan you ar certain to like - acre of level lawn choice shruhberv fish pool patios small green house -Priced under fS.VOOn. Call T.ntui Lorenz for appointment to fee this exceptional place to live. IF VOI R HOME IS FOR SALE OR TRADE CALL IS OHMART & CAUBA, REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 15. 2-4116. 2-4117 Eve Ralph Maddv J-1488 Adnenne Sercomhe 4-9081. Don Doufh on 4-1414, Louis Lorenz 3-5599 f El !E FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 2:00 10 8:00 P. M. Four new 1-bedroom homes m $12.730 00 to $13.850 00 Some ovens and ranees, family rooms. New district with Commun- i liv Haier svstem. paved streets, curbs. Out D Street to 38th. turn left one block C.V.KEHT4C0., REALTORS. N Church GBOTtNDS nVS BACK TO 1 niv tn JI ,Mni down, hal mo at yr. Immed. possession on lge ,2 bdrm. home Basmt with oil heat Has workshop & small greennouse Variety of shrubbery, fruit V nut!. 10.- CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY WAREHOCSE A n v desired space up to 13.000 sq ft , lo cated in Salem cn Highway i9 and Southern Pacific Railroad, will he remodeled to suit you. CALL RON HL'DKINS 3 BDRM Double plumbing. familv room. 2 fireplaces, full daylight basmt , view proper ty. Candalana Heights Al most finished buv now and chooe vour own colors. Price S22 V10 CALL RALPH BRUCE KINGWOOD HEIGHTS - Nice room v .1 hdrm hnme on 1 floor la-He kitchen and rlin e'te comhined La? ge utility 2 vs old Price !1 0n CALL G H. GRABENHOftST. JR. I (5RABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS MO S I.IBKRTY ST TH. 2 2471 Evenings A Sundav call Salesmen Ron Hudkins 3-8712 H. K. Lavmon 2-5IM Mrs. Ricbardsnn 4-808 Walt Socolofskv .T-BR.I.". Ralph Bruce J-M81 J. E. Lew .1-5113 mi m J22 N. CHl'RCH ST l'HONK 4 3311 CONTEMPORARY HOME R-i"d new Center entrv hall Hdd paneled f-imilv nn . ,t hdpms , 2 fireplace, h--irk to ceiling Custom built hv FR MF, KLSH 1' . bat"5 Oodles of hu lit -ins Filing area n ki'rhen Ii's of formica, tilf. and corlon. Comptely fenced h.(rk vard Patio Manhrn water snd fwrr Drapes and co'-nices inrluded at the re di4rl price of Jl.VD.'O Call Walt Jones Eve Ph. 4-7fU2. 1 3 RDRM. TRADE : On ner will 'rade for a !l hdrm ( home, small acreage cloe n t N E nr rental income prop. pi'v Has Ire In i:u Rrk nk F A oil heat .1 hdrm Ne-ir schools A.- transp at fro'n door An excellent buv at J-RNift Ca'l N G ' Dan" J h.iak. Eve, Ph. 4-W53. BUELL DISTRICT Tfi acre 5. 25 acres grain Some srdcr p, iture Lots of oak -md -mall fir Machinrrv :n ''I'lded ? hdrm rriortrrn home Full price $10,500. Take home in Sikm or Portland in iradf to $8 000 (all Mr Crawford Eve P. 4-5020. APARTMENTS Writ located 4 apt. 3 f ;r- mched Refng and ranges ' All I hdrm. Shows good in-cmi-e Priced al $11,000 or Mill 'ridp equitv on 2 bdrto. hotir Call M:. Woodcock. Eve Ph 2-710S. KNSKI) ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO ALISAAK & CO.. REALTORS E'. eninps 4-:02n. 4 If No Ah'ive. WEST SAI.KM Fx(ra Iree 2 hed room older home with laree me loom kitt'hen with nook, full basement, larer fiont p-m-h. siudu'-t furnaie Good terms to right p.nt. A-k:ng $8,950. Call Htrks Eve. ph 3-6405. , INCOME PROPKRTY Tun hnn.-p1; on 1 lo1, room to build 2 more uni room, nne 1 bedroom Roth rent for $100 pf r l'M-atior. S block-' to Slate huildincn. Total nru Lura Eve. ph A -KM $55 TKR MONTH BASKM KM Onlv $,"iiifl down buy 2 hedrnom hnnip inside riiv K'ra room in basement. 2 h locks tn Richmond School Pla:- tcrrri Ini'l uries furniture Rus bv door Nereis a lit Hp redemratinR Owner leaving and anximi tn sell $5,750. Call Johnson Eve. ph, REIMANN REAL ESTATE ?ni Smith High Strer1 PRICE REDl'CKD TO J12.SO0 on this .1-unit apart I ment houe and a small house ' Rent all for $155 per month. I Or bving quarters and $R5 a I month Terms, ATTRACTIVE IS the word for this newer-type i home in Four corners. All the 1 good features 2 bedrooms Price $12,900. Terms j OWNER LEAVING MUST sell this neat and clean ome Dandy bedroom. II x LY Hardwood floor1- Garage $R- .000, Low down payment. 1 42" Fern- (Oner, Saturday) Office 4-3381 Fve V-rian l.ehtnn 2-(Sf Vlasic '4-217,1; Jim Ramsey 4 - 806 Houses For Sole grad school. family room with beamed plumbini. room, double tndav rail RUDY CALABA Belvedere Gardens Triced from with douhle fireplaces, built-in Phone 4-229.1 ST CHOICE IOCATION-I bdrms. 11 v. rm wun nrepiace a in, rm with china rabinet, re ception hall, tiled bath V kit chen, utility rm . dble, garage. Beautifully landscaped De signed for gracious living. CALL J. E LAW E X C E L I. ENT INVESTMENT Bl'Y 8 unit residential court. Hi irk construction - Good lo cation $V0 monthly income FOR DETAILS CALL H. K LAVMON INDIVIDUALITY MANY WONDERrTl. NEW IDEAS used. in this moderniMic'ranch stvle ho'tie BeaTed ceilings in hr nn . dm and fam- liv -do-n 4 bdr'rs w nrkmg surfare Ma'c cri h 1 r r h 27 ft of k:'rhen uphoard (l'hwaf "r huilt-in 'oe K nvpn Tiv Vaster. wahe- ard drei. nice d-pes all new in cluded in vrrv reasonable pnre of t?7 500 CALL MRS. RICHARDSON WK SPKCIALIZF. IN TRADES OR 3 7820 IT'S TERRIFIC L" elv .1 hdrm horne, Eire plare Insul. W-strppd Hdwd fir Near school and transp Good Med In Offered st oiiiv f 12m0 fall Mr Sword Eve Ph. ;-804fl. EXCLEW00D DIST. Cnmfortahie ? hdr" oire finished atti' Flieiil.tie he;it A'! r!'. com rnirt All at u' W?.S( Car Vn- Cravsf.rd Eve Ph 4- ! WHY PAY RENT? When ou rin w n lis t brtr-n. c -lools fo- nn'v r-r and d!" n i tint Dhie i i h!md me--, Fe.- Ph r-n-vp rlns U J.iaon l.e ing ' n mo; ItaraRe lj fall Walt 4-7R.12. I COZY & NEAT Verv nice smaller home Oil heat (arafr F. x c r 1 I e n t Location south Nai McKinlrv school and transp Large lot See this at only J.'iZVi Call for Mr Rirhmnnd, HIGH VOLUME i GROCERY CnuMia! tvpe npenition C) rr $innO00 gr'o:s tn riiv gpicfr;p PttI ol s ionping ('enter :n Lt-I growing vallev cltv Leap in- j eluding use o,f eninpoienl. $350 OMnioioi prr nio Tenant to purrhase invrn'oi'. approx . .sn.oon Call Mr. Woodcock . F.ve. Ph. 2-7IOS 78.12. 3-fl0in 1-055.1 . Dial 4-2218 i tig d'o- One 3 hed- : month Good ( p $10,500 Call WILL SACUIF1CK HIS $2,000 equity for $1,000 Full price for tis C-bedroom home with garage is $7,900 Only Jl -000 down. Blf lot Ph. 4-2670; 4-3381 H0ME-2 LOTS RICHMOND ichool area. 2 bed- room Dining room. Nook. I Garage Concrete foundation. j Price $6,950 Low down 3 BEDROOMS -eo.850 , MAKE offer on down pivment May trade for home in Salem This is in Clear Lake area Garage Nice lot Trees Violet Bishop 2-2085. Frank 3H97. 1M 806 Hou$e$ fer Salt) MiKST OFT CENTER STREET. $ year old home on oversized tot. Fruit, garden space 15x1$ ft living room. 3 bedroom, attached garage IPSOA 00. terms. Ask for Anderson, eva, 'phone 2-1744. TRADE FOR TRAILER. Elderly owner will consider trailer house as down payment o this kimail home. Haa arrange ment for 2 room apartment now rented. Located close in. .fAjflO. Terms Call Kelly Ow ens. Eve. phon 3-6S54. ENGLEWOOD Older house on small lot Newly decorated in side and out. Living room, aeparate dining room, kitchen and bath down. 3 bed room up Garage, Near bus, school and stores. tM'Sn. total -price, I.SOO down. Call Bill EstilL Eve. pnone 4-MS6. LANCASTER New 3 bedroom home doyble garage Ijirga lot with prune trees Priced at 11X71 and can be hsndled for $1750 down. Ask for Gil bertson. Eve. phone 4-9140. 5 ACRES wtth do?ed out build ing site and roadway View ta Wft in settins of trees. I7.V. Call Gilhertson Eve. 'phono 4-9140. .17 N High Street Tel 4-MJt C. D. McCARGAR. RLTR. PRICE REDITED FOR Ql'lCK SALE. 2 Bdrm. borne with East front and, partial view, located on King wood Hts ; spacious L, R, with fireplace: lge kitchen: att garage ana breezewav An excellent buv. onlv in. 000 with terms. Call Lloyd Rice eve. 3-4969. SMART INVESTOR LOOK. Your Investment tn this in come propertv will earn you a substantial dividend. 8 apart ments Nicely furnished and in good repair Large corner lot. Beautiful landscaping. Call Eaye Seal for additional in formation St appointment to inspect 702 N High St Phone4-444i KKIZF.R ACRKAGES Eour bedrooms, 'a acre, en bui route WSO0 300 2'j bedrooni. good barn and chicken housa - $.100 down. M) month Pos session tida: Ca'1 Jack Rawlt 4-MW1. Eve. 4-77R2. Tt'RNKR 1 Bedroom older hou-e on la-ga lot Owner 'rade for 1 bedroom nmne m SaUtn $ 000 Call Jack Rawls 4-fiORI, t, 4-772. $79.e0 For a nire home, swell lt ith fruit and nut trees nlun an extra garage In bark this hat .1 bedrooms, a utility and a 27 foot living room with fira nlare Englewood district. Phone 4-0Rl or 4-.14.1 after $ p rn ak for Nick SPECIAL e would like to (how this E vervhoov. It I a mifhty rf buv T nree M- for an one reeding Call Al Sholseth. Eve? 3-7307 1311 Eflcrwalrr Th 4 a741 BEAUTIFUL " CRKKK H0MK ON STATE STREET OWNF.n TRANSFERRED niTn'll kl'rl'.pn f'OM.ICl A til. Jming i im HrrakfaM r-n. Nir" .'f 'ivinj rm. wall tft u.t.11 cat pet, fiirpl.uT 1 hdini. rin An. IP. f x Ifl'.. ft s? to wail carpel. 1! bcci'ontns up in knottv pmr Dnuhli- pjun-h-ir.fi m tslr. I'tihts i t Errv thing lik'- new Ilatrinenl. Uouhlr qar.iRc. cat noil An tenna. Beautif ullv landscaped, .pi inkhnR Ettm patios, lo'i of hrick Outside fireplace, floevilicht. ft mt tree1; Con crete uail A step; into rreek. $2r.O Old Town Canoe Vaca lii'i in our hark ard 12 block- from Canitol Bus stonj at finnr 3' ? hlocks to school. Owner has $17 500 in property. Will acifice for J 14 800. Term? Contact Ramsev. Real to, pn 4-.Tta F.ve and Sun. 2-29R.Y 2-6WW 4-2670. 4-.W7. FNC.LEWOOD PlSTRKT-nnv bv 1V10 Pearl St 4 hdrms, 2 hath, Ph 4.2701, make offer. Familv Homo 4-bedronni with double plumb ;nC. firrplace . full basement, south, wondeiful location near Rush Park and South Salem High. A sac; ifu e for onlT Jftr)50 Can be ued for homt and Income Show n hv ap pointment onlv Call LeRojT Ciood water, eve ph 4W70. 2 Rflr. South So much for so little. Hrre 1 rea 1 1 v nicr home with fire place and lovelv fenced yard, close to schools and bus Nic nearinjf frmt tree and ifom for garden Call Ruth Morri son, f e ph. 41 M4 Investment Snaf Duplex, four roorm and (farage, in each ide Fxrellent rental location m Si!ver4nn. lot fiOn 120, fl years old. for only -$fi7,M on gnod terms. This will piT for itself Call Al Roome. evt ph-. 4.i41fi. Sell or Trade Have nice businesi property on North Lancaster, near Center Street. Two homes, now rented. This property will frow In value- Ideal for someone wanting a borne and businesi. or with an eye to the future Call Mr. Bourne, eve ph. 3-7217. Joe L Bourne, Rltr. 1140 N Capitol Ph M2U1 ;" tilZW?; . blinds, nice hrub. $7,250 28.1$ Monroe Ph. 4-Mlt,