16-(Secl II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., FrL, June 22, '56 NUTTlbCT 5 Of Q SCTiCS Copyright 1956, Bureau of Adverthlngi American Newnpapw Publishers AmocUUoi 'Si0 n t fill , t ( l . ' ""vAfcw ... V- j ft 7 V' . m W ' . ... ; . - A, ...... .. rlM- taaaBB Giant jaws of the Bcrger crone at Crown ZcUerbadCi Camas, Washington paper mill pick up 30 tons of togs at one bite Ufa ibailkzes CIT'SQIC3 to dLo -tblne job Whether the job be picking up fifty tons of logs or picking up more and more customers, you need the powerful services of a giant. In selling, you need the newspaper the giant who lives in every town. Each day more than 56,000,000 newspapers are bought by people in big cities, middle-sized towns and crossroad hamlets. The newspaper reaches deep into America's markets, influencing your every possible prospect. Wide-awake retailers, wholesalers and distributors know and use the powerful selling punch delivered by their daily newspapers. And they know, also, that nothing gives a bigger boost to the products they sell than to have the manufacturer's ads backing up their own in the same newspapers. Whatever you sell, wherever you sell, you need a giant. That giant is the newspaper. Put it on the job. Keep it on the job. All business is local, . . and so are all newspapers. Published in the interest of more effective advertising: by Statesman-Journal Newspapers