Wight Refs Go to School in Illinois Br don harger Our Diamond Lake spy was a bit contused on hit last report (rum tbat southern Oregon lake. According to late reports trom , several anglers ho trolled miles ot water flown there, the tuning was practically a dry run. Then we turn right around and lend ear to a couple, ot fly tishermen who reported that although the trolien had no luck, they had little trouble in taking fish. They used a while fly to do the job. So the li.'hing is either bad or good at Diamond lake. Take your choice . . . Just about the same story comes j trom anglers who have fished ickiup reservoir CHICAGO With tt o) the three Illinois State Athletic. Com mission members being ex-referee, it's only natural that 'rim-of-the-nng" training ha 5 developed for Illinois fight Officials. Conceived by commission member Johnny Behr and strongly backed by new chairman Frank Gilmer, a scoring clinic for some 19 referees and judges now is operative at Chicago Stadium fights. And Gilmer, who last March refereed the controversial Car men Basilio-Johnny Saxton welter- it MEADOWS ENTRIES Portland Meadows, rndiv. post ' 8 " "8". also has in- this season. If the trolling gets monotonous thev " : , . ,M creased the number ol working turn to fly fishmg. and catch fish. Looks as if j JZ7Z?n wTd. P" r'erM', ,rom ,w0 10 ,hr " the anglers will have to go armed with two or! 1 Bank Roil. s. McDowell i27:dium shows. three rods and enough gear to try all methods J unekin. H Herr tjn :ciile' Plaa TM . . . The best example of how fast conditions can ; J- jd1,nJ', L KnSwW lii Brhr no llke Gamrr rff',l change on angling comes from Newport. We! y Duranir, m'j N ' lis at top Chicago bouts in the past talked with Emory Le bold on Saturday evening ! Fabulous jo. a Sherman m decade or so, has introduced this and learned that the fishing was absolutely' t . , fcom , tAa "clinic " plan: an aes grade c. 3M vd ' Whenever enough ringside seats l Fu7;v Car A Duncan are a salable, all referees and f nruwtKw r nu" n. n cari .. 1 1 ; , SFoa ssarger x- L.r;no :n h hv Vn nlmnn in th hav No nothing. First thing we heard on Monday morning was just how good the fishing was at Newport on Sunday. Numerous salmon were taken, with chinook running Close to 30 lbs. All We AVrrf i$ Opportunity to Catch 'Em Later ia the week other reports trickled in from Newport which makes us believe that the salmon are there and only the weather is holding the angler down. Quite a few fish were takea between the bar and the black buoy. Numerous smalt silvers were also reported along with the larger chinook. With a lull in the daily winds, anglers will be able to get aver the bar and make the best of the fishing. The fish are evidently there. All we need is the opportunity to fish for them. . Spring run chinook are still knocking lures silly in the North Santiam near Stayton. Early morning and- late afternoon finds anglers having a regular field day on the big springers. However, more nf the fish are lost than are landed and it all adds up to lots of fun. Red and white wobblers seem to be best producers and they should be fished fairly deep. Lots nf lures are left on the rocks and many are left in the fish. The fun of large fish on light tackle more than compensates for the loss of lures. June SO marks the close of the salmon season on the San tiam, so there is little time left to try your hand at the big salmon. So long as the trout fishing remains at the poor mark we ran be happy that we have the salmon in the river to take up the slack ... Might Try for Some Shad, and Some Fun A few shad are reporled in the lower Willamette and in the Sandy. Although the runs are not large as yet there are a few anglers going after the "poor man's salmon" and they are having a lot of fun. A successful fly this year has been a flv called the red-head. It is little more than a modification of the eastern shad flies used successfully oa the east roast. A verv sparsely dressed flv with i silver tinsel body and yellow burktail wing is about all that is needed. A fluorescent red bead Is slipped on the leader so that it rests at the head end of the fly. This sdded red bead is a must on the eastern flies and it seems to do the trick. It is a lot easier than trying to fashion a large head on the fly itself. Your shad will run from 3 to 5 lhs. and will put a whale of a scran on light tackle. To take up the dull periods while you are waiting for trouting condition to improve, you might try your hand at shad fishing. 3 Little Man H . E Mllrr 4 Chubby s Buck. R Hnllev 5 ONeal's Robin. P. Hldnlan Shasta Winema T Ionnatti 1 Okie. Twister. R. Wnnd t. Central Hink. i. Boat; 1 is' judges on the commission roster i? will be required to attend a show J and score all fights, ns. After several shows have been " scored, a "classroom study will 'Easy, Joe, That Turn's a Sharp One' Z state5man-SaTom- Fri- URg Game Commish Lists Forecast For Anglers Coming Weekend 1 i fid. I- ' r- f " . ' ' m 4 tCMtiraed frra arerediag page) , aorta fork of the J.ka Day It f Uka tr aase beea resrtet f1""- ''r W Sarta aad Soalk Twia lakes ha. T1 M-aoostl h oro beea i4 t until r a I a b o w . t,ttmt ,U MtKt KVklap reserrair la still slaw. reservoir coatiaaea to bo go - 1 ! 'a the . S ii i VV iDwcbo Aa algae klMa at Craaw Prairie," "j r,B" Tr" reservoir ka. m4, IrWI... -iffu fcM. lodoeia ool bas l rata. .M k4aaee. Big ! "ilhM?.-ilA fcfcf "It. b.t btit thhiag Mill t4 tkf"r1 Lava Uke hat oradored goad rateaet of eastera brosk trolUag with tpiaoer aad worms. The rmmm tm oi un lake it in gaao , rMOItioa. Ta North Ceatary SOUTHEAST . drive kt aaea to Elk lake aad i .v. r- ...l,,.... i.i. k, acoiy; i im sasiiag aas J"""! '" older.bl, ... 4 I takea at the taoatb of the I au tilla river. Aagliag bat beeo fair i la Rhea aad WUlow creeks ta ' Morrow eooaty. SOITHEAST areas art still severe. Tho Desrhalet river above Bead baa V i s ' j (I, . I arbutet river v'., lt'.,..rvV. -k. bat been good l ' n i V V-V- 's H ftHW river to ' ','VtTi' !' 'i ; caaaii ViVllL AfTrV i LVJ proved la the geaerally fair ia all aaul streams, Aaa river. Silver cteek P"""" im van m-j t... man. a. : . fishiag aad troUiag. The De- -7" .U' . .'V!, ta Hrt ' Nt! Uke. aad Aaa' reservoir have beea poor. Haray i et -elleaL Tk ... n.,. .. IT. JL , , . wmtj. warn iui natiaaes ia tw - cleartag aad , ML silvtes rivor.. SUver aad m, are greauy ita- E-lgrlrt rrM.kl , ,,, m4 Desrhalet river be- rv.ii.. r l?." ,.!,t!"?"lh.,f Jn-ihit it fair. Blitae. river 4.till?. as the two Salem motareyeUsts make a practice ma a sharp tarn at the Salem Motorcycle nob s , 7 3 ai aad V. II I k ! ,g" mmrk ""w"' otyt grouaas. ine iwa naiem cyrntts win ae among a new m tt expectea lor Soaaay t annul Scrambles" IL," , . "i . T "wynee reservoir us area sievr " """T" , u small crappto aad a few basi; .. ........ -. aeiBgukea. Owyhee river lo fair. Fishing I. id at Suttle lake j (,r CMllBt, tn,, i with tome aire sited browns be- ik &..k. k.. k.. .1.. at the local club's grmfads leraled off Marleay Raad near Faor Corners. . be held bv the commission to study 4 yr old, and uo. issoii. oiiie ' the "scoring resulU and determine! Virgil (Joel Miller, left, kirks a Utile dost into the boaaciaf iwe-wbeelcr being (aided by Ctonde Weaver; I " o' o o . who was consistent and who was; 1 Woodvi Pndf. R Holltv 119 . . 3. Knuht t Flat. T Smothri . 119 Off base- 4. Bost Wranslrr. A Shfrman .114 "We don't expect to get all score I lrnyU?llm Ill cards uniform." said Gilmer, who i. Can t Check, c Simonu 114 recently replaced the late Living- t Amnrio. j. Brecknna 114 strn Osborne as commission chair-1 . Re Thrice, L. Dalei l'm,n Rul we certainlv would JO. Brady t Shlck. J. Boat .. lis;:""' '". . like to avoid a situation where all rnurth race, claim, ouw tfioo. vthree officials are far apart In yaar oldi and up. iISOOi. flv fur- .... .!. ion,, their scoring. 1. Venut d Rose, T. Smothers . 114 Work Needed 1. ong Oat?, D. Henshaw .1 Ft Chance. G. Dixon 4 Flint Rock. T Chojnackl J Runbac. W. Phillips Olio Cello. A. Duncan . 7 Trances Q . P Hldaljo . 8 Allo.ison. R Itnokins . Ramnant. H. Herr 10 Mr Four H . I.. Dales "There are no more small clubs Lenz Gets Try At Mat Crown Henry (Golden Boy) Lenz, the Leni and Freeman have blond prettv bov with the wealth ! Mruggled to a pair of no-fall of muscles and oower-a tvoica! ! draws n ,he last two. Arnorv j ba, five- this Mid-Season Championship . . . 35 Drivers Named For Bowl Car Races Capital Auln Racing Association officials have released the names nf 35 drivers who are to wheel the slock hard tops in the mid-season championship card at Hollywood Bowl Saturday night. The pilots will bo after the coveted trophy that will (jn to ihe win ner nf the SOlap main event oldi and uo. iSHOOl. 1-1Hth 1 Julian B . S. McDowell 2 Stjlkv. J. Breckon 3. Fleur d'Alone, D. Henshaw 4. Above Fremnt. G. Simonll S Rullrelti. L. Dales fi Finesse. CI. Dixon 1 Dr. Clinton. A. Sherman- Sixtr, race, claim, purse S6O0. !t year olds arid lift, ISROOl, six furlnnlT' 1 Speed Henry. J Brecknns ?. Saanich Maid. F Smothert . .1. Simon-Peal. L. Knowles , 4. Frank Welles, t. Miller .... 5 Scoopv. G. Dixon t. Magtr Wick. A. Duncan ... 7. Fairpic. S. McDowell t. Renal Crystal P. Hldalfo .. 9. Napolad. G. Slmonis . . 10. Cal K., U Dales 114 . n.. inH ih. .i,.' . " . cards. They even tried a .. m .,,... n ....v.B. proauci oi ine tamous sania .;,. nvrtim npr.nH ... l is d um has about five or eisht shows , T . .. minute oerlime period 111 a year That means that officials ' Monlca MUKle Beach -gets a , week, but still no fall, us aren't getting too nuich cxpen-l ,r' ' ln Northwest heavyweight i "It s a fine match between Iwo 119 ence. lmat title next Tuesday; guys who are, very powerful," H4 ... . nu., nA(wlo t, niiFht at the Armnrv nne nf 1wii'f)ivnn relat.. s'anrl ihi. lim. l i riii it , , v 10 1 1 ii. , t .t iv ---c - i - - ....... . . 1. 1 1 m.iu ,i i iv Fitih race. . laim. purse 1700. s year i watch and work fights regularly , top teaiures Being piannea Dy , t reeman s belt is at stake to keep his reflexes and judgment matchmaker Elton Owen. iJJ sharp. We have about nine rcf- Lenz will square off with Her m erees now. ' bie Freeman, the Atlas-like youth "With three referees instead of from the Bronx who now holds ns two at a show, there will be that .the Northwest title after taking i ! mucn more wort, a seasonea referee will handle the main bout and two younger ones will share J.the preliminaries. So every third ,20 1 show, the same referee will be in 1 20 the ring. Meanwhile, he'U be ob !! ; serving t ringside." may i-nanicc n.airm Gilmer said the National Boxing Association may change the 10 point "must" scoring system to a 5-point "must" at its annual meet ing in Miami ms August, "I think the 10-must it better, but the fault has been that officials did not utilize the spread calling i KM it from Bull Montana in Albany not long ago, The second portion of his -feature has not been readied, but Pepper Gomez will be a part of i. according to Owen. Gomez this week teamed with Alvaro Velaz co to dump the Donovan Brothers in another wild tag teamer here. NATIONAL l.tAC.l I Milwaukee at New York Crone (6-:n vs Gomez tj.fii. Cincinnati at Brooklyn Lawrence (S-oi vs. Maalie il-ai St. Louis at Philadelphia Pohols ky 4-4i vs Knberta i-Si. Chttaco at Pittsburgh-Hacker, ti ll v. Arroyo (1-1 1. AMF.RirtN I.EAC.t l New York at Chicafo SUirdivant (4-11 vi. Donovan 4-1I. Boston at Kansas City Sullivan vs Ditmar it-Si, Baltimore at Detroit Wight. (J-7) vs. Fovtack (4-S). Washington "at Cleveland Stobbs 19-41 vs. Garcia (4-7). Ing caught. Fishiag it excelleat at Blue lake. NORTHEAST ratchet af rainbow aatl Hue hack aa troll at Wallewa lake continue good. Lares aad spaaer aad ball araahtrt best reaalu. AB streams la Wallowa raaaty arc dropping aad rlearlag. Angling should imprave by thlt week ead aa Ihe Imnaha river, Big Sheep and Utile Sheep creeks aad alt smaller streams. The Wallowa river aad Prairie ereek are high and aiuddy. F.ieelleat ratchet af rainbow are being atade aa the apper Grande Rand river aad Catherine creek. Streams la Bak er coaaty arc fairly clear, bat ratchet hare aaly beea fair. Tha North fork at tha Malaear la fair,! recently. Uttla Malaear htobt' stacked so a. . . . . - . ri tt i if ili i i i$ SAFER! reiriANi ciniiai IIICTIIC COMPANT re ..f Seventh race, claiir. purse SHOD. J vear olds and uo. I800). six lurlonjs 1. Carton's Doll R. Hollev . 1 IS i. Isma Duke. J Brerkons,.. 120 3. Paroima Devil. T Choinacki . 114 4. Stepping Jewel, G Simonls . 120 5. Bold Heathen. S McDowell . 12(1 which will climax the program. Included in the lineup are such drivers as Dale Collie, Fay , Bltlmorl, l,dd, Hav Hirbert of Dallas, . Chicago Monte (lust and others who are classed as the lop threats up to dale in the association. Saturday's meet wil American League . nnn om ftoo o i l . ion oon on'-1 i i Johnson, .uve-nnk IS) snd Smith, Hflrthman and Mos. . Hot Bug. n. phinips us : it 10-J for a round winner when 7. Pritty Plttv. D. Henshaw . 110 it couW lc,s or jo,; " Gilmer o. niinrr usie. i iwiuwir ., 9 I.ihido C. Dixon 10 Said. io Billy Venero, f Smothers ii "Therefore, the S-must may he Fishih race, ci.im. nrse sion j the answpr- and wrtainly it would year olds and up, ifMOi. i , lur- be easier to comptiie. lonjs 1. Miss B:r Flv. D. Henshaw 7. Good Jot. S. McDowell 3. Praidid. G Dixon 4. Free Deliverv. W. Phillipa 5. Ludier. J. Brerkons .. . Bill Hart, A. Duncan 7. C.rimtick. P. Hldalfo S Captain Riskv, L Dales 9. Bob's Reward, R. Holley 10. Count Abe, L. Knowlei . Ninth race, claim, nurse S700. vesr olds and , up. iSSMi, 5 InniJ. 'St. Paul Rodeo." I 1. Aspen. P. Hidalgo 2. Jean Sue. C Dixon Boston nod (WO OOO n IO .1. Royal Trip. S MrDnwrll r-iaudun ma tmi nn. n 4 No Roots J Brerkons get under Rrewer, Nixon 1S1. Kirlv ill and ' Rose Bow. I. Knowles wav with time trials at 7:45 p. m. Wynn and Megan ' " ,hn' . , r . n t 7. Gold.'pinner, D. Henshaw The tropnv dashes, a fist full of Washington oin nin 4nn s i heat rnmns and a Class B main Kansas Citv 340 120 41--U IS n Tenth race claim nurse RO0 . Up , ,t j .i. Mone. pascual 121. Ramos Oi nc event, at 25 laps. Will precede the Rrrberet. Santiato. Harrington (7 Championship run. Shantr (5i and r.insherg ' Following are the announced' nlv m,s scheduled entries, with accompanying cari The current NRA nrcsident in- l cidentally." is Lou Radzlenda. Ihe in third member of the Illinois com jJJ mission. 12? ' 1 1 1 Sprig Chapter Meet Monda fur y numbers and sponsors: 1 Dale Collie, Silver Inn Tavern. 2 Pnn Rirkard. Davis Oil Co. 4-Kay Ladd, Salem Auto Tarts. 5- Put f Woitman, ,lnc Kirk's Chevron Station Kciring. Tires. 6 Ray Tide Table TIDFS FOR IAI1 tlKl.r.ON iCtnipiled hv t' S ( nat snd Gendetir Sur rv. Portland Oreiinnl Tune Heiehl Lev Waters ft IIS !!2 Sprig chapter of the Oregon lriiDuck Hunters Association will '2i meet Monday at the Izaak Wal J'Jiton Clubhouse at 8 p.m., presi ' i dent Bob Brown announces. 3 Ramos i.li jd vfir olds and un. lIMll. one mile 1. Carton Flower, D. Henshaw 2. Satntlv Sinner. Knowles .1. Ardeli. B Holley 4. Mando. G. Simonis 5. Hindu Eclipse. P Hidalgo ' s Two ColorF. Breckon 7 Fluffs. F. Miller S Count Shortie. W Phillips 1 Arerrnal. G. Dixon 10 Little Sport. S. McDowell The group will discuss the idea ii'j of purchasing a shotgun shell re- 3 loading machine. The group will f 7 1 also hear a report on the recent 122 1 trip to Klamath Basin. 117 i 122'. S 7 4 S Time Height High Waters Hir-hcrt .Inhnnv Clark's Station J"oe "- R Ted Howe. 9C.lenn Shorirk. -z , Wiltsy'a (iarasc 10 Irvin Braun, 21 '4n pm Master Service, Dallas l." Mor ns Gilchrist, Earl Maim Trailer Sales. 17- Rick Simons. 19 M i k c Hamp, Ramp 4 Varbel Chevron. 2()--Dennis Sears, Yunkers Asso ciated Service. 21 Larry Will, Snulh Pallas Auto Wreckers 22 Wayne Moore. 24 Harlan Jackson, Dick & Jim's Auto Wreckers. 31 Woody W'odzewo (la. Rickard's Repair Service 38 Buck Rossow. Capital Auto Tarts. 33 Arlo Erickson, Dick k i.ene s Service. 44 LaVerne Da v is, Brnoknonk Cafe. 55 Roy Kennedy. Kverris C,a rape. R5--Monte (iust. Bob La Bar Mobil Station H6-Slan Pirtr. Dental Hurst Oil Co. 76 Merlin Bnst, Candalaria I'sed Cars. 77 Ralph Asbury, Salem Sand 4 Gravel Brook's Garace. R.1 Taul R i c k a r rl, Haycsville Shopping ( enter. 88 Bob Aple donrn, Bob's Auto Service. 7 Boy Vibhcrt, Stark's Dump Truck Service 27 Lee Harra, Dnn.'t Automohve of Turner. U Chuck Gregory. Ill - Ron Kauff man. 25 Dick N'ordal. 99-Don I'nrter. 33 Gene Gone, Checker Board of Gervais. f8 Bill Ber nard, Bernard Motors Shamrock Tavern of St. Paul. 64 Henry l.amh, Pick 4 Gene's Richfield. 45 Alan Bruce. 13 Bob Williams. 112 BERRA FORCES CHANGES NEW YORK iAV-Yankee catcher , Yogi Berra's tob is so secure that four former Yankee catchers are Dave Smalley of Albuquerque, playing for other teams in the N.M.. is the first Navy player to American League. Washington has S22am. -i n ; in. Ihe Lastern Intercollegiate, Clint Courtney and Lou Bcrbert 5 h a m -it' Baseball League batting title. He Chicago has Sherm Lollar and Bal Hi nm 2 a ' hit .419 for the Middies. itimore has Gus Triandos. HOOD'S POISON OAK REMEDY A soothing lotion for the re lief of Itching due to mild poison ivv or oak or other mi nor Irritations. Apply locally 3 or 4 times a day by tapping with cotton. Do not rub. 00 50' and I SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE 135 N. Commercial Open Daily 1:30 a.m. to H p.m. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. W CObUt QDQ3uBD3 5W Q At Savings of $9 to $18 Over Comparable Saws axes asm? mmm .your family deserves... and cvour budget demands... the safest tire ever built Mi jtnmj that M oji 1 to 10 rar-1ciigtli quicker that gives mi 4(1' o more mileage ilus real protection against dangerous siilr-skids! '1 lie only tire with a steel Safety Crown for extra protection, extra comfort. INTRODUCTORY OFFER -Uu get the full dollar value of the remaining mileage in vour present tires ami easy time payments on the balance. new safety age US. Royal Master m 7 laawaMfaMM.J HOWOUT-rROOF TRIAO Ansil Teal shns hiiw Safelv Crnnit with I8.(KK) threads of Heel Hotline. beleen the tread and 4 plies of nvlnn rnrrl makes the 1 .S. Rnyal Master's tread intulnrrablr io hlnnnius. QUICKER NON-SKID STOPPING fl (iliM SktH Trt sh'iwn how thntiMmU of prippinc "Ip" Btti von to Mr (rir-knptl, ((Mickrr on ft rnmU, 1 In 3 Ifng;th8 quirkfr on rfrv. UT US SHOW YOU COtORS to nialcli your car, or Star Streak Stsling illi nar riK nhite band nn black, at Hhiteuall rtcea. HOW patented Curb (iuard preenls arnftSng. a HOW Inner Air Wall seals ..ff pilnrliires. S'ICIAl tread for easy nun. skid steering, (0100111, quire running. .EXTRA SPECIAL!, 670-15 4 Ply W B Nylon Tub Tins Reg. $38.45 SPECIAL $25.64 Form Special-13x28 6 Ply Tractor Tire Reg. $141.75 SPECIAL . . . $75.00 'Plus Tax WALTER !l ZOSEL CO. Ckemekela & High St. PKont 2-364S WV . . .. "UU N. - ' mm I I N I I STURDY STEEL CARRYING CASE -Use as carrying case, or, serves as bench rest. . Available on special order. CRAFTSMAN STEEl SAW GUIDE SWIVELS 0 TO 75 DEGREES Enables you to make fast, accurate, angled cuts. Available on special order. CONVERTS SAW INTO BENCH SAW CRAFTSMAN SAW TABLE TOP 26x30-in. table with adjustable rip fence. Available on special order. i(T :? irf n':t. 'SztjxceamUkd Nt Cnpit0 3.9,91 Mi i.'r? .' .? r .ft: ; 1 e I li I II lilh II