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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1956)
16-(Sec. II) Statesman. Salem. Ore. WfcU June 20. '56 oa a a nD -v v -A4"-' r ' kicu ncco cite " fl i 1 1 i ri D C3 ILS. Number For Santiara Road Denied IT FACIAL iHhii ihkr i ll ma TISSUES , v j V Muffin M - I f i f ; . V yv v. assssssssssM W f Jk A. kaaai W ft M W:Fli ii -i,- at - . x x xx y;-yCiy Aa alternate U.i rout 30 finking for th North Santiam nil Tnaxt hichvavS through Salem is not non possible. State Highway Engineer R. H. Baldoek told Salem Chamber of Com- meree Tuesday Ha explained by letter read at the chamber board el direct on meeting yesterday that the route recommended by Salem Chamber for national highway recognitioa b not improved enough yet for ll S mute, number. And present policy, laid Baldoek, would proninn an aucmaie route marking for it because it doea not rejoin Highway 20 farther West, Baldoek explained that after the -entire North Santiam and Coast route it Improved, it might become eligible for designation t U. S. Route 120 or V. S. Bout 220. The Salem Chamber's highway committee again emphasized that It has been seeking national route designation for the important artery through Salem from moun tains to coast, but that it has not attempted to have he U. S, 20 designation removed from the present South Santiam route. Committee chairman William H. Hammond said recent complaints from' several cities along U. S. 20 were based on misunderstand ing of the Salem chamber intent In other action before the chamber board, approval was voted for sponsoring of summer outdoor band concerts by a Salem Musicians Union band. , Leonard Kremen. manager of Robert! Bros, stores in Salem, was Inducted as new board member, having been chosen by Downtown Salem Merchants Association to succeed C. L. Newsom who has moved from Salem. n HnEAT SHIRTS TV A V Qagt 3 NYLON REINFORCED A ) P ) h 1 MaTTW $1 fl M AOrT NECK IN WHITE V I W I Sturdy Aluminum fitl LJ U r,1' lA OR GREY. I V I V 7 pJ Bake, One Dozen II rl I"! V V "S Smoll-Med.-Lg. Siiei X. "V V.. ." W Muff ins At One Tim Ll I I UK - lV PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 20 THRU 24th PlAST,C CLOTHES D5 gfl tkxi(?ShTOiiS v s DAP BAGS D 0 "BEADED LEATHER BELTS cJjtT- J&'Ka. v.X""!u.i, ' firi u fl. KOW ' SSSESiS 2.00 VlM. U -y- W "l L r RigbtForlronmr U I c.trs I COSTUMt 1 Keg I 4 I I MEN'S HEUNCA I K.79cLadi I .g. 1.49 I NYLON ZIPPER COID PACK M n 20-W I CERBERS ."r.nv ?tlM . ACCCC I Cl--L Multiple Simoniz. CHAVP KIT TAKIKIFRS U UAnscoFiln, Baby Food l - Skirt Hangers BODYOTN t j . i asavasasf - P a j ium m n hhssb .ssw w miai w ' 9jm m bb i rnr - i - - i viMar ' w m-..mmmmmmm m - r u D No. 5 s Flash Bulbs 16 For Salem Boy Wins State Poster Contest fORTLANDWinner of the top award of $100 cash Jn the AU Ore- mnn PnuhlMt Mk IMMter Contest sponsored by the Portland Retail Trade Bureau is Kenwm noucr, X of M5I Silverton Rd., Salem, student at North Salem High . Judges ot enlrlea" from" III h mtutnl ami (rade school DUDils throughout the state were Douglas J 11 Til MMMMAfll. 1 v vwb mrtn Limni r into, nnimm- cial nrtlsta. and Lea Ordcman, Ore- ' mrm Jntirnal DhotofraDher. unnr' Muter, featurinl an Ore gon forest scene, and .other en- trie WU1 De Otspiayea ouring uic National - Education Association convention July 1-t, and All Ott- gon Products week, Juiy hi , Thornton to Help in Lane Jury Probe, "PORTLAND ( - AH Gen. Robert Y. Thornton is going to Eugene to help in grand jury favMtieatlan as sou as he can take time away from the one he it conducting here. - Aut. Attv. Gen. Robert H I I id .1 in. kA Ism County probe. He said Gov. Elmo Smith has tola mormon to roe Charge in Lane, as well as in Multnomah County. -The Lane County investigation terns from charge of embezzle ment ftl fimrii from Moses Moody. a prison convict, and of improper wry selection. - The Multnomah County investigation is of charges ot f ortiana vice. Festival Group Files Articles "Articles of incorporation for U'UUmetlK River Davi Inc.. the trganization in charge of Salem's coming July 4 festival, were filed with the state corporation com missioner Tuesday. 'Incorporators were Leslie E. Da Via, Gerald W. Frank and Robert White. ' Purpose of the corporation, as listed, is to stage the Independence Day celebration, profits from which will be used to develop Wal lace Marine Park and water recre ational activities in this area. Di BAYER ASPIRIN . lOS Mirth in. u VITAMIN "A CAPSULES J3.000 Unitt-tOO Cart I.N VthM $7 VETO Deodorant Cream Stf. )f .CQUERED WOOD SALAD BOWLS Itf. 4fc For BRYICREEM HAIR DRESS Reg. 39c Tub TUSSY COLOGNE REG. SCENTED Bubble Bath 2.91 Framed PICTURES 24x30 FLORIENT Room Deodorant 1 4t VfliM 1.50 Wicker CLOTHES BASKETS MOTH FLAKES s PAPER PLATE! Fr Id Pknk 100 Count FRESH STOCK Golf Balls 1 I A I )UStii v I u n .?! Travel Svrinae I HI-"l!'V. I M CAPS . I tr--. lf. 7S HP 1 I uwtW"- ! ami ism see tMnwuiM umtum. ADJUSTAIIE Men er Boy's PANTS CREASERS lis. pair Dual Ovtlrt Ml Guard Itf. $1.30 DOLES PINEAPPLE JUICE U-91 lint Reg. ISc 12 PLASTIC Baby Pants S 4c 3 For for Seamless Rubber Playground - FUN BALL 14-hicli (a. $1.4S Reg. 1.19 Black leaf AEROSOL SPRAY Kill. Fir. AnH, Anal liiMcrt Reg. 69c Men's White CAP PISTOLS Cmplt With Attach intuit and CarryiMf a it. $i.J GLEEM TOOTH PASTE 15c 4 sit. SILICONE L1 Board Pad Rtf. 1.2 Itr ulb Typt DOUCHE SYRINGE Hard Rubbar Ra(. MONOFILAMENT FISH LINE HANDMADE FISHING FLIES c Valut Rait Your Paint Sruahtt GLOMORENE BRUSH BATH DECORATED METAL WASTE BASKETS rs tn For PONY HEAD Stick Horses a limit Om HEAVY PLASTIC CANNERY APRONS Rtf. I it AS n oTI n u u Reg. 1.49-8 Pc. f-1 5ERVA-SNACK rrrr U BEAUTIFUL PATIO PILLOWS Large Variety REG. 1.50 ISc HEATPROOF COFFEE MUGS OR CEREAL BOWLS Dozen Vacuum Stal Ra. 2 For RUBBER SWIM RINGS Ctldran tr Adult R.f. $U0 NOT CONNICTf O WITH ANY tOCIITV EXTRA RICH MIGHT CREAM saion roiMuu XtG. "LtiU VSJI J'Nj I canraoHMiHM J rot viimnt (ovmmoN aiairri NEW Softest Ever KOTEX CHARCOAL ; BRIQUETS :iu 9 I Buy New I Ckan and Dvit Pound LAWN SPRINKLER Bankers Elect Portland Man feEND ( Donald R. Smith, tice president of the U.S. National Rank at Portland, was elected president Tuesday of the Oregon Bankers Assn. Named vice president was H. E. Eakin, manager of the Cottage Grove branch of the First National Bank, L. C. Buchner of Arlington was elected treasurer. Electric Shock Fatal to Rancher KXHV. THI.I.FK ( Edra R. .TldweU, SO, was killed by electric Dock on his rancn at uuiur, sown of here; Tuesday afternoon. U wm rlpcninf an Irrication ' pipe and when he turned it up to knock out sand, it hit a power line. His .son, who was nearby, applied artificial respiration. But the rancher was dead on arrival t a hospital here. Amtrua'i Nt. I OmIIIh SawMiItt Rtianful.r fsfty Oti. hilt Ctrrnn Withairt Ovtrla Rtf. vtiat Now X88 Only O OvarantcvfJ $249S - Family Slie Lacquered ', PICNIC BASKETS D uble Bain $3.95 Value Insulated xl9xll4 $12.50 Value Bownie Hawkeye FLASH CAMERA Cat Gttd Claar f kltrai It Ctltr tr Slack anal Whila ;Fltth Atlackmtnl 25 Look!! Movies For Just $29.50!! EASTMAN 8-MM A5Q MOVIE CAMERA With tHawtt-13 JM-H7 lat. ire ruccTS I mane oy American merinos $3.95 Value I One callon With Pouring Spout. New C a Mineral Wont Insulation. Made by M ' American Thermos, asass j 11 V a ft O I IASIMAN S-MM-300 Waif 888 1 MOVIE PROJECTOR Q I R.livt Ytiw im antl Inl.r.ttlng tvtnH ll King-Six Dacron SLEEPING BAGS Tkt Ivtr ll Whita $! Raf. lf.OO $988 Plastic-Air MATTRESS Srillianl Color. Fully Ouaianttttl $5 1 Valut 66 df m $2 JwJw if t"" u, Regular 14.95 U.l,ia UHKIYVM ALUMINUM Krl J m" c,' :mpin tr Jtrttthtt Thai MtlhprtM You Can Buy Both Camera and Projector for Just $9.15 Down-$7.59 Per Month. Ott 30".W Tripod Screen FREE!! FRUIT JAR FUNNEL REPEAT SALE Plastic GARDEN HOSE 50 Foot length Light Weight But Durable Threa Year Guarantee THi M dSrfi I 1 1 MJ. LUGGAGE SETS fl Hill III f l a l ' 1 ihUAUMhrn JAJnrt.Ctw af . 'v L I ,'r -.jr nriaM Value u vy ll Ji' ' J m 1 I VL SSawtBg I hn. , l tLi '. R" Ctltr. ftr latlit. ; II WLV is a smart B -rr- . vr-u:- . .. . "TTf If Gein' Travelin' "Deluxe" TRAIN Buy Your luggage Vinyl Ctvtrwl wttd Framt 4 95 CxJ Qy fl .1 P.u I... nm ltktal t Oltttl Ctrttrt- Waltr W fl at Pay Less Drug l(M, 0r(, RM M Value U Save 25 to 35 Quality lt.k.- is a smart 1 new frame style with famous Polaroid lenses, which turn off reflected glare. In three attrac tive colorcombinations: Aqua on-White, Black- on-White and Salt and PeDDer. -NOW- The Fabulous Super-Smooth Lipstick That Stays on . . . Won't Smtar tr Dry lip. Jint Snwtlli Rtrmaititli at lat H Stt-Thti. Rm. 1 Ti.t tt Your lip. Until Nt Ctltr CtnMt Off PtrmHtkk Will Look Itvtly For Hovr. Fivt Gtamertw. Tuuy Ctltn tt Chttct frtm Reg. 1.10 Size fell ASTICK i '4 M j; h I l i I Only flu. Tax at m ttT " t -We-Zd j -- J g