Double One-Hit Pitching Battle Sparks Play in Majors Game Board Lists Weekly Forecast for Fishing The Orvgea Stale Cam Cem mlaaioa Taaredajr rdrated IU weekly ferrcast aa aafllaf rea ditlaaa far the approaching week easl Fallawlag Is the ramplrtt report far taa fWe arras la lac talc: NORTHWEST Treat ttokiag will to poor aa lessa plaaUnf arcart later la the week. A few eea-raa ealtaraat la. A lew mare talmaa eaa be ei prrte4 la the hayi and lawer parti at the Trask aad Wiltaa riven. The N'eatarea rWw hat aot kad a ealnaea ta apeak af yet (ane eaaght la bay). Miani tides this week end lor clams. Jetty aad bay fishing lor perch, ling rod, bast, aad kelp expected ta be aor mal. Crabs la Ike mouths af the bays. Shad fUhlag has beea (aad aa the lawer Saady river bat paar aa the Willamette. A few Jark salmoB have beea takea bj the Willamette araaad Oregaa City. Treat fishing Is expected ta be peer aa the Taalatia aad tribu taries. The Clackamas b expected ta be slaw ta fair far traat aagllng. Detroit resenreir bas remaiard slow. Cascade lakes hare beea fair ta good. Marioa lake aad Lake Aaa hare beea producing maay gaad catches. Prospects are good at Elk aad Danlap lakes above Detroit. Salmaa aagllng has beea fair above Staytoa aa North Santiam. Big and Little Lackiamutes should be good bet for week end. Fishing continue! good oa the McKeaxie aad Willam- ' evie rivers aad tributaries. Small j tributaries af Bow river are pra ; duciag fair ta good catches of small trout. Salmoa fishing roa j tiaaes slaw bat steady aa the Mf i Keatie. Lookout Polat Is slaw. ' Dexter aad Dareaa are fair ta gaad. Clear lake was slaw last ' week ead bat is expected ta Ira- prave. SOITHWEST Mercer lake treat fishing gaad i with several limit catches re- ported. Tahkeaitck lake trout ftsh i lag improving; same perch aad 'bullhead are being caaght aa j bait. Suttaa lake trolling with spinners aad worms has produced several limit catches. Woahlnk like kokanee fishing Is excellent. ! Treut angling is slaw la the ' streams throughout the middle i aad apper I'mpqua bat thou ''I im I prave if weather and water con- dltiem settle. Salmoa aagllng in j W Inches Vr bay fair ta good. Bar Sun rife-Sunset : June June !J ... June U June !S June tt June 17 . June II . June ?3 Sunrise 4:is a.m. . :? am. . 4:H a.aa 4:?S a m. .. :? a.m. 4:?: am. ... :V, a.m. . 4:21 a.m. S'iniet so: am 1 11 pm. I 41 a ra. I S3 p m. 4 43 am. 41 pm. 41 pm. 1:0 p m. aad weather condition have lim ited activity the past few days. Good trout catches have beea made by fly fisherman at Tea mile lake and with bait in eve ning. Trout fishing ia south fork of Ceqaille b good. Striped bass fishing fair ta goad aa mad flats betweea bridges aad fair ap Caaa , river. Shad aagliag Is fair aa Caaa 1 river but rantinaiag ta taper off. I Salmoa angling aa Ceos bar ex- i cellrnt. Samoa fishing oa lower j Rogue river fair, aad some pretty large salmoa have beea caught. j Trout fUning aa the Chetce. W!a chnck. riatol. Sixes, aad Elk riv ers has only beea fair. Aagliag has beea fair aa Garrison aad ' Floras lakes. Water conditions aa the apper Rogae are bow Meal loi fishing. Good catches af both Irani and salmoa are being made ia the mala Rogue channel. Def-1 Inite Improvement has beea aot-; Iced ia the catch af Irani with j the ase af flics. CENTRAL Excellent catches are be lag takea by trolling flies dariag early morning hours la Kiagsley reaeo voir. Trolling fair dariag mid-day. ftsh ranging ap la If laches. Rainy lake fly ftshlag fair far small east era brook. Road k opea ta ramp graaads. Warrna lake Is paar, same limit raU-nes I la II kacbes. Rainbow are being takea tram lake branch aad west lark af Hood river. East lark Hood river paar. Frog lake I rmprevtag, with ; fair catches of I to II iach rata- j bow aad break treat. Clear lake . producing very good catches for the fly fishermaa. Odell lake Is still producing good catches of kokaaee, aad several good catches (Continued page Si. cel. I) shows 'Em iBraves Rack Sixth Straight Over Dues Senators Win Again, 4-1, Sweep Series With Tribe Four Double Plays Big Helpers "sr i ' ' - 'T ' Li i a-'Slf 1 1 By ED WTLKS Associated Press Sparta Writer Chicago's Jack Harshman booked up in a double one-hit pitching1 battle with Baltimore s Connie Johnson and George Zuverink Thursday and won 14 as Nellie Fox posited the White Sox run across with ' , first inning doubles. It was only the third twin one hitter since 1900 in the major leagues and gave Harshman. played first base for the Newt York Giants, his fourth victory in eight decisions. The triumph fnoved the Sox within five games of the idle American League lead ing New York Yankees. Early Wynn flipped his knuck lcr past Boston for a neat four hitter as the Cleveland Indians Frankie Evans (above), whs rolled a 977 series yesterday i at I'niversity Bowl, including a 300 game. As Kiiig Goes Houte for 2nd Win By Al. LIGHTNER Sports Editor, The Statrsmaa The rally-killing double play, a defensive weapon not too prominent in the Salem Senators' makeup this semester, got into the act with a flourish last night at Waters Field and greatly helped L'ncle Hugh Luby's lads to their fourth straight victory over the Spokane Indians in Northwest League baseball play. The final score was 4-1 and the Solons matched their run production wits as many of the twin killings, every one of 'em assisting Ronnie " '" King out of a jam. In sweeping the four-game se ries the Salems ran their won-lost record for the past 10 league sames to a sharp 8-2, and have in the process moved from the loop dungeon into fifth place. Off to Wenatrhee The club now goes on the road, opening a four-game stand at We natchee tonight, and then on to Yakima for four more with the Rears. The Salems return to local Red-Hot White Sox Pitcher Cooled Off AAU Track Games Today Richards. Whitfield Young, Morrow Set By BOB MYERS BAKERSFIELD. Calif. warfare Friday, June 29, against Five 1952 Olympic Games cham-Tri-Cit'-. I.efty Jerry Cade, who pions and a brilliant sunnortine heat Wonatchee 1-fl here last Sun day, goes pstward tonight. Joe Rossi's do-no-right Tribe nailed King for their onlv run in the first inning, on a walk .stolen Ahase and a single, the latter by George Huffman. They pirked up seven more base hits thereafter, and seven more bases on halls by King But tfeere was to be no more scoring as the infield behind the sinjter - throw ing veteran whipped off the welcome "dee-pees." and catcher Harv Koepf threw out two would-be tallies on the base paths. Biggie in Seventh The double play that helped most of all came in the seventh when the Injuns had the sacks full and one out. Ron Jackson grounded to Riv Wehcter whn oav it in Ml - - ... , ' Krause at second. Melvin then got Jackson at first. Another double play, starting by Krause, came in the eighth. It looked like King might need cast were assembled here Thurs day for a final chance to try out ,i IT-:.-., Mates team at Los Angeles next week. The event is the annual Na tional AAU track and field cham pionships, which go on Friday and Saturday nights in Bakers- Bon nitharai field College's Memorial Stadium. An estimated 550 athletes from all over the country, 127 AAU officials and hundreds of visitors have Bakersfield bulging at the seams as host for its first big league track carnival. Olympic champions on hand are pole vault inr Bob Richards, javelin thrower hWaatuUoanMai r w? j i Moore to Box Canada Champ Patterson Promised TitU Shot' bv Archie TORONTO i Archie Moore, j king of the world's light heavy-1 weights and self-styled heavy-; weight boss, is expected to sign next week for a 15-round bout with James J. Parker, Canada's heavy-1 weight champion. Dave Rush, Parker's manager, said the bout will be held either July 24 or 25 in Toronto's Maple WVUl fllUUIUIII, HWtlll Ifl Hit li international league baseball club. I Moore's manager. Charley John- sion, conurmea mat negotiations i . are under way. Both said it would be billed as a heavyweight "title" j bout, although Moore's claims to Rocky Marctano's vacated title! have received no official recogni tion, j " Moore, himself, said at his home in San Diego, Calif., that contend er Floyd Patterson of Brooklyn, 1 scheduled to fight Archie in Scp- I . :t k;. k i i i i ICIUUri II 111 UIUIM'II nmiu Mt'ai!, in time, would be given the "first shot at my Mhe heavyweight i championship, - after I beat Par-, ker." I (-irter Whips Salas LOS ANGELES - Former world lightweight champion Jim my Carter, 136'. New York, hooked and shuffled his way to an unanimous 10-round decision Thursday night at the Olympic auditorium over another ex champ Lauro Salas, 132, of Mon terrey, Mexico, and Los Angeles. Evans Hits 977 Series, Nolelies 6th .UK) Game Salem's claim to bowling fame. Frankie Evans, did it again yesterday. He rolled a phenomenal 977 series, includ ing a 300 game, it I'niversity Bowl in a pot game. Playing with him were wide eyed Bud Ostrem and Bunny Bunnell. The sparkling S00 ef fort was Evans' sixth such in non league competition here over approximately a 10 - year period. His games yesterday were 201. 217., 222. 300. Evans is manager of Bar clay's Broiler when not setting bowling marks. Jimmy Dcmaret averaged 71 42 strokes per IS holes for his first 38 rounds of tournament golf in lifts. won Vo and beat Tom Brewer for the first time since May L 19SS, while junking his eight-gam win ning streak this year. The only other AL game was 23-hit brawl that saw Kansas City belt Washington back into the cel lar. 154. In the lone National League day game, first place Milwaukee vol its sixth straight under new man ager Fred Haney in a shattering 7-1 decision over the plunging Pittsburgh Pirates who now have lost six straight. Walks Only Three Johnson, a righthander traded (Coatianed pa( M. eL I) Cy Young. 800-meter king Mai one in the ninth when the Tribe )vh,i!field and sPrinter Andy S,an" again filled the bases wilh one out. But this time Ron got .lack son on a grounder to Gene l.aur sen at third, ending the uprising and the game While Salem fielding leaned to the spectacular side, that con tributed to Spokane left some thing to be desired and rendered field Six will qualify in each event for the final Olympic tryotils in I.os Anjjelos Jure 29-30. This is the showdown for the Olympic heroes if they are to bid for a berth on the team and the trip to Australia next November. Of the five. Richards is a defi- CHIC AGO Outfielder Jim Rivera (left) of the Chicago White Sox mops the brow of pitcher Jack Harshmann after latter hurled a one-hit game against the Baltimore Orioles Thursday. The White Sox scored their only hit for their lone run against Baltimore when Nelson Fox (right) doubled in first inning to score Rivera who had walked and stolen second. (AP Wirephoto). two of the four Solon runs un- " cinch. The others will have earned. Four Straight Hits Lefty Max Weekly, a hard throwing New York Yankee chat lei got two out in the second be fore Frank S7rkula and Rav Web ster each hit off firld singles Koepf followed wilh anolher. scoring Szekula, and when Rnb Rourbeau cut off the throw-in and tried to gft hnlh Koenf and Webster, -who were running at second base from opposite direc tions, he heaved the ball into renter field, allowing Webster to srore. King thei laced a single to left to HIv Koepf. The final Salem run w,is un to work (or it. Nine Qualified Nine athletes in each event al- McMurtry, Ez to Battle TACOMA Ezzard Charles and Irish Pat McMurty o( Tacoma have signed to meet in a 10-round fight July 13. The unbeaten McMurtry. most promising ol the Northwest s fS)rcjsontatcsuian cc IV)-29 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P.M.-OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1 ,000 CARS StaU-snta,,. Salt,,!. Ore, Fri., June 22, '56 (S iurmer wonu neaweiKni enani- pion in an outdoor bout in Taco ma. Promoter Paavo Kelonen told the News Tribune Thursday that the signing (or the scrap followed 36 hours of negotiations in Tuc son. Ariz. beginning after Charles' seventh-round technical YAKIMA - Dick Young knockout over uod niongni tucs fiiine in the third inning ol a base- dav hall niehlean lonieht to null Yaki- Formidable Opponent ma out of a hole and give it a Junior Golf Finals Form PORTLAND I - Jerry Cundari of Portland, and Ron Weber of ( Prineville Thursday gained the fi- nals of the state junior golf cham-' pionships w ith sub-par rounds at i the Columbia-Edgewaler Country; Club. Cundari, 16, bettered par by ' three strokes as he beat Rose burg's Joe Hallmark, 6 and 5. ! Weber, 17, posted the other semi-, final victory, a one-under-p a r 1 round that gave him a 5 and 3 victory over Dick Smith, Portland, j Weber and Cundari play 36 holes in Friday's final. In the boys' division for young sters 15 or less. Ralph Helton of , Rosehurg turned back medalist (Continued page 30, col. 5) Yakima, Ems Sweep Pair Ketonen, who saw, the fight. earned. Chuck F.sseeian singled 5-4 win in a northwest League salD nallps s certainly ine -harplv to left in the sixth and dnuhlrheader with Tri-Citv. The n,"st formidable nnponent the -ot to'second when .Tim Sampson Bears won the opener. 2 1. 24 year-old McMurtry has signed '"t the hall bounce through him The win made Young the first 'o meet. With two out Szekula tapped to 10-game man in the circuit this McMurtry s 21 piuicssional Ron Jackson who had him thrown 1 season. It also gave Yakima lour fSnls nave bf, n mai"'(1 "nl' b' nut at first, with Weeklv rover- of the five games in the series an el1,t round draw a-alnst A1" ing. But big Max muffed the with the Braves. ; ,,rlPh' a 'ear a- ln Seattle. In throw and Assegian was in. i Ted Herrara notched a two-hit- lhat SCTaP' MeM"rtry suffered a Salem had seven hits, two bv ter as the Bears shaded the frtured right hand. It put him MEADOWS RESULTS King. Ron pasted the onlv extra J (Conl. on page 30, col. 5) baser of the clash, a double in the sevent. Notes: Slumping but still hustlin Krause went 0 4 l"ain last nichl to run his streik to 0-13. Mel has had hut two biniles in his last 22 trins. Nothing wron? wilh his field ing, however, is witness the 14 rhanres he handled flawlessly last nieht . . . King's record is now 2-5. and h prohablv won't walk ekht) batters in his next thiee (mei to the pnt , . . I.tihv plaved F. C. Williams a?ainst the lefty tossing of Weekly, but the popular first sarker also went 04 . . . out of action for six months. The young Tacoman, whose brother. Mike, is a national col legiate boxing chamnlon, returned (Cont. on page 30, col. 1) Good Ol' DP's: Tr.i: k: fast and good. First race. .ISO ' yard, quarter horses, purse $400 Nellie Dnmo i Dixon i 12 30. a 80. 2.10: Ldv Homer's t'l iMrDnwelll 2 50. 2 10: Robin Dale iPhillipti 2 30. Quiniella $10 eo. Time :in Sflcnnd rare, nso yards, quarter horses, purse $100, Pudding Foot Know-lni 10,60, 7 00. 3 4n, Lambert's Teddy Mi-Cue I Woods i 3 SO. 2.70. Betty Homo I Dixon) 2 80. Quiniella $13 20, Tune :18B Third rare. 4'3 furlonus. 2-year-olds, purse $600; Shake Rate l Duncan i 13 SO. 10. 4 70: Manner Sun iBreck onsi 4 90. 4 30: Flyht iDlxoni $ 30 IjHIniHIa $2!' 10 Time :5fl-2 '5. NORTHWK8T I EAfil K W I. Pi t Yakima 34 17 , 567 Sale-n 19 28 404 F.uiiene 29 16 ti44 Wnati-e 18 31 367 Lewiston 25 18 ,581 Spokne 15 35 300 Tri-Citv 2 21 .55.1 Thuisday results: At Salem 4 Spokane 1 at Kugene 2-7. Wenalehee 1 Fourth raie. 5 furlongs. 3 up. purse 0-5. at aklnia 2-i. lil-l ity 1-t. (41 Salrm $600: Miss liox S iHenshswi 21 40. B H O A 8 BO. 4 4u; Tw inhrnok iCiitlordl 3 (Mi. 4 0 1 0 2 7(1; World Atfair illidaleoi 3 30. Wuiiili'lla $.14 80. Time I Oil Fifth raie. 6 turnings, 3-vear-olds pursr $000: Nasty Ann 'MtDowelll 10r, III. 31 80. IB 20: Pere E' Dorlo iDlxnnl 6 60, 4 90, Stane Sknp iSher mam 1140. Quinielli $213. Time 1:13-1 .1. Sixth race, 6 furlonns, 3-year-olds, purse $700; Shareholder l McDowell i 4 20, 2 90, 2 50: PharsonK iSimonisl i m t -ft. I-.-, u ,r,i,.,i tt o,nn. Totals 29 8 24 IS Totals 30 7 27 8 lella 15 90, Time 1 12-15. X Walked for Weeklv in 7th. I Seventh rare. 5'i furlongs. 3 up. d- Walked for Rounds In 9th purse $600; Rork'n Pride iDixoni 4 50. Spokane 100 WW 000 1 t 3 2 90 J 80; Pear Parker i Knowles' 3 40. Salem 030 001 OOx- 4 7 1 3 20; Tippy Tin iHidalgoi 3 40. Quin- winning rucner. King .oi una-,irna $510. Time 107. Eighth rare, one mile, three up Spokane (II B H O A HJili-n 2 4 15 2 Dunn m Midi 111 4 0 0 0 3 114 lluln.ii.r 2 110 Krause 2 4 0 8 6 IliuDili.s 4 2 18 F.smanl 3 10 0 Shidsii I 4 0 10 Wilms 1 4 0 110 frh.Mii, 3 3 111 S7ikla r 3 1 I 0 Carlnn.e 3 2 5 2 Wehstr s 3 1 3 6 J.lcksn.1 3 0 10 1 Koepf c 3 12 2 Weklv n 2 1 0 1 Klns.p 3 2 0 0 Pottler.x 0 0 0 0 Ronrts.p 0 0 0 0 Hmnto.d 0 0 0 0 Ing pitcher Weeklv ll-2i IP Weeklv 23 8 4 J S 1 Rounds 2 7 10 0 10 King 5 29 8 1 1 2 8 I. B Spokane 9. Salem 4 Ear Koepf, Bourbtwm. Sanrson, Weeklv. 2-BH King RRt-Huffman. Konf. King. SB-R lackson, Dnnn np Wthster to Krsu-e to Williams 2, Krause to Webster to Williams, Laiir en to Krause to Williams T 2 05. U-Wadt and Lopat. Att-984. (Brerkonsi 4 90. 4 20. 3 80: Maraca iSimonisl 5 80. 4 40. 3 70; Best Way 1 Knowles I 5 60, Qulnieila $28 80. Time 1 40. Ninth race, one mile, three up, $00; I.lttle Cad IHidalgoi 21 20 , 8 30 . 4 20; Georgia (tinny iSCmnnlsl 3 60, 2 70; Fort Runnvbags iDicksonl 4,00. qulnieila $19 20. Time 1 41 Attendance: 3.346; handle $102,605. PACIFIC (OAST I.IAI.IK W I. I'rt W I. p. t Seattle 48 28 113: S. rmlo :4 :ii 4C, I.os Angs 46 28 ?2 I'oillnd 33 38 41.:. HolUwd 36 34 507 S 11 Dim 33 40 4:.2 San Fri o 37 36 5ll7 V.inr t 23 So 315 Tliuisriiiv us, ills Al I'im 1 1,1 id H Sacramento 3: at Seattle 3 San Die-io I. at Los Angeles 3. San Frnncisco 7; at Vancouver 6. ttollvwood i amfrican i.FAr.rr W I. Pet. W L Pet. N Y'rk 40 20 .667 Detroit 27 31 .466 Chicago 32 22- 593 Bltmre 28 33 4.V.I Clevel d 32 27 534 K Cltv 24 36 4ofl Boston 29 29 SnoWshgtn 26 39 400 Thursday results. At Kansas City 15. Washington 6. at Cleveland 5, Boston 0. at Chicago 1, Baltimore 0, only games scheduled. NATIONAL trsr.lf W I. Pi t W I. Pet Mllwauk 30 22 577 Ptsbgh 30 26 .536 Broklvn 31 24 564 N Y'rk 23 32 .418 Clnclnn 31 25 554 Chir'go 22 31 .415 S! Louis 32 27 M2 Philad 22 34 393 Thursday results Al Rronklvn St Loui 6: at New York-Chicago, rain: l Pittsburgh 2, Milwaukee 7 I only fames scheduled. -mm sWH-. , !JsVSSJ 1' ".f:"4S.( loll.r Tl" j TT' 1 V' s H (!. Z45-Jfih if " 1 , . $il' iiliiaiillia atlMiairi ni iw.ans.aiVM'iJ i iniiwisai ts;T ml 94A Meier A Frunk's-Salem GATOR TRAILERS Motel 2)4 flfusfrofef,$) C complete tJ II kJ Other models from $ 1 40 For the tops in boat trailers for outboard or inboard boats, see our complete show ing of Gdtor Tra ierb the world's largest lire of boat trailers over 42 models to choose from. No push, r;o pull, no strain with a Gator. One-man operated. Finest materials used. . . 90-da gjarontce. Moil ouil phimr unlrn. Phis shiihil; rovr ft) tin iis nnhitlr our regular truck delivery rentes. SPORTS HEADQUARTERS STREET FLOOR g W -. - Ml. Saa tha Salem Rota Society'i 11th Annual Ro$a Shew Today and Saturday Auditorium, Second Floor R AC. 6 Y my FOR 1 YEAR OUR 10 POINT EXPERT LUBRICATION -PLUS- THE OIL OF YOUR CHOICE FOR YOUR CAR! Included in Our 10 Point Lubrication Is . . . if Check Battery if Lube Chastii -Y Crankcase Oil Change (Your Choice) if Check Tranimittion Check Differential if lube All Door Latches nd Under Hood if Impact All Tires Including Spare if Clean Window end Interior if Check Head end Taillighft if Check Brake Fluid HERE'S THE DEAL! Just Purchase a Set of 4 Famous B. F. Goodrich Lifesaver Tires . , . Black or White . . . Rayon or Nylon . . . And We Will Give You a Certificate for All the Services Listed Above, Good for One Year. r Siie Rayon Nylon 4 Tim 4 Tirrs 4 Tlrrt Black White White 640-15 152.60 183.20 670-15 160.40 192.40 230.20 710-15 177.60 213.20 252.80 760-15 195 00 234.00 276.60 800-15 213.40 256.00 307.20 820-15 223.40 268 00 318.60 Plui Tax On All Tiret PLUS . . BIG Trade-In A FREE TANK OF GAS . . . IF WE FAIL TO SAY "THANK YOU"l TBUAX TIB I SMI Corner (enter and Church Phone 3-9600 - 2-5651 Open 'lil 6 P.M. Daily Plenty ol Free Parking WE GIVE NORTHERN STAMPS (.iiillKilaU magiiXixMih 1 FIRST IN RUBBER - FIRST IN TUBELESS J