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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1956)
Statwi&tt, Salem, Ore, Wed, June 20, "58 (Sec IT)-15 ' 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 104 Houiai For S.U tOi Hhm For UU I0 rWwFoefcl. SO Ho.m For UU 804 HtMJtM ft UU S0t Ho4mm For $4iU 104 HHr Ff UU 800 Real Estate 850 Automotive 830 Aatomotlr 19W FAIRGROUNDS RD. PH. 3-3551 HORSES . HORSES . HORSES -TREtS TRFFS . TRIM: Here a the "heavenljs cluion" wi all dream about but 80 eeklom find approx. 11 Km, part beautifully wooded, mall ereek, only few minutes driva from down town. Vary eomfortabla 7-yr -old spacious home, dhle. plumbad. I fire place. 4-box ai:i barn: dbla. garage and workahoa. Price W.Kas. Wa ll kva to ahow you. QUALITY: l-bedroom Englewood homa Large livlnf and dininf rwia.; 1 tlraplaeaa: full baaemant. Well-kept cornar lot with eprinkUng system. Prica $14,130. FHA term. 4 BEDROOMS Well located. 4 Corner Dtat. I yn old: roomy, bright kitchen. Cood-aized lot. Batter aee for 111.100. FHA financed. NO PARKING PROBLEMS No but "fuel" BubaUntlal l-bedroom home and food l-bedroom rental 44 N. Church It. Buainoaa potential. Call for appt, today. WmC-CND RETRIAT: New cabin on the Ablqua. Approx ', acre. IDEAL apot to reat your "weary bones", wear out your lishin' fear, or lust plain "sag". Only $3S terms. Eve Ph Thelitis 4-198B, Fred 4-7.121. or 1-1337 1 BFDR00M - ONLY I7S00 Double garage I lota lnaide utility. Dead end street Shake home. Trees. Nice garden apot. Located edge of city east. Owner to aelL Small down payment. Call Johnson, Eve ph $-313. I ACRES. PRATUM A food piece of land, family orchard About I A In cultivation. About 1 A. pasture Good 4-bedroom house, double garage. Small barn and chicken house. Asking I13JM. Ask for Hicks. Eva ph. 1-M03. $500 DOWN Vary neat l-bedroom. dining area, living room, hardwood floor. FA furnace. Attached garage. Large lot. Call Lucas. Eve. ph. J-MM. ONLY $3500 for this handv man'a special in Keitar Dist. House is livable but needs repair. Could be 3-hedroom. Address is I4W Trov. Only $100 down, balance like rent. Eve. call 3-9405, 3-3131 or 3-1388. REIMANN REAL ESTATE Ml South High St. MUST SELL OR RENT 1 good 1 bdrm. home In West Salem, paved at., aharie trees Prica 1.1.250 or rant 137 50 per month. ACRE FARM All In cult , 2 homes. 3 A 3 bdrms, t milk tows, full line farm machlnerv, close tn school A town. $23,500 for all 110.000 down. Must have appl to aee. Call Anderson days 4-4494, eve. ph. 4-2714. 10 INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY! This 4 unit apt. house for 110.500 and retain one apt. for your aelf. Beautiful corner lot, tall shade trees. Suuth at close til bus. All newly painted Inside A out. $4,000 down. Payments $115 per mo. Mrs. Walla, days 4-4494. eve. -373t. $IT Court 4-44P4 GOOD BUY $$,000 BUYS J-bdrm. home with unfinished upsiaira & -nasmt. . on Market street in KnRie wood Dist (Ox I. IS LOT with trees. Immediate poasession Eva call ED 4-1S0S. dav 1-4480 ED LUKINBEAL. KE ALTOR, 433 N. HIGH CAPE COD Yry fln elder hom in South falam. 4 bedrooms, double bath, txtra Urn livinf room, dtn. separate dininf room. Ure kitclien with nook, base ment, oil furnace, fireplace, large worked lot. unrler;rfHinfi Sprinkling lyiiem. $3Z,b00 Mth terms. 1; ACRE-EAST Jit off Lancaster Drive n Glenwood Drive 2 bedroom', automatic gas furnac. .nude laundry room, large fa rase with work heneh, gnnrf well, an in. jet pump, fenced in front yard. On!v $750 down with payments leu than rent. Abrams & Skinner 411 Masonic Bldg Real Estate Insuranc Mortgage Loans Office 3-9217 Eves 2-4709 or 3-73M I BDRM. house, tile bath, large garage wutlltty rm. $500 buys our equity. Ph. 2-8211. $450 will buv equitv in 2 bdrm. , house at 22(10 Claude Ph.4-5507 SOt'TH" 2 hdrm. modern home, lots of rlospt sp.-ire. Dream kit chen, moderately prired. Large corner lot. Ph. 2-M3S. 3 BDRMS . l'i baths, birch kitchen with dishwasher A dis posal, flerpl. in large living rm. I.rg. utility. 2 yrs old Owner transferred. $15,200 Ph. 4-7151. TOR SALE by owner: 3 bdrm. home, basement woil furnare Excel ennd . large lot with trees A shrubs Near Capitol A Market Ph. 3-417.1. Sell Your Equity Buyers waiting for homes. Farms. Rentals and business. 1. 1st now Quick action at Star Realty. $330 S. Pac. Hwy. Ph 2-2051. MR OWNER! Glen Woodrv will pay top prica for your turn A appliances Ph 3-5110. $8750. SOUTH LATE-huiIl 3-bdrm. home all on one floor, oil heat, attached f 'rage. $1500 down, no f'.nnnc ng charges Call FLOYD Mr NAI.l.. Fve 3-77(4. davs 2 -(;. FD LCKINBEAL. RFAI TOR 41.1 N HlOh NEARLY NEW Thia nice home with 1710 so, ft. of Iiviiir a;ea fins 17ft0 sq. ft. basement .1 replaces. 3 bedrooms, nne panelled in mahoganv. pos tered with romplete mahneanv trim. 2 full bafis All lurch kitchen, large lot dhle over sire garage. Call Ron. Kraus, eve J-5i8. 1 HOME RARCAINS-nnh- ?5(i dn 2-hedroom S-vr -old. cican. full price ifiimn for i.niv $4 400, this !t-r'n im f I n . c hed new hsp , full baserreri! 3 rm spartmrnt Siee One Ped well. SEE THIS 51 ACRES On pave ment, large hwy. frontage. ?ood 2-brrri. home, good wr 11, amily orchard, garate. tool shed, price $2.VOO0. Will take good 1-hdrm. home In Salem Call Frank Graham, eve 4-4741. A nice S-bdrm. home on 50x100 lot In Turner. Utilltv, porch, large garage. Near school and shopping Level lot, nice gar den spot. Owner leaving A steal at onlv $4.5n Some terms See Bill Firtler. eve 4-744$. 71 Acre' nnultiv livestock or grain farrv alt gond hides Includes JV)0rjp chicken hse. barn A .1-hdrm modern with full hasement and fur nace This farm is fully stocked and eqnlpocd. on pavement )ust 4 mi from Si! vertnn. price $22,500. Terms Call Herb. Barnes. ' Real Estate til N. Church St. Ph. 4-f871 Ph. 1-M03 There is a heap of liv ing in this hse. 4 b'r'm. Good loca tion. You can name the down pay't. $4, 000.00. WHAT A M 1 3 b'r'm - firepl. bas't & sawdust furn. Lge. Cor. lot. Rugs & drapes included. Will sell on low. dn. pay't or accept first ' mtge. Price $10,950. Call E. H. Leach, Ph. 1-HMfll or 3-7440 Percy Ullman Rltr. BY BUILDER NEW apaclous 3 bdrm. Engl- ! wuodUlst. JOj,qual!t,v.Jl-7071 ! BY OWNER modern 3 bdrm home, good terma on down favm I. E of 4-Corners, Ph -37M 1 BDRM. house with small acre age at S70 Ratcllff Dr. Make offer at Pioneer Truat Co., Sa lem. FOR SALE by owner: 1 bdrm home, fireplace, paved atreet, terms. 33(0 Hadley St. Ph. 4-43K. BY OWNER. bdrm. modern, well built home, $7 $00. Lo cated at 1455 7th. Ph. 4-2415 eve. 2 BDRM. house, lot (0x11$ Ml Falrview Ave. So $4,500. $200 down. $40 per mo. FOR SALE: New. 2 bdrm. house. 5 mi No. on Silverton Hiway. $100 Down. Ph. 4-7141 BY BUILDER NEW S bdrm homa neat I. Salem achools A park 1-7071 BUILDER Ph 2-7794 Wa take trade DAYLIGHT BSMT. J-bdrm . 2 fireplaces, 40 ft. playroom, wooded lot, $14,00 25M Hill side Lane. FAMILY ROOM, dining, 3 bdrm , l'i bath, dhle. garage, dead-end street, wooded lot, small back vard, easv to keep. Ready July 10. $14,200. 3036 Tulare As e. FAMILY ROOM, large counter kitchen, l'i haths, dble. ga rage. (0 x 151 lot, mountain view. $14,000. 4434 Kurth Ave. KvFST SAI.EM, 1 large bdrms. dining roonv. nook, lawn A shrubs. redecoiated. SII.0O0. FHA or Gl terms. 537 King wood Dr. $400 EQUITY in almost new 3 bdrm. home. Large lot, Nice lawn & shrubs. Pii. 3-4448 SFLL eoulty 2 bdrm house, 3 vrs. old. full basm t $400. Ph. .1-3595 2M Draper St We are proud to announct that . . . Mr. J. A. (All Sholsfth is now associated with our firm MR SHOLSETH has lived In Sa lem for tne past 31 years, 20 of which he lias spent in the feed At seed business. WE JOIN Mr Shnlseth In invit ing his man friends to come in or tall nui office to renew old acquaintanceships MR SHOI.SF.Tll can he reac'.ed at our West Salem office. Phone 4-57-13 n: at his resid ence. Phons 3-7307. Joe Hutchison REALTOR 1211 Edcewaler BY OWNER: l'i - year old 1 hdrm. house, fireplace, att. ga rage, fenced vard Englewood Dist. $12,000. 4-7304 JOeThUTCHINSON REALTOR Let us solve our home needs To Buv. Sell or Rent -- fall Ph 4-5743 1211 Frigcwatr Ph 4-7874 2710 So Comm'l $1000. DOWN $3000. rm.L PRICE buys 3 bdrm. home all on one floor, 57x123 lot. 150 per month pay ment at 5'i. No financing charges. Immediate possession. A lot batter than the price in dicate!. Eve. call RAY DAVIS 4-5917, davs I-IW80 ED LUK TNBEAL, -REALTOR. 433 N. HIGH. DENTON & DENTON RKALTORS 314 State St I'h $.3!.tn hu i his cheerful 2 bdrm'r. Irg In mi . din rm., kitchen u'll . ba,h, attch. aar. Exterior Is .ittractive Nice yaid garden Immediate possession The price is right Eve. call Voorhees 2-4IW7. uen ton l-Msn. SMALL down payment on at tractive small 1 hdrm. home. Total prire $7,030. 1430 N. Church. Ph. 4-3(580. RAINS REALTY LOAN! FOR BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION I OR $'t BOAT aim paced uw eai Wll lamette River 1 aera with sue t bdrm twitM, room for 1 bd nxa up, Itv. dininf. nice kitchen, breakfaat nook lull basement with Party room, forced air oil heat Dble. gar age with baaemant. Asking $11,900. Owner will trade for city noma. To see caU Dai Raybum, eve. phone 2-2049. CHOICE View Lots. High on hill over looking the valley. Sewer tc wa'cr available Price only $2,000 Call Dean Klarr-Eve. Pn. 1-7090. 505 CHEMEKETA RAMSEY, APARTMENTS EASY walking distance to oowniown. a units, i.ross in come around $360 per month. Dandy creek lot. $23,000. Make offer. Terms Trade. HOME1 ACRE SALEM Heights water Also wen. a neorooms. nasemeni. Fruit. Lots of garden apace. Price $,500. Soma terma. TAVERN AND cocktail bar. Cafe. In town near new air force base. Living quarters $29,000 Some terms. Ph. 4-2870; 4-33(1. 427 Ferry List With Us Office 4-3331 Eva. Frank Vlasir 4-2(10 Marian Lehmann l-MM: Violet Bishop 2-H(3; Jim Ramsey 4-3(97. YOU'LL BE TICKLED PINK Wh?n w show vou thm livible. lovablf S-brdroom rtotw Tbe pretty pink exterior romplimenti tht well-Rrnomrd vrd and denrablt neighborhood. Immaculat. spacioui roonn well filanned for comfort and convenient. The pullman bath with ouvered, ahuttered windows routdn t bt more cbarmini Tht birch kitchen is modern In tvtrv respect and bat a picture window In the eating area . . . We could go on and on be cause this home has to manv extra features, but we know you'll want to fee for yourtelf. so phone Fred Klang now for a showing. During the evenings and Sunday he will be at I-3C91. NEIGHBORHOOD CONSCIOUS? Then of course you've bad (fie wood In mind all along. We art especially proud lo offer this lovely 1 bedroom home and we know you'll agree this is a true value at $13,300 The living and dining rooms are carpeted In a luacmus grey and green scrolled broad loom, which accentuates the expansive feeling you'll find throughout the home. For the sportsman, there ts an extra building which will bouse your boat and all of your fishing equipment no boat? then use it for a plavroom or guest house. You'll really be happy here . . . Phone Carl Han ten for an appointment. Eves, and Sun. 4-0463. REALTOftS M7N. High St. REP'S LOW DOWN PAYMENT, ran be had on this dandv suhurhan hoinf, 3 Red Rrms. l'a Acres Wired for washer A- dryer. Low Taxes. Only $ 100 00. CaU Kdna Morgan eve. 460.13. BEST BUY IN TOWN, Older 4 Bed Rm. Home just rederorated. Bet of locations near schools, Shopping A. Bus Big lot & nice ahrtrhe. PrH-only. $10,500.00.. Good , terms. Call Stearns Cuihlng, eve. 2304$. VIHY LOVELY NEW 3 Bdrm. plare. F. A. rum 1', Baths, Dble garage, located In Bel vedere Gardens, $11,750 00. Terma, Call Mr. Kigglns eve 4J464 BEST FARM BUT' lit Acres, 4 Bed Rm. medern heme, Basemt Family fruit, Barn 31x40, Machine shed , Garage, 19 Acres In small (rain, acree lie. Oak trees, balance paature. All crops go with the farm. Terms,. Call Mr. Leavens ava 34731 MORTGAGE LOANS, CONSTRUCTION FINANCING C. V. KENT & CO., REALTORS 45(1 N. Church 32 N. CHURCH ST. PHONE 4-3311 DIFFERENT DESIGN In this extremely well built 3-bdrm. home, Spacious rooms. Lovely fireplace. TA oil heel. Tiled bath. Hwd. fire. Petio Dble itt. garage. In lnvelv new area among beautiful new homes. Brand new. Pri"ed at 17.500. Call N G. "Dan I.ia,ik, eve ph. 4-9!)53. 24 ACREsS EAST Willamette silt on pavement. All in cultivation. Growing cops Included. Family fruit. Com fortable 4 bdrm. home. 1 chicken houses. Machine ahed. Excellent well. This Is a top value at $13,500. $1500 will handle Call Mr. Crawford, eve ph. 4-5020. GIFT SHOP-HOME Beautiful quality-built home with fniHVlefi touchei Comhinrd with un usual attached gift shop 1 70 q ft home. Large living room. Dining room. 2 large bdrmi Another can he added hv uiing storage room. Setze this opportunity--rnake the business pay for the home. Full nrtoe $19.nnn plus atork. Call Mr. Woodcock, eve ph. 1-7106. ISfll'S BEST e 4. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Evenini 4-5020 . 4-7$32. 1-10411. 4-9533 f( no answer. Dial 4-2:41 FAMILY ROOMS l.nvely location surrounded hv oskl 3 bed .rooms paved streets, one and 'j ha'h. Close in loratmn Oik at $!7.;0(l and the other $11,300 3-RDRM. HOME IN EAST ENOLFWOOD - ( lose to Hospital and Doctor s clinic. Forced air heat. This is a nice home for $12,500. CANDAI.ARIA RANCH HOt'SF Snug on the lull among trees Exceptionally lovelv 3 large hedrooots. central hall, walnut paneled liv. rm , birch kitchen, auto, dishwasher, full day light hasement with perfect party room, patio. 2 fireplaces Nice view, secluded paved atreet. First time listed. Call today. FIN F MOTEL One of Saleoi's best Motels, too location, excellent condition inside and out. 11 units plus owner's 2-hdrm hn-ne All ricclv furnished Room for more units If desired Ovsner retMng. offered at greatly reduced price. Please call tor ap pointment TO SELL YOt'R HOME IS Ol'R ONLY Rl'SINESS Salesmen Sun ft Eve: Murl rrantr 2-494.1. H Pei k 3-5413, Andy Halvo'-sen 3-714.'!. Roy Ferris 2-S01i Joe Him'vel 2-3122 1.14 SOUTH LIBERTY H ft E PHONE 4-4471 South Will Trade New ft lovely 3-bdrm. homes, priced from $13,730 to $14 930. Near school ft shopping cen ter Living ft dining room, 2 fireplaces Fine kitchen ft family room 1 sets plumb ing Auto oil heat Dhle plastered garage Will trade for small homes or late model cars Ph. 4-R272 REALLY WORTH $fi.V1 Fxtra nice V rr with verv good small hnme. Ig garage $lo.9nn $ onnj DOWN Verv nice 2 hdrm home plus apartment AT 4 -CORNERS. SS.500 Modern, clean $ bedrm home JOHN J. DAI, REALTOR 401 V. High Ph. 4-3413 Eve. 4-3220. 1-7401. 1-444. 4-1012 OWNER offering this fin 4 bdrm. older horn In excellent condition lor ily K-iso Haa baaement. F. A. ell heat In good location. Ta see call eve K S. Gillespie 4-4W44. SOUTH Salem. 3 bdrm with large let and fruit trees At tractive home with fireplace in liv. rm. also din rm. Kit with eating apace. Dble gar age and patio. Good neighbor hood. Call Dean Klarr. Eva Phone MOM. PHONE 4-4875 REALTOR FOUR CORNERS FIVE 4-bedreom home On 1 floor. Living room 22x1$ Fire- F i lace Double plumbing I'til tv. Lot lOnxlaO. FA oil heat. $15,750. Terma. SOUTH BUY for home or rental. Brings in $5 a month. 2 bedrooms. Basement. Plastered. City wa ter $(,901). Terma. LOW DOWN PAYMENT AND pavmenU like rent. 4-bed-room home. Big lot. Highland and St. Vincent's area. 2-fam-lly quarters. $7,ao. Phone 4-W.11. M1M3 Home Just being finished. Fire. Phone 4321.1 WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES OR 37820 2 HOUSES On one large lot. Live In one and rent the other, liv. rm. Brk. nk Party room. Rep. Utility rm Family fruit. Dhle att. garage. Busmen corner lot Being offered at $15,000. Call iMr. Richmond. N. CHURCH ST. 3 bdrmi. Large kitchen, Inide utilltv Garage Workihop Fenred vard. Good value at 7950 Call Mr. Crawford. Eve. ph. 4-5020. GRACIOUS LIVING In this excellent new 3-bdrrn. homa. Large living room with lovely fireplace FA oil heat. Ini.l. Hdwd. firs. Tiled bath. Near school and Iransp. Full price only $ll,$o, $1350 down will handle. Balance on FHA. Call N R. Dan" IsaaK, eve ph. 4-9953. WRECKING CO. Auto wrecking husine 3 good sized hldgs. Tow tiuik. Shop tools and machines. 210' High way frontage. On approx 2 acre. Cood mrnme. Lovelv 4 bdrm brick face he Priced at $3,000 Call Mr Woodcock for complete information. Eve ph. 1-71M. & FERRIS, REALTORS 'GRIMM ETT REALTY "REAL VALUES" Two mall hornet In 1op condi tion and In excellent locations. The one bed li prired at $V- Wl and the two bed at Wi0 These are real nice Onf onlv Three hrd and pln errd double farf (tn" r.n nlrl. excellent ronri't'on and finish II0.W0 fall Gnm. meM. Phone H-7H79 MET REALTY 1440 Froadwav Salem. Oregon CANDALARIA Homt, by cwwr, East viw. I bdrmi. Pfi. 1-0783. 11 T-5 TTi A REAL BUY Make effer att 11KM equity la large s bedna nome. auunce I Hi per mo. at t. Includes rrtnetpie. interest, taxes and nsuranee Located an acre Two blocks from school and Shopping center. A nice home and a gilt-edge investment. Call Fred Head 4-eO.l Eve 1-T8S4. TRADE. Large t bedm or Urge lot west of Keuer will con aider 1 hedrm email lot in Saiem. Call Jack Saw la 4-7143 U ACRES. Wooded and Paature 4 miles out on Dallas Hwy Creek thru property. CaU Jack Aawla 4-f?l. WAXTtD. Keuer, Acseags and beet l o: 3 bedroom house for cash buver with $ 000 CaU Jack Raw la 4-7742 . TRADE, your home or lot for true 4 yr. old 1 oedrm. home on a acres FHA built. FHA terma. Nice spot for the kida, eloaa to achool. paved atreet. Call Walt DePuy 4-4Mtl. Ive. 4-0322. THT BUILDER wants this 1 bedrm aold thia month. It haa all the facilities, Cloat to achool and bus Plus) the very beat terma tn town. Call Wait DePuy 4-MWl. Eve. 4-0321. 7.M FOR a nice bom, swell lot wiui fruit and nut trees plug an extra garage 1st bark. This haa $ bedrooms. utility and a 17 foot living room with fireplace F.nglewood District. Phone 4 -anal or 4-34M1 after C -p m. ask for Nick 4f4! No. River Rd Off Ph 4-t Little Para due 1V1 lot, 1 ok trtf. doff- wod. tulip tre profuwly landuaped. iwrludrd I i r g t pit 10. 2 bedroom, lm macula t nom, wall to wall rarptttng. IWautlftilly dfoorsttd Vou won t likr It, vou'll kiv it ' e: Marjone Fanning 4-608 TED MORRISON REALTOR 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4 7S77 C. D. MeCARGAR, RLTR. HAZILCREEN DIST. Brand nev, spacious ranch type 3 bdrm. home. Living room, flrepla'-e. dining room, Btrch kitchen, utility room, 1, baths. Double garage, Large lot Paved road Onlv $13,500. Call Martha Thiesen eve. 1-5497. GOOD RENTAL INVESTMENT You ahould aee this nice 1 bdrm, home. Reauttful shade trees. Bus bv door $4,750. Terms. Call Lloyd Hlca eva. 1-4750. $7,750. 4 Bdrm. homo with Rlvar view ai a shady yard. Base ment, Inside utility wired for washer r dryer. Double far age, chlrken house. Family orchard. Call Faye Seal eve. 4-5314. 7nlNo. High St., Ph. 4-4441 MOVE IN NOW Small modern 1 hdrm. home Approx. 1 A. Near Brooks. Lota of fruit, berries should make down paym't. Neat ft rlean. A dandy. Under $5000. Will accept car, livestock, tractor, or f aa down pm't. Easy terms Don't overlook this plare Eves. Call McFar lane 4-8818. IDEAL LOCATION South, ntar Leslie achool. Bus by door. Excel, home for teacher or good rental. Only W ,4.10. Eves, call Mri, Leavens J-473S. L. E. KLUMPP, Rltr. 305$ Portland Rd Ph. 2-7B42 or 4-8SM $6,1001 bdrm. house, fireplace. Maw. firs, utility rm. low taxes, bus s blk. For oar- ticulars ask for Cheatham evenings 4-963. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 318 N. Church St. Th. 3-9236 BUSH "PARK bdrms fTsao S Church. 3 bdrms., 1083 Oxford 4 RFDROOMS In beautiful, northeast, suburban home. $16.sno, BASEMENT with rec reation room equipped with snack har, television and re frigerator. Large living room and full dining room. 1 bed room and bath downstairs. 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs. Hdw. floors. Double garage. On . acre of ground With secluded back yard. Owners leaung Salem offer at sacri fice CLYDE PRAIX. Realtor 134 S. High St. 4-3451. Eves 4-01B4 or 3-7230. BY OWNER 3 bdrm home Will go C I See at 424 W. Brown ing after 6. nwr.f nillVE. A la acre home for cn!y $4,0110. 2 bedroom home garage, barn and chtck en h"iise A number of fruit srrl shsrie trees An Inlcresi. mg view School bus hv door CLYDE TRALi.. 134 S. High 4-3651. Eves 4-9184. 4 BDRMS , 1 baths, new roof, aluminum aiding, garden spare, fruit trees, on large corner lot. $12,730. Ph. 4-43M) FULL DRV Bsmt.. 2 hdrm. plus finished upstairs. 1$90 N. Uith OR TRADE equity in 2 bdrm modern home for trailer house it smaller hnuie. Iu6n Shady Lane 4-B4lfi WILL trade equity In 2 bdrm home lor trailer house. 5240 Sunryside Rd. 2-0l);;:i CLEAN $ yr. old 2 bdrm aubur ban home hdwd. firs venltian blinds, nice shrubs. $7,250 3835 Monroe Ph, 4-5544. Huge Ranchstylp Homr 1700 q. ft 17xM hvin mom. hii kitchen with nook. I nrdrftoms ixomp with pnnfl nn;!. mammoth uttltl. IfXtxlftn Int wiih covered pi'io. hr-hf-liiP. !etvn and I'm! t'fft Verv "hnM. v 111 .Vrfi SuhN- -bpr) Fve C'nrdnvrt Sfrptlfnnn : 4-6140 TED MORRISON REALTOR 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7S77 & WEDNESDAY TRADE DAY AT NELSONS rRITTLAVn I A TRADE WTTM HOI'S AND t A. In cultivation raa be traded for email ham In Salem. uburbas home with good poeeibiliuee lor improving entire property $7. boo Will, lake In smaU bom up to taV.M I. or .f. Call Clyde Eoulk. eva 1-1MM. tUM HOMI WITH LARGE ROOM CAM t TRADED FOR SMALLER HOME with large lot or I A. This property has. firepl. separate dining rm . good neighborhood, close to bus Call Dorothy Deal, eve 4-a32. BEAITTTT.T. SUBl'RBA SETTING WITH PARTIALLY COM. PI ETED LOVELY HUME on 1 A ran be traded lor home la North Salem. Thia home has open beam ceiling, hot water heat, spacious 10x14 living rm Beautiful trees and magnificent view. $11JS0. CaU Echo Yeater. NICE SUBURBAN HOHE ON for I to 1 A. M h III This lovelv i-Bann nome with at tractive bving rm.. ftrpl.. basemt Excellently located on good road, haa fenced vard and new orchard. IVep well. Thermo pane window. Bua by door. $15 000 Call Edith Anderson, eve i-;m. INCOME PROPERTY IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA TO BE TRAD ED FOR HOME VP TO lll.eoo. This property with I fully rented apts and 1 atone rentals grosses $123 per month This good clean property listed at nt.wio. uan uick acnmiai eve 1-7S47. NELSON & NELSON, REALTORS 1W4I S. Commercial Ph. 1-351 M0RNINGS1DE A fine loration on a quiet atreet - corner lot Thia home la eatra well built.. Haa 3 nhe bedrooms, a General Electric TA fur. nace. The kitchen. In not. ural wood, has lota of built-lns & clever r. raneement. There's lota of brick work in front and wrought Iron rails on the 1 Dorch. A aels plumbing, nice lawn nd shrubs, LU OHMABT Loreni. FAMILY ROOM III hard to believe -so much value for the money. 1 spertctus . bedrooms with double plumbing, extra large family room with beam ceiling, attractive corner lot, large 1-ear garage. This home baa fuott financing-lots of charm. Ask for Ralph Maddy. JUST COMPLETED Attractive new l-bedroom home twald When summer heat comes you will be comfortable in a well-inaulated and practical home with plenty of floor spare. Double plumbing and double garage means double conven ience. Moderately prired Another one almost completed in ame desirable location, this one boasts a family room. Ask for Adrienne Sercombe about terms. TRADE!!!! Here la what you hive been waiting for new l-bedroom home with family rosam. 1 sets plumbing. 2 fireplaces, double ga rage. Will consider your home In trade. Call Don Doufhton. ir VOIR HOME IS FOR SALE OR TRADE CALL US 477 Court St Eve Louis l.nrrni 13SM Ralph 41X182 Don Dotlghton 41414 OWNER MUST SELL YOU CAN equitv for car. trailer or wnat nave you ana you in assume the loan 2-bdrm. home In ecellent condition. Living and din - Ing room ciunhined .walMo-wall ctrpet. utility, extra large attached garage with work apace. Large fenced WL A 414SI at $750$. it irtkr. Knt.'TH FROM CITY CENTER Would trade lor huuae in town on bus line up to $41000. t-bdrm. house, barn, pump and irrigation equipment, pasture, .variety fruit. Farm equipment and stock ran be purchased extra, Terma can be arranged, run price esxw. la Ai-nre, with good HOlfsE and pasture for 100 head sheep. Some timber. About 11 miles from Salem in a farming - for houae In town. Call Fred WONDERFUL INVESTMENT PROPERTY-I house! on one lot Close In, ' oiocica 10 cny du. tunvmnni v inMpping achools and state bides. Large house haa 1 bdrms . beautiful yard, small house renis for $30 per month. Everything In A-l shape. $6930. Call Mr. Hicks. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 2311 State St. Ph Eve. calls. Mrs. Graham 44741; Vandervort 4702; Doerfler 237$4; A. E. BECKETT, REALTOR HOLLYWOOD DIST. Fiv blocks or so went of business place Separate dining room, run nasemeni. room ior rxira sleeping quarters. Oil furnace. Lovely yard with trees. Only 10,$00. Terms. sni'THFAKT Neat, clean and rnomv. 1 BR. bungalow Large lot. Garden In and growing gooa. are una 101 e",jv. nn. FOUR CORNERS AREA Out of rltr owner offers S BR. home on half acre of good land Immediate possession. Will take car In trade or sell on low down payment. Owner will carry paper. Only $$.300. TURNER AREA Onl 1 yean old S bedrooms. throughout Approx '2 acre iaoa nee ink euiw u need to live In this district Only $1 300. Terms. 141 S High Ph- I-Mlt Eve :' A. E. Beckett. Ph. 1-4311; Helen Lewis. Ph. 1-7S04 $$300 3 bdrm. home, completely furnished Business .one. Clnse to stores Good Buy $31001 hdrm home. Business 7,one. $000 dow n $16001 bdrm. home-Lot 30x133 House on rear of lot -Room to build another $300 down $45001 bdrm., electric heat, paved street. Clean, $730 down. 34 ACRE FARM loss than 7 miles from downtown Salem on pavement, no bldgs 23 A In crop, beautiful building site view of mountains $4550 Fasv terms. CALL RON HUD KINS ALASKAN OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL nn e i losc-m home with bsmt. and oil licit unfin ished 1 room apt over r.irane Onlv $1(1000 with tines CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY. RUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WII.lj4MF.TTK VAI I KV Dairy Queen Stun Prue $21.- 0(10 plus Inventnrv Variety Store l'i ice $.'12,100. inc Inventory. Ladies Readv-to-Wear Price 114 3011. inc. inentorv. Retail Hardware Slo'c Pure $35,000, plus Inventory TV A Appliance Slore Price $10,500, plus inventnrv Rest & Cocktail Lounge Pr're $fl'l 500 nl'is in'-cnlm-v FOR FURTHER PF.TMLS IllMAII I I.. (.HAIlfN- HORST Ql'IF.T K PF.ACf.rri. uith lot, 'if rnnmi to irl.iy in t'v bdrm. plus dfn di,!(,it GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 180 S LIBERTY ST PH. 2-2471 F enings A Sundavs Call t'a" Socolofskv H K. Lavmon 1-3193 Ron Hudklns 3-B7I2 .! F. Law 3-3113 Ralph Bruce :-49Il Mn Richardson 4-!:'RS Wl DOWN MOVES VOU IN TOP4Y OR Bt'll n Tn sflT FD FISCHFR. I'll 4-34.13 FOR SALF 2 hdrm house part furnished, lot 70x200 sn.M Joan Mr $H2r0 Ph 4-3011 BARGAIN forv .lean I M R home range and heaer in rturtert larjre ferfrd srrl !n- rated "ff '' Higr.wat North $3,100 $:ion down, take csr In trarle R M Mason, Fit 3.BS41. 3-:in6. 3-3M2 RUY my .equity in Manbrln Gardens home. 3 hdrms, or 2 bdrms and den. F A best, frpl. and patio, $1 130 dn.. $11, 130. Ill Manbrtn Or. Ph. 4-3433. eve 3-46TS. A. JUST LISTED. Can be traded I-rar garage. I'. price lust re duced to lUWO-CI or RUDY CALABA FHA terms. Call Louis on Stanley l ane, Just off West Phond 1-4111. 1-411$. 1-4117 Maddy 134U Adrienne Sercombe . BUY RIGHT-WUl trade his iiii mra. uranam. -room house, barn, place fenced area, wouiu iraue airaigns it Doerrier. dist. Lovely 1 BfV home. Fire HW floora. Natural wood finish basement, completely finished with party room, utility rm . 1 hdrm and storage. Nice vard all fenced. Liv. rni. and hdrm., drapes go A Paradise Homa In Candalana FOR. APPT. CALL RALPH BRUCE. NEW 3 BDRM HOMF ON COR NER LOT with daylight base ment, bath and one-half near new Canadalaria School Price $11100 CALL MRS. RICH ARDSON. RIC, HOUSF - SMALL LOT -These are hard to find, partir- ularlv in a ? hdrm homr. Hv rm. 20x21 with lireplace. dtn. rm . kitchen, utility room, lovelv hath with tub A show er stall InYnl for working rnupif ir tnis is wnai you i,ie been sesirhing for CALL J F LAW CHF'FK PROI'FR TIF.S. It Acres loc.iled on Rattle Creek - Long frontage on pav. d load. Price $5000 4 34 A-rcs Ificsterl on Crolssn Creek. Reautiful place tn build Price IU50. t res View tract - Beauti ful view, located In Salem. "Price $jooo $500 down, bal. $1!5 per month. 3 P.FDROOM HOME On a cirner lot In an R.i Zone Tins is an older hone In ex 1 1 At nt i m.dition and a i I'om c locHMnn Ideal fur cnov eislnn lo a p a r t 111 e n t . ( A I 1. 11 K. t.AYMON FOR LILT AILS 807 Apr'i. Court! for Solo BY OWNF.R unit apt. house, pvt haths 5 furnished, very good rental (list 73$ Ferry. 808 Loti For Sale I.Anr.F vieu- lot ssith trres K'ngnood I).s' FuHaMe for rtHvligrt hin ' Ress Th 4-ft1Il af'c: .'fl p in 2 I OTS for sale bv owner North Salem Ph 3-3003 FOR SALE or trarle for lot m Salem. One of the must beauti ful view cabin Bites on Pacific roaat overlooking ocean. Devils Lake. mt ao forth. Ph. 1-3333 or l-f.241. SOS LoH Ftr Stil BY OWXTH beMtttuI lot 70xl7. 1 ml. E. ol Ke-rer. fruit trees some shrubs, wonderful vtew Svla. Ph. after J p tn 4-11M. I LOTS, suitable lor one or two dwellings Restricted district. South 12th and Eairvtew. Ph. 4-HS4) day l-3t evee. 8)0 Forms For Sl I A. FARM be twee Turner A Aumaviile. No bldgm. Running water. Mra. rearl eivea. Tunrer, Oregon. FOR SALE by Owner, good In come property. 1.11 acre Royal Anne cherry orchard with I bdrm. modern Iraaar Very good location rloae to ftalem. Drive out dt are this years Cherry crop! George Kork. $130 Capllnger Road. Sa lem 1 42 100 Acres Cleared Acres 4 bdrm. home 1 M 100 acres 4 bdrm. bouie 10 acres 2 bdrm. house) By Owner. Ph. eXZlJ SAAK'S BEST BUYS 20 ACRES Secluded touth. Clean comfort able remodeled home. Double garage View. Goon well. Fenced. Full price inntt. CaU Mr. crawtora. Evt. Pn. 4-w$t. AL ISAAK & CO. Realtors SB N. Church 84 Ph. 4-331 1 or 3-7KM Acreaf Cheap 330 acre, paature. torn aoringa. cappon wen, ail unimproviu, tome wooded. Approx 10 acres tillable. South of nalem a pp. 11 mUaa. ONLY $7 aa acre I All for $11.4001 This la a good buy Ive: John Van Oadol 1-7343. TED MORRISON REALTOR 258 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7H7 BY OWNER: 4 A , N. lenUaen. rree water, good summer or retirement bom. Ph. i-lMt. M ACRES near Roeedale. Make oner at nooeer xruat to, na lm. DOCTOR'S PARADISE Older 4 bdrm. homo with lot of shrubs at tree on 11 A. of choice land. 4 mllea from 8a lam n paved hiway, lot ft above -Salem. THE OUTSTANDING VIEW IN OREGON Can see 3 mountains la Wash- inetnn: 3 In nr eon Wlllam. tie Valley inc., Salem, no one can cut off your view, $13,000 Writ box IX), flateeman Journal. 1$ ACRES 1 bedroom Urge houa. 11 aUnchlon bant. I acree berries, $7,300. Will Uk amaller place In trad. E. Brown, Rt. 1 B, IN Aurora, Wiseacre Lin. 112 Eich. Rttal Iirotw PORTLAND horn $T,00S. ft. rxrrms , trad on sKtrm. up to 110,000, Salem or vicinity. 111! s E. Schiller, Portland. BE 4-7012. SELL or trade: equity In 1 bdrm 4 yr. old house Is ml. 8. E. of L. a. near Lovina, nice nr. Rents for $100 mo. Will trade for lata mdl. car or eome cash plus undeveloped property. Ph 1-I7M. HAVE 1 modern Portland homes to trad for Salem property or acreage, close In. Boat IN Statesman-Journal. BY OWNER. unit apt. houa. cloa In. Mle-trade. 4-wwi. 118 Wonted, Rao I Eitoft WANTED to buy: 1 bdrm. horn s. saiem. rn. e-ooij. 850 Automotive 852 Ui.d Cars For Solo 1941 OLDS, 1 dr. edn.. cond. Ph. 1-1471 IBM NASH 4-door aedan. over drive, bed tvoe.' Sharp, far above average. $443- McCall's Used Cars. 1187 Stale. 1M7 OLDS, hydromatlc, radio, heater, 1190., maybe purchaaed with $00 dn. c 130 monthly. McCall's Used Cart. 1M7 Stat. 1942 STUDF.BAKFR. Champion 4-door aedan, radio, heater. overdrive. A very rlean good rar. Only 1113. $30 down, easy monthly payments. McCall a Used Cars. 17 State. 18M FORD V-$, 1 dr., atyle-ton Bermuda blue At Ivory, eraah pad. other extras. Driven from Chicago. $1M. Call 1-M4! or aee at M3 S. High. '31 MERC. 4 dr. Radio Heater, 1 owner, spotless, new Urea Ph. Gervais 2402. SAIJM0R TRADF.: 1 buses I. 13 passenger, A 1, 21 paaaen- ger, good operating rond, 1 bua being used for apare parts aell all for 11.430 or aell sep arately Take car or pickup In trade See at 141 Center, rh 2-351 1930 MERCURY, overdrive, new Beat covers. 2 tone, white walls. Also inso Ruirk Sperlal 4-dr.. straight transmission. very nice Mint sell one this week 1433 N 4th. I'h 4-4433. 47 STiinK.nAKFR. Commander O drive H A H . 2 Dr 3-tone ront kit. (;ood paint, hodv etc. $215 Ph. 676(1. Woodhurn '49 FORD Club Cpe , '47 Nash go. trade. Fh. 3-S733. '41 CHEV. truck with flatbed. will trade. Ph. 1-7330 S3 DODGF V-$ $1M. very good cond 1234 Fdgewaler. Ph 2-9431 BS3 Auto Porti t Repoin A Rras. Mcch. on Duty Valves ground Outside service, no extra charge. Ask for Bur John s Service. 10M S 11th Ph. 4-1302. rites 4-0713. 854 Trucki, Troil. tor lolo '37 CHIV. Pick-up. Ph. after 3 3- FIH81 ALL "STEF.L 1 wheel trailrPh 4- 2IIM. 1RS3 ST UDF3TltlfRruckr FlaTl hed. all readv to work. 1193 Javhawk trailer sales. 2140 Portland Br! Ph 3-304.1 FOR SALE ' '47".tude Pick-up" 4131 MacClav Rd 47 STI'DK. tor Needs fla'hed $l'."o 2:v:q Kapphahn RD , near Hollywood Bowl 2 Dl'MP Trucks '33 ( he-. I T 2 speed axel 4-3 srl box. erv clean, make offer. Bernard Chev. Co . Woodburn. Ph. l-L'iSI. FINE used utll trailer, Rich field Sta. IS3S I. Com'l. IS2 Ustw Cort For Solo BLOT IK SAFE BUY ENTER ED SULILVAN'S June 11-Aueust 4 $2000 CASH AWARD if you buy a used car from us now . . . then win a Mercury Phae ton m the contest 8 Weekly Contests 2680 PRIZES ENTER NOW. st our lot. 4W N. Com'l. LINCOLNMERCURY.INC. "The Car Makes Good Or We Do" 1 CHIV. dr. Fleetlina De- lux real nlr. Top cond. la everyway take trad ac Fin ance Dlereunt for eash, MM Portland Rd. Ph. 4-1411 31 OLDS N Holllday Cpe. for sal or trad qulrr tor '4 or 10 modal car. Ph. 4-7 after $ p.m. 1M0 PONT1AC adn. cpe., I cyL, nydromatic, radio, neater. Clean, $443. 1-0401. 1M Nab raaka. IV. cluh cp.. cond. 4M Roe. l-ar74. 14 FORD, "good cond. Ph. wood burn a-ittl rm. IBM SUPER Bulrk Hardtop. Tins, motor at ooay in axe. roiid. Ph. Independence 11 ays, i bow eves. 40 FORD. 1 dr. adn., radl 4V heater, (nod cond., re as. price Monmouth, Skyline 7-1111 after J p.m. W OLDS "M" 8dn R. ft H , fog light, wtiit aid walla, turn signals, $193. Make offer. Ph. 1-4771 aKer Is HQ So. 4th. SPOT CASH tor clean IMO 4V 1MI snodel ran. ItcCalU Used Cars. 1897 Slat. ' BUICK oadmaatr Idn nod cond.. radio It heater. Ph. 4-aa, iaoi i-verf reen. BODY MAN SPECIAL IS Lincoln Capri rmmrtlbl rolled over, 1391. Can be seen 133 Broadway. Ph. -sS71 SACRJFICt ii Chv" 4 dr.. powergllde, A-l, will take older rar in traoe. rn. s-ausi 154 Wanfod', Cart, Trucki WANT 10 or later car aa dn. Davment on new 1 bdrm. home. Call Clen Hamilton, 1-auM RAMBLER country wagon. 'M or aa, food cond. writ Statesman-Journal, Box 111. WT'RI PAVINO TOP CASH For Clean Deed Can Paid ar or Not Bob It BlU't U$d Cari Uoion 4 High SIi. B58 MororcycltH FOR SAI.E-'47 Indian Chief Motorcycle, Id.Ooo ml . $149 Ph. 3-1711. M3 N. Liberty MOTORCYC1.I, Cuitomlged Ariel squar 4. full rac n gine. $aM). Built up by Red Rice. After 4 MA 1-1141, Rt. 1. Box 311 Dallas, 1146 "61" Harley Davidson, food cond., Ph, 4-lnn, wo sun, cans 1N3 B t A motorcycle. Ic. cond. Ph. 1-7134. 1 to 11 a.m. B62 Houto Traitor COVFRED single horse trailer (nod condition, crystal springs, Ranch. Ph. 1-3327. cFeaIole WE honeally need th room, w hare more new trailers com ing in from the East and wa will need room for them, so we must move some of our tremendous stock, many fam oua brands. A. B.C. KIT, SCHULT. TERRY. RICHARD- RON TRANSIHOMF OREAT LAKE, NASHUA. SIESTA. & GOLDEN STATE, in vacation trailer, or mohil homes. 2 V. 3 bdrms. with bath, anything for ihe trailer buyer. We Arc Not Refusing Any Hrasnnablo Offer Terms Trades HI mi TRAILER SALES 2Mfl Portland Rd. Ph. 3-8043 CASH FOR TRAILERS 1940 l.ana Ave Ph 2 9IR0 BY OWNER 35 II. trailer house, like new cond . a real buy. 3110 Broadway. 3-mi FLAY-Shilffleboarfl st Ss"rrn'a New Center Street Trailer Court Trailer Spaces available 4153 Center St VACATION site trailer houses for sale or rent. Sea Earl Malm. 4030 Silverton Rd 4-7117 BARGAIN! 43' DREAMHOME Late mdl. Terms. Lena Lena 1X40 Lana Ave TRAILER TOWING lAYHAWK TRAIT ER SALES 1440 Portland Rd Ph 4-104J TRAILER tpsct for rent Reas 23U7 Portland Rd FIR CRFST trailer Park under new manarement restricted spaces for rent. 1910 N River Rd Ph 1-131 1. 31 MODEL 32 ft. Crestline aluminum trailer house, bath awng. Exc. cond. Pa. 1-8071 isa gag .NOW $425,000 Mercury Contest! mm tSl UOw Cora For Sol SAFETYTESTED WITH A FUTURE 1955 OLDS, HOLIDAY COUPE Atttwrttr red flniaJi. standard traaamsaaua. New whtt wall tire only 17.000 mile. Fof ejuicsi irsoe 1954 OLDS. H. 4 DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, defeter, he. ramauc. ernsung rooa anO yellow design, on local swim r, Really OK 1$4J 1953 "M- HOLIDAY COUPE mileage one owner, TWO if beaut with It aew paint, Jo Haa full pewar. Hurry ( 1954 M OLDS. 4 DOOR SEDAN This on alao ha full power, on color, whit wall tire, a beeutr t aee. bIsmuts tsriT . 1952 SITER M OLDS. 1 DR. SDN. Powder Mil Is whf, radl, defroster, hydramatte, power ateertrut. a nice car at a low Prlc , IIOM Wc havt leveril other oo4 car lo wiect rrom. Cotno in and drivt your choico. REMEMBER! IF it comes from Loders . . . it's Good Ml If Rleh Ph. J-7S73 mil 4-5344 AUTO C R PORTLAND RD, E SPECIAL USED CAR m iirif a no "Is WWIVI4 1 Wit. uptr Bert Auto, trana., radio haataa. $386. , 11 sthert to ehocK from AUTO ACRES 30 PORTLAND RD. mm new -t train ITnlon 4V Commercial Ph. Milt SEE & DRIVE THE LIVELY ENGLISH BUILT FORD Anglia Perfect THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST SMALL CAR ON THE ROAD. IT- Uf II T llfllf VCklt aura I! I , ' nmni.n , . ' rs- SO WILL THE PRICE. $1545 Delivered, Inrludea heater, de frosters, turn signals, stop 11 Ira. while wall tires, twia fender mlrrori and a lot mora. BRITISH CAR SALES 208 N. Capitol Ph. S-ftM UNKLE CALLING 131 V-l DeSoto Fired ome 4 door aedan. Radio, heater, power steering, premium white walls Excellent con. dttion. $903 00. CaU 1-I1M altar 330 PM 31 ( HFV . go.d condition Phon 4-4744 or 3-3371 4"DO no FTTdonr eda n R adlei, healer, clean, $193 or best oN fcr Must sell. Leaving town. Ph. 2-1973 FOR SALE -1040 Olds Coup. Radio. hester hydramatia. Good work car Th 3-7103 OPEN EVES. TILL 8 P.M. n Down on Approved Credit The Bargain Ccntf r of Salem t Market Rilvrton JM ' l ancMttr Dr. Ph 4-9114 TAKE over payments on '47 Butck Roadmtiter fully tqulp ped, Tubfless tires, motor Just nvfrha ilr-d Pa! 1M it $34 mo Th 4-3S44 be(or 4 p rn. or sfter S 31 p m AfOT.T. MOTfiT?.3 CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH Tip Top Used Cars Silvrrton. Ore. Ph. 3-5191 I Oregon'! Oldtit Dealer BEST BUY . fsed Car Commercial 4k Chamaket PH. 4-1711 Used Chevrolet Cadillac I