i 1 j v : ! (Ii SAFEWAY proudly features these famous LUCERNE dairy products! Lucerne 3.8 Milk Regular or homogenixed. tt't all bonus quality milk from Safeway. Keep plenty of rich lucerne on hind for hot lummir day. You'll bo glad you did. To bring you "Bonus Quality" Milk, lucerne pays extra money to farm ers when their milk meets lucerne's ixtra high standards for PURITY, FLAVOR, and CREAM-CONTENT. Lucerne's standards art -substantially higher than legal standards. And itle higher milk scores, the bigger bonus lucerne pays. Naturally this bonus program encourages farmers hi produce "Bopus Quality" milk for lucerne. Of. HlHalf Alt 2 Half-Gal. n. L I II Gal. 4 J (One Gallon) Lucerne Chocolate Milk Lucerne 5 Milk 12 Half and Half 36o Whipping Cream Lucerne Skim Milk Lucerne Buttermilk Lucerne Sour Cream 86 Qt 23'j' 27" Qt. 49. 'i pt.32c 0, 17c pt. 59' 4-gal. 33C 19' Qt. 'Pt. 29' Add to Your Vacation- Fund with These Safeway Bonus Savings! mh. n n eff" tfviiEiiaiuii; mm jiiiiiuiiuwj d .- Pkg. LJl jjtf an Camp Pork & leans 5 aste Tells Pork & Beans Thrifty Wax Paper Zee Toilet Tissue o 2 $00 cans I no. 2 ((inn See How You Save At Safeway Made Here In The Northwest. A Top I ....... aV .... iihvi aim 2 a iy -2 If' WIBLETS WHOLE KERNEL CORN Solden tender kernels of jeJden bantan corn, specially 17-07 triced now at Safeway-reg-llr price 19c each, save 4c jr M each can. Stock up! Buy ttveral, nowl 5' LUNCH BOX SANDWICH SPREAD The spread that makes you sandwich hungry. Just try some. It will be for favorite. Regular price 69c. Save 10c on each quart. Quart (C Ukeview Potted Meat 4 highway Pear Halves everly Peanut Butter iflrs. Wright's Bread PILLSiUKY Juicy Bartlctts In Light Syrup "Sparkies" Favorite Creamy or Chunk BISCUITS I n cans Jf M 4-1.00 9- 23' 10' 18-07. Jars Save 2c. White, Whole LdTQC Loaf Skylark Specialty Breads ilenderway Bread 'Z 27e Crushed Wheat "Z 25e 'iultigrain Bread & 27c taisin Nut Bread 'Z 32c 5Cr, iy Don't Forget BEER! Ocii. Let Us Put a Case in Your Car t WVVEIiti or Olvmnia i r i b v.nneu Deer - "Best" Eastern Canned Beer !. PCFMIUM OSIAI If v ayi Frozen Peas Peas & Carrots French Fries I (hop. Spinach 20' oz. Pkg. 10-oz. Pkg. IO-oi. (F Pkg. A3 233' 12-oz. iJ Pkg. fi Home Sewing Does Pay, Say Home Economics Researchers X By F.R.MINA FISHER The re are many other reasons County Extensiea Agent j for sewing than the money angle. Home sewing has Ion been Some women sew because its regarded as one way in which a fun and it provides an outlet for homemaker could save money, creative ability. Others sew be Krequectly these days homemak- cause they have difficulty find ers ask us "Does it really pay to ing garments which fit properly, sew at home? How much is sav- These are all good reasons, rd' Could time begetter spent' Because the demands on the on other activities in the home?" homemaker from outside activ Home economists in the United i,1M ,re becoming greater, each Slates Department of Agriculture ,on hM ,0 v'uate the use of have been doing some research 1 h,r tim'- Se'"l or may to find the answer to these quea- iBot ,he b"t u of )ou'' time, tions. Their research with house j n,t do ou thinltr dresses and cotton daytime! Frozen Salad Is Main Dish Roquefort cheese gives distinc tive flavor to this frozen luncheon salad FROZEN ROQl'EFORT SALAD 1 3 oi package cream cheese 1 small portion Roquefort type cheese ( oi.) ' cup mayonnaise 1 small can evaporated milk Hi cup), chilled 14 tablespoons lemon juice cup finely cut watercress Mash cheese. Blend with mav- Statesman, Salem, Ore, Fri., June 22, "58 (Sec III25 ir Fv ' Lm4iMu' '2immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma mm m H tm -mmm mmm 4 - dresses show that the savings av eraged approximately $100 for the house dress and nearly $5 00 for the street dresses. To conduct this study five ready-to-wear house dresses were purchased which ranged in price from $2 98 to $3 99. The same de sign, fabric and quality of work was used in making five house dresses r which would be as sim ilar to the ready-to-wear ones as pnssihle. An experienced seam stress made each dross in less than two houyi. The saving per dress ranged from $ 64 to $1 53. Five house dresses were then mane irnm commercial dress pal-, onr,aise. Whip milk very stiff. : terns. The total cost of these rM i. i, ;.. .v...- I dresses was somewhat greater mixture and watercress. Pour at mt beam, sajsage and muhroomi mtkt th beginnings for this cautrol dilh, dsigntd than the duplicate of the ready-to- onre jnt0 rod (reMjng tray. Press I especially for buffet meals. With huge bowl of fresh salad the mem course It compltt. partition into place to freeze in rubes. Serve on crisp lettuce leaves or watercress with or without salad dressing. Delicious served on halves of fresh or can ned pears. Yield: 1 pint ( 12 large cubes). wear garments. It took 4 to i hour more to make the dresses using the commercial patterns. The story on the daytime cot ton dress is more encouraging. Ten styles of these dresses were purchased which ranaed in price from $8 95 to $12 95 Five of these 10 could be matched reasonably wll in commercial patterns with F0R M'NCHEON respect to stvle, fabric and trim- ming. The average saving on each of these five dresses, made at home, was $4 91. The time spent in m.ikinc the dresses ranged from 2 4 hours to 3 3 hours This experiment suggests that savins are greMer on the higher- priced garments. Market re senrrh shows that cost of mater ials is a larger share of the sale of high priced manufactured of high priced monufactured clothing. So it seems that if a home maker's concern is to save money with her sewing, she will save more by making higher priced garments. That, nf course, is as suming that she has the neces sary skill to do it. Usually-the more costly garments will re quire more skill in making. Have Roquefort Roquefort' cheese with waffles is novel and good WAFFLES WITH ' ROttl FFORT CHEESE 1 egg 1 cup flour 2 teaspoon! baking powder 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons shortening without salt 54 cup milk pinch salt 14 oi Roquerfort cheese. Beat egg until light. Add flour, salt, sugar. Roquefort cheese sof- . I . - . .11. It t U 1 , , .. .. li-nm nun num. mruru snurtrii- lady fingers, put a small scoop , ., ,., ,,. M peppermint stick ice cream m ren- w, ,nH bakf on wd w,ff)f Kor an extra good luncheon salad add 2 cups chopped cooked turkey and 1 large thinkly sliced avocado to an apple flavored gelatine base usin? '4 nip cider vinegar for part of the liquid, (larnish with cinna mon spiced prunes. Breakfast Waffles Beany Dish Provides for Hungry Buffet Meal Guests ADDED FILLIP Line sherbet dishes with split ter and cover generously with well drained canned fruit cocktail mixed with a few sliced strawberries. iron. Serve on hot plate with butter and maple syrup. , WITH JELLY Butter the outside of cheese sandwiches generously; toast in a heavy skillet tm both sides. Serve with currant jelly for lunch. 15! 'IV-V' N GOOD! Arden "Country Cousin" ICE CREAM Iff ; Tender Cookies Flattened Balls Here's i very short, tender cookie to try. French Butter Cream Tookles ? cup buttqr 4 cup shortening 14 cups sifted powdered sugar 4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon .soda 1 teaspoon cream of tartar Cream butter and shortening. Add powdered sugar gradually, continuing to cream. Add salt, van illa, and egg. Beat thoroughly. Add flour, soda, and cream of tartar. Mix well Chill at least 10 minutes. Form into 4-inch balls. Flatten with a fork on rookie sheet. Bake in a moderate oven 13.VIF) 13 minutes. A beany buffet supper if a fine way to entertain on the porch in the summer time. Invite friends over for a game of bridge or scrabble some Saturday night. Put out piping hot casseroles of I.imas, Missouri Style; whop ping big bowl of salad, corn bread and ice-cold watermelon for des sert. Your friends will like these Jumbo-sued butter beans, cush ioned with plenty of delicious. creamv gravy, wnicn is maae from the flavorful dripping after the sausages are browned. And that'a why they're called Mia- souri-stvle limas you know how Missourians go for gravy! Llmai, Mtnaart Myle 1 cup large dry limat 14 pounds bulk pork tausagt 1 lean 1 '-cup chopped anion 2 tablespoons (lour 1 14-ouncei can mushrooms 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons lemon Juice 1 bay leaf - teaspoon dry mustard 4 teaspoon salt ' Dash of nutmeg I Dash of pepper Rrini l auart water to boil and stir in rinsed limas. Simmer until limat are tender, about 14 hours, Add 1 teaspoon salt last half hour. Drain, saving liquid. Turn limaa into 14 -quart caiserol. Shape sausage into 6 or I pattiei and brown well on both sldea, at least 20 minutes. Place patties on top of limas. Pour off all but 4 cup lat. Cook onion in this fat until golden colored. Stir In flour and cook 1 minute. Measure liquid from limaa and mushroom te make 1 cup, adding water if needed. Add to fat and flour mix ture, along with milt, lemon juice and seasonings. Cook, atlrring, un til (lightly thickened. Add drained mushrooms and pour over saus age and lima. Bake In moderate oven 350 degree f.l 30 minute. Make I aervings. A SPECIAL PRICE THIS WEEKEND AT SAFEWAY! Ul ITU Mm WHOLE DRAWN 2 lo 3-lbs. Average lb. Cut-up Fryers T . 49c "U.5.D.A. CHOICE" GRADE BEEF 13) "S Tender and l fJU Beef Rib Roast Cross Rib Roast Boiling Beef T" USDA Choice" 9 "USDA Choice" Boneless USDA Choice" Cut n.-f rl.x nl. "USDA choice" Deer anon kids fi.v vorful Whole Carcass V7IUUI1U UCU Ground Fresh Round Bone Roast Gr!d.AB..hr f (. I Choic, Be.f spencer MeuK n.i,., sf. 69' , 69e . 15' ,b25e 39c CCC 10 lb. Siilrs hole or Half Slab Bacon Boneless Collages iS; Sliced Bacon S!', Canned Picnics SC"' limek Unl Somerset Luiit.ii ricai Ring Bologna Uf!RA.r Somerset lbs. 9 Varieties Somerft or Del Monte 3 ib. 45c ,b 69c . ,b. 49c Farh $1.39 29c $1.00 Cheese on Menus For Main Dishes Here are two suggestion (or making dishes espeetally liked b cheese lovers. Each serve as the main dish for a family supper. Cheese team 14 cup milk 14 cup toft breadcrumb 1 cup chopped or grated cheese ' 1 tablespoon nutter or margarine 4 teaspoon salt 3 eggs, separated Scald milk. Add crumbs, cheese, butter or margarine, and salt.. Beat egg yolki; add milk mixture. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry; fold into mixture! Pour inte greased baking dish. Bake at SSI degree F. (moderate event 90 min utes or until set. Serve at once with baked tquash. a green vegetable, apple celery , salad with nuts, and cookie. Cheese aaH ( slice bread 14 cups ground or grated cheese 1 eggs 14 cup milk 4 teaspoon salt Tepper, paprika, and mustard if desired Fit I slice of bread into the bottom of a greased baking dish. Sprinkle with half the cheese and cover with the rest of the bread. Beat eggs, add milk and season ings, pour over bread and cheese, and cover with rest of cheese. Set baking dish in a pan of hot water and bake at 350 degrees F. (mod erate oven) about 40 minute or until custard i set and bread 1 puffy. Spanish Rice Is Old Favorite Sometimes a reminder of an old favorite i welcomed by the menu maker. SPANISH RICE 3 tablespoons finely chopped onion 3 tablespoons coarsely chopped celery 3 tablespoons chopped green pepper 1 tablespoon cooking fat or oil 14 cups cooked rice 2 cups canned tomatoes 4 tcaspon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 4 teaspoon WorceMershire sauce Lightly brown the onion, green pepper, and celery in the fat or oil Add rice, tomatoes, salt, su gar, and Worcestershire sauce. Simmer until thick. If desired, ( iioktd ground or chopped meat or crisp chopped bacon may be added to the Spanish rice. Six servings. A ;ui;ilion of this recipe is tuflrd peppers Cut 3 large grejn peppers in nnit. aiscaro me seen .mil parboil 5 minutes. Drain pep pers and fill halves with the Span- h rice mixture Bake at 400 de grees 'not oven1 umn nrown. Serve with a rhrese sauce, if desired nr. I4lt. 12(it. rings r Del Monte Ib Ib. $1.25 i ih. pkg. 49c MasI Dior tanor House dot. 1Q. FlCdl rlCJ ken. Kerf, Turkey Tie 'v Halibut Lr,b 59c 65c f . ..... v.. ...... .- v........ r njoy the Filn ticodness of the Northwest's Very Own Brand 1f 1 1 TVT jruiciuuai Bel-air Pink or Regular i PVt'Jlan k 12-oi. $1Q 6 Can Pack 89' MARGARINES LEMONADE 1 ' Produced In Saltm i the cse of 24 Cans 415 Quart Can Each 39 1 Can Makes One Full Quart L,... .. VaWAW.V.V.V.HVV.V.W.VV.VtV.V.VtV.'.V.V.VV.V