P Play Supervised at McKinley School 7 T.vpiral o( activity going nn this summer it eleven Salem playgrounds, McKinley playground supervisor helping Margaret Fishback make a iSalem C of C Plans River j Day Luncheon 1 i ; 1 The Salem Chamber of Com ' nicrce will hold a "Steamboat Hound The Bond" luncheon Mon day nnon at the Hotel Marion, as attention turns to Willamette i River development and the July j 4lh Willamette River Days Fes-1 mal. Several officials will speak on i.mnus phases of river develop ment and Douglas McKay, first r lairman of the Willamette Bas in Committer, will art as emcee nooen iiuiieue. comoooie oi t'e Salem Boat .Club and pub I ntv diiectoi of the Willamette Kivrr Days Festival, is slated to report on recreational use of the river here. Other reports will come from Henry Stewart, dep uty chairman of planning for the Army Corps of Engineers, who ....II -ll. . L. 11-. Il..m.. t). ...... will lam on nit: n iiMiiivur inri Project, and from Thomas White. Portland attorney, who will out line navigation developments on the river The Monday luncheon will be the Chamber s last of the season. Guard Planes Abort Flight After Trouble FT. LEWIS, Wash. - Two National Guard light airplanes hnnnrl for Ih Vnlfimfl firinff cen-; ler were forced to turn back to Gray Field here Thursday after rim doping engine trouble over the Cascade- mountains. One of the L-17 single-engined nauons carried Brig. Gen. Fred crick 1, Wicgand, Beaverton, Ore. the assistant commander of the 4M Infantry Division. The 41st Division the Washington-Oregon National Guard is un dergoing summer training at northeast Ft. Lewis. Both planes apparently devel oped rarbureter icing while climb ing over the Cascades near Mt. limner Thev turned back im mediately and landed without inn-lent In the same plane with Gen. icgand were Lt Col. Joe P. Price, Portland, division opera- turns officer: 1st Lt. William P Wells. Portland, the genefal's nirie: and the pilot, Capt. Eldon n.-iller, Portland. The other plane, piloted by Capt. Itnhcrt McGandy, Chehalis, car ried two division public informa tion oldorrs 2nd Lt. Glenn E. Gillespie. Portland, and Special list 2 C. Philip Carrell. Portland photographer. Capt. John Brown, Ontario, Ore., also was aboard. ( iron p Opposes Parting of Fish, Wildlife Function PORTLAND P - The Oregon Game Commission was nn record Thursday as opposed to legislation proposed in Congress to dismem ber the I S Fish and Wildlife Service and set up a separate bu reau of fisheries The commission, by resolution, said Congress should act to .strengthen the service It also de clared that national li-.li and game matters could be adminis tered most elfectly ttilhin tile ex uiing coordinated agency. DAVY DEATH ON (ATS MIDDLESBROUGH, England f The Hoya! SPCA reports the be lated advent of Davy Crockett in England has meant death to some home cats here. II says there are at least eight confirmed rases of eats being kidnaped and skinned to make synthetic coonskin caps (or sale Police have promised to help the FiSPCA stop it. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of All Kinds, Trusses, Abdominal Supports, Elastic Hosiery Expert Fitters Private Fitting Rooms "Ask Your Doctor" Capital Drug Store 4iV State Street Corner of l iberty li'H" fireen Stamps 1 ' 11 r : - - i Playgrounds on Parade 11 Salem Playgrounds Open To Youngsters for Summer (Editor's note: Tvplral iftillty for hundred! el Salem yotinK Irrt Ukln pert (ukllc playgrounds proirem Ihit sutn mrr m 111 kc described ech week in i specrii tfory from on of the II playgrounds, written hy Bar. hsra Honlfare mho has keen Slilnmin school reporter the past two yearsl. By BARBARA BONIFACE Klcven playgrounds are open this summer for Salem young sters in the program operated by city government and the Salem school district. Thee play areas are super vised bv trained women who spend from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 4 pm. each week fiavr entertaining both pre school and school age children. McKinley playground, located in South Salem on the grounds ot McKinley grade school, is functioning under the supervision of Mrs. Mary Lovell. recently re- ... . , x.- ..... . , "-ef 'ourth grade Liberty school teacher. The majority of the Regular at tendance are children of kinder garten age. Approximately 50-flO youngsters come consistently each day. Main Attraction The main attraction for older children of the McKinley plav area has been the tether hall, under the direction of fourth grader, Jack Goggins, son of the John J. Goggins, 3495 S. High St In playing this game the children divide into two's for separate con tests in batting the big ball at- 181 lo mn "e na F Assisting Mrs. Lovell with the smaller children during their play of circle .games have been fourth grade pupils Margaret Dickson, daughter of Mr and Mrs. W. R. Dickson,- 925 Cedar Way, and Lonnie Paulus, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs .Tohn (', Paulus. 2400 S. Cottage St Storv Hour Considered the most popular time by the children is Storv Hour, presented each morning at 10:30 On davs when the wenther interferes with outside play, the voungsters find recreation in a large bungalow (the recreation ARCHITECT NAMED George Whittier of the Portland architectural firm of Whittier and Fri'sch was appointed to the State nuaru oi ircniieci examiners ""day by Gov. Elmo Smith. His five-year term will be effective July I. He will succeed John K Dukehart of Portland. ljjseps you fresh hours longer! 1 Vr' . .V ' 'A I I In (t V . . l I I Mil iio Vx y Stops odor-safely checks perspiration! CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 STATE ST. . CORNER OF LIBERTY WE GIVE Z-K GREEN STAMPS AIR-CONDITIONED BY FRIGlDAiPf fOR YOUR COMFORT thit phot shows Mm. Mary LaveU, vara doll. (Stateamai Phato) school building. Here records and games are available for use. Handwork, mat weaving and nature study booklets are the crafts participated in by students during the quieted hours of rec reation. Margaret Fishback, granddaughter of Mrs. Lovell, and Margaret Dickson have shown active interest in their nature study by completing their book lets in a week'f time. The book lets were started June 11 with the opening of the playground, with students putting into the books samples of leaves, bugs. eic- . , "cwniey play area, like the otner cUv playgrounds, will be ,Pen dally Mondays through Fri- j id' un,i' August 23. , I OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 1J:15 TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. You are cordially invited lo THE SALEM ROSE SOCIETY SHOW Friday, June 22 2 P. M. lo 9 P. M. Saturday. June 211 10 A. M. to n:30 P. M. AUDITORIUM-SECOND FLOOR 1 i;ik iin .'HN' liTiMl' 1 ... XV ft Salem's Kids To Show Off Pets Today Pet Day. when Salem youngster! will get a chance to parade their! best and most unusual pets, will take place today on supervised city . neighborhood playgrounds. first in the lummer-time series of special "Days" sponsored by Salem city and schools recreational program. Judging on Pet Day will1 ftart at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon. Judging will be on the largest and smallest dogs and call entered and best dressed, most unusual, best trained and largest family of pets. Dog owners are requested to keep their pets on a leash. The program will be observed at Bush Pasture and dinger play grounds and at Candalaria, Engle wood, Garfield,-Grant, Highland, McKinley, Richmond, Washington and West Salem schools. Two.Men Enter Pleas to Drunk Driving Charge One man pleaded innocent and another guilty Thursday in two drunk driving cases heard in Mar ion County District Court. Robert Edward Powers, 32, Woodburn, was fined $200 after he admitted driving while intoxicated last May 20. He had been arrested on the charge by state police near Wooo'burn on Highway WE. Melvin Leo Kertzman, 34, Hub bard, pleaded innocent and a trial was set for Tuesday at 10 a m. by District Judge Edward O. Stadter State police arrested Kertzman Wednesday at Broadacres. Indian Reservation Land Up for Sale PORTLAND I Seventy-one tracts, ranging in site from 20 to 165 acres, have been put up for sale in the Klamath Indian Reser vation by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Bids will be ooened Julv 17 at the Klamath Indian agency. The tracts, comprising timber. grazing and agricultural land, are being sold at the request of the Indian owners. yt the perfect deodorant by COTY Easy-to-use "twistick"! Non-acid and non-irritating! Won't damage the finest fabric! fry 54th Anniversary Sale! Continues With Good Quality Bargains For Fabulous Friday The Best Place Sale! of Harmony Stretch Myloi Now! A sole of this nationally advertised "Harmony Stretch" nylon stocking ot a real saving. First quality throughout. A full range of popular shades for summer. Sizes are small, medium and large. Buy Harmony now and save! MEN'S NYLON STRETCH SOCKS Regularly )l 00 pair! Plain and Lght and dark thadfi. Fit all ne BOYS' SPORTS AND DRESS SHIRTS Rec. to S29!j! Snforiztd prints and plain colon. Dr$ ihirti with branch cuffi and many atylai in iport thirii. Snai 4 to II. Main floor. BOYS' KNITTED COTTON T-SHIRTS Irragulan of famoui brandl Whit only. Nylon ruck bandi. Sizei I to II. loyi' ihorti to match. Elastic waiitbandi 49c. Main floor. MEN'S KNITTED COTTON SHORTS Irragulan of regular It 00 qualities. White only. MEN'S WHITE KNITTED COTTON T-SHIRTS . .... Irrtgulari ef $ 1 ?5 quality. Nylon SILVER SEAL IRONING PAD $3.95! Ftti any 54" ironing board. Waitrproof. New haet rtfttrttng lurfaca lavca limt and tltc t'icrfy. Buy it now and iavt. Downitairi. WOMEN'S DACRON $"T99 BLOUSES RfJar!, and .Mw nylon . . rayon bn( in mnVt tlim tu'Hy rOnib'e. P-o' drMly tinH tailtVtd numbr" In nvy JinH pujtfl ihvtdei. Sit?l 3? to 35 2nd floor fh-ton. WOMEN'S DRESSY AND $99 TAILORED BLOUSES S'tO'! ltvei drpily nd I . Ann pM?l l bH Nylon and 3ft 2nd floor fflih.onv SALE OF ITALIAN POTTERY N a- ' A h1' p' - rp t' f tt' m ot.tr- G'( 0p'tmnt 95 now onf haif! COTY'S FRAGRANCE SHAMPOO t.n.!ad OuTity' S(tn' lfh at a"d f Tirrtdt Comif, ma"l TRU VUE HAND MIRRORS Eerj. J1 P! A rtr' trmr hand rr,,rrrt r,f T'' to Shop . . . After All 3 Poin For Regularly 1.65 First Quality Sizes A-B-C $100 2 prt. rVRt SILK fAIRICS novtlfy patttrnt. fttt. $119 1 59 LOOPED PILE WASHABLE FLOOR MATS 69 TWO PIECE BATH MAT 79' crwnclx sty I. NEW! WOMEN'S LACE TRIMMED NYLON SLIPS $A79 Onp liit i.f fminrialiorn vshift up In $20 00 J now priced -I only ... . One lot of nrdle unil pantie girdle valufj to $R9S (or ... One tot of girdle and panlip mrdlri vslur to $ .V) fr.r 'mlv 4' lo H 1'yltM in hU' It di'rnn, fr 3? try (in lot of and panlir alur lo f ift'! I l')ltn ppi 6 tQ-, la)r v i it fa SALE OF VACUUM PACK ED MIXED NUTS 75' L irmnt, L Oatl floor. $159 1 r' Qafiir-na .,nl 1'y'f I'ly Phm $2.90 PRINTED $ ; Yd. I $149 Jularly $2 501 Madt by (amout loomt of Skmnw. Floral and Paiilay patterni in favortd lummti ihadai. Eiptcially adapiablt lo making blouMt, coal and luir linings, CLEANUP SALE OF PRINT- $f 00 Eft COTTONS, 4 yds. for . . Valmi from 5c to lt yardl fartaloi, plaidi ate. for paiamai, aprons, cfilldrtn'i wtar a)tt. Alto aom ' novalty erganditt m tha group. $j98 " $298 ag. 42 25 and S3 91. S iti 2'3 "d 274I Inchn. light blut, nav7, rota, pink, light grttn, brown, gray, biaga ate. Non-akid ruebor traatad back. Downitairi. SETS $098 Regularly $3 911 Pink, green, yellow, blue etc. Largo site mat goes with this set. Oownsteirt. $3" Kegularly J5 9BI Good quality 40 denier nylon slips with shadow panels, lavishly trimmed with lace. Sues 32 to 4. 2nd. floor lingerie. 54th Annivmary Soft of foonrfofioni. fonouj Brandi At low Prictil 10.88 5.95 l3.95 ?irdlr Kinilrv S12.V) now s7.95 89' Factory frir , vuum paikad. fi-'l o flavm and yood tfl' . P -. alTonrii rie?Ai, h' i, Patl and pfV",i Store Hours Mondays and Fridays 9:30 to 9:00 Other Week Days 9:30 to 5:30 Statesman, Salem, Ore., 16611851 ; j0 53 Piece Famous Make Dinnerware Set r Not .$68.80 D.,1 Not $59.95 DUI Guaranteed by GmI Heuae kttpingt Parent Magaiintl Here's a fomous line of dinnerwore you'll wont for your very own' It haj the beauty of , rare china combined with on absolute guarantee agoinst breakage' Chipping' Crock ing' - Decorator Colors -Pink . . . White Turquoise . . . Charcoal For mix nr match color scheme. I he color raniif in perfect! It's Ureal, loo. for outdoor living pirrr.rs . . . patio dinners. Espe cially in homes wiln small children See it now! Have a set laid away Knrtav or Saturday . . hut rh.n,e earlv for the stock is limited Limited Number of Sets Shop Early! No Phone or Mail Orders. Downstairs Use Your Miller's Revolving Charge Account! Sovi On lht (asy Payment Flan Fri, June 22, '56 (Sec. U)-13 Save $2000! w95 4 "A 'A