Valley News Statesman Newt Service 1 , '- ... ' . . ,wa elected 10 me popcorn scnooi- 14-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., In., June 22, jo hoards this week were mm. win- . ,., .,,-, ';nifred McNeil, two-year term; ft . . . ii .I . i ii -.-,. ff . & 1 .1!ai J a-ai' Sonstruction Round-Up t School, Church, Homes Underway 11 By EFFIE Valley Cerresnsnacnt '' . FfflTR CORNERS With the bes taken a definite upswing here. Hampton C. Piatt, contractor for the Tour Corners school addition, reports that they are right on sched-s ule at this date with the prospect ot IS tor completion, jne rwi irus.v, and two re-t rooms beinf! araea building. This will make 12 class- rooms. It will be finished In brick i to correspond to the present building. I . w..b k. Utm An thai nur Methodist Church expansion pro gram, A M by 40 building two stories high will Join the present building on the east. It will house class rooms, church office and recreational rooms. Many New Dwellings Many new residentisl build ings are in all stages of construc tion. Trank, North Is building a residence in th 4000 block on Clenwood Drive in the Lincoln Park addition. Warren Shrske hss two resi dences under way at 223 and 279 Mabel Ave. These are four-bed- j room bouses with daylight base- 1 Dirnis. 1 David Cbllles is building a two hfdroom house at 419 S. Slma Ave. The Chilles family will oc cupy this en completion. Mr. and Mrs. 1. H. White are completing 1 remodeling Job on 1 their residence st 4127 Beck Ave. New Kesideats New residents in the commun ity Include Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C Gurnev who have purchased the L. r.'rsist property at 4029 State St ' - " Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor r tha new owners of the Lester Eden residence in the 4100 block ot State St. The Taylors moved here Irom Myrtle Creek. The Edeni moved to California. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nichols, Billy and Jimmy are located at 280 US Hma Ave. iney movea here Irom Eugene. - ii 1 Salem Heights Scouts Hold Court of Honor : lulnatta Mtws Stnrka SALEM HEIGHTS Boy Scout fTroon It held a covered-dish din- bier and eonrt of honor at Bush's failure this week. , Four boys received Tenderfoot fan. They were veorge noon, Twayne ateuger, coourn uraoen- Jiorst Jr. and Jack spans. Receiving second clsss rank were Billv folk, Kralg Anderson, Wesley Harmon. Donald Welch. George Robb, Bobby Craen, all ot the Panther patrol. Merit badges were presented In Bruce Ramsge, Donald Miller (1), Jerry Ewtng and Larry Kec- ftor f4). I Donald Miller received his Life (Scout award. His mother pinned Ion hit pia and in return her son pinned a miniature pin on her. I ne rnmncr -povrui whiwiiu ed top honori for points in at- tendance at all meetings, and' Participation In all scouting activ- itlft. . ' i The presentations were made ,by Scoutmaster Wendell Ewinf. i Chairman for the dinner was Mrs. Jamei Welch with Mrs. James Folk ii co-chairman. Oth- asslsting were Mrs. O. A. Neilswi, Mrs. George Steivers, Mr! H. B. Frlcke. Mrs. MaHon Miller and Mrs. Wendell Ewing. Nearly 100 attended. ! A soft hill eame is "cnenuiea , for July J. and members of the! group will atienn Lamp rioneer i from July 22 to 28. J Faculty Members At College Study 5 For High Degrees i atatemun Newt Irrylr MT. ANGEL Many faculty members from Mt. Angel Wnm en'a College are garnering varied experiences and additional de gree! at other institutions this Wummer. Advanced work in dramatics la being aought by Sister M. Mar garet and Sister M. Eustelle. both enrolled at the University of San Francisco for the summer ses- aion. Sister Mary Jean Is completing iwork for her Masters Degree in fducstion at Domincan CoMeee, San Rafael, Calif.: Sister M. Jo anna Is at Gonraga University, Sookane. ber subject, elementary 'education; and Sister M. Virginia in completing requirements for ber Master's Degree at the same school. Enrolled at the University of Portland are Sister M. Mercedes and Sister M. Reginsa, majoring In music; Sister M. Adrian and Sister M. Paula, science majors, and Sister M. Eugenia, who is persuing an advanced course in fftueatlpn and psychology. Stayt on Group Aiinouneea Pienic j' ItaUtaua Mtws lrrvlr 'jBTAYTON The annual picnic of tlse First Methodist Church of Elayton will be held Sunday at Ihe hpme el Mr. and Mra. Ted Boehme. Vimavui. Transportation will be furnished Mr those Mt having a way to get olds, Mrs. Edna Oster, Miss Don llere. Fach family Is to bring a ' na Ray and Shernn Casnn. About basket dinner. Ice f r e a m and 300 wert in atendanca for the 'uck mill U ftaraitbed. Jaeaiioo. . ill aa - k'J I 1- at 4 Corners MA YE WHITE beginning of fummer, construction meeting ine ceaanne aaie 01 Aug. i up i uiciixn i.... on w ine easi ena 01 me preseni Crack Shot AUMSVILLE-Robert Walker, ii i Junior Rin?Clu. trophy si wen Carlisle Barrsieks, Pa, Valley Boy Wins Rifle Shoot in East luteins News lervtro AL'MSVILLE - Robert Walker, lit won the Junior Rifle Club's Annual Championship Trophy at Carlisle Barracks, Pa., recently, relatives here reported Thursday. Robert is the ion of Lt. Col and Mrs. Robert T. Walker, Aumsville, and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Campbell oLthis commun ity. His father is on active duty and was graduated from the Army War College, senior institution in the Army's educational lystem, on June 14. His next assignment will be at Washington, D.C. Young Robert won the annual championship match with a score of 356 out of a possible 400. He la a member of the National Rifle Association and holds that group's highest award, the Distinguished Rifleman's Award. Wallinsr Clan O Holds Picnic --M.JAA-J M. AV J11V 'III v ;. : .V. i ' . ikv v. , sut-iaua Newi i-trtct for the members and their hus- s j -LINCOLN A party comrsed,' ,VhF,r'dJro?" homVUUL 10 IjASSO f descendants of John and Celia ,on Sundy. Juy 22- tartin " VUl lU 1JaU lling gsthered at Bush's Pas ture in Salem for a picnic din- ner Sunday. Aiienoine were sir. ana Mrs. v.ani.., i,u ai; nui and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith and Julie and Dick, Mrs. Wayne Walling. Mrs. Blanche Walling, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Schwichtenberg and Eddie, Ron- nie and Jay, Mr. and Mrs. Joe (Camillo and Mike, Tracy and Mary Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. F.d Ry an and Tommy, Tracy Walling, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baal, Mr: and Mrs. Joe Ryan, Susan Schwich tenberg, Sally and Susan Squires. i . IJdyiOIi nCllOOl Vote Postponed ItatMmaa Ntwt Srrvirt DAYTON Annual rlerlinn nf Dayton School district 211 has been Indcfinitelv postponed until the Yamhill Count v School riislrirt boundary board clarifies the posi tion of the Dayton district and dis trict 22 at Lafayette. In action this month the county board joined the rural area of dis trict 12 to Dayton. Since that time. Lafayette residents have actively opposed the action, and consider able confusion exists within the two districts. Troop 20 Scouts Heedve Awards lUUimai Newt Srrvirt HAYKSV1M.K--A Court of Hon- or and Tenderfoot Investiture was! held at the scout cabin for Troop j 20. Receiving Tenderfoot badges were Mirven Tibbetts, Alan Faist, I Dick Garrett and Clarence Sutton. Second-class badges went to Bui . Lyle, Bill t rey and Robert Krey. I Jim Powers was awarded Ihe rank of First Class. Receiving the Life award was Charlie Faulkner. Merit badges were given to Jim Olsen, Jim Johnson, Charlie Faulk ner and Jim Tindall. Marquam Mi Grin Fraternal Position Slatrunia Sim Srrvlra MARQUAM Beta New Theta Rho was honored this past week when Miss Jane Wise, president of the club, was elected treas urer otthe Theta Rho assembly of Oregon. Attending the session on the Linfield Collese Camnui at Mr. Minnville were Mrs. Wvnn Revn- Volley Oriels Orchard Heights Members James jwcwow-:ii inrec-year ierm; anI Prank rtahn h a iiaofl fiv. year term. Other memheri of the board ire Robert Gannon and William Lippert. Mn. VeneU McMorria U clerk. Falli City The Christian Church Bible School it in opera tion thii week and hat an enroll ment of 22 young children. Class ei will end on Friday, June 29, with a picnic at noon and pro ram at B p.m. ' TrB(.Tne lnnuii pjfnjc form.r ,tudenls of Turnfr Khoo wjj be n(,d Sundlv -onn ,n tne Turnfr Gt.At Kh(mi Gliding. A picnic lunch will be served. AH 1 r .,..A I. mm A k.i. Ilituiirr BiuuriiiB uu iiicii i.iir iliei are invited. Slaytoo Fred Lang of Stsyton has bouKht s barbershop in Sis ters and has moved with hi fam ily to take possession. He was formerly employed in the shop of Claude Hastings here. His wife, Mrs. Lent, sold her beauty shop to Mrs. Berry Klutke of Gates. Mt. Angel Major Mt. Angel entertainment attraction this week is a dance in St. Mary's school auditorium, Friday from 9 pis, to midnight. Stubby Mills' orchestra will furnish the music. The public dance is spon sored by the Senior Young Peo ple's Sodality. Turner Several members of Ideal Rebekah Lodge attended the recent convention In Jeffer son. The next convention will be held in Turner. This will be the 50th convention. Elective officers were Mrs. Robert Mitchell, chsir- Jman, and Mrs. James Versteeg, sriTciary. nuuuimivc I'liicrii nc w,PPfr- ",ht f"llrt in mailman, mis. van uipvrii, warden: Mrs.' Brutus Ashcrof and Mrs. Don Versteeg, courtesy of ficers. Falls City Stephen Letterman, son of Mrs. Hope Letterman of Fall City, Is home on s 15-day furlough from Army duty. Falls City Mr. James Manly will be the guest speaker at 11 a.m. on Saturday at the Falls City Seventh Day Adventist Church. Willamina The annual high school election will be Monday from 2 to 8 p.m. at the high school. A director is to be elect ed to replace Lloyd Lewis, whose term Is expiring. Candidates on the ballot will be T. A. Beck and Laurice Fox. Garden Club Sets Picnic lttMua Nwi Itrvlrt ' MT. ANGEL The Past Presl- ' dents club of the Legion Auxili ary held its last meeting before ,' the summer recess at the Dehler home Wednsday night. Miss The- resa and Miss Loretta Dehler were hostesses to the group, serv ... . .... . FJ - sr , ' Puna taAfjs me.l tnr n.tMso ing a dessert supper i a tmtia nsiv niaui itri as ivuiv nans were made lor a picnic for the members and their hus- 1 p.m. Practice for the Auxiliary in I stallation was set for Friday, ! June 22, at 8 p.m. A letter from Miss Ann Toner, ... . . . L" 3 'T mk H . b""k' 1 "l. h?d T n,llnn tne club n,d made- Valley Obituary Perry R. Graham SHERIDAN Final rites for Perry Robert Graham, 64, were held at McMinnville Monday. Graham was born in Salem, Va . March 13, 1892, and came to Sheridan from Iowa. Survivors include his wife. Ida, Sheridan; three daughters. Vir ginia Spicer, Dayton, dladys Tschani North Plains Jutfnita Graham, Sheridan; one son. Em mett, Sheridan: two brothers. Vrri nJ R,,v- in ""- fmlr s'"- "mrr i.ranam, mvirie rsirn ol an(l May Patton, all in Iowa and Katherine Lee of Denver; al so two grandchildren. Planners Named For Grange Fair lutrimin Nw srrviri UNION HILL Committees for the Union Hill Grange Fair, to. be ; held in the fall, were appointed i by the chairman, Mrs. Robert l.ierman, at the Grange Home Economics meeting at the home of Mrs. Byron McElhaney. Mrs. A. N Doerfler was co-hostess. Mrs. Henry Peters was in charge of the program and pre sented several games with prizes going to Mrs. Henry Hansen and Mrs. M. M. Gilmour. The next club meeting will be held in September. SCHAEFER'S Diuretic Tonic A combination of approved remedies which Influence the secretion of the kidneys, hence useful la rases where the urine Is scanty, high colored, turbid or unduly concentrated: so as lo produce irritations of the urinary passages. If symptoms persist see your Doctor. SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Daily 7:M a.m. to I p.m. Aunrfays, t a. m. la 1 p. m. US N. Commercial I ( f, i ! i f ' Ik r. 1 1 f Ml j I'll I iiJkVl t lBaaaJLa1lataHHMi St. Paul Rodeo's royal court paid Salem and the state rapltot a visit and added bit of glamour la gover nor's offices. Left to right are Princess Judy Seaiftsler, Salem: Queen Janice Miller. Milwaukie, and Princess Marine Kurhne. Carlton. The girls were In Salrm tseubllrlxe the 21st annual St. Paul Rodee, scheduled July 1-4. Top cowboys will vie for $1,404 in prizes. j Wild Horses Plentiful jprorress Told For Rodeo at St. Paul Qn jyew par Statetman Nfst Srrvire ST. PAl'l Wild horse races will be featured again this year at iifnnn Stsi Srrvirt the St. Paul Rodeo. The rodeo, one of the oldest and richest in the BRI SII COLLKGK Work is pro west, will be held July 1 through 4. gressing on the six-acre Bru.h Approximately 75 wild horses will be captured in various parts of College community park which the the state, including Warm Springs and Tygh Valley areas, for do- Community Club is sponsoring. livery to the rodeo here. Some of The wild horse races have pro- video some of the most spectacu lar action of the rodeo here for the past several years. Cowboys must take these horses, which have never been ridden, saddle them and then ride them across the arena and through an exit. Sold is Public The horses are sold to the pub lic following the rodeo. . There will be several added at- trartinnt in rnnnprtion uith the 2ist annual rodeo, including free! T"e tTP' which seemed to have the committee were R K. Garin fireworks following the night per-j suffered severe damage from the ger. R. C. Ennor and Carl Skei-formanc-es on July 2 and 3. dancing ! Pas 'nl". now promises a fair n. each night in an open pavilion, ' yield. , Thf par, js ited aen-s the spaghetti and meatball dinner from I Many growers planted new acre- roa(j flom Rrush ,-irije Slhm. 11 a.m. to 1:30 p m. July 1 in the age this spring. This is growing and h;), bef) a p. panK. pol Uty nail, a lurxey ainner irom ill a.m. to 1:30 p.m. July 4 in the 'City hall and a western parade starting at 10 a m. on July 4. Start at 1:34 P.M. The July 1 and 4 shows will be held in the afternoon, starting at 130 pm. The night shows on July 2 and 3 will get under way at S p m. Specialty performers on the reg ular rodeo program will include the MpnHrirk'i Fumilv fonhirini; Romance riding and jumping along with trained dogs; Wes Cur- !n. a cu C .1 lis and Sherman Crane, clowns land bull-fighters: and the Lane (Trio and Homer, a trampoline act. nwe on IVlciVIiHnville New Industry StatrtmiB Nrwi Srrvlra McMINNVILLF-Fifty McMinn ville civic leaders have voted a $2.jfl.non expansion of McMmn ville's industrial promotions corpo ration The promotion group plans as its next project construction of a building for a house trailer man ufacturing tirm. Clifford A. Elliott, .manager of the McMinnville Chambe'fw Com merce, has returned from Los An geles, where he held conferences with officials of the unnamed trail er company. lie says that by Monday, June 25, the community must be ready to give the company assurance that the community would sponsor the project. The expansion move of the McMinnville promotion group is the first step in assuring the company of McMinnville's support. HEAD THETA RHO CM B WILLAMINA - Officers elected by Theta Rho Club members lo serve from July until December are: rresident. Luann Stoddard; vice president, Linda Boehler: sec retary, Carla Stroschine; treasur er. Darlene Rydell. They will be .installed at the meeting on July ' Hub members ar working on a float for th Phil Sheridan parade Saturday. floor? REACH FOR THE Put little in water. Clttm :Iesnrr, faster, ji jmfciti, de odorises leaves clean, fresh fra grance of whis pering pints. Non sod. m oiitmst an taiaift ttuiae lat.oii MOIIKt nil mm kg Cowgirls Visit Stale Tfls)tie)iBSflsaBjsn jaajjijS4Bsjsssi py' 'tffr w-siaaw them are already on the scene. j Hazel Green Sees Fair Berry 'Yield Stslnman News Servlre HAZELGREEN - Hundreds of berry pickers are at work thee ;days in the many strawberry fields of the Haiel Green neigh borhood. ""u '""i""1"" increase in next year's crop Cherrv Tree Fall Hurts Year-Old SUtfiman Nfl Servlr Slf.VERTON - William Carson eight-year-old son of Mr and Mrs Harry Carson Jr is reported 1 . drhich occurred here Tuesday" "f"1. T wTfrJ night. The youth fell 15 feet from trom' an acci ght. The youth a cherry tree, striking his head on a rock. His condition was consid ered critical for several hours, but Thursday morning definite im provement was noted, according to members of the family Mayor and .Mrs Harry V. Car son. Silverton. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shinn, Salem, are the grandparents. Last Dayton Hand (lonrert Set Tonight SUtrsman Vrwi Srrvlra DAYTON-I.ast band concert of the summer will be held in the Dayton City Park at 8 pm. Fri- day. Seventy-five students under the direction of Louis Kelly will perform After this Ihe band students will devote their time to marching practice in preparation for three valley' parades in which they will appear later this summer. , Over 3,250,000 car owners know. . . I it Its great tobe Mthiidlstater Oraot for protection! Allstate's easy to understand nol7 Hives the sound, reliable protection you erect from the insurance company founded by Sears. Oraot for service! Whatever happens, vou're in good hands with Allstate. Agent service is prompt, dependable. Claim settle ments are fast and fair. Orecrt for value! Allstate's rates are usually Inurr than thos of most other leading companies. Yrm can t buv better protection, why pay more? See or phone your Allstate Agent today! 1 98 S. Commercial 550 N. Capitol St. Vm You'ro In good TOCK COMPANY PWOTECTION PmoM by Sean iMtaanili.(Mitie) ditre1 trie tap l from rh oawnt. na aVlCa). rwi0ifj aoua lll. ftt mtw avw atei. trul tor tnifle)i Capitol :Ai rwm,: .1 4 ' M --u I The county is dumping fill dirt in portions of the park and the sponsors expect to remove l;;llin timber from the park this season. Walter Wirth. Salem narks su perintendent, has agi ( ed to con sult with a park committee hire concerning development ol tne area. The Community Club rcrei.'iy appointed a four-member paik committee with Emmet Rogers named chairman. Also named to for years. (iranjie (iroup lI,ook Ahead to iKarlv Fall Fair Statrsinan Sfwl Srrnr VnlJTll IKUVVI 1 Tim V.irlh ; HowfU om(, Economics Club met I at ,he rflnfie ha" wi,h Mrs- w'" . A ... ., Tuesday after- altcr Hollen as hostess and Mrs. Albert Roth, sub stitute hostess for Mrs. Pe terson who was called to Washing ton due to the illness of Mr Pe terson's father Mrs. Florence Oddie. secretary, conducted the bu-'nes meeting in the absenie of the chairman The afternoon was spent planning and discussing the fair which will be an eent of the earlv fa The hostesses' project for the June meeting was a kitchen show er for the grange hall and many usefuj items were presented lo ihe grange The next Home Economics meeting will be at the grange hall at 8 p m. on Julv 17 Mrs Oar- ence Espe and Mrs. Albert Roth are the hostesses. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Manning and family moved this week to Shelton, W.ash. They sold the residence they were building to Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch who are finishing it and plan to move there next week. ' Phone 4-6861 Phone 3-9191 hands wtm . . , fz n mz- -r.yi If; '!, 125 Enroll For Summer At Mt. Angel SUtrimi Newl Srrvlr MT. ANGEL Mt. Angel Wom an's College listed 125 students on its opening day for the six-weeks summer session Tuesday. Repre sented in the student body besides Oregon are the states of Washing ton. Idaho, Kansas and Illinois, plus Alaska and Formosa. The teaching staff is augmented Among them are Dr. Lucille Hill, by a number of visiting professors, a graduate of New Yoij I diver sity, who is conducting a series of two-weeks workshops on physical education: Sister Theresa Arin Doyle of SI. Scholastics College, Atchison, Kan., who teaches Amer ican literature; the Rev. James Koessler, OSB, instructor of the dogmatic theology course, and the Rev. Romuald Kdenhofer, OSB, conducting a course on scripture, both from Mt. Angel Abbey, and Sister Jean Marie, SSS. Portland, assisted by Sister Bcrmce, OSB, of the Mt. Angel College, who are in . charge of the workshops in ele mentary methods, irfduding social i sfnHioc rAftAina tn'whmiT nwitVinHa ' and materials in religious teach ing. Juniors Open Phil Sheridan Fete Today Sljifkman i Srnlrc SHERIDAN A junior parade at 11 a m. Friday will kick off this city's Phil Sheridan Days celebration. Big days, however, will be Sat urday and Sunday when rodeo performances are scheduled at 1:30 pm daily, featuring tradi tional rodeo events and Harley Tucker's rodeo stock Other Friday events will in clude a program in the park at 1 p m. and a street dance at night. Both events are free, ac cording to Cliff Bridge, publicity chairman The celebration's annual his torical parade is scheduled for 10 a m. Saturday and will feature the largest array of bands and drum-and bugle corps in the his tory of the Sheridan event. Heading the big parade will e the Portland Police Drum and Rusle Corps. Other Phil Sheridan Davs : events will include a hotcake ; breakfast Saturday morning at j the Methodist Church and a dance Saturday night at the high school 1 gym I McMinnvile Stanley Chris tensen Sr. has been elected to a I five- ear term on the McMinn ville district 40 school board. He defeated Paul D. Fritz by a vote of 822 to 442. Christensen has been a board member since this spring when he was appointed to fill the unexpired term of the late Dr. W. W. Ileringer. 'P- Ji"iai laavaWaVJavJaaaaaaMaattWaalaaaaVJaMBaktMa '-.a-.'. . . Mil I r.M . J If fp I .- ," '.v-TJ I' 5 "S ill St IV '"1 if '! I honestly think ' ,( oi. heat i, the safes, for jX JV your children, Bill' ff 'Glad you feel that way, too. We've used oil heat for a long time and always felt it was the safest heat... and it certainly has proved to be cheaper and more dependable. Jane says she likes oil heat because it's cleaner, and every room of the house gets even heat. That's why the new house we buy has got to have oil heat." CLEAN, SAFE, LOW COST lay fresa file aeeler vkt Receive Scholarships 1 i 7 f ORV Al.LIS-Sandra Lies (left). Brownsville, and Alice Thurstoa, Rele, re among 1! Oregon students whs have been awarded scholarships from the South Sanliam Kduratloniil and Renearrh Project. Miss Lien, a I nlverslty of Oregon student, received a ."00 scholarship. Mist Thurston's was 1300. The project was established last year under a 3.1,000 grant from the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation si SI. Paul, Minn. Ileiiny -Elected to District 13 Board sutnm.i. New. aervirt I five-year term. The budget for riONF.ER Frank Henny was 1 1956-57 was approved and mem elected Monday to serve on the -hers of the district voted fundi school board of district 13 for a 'to build a playshed for the school, FRIDAY-JUNE 22 Salem Rose Society's 11th Annual ROSE SHOW 2 to 9 P. M. AUDITORIUM, sfitaleyi ffcit teal ef tjatfify. H h an til htaf tpttitlht -MID ' SECOND FLOOR