22-(Sec IV) Statesman, Habton Re ports t Short Crops Seen As Aid to Surplus : BABSON PARK, Msaa. rrosi present esrtr lodicstioiu, Mother Natur aaay b el torn assistaoe ttu yrtr to kmod lovcrnaseftt oUcul svot to sniio vrburee1 Uspajers w reduciBf lara ssirpiuaea. My tint urwr e the 1M rrpp outlook pouts t Ibt est prospect I eVexe erv Her 4u MHB4I SSS, rv. ."or i"'"" 11111 ansae . Mm For U UH Um of killMakaaM ike buis fltXMaaj)) t r at tariaf eras ksnkehv a I Kl.IM.tM ml bankers, total - a. ft . Ira ta doist well ia son fc.Jl conditio aa at Jun I was T percent of stars,, v jared with 74 perteot a Jun 1. M aad i:h IV nuear atrt 'el 13 prrreat Thi rould meaa aa eu;t'4r ;jr -a:ir. , r cedn th ahosatrrai crop e4 .3.!r. tsaheU , produced last year Thia iid b uf!icieBt K aU re-.re-. . Dtnta. ? H ta tincerUin at this writing juM hat f(ert the overt int i Soil Bank program will havt ou producuon oi con j and anybeant ttu vear, but my lorecat u. ao very much lA apriBf, eora (armer indicaied that they intended to plant aa acreage JS percent imaller than in 15 when the crop "amounted ta S.1M.8M.00O buhel the tth Urit of record. MGivea tawable weather conditioM, I b 1 1 i e the Com Belt Swill 0 to towi t(im thii year. Meanwhile. I forecirt higher ' average prices for old-crop corn, and loer price for new "Tcrop corn this falL Last ipriag fanaera Indicated iatenUoM to plaat a record JVtt,m acres t saykeaBa p 11.1 perceat Irani the preTs TU recwrd. Nothing has since occurred, as far as I know, to ' materially after these latcwtioas. If weather readlioa remala fsTorable. the 1 crop r soybeans ceuld easily top 49.. Ot.tM hatbels aad set a ew record for Ibis nonder bean. "Total supplies far 1S5U57 ahaald not. however, prove burden ' aosse, la view of the government support program aad aa eipected heavy velume of total consamptioa. Some prk weakness could develop this fall, with recovery to follow. Th U. 8. cotton crop is making generally favorable progress. It ia too early in the season, however, to form any hard and '.last opinion as to the final size. Possible insect dsmage must W. Moknnail kalMll nnw anri hlrvent time PhTntinCS .-i.lhii year wera officially restricted to a total of only 17.437.000 s t acres. Aa recently as in 1931. farmers planted 28.195,000 acres to cotton. No record crop will he grown on the relstively sms'l ;5i acreage, but & may turn out to be larger than the cut in acreagt would indicate. , Farmers la recent yean have learned the art of lateasive s.nltlvatioB of "gettlag the tMatest ant of the leastest." It Is a tafl bet that Dixie will follow this procedure la cotton this year. Evea a reductiea to only U.Wt.tWO bales would not g Uery far toward catting the millions of -bales la gaverament tofcaads. Tat eotloa rablesa la still far front solution. 'SZ 1b tbf past aeveral year. American farmers as a whole Jtav taken It "on the chin' price wise. In th last fes months, how over, th average of farm prices has been edging upward. Barring i severe business recession, which 1 am not now forecasting ' for 19M, I believ that th farm price decline for this cycle "1s about over. Th Roil Bank plan and other remedial measures yt to b found and applied should go far toward correcting Cth errors of th past In agriculture, although some small and '" lncIUcient farmers mav et hurt in the healing process. 7ifc. . tCopyrlfht 1S6S Publiihert Flnncll Bureau Inc.) .!" '". " ' " ' Jlorn Futures Jake-tap ,lHii;At.o un - a reversal jojm (ttend a three-day sales con 'jayernment policy on selling eon urtnet to be held by the com- to ui aomestie maraei tent oio'p,ny at the Del Coronado Hotel yrop corn lutures up on in coaro , Trade Thursday. I ' July soybeans broke more than' J i cent, -Wheat and ry. held i Wheat closed t lower .to 'higher, corn H-1 higher, oats 'H higher, ry Ik lower to v high er, soybean m-54 lower add Iard I to 10 cents i hundred . .pwndi higher. tUilcago Livestock ns rwCAGO (API usda-Hon i week. The figure is about $l,-j 'porr- cuts-Loins choice d-i rTaJO; atswdy on butrhers: tnwi closed 1 J00 000 over that nf il u u n. dlradvtoMloweribuikNo. IndEiSUU UW 0Ver 1021 01 UM' 1'. 51 00-, i3 00: shoulders, 16 Ihs. .M-2M lb. butchers 1S.7I-180O: top "We get some satisfaction in down, 30.00-34.00; sparrribs, 43 00 T, .L1"!' r.0?. thinking that the size of our tax 45 00; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs. 5100- H00-,,":bill ($100 a minute around the 53 00. '..Cattle. 1.000; calves JM; ateera and c'oclt " year 'onE 'v'rfnce Veal and calves Good-choice, heitera steady to 53 lower; cows of the economic importance of all weights. 3100-36 00; commer teady to is lower; bulls fully ateady; i our railroad to the territory we cial. 26 00-34 00 vrrlera slaady to 1.00 lower; atockeri .., ., ..,j '. o - i i. r-i. kwM tatdera weak; choica steers is 2S-,scrve- Russell commented. Soring lamh Choicp-pnmc. 40- ji; good to low choice sieera 17 so uu.i,r.nrc7mm:r! -ieaws 18.7t.tS 00; canneri and cutter MS-U.1S; bulll 14.5S-1IO0; food and Choice Vealers 1S.00-20 CO; him food 800 lb. yearling atock steers IS 23- la.sa, Sheep US', ateady to weak, most ambs prime natlv serine JOC13 00: cull to low (nod 13.00 It; thorn awes 150-4 50 .'' Xhicago Grain CHICAGO (APl- CLOSi 2 08'. I 10', J 14', IIS 1 4B',-'! 1 S0, 1 3d'.-', 'Wheat Jtily it 0e Mar -Corn July Sep Dee Mar Data Ovily Sep tfr Pv My .p Dee Mar Soybeanl July Sep Nov Jan Mar 107',-OS 211',-', M4,.l, Ill's I 4S-4S', HI', I.M's 1 43'. S8, 87",-', 70', 73 ' 1, 114-24', . 127', Ill's 3 01 -01 i a 147', 2 55-54, JM'.-'s ISO'. 1431,', 87-88', ', 71'. 73'. 1 2.T, 1 2.T, 1 27', 1 31', 1 95-85', 2 84', 84 1 52,-S3 1 5 2 58 Chicago Onions frlCHICAOO, Onions (API VI Open High Low Clone ffi (nMt 180 Mov (new) tss l"S f I S3 reran 1.14 J IS J ns i Feb 2.39 2.40 2 38 Chicago Butter-Eggs rmCAOO (AP) Butter ateady: wholesale aelllng prices unchanged; AAA S score MOO-59 28; A 92 59.110- 5 25; S 58.75-57 25; C 89 55 00-58 08. ;( weak; wholesale selling prices t to t tower; extra large 43 00-35 SO; .4Wtra medium 30.75-31 SO: standards II 00-11 SO; check! 27 00-28 00. . VW.IDE RILE ELECTRONIC -.MONTREAL I - Prof. Gerald iaW. Tsrnell of McGill University "Stas invented an electronic slide rule that comes up with answers to trdioiM math problem within a irrnute. It is being used In a vlPBterni radar study by the t'.S ,evr Force, rarneu u an ' ajumnui. - Safcm, Ore, Frt, June 22, 5fl WSr ifWlJHiak. nttthr ul Ml SMel tk Mark. Mm t ti m sa4Messdesji t Ito SHassitT M I semn fra m rre it is lanw a! iU Mt.tM eieert, lW asi I V trtf of aVs mM tW sl"e Www. flat W Mal Jsats I sastfaV r w are. !ea fc ia ecVrs. It eer- Mueller Will Attend Sale Conference Alfred 0. Mueller, represents tivt of the Lincoln National Life Insurance Company and a mem- L.. . tk, r f Clan, AaAnw jn Coronado, Calif., June J4-Z7, . -neii gp'g XflX Bill For '55 Over $53 Million i I t 0 u PORTLAND The Southern Ps-! cifie railroad paid out more than gj OO 73 00; forcquarters. 27 oo $53,500,000 in taxes for last yrar, a no- chucks, 30 00-32 00; ribs, President D. J. Russell sid this tt nnuR nn - 1 Among the tax beneficiaries are '2.0 district,. Russell nc; I ted. The school units are shsring 1 a $23,787,000 bonanza with 1 325 .,-n. -... i uu ml,lln''Ous districts and with eight states, 232 counties snd 574 cities, he added. Riaeest chunk of the SP tax money more than $18,000,000- will go to the federal government under the Railroad Retirement Act. Uncle Sam will get another $9,000,000 in Income taxes and about $1,800,000 in unemploy ment taxes. Portland Grain PORTLAND i - Coarse grBins, 15-day shipment, hulk, coast deliv ery: Oats No. 2. 38 lb white ST.liO 58.00. Barlev No 2. 45 lb B W. 49 00-49 50. Corn No. 2. E. Y ship ment 70 23. Wheat 'bid' to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 2.0M; Soft While ex cluding Hexi 2 09: W hite Club 2 IN Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 Oil; 10 per cent 2.09; II per cent 2 16; 12 per cent 2 22. Car receipts: Wheat 29: barley 9: flour 7; corn 3; oals 1; null teed t. 'Investment Trusts i7.llka Smither A Cn. Inr I AlKfd ate, Bid 8 1)8 19 78 13 18 17 31 II 05 S 40 284 22 2 14 14 4 25 871 19 18 10 9.1 9 57 1241 10 41 I OS 34 95 IS 8 81 8 78 4 78 825 13 99 1178 . 804 list II J j. Affiliated Fund vanauian runn 21 38 21 98 Century Shares Trust Chemical Fund 18 71 : Delaware fund Diver. Invest. Fund Dividend Shares Katun At H. Ral. Fund Gas. Ind Group Tohact-o Incorp. Investors Key Cuat. Fund.: B-3 B-4 K-l S-2 IS -4 Man. Bond Fund Man. Invest. Trust Natl. See. Series: Income Series . . Stock Series Pref. Stock t. Natl. Dlv. Series . Natl. Growth Pioneer Fund u 10 3 12 23 15 4 87 10 35 2(1 90 II 93 10 45 1.1 54 11 37 S 82 37 MIT value Une Inc. fund I Wellington fund Stock Market Rises Sharply WW YORK lV-Tht ad tbc aad liveliest tradiBj sine June U wai staged by tb atock market Tbunday. Tlx medium-sited rally waa a refrhmf chant (ram the small trading swings that marked th previous til sessions. Th Associated Pru average of at storks advanced It M ta I.C with th Industrials op ln. U rati up ti lt and th jutihtie unchanged. There wer S3 advance and M decline among the t ill issues traded .TVr ere 21 sew highs (or th year and t? new lows. i Vohime at 1 C6 On shares com pared wsa I.O.m Wednesday and was the hyrneil ince June 15 : tocL ami Bonds ' ifWHlH " Te reeael avsai;ss 15 0:1 Vac TJS is ?JI 'Z i Tl 1 t "1 . T r. i I2 Sf Al t ISIt IS t lt I t::i tu I ti 5 in i II! 14S I IS Tor s . r' i t t s ty : rsi l : t :c J i l :v i : :u 'r-ei' r. . ' '.M U- . ! :5J H $ BD tMlll ll IS 1'n.h. l J I M 1 SS I SS I 9: : SI SfS SS 4 to Hi i ; Vet oir I'nrH I'm-h H 7 M 7 MS ss a T 4 S (I M 7 1MI I HI A J IK S S4 S.1S S3S ss : as s n : m i S4 n MS Prv Ir j Mk A(0 I Month Ago I Vr Af" H.fh 1 1 liw S I MS SSI W Ml I Ml 19U Lo Portlaiul Produce Butterfat - PORTLAN'D uf Tentative, subject t o immediate change Premium quality, deliv ered in Portland. 60-43 lb; first quality 57-4: second quality 52-S.V Butter Wholesale, fob bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 92 score. S9'i: A grade. 91 score, SS',: B grade 90 score 57: C grade i, score. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles. 41-46 lb; Oregon S-lb loaf. -,u v,"sw- fLggsTo wholesalers-Candled fob Portland. A laree. 4.1-444' i- A. medium, 38-40' j; A small, 27 29' j. KI To retailers Grade AA large, 48-49; A large. 4S-46: AA medium, 42-43; A medium. 41-42; A small, 29-31. Cartons, 2-3 cents additional. Eggs To consumers A A large, 54-59; A large, 5l-,; A A medium. . .."J:.. ..... . it si-32; A meuium, io-di, n siuau 36-41. Live poultry No. 1 quality, f o b. Portland-Fryers. 2',-5 I b s,.Chrysier 23- at farm. 22-22't: light hens. Cities Serv 15 at farm; heavy hens. 17-19 al jumxp',y (arm; old roosters, 11-12. Cora Cola Turkevs To producers Live Colgate weight fryers, 27-28; breeder credit . . . . j . Comw Edison turkey hens, eviscerated, 30-31; (-nns F.ttion breeder toms, 39-40. i Container, Rabbits-Average to growers- 11 Live white. 3J.-4'i lbs. 20-23; 5- rrln, t lbs. 15-18: old colored Delts 4 cents Crown Zell lies'; old does. 10-12. few higher. rresn ainea irj'ers to retailers, so- S; cut up, 2-3. Wholesale Dressed Meats 1 Beef carcasses Steers, choice, 500-700 lbs. 33 50-38.00; good, 34 00- 36.50; standard, 31.00-35 00; com mercial cows, 25 00-29 00; utility. 23.00-27.00; canners and cutters, 21 00-24.00. wri vuis 'viiuivr aims' iiimu quarters. 45 00-49 00; rounds 42 nn-4X nn- fii 0ina trimmed 50 ,bs- 4100-46 00; good. 43 00- on . . Wl ool Nominal, clean basis, "loot 1 00-05: blood. 1 03-06 hloorl 1 17. IF. Diooa. 1 12-16 osintry-t fine. 1 17-23. dressed Meals, f e h Portland: . Beef Cows, utility. 23 25 lb cutter. 19 21. Veal Tnp quality. iKhlweight 2 : rotmh heavies. 20 26 Hogs Best light blockers. 25-26 lean light sows, 18-20 Lambs Top grade springers. 38-40: good yearlings. 30-32 Mutton Lightweight ewes snd wethers, 11-13. Fresh Produce Onions Calif. Yellows, med, 50 lb sk. 5 00-35: white. 5.00-23 Potatoes Calif Long Whiles. n 1-A, 10 nz mm, 100 lbs. mostly 7.50-8 00: No. 2s. mostly (.25-75. Hay New crop No. 2 green alfalfa, baled, fob Portland, nnmimillly 35 00-38 00 ton New crop prices not established 1'ortlaml Livestock 1 I PORTLAND iifi-ifSDAi-Catlle salable 123; holdover 113, largely fed steers arriv int; too lale (or Wednesday's market ; mar ket ! rrther slow, (ew loads fed sleers about steady considering (ill; cows not fully developed, few sales steady to weak: around 2'i loads high choice' (ed sleers 1.152 Ihs 22.25; part load 1.278 lb 21.75: few standard snd good steers 17 00- 19 00; utility steers 12 00 -15 00; .heilers scarce, scattered sales v, standard and utility 14 00-18.00; 30 cutter and utility cows 9 00-12.50, few utility bulls lfi.SO; individual 80 45 - 17 00: few cutter bulls 13 50-14 00. Calves salable 50; scattered early si les good and choice tealers steady at 17 00-21 00; little done on lower grades. Hogs salable 300: few early sales H. S. Nos. 1 and 2. 180-215 lbs butchers 19.00-19 50; little done on 78 1 No. 3 butchers; few, 300-450 lb I sows 12.00-15.50. Sheep salable 300; market not J. fully tested early few sales good i m and choice spring slaughter lambs " "lanoui steady at Wednesday s i.oo within (ive years, Rep. James h. I'JjjtVclinc, 18.50-19.00; one lot good j Van Zandt iR-Pa'. a member nf tmi shorn yearlings 13.50; few cull and the joint rommittee on atomic en 14 ss I utility twes 1.00-3.50. lergy, estimates. DAfLYf CROSSWORD ACKOM L Applaud i.KeruM . fgrapaa f . A greoa waed taaaiada 14. Coiulet. lattoa 11 A kome rua (Baaeball) 11 Play 14. Ptec out IS Charge lor service 14 Regius Profeuor (abbr ) 17. To rankle 20. Strike 21 Abounding in ore 23. The ri. and (all of ocean 21 Krightta Scot ) 27. Btahop DOWJf 21.1 Ltuaiigl aiU 1. Otrua tnslU 4 1 S. Hail! CTbewutii . Faahiosi .Appro heodwr T. Narrow InM fgeol) a Chum t. Head cook 11. A machine to raisnap IS. Young tah 1$ Made tougher 1 Blunder I headUrtia IS Suspend j 2 God of flock 30. Biblical name ' 21 AroufS i, to r:h : SS And iL) J New t li Blue grans J Goddru Of the hunt 41 Not clergy 43 Planted 44 Indians i Pern ) 45 Man s nickname l pees ) 44 Mountain denie New York Closing Stocks Fppontd ry Merrill. I.yncii Piert-e. Tenner and Beitnt Admiral Corp Al Chem A. Dt Aiiled Sin 1B14 tFllnknte II!', Ford Motor 4S'4 G Aim Cham. !'.'. , A M'i 127 J, 11 34' 4.1 Gen D namu-i Gen Flee Gen Food. Gen Motori Gen Tire Ceo Tac Ply Gillette 'Glldden ' Goodrich Goodvear Grare W R Grt No Rv Grt West Suf Gre nound Gulf Oil i H Homextake M . 1 Int Harve.t tint Nu-kel lint Paper I Johns-Man. i ionel A M Stl 1 K Kaiser Alum Kenneiott Kern Land fLibby McN Liar Myeri LOT Glass ... 'Lockheed Air Am Airlines Am Can Am Can Am Moiora Am Stl Trlr. Am TT Am Toharco 47', 170'. ; M 7.1 4 SI'. 20', 10 . sp'. S.T, 147 87 B0 44'. 47 0' 47', 37', 31', 12 81 15'. 43'j Am Vl-oe Anac Copper, Armco Armour Atcheaon Top avco Bendix Avia Rent Toodi Btth stl Boeing Air Borden Bor Warn Buc rua Burro Addtng Calif Pack Canipb Soup CarrPac By law i 1 Caterp Trac Ceianea . Cerlauileed 31 Loews inc Ches A O Rv Chl M l Si P Chi NW Rv r-u, I. av 8.T. iLonn Bell A 20', Lonllard 22 3S' 87's .. 70'. 43 'a 117 55. 4SJ, 40's 44 S8 - 48', 122', 31. 84 32, r". 39 7S 72', 2121, Maitnavox Marsh Field M St M Wood Merck A Co Mont Chem Mont Ward Motorola N Natl Biscuit Nail Cash.Ref Nail Dairv Nail Dlnllll Natl Gypsum Natl Lead Natl Supply NY Central No Am Avia No Par Rv NW Airlines O Olin Math Otis Elev r Pabco Par G St El Pac T St T Pan Am Air Penney J C Pern Ry Pepsi Cola ;CurtlM Wr Deere s, Co Dia Match R rh'.'m Dow Chem nu p de Ne East Air Li. Kast Kodak El Paso Gas Emer Radio tx Cello r Fairrhild n Sl'i 90' 12' Markets at Glance NEW YORK. June 21 lAPt ' STOCKS-Hinher. general rally In moderate trading BONDS Irregular; chanae' narrow. I -COTTON -Steady; trade nujinf. CHICAGO WHEAT Steady; amall price : chanfes. ! CORN Firm; government sales polity reversed OATS Firm: crop damace ! SOYBEANS Weak, no reports of 'oil export HOCS-Slesdv: too 818 50 CATTLE Steers steady to sn cents , lower, top 121 on. Dow Jones Averages XIW YORK 'AP' rinsing n'ork average Dow -Jones High I o iss ;2 88 28 173 9.1 ( loe 488 28 187 74 88 8 174 95 M tnri 2il Rails 15 ftls S5 Sik. tw 45 1H 2.1 SS 87 175 SO Salem (Quotations i nf ve.T' day I Bt TTF.RFAT Prerr, uim No. 1 Bl'TTKR Wholesale Retail EOC.S I Blivlni I iWholesslf prices to 1 cents over l .i if A Meoium A Small POl l.THY i 'til tired Hen. Leghorn liens Ctiloreti Ft. -i Colored Rt)a'er. 01(1 Rooster. rsnge from 8 huvlng price i Salmi (lompany Makes I)w Bid On I Line oner PORTLAND - Uwesl nf seven bids (or clearing right-of-way and building access roads (nr the 25-mile Oregon City-Chemawa 230,000-vnlt transmission line was submitted Thursday by Mike fl. Porter of Salem. Porter offered $25,848 (or the Bonneville Power Administration project. It ia to be in operation by October, 1958, and will provide an allernate service route (or Wil lamette Valley loads in emergen cies. MORE COAL NEEDED WASHINGTON - The 20 mil lion tons o( coal how consumed at : an annual rate in America's atom- i ic energy program will doubled 24-TaU tors M.Wart) H. Cm met J7. Equip wiU mea 2. Crl a 32. Poem I kind l S3. Roatera 34. Speaka 37. Craiea 40. Solemn wonder 41. An embeu chure I mm ) 41 Miscellany teeteedu's Aae m r r r w r r r w i i j a v 11 .4 U io yy 17 7y " h w 1 1 Rrl I 1 37', Phelps-Dode . S2 Si1,' Phllio Corp . 21', I'tiil Morris 48', SI'. Phil Petrol K 5K1! Plllsbur) 4S',! 4fl ; Proc S. Gam ', 45 I Puf Sd P A L 27', SS Pure Oil .... 44', SS1, R .. 4S Radio Corp 4P, 3 Ravonier Inc 3Si. 7'i', Repub Sti 44 70'.. , Reynold' Met . S', 52', Reynold' Tnb S4, JL", Ric-hfield O 7l 20', Rojal Dutr"! 104 , IS', S 120', Salewav Si-s 5JH ,St Joe Lead .14', 33 St 1. St SF Ry 20', St Regis Paper 52 33', Sihenlty Ind , U1, SS', .Scott Paper 87 J, 133', i Sears Rot 30, I Shell Oil SO 48', Sinclair Oil .. 85', 4S j Skelly Oil .... 80', rfS(um-Mon W, 41', Sou ('al Fdi 51, l-'T .Sou Pai- K . SS', 4', Sou H .... 47', Sperry Rand JS', . 1)' ' Sid Brandt 40 M'j iStd Oil Cat 51', as ' std Oil Ind 59', 41', 'Std Oil NJ 68 , 22', ;Stlde-Pack 7', 72', jSunrav Oil 25", IS1. ' Sun.'hine M S', Swift t Co 45T, 34'. l Svlvania El SI', 3S'. i T i 34'. Tex. Co S3'. 30', Texa' Gulf ...:;j', I 41 ', ' Textnm . ... 23', ! 41 ', Tide-Asso 42', ; 43'. Trannam 3S', ! j Trans Wo Air 21 1, 30', Twen Cen Fox 23 4U:. L' W1,. t'nlon Carh 1J0 25', fnion Oil .... 81'. 52, Unio Pac Rv 178'. W, Ifnl Aircraft 81, ... 71 Url Air Lines 3d', 38 Uni Corp 8', SN, Uni Fruit 41',' 41, US Plywood 42'. . . 15', ' I'S Rubber 50', ! US Steel 53'. 54'b W 33', Warner Pic 23', Wash Water P 37', 3, West Air Br 32', 4', Western Air . 19', 138', Western Flee 52', 19', Western Union I9', 93', ' Woolworth 45', 24',; 7. 24', Zenith 1H8 . . ... Western Securities iZilka. Smither Si Co. Inc. ( These bid and ask quotations rep resent prices at which one or more dealers, members of the National A' sncialion of Security Dealer's Inc., would trade with the general pub lic at the time the quotations were gathered at 3 p m. yesterday: Bid Aked Calif -Oregon Power Cascade Pl.vwnti Consol Freight Iron Fireman Jantzen Inc. Com. Meier At Frank Morrison -Knuri en Ore -Port Cement Pac P At I. Com. Pope At Taint, ! Portland (.' A Coke Port. Gen. Eire RANKS :i2:. 3.1 IV. 12'. 22. 15', 41'. 84 29 29 .'2 '. 22', Rank of Artifrm Bank of California Chav Manhattan First National Firm Nat. City NY IT. S. National 41 ', 71' 50' 57 V 85 78 , .i , 48', 53', 8.1 71', State Development Director INameu PORTLAND e - The Oregon Development Commission had a new executive director Thursday, lie is Fnye N Troute. A Stanford Research Insistute economist, and he succeeded Rouhert K. McCoy, who resigned In accept a position wild the Internaional Cooperation A 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i s t r .1 i 1 1 1 n McCoy, who had been the coni missitin's director for two years, will lie program director of a I' S. mission in Nepal. Troute, a 1954 graduate of Oregon Stale College, has headed a commission study of the state s opportunities (or in dustrial expansion. Schafr- RECTAL OINTMENT Soothes, Lubricates, Astringent Contains Chaulmoogra Oil, Witch Haxsl, Kaolin Relieves Pain Shrinks Hemorrhoids SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dally 1:30 a.m. "to II p.m. Sundays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 135 N. Commoreial , Army Confirms Goats Used In War Casualty Training SAN ANTONIO. Tet te The Army Thursday wrJirmed that "completely anesthetized" goats are being used at Brooke Army Medical Center as rifle targets to provide casualties for medical training. A statement was issued by the medical center in response to a protest by Sen. Neuberger 'D-Ore' in a letter to Secretary Wilson. The medical center said high ve locity mitsiles cause a wound dif ferent from those caused by low velocity weapons such as a pistol shot "Most young army physicians have had no experience of this type." the statement said. "Such is peculiar to military metVine and is not generally covered by civil ian medical schools " The statement added that the "routine type of training long em ployed in military medicine re- t jk ,j n i l , Tm a r ifwcifk 24 - Rsoeta profec tHM Ofaissst ftaeM ceowaasi eixM) catd kHtliwaTV r suite Heat t atv Seors stare la eh leasie . . . r . -,r.r ..re-,-.-' t 1 " j j ':K? Express Commercials 'i&lxcl&KpaurtHyewuuytati' l suited in th Aftmy Medical Serv ice being abl to save more than 17 per cent of wounded ia Korea." I Neuberger Wednesday said those responsible for approving the use of goats for rifle wounds should be disciplined. He termed the idea "shocking." He referred to a June U story in the Portland, Ore., Oregoman which reported an interview with Capi Carolyn Taylor. She was de scribed as the only woman in a class that went through medical training at the center. ( apt Tavkir was quoted as say ing. "We had to rush out. pick them up and carry them back to a first aid station and treat their wounds" in 1950 about half of I S spend ing units (families and single peo ple1 had incomes under (3.000 a year compared with half under $4,000 a year in 1955. v kV j j ALLSTATE Premiums are Backed by Triple 24-Month Jggtd cufbi SpiUi Bad fii Srierp objecti Broken qlt.it Fallen brencnts PIUS FREE init.ll.lion sl ALLSTATE tires. We sava you time, trouble and sneney. PIUS FIEE tire rolatien every 5.000 miles with purchase ef ? er mere tires. Need No Trade-In! ONLY 6.00x16 Plus Tax Bonded rayon cord for cool er running, I'.ngh start stop use. Load raled: low ctst per mile. Low prices on other tire sizes. Lad Critical After Shooting: TOPPEXISH - afford Tony Brower, g, remained in extreme ly critical condition Thursday night with a rifle slug itnbedciod in his spinal column. The youngster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Brower of Yakima, was the victim of aa accidental shooting Wednesday near the Top pemsh dump. He was on a rabbit and bird-hunting expedition with his brother. Virgil Jr. 11, and his uncle, Carl Brower. 22. Top- penish Meanwhile, ran Brower was re - leased from the jail where he was held overnight for investigation of the shooting "The shooting was definitely accidental. Kicnard Miinn, ak- said. He said there would be no prosecution in the rase. f. ALLSTATE 24 MONTH Regular 25.75 ' No Trade-in Price, Now Only Hitvtrsrrt, 4-ply royoit cord botfy O Wevopj sresrl bstodt ijtv stapcr irrfgtei TrMKl it 35 kpef Ika mot twi Guaranteed 24 morrffn . , . proof of their depencjablify, Toutjh, loYig-mileag ALLSTATt Premiums fealur rtra sf ligiag trsad that digs in for safe beating. Don't tk chancel . . . driv in now . , . psit a set on yow car a tket big trade-in allowances PREMIUM BLACKWALL TIRES Size Res. Ne Trae:e - Price etas Tat 7.10x15 I 28.50 7.60x15 31.20 PREMIUM WHITEWALL TIRES RgHlor 30.7S No Trade-in Pric. Now Only PREMIUM CI,- I No Trede-la Sole siriie Im ; DOWN J'Z I frleePI.T Ised. ta. SeldWr. I SSTMtMt 7.10x15 I 33.95 22.97 I 2.25 7.60x15 I 37.25 I 24.97 2.45 8.00x15 40.50 26.97 I 2.75 Broken bonet Rut. and butts pt Reiied brick SKerp roc lr i Reilroed tiei Menno'e covert PIUS Lifetime Guarantee againit defects in ma te r i a I and workman- ship. New! Allstate IS f' u 3f i f , , tit UZJ HjjS550 N. Copitol 3-9191 Beck, Morse to Talk to Teamsters v .vwTnT-s w e ,m T-i Di tv.ww cn, a. y. w laiTsj ; Beck, president of the internatirm- al brotherhood of Teamsters, and , Democratic Sen. Wayne Morse of . Oregon, will address the Westera Conference of Teamsters her Monday. About 500 delegates from thre Western provinces and 11 slates, Hawaii and Alaska are expected. notice to rnroiTons On June 13. 185. WALLACE A. SCHEI was duly appointed a. eieft utor of the estate ol srvZRINE . SCHEI. deceased, by an order of th Circuit Court for Marion Count. Oregon All persons having claim againt aaid estate hereby are noti fied to present such claims in du form to said executor at 511 Pinneae ,"'""1 uuua'a. ;aiem. Oregon, with Yakima rVuinlv"1 " mnths from the date of th lasima lotinty (jr plication of tnl( B0iie. to s held overnight wit: June is. isss I J0HN A WALLACE A SCHEI. A. such Fxecutor. HELTZEl.. Attorney for Executor. Pione Trust Building, Salem, Oregon. J 15.2? 20 J I Premiums Guarantee la Sole Srt. pies . I Sed . taa S el Mrs I DOWN SATMCNt 18.97 1.87 20.97 2.06 U97 u u Sue T0.I8 sues Sed. tea mt eld tire WHITEWALLS Guarantee fR2 Brcbest Glass T'8 cans WsKboard roadi Sharp wire Metal ctietii PLUS Policy querantee o "SaMifaatien Suaraa eerl ee Yerr Meeey Back " Companions ith X41 Cold Rubber ONLY 88 6.70x15 Exchange Plus Tox Nationwide 15-month guar antee. Bonded rayon cord to rer.ift heat, cushion road shock and impacts. 1 mam3nmmm. "I -e