- , 4 1 ' r 1 ill if h ill ' 1 III i A I 2-(Sec. IT) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Hiurs, Jane Phono 4-K8H for Courteous . Ad - Taker Assistance ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify M A. S bdrm. Hicdcrn hosne. hardwood floors, fireplace, family fruit 71, ml. wwet of a 1 1 a. Near Crwowood School. Inquire at Pink house Bext tn Farmers Union, naar ' RlckreeU. $1 MO dewo. balance, lik rant. Ora Lantt, Rt. L Boat ML BlchreeU. FOR SALI by im; W sq ft , J bdrm. bom, plastered dot fat., ttrepl A on heat. Price $i k 4-rm COMPLITTLY equipped cafe. Barber Shop attached Wnta ' Pacific OQr Cf. Pacific City. Or. FORRESTER family noad 1 or bdrm . house by July 1. Pra ter Jbrkawnd or Inglesrood ' an, Mag boa Una. Pet Ph. 4-W. 4 BDRM. how near shopping etr. tit pea. Ph. I-Jsas, ATTRAC. t rm. turn apt 13 Ph. 4-TMT or I-74SI K ICILY furn nn alaa basm't rm. W. Winter JtOWING. epaduif. yard rlean up. shrubs trimmed. Ph 1-3480 ANYONE more interested in flvlnf a 1 yr. child a home than money Involved t Box IS Statesman-Journal. riILD REPRESENTATIVE We have an opening In our auto mobll financing division that effert varied. non-routine work, involve contact with both dealer and customer! and v provide you with an automobile. This Job I a step ptnfiton to managerial re . eponsibllltles. No . experience la necessary and we prefer . eingle awn between the afei of 11 to JS, who have had at least two years of collefe. Call Commercial Credit Corpora tion Phone 1-411. U1SC. items, turn., dishes, tool or what have you. Call Bark ers Fura. 4-044. J7M Silver ton d. ' atECONDlTtCNEO " Montgomery Ward washer. $33. Ph. after p m. 4-71S4. HAYTAG Washer, square white namel tub, good rond. S90. 4-adoS afternoons. J7ULL SIZE Lang wood range. Perfect cond. Accept any reas. " offer. 4 W, Wilson. 1-RFE KITTENS, beautiful dk. strip. Ph. t-anas. WANT sstUng Banty hen. Ph, -73. 400 Apiculture 402 Livestock for Sola TOn BALE, t good family Jersey cows, Ph. -7na. g NIc veal calves, sell alive or dressed. l-lios. 1 Guernsey milk cows, I A 7 yra. I fresh aunoay, 1 in sept., both good milkers. Ph. 4-SSH. i BLACK feldlna. 1 sorrel mare' . 1 horse trailer. Ph. sves. or Bun. 2-gZM. i"OR "SALE or trade, genu ponies for children, also good aaddl horses Bob Frank, SOS N. water it. SUrertoo. rn tXIM. Salem Meal Co. locker beef. Custom killing, cutting- at wrap ping, trailer loaned free PROFESSIONAL aw Of Ml hOflf lanM Hanson, t-4734 ar -go. 403 Uvtsfock Wantad TO rent or buy whit fact bull. Ph. I-I77. CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E. CTatcCandlUh. Rt t a-HSI CATTLE buyer. A. F Sommer, IMP Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-W7. CATTLE buyers 42S7 Bute t ItH tnethen, 1-1343, I-4.W0. Livestock buyer cuude Ed- wards. Bt 1. Box SUE. 4-11 11. 404 Poultry end Bobbin BABY Chirks hatched yr, round. Valley Farm Store, TURKEYS, oven ready, fill your lockers now, 23c lb A up. Closed Set p.m. A Sunday. Kuykendall tgist A Poultry, 133 Lancaster Dr, Ph. 4-3111. CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry. W buy rsbblts. Wings 3SM 8tata. Ph. 4-3018 VoUNG. heavy, locker hens A layers. 4-308. BABY CHICKS, lie straight run. choice of Parm enters. New Himps , White Rocks and Leg- horns Special New Hamp and Whit Rock pullets, lie. Par ' ssantat red rooster, Sc. VALLEY FARM STORE Ph. 4-4624 Salem 401 Ptta FREE. 1 Calico kitten A 1 white m tan puppy. 1-1193. WHITE Peka, also Tiny Fox Ter rter pups, 1411 Williams Ave. FOR SALE 4 cut cocker pups left, 1 blsrk A blonde. Csll l-HOll or 1260 Pesce St AKC registered boxer pud. f malt, 30. Ph. Bllverton, 1-4222. FOR SALE extra nice chihuahua puppies 4 mo, 1-3473. SIAMESE KITTENS" PH. 3-8861 YOUNG parakeets, csgea feeds. Mickey's. 3823 S Com. 1-2733 A K C. reg. Boxer pups. 771 Ith St., Stayton. Or. Ph. S024. PURE BRED Springer Spaniel pups, Set Sunnyvlew Ave. PH. 4-W3Q. FOR SALE Puppies, sll kinds. Com see aftarnoons at 1331 Livingston or caU 1-7989 Will buy puppies any kind BIRD Parsdli for Mrda, eases. . supplies liao Uvlngstoe 1-latl 410 Seeds nd Plants LGE. blooming Fuchsias, II Lg. blooming geraniums 1 for S 1. Fuchsia nasaeis nsn. mer rills (ireennous. nrooxs. LATE cabbage plants, 11.73 fist Tuberous beeoniaa 4 for II Al't Fruit Stand. Just north of Woodburn on ME. ASPARAGUS 10c lb. U-pick, George Asher, Grand Island MULCH F-eat with mushroom ferttllter FIB tor muicn, rn. aiwi. 412 Fruit tt Farm Produce tt.PtCsf nice rlM N. W. Straw heeriee. Clean patch. 10c lh Leonard Hays, SOW Qulnaby Rd. l-J3o. BALED Clover hay for sal, Phone i-sii. Gooseberries, Delivered PH. 4-1378 21. 400 Agriculture 412 Fr & Urm frediitt CURRANTS FX)R SALE Fn. 4491 MARSHALL U-Pk-ks. . lac lb Laurew S let tier, KIT Btoeaora Dr. Ill plM Cnemawa. 0-P1CK MwihaU strawberries from 11 to am 'very day. bring containers W. H. A A. P, Williamson, Rt, 1 44S uTpick Northwit strawberries, bnng own containers. 10c lb. G. L Himinii XH4 Blossom Dr turn West off of Portland Rd. at Hayesvitle Shopping Ctc t ' "I- Ph. M34I U-PICK N W straanbemee, 10c lb Albert Pat. 4TI Swegle Rd. U-PICK strawberries. North wests. M0 Ridfe Dr, Ph J-SS1P o CLEAN patch. V-pk-k Marshall strawberries 10c lb I U. Hammer. Tilt Lardoa Lane. Ph 1-Ufd CANNING A freexinf, beets for sale. Ph -! U-PICK Northweet Sraber rle Only 1 mi from city lim its, itc per lb Bnnf your own containers. Field open from am. to S pm K. A L straw, berry Farm. Turn West at Tele Treat Drive in I iTATi inaperted milk sv! Ph 1 4-U11. l't as. I t.or en sxsw PASTEURIZED wnole milk T fL Homofentred. Tr. fat lon 0c Cieary Putt. -3a tJZpiCK nice ripe northweet strawberries. Clean patch 10c lb Leonard Havs. 0 Qulna- by Rd. Ph. 1-J3S 413 F.rtJIn.r PETE Mots from chick trays only 7e sack. Valley Farm Store. CHICKEN nsnure. truck loads. 110, delivered. 4-ZOM. 425 Auction Soles SUNDAY. JUNE 24TH, I P.M. Open Consignment! gal to be held la alley ware house back of 1(7 9. mgn. 1 households plus many other Items already listed. To ar range for consigning Items to sell csll Claude Kllgore. 3-3131 ext IS. Watch for ad listing merchandise to be sold. 450 Merchandise 451 MacMmryltTooU TRADE: t hp." garden cultivator for a power lawn mower. sn Simpeon. Ph. 1-1500. Rl CATERPILLAR tractor, re cently overhauled I less tnan (0 hours I In excellent condt. tlon, with power takeoff, pully and grease gun. SIMM, lis E St. Stayton. Ph. 4S34. 454 Sawing Machines" Sewing Machine head, rough cabinet, if you can an tome reftniahing you can have a beautiful cabinet aawlng ma chin for price of a portable. SEWING CENTER 1-3311 Woodburn 1-7911 SEWING MACHINE LATE mdl. Singer Console. For went A reverse stitch, J 200 value for only SUM. Easy term! A liberal trade In al lowance. Ph. 4-7101 (dir.) Ti Sewing Machines ' $9.95 SEWING CENTER 1-3811 Woodburn 1-7912 SEWING MACHINE THIS beautiful Tfaff Zig-Zag sewing machine left on our hands with an M balance Assume contract for 13 per. mo. Ph. 4-702 1 dir.) Port Elect. Singer Rd. Bobbin Balance due $40.80 S SEWING CENTER 3-3311 Woodburn 1-7911 455 Houm Goods for Sat Carpet Remnants U'xir 3" Beige, background tweed. Was 1133 Now 179. No phone calls, please. HOGG BROS. M0 State St. NOW'S YOl'R CHANCE TO OWN a beautiful Electrolux Cleaner for just S new prire This week only!! Glen Wood ry. 1B03 N. Summer FRIGIDAIRE washer A dryer. matched pair, all Porcelain late model. Reasonable. Call 1-9MI. 199 93 will buy you s 17" Console T V. Set. All Channel. Guar anteed. Used Mdse. Mart , 270 S Liberty Ph. 4-8371 Open Frl. night til I. No down pay men', (oar. I APEX wringer type washing machine. Excel cond. 143. 1180 S. 12nd. PAINT $1.89 GAL. PAINT Glen Woodry, 105 N. Summer LOVE sest, platform rocker & odd chair. U size roll-a-way bed with coll springs At Inner spring msttress. 4-5807 t PC. Maple Bedroom Set 1179 95. Used Mdse Mart , 279 S Liberty. Ph. 4-1311. Open Frl. night 'til I. No down pay ment lo s e I IS FT. Deepfreeze, good cond. Ph, 4-3133. ROUND Mahogany Lamp Table. Leather top. Sold new for 139.95. Special price. 114.95. Used Mdse. Mart . 270 S. Liber ty. Ph. 4-1371. Open Frl. night 'ill B. No down payment Intel FO RESALE: Daveno A chair 173 Ph. 3-S897. FREEZER new large IS ru fl I year guarantee, I year foTTd spoilage guarantee at Factory coat only 1289 95. Terms avail sble. Ph. 1-9871. NEW 19MSpeedulnlVasher A Dryer. Reg Price 129 93 Special Price. Both for 1399 95 Full Cuartntee. Used Mdse Mart. 370 S Liberty. Ph. 4-0371. Open Frl. night 'til I. Mo down payment lo.a.c.) 450 MercHandlne 455 Hotrse Cwwwt for Sale BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE J30 down win buy a complt bousrbold of furniture tn cluding appliances. fxiratrM- desk, walnut, looks like new. $4450. Consol radio-phono combina tion, 3 spd changer, Urned oak cabinet. $69 Davenport k club chair acts as low as $15. Mattresses Inner iprinf cotton as low as f IS. Mattresses Inner spring 4 cotton as low as O 50. See our large selection of ranges and refrigerators, every one guaranteed. Priced from $39.50 up. 7 piece mahogany dining set Duncan Phyfe You can't . , tru tms is usea, 110 su. Gossip bench with lamp at Uched. rr 95. XfOODWPS& 515 S. COM'L PH. 4-3319 MAPI.E bunk beds wmstt. I44.SO Glen Woodry, 105 N. Summer. ELEC. range. Frleidaire. burn er, 30'" oven, like new. 1040 Hams St GUARANTEED Reconditioned eutomatte wash ers, drvers. ranges A refrigs. IK II At up. A'EATER APPUANCE CO. 273 Otemekett St USED platform rocker III. Hogg Bros.. 141 State St. Linoleum rugs Ixll U IS Valley Turn. Co., lit N. Coma NEW Biltwell Daveno A Swing Rocker 1128: Dsveno wclub Rocker 1158 SO: Davenport w' club Chair tm 50. Glen Wood ry, 10S N. Summer. RUG, Royal Wilton 1x12 In good condition. Call 4-1424 or aee at 1140 N. Hth St. USED Contour ehslr. green nlaa. tie. 4g. Hogg Bros.. 141 State St NEARLY 10 ru. ft. refrlg full width freeier chest serosa top, 1 dementlonst deep door, mist green interior. Terms accepted. MIS mo.. l S wk SfcH Green Stamps Batdorf's Home A Auto. 1420 Stste. Ph 3-95M. NF1ARLY newBthf nettf 110 Glen Woodry. inns N Summer USED limed oak step tables. Ill M. Hogg - Bros, 141 State si. $149.50 NEW Biltwell Daveno A Rock er, 1 tab I lamps. 2 end tables A matching cocktail table Terms. Glen Woodry, 1S0S N. Summer. 1954 Motorola HI Fl Set Reg. Price, 1229 95. Our Special Price 1179 95. This week only, a 133.00 Record Album. Used Mdse. Mart, 171) S. Liberty. Ph. 4-1371, No down payment (o.a.c.) Open rn. night 'til 9. APT. Electric Ranges S.1S-SM. Glen Woodry, 103 N. Summer. USED S pc. chrome dinette set. Itt. Hogg Bros., 141 State St. YOUTH bed wmattress 124.50. Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. I ROOMS OF FURNITURE, 11' X23 rug, G. E. Dryer, Maytag automatic washer G. E. Range. Chrome Dinette set Cold Spot refrigerator, desk, chair, etc. 2140 Portland rd. Ph, 3-S043. FREEZER, 1 only-sacrifice. Will accept terms. 5&H Green Stamps. Nn bank or finance co. Involved, you pay directly to us. 1st come, 1st served. Batdorf's Home A Auto. 1420 State. Ph. 3-052. NEW hardwood HI Chairs 19 SI. Glen Woodry. 1405 N. Summer. LOVELY Burl Maple I pc. Din- lng Set. lis. Glen woodry, 1405 N. Summer. SINGER elec. upholstering sew. ing mach. icom'l type) Siso. i ttr 1 1 ur ir.iuc lur wini iiavtj you? 3-54)13. WESTINGHOUSE I' refrigerat or, late model, perfect condi tion, M Phillips Appliance Co . 355 Center St. USED maple arm daveno A chair. 159. Hogg Bros. 248 State St. NEW Simmon's Rollawiys 111 SI Glen Woodry, 1(105 N. Summer NEW Urge deluxe chrome or wrought iron Dinettes wi2 table. 6 chairs A free matching step stool 1119.5(1. Glen Woodry 1(103 N. Summer. NEW Studio Couches inn 50 Glen Woodry, 1803 N. Summer. BILLIARD tahle sssones 75. 2 pc. sectional 3-3728. A Thor Automatic Washer 57 50: Easy Splndrier 109 30; Apex Automatic I7S; G. E De Luxe washer wpump 149 50; Westlnghotise Dryer 199 30 All guaranteed Glen Woodry, 1805 N. Summer. mLAIDTmoTTa per eqTyd. R. L Elfttrsm Co. 10 S Lib erty ROUND Oak tahle w chairs. 3 leaves 150 Glen Woodry, 105 j N Summer NEW modern Mr A Mrs. Bed room Set winnersprlng mat tress A matching, box spring. 1123 30 Glen Wnnriry. 1W5 N Summer NEW 9x12 Linoleum 14 81. New lg Garbage Cans 14 8l Glen Woodry, 1805 N. Summer UNFINISHED Sirnitur-hTTI Stiff Furniture, 173 N. High NF.W white enam toilet Beats I3 .SSJudson's, 279 N. Com I. LATE model Frigidaire DeLuxe Electric Range 111930. Glen Woodry. 105 N. Summer. INLAID Lln(Tlt SSpertq-yd R L Elfstrom Co. 20 S Lib erty. Unfinished ChpsK New 3 Drawers 8 93 3 Drawers 18 99 No Prions Orders Plrasa HOGG BROS. 248 Stats St. CLOSEOUT 1 new Roto - rock rocker 149 5(1; 2 new recliner chairs 59 50; Save at Salem's Lowest Overhead Store. Glen Woodry, 105 N. Summer. NEW Swing Rockers 124 50. Glen Woodry, 103 N. Summer, ONE year old. 30" Deluxe Phllco range, terms. Phillips Appli ance Co , 353 Center St. USED washers 13 A up. Mod ern Appliance Center, 1141 So. Com'l. Ph. 4-9393 INLAID Lino., iVsV per to, yd R L Elfstrom Co ISO S Lib erty VAC Cleaner Closeout Now Glen Woodry, 1105 N. Summer. SAVE UP TO 11.40 on" ranges"A refrigerators st HEIDER'S. ,13 N. High ' ROSE, bed daveno. Excellent condition. ISM A. It 430 MeirKancfoe 45S Hove Goo for Sal IS CV loot raTrif rate A freao er combination In food work Inf order li m Brown St, Dallas. Ph. MA. Bill. ELEC. Rant. $, PH. 4-tUl after I pjn. PAINT BY THE CASE fl.S Glen Woodry. 1M N. gummer. KENMORE'a In. (let. rang, like new, 1123. Ph. 4-1412 VACUUM CLEANER CLOSEOIT BARGAIN OP YOl'R LIFE? Dealer Quits. We Boufht Entire Stork liprifM Vac's onlv . SS t'pnaht Vac's only M M Hoover A-l IIS Filter Queen, like new ttt Air Way A-l S20 23 only Electrolux. Inc. all attachments. Thee are In same as new con dition. Why pay I11S3S when these sre ckxlnf nut for I.T Glen Woodry 103 N Summer Hurry For Best Choice 454 Wonted House Goods CASH FOR FURNTTURE VALLEY FURN CO. Ph 1-7471 Iio.oon CASH Tn spend for High grade Used Furniture at Appliances i-n. 1-3110. Paying Top .Prices fori Better Grsde Glen Woodry, 1003 N. Summer FURNITURE Wsnted. Courteous service Ph. S-4091. roP CASH PRICE - FUnVNI- TURE, APPUANCES. ETC USED MERCHANDISE MART 170 & LIBERTY PR. 4-4371 4S7 Radio end TV PHTLCO radio, 1-peed phono. grapn. Looks and works better than new. fine mahogany con sol only 100. HEIDERS 33 N. High SUMMER cloof-out on famous T V. sets Every T V set on our floor at 110 above our cost, ask to see invoice, limit ed time Phillips Appliance Co.. 153 Center St. HI-FI sets. Save up to 30. HEIDER S 3S3 N. High. USED TV SETS as low as S40. HEIDER'S M3 N. High. 1 SPEED record changers guar anteed O. K. As low as f 19. HEIDER'S 363 N. High. 458 Building Moteriols Overhead steel garag with hardware. 1319 In stalled MS M. Galvanised eve trough ll'Ve pat ft EPPING LUMBER CO. PH. 4-6123 J740 SILVERTON RD. 500,000 t'EET Haw, fresh -mlllad aid A second growth lumber. 1x4 to 1x11 in I to 14-foot lengths. Delivered price (atom, 110 per thou, minimum. Ted M tiller S-I19S It in AND LOTTSA" NEW LOAD BIRCH DOORS beaut fu IV detuned LOW COST 1 1 INSULATION 110 tax. ALDER shop A paneling price of Bircnr suu MM, FLG. at , PAINT 150 gal. SCREEN DOORS I S3 up Alum Screns to fit I FENCE MATERIAL all types. Won derful stalnt for 'finish see them I PLYWOOD SPECIALS: ISO sheets of BIRCH and KNOTTY PINE - Closeout IV It '4 Knolty Pine 13c ft FIR PLYWOOD - any size CUTTING FREE tremen dous selection. NAILS .a keg. CLOSEOUT Odd lots Pine panning 100 m, 10" Cedar Sd 135 M. lxll CEDAR BOARDS Rgh back 104M Hemlock Csg. - odd lots 4c ft. i 4x1 Sanded Plywood 17c ft.. Rgh. 4xS 4 23 sheet! Gosh New ALUMINUM STORM DOORS low price PAINT GRADE JAMBS 1 93 set. Like we say - TOTS AND LOTTSA" . Remodeling 34 MONTHS TO PAY NOTHING ithat's nghtl NOTHING DOWN See us soon you'll enjoy your visit. Portland Road Lumber Yard 3343 Portland Boad Ph 4-4433 "OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY'' 0 13 felt A craft psper 12 35 0 3 tab 215 lb. roofing Cheap 0 Cedar Shingles 13, 15, l 0 New Iron roofing per aq. f 10 0 Nails per keg. 18 95 0 Outside white ptint, gal 12 30 0 12-2 wire, roll at 4',c 0 Garage doors, all sizes, cheap 0 Rarh wire 80 rods 5 95. 17 45 0 Ce ling tile 18 X32" 10c sq ft 0 4x8 plaster hd II 40. 1 80. 1 85 0 no. 1 Asbestos siding 113 50 sq 0 New Water heaters, sell out. 0 Cast soil pipe 75c ft. 0 V galv. pip 12c. 'i-lSc. I1, -29c. l'i-SSc. 0 5(10 gal. steel sep. tanks 131 30 0 3O0 gal steel sep. tanks 139.30 New hath tub complete 159.95 0 Toilets with teats 128.50 0 Wash bas. with trim 119 30 0 Iron, steel, stainless steei sinks. 0 Drain-board covering 30c ft. 0 I" Celling fans 13 75 0 Deluxe 14x24 med cabinets 18 95 0 Oak flrg. randem .ength Cheap 0 New window sashes, choice : no e Windows A frames, large stock 0 Mahg. plywood 4x8, 13c sq. ft. 1 0011 doors, hardwood A glass STRICTLY CASH U-HAUL CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS C. G. LONG A SONS PrJ 4-3051 1 Ml. N. KEI7.FR COMP. wFRAMES 39x3(i rough opening . .. 13 !W) ea 2flx49 rough opening IW ea .16x42 1 lite lash . f.1 ea 42x4: 1 lite lash $.1 ea Alan Many Other Sizes! Used door & frames comp 14 50 cV ud Terra Cotta bldg. block 12x8x11 9c ea. Clay flue liners 9.V ea Concrete ihower bases 32x:t2 t; ea Shower unit iprays , $2 50 ea, 4" blk. drainage ptpe 30c ea. Reject hardboard 50x100 Reject hardboetrd Mxl00 WINDOWS E- S. RITTER & CO. 740 Portlaod Hd Ph 4-8311 4 Ml No. of Salem, ', Ml. No. of Totem Pole nn 99E ' Open AU Dty Saturday 430 Merchandise 451 leildiftf Meterielt ELECTRIC wall heaters. HI off. 11 sal. ale, water beater. SOI 11-1 wire. 4k ft- Light fixtures reduced. 1 pr. bath s4. IIM. Built-in range. i off. Outlet boxes, 2V. 14-2 wire, 4c ft. Apex Electric A Plumbing. 1411 Broadway. Ph. S-ISM Open Fn. eve. We cut art re, pip A prices. 440 Musical Instrwmorrrt USED upright piano. Mil llth. Ph. 4-31S3. ELECTRIC player piano for sale, plavs perfectly, too rolls. 1230. terms if desired. Phillips Ap puanc Co, 131 Canter St 463 Sports Iquipment BOATS! Boats! We've . Got Boats ! VUT ,. . BRA!fr 15 " SEA RA'D- EB with lots of extras, steer ing, chrome hardware, wind shield, aqua meter, divided front seat, storage compart ments, al mahsgony. wMh 1953 EVINRUDE 23 H P electne stsrtlng. hke new. this outfit complete and ready to go for only 1193. II FT. CABIN BOAT, 1 Jr. old fiber glassed bottom and sided 1954 MERCURY MARK 20, this oulfit complete with steering A remote controls, chrome hardware, ready for the water. 1825 13 FT YATES KIINKER BUILT all seam ftherflassed and I boat is completely repainted 14 FT. BURCHCRAFT repainted oars, hardware, trailer with If wheels. In first class con dition 1.125. 1J FT. RUNABOUT with center deck, new paint, Reg. 1223 NOW 15l. EXTRA WIDE 14 FT PLY WOOD boat with high sides and wide transom This boat is Ilka new only 1235. CREDTT GLADLY OPEN SUNDAYS 280 WALLACE RD. PH. 2-2476 CASH paid for used guns, mod ern and antique Casesde Mere. 1230 Broadway. atTentIonpilots 1125 Buys thare In tri -Cessna 170 A CessnaJ40. Ph. 4-5147. 14' SPORT run-about, trailer 23 H P. Evlnrude. padded seats. lots of extras, SS30. Mayfair ; 3-3432, Dallas j NEW 1'i fsuge Remington Pump 175: very clean 30-3(1 Rifle 135 Gkn Woodry. 1405 N Rummer. MASTER one-lens reflex ram era, with Zeiss Truar r II lens,-pre.set dianhraim., lea ther rase A adspter rings. 195. May be seen st McEwsn Phota Shop. WANTED, ladles golf clubs. Ph. 3-S67I sfter 3 p.m. BOAT. 12' Bryant Run-a-about comp. wcontrols. cover, trail er A II H P. Evenrurte. 1040 Harris St: FOR SALE, 15 ft. Run-about. Motor A trailer, used 1 mo. 195. See at 2050 S. Com'l. Shell Station. BOAT A TRAILER 15 ft, fishing boat New finish. Cheap. 1-7191. 464 Bicycles GIRLS standard hike, excel, cond. 127.50. After 5 p.m 4-4149 CHILD'S trainer bike. Colson tricvr-Ie, both excel, cond. 1875 N. 20th. 468 For Rent, Misc. FOR RENT or lease, iga. ware house space, cement floor brick bid!., downtown. In quire H L Stiff Turn.. 1-1113. 470 For Sole, Miic. FOR SALE. 2 good men's suits, cheap, you cant lose. Call 2-797 eve PAINT"' $ll GALPAINT Glen Woodry. 1603 N. Summer GOOD selection of children's shoes. 12 98. Sires to 3 ARMY A NAVY SURPLUS. 233 N. Com'l. Ph. JI-4.143 WeddInggownTsize Reas.. Ph. 3-6847 LADIES clothes sue 14. Ex clusive styles A quality. Must sell. Ph 2-251 USED plav gym, 112 95 Bros . 248 State St Hogg UTIL." trailer." "covered cartnp carrier.1 Chan. 13 TV ant. Th 4-5378 after 4 p m LG. Izanhoe oil heater. 2 barrels wracks. exc. cond Ph. 2-4427 USED Hoover vac cleaner 119.95. Hogg Bros.. 248 Slate St LOOK! LAM Clgt's 15c, 3 lb Cnsco 75c, Catsup 10c. coffee 89c. milk 10c. tuna ISr Hurry to Handy Mkt. 404 So. High WHY" BE DIRTY1 BUY Vac's this week less than wholesale. Glen Woodry, 103 N. Summer WESTERN WEAR ' Boois.h Iris", hats, Jeans, ties Get ready now for Julv 4th at the ARMY A NAVY SURPLUS. 223 N Com'l. Ph. 3-4343 "GUARANTEED Recondillonad automatic wash- prs. drvers. ranees & refills $.18. lft cV up YEATKR APPMANVE CO. .175 Chemeketa St IF VOU RK EVKR! ! GOING to buy a Vacuum Cleaner, now's your chance We bought complete dealer closeout. tremendous values un Electrolux, Filter Queen, Hoover i. Airwav Wholesale prices this wek at Glen Woo(irv, 105 N, Summer, 10 FT Westinghouse refrig with freerer. See after 8 pm. 1255 N 21st PIT RUN'GRAVEL BLACK TOP SOIL DKL. $1.25 A YARD PH. 4-246;, TOP SOIL Phone 1-1973. 1-1301 RECAPS S00-1I A 170-15 l 95 Exch. Lytle't Tire Mart BEV'S rummage, everyday. 473 N. Cottage. Ph. 4-7300J USED TIRES TRUCK PASSENGER Lvtle's lire Part 2305 U. Coml. Ph. 4-1031 rYPEWRITERS ado ins mi chines cash registers duoli catort. desks chairs files sup . I Wands pne noens. s.m loun e-eiu I COUPLE tn manage apts in ex USED radio-phono, comb, con-1 change for rent plus 125 sal snle RCA, 3. Hogg Bros. 141 ary One may be employed State St. I elsewhere. Ph. I-2S0I. II l3 l3 Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ADDING MACHINES Buy aa you rent All makes Roen-Tvpewnters. 451 Court Ph 3773. m.iA.Mli WESTINGHOUSE Woodrv Furniture La 474 So COI.- I Ph 4-2111 .MIMING CAPITOl Bedding Mattress re novators New mattresses 3-409 BRICl A BLOC bTm A SON BRICK snd block Work guar anteed. Ph. 4-6433. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR NEW building or remodeling, est. free. 4-4340, after 3 30 please. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR j'"1? 3 T.Al?T,NO rrammg. remodeling founds- ! EXPERT brueh or spray palnt tmns retaining walls, cement i ing. Hi or contract Ph 4-3MW or pumice block. Free esti mates. 3ti mo. to pay 2-4J80 CRAM WORE 23-ton Lorain fnoto crane Sa lem Sand A Gravel Co I-14S1 EXCAVATING VINCENT C. NEAL Excavating Co Excavating Grading Ph. 1-1SM FLOOR COVERINGS NORRIS WALKER Paint Co Floor-covering Division Qual ity installationa Linoleum. As phalt A Rubber Tile Wall tile Free Estimates 4-2279 JQ Merchandise 470 For Sole, Misc. KF.W 52 gal. Hntpolnt water heaters. 10 year uarr. Reg. 1129 95, now for a limited time 482 50 Phillips Appliance Co, 333 Center St. NEARLY new Underwood A Royal, stenographer's desk A chair. Reas. Ph. 3-5149 eves. Top Soil ' Orchsrd Losm , River Loan, Oial 2-1749 Prompt Delivery Keirer Sand A Gravel Co BICYCLES":-rricy(-lrrte95& up. Glen Woodry, 1805 N Sum mer. 4 LOTS at Rest lawn Cemeterv Gardens. 3150 ea. Perpetual care. Wonderful view. E. B Smith 3-9301. Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL PH. 2-4310 NEW I' Gym slides 112.30 Glen Woodry, 1003 N. Summer. 472 Wanted, Misc. WANTED Peeled or iinpeeled Cedar srd Fir Tole Please telephone roller-t. C A p I t o ?-95Rl N'lerternievrr - Martin Co. Portland 4. Oregon" j WANTED seerai thousand cordi of wood, all species Ph. 3-7721 Nights. 4-331 474 Miscellaneous ADDING machines, cash regis. Clary 1I7S Fairground! I-M7I DENTAL PLATE REPAIR I-H& SERVICE D4 MOST CASES. DR. HARRY SEMLER, Dentist Adolph Bldg., State A Com'l Sts SALEM PR. 1-3311 474 pUei WANTED severs! thousand cords o.' wood, all species Ph 3-7721 Nights. 4533 Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Planer Ends Choice slab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph. 3-7721 ANDERSON'S s I a b w o o d. Ph 2-7751 or 4-2654. HIGHWAVFlELX'6 SAWDUST A WOOD 3-44 Spring Special Mulch Sawdust. Fertilizer Block A Slab Wood West Salem Fuel 1323 Edgewater Ph 1-4031 .00 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon For Cash HOLLYWOOD FINANCF, CO 1980 Fairgrounds Rd. (Hollywood District) HOME OWNED HOME OPERATED No Investigation Fees. Free Parking Lot. Tall 2-7032 'COLONIAL Investment Co Real Property Losm Contracts Purchased 68' Court LONG TERM LOANS (Farm and Suburhani LOW INTEREST RATES Th. 2-3.l CLt'ETT KENYON REALTORS 1980 FalrgremrtHs Rd. (Hollywood Dist I WE HAVE cash buyers for real estate contracts and 2nd mort gages Ohmart A Calaba. Realtors 477 Court St Phone 2-4113 PRIVATF, interest money to Ph 2-0794 loan ti. $25 to $2,"00 Pacific Industrial Loans 111 S Liberty Ph 4-HM LOANS 150 00 to 11500 00 Buy What You Need Consolidate your bills. Finance tnrojgh WILLAMTTTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 S. Church St Ph 1 5437 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phona 1-0634 334 N Winter Adjoining Presbyterian church Free parking In rear Exclu sive listings on all types of employment PAGENSTECHER S COMMERCIAL riarrment Acpnry Since 1S4S Specialists In Office Placements - I 494 State (411 Ore. Bldg I 4-3.131 Save time -Save money For tba Best Professional Services AN' EXPERT I GRADING A DOZING BULLDOZING A back fill. S3 30 ' per hour. Ph 1-OjiU DOZING A LEVELING Ph I-W32 D PANTOVltH BULLDOZING eteerng roads, ponds D-4. D- carryall V Hiiskfj Ph -3:4 BULLDOZING, grading A Land clearing Elmo W Locker owner A operator. Ph. 2-5742. tToMafLANNING EXPERT home building A re modeling Phone 4-7577 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING LAWN mower sharpening., low prices, work guar. Ph. 4-9091 Painting ana paper-hanging free estimates Ph 1-9513 PAINTING Brush or spray Exterior or In tenor. Free estimates. 1-9011 PAPERING A PAINTI.NO PAINTING & nF.rOR ATTNC. ; Dirt Cheap Price 3-7552 PAINTING: Interior A exterior. Free Est. 4-0094. 4-282S IIOOFINO . SALEM BARTILE ROOFING Most rood life time roof, color choice Free est 2-7VX) ees lor comp information. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted MAN OR WOMAN over 20 for fruit stand A grorery store work 5003 Portland Rd. Green Arpie Mkt. WANTED AT IN CORVALLIS, OREGON ASSISTANT Manager -man "t woman uith car to help .c lect A- train sales people. Arl- " vanre -corrrmissipn.. For rer S"r,l interview Ph 4-7404 9 a m. to 12 nonn or after 9 pm. APPLicATl6NSarsnow" being taken for Statesman oicycle routes. Several routes will be open. Applicants must be ac companied by their parents or hive their written permls tlon. Apply at the Circulation Depirtmcnt of the Statesman Journal. 604 Help Wonted, Men WANT short logger v. ith 4 hunks to haul hoth fi' stud logs & sawnuil lrgs up to 20 lengths Firriardnn, Falls City. Fh Sunset 7-.16IH WANT someone tn tut ash trees into 16 ' wood. Will pay $6. a i ord. 4-405? j OPKRATOR for "out "of "town f.iit growing IBM. InMalla-1 tinn, wiririg cxp necessary. Mut ha'e super'lsory pnien- tia!. Siilarv t(i-4,5. Apply! Statesman-Journal Box 10" HIOH SCHOOL hov de-trcs farm T,,.s.T- , " ' ' .. l "rk Ph .1-f.:'..'l after 4 pm WANT several wood cutters.1. . Applv Capital Fuel Co.. 3900 I CARPENTER work, repair A N River Rd. paint up Call Morrisctt. You WANTED Good-Biltcr7er Take ! .'" not he sorry. Ph 2-379S. charge of Slaughter House. Steady work. Montgomery Lockers. Silvertnn WANTED, experienced manager 1 for super market in near by ! cl'y Give age. qualifications, former employment. Phnne Nn. Write Statesman-Journal, Box 128. 606 Help Wonted, Lody WOMAN to care for 2 girls 4 A 5 in motherless home in coun I r s Would consider I child. Call bet 5 ,. 8 p "i PI- 4-8711 Business directory PAPKRINt; A PAINTINO PAINTING, papering Free est , lerms Nelson. .1-840,1. 3-8243 l EXP Bonkkeener apahle of managing ofhic Picase g'. age. nian'ial -.lafis, rxpcnciict f. pay - r:pe trr! A! I rcpl'r confidential Write Statesman Journal l',o 1!" HorSFKFFi'r'R aiUf-d g. vulnwrr Sta'f Statesman-Journal. 1.18, WOMAN 21 10 50 uith nice per sonality w h'i needs lo arid $45. to $73. per week to family in come Car essential for local driving. Permanent position. Flexible working hours Ph 4-7404 between 9 a m. A- 12 noon or alter 9pm MONTGOMERY WAHO lias openine fni an 11 rant A un dciwear Drp' lead Mu'-t have rcen selling experience 5 rii 40 hi - K llo-pilal A nicdif al hrtp'iN p.iill v.ic.l t' , dlsi-nitnt on .lit pu:- C'.ts Applv m pcison W SATED older girl or woman fur pn;i.cwrk 1C. go.id home prp ,itc rixmi, good salary Ph 2-l":"i WAITRESS " North's Restiirant. Captiol Shop Center No. Ph. calls. 608'Picken Wanted CHFKRY PirkeM wanted at MofHl Af In Z-.l'Tll WANTED cherrv pickers slart inR Fn . 22nd Olto Reul'er, 1 mi W c. Pralum Ph 4-1:131. OAK CREST Farm c lc.e in. 2 mi out Wallace Rd Bus trans down S Coml. ct. m W Salem. Ph 4-6268 I U-PICK Marshall strawberries Ph 2-01C6 STRAWBERRY PICKERS Mem , .tune 25th. 19 A. Irrigated Northwest berries Stanley Speed, Rt 1. Box 13 Brooks, located I mile N. of Brooks, on Hiway 99. Ph, 2-3148 after 6 p.m. 1.1 A Northwests, start 2nd pick ing June 12th 4447 Satter Dr. R A Fiedler. Ph. 4-3540 W L Peterson. 2nd yr. Msr shalls Heavy picking, trans furn. Ph 2-..99S alter 4 STRA wnF,nRY pickers needed Picking started June 1st I lean fields A close JERRY A NIT A ANDRESEN 1 4I4 N. Lancaster. Ph. 4-1171 IROTO-VATING CUSTOM Retavatlng Ford equipment, r leio. lawns or cnards A gardens Ph. 1-M44 A 3-477 SAND a GRAVEL WALLlNfTsAND AND GRAVEL 1I5 McGllchnst Crushed quarry rocks and grav el All sires (or roads, drive as and parkins lots READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, hull-dosing, shov el and dragline work. 3-9249 SALEMSANDAG RAVEL CO Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, sand and top soil 1405 N. Front St 1-2441 VALLEi sXnDA GRAVEL CO Crushed A rauno gravel Sand A con mix I -4001 bin kTse r v R' E MIKE'S septic service Tanns cleaned D rooter cleans sewers drains Phone 3-944 j HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter, sewers ' septic tanks cleaned. 3-3327 nmrls tentic tanks cleaned. n, Mrvlre Guaranteed work p"" i-704 r ,-r'4 iTreervici De Rosii Tree Service Trees Shrubs. Hedges Insured 1733 N. Liberty St 2-4SH1 ova. I'PHOLST'.RING UPHOLSTERING Professional: guar work est . pickup, deliver Ph 1-4290 600 Employment 608 Pickers Wonted WANTED Raspberry A- hoysen bcrrv pickers. Register now. Start June 22nd Ph. 2-2921. STRAWBERRY "pickers wanted. 20 A. Northwest. 3rd picking, 30c a carrier R. P Barnwell. 4930 N. River Rd. Keirer Ph 4-4304 riCKEflS wanted thru June Heavy, Irritated crops. Mar shall's F. L Mever. 2'j ml. W of Brush College Store Ph. 2- 8177 ee STRAWBERRY pickers wanter Thur . June 21. 40c a carrier. A Goldsbv, 21'15 Chemawa Rd. Ph 4-8.174 STRAWBERRY pickers wanted call Reimann Real estate. Ph. 3- 9203 for information. Trans portation furnished. STRAWBERRY Pl-"ktrs wanted: tart Thundiy. Mav .list N West hemes, 1 b)rk West of Kelier Schl. Ph. 2-0457. 610 Solei Help Wonted IXPFRIENCFD TV Salesman f'-r Salfir Pent P".r Vrfl bn l ift S'ain.nidn-.Ir.'.irnal. WANTED senirn. Sa1tm area A golden opportunitv for a pmrlucrr. -liberal mnimis ..sirm?, Cajl. 2 :.!.)? EXPERIEN'CED car salesman Salary .V commtsinn. brand new. building, excellent oppor tunity Inquire (irn Tengua Chevrolet. Stayton, Ore PART TIME Multl - Million Dollar factory needs several mrn as repre sentatives. Car essential Guar anteed commission. See Mr. Revnolds tonight 7 00 pm. sharp, Marlon Hotel. No phone calls SALESMAN waned. F.lectroiux Corp. H179 Brdwy Salem. MAN to distribute A pick up Fuller Brush ratalogs lino wecklv comm to start 3-8337 FOR immediate employment, $mo mo. puaranteed inm ap- A', 3,,f BU'h' 8 30 ,0 " M- unl-v- 612 Work Wanted, Men 14 YR old hoy desires to earn bike by mowing lawns. ( er.ter. Mow hayfield or vacant lots. Ph 4-6372 between 6 p m. A 8 a m YOI'NC, married veteran needs sleadV errpUumcnt exprr truck drler. or steady farm job Ph 4-lit78 ROTO-TII.LING Ph. 22."iI8 CEMENT v.ni'k. guaranteed; prompt service; free estimates. Frncst Drake, Ph. 4-6339. TALI. CRASS, lawn ruttir? An derson. 4-11443. 266 N. C.iplioL EXTRA SPECIAL ! ! ! , NEED an addition' Remodeling? Cabinet Work. Free estimates Big discni.nt Expert work Work euaranleed Ref Co anvpl.ice. Chat. Exllne, Ph. 2-7016 ROTOVATING f'-r Ti'ltng. Howard Ro'.ivatirg gar age drn cutticattnc. la- n prepar- , atlon bv hr or nh 3-5695 ROTOVATING work eve., week ends. J Hathaway Ph 3-3R28 PAINTING free estimates rea sonable Ph. 2-1551 eves. ROTOVATING ril. 2 4763 CARPENTER WORK, day or contract 2-1843 or 2-1459 EXPFRIENCFD roofer, shln-Cl-ng siding A roof repair Vn.i f;imih matrrinl Work K'lar.cntreri Pn 4-4127 I (it-'S tree service Spray top pine pi 11 IT' . c.ihhnu 4-266 TILLING Howa-d llolnv.itor Ph 4-;H23 or 2-.7"':i5 No calls Sal pica-e Home Building A Remodeling I CALL JOHNSON I'll. 2-!l740 614 Work Wonted, Lody HOUSE Clean bv hour encrs Ph 4-0276 Refer- mCll SCMOCtl. girl wants sum hal-v sitting loh 3-I26R ith r HOMEMADE froen pies Home- made cookies haked to oraer 1-5.1.,.'. or 1-8761 . PRACTICAL nur-lng, 15 yrs exp. Will live in. Ph. 3-44.14 c, DAY general office A M. nr P M Varied experience PI, 2-6(i.'H HAHY sitting in home by day c".r hr I1R.I N Church RF.T1RKD NURSE will caie for infant or small child. My home Ph 2-979. MEDICAL Secretary A Book- j keeper desires position in Dr. I office References. Ph. 3-3987 j after 5 30 p.m. WILL habv sit. 5 year olds up Ph. 4-9349 WAITRESS! food or cocktail, experienced, refer., short hrs. Ph. 4-5108 ft'r4. CHILD Care my home II da 2V hr. 4-corners ph. 2-9572 MI M EOC RAPH1NG typing Mrs Poe. 665 N 16th Ph 3-3843 SEWING Dressmaking In my home, all types Ph 1-9392 WANfEo-lrnnlng In my home 1919 N Sih 1-1818 LOVING supervised child care, my home. So. Ph. 1-3911. 600 Employment 41 S Srtuetittns Wen tod SPRAY painting, expertly don. Frc eat., terms 1-441, J-SXA WORK wanted by mtddie-aged couple: suto court, sheep rsnch caretaker or milking. Need house. 2 Hi school chil dren. Can furn. refer., don't smoke or drink Rt. 1, Box 194, Scotts Mills. Ore a- 'i. s vd shoveL crane, aoa. drg Una. 23-toa mobile cranes. D4. 07 est carry all clear ing blsde Rental contract unit price. SALEM SAND A GRAVEL 140 N Front St Ph 2-2441 PAINTING. Dirt cheaD prices ii years In Salem Ph. 3-755 SMALL carpenter jors, good work, reasonable. Pn. 4-14?4 Ul, HI crawler oozer isveitng (radins 3-7042 L Kuril CARPENTER helper very reas age. Ph. 4-2029 eves. WILL take rare of bov 5 to 7 yrs old in lovely Englewood home. Ige yard A play toys, want rompamon for our child, nominal charge. Ph. 2 -OS-ill HANDY man. any nvnor repairs Your home. Yard work. Rea sonable Ph. . -4711 TNT.ralOR decorating-Charles Mi Lean. 417 E. Madrona. Ph 3- 0SU6. PAlNTLNG-papenng FreeesU mates. Don Lucero. 3-5322. CARPENTER work . any xlnd reas iUB Macleay Rd 4-591 LAND CLEARING D-S Hr L C Mitcnell Ph 3-3337 MOWING A rsklrg. D.Hu shall. 2-1343. SCHA RFFROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers, Septic Tanks. Drain Fields, Povver Ditching. Backfill. Ph. 2-5S4S or 3-5072 jig Education PHONK 4-06.S6 Drivinu lesitonv $3 50 ea V S C1VI1. Service TesTi' Training until appointed. .Men Women, 18-55 Start high as I..77 month. Many jobi open Experience often unnecessary. Qualify NOW! Get FREE 38 page Illustrated book allowing salaries, requirements, sample tests. WRITE; Box 99 Statesman-Journal. 700 Rentals 702 Sleep.' Rooms, Boord sleeping room 735 No. Church CLEAN quiet, near State oldg". shop Dist.. kit privel. 2-1449 CLEAN, Comf. rms. T V-close in 215 S Winter 3-I71S. T.V. Nicely furn.. clean sleeping rm. I-'U mo. 2-7820 board aval!' WANTED Man to room and board. 2 N Capitol. HOMF. awav from home. Pack lunches. Men 1095 N 5th. 705 Aportments Fof Rent 2 BPRM. house, clr.m.. stoif rrir.c. ull; rm rn' Bnnnv Va ( arle Dr $'' per ni" Ph 4-47'H FURN APTS . all iltil paid. 1397 N Com'l I'll 4-9.1S0 1ST FLR: furn apt., IS See at 3205 Mondv. Ph 2-391 NICE CLEAN APT. 1710 N. Capitol APT for 2 partly furn. util pd. 1342 Waller, eves sfter S COURT Apts (Court A Cotugei offer downtown nuiet apts, from 142 30 lo .S. Ph. 3-7440. CLEAN, quiet 1 rm. apt. down town, lady pref. 45 Ferry. MOD. rlesn. neatlv furn 2 bdrm. apt., Turner. Salem 4-:l4'i7 3 RM Furn Apt . util turn . close in, 4-1S45 248 Marion 2 FiDRM apt. util furn. Ph. 3-34'17 or 445 F. Myers FOR RENT Ne.it I -bdrm. pt Walking dis' taiue 10 snopnng and stte buildings, $0 per mo, unfurn. event (or stove A refrlg. AL ISA A K A CO. Healtors. 322 N Church St. Ph. 4-3311 or 3-7820 CLEAN, 3 rm. furn. Store rm. Adults. Ph. 2-481. 1605 N. 4th. ADULTS Small furn. apts. So. verv desirable Ph. 2-7945 FURN-f bdrm.aptsri28"A 35 Ph. 4-6099 FI'RN. apt women onlv. 1118 Oik St . Ph 3-58.14 FI'RN 3 it basm't apt nice fni unrklng couple 6.13 c(. Suni'iicr LENT loc. 1 sm furn. A I lrg unfurn. near new Sate bldgs A I'niv 2-2137. 2-5513. LARGE lst-flr. clean furn. apt., fireplace, auto, heat; near Capitol. Adults. 2-4505; 2-5271. AVAILABLE July 1-5 rooms, ground floor, small yard. De sirable, 2 blocks from P.O. 3-o.vvi. Hollywood Apts. Eurn . unfurn . 4-4711 or 4-7879 SMALL attractive clean ul:l pain .vr.ir Ai: Maie Bids A Shop Ctr .1-5407. VERY Ladv rm. furn. Ph 3- art r7n 2ul M:- FI'RN. Apis $.15 A 145. Util ities incl Empii'Ved lady only Ph. 4-1587 CLEAN fiirn.4 r- hath." reciec PH. 3-M2;i. 4-HIO ELAINE APTS. FURN apt. Ivg rm. kit. din ette, bd'Ti . hall- Close in to town. 517 50 mo 879 N Liberty 3 RM. Bath, furn. Barare A- 1 'heriv Si Ph. 3-8477 or Mr. Youi-.s 4-4 101 i, . t i.., ,n i,,M urlrorT.r Pn 4-r.iifil AMBASSADOR APTS ! Nicely Furn. Apis. 3S0 N Summer 2-920S U RN "niod i rm.Apt, 1065 Mddlsiir.. SI5. I'll. 4-4754 3 RM heated apt. w. pvt ent Furn. or unfurn. 1411 Cmnt ' CI.FAn" furn. I Hi 2 rm. apts i 6.13 Ferry. 3 RNL apt . 295 N 15tii. Chem 1 eketa Ac l.llh. 1'h. 4-3279. il RM. Apt. util furn.. close In s.Hl Jill l.nion m , j j i MODERN 1 hdrm Court Apt. L'nfuin except Elec range A refrig W Salem. Ph 4-68 7 5 Eve. 2-8743 Scenic view I bdrm unfurn court Apt . range, refrlg. 2-2HU8. COURT apts. Extra nice, clean. 3 rms. A hath, unfurn . except stove. lefrig TV. laiin., park, avail Inq 1348 S llth. FURN apt. for rent at 1210 Tile Rd, in Hollywood. Ph. 4-9352. NEAR UNIVERSITY, nice clean pt..titil. pd. Ph.JhWl. FURN. APT Pv(- nt " b",n near bus. State, A Gen. Hosp Ph. 2-3957. . CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNFURN. 1163 Chemeketa St Ph 3-1630 4 RMS furnTuprh'"' A water. bus T. V. Anf. 2-0910eves. 3 R M FU R N a pt pvt. ent. 705 N Liberty. 2-6947, 2 RM furnr"ant elderly gentfe- man I3 A 120 mn. Work If desired. Ph 3-5276 SMALL furn. Apt . close in Th 2-6197 NEW I rm"-furn. upstairs apt., pvt bath. Fa. I-430A 700 Rentals 704 Deprtaes FOR RENT nicely fura. duple So. of town. IM a mo, cpk only Csll 3-373. VRM. flat. 1 block P. O. H P1- 1-4273. 3-34TI. FURN. 1 bdrm. duplex, adults only. 1231 Lee St. 4-7194 SUBURBAN 1-bdrm. duplex, tn ricst you'U find for 3S 34. Ph 1-9444. PLEASANT upper duplex 1 bd rm. new all steel kitchen, Frigidaire stove, laundry facil ities, located corner of Stat . A Elma Ave. See osmer. ma Skopil Ave 2-950S 132 30 bedrm.. 2 blocks from t apito) Bldgs. Auto oil heat, Wired for elec. range. Ph. 4-1M3 4 ROOM lower duplex apt furn. t. lose in. Also sleeping rooms. Phone. 2-4776 707 Houses Fog Rent SMALL 2 BDRMS . partly fum a.5 Ideal for couple. 1-7JOI after ( .10. NEW 1 Bdrm. house with gar. 4 Ph 2-J48 4 OR 5 hdrTi. home, oil furnacel imm'd. poss. ttifl 1032 Oak CaU 4-8:;8o to see TRAILER space Ho per TiSk No pets Ph. 2-S883. 1740 Ox ford FapRM houses at-417A 425 N. Cottage unfurn Ph. 3-1338 3 BDRM house utility in gar! oil heater w'tank- Mission St., t Ph 3-4092 3 BDRMS.. mrKternTbleTiumb ing. newly decorated, garage. In citv. 15 per -mo Call Dept. Veterans Affairs 4-2171 Ext. 16 Refer L-14SI1 CLEAN 2 bdrm unfurn , garaga attch.. Irg lot. 0 4-8104. W SALEM "clean unfurn ltj bdrm house A gar. Suitahla for couple A child. 140 Ph. 3 -7187 LARGF. modern 1 bdrm",'"walC ing distance. 590 So. Llbertv 2 BDRM. unfurn house, neat A clean Taul Andrcsen. 4990 N. Lancaster. Ph. 4-2943. FmmACULATE potentiallrtdrm. house with beautiful yard. N. Salem. Fn. 2-9813. FREE 12th month, almost new 2 bdrm. house, elec. range, auto heal, hdw. floors, lnsul- ated. 2238 Maple Ave 1-BDRM. cottage, stove. refrTg firepl garage. 50. 3-8471. NEW 1 bdrm. house, lots-if closet space. stne refrlg , gar -Vnrne utilities. Inquire 1905 N. 19th. FOR lease, nice 2 bdrm. modern house, no children. Ph 4-5182. ATTRACTIVE 1 bdrm house. . sfove, refrig. A garage. 2-5570. NEAT and Clean 2 bedroom home in "4" Corners ares. Couples only Rear of 410 S. Lancaster Dr 135 00 a month. Vnf Csll Rudv Calaha, 2-4111 After 8 no call 3-3779 OHMART A CALABA. REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 2-4111 Nelson Rentals 7 RriRV h' 1 HPHM h.e 1 pi?'Tl (1m 1 BPRM r . to 1 inneM : itrf.ir i unfurn f'ltr N 1 10 tn IVI NT! SON A NELSON. RTRS. l.VKi S rnnvnrrcial J-lsSI. DOROTHY DEAL FOR RENT 2 bdrm. "home" Ph. 2-8498 eves 2 BDRM. home 170 per mo CaU 2-151 liter 3pm f BDRM home for renl"49TI Auburn Road. Salem Owner will he there Saturdav, Juna 53 RENT Mod 2 bdrm. range! refrlg. dryer, flrepl 1-0320 NEAT 1 bdrm . elec. best, al 2281 N 51h. 140 Ph. 2-709. 2 BDRM. house, 1790 Fairgrounds I Rd Ml mo Ph. Rawlins Realty 4-8875. ! 707-O Furnished Houses 1160 S Libert v 1 bdrm. furn. home Ph 2-5210 SM FI'RN House. T V. Antenna adults. 333 N. 23th. 2-7440. FI'RN. 1 bdrm. cottage with nsmt . garage N. Nice yard. Trees Ph. 3-3289 Cl.EANl bdrm . with basem"t firepi, gar. 60. So. 2-9894. 710 Wanted to Rent Hies WANT 7 or 3 bedroom house. Call J-2527 after 4 pm. NEED 3 bdrm. house, no small children. Excellent care. Ph. 2-1977. 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sole mi BESl TERRIFIC VALUE NEW .1 bedroom home. Fire place Dining room. l'i baths. Reautiful birch kitchen with built-in range, oven, and dish washer Full basemen! with 1 car faraee South suouroan. An exceptional value at only 13.500 ('.ill Walt Jones Eva. Pn, 4-;ar,:r. AL ISAAK & CO. Realtors 322 N Churrh St Ph 4-3311 or 3-7820 BY "OWNER i A near Eruit land, modern 2 hdrm hse . stt, gar. garden. $5,500 Ph. 2-1134 FAIRMOUNT HILL DIST." Din. rm . brkf nook, frpl . nil heat, bs-o t wparty room. $l0,h00 2-15.14 2 RR house, must sell Immed., ten: Ph 4-8871 7-Pl home laree lot. trees. .mailer ho-ne or trailer hnu Ave Inq 3480 Sunnvvlew LOVELY .1 ldrm home frpU bssm'l . Igc liv f. mn nn, 2 hdrm rental 1725 Madison. In I hew- 3 hdrm home, close lo schools A bus. paved Stt. A curbs, laree lot 100 G.I. LOANS EXPIRE IN JULY Go out Llbertv Road to Regal Gaidens sign on left or call today. Glenn Hamilton, Bldr. 2460 Stale St Eves. 3-6061 2-1301 Office 4-7844 OWNER TRANSFERRED 2200 SQ. FT. 3 BR A den. 2 baths, wall to wall carpeting, beam ceiling In lv. rm , Roman tile fireplace, enclosed patio nr family rm, Aiiln oil heat. 3 rm guest apt. Beautifully landscaped A fenced 100x150 lot in S Salem. $15,500 . 2-2097 TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 Hi.