rOO Rental 800 Real EsUte 800 Real EcUte 800 Real Dute BOO Real Estate 1850 Automotive 830 Automou're Statesman, Salem, OreThurs, June 21, '56 (Sec U)-D TlOWnuto Rant Hut YOUNG businessman V family need clean or ) bdrm. house Pa. 4-WK. M4 lniiMti Rentals GOOD bMf .. MxM. nn ail 7. S4 S. Com I. Ph. J-awi 'own office space store rma warenousa $-4114 BUSINESS spaT$' itr in Wallar Rd Shoppine Canter, S0. Ph. J-74J1 It 3-9077. ILDEREST Nursing Home Pri vate rooma available. 2630 N Church. COri A G K CONVALCSCEN1 HOME 152 N Cottage 1-7020 80 Moving 4 Storogt LESTER DeLAPP LYON VAN LINES LOCAL OK NATION WIDE Moving & Storage PH. M750 OR 3-4366 Uirnier Transfer k Storacr Com 0, eta moving tenner AIm arnU for BFK1NS Nation WtdeMovers Pn Cbw c6sftrirast H L. Ftlfl Furniture Co t-HM 800 Real Estate 801 Buiinen 6pportun. SERVICE STATION fOT lease mv Matnr il Co Equipment and utilities fur- niliri in..l in tesjile mrtst only. For infor. rail Mr Bif-1 rer 3-4703 until 9 o clock ex Sat. and Run. CAFE stock $2C0 cash, leaving tate. across from ihe tele phone office in Turner SERVICE STATION for rent" at ! Broadway & Liberty. Inq. 2320 1 Fairgrounds Rd SMALL" RFST A I t RANT." $ 1 .950 . , Phone 4-5800 after 7PM FOR LEASE near roninletinn I rew dm r -in re-tnurHnt vith heavv traffic county Some equipment f urn Bo 53., Slatt Mjinn-JotirnM HOME. ACRKAGE k INCOME 2 acres on which there ),s a 2 bdrm. house and a grocrrv ;ore It la located in a good suburban area. Price only $10. WO Tall Mr. Jaroh acn for details. Phone 2-607B day ur ee. C. S. .1AB0BSEN', REALTOR 768 Brenner Ph. 2-6978 VlI.L sacrifice due to Illness small business In downtown Salen Ph after 11 a m. 2-9120. I Alll.i: huMnrw hide . I aire (,;cn Woiidrv 160S N Summer liOt'SK with 2 in dern jt! up I i v i' df n a-'d have h'iin at ''nine. Good lorn'. ion l'ir rr estate lnu' an. i. ir..beautv S".p Ovvn.-r 13)2 N Capitol S- !'. 4..V'88 SlflDEKN 7 unit Salem motel A l.n-ne. srll or cor-idcr trade for sfiiall ant. home. close in. Owner 2-71 'ill ' MOTEL 22 units, good return. take Salem Property tn trade. TAVERN-land A aJl. Hot Spot $16 0nnno Terms. GROCERY clean stork, new fixtures, rc.ivnnable. fFR STA.-Cood location, 5im nit TUCKFR RFAI. ESTATE lbanon. Oregon BARBER SHOP 3 chairs. F. M Tatman. 315 State St. 802 Businets Property IOR SALE, hv owner. Service Stat on K- work 'hop in A1 banv, or trade for Salem prop erty 715 Ferry St. For" SALE large building' 600 so ft. fir. lot 140 x 2 40 ft. Good location A verv Rood Invest menl Price dropped for quirk sale See 775 N. Lancaster, rill 4-6632. 803 Suburban 1 RDRM modern house, A, lirge garage. $4,500, terms. 2KI1 Brown Rd. 806 Housei For Salt South Will Trade Kew A- lovely S-hrlriTi. horrie. prirrct frotn 511 7M) tn $14 WO ecr chfMit A- shopping cen-tr- I u mi; K rtimni r"OMi, 2 firrp;it Fine kitchen K I i mly rnoin 2 c' plr'nh lng Auto ot! hest Dhle plastered garage. U ill trade for smrU home or late model c.r Th 4-B273 RKA1XY W0KTH KM Ex'rfl nice 1 ; acre with verv good Mnall home, Ig grirngt $10,X1 $.000 DOWN 'r t'i'-e 2 h(!r fn hon .f pi as a pa; tn enl AT 4(()RNKHS. nm M'-drrn. c! m 1 bedrm htinie JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 405 No Hig'i Vh 4-14Hr F-.e 4-,:i'Lt. 2-.401. 2-4M4. 4-811)2 CANDAI.AR1A Home, bv owner, Fast view, 3 hdrm. Ph 2-078:1. MI ST SKLL OR RENT 1 good 1 bdrm. home in West Salem, paved it . ahurie trees. Trice 13.250 or rent $.17.50 per month. 4f ACRF FARM All in ruM , 2 homes. 2 & 3 hrlrms , !1 milk cows, full line farm machinery . Hove 1i s hoi.I K town. $2....V)0 for ill linijno down. MuM hvf upp' t" sre Call Andrnn das 4-4494, eve ph 4-2714. W. IXTKREST ON YOt'R MONEY! This 4 unit apt. house for $10,500 - and retain one apt. for jour gelf Beautiful corner lot, tall shade trees South A- close to bus All newly painted inside A out $4 000 down Payments $65 per mo Mrs. Wells, days 4-4494, eve. 2-3738. 517 Court Dial 4-4494 EYpWNER J bdrm. home. Will gAG I See at 41.'4 ,W. Brown. ingXafter fl BI'SH'PARK hdrmsTlSHO's" Church. 3 bdrms . 1085 Oxford 4 BDRMS ,2 hatha, new roof, aluminum siding, garden space, fruit trees, on large corner lot. $12,750. Ph. 4-4890. OR TRADEequIty in bdrm. modern home for trailer bouse or smaller house. 1060 Shady Lane. 4-M1S. WILL trade equity In i bdrm home for trailer house. 5240 Runnyslde Rd. 2-0933. CLEAN I vrold 2 bdrmuhur han home, hdvvd firs venilian Hinds, nice shrubs $7 2.7c .73.75 Monioe Ph 4-5544 r,Y OWNFR: 2 hdrm house. South 14th Ac Waller. Ph 4-7820 after 5 p m. 1 IMMACULATE homesrideal citv locations, beautiful vards. S bdrm. 2nd 4 bdrm. equip ped for day nursery, ph 2-3508 LARGE 1 bdrm. home wilh den A- gar, Croisan Croak Rd. Ph. 4-7M7. ' 104 HeuMt For Soto lOc DOWN MOVES YOU IN TODAY OR Bl'tLD TO SUIT ED FISCHER. PH. 4-M31 ItR SALE 1 bdrm. house, part furnished, lot 70x100 Mil Joan Dr $6,250 Ph. 4-J01 1. BY BUILDER OWNER LARGE lot. beautiful view, 3 bdrnia . 1 baths. 2 frpli , Iff. liv: rn... dm. rm . kit. with nook, family rm.. dbl. gar. lots of built-ms. Built-tn oven St ran jr. dishwasher, disposal. I Oak firs, vinyl fir covering ceramic tilt countera. Tree shaded patio, lots of brick. las insulation. IXt.WO. Ph 47000 for appointment. A HONEY TOR THE MONEY 2 bdrms tV den. beautiful flowers, shrubs Ac l.iwn. radi ant heit. Located on- Staniey la nt in South Salem. Extra lot inth'ded LeavinK state. M.ike ofier on trrm Ac price. Call EE.N COLBATH. REAL TOR days 4-445M. Eve. OWNER BlILDER ENGLISH style, on Kingwnod H'.. nearly new. well con structed. 3 Irg, hdrmi . 14x21 liv rm . lovelv din. rm , cen ter hall. 2 frpl , Ig kit .i:h nMk. full finished bsmt . pjrty rm . den. hobbv rir . bath, laundry. fruit rm. Must be seen Low dn pa nunt $17.9.5. 643 Fir Gardens at Low en Ave 3-7212 VIEW HOME l'i . yrs. old Lo cated in Candalana. 3 bdrm and den or ;t bdrms. Central hfilL forcrd air oil furnace Hirchwood kitchen with elec ltic range and refrtgrraior in nintcninp eolors Price onjv $M,7:1 For appt, call Geo. Patrn v with Alen (" Jones, Realtor. 2J1 No Hie'i Hh Eve. 4-1889. 2-9848 or 3.2-708 SOUTH SALEM IN MORNINGMDE DIST. NEW .7 Bedrm. home )ust being completed. 2 fireo'ace. fam ilv rm.. hath half, plastered 2- '.'ir dr . corner lot. Pvd streets, a real buv at ll.VOOn FVF. call FLOYD McNALI . .1-77M. davs 2-6Wi ED LL'K INBEAL, REALTOR. 4M .V HIGH CAPE con Wry f'ne oldfr hone In o'l'h Salem 4 bedrooms, doubir ba'h. extra large Imntj room den. neparate dmine. room, large kitchen with nook, hase ment, oil furnace, ficpinc", Luge wooded lot. unrterpround sprinkling sjstem. $2.500 with terms. 1 ACRE-EAST Just off Lancaster Drive nn Clenwood Drive 2 bedrooms, automatic gas furnace. inide laundry room, large g.iraee with work bench, pood well auto, jet pi'n:n. fenced in front yard Or'v $7.70 down with pay men's less than rent. innpr 411 irhrsonic B d f'.'a'e Inul.nne .Mor'Eage l oans OKlie .1-11217 Eves 2-709 or ,7-7ia 1 I1U8M: house, tile bath, large garage w'utihty rm $700 buys our equity. Ph. 2-6211. $450 will buy equity in 2 bdrm house at 22H0 Claude Ph.4-5507 SOUTH 2 bdrm. modern home, lots of closet space. Dream kit- ( hen. moderately priced. Large corner lot j'h. 2-Hlu.i .1 linRMs' t ' . haths J hir. h I kilil-cn n .lh cli' hw:tsher A rlis. posa! fierpl in large h ! g rm I.rg uiilit 2 yrs ohi ( Owner transferred. $! J.L'uo Ph. 4-7351 FOR 5ALE by owner 3 hdrm home, basement wAnl lurnare 1 Exiel. cond . large lo' isilh trees & shrubs. Near Capltul A Market Ph. 3-4H73. Sell Your Equity Buvcrs walling lor homes Farms. Itcnlals and business List now Quick action at Star Heal'v. 5:130 S. i'ac. Hwy. Th 2-L'(l.7l MR UrtNtH' (.11 n vVoonrv will pay top once for vour furn A aoohances Ph 7-5110 There is a heap of liv inp in this hse. 4 b'r'm. Good loca tion. You can name the-down pav't. $4, 000.1)0. WHAT A DEAL 1 Vl'v'm fivonl Kos't'THIS MdRNINC.SIDF DIST 3 BDRM HOME IS something new O u I 111 - 111 f pi. Ud. i . ,,, ,.,, Ru,tlt exterior of Boards A Batten in attractive dark sawdust f u r n. Lge. Cor. lot. Rups & drapes included. Will sell on low. dn. pav't or accent first mtpe. Price $10,!5(. Call E. H. T,each. Ph. 3-M12 or 3-7440 Percv Ullman Rltr. BY BUILDER NFW spacious 3 hdrm. Fngle wood Dist. Top Quality. 2-7071 by owner" modern 3 hdrm home, good terms on flow n i paym t. E of 4-Corners, P" ' 3-3780 I 7 BDRM. house with small acre- l aee at 970 Ratcliff Dr Make I offer at Pioneer Trust Co . Sa- ' crn - - FOR SALE hv owner: 2 hdrm I .ii-ri ........ l.rn.i TIRO Mftrtlev ll Ph -. 4-4.71B BY OWNFR 2 hdrm modern W'elt huilt home $7 s,00 t.o. ' caled at 1455 7th. Ph. 4-2415 ev e ; 2 BDRM. hoiise7lot Oxll855j Fairview Ave. So. $4,500. $200 dowp. $40 )ier mo. FOR SALE: New. 2 bdrm. house 5 mi. No. on Sllveiton Hiway. $100 Down Ph. 4-7168 BY BUILDER NF.W 3 bdrm noma naai S Salem schools A nerk 2-7071 $401 F.QUITY in almostnevv 3 hdrm. home Large lot, Nice lawn & shrubs. Ph .7-4448 SF.l.L eoultv 2 hdrm. house. 3 vrs old full haun t $400. Ph 3-3595 -88 Diaper St BY OWNER 1 1 - rear ."old S bdrm. house, fireplace, att. ga rage, fenced vard Englewood I)l $1-2.001). 4-7304. JOE HUTCHINSON REALTOR Let us solve vour home needs To Buv. Sell' or Rent Call Ph. 4-5743 1211 Edgewater Ph. 4-7874 2710 So. Convrn'l SMALL down payment on at tractive small 2 bdrm. home. Total price $7,950. 2430 N. Church. Ph. 4-3680. BARGAIN: Cory, clean 1B. R home. range and heater In cluded, large fenced yard, lo cated off '99' Hiehwav North . $:t"n(i $;lufl do-vn, take car in 1 trade R M Mason. Rlt 3-8841, 3-3068. 3-3.742 j ! BUY my equity in Manhnn j j Gardens home, 3 hdrms, or 2 j inumiK aim oro r n nr.i. frpl. and patio. $i 150 dn.. $ll,. 850. 835JVIanhrinDrLPh. 4-2453 3 BDRM. house on approx. 5 A. So. of Pringle Dist 2 bdrm. house at 21 Draper, Pioneer Trust Co. $-3138. 06 Hons For SW 1980 FAIROLNDS RD. PH. : JS51 HORSES - HORSTS . HOnSES -TREES - TREES TREES: Hera a the ' heavenly ac.-luaion" i all dream 'about but SO aeldnm fmd approx. 12 acres, part beautifully wooded, small rreek, only few minutes drive from down town Very comfortable 7.yr -old spacious home. dble. plumbed. S fire places t-box stall barn; dble garage and workshop. Price $26,M0. We ll love to aftow you. QUALITY 2-bedronm Englewood home Irge living and dinine. rms . 2 fireplaces, full basement Well-kept corner lot with sprinkling system. Price lit. MO. f HA terms. 4 BEDROOMS ell located 4 Corner Dist vrs. old: roomv. bright kitchen. Good-sired lot. Better see for IU.SO0. ERA financed. NO PARKING PROBLEMS No bus ""fuss" Substantial J-hedroom home and good 1-bedroom rental n 614" N. Church St. Business potential. Call for appt. today. WEEK-END RETREAT: New cabin on the Abiqua Approx acre IDEAL spo' to rest your 'weary bone', wear out your liahin4 gei. or just plain sag ". Onlv IVSO-let m Eve Ph Tnelma 4-!fW, Ered 4-732H or 2-K.77 YOU'LL BE TICKLED PINK When we show vou thta livable, lovable 3-hedroom horne The prettv pink exterior compliments the well-groomed yard and desirable neighboinotxl Immaculate, spacious rooma well planned for comfort and convenience. The pullman bath with lnuvered. shuttered windows couldn't be more charming. The birch kitchen is modern in everv respect and has a picture window in the eating area . . We could go on and on be-cau.-e this home has so many extra features, but we know you'll want to see for yourself. o phone Fred Klang now for a showing. During the eenings and Sunday he will be at NEIGHBORHOOD CONSCIOUS? . Then of course you've had Englewond in mind all along. Vi'e are estwciallv proud to offer this lovelv 3. bedroom home and we know you'll agree this is a true-value at 113.1100 The living and dining rooms are carpeted in a luscious grey and green scrolled hro'dloom. which accentuates the expansive feeling you'll find throughout the home.' For the sportsman, there is an extra building which will house your boat and all of your fishing equipment no boat'.' then use It for a playroom or guest hout You'll reallv be happv here . . . Phone Carl Han sen for an appointment. Eves, and Sun. 4-0465. RKALTORS N High St LOW DOWV PAYMENT, can be had nn this dandy suburban hn ne. 3 Bed Rrms p2 Acres Wired for washer & dryer. Low Taxes. Only $8,100.00. Call Edna Morgan eve. 46031. BEST Bl'Y IN TOWN. Older 4 Bed Rm. Home Just redecorated. Best of locations near schools Shopping & Bus Bif lot & nice shrubs. Price only $10,500 00. Good terms, Call Stearns Cashing, eve. 250-18. VERY LOVELY NEW 3 Bdrm. Home Just heing finished Fire place. F A. Furn l'j Baths. Dble garage. Located in Bel vedere Gardens, $12,750 00. Terms, Call Mr. Kiggins eve 45494. REST FARM Bl'Y' 1 1 el Acres. 4 Bed Rm. modern home. Basemt Fa. I'll nuiV B.irn .r2R0. Machine shed, (.arage. B5 Acre in -ni.-'l Rran h acres !ec Oak tree- balance pasture All flop.- go ith the faun, Terns, Call Mr. Lc.l.en eve 31735 MORTCA'iK LOANS. CONSTRUTION FINANCING C.V.KENT&CO..REALTORS 4.Vi N Chinch LOANS FOR BUYING OR BEST Bl'Y IN TOWN. In .,,,,11 2 hdrm home If vou don't agree after seeing this v:!l bviv vou free cotiee I ur il s..hurban eat. Close in N ee a'd with trees. Some of thriii are l-uit trees. Out Ol Ho. O OU MIT .T'lMlllH to i-rll Pure SI.SOO i!' Dean Klarr t. e. phone 2-;nM). Pi rfrct siihurban home for vein i -retirement on 5 acre. Fruit, nuts and garden Bml.1 ings suitable lor fur or chick en raising business In a ntre suburban setting amon 'he trees On good ived load Tn fee call R F. Gillespie. K e phone 4-0914. 1,05 CHKMKKKTA ST. LOOKING FOR A l.ARC.R I IV I SC. ROOM WHICH WILL HOLD YOUR PIANO AND STILL HAVE ROOM LEFT OVER? We have h nice one to show you in th s $9,500 priced home in Enelewood Di't Has flrepl also. Intercstinji den. Nicelv dec or.teri interior Oil hrai Close to School and bus. $0,500. Call of rn Yerttrr.Eve 3-4ri72. THIS 4 YR OLD HOME HAS NEVER BEEN ON THE MARKET HE FORE In St Vincent Dist. This i an attractive 2 bdnn. bin,r wit'i i-quare living rm. Ideal for furniture arrangements. rv iai ge ki'c hen w ith e.Ttinn area I blk to bt,. 1 hlk. to Highland S h $9.!);0 Call Doiothy Deal. Eve. 4-M.12. ltd cnlnr be;ni reilina in cozy livini no , flrepl. You v. tl! en hi v thi cnlnr tul ritmosnhere and the friendly neigh b-Mhood Lot 75!00. Onlv IlL.SO Call Clyde FonU, Eve 2.12fi. A BARGAIN V.'HH A BEAUTIFUL VIEW. A dandv ? hdrm home OJtn wt'h one of the nirc virw ovrrlookine the ntv from a .-.ri' Hided ard Rooms a:e Inree with vIpw windows. Can 1m 'i.mdled ' ith ? 2V rioun. Verv ood loan. $2JM Call Ed:iri AndriM.n. E.e NELSON & NELSON, REALTORS . IIWi S Commercial Ph 2-3R Ire, ld 318 N. Church St $2,0qp BUYS 4 room house, furnished. I1, Acre (Turner District). $7,950 CLOSE TO State Buildings fl room 2 story house with basement, and garage. Sawdust furnace. A good buy. soon uuvi. nuvs noun nou.e close to mgniana scnooi. uwner will earn balance on contract. Only $4.5"0. si.i.ikhi i in iia.v .xirtlM. wen , i i ,,11 nil. IMC. nil 11m.. Ik putuir niiiuvnv 1. .nuini WHO hook ovrt-iru (rtirtkr. Ideal fanuly home Evening 4-478K Hr.ilv. ,'l-ai91 Cheatham. l.'iRiia -Schrerter. .I7n:'a Woollen. .'l-WICS A REAL NICE 3-BBM HOMF - Hardwood fhs Has living rm.. riming rm . birch cab inets in kitchen, uttlitv rm . colored hath fixtiues. forced air heat. plaeied Onlv IiOO. Call Gene- Pedwell 2 PLUS Af'RFS OF GOOD SOIL Very good location, a 2-brni. i home, good well, some irng . gata"e -io ill hair Reduced, to n.lioo dn navnil Total j price SVBOO See Ron Kiaus eve 3-.')6B8 1 Looking for A NICE HOMF in the $7,500 bracket' See this one. Has living rm , dining 'rm.. 2 brms , beautiful yard with outdoor fireplace, trees, etc. Call Frank Graham, eve 4-4748. A SOxMVt waterfront lot on West aide Devils Lake This Is a steal. $875. Bill Fuller, eve 4-7448 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY FARMS. SFF. THE KIND OF CROPS GROWN ON THEM VF IIAVF A GOOD SE1.EC TION CM I. C.FO ' KRAI'S OR HFRB BARNES. REAL ESTATE , - . . , 31" V Church St. Ph. 4 fiS71 ; BY 0WNKR. well kept 2 hdrm. 1 home, furn or unfurn . H yrs old, nice yd. Smith. $599 dn . 1 bal. like rent Thu la 1 bar- 1 (tin. Ph. 2-U7L 10 Hons. For UU r P'mnes 4.(i:i.H, 2-15.1.1 Phone 42213 CONSTRUCTION I OR J". Lovelv new home on a nill Da light basement, flood neighborhood of fine homes. 1530 q. ft Lots of iate't h-i 1 It -1 ns Including range. -plus otner eytias Ihit oiai.e 'bis home unusual. 3 bdrms with e'tra snace Price :!() S.ifl Call Dean Klarr. Eve. 2-7000. Nearlv new 1 hdrm houe with daylight basement, 2 fne places, 2 bathronms, plenty of cabinets and storage Deep freeze goes. Owner quite an xious to !! Priced $H.0Hfl. To see call D-ie Bayburn. Eve. phone 2-20 4 5. PHONK 4-6875 Realtors) Ph. 3-9236 inoaien -viooern a norm, nome . A ci-, i u (irtiio, iu Baumgartner j $6 WH1 3 hdrm. home, complete : !v finnished Business Zone -Close lo shires. Good buy. $5 800-2 hdrm home Busi ness Zone $800 down. $1 9001 hdrm home I.ol 50xi:i5 house on rear of lot Room to build another taim down. $4.5n(l-l hdrm. electric heat, paved street Clean $750 down 180 S. LIBERTY STREET Phone 2-2471 ENGLEWOOD $14 500 BUYS brick A shake home on Corner lot in tine lo cation, sprinkling svstem in lawn, home haa 2 real Ig bed rms . big den with fireplc . family -sire dining rm. Better huvs are hard to find Fve call RA v DAVIS I.V0I7. dvs 2-SfiWI F.D LUK1NBF..M. RE ALTOR, 433 N. HIGH BY OWNER Sub. Nor'h. A. House has 1.4.3 sq ft . liv A din rms combined, wall to wall carpet, firepl nook in kit., dishwasher, inside util. oil forced air furnace, patio. F. H. A. terms. 4-5753 riTLL DRY-BsmtTa bdrm. plus finished. upstaira. 1S50 N. Uth. 804 Housws ft UU 1650 SQ. FT. AND COMPLETELY FURNISHED More right into the spactoua ) bdrm home L. R SOxli. Large D. R. fireplace. H W. floors Wall to wall carpet in living room and D. II Includes T V set, dining auite. rang, re frig lawn equip, etc. Price tit Mai For apt. call Ceo Patrny. J-isUg. Eve. 4-lS. Allen C. Jones Realtor lNo Hign J-M.t. Eve (-its $1,000 DOWN vl BDRM . ENGLEWOOD Owner ser. take $1009 down for quick aalet ) Bdrms.. full basement, fireplace, separate dining room, large dinette, sewing room Home is insul ated, has new oil furnace, hardwood floors Lot SOxlJO with Cherrv & .Walnut trees Leaving Salem Call GRANT BOWDFR, Office 4-5JSH. Home 4-3M9. FAMILY HOMK AND INCOME WILL TRADE SPACIOUS. 3 bdrms down. 2 up 15x22 living room. SxlH dining room. 10x10 nook, fireplace. EXCELLENT CONSTRIC TION, hardwoMj floors, new comp roof INCOME. MS. per mo. rental apartment. AT TRACTIVE English type home good neighborhood. 114 77J Sale or Trade Call DON BEL LINGER, Office 4-33M. Home 4-04K. 5 ACRKS SUBDIVIDE OR FARM IT 105 Ft. frontage on Lancaster. 3 br. home with separate din ing room. Machine shed, brooder house, poultry bouse Variety of fruit trees. Entire S acres su.jBn Call IRA MANSFIELD. Office 4 -WW. Horn -72. 1H90 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 4-3394. If no answer 3-WM Enelewood Older type good home with four bedrooms and double plumb ing. Full basement, oil heat, large lot with shade trees, close to schools and transpor tation. $11,250. with $1000 down. Call Mr. Roome, eve. ph, 4541$. $5250 Here Is place to begin A I bdrm. home In quiet district on a large lot. Plumbed for washer and wired for dryer. Owner will trade for a trailer house. Call Ruth Morrison, .41644. 3 bdr. N. E. Lovelv 3-bdrm home with fire place, tile b-ith, Htinehed beautiful yard, all fenced in for the kiddies, nice c.i.t front. $!$?0. Call t.cRov Good water, eve ph. 4fi.)7U. 6 Acres Older tvoe 3-bedroa n horn, all on one floor, ad'lltionaj s,nall hldgs. including a large green house. Very good land, norlh. Ideal for a nurseryman or someone--wanting. ..lo build rental units for the new air base $12,000 Call Mr Bourne for details. Eve ph. 37217. Joe L. Bourne. Rltr. 1140 N. Capitol Ph. M21 REAL CLOSE IN LATE built Modern home almost downtown at Church A ' I) ' Streets, home has 2 real nice bedims. A den. Ig dming rm., lovelv kitchen with nook, sprinkling system ill lawn, t is place is in perfect condition Anvone wcntlng close-in prop erly will do well to look at this value at :o.0nn before Olivine Fve call ' F.d 4-2H05. davs 2-fl80 Ed Liilunbeal, Re altor. 4X1 N. High A very fracioui Colonial In Englewond DM. which Is new on the market. This 3 hdrm. home with den has much to offer a growing family. Separ ate dining rm . firepl Full basement Large Gar Lot H7x mi onlv $nnnn Call Chet Nelson, Eve. 2-1350. i Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1510 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3IWI9 AN OLDIF Bl'T A GOODIE -Hollywood District. 2 bed room home plus furnished basement apartment with pri vate entrance and half bath. 2 car garage Price $5.fi5fl. Terms $1000 down Call Ren Colbath. Realtor, days 4-4494. eve. 2-8314. HOMFS"$100 to$.VH) dn' "4S to $75 per mo. Why rent when you can buy your own home on these terms' Call Allen C. Jones. Realtor, 2.11 No. High. .1-.Wifl Fve. 4-1(189 or 2-9$4$ or 2-J708 OWNER, hasm't So . 7 bdrm . daylight , $17.7110. Ph. 4-7820. 807 Apt'."Courts for Sole BY OWN'FR : unit apt house, pvt baths. 5 furnished, very good rental dist. 755 Ferry. 808 Lots For Sole VIEW LOTS-82'2x244 ft. each Price $2150 A $2450. Located on East Fwald with North, west A- east views Ideal for daylight basement homes. See the mountains and Salem from here COLBATH LAND CO . Realtors Dial 4-4494, eve 2-3738 or 2-G7I4 vivrtt'nnn lew MMilMtlU View water, $800 c 1 ' D VI 1. ter. $1000 ' . A . SOUTH $1 POO $15 DOWN tl"' nio . water. Fleet , Fast. sr.OO. General Rl FM I'h 3-3 189 2 LOTS for sale hv owner North Salem Ph. 3-3003 BY OWNFR beautiful corner lot 70x170 1 ml. E of K-'e-fruit trees A some sluuo wonderful view $975. Ph. alter 3pm 4-9158 810 Farms For Sale FOR SAI F 60-acie farm, mod el n 7-rm house barn, good we!l. elect v .vs'r-i;. paved mart milk A mail it $11,500 Tens ion RFNT We lia-. e scleral out of lo n houses for rent with or without aeieage. rent reasonable AIT. ANCEL LAND CO. REALTOR MT ANGF.L. OHF.GON 80 ACRE FARM NORTH of Salem. 50 acres In grain. 10 acres of clover, U. acres o,f strawberries, nice family nrchard. Older 4-bdrm home, insulated and In good condition. Rarn 40' bv 75' poul'rv house, brooder houses, w-wire fences. 7 sprinkler ir rigation system Abundance of water from well All stock and machlnerv included in nnee of 2800n ', down I' vou aie lookine for a f 'r'" " d i:c we Can l-eln voi: Call or come In ive sprenh-e in farm prop, ei lies Northwe.t Co fteil'or. 1748 Cent.- St Phone 3-9.712 Fve 2-1294 FOB SALE or trade 1 A. Kemr vicinity. Ph. 2-4935 or 4-o.w; OWNER Trans' Sacrifice 3 Mr . 12A., So., firepi . Ig. play rm., R A. Cherries. Ph. 1-111$. IS2 UsJ Can Fc Sot Will reign in your home: hrn you arrive in (inr car from WILSON'S. With modesty in cost you can brim to your family new pleasure in driving;. We will be pleased to help you make a wise (election and arrange a sound financing plan with bank or GMAC. '56 Mercurv Montclair Two door hardtop with power steering, power brakes, radio me 'coma Mc, heater, and other extra. Three tooe white and coral. '55 Buick Super Riviera Coupe $2895 Dvnaflow, radio, healer. EZI glass, e sold new and have record of service '65 Buick Century Riviera Sedan $2895 Switch pitch dynafow. I H. P. V-l. radio, heater. 11700 miies. We sold new. '55 Buick Snecial Riviera Coupe $2595 Dvnsflow T.7.1 rad o, healer, whitewalls, custom Interior. 11.900 miles .We sold ne '56 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN $2195 j 5 CHEVROLET V-I STATION WAGON $2195 54 MERCURY TWO POOR HARD TOP $1895 53 RIICK SIPER V-J SEDAN $1495 '51 BUCK SI PER CONVERTIBLE $ lB 3 FORD V- Cl'STOM TWO DOOR $ 95 '52 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN $ 795 50 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN $ 595 FORD CUSTOM V-8 COUPE $ 345 49 BUICK; 'SUPER SEDAN $ 295 '46 BUICK SEDAN $ 85 OREGON'S OLDEST DEALER Commercial at Chemeketa Phone 4-5711 1M9 CHFV. 1 dr. Radio, heater. A real buv only $195, easy terms. McCalls Used Cars, 12117 State. 50 STUDEBAKER 20.000sinre oerhaul. KM After pn), 6M Memeo Drive in Manbrin Gardens. 800 Real Estate 810 Forms For Solo DUE TO bid age. I am retiring from this 31 acre farm located on the Oak Noll road. Some tall timber, 5 acres In Cher ries, 4 bedroom home, many outbuildings. Will sell for $:t000 down tn reliable partv. Call my agent Ben Colhv.h, Realtor, Davs 4-4494. eve. 2 -MM. 120 A. FARM between Turner A Aumsvilir No bldRS. Funning water. Mrs. Pearl Given, Tunrer. Oregon. FOR SALE by Owner, good in come proterty. a. la acres Royal Anne cherrv orchard with 2 bdrm. modern home. Very good location close to Salem. Drive out A; aee this ' vears Cherry ' "cr'opf George Kock, 5150 Caplinger Road, Sa lem. 3 12 100 Acres" Cirared 6 Acres. 4 bdrm. house I 68, 100 acres 4 bdrni: house 10 acres 2 bdrm. house By Owner, I'h. 4-6213 ISAAK'S BEST.BUYS 20 ACRKS Secluded south. Clean comfort able remodeled home. Double parage. View Good well. Fenced Full price $0800 Call Mr Crawford. Eve. Th. 4-5020. AL ISAAK & CO. Realtors n22 N. Church St Ph. 4-.7.711 or J-7R20 BY-OW NER r 4 A N. Santlam. free water, good summer or retirement home. Ph 2-195. K Af RES near Rosedale Mnke offer at Pioneer Trust Co., Sa lem. 10 ACRES 2 bedroom large house. 11 stanchion ham. .7 acres berries, $7,500. Will take smaller place in trade. E Brown. Rt 1 B, 195 Aurora, Wtseacr Lane. 812 Exert. Real Estoto 80-ACRE farm 12 miles from Sa. lem. will trade for home. APARTMENT HOUSE, olo-e In South. $12,500. Will trade for small home BRAND NEW J-bedroom home, $12 500 Will trade for 1 to 3-acie place up to equal value INCOME HOMF. S bedrooms and bath, living room with fireplace Full dining room PLUS basement apartment renting for $55 Price $12,500. Will trade for small home. NEW 3-BEDROOM HOME South side Will trade for small home to $7,000. 21-ACRE BFAN FARM near N. Santlam. $10,000 Will trade for Salem property. DF. LUXE $18 000 close in older home in perfect condilion 2 full bathrooms. 4 large bed rooms Raement Ideal for kindergarten or nursing home Trade possible 2 HOUSES ON ONE LOT I2 500 South side Will trade fur small home CLYDE PRALL REALTOR 154 S High Si 4-3651 FVF Prall 3-7250. Mahle Free man 4-9184 WILL trade mv 1952 Cnvsler -V-8 for equitv In 7 bedioom home Call Her Colbath. davs 4-4494. eve 2-.i::l4 TRADE eqtutv in brick home for late moilel ill Ph 4-7.'.(l!l after 4 p m PORTLAND home $7,000. 2', bdrms, trade on 3 hdim up to $10,000. Salem or vicinity. .1816 S E Schiller. Portland BE 4-7982 - SELL or trade: equity m 2 bdrm 4 jr. old house 25 ml S F of L. A. near Covlna. nice loc Rents for $100 mo Will trade for late mdl. car or some cash plus undeveloped property Ph 2-I754 HAVE 2 modern Portland homes to trade for Salem propeity or acreage, close In Box 135 Statesman-Journal B" rn'-Ni ri 6 unit sot I -e - 'osr 1 salr-tradr 4-"1'!' 818 Wonted, Real E$totc WANTED good 2 hdrm home w2 car garage in nice South I Salem location Pay $13(100 ca-h. What have vou"1 Call Mrs Wells Ph 4-4494 Fve 2-3738 Colbath Land Co.. Realtor. 8S2 Us4 Car For Sal ..$2995 1 $895 53 FORD Six Cuttnmlint 2-dr Wonderful condition inside and out. I bought It new. 1740 So. Capitol. Ph. 4-W54. Bank terms. SlT CADILLAC "M" Cpe.. very sharp, no trades, ph. 1-4547. MORD Cpe, 4ATl motor. $V Ph. J-OOM. 1952 NASH Rambler Station Wagon $700. Ph. 4-1536. rCHEV. trucklth-n7tbed. will trade. Ph. 1-7350. DODGE V- $K.V very good cond. 1254 Edgewater, Ph. 2-945$. B53 Auto Ports Ir Rtpoirs A Reas. Mccli. on Duty Valve grnund. Outsme service, no etia ci'i'rce. A--k for R07. John s Service. 1095, S. 12th Ph 4-9302, rites 4-0773 - 854 Trucks, Trail, for solo '41FORD H 4on Pickup, Good trans., $150. 620 Portland Rd. FOR-SALE. 1947 l'i ton Dodge flatbed with stock rack. 600 Jefferson St. Dallas. '37 CHEV. rick-up, PhTafteTs, .7-89S1. ALL-STEEL 2 wheeFtTaileTPh. 4-208!). 1053 STUDFBAKER TruckTFIaT bed. all rcadv to work, $905 Javhawk trailer sales. 240 Portland Rd. Ph. ,7.043. FOR SALE: '47 Stude. Pick-up. 4151 MacClay Rd '47. STUDE. ton. Needs flatbed. $250. 2320 Kapphahn fid , near Hollywood Bowl. 2T)VyiP' T7u7k7p5T7Ch"evrjT, 2 speed axel 4-5 yd. box, very rlean, make offer. Bernard Chev. Co, Woodburn. Ph. 2-1.751. FINE usetTtTtll. traTler, Rich field Sta. 2955 S. Com'l. 862 Houst Trailers T Another Load of 15' SHASTA'S WILL ARRIVE SAT. BUY NOW! LANE 1940 I.ANA AVE. TH. 4-42.8 WILLtrade $2,500 equity in 40 fl. 2 bdrm '56 Trailer for car furniture or cash. Ph 4-5198 after 5 SHOP at Farl Malm Trailer Sales where all si?es are shown 13 ft thru 40 ft Aloha: Kenskill; Cruiser: Mavflower A Rollawav Corner of Lan caster At Silverton Rd Ph 4-7127. COVERED aingle horse trailer, good condition. Crystal springs. Ranch Ph. 2-3327. IareeTaii WE honeitly need the room. e nave more new trailer com inn In from the Fast and we will nerd room for them n we mint move some of our tremendous stock, manv fam ous brand?. A B " . KIT. SCHUI.T TERRY. FICHARD SON TRANSIHOMF. CIRF.AT l.AKF NASHUA. SIESTA A STATE, in vacaMnn trailer, or mohil home. 2 V ' hrlrms. with hath, anything for the trailer buyer. We Arc Not Refusing Any Reasonable Offer Terms Tradei din TRAILER SALES W40 PortKuid ltd .1 8043 BY OWNER 35 It trailer house, like new cond . a real buy. 310 Broadway 3-46.74 "another load"opi.v shastas jl'st arrived Uma Lane, l'40 Lana Ave. PLAY RhuffleboardatSalem a New Center Street Trailer Court. Trailer Spaces available 4155 Center St BARGAIN! 45' FI.CAR Late mdl Terms Lana Lane. 1940 Lana Ave i " " K!" T(iWfN( 1 1 V'tl VK I'll Mt n MIF e Porl':,rr ft,. HOI rrtAIl.FR snace for rent Reas 2'97 Portland Rd FIR CRFS7 itailei Pan unde"t ' new management restrtctefl spaces for rent 39t0 N Rivet Rd Ph 1-8313 I '52 'MODF.L2? ft Crethne. aluminum trailer house, bath I aV awng. tut. good. Pa. l-07$, 850 Automotive 152 UtaeJ Cars Far SataSSl Usa4 Cars Far Sal Mre Mm COMFORT AND DEPENDABILITY WITH ONE OF THESE CARS FROM 1955 DeSoto Firedome Four Door Sdn $2495 1956 DeSoto Firedome Station Wagon $3995 1953 Poritiac Custom Catalina Coupe $1495 2-1954 DeSoto Firedome 4 Dr. Sedans $1695 THE ABOVE CARS ARE "TOP VALUE" THEY'RE EQUIPPED WttH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION. RADIO'S HEATERS, MAJORITY HAVE POWER STEERING AND POWER BRAKES. SPECIAL ' $595 1951 Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe 4 Dr. Sedan Solid light gray color, nearly new tires, radio, heater, thu) car la in perfect condition. . 1 I kin DESOTO 28 YEARS S54 N. LIBKRTY 100T, WARRANTY ON PARTS LABOR FOR ONE YEAR. NO MATTER HOW MANY MILES YOU DRIVE. '55 Buick Super Riviera Coupe ..... .$2695 - Radio, healer, dya At power steermg. - - '56 Ford Customline Club Coupe $2495 Had io, neater, rordomauc, '55 Olds. 88 Club Sedan Radio, heater, hydra, etc. '55 Chevrolet V-8, 2 Door ............ .$1795 Radio, heater, etc. '54 Chevrolet Bel Air Raven black, beauty', full '54 Chevrolet Cluh Sedan Radio, heater, powerglidr, etc. '53 Chevrolet Bel Air One owner, 21.000 miles. '52 Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe Catalina .$ 995 Radio, heater, hydra, all leather trim. '52 Pontiac Chieftain '52 Stude. V-8 Starlite '50 Pontiac Chieftain '51 Nash Ambassador '51 Hudson Sedan ,$495 '50 Ford Custom 2 Door (Sharp) ....$495 '49 Olds. 88 Sedan $ 295 '49 Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe Sedan . .$ 245 '49 Kaiser Sedan $ 145 OPEN FRIDAY EVES. TILL 9 P.M. YOU CAN'T BEAT 660 No. Liberty 1M7 OLDS, hydromatic, radio, heater, $150 , maybe purchased with $60 dn. A $30 monthly McCall s Used Cars. 1297 State. TjnYlecalling 1932 V-B DeSoto Eiredome 4 door tedan. Radio, heater, power uteering. premium white Aalls Excellent con- J (Hi ion fH)5 00. Call 2-1A94 after t 5 30 P.M I STUDEBAKER. Champion 4-rioor sedan, radio, hritcr. overdriv. A er " Iran gnnd car Only $12.1. $.".() down, rasy monthlv pavmrotv M ("all led Cars. 291 State BODY MAN SPECIAL '53 Lincoln Capri convertible rolled over. .I95 Can he een 1763 Rrnadwaj. Ph 3-9271 SACrTfICF '52 Chev 4 dT, powergllde. A-l will take older lar in trade. Ph 4-2H4I r4l fil.DS. 2 dr sdn . good cond Tti 2-8478 5;) CHEV cluh cpe. excellent ond. 486 Rose 3-9674 1949 FORD gnod cond Ph Woodburn 2-1457 eves SPOT ("ASH lor clean 1950 A 1951 model cars.. McCalls Used Cars. 1297State '47 BUICK Rnadmaster Sdn . good cond . radio A beater. Ph 4-5526, 1801 Evergreen i50 MERClTRYToverdrrve. new seat covers. 2 tone, white walls Also 1950 Rulrk Special 4-dr straight transmission. verv nice Must sell one this week 143.7 N. 4th Ph 4-4453 41 FORD Cluh Cpe '47 N sh Sdn both rood ."u'i trade Ph 3-5781 '.I MI'lT 4 il- 'lo'i" V Hesie. ' ov ,-er ....i. ,s , e.v trr l'h Gerv-ais 402 SAI y OH T11ADF ' o r I 25 passeneer A 1 .'9 oav cc ger. good operation nod ' I bus being used for spare partv. sell St 11 for $2,450 or e7 sen. aratelv Take car or p'-k ip i, trade See at 211 tenter. Ph i mi. l. 830 AutomotiTe Inner s inc. PLYMOUTH PH. 4 J492 L ttc. ......... . . ...$2295 $1395 equipped. .$1395 $1195 Deluxe Sedan ..$ 795 Club Coupe . . . .$ 645 Deluxe Sedan ..$ 595 Sedan $ 495 MOLL MOTORS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Tip Top Used Cars Silverton, Ore. Ph. 3-5191 51 CHEV dr. Fleetllne De luxe real nice. Top cond in everyway lake trade A Fin ance Diacnunt for cash. 6620 Portland Rd Ph. 4-2411 '52 OLDS 96 Holllday Cpe for sale or trade equltv for 49 or ,'50 model car. Ph 4-9748 after t p.m. 1950 NASH 4-dooreedanrover-drlve, bed type. Sharp, far above average. $445. McCall s Used Cars. 1297 State. 195flPONTI ACsdn cpeTTTy I . hvdrornatlc, radio, heater. Clean. $465 2-O40I. 1260 Neb raska '40 FORD 2 rir. i idnTTadieT A heater, good cond leas price Monmouth, Skyline 7 - 1 1 2 $ after 7pm 856 Wanltd, Cart, Truck$ WANT '50 or later car as part dn pavmrnt on new 3 bdrm home. Call Glen Hamilton, 3-6(162 WE'RE fAt INU ' TOP CASH For Clean Used Cart Paid 'or or Not Bob It Bill's Used Can Union k Hieh Sis 858 Motorcycle Fnn SAI.r '47 Indian Cbref Motor, vrle. Wlnnn mi . $'45 I". I.' 7lil flfi.l N I ilicrtv MdTl llll YUI F. C u t o m l ed X-'rl -ouarr 4 full race en. jrr r I.MHI Built up hv Ri d Rue Af'er 4 VIA 3-2843 lit .' R"V .112 Dallas 1946 "61" llarlev Davidson, good cond Th 4-1936. No Sun. calls 1 1953 n S A motorcvcle Tc gawd- P- i-WL tlaUlA rein Ph. 2-4113 850 Automotive 8S2 Usa4 Car Far Sal r SAFETY MO WITH A FUTURE 1955 OLDS. HOLIDAY COUPE Attractive red finish, stsadard transmisaiaa. New while waB tires eeil 17 sea miles for quick trad $244 1954 OLDS M. 4 DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, alefrnater, by dramatlr. sinking kraare site yellow deuffn. awe lorei wis er. Really OK lil 1953 HOLIDAY COITE Low mileage, on owner. That Is a beaut with its new ssainl, Job, Has full power. Hurry oa this osw $lasj 1954 X OLDS. 4 DOOR SEDAN This one also haa MU enear, one color, white wall Urea, beauty to see. a pleasure la drive ......... ,, SMS 1952 SUPER S8 OLDS. 1 DR. SD Powder blue it white, radlm defroster, hydramallc. power s leering, a ate car at a Wr prlct , gga) We have ttvtral othrr good cr$ lo select from. Com in and drivt your choice. REMEMBER! IF it comes from Loders . . . it's Good 411 N. High Ph. 17971 iM3t 4-U44 Transportation Specials 1950 DODGE SEDAN . M6 1949 PLYMOUTH CLB. CPE tan 1941 CHEVROLET - . SDN. (1) .,$ 1U CHEVROLET AERO $131 1946 DESOTO SDN. : 1947 CHEVROLET SDN. . $tt 1947 DODGE SDN. ( U TERMS AVAILABLE Come in and see our Classic '41 Chevrolet Used Car Dept UNION li COM L PH. 3-J17I SAFE BUY ENTER ED SULILVAN'S June 11-August 4 $2000 CASH AWARD I if you buy a used car from us now . . . then win a Mercury Phae ton in the contest 8 Weekly Contests 2680 PRIZES ! ENTER NOW. at our lot, 4 N. Com! I I e-v r-i I LINCOLN IvlERCURY.INC. "The Car Makes Good Or We Do" LATE MODEL USED CARS Hift Prices Paid ELSNER MOTORS llikh Salcra Oregon a Oldest Oeaiar BEST BUY Used Cars Commercial a ChamakeU Pa. 4-Ui Lib's bpitil Chevrolet Cadillac ypti Chevrolet Cadillac NOW Mercury Contest! n7nrnrnrpa7 ill 1X12 N illli'l