$-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed, June 20, "58 B igelow's famous spot - proof "Baton" ... a KACLEB1 IDLOOM I 01 no ink-stain trouble . . . unaffected after stain removal with household aids. no sun-fading worries . . . it's locked ih color is impervious to King Sol. no fretting about moths or mildew . . . they avoid this broodloom like the plague. t salt water's no bleaching problem . . . this broadloom's even impervious to this! ., - V -V.- ...... ' f-, M-v '-v ' t i ' " lv v . ... t ' V 4 Call 44481 for HOME SERVICE Lipman's Home Service represen tative will be happy to" bring car pet samples to your home. No charge or obligations. . .-' Ws V". .... ,. ... I . . It-.- . ...... -""J - ' i--.T.v. ,. 1 Hi '.. v..r..'..; iry 'Si 6 .95 sq. yd. Fay only 11.75 a month for complete installation of average 40 sq. yds. ... all labor and 40-oz. padding is included! DKF.P, RICH PILE in tweedy grey, nutria, green, pc1lle, sandle wood. Miraculous Koloiloik Process locks the color into the fiber itself. All wool tueed broadloom ely carpotinR . . . outstanding for durability as iell as brant)'. 5 colors. Easy terms. ...... f Luxury all wool broadloom Ripplinn beauty ... an asset to every room decor. Luxur ious deep pile in colors. Kas terms. l.lfimim't Caryc-ling, leu fr U isl . 8 .95 - sq. yd. 1095 , sq. ul. l,','wwv:w"v''l,'J','l',uvl' hn A tt. "nn i ' I ,11. Ill ZA . M J AliLJJJ Howyou can afford effortless mowing 0 TTl n a dly power mower 1 Controls on Handle -- . ."T ' ' :' ''" , m f ' - , 's: .V, , -E: ' ',. J' . .!-."; :':.'.. ' ! v, 1 "t V , N ' y!:, W".,' , - --....'.:':.;:vj't;: ' ' - -,4.Tru" 21 -in. reef type mower with Briggs & Stratton engine Automatic clutch makes it dependable and simple to operate. Floating handle! ball bearing wheels! strong, heavy cutting blades! FULL WARRANTY. rep. 119.95 7 .95 Worth its weight in time and energy . . . this Handy Andv power mower makes lawn mow ing easy . . . saxes ou hours in gardening time. Kasv to operate with strong cutting blades that cut .a 21 inch swath through any kind of grass and weeds . . . leaves a lovely, smooth cut lawn. Buy now at these substantial sav ings! i Pay only $5 a month Queen Janice Miller of the St. Paul Rodeo and her court, Princesses Judy Seamster and Maxine Kuehne, will be in Lip man's Tearoom at 1 p. m. today and in the Caliente Sportswear Shop during the afternoon. See Rodeo Equipment and Trophies In our Window. You can enjoy this outstanding power mower now small monthly pa incuts. Lipman's Houscunrn, lower lcrrl pay for it i in w;";"T". mi) ij --ir-imnnmit m,m'm'i iii h r. 4 r