WEDNESDAY i (IUttr'1 Mtl TIM Iwiiwm isaknsbe tm gssed last tk nmw a tlaaes m preTieed by TV star, bat Iiiim MOim the rmwi re rhatged iRtl etiflcsttesa Uu aewajsaper unit be MinMtli It taw aveewraey Imk f WEDNESDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KPTV WEDNESDAY" HIGHLIGHTS (CtaiaH D: 1I:M a.m. NBC Matin TVater-'Torsaking AU Othcri". What happens hn circumctaam brinf together a beautiful woman and a handmm man. fach of vshorn is married to an invalid. !: a.m. Mattne Theater "Winter Canuval", starring Ann Sheri dan and Richard Car'lsoa. I:M p.. Kraft Theater "Hyinf Object at 1 O'clock High", drama of an investigation of a midair collision between an unidentified object and a Air Force plane. KOIN-TV WEDNESDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (Channel : I:H Armchair Theater "False Colors": with Robert Shane and Sheila Ryan. 1:90 p.m. Studio S7 ''Senorita and the Texan". Adele Mara and John Russell. The story of a veterinarian's attempt to curb cattle disease in Mexico. 18:1J p.m Showtime on Six "The Vicious Years", with Tommy Cook and Anthony Ross. A war orphan gains a horn through black mail. KI.OR-TV WEDNESDAY S HIGHLIGHTS (Chaanel IM 11:00 a.m. Afternoon Film Festival "Bewere of Pity", with Ijlli Talmer, Sir Cedric Hardwicke. Gladys Cooper and Albert Linen. Stnrv of a oaralyzcd girl who falls in love with an officer who has befriended her only through pity. 1:0 p in. Wednesday Night Fight Johnny Summerlin vs. Bo") Saltorlicld in a 19-round heavyweight bout. : p.m. Disneyland "Behind the True-Life Cameras Olympic Klk" The Disney cameras pick the elk in Ihnr winter home. . 1:M p.m. Hometown Theater "The Shadow Strikes", starring Rod LaRocque. The "Shadow" investigates a series of murders. WEDNESDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV, L'HF tl; KOIN-TV. HOIR 4V M t:1S KPTV tfoma iHome Home Home KOIN.Panorama Par. Panorama Par Panorama Par. 'Panorama Par. KPTVIcould Be You ICould Be You feather Net Feather Nest KOIN Vahant Lady iLoveof Life iSearrh Tomor iCuidini Lieht KPTV ntne Done Seh. Dim Dona Sch Today In West ;Todav tn Wrt KOIN!colllnrood Bt Counted A World Turns As World Tunis KPTV'Todav In West .Today in Weal Tern. Ernie ,Trn. E. me KOIN' John Csrron Jonn Carsna 'Llnkletter ILinkletter 8 9 10 "LORi I i Pub Interest J k,TVIbc Mat. Thea.'NBC Mat. Thea RC Mat. Thea NBC Mat Thea I KOIN1 Big Pavoff r.if Payolf iBob Crosby IBoh Crosby KLOR FllmrestivaI,Filrrirestival Film Festival iFUm Festu al ) KPT , Date with Life Mod Romances Quen for Day Quern for Dr " KOIN Brifhtrr Day (Secret Slorm if'clfe rf Nifht Ed."e of Nicht KLOR Filn Festn l,Fllm Festival Film Festlvsl Film Ff:tiil KPT'i Married Joan I Married Joan Ernie Koiac Ernie I.osat KOIN Armchilr The Armchair The. KOIN Kitchen KOIN Kitchen KLORifhe Rmilei The Rum In lEllrabeth lEll7aheth sroiviMt'n' Th"' M,tln ThM- MUo" Thea. IMatinee Thea. vi n rry Moon 'crrJf Moore lArthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey KLOR Lady of Home'Lady of House Glamour Girl IGlamou r Girl tnTJ!M"M ''k' Thea, IN W, Heme H W. -Home KPIv,lAr,hur c4trty lArthur Godfrey iSttike It Rich IStrlke It Rich KLOR Mld-dsr Mat. Mld-day Mat. IMid-day Mai. IMid-dav Mat. SBTVI . ' ar ft i it i7 'rote'jm " ' f Corral lrift2(Mr' MOn ICrtoon Time iRe-1 Dunrinf KLOR Mld-dsr Mat. Purple Ssce Cant 7-Rn KPTVI l -rner s Jamb. Harper s Jamb. I News Cr.'tral lui Red Dinning rtoue K l- s Kl.lIU ''it ... Uuijse Mick'V Mo,.ie Me v Ty Dateline -Rut's tiatano'e ir p Coke Time KOIN Keaner-Newi Paul A r..rd ; t Carson KLOR Fights Figli's F. grits entv D'r'Cl Plyh' Dlr'r' p:vh' iDad Kn ws Best Kn'ws Best BTir i'Ar'h r'od,r,'1 Artn Codliej Arth. Godlrey Arth. Godfrey KLOR.'Disneyland Dlsnevlanrt " nisnriland inium-linrf i "ViKraft Theat. KOIN'Millionaira KLOR Dunmnger " KPTVIVourUfe KOIN1 Studio !7 KLOR Break Bark I Kraft Theat. IMilhnnatre 'Dunmnger IVnur Life IStudin ,S7 IBrrak Bank 3 10 11 KPTViMavor of Tn Mayor of KOIN TV PM'se TV Ph hse KLOR NEWS i MEWS "I ' Tonight ITonight IShow on I KOINlShnw on KLOR Home Tn The Hm Twn WEDNESDAY'S RADIO RSt.M 1311 KOCO im RGAE Hid TM: Megatyclet KOIN 101 HOIR 00:00 00:15 6i i RSI.M Vail Fsrmcait Vail Farmrasi Vail Farmeast News eti s i Farm News 'Fountain Show Fountain Show iKGAV News M)IN World News iKOlN Klora P(iW Music World News REX Newi-Ke'p Tm. Kin Tin. a .KSLM FKOCO Hemlngwas Tunes A: Time Prkfst Gang Rrekf Gang iTunei At Time iTunes At Time Fountain Shots Founlain Snow Heaai - News C.ns News Listen 'Listen Keep Time Keen Time KGAV Fountain Show KOIN KOIN Kloca Listen News "cliff Engle Willy's Soorta Fountain Show Consum'r News Listen News-K'p Time News Newi-Sporti Ross Snow Werdy Warren t.istrn Rrkfst Cluh KOW RFX KSLM Family Altar Bible Inst News Tunes A Time Fountain Show I. Ross Show V'alle. News Shelley Sere. Listen Listen Keep Time Keep Time News l-.,tc-s Call '1460 Tune St. 11490 Tune St. Rosi; Snow Ross Show I! "j a a id Miller ll"'i Trent KOCO IKGAV knOIN )K(iW REX "kslm kKOCfl KGAV KOIN Kt;vv Listen Rrafit Club REX 1 o l l 2 i KSLM Newi KOCO News-Sporta KtiAY Foss Show KOIN Mrs Rurton ROW Wrekrlsv RFX t off -K " West Hello Tet 1410 Tune St 'Ross Show Aunt Mary vveekdav Rob Garred KSLM Tune Test Tune Test fjueen a Day KOCO News-Sports 14IK) lune St 14"0 Tune Si. KGAV Dinner W'nner 'Dinner Winner Solders Hits KOIN Road nf Life Ma Perkins Dr Malnne KCW Nnrdlne iDr Peale ITn the Ladies KFX Girl Marries Whisp ring Sts Geo Putnam KSLM News NWNewT TopT7adt Mini World News Showtime iShoivttme KC.AY KGAY News Spidei s Hits Tt u n Crier KOIN News, Weather I'nui Get It "m-e PTrte KG W Frner rven- Lawrence Walk Pepper Young HrX News-Corad IRusi Conrad .Russ Conrad KSLM Matinee Matinee Matinee 'Matinee KOCO News-Spor's Ladies Lane C larme Calling Clarini Calling KOAY Spiders hub .folder's Hits Hrri Show KGAV News KOIN Artn Godfrey Art" G. dlrev ' ' ' nd'ree Ar'h- f Tret KCW Happiness 'Widder Rrnv n Cnurtrsv Car ICnurtesv Car KFX News-Cmirad Ru - Conrad Rufi tnnrad fWr Conrad .KSI.M Matinee 'Matinee News 'Matinee IKOCO News-Sports Clarine Calling Clarine Calling Clnrine Calling 2 s M 3i i e 4: - 5! ' KGAV Keier Kwir Kei -ei K" i KOIN A,i (.,,ofe A-'h f.oolrey Giod News Kfthv Godlrev 'KGW Spkg nf Love l Mr An Music. McAn Music Prescription KEX Ntws-tnnrad R n. (ontad Rust ( onrad R'. Conrad KSLM Matinee IMatinee Matinee I reilo res' KOCO News-Sports Clarine falling Clarine Calling Clarine f alling fKG.Y llerhl. S'mw Herbs Show iKOIN Rinh- -4 s Hon lur Gai Sunn I, ihe Tmnv Take Thir's FhfiW McAnultv Mus MrAnill'v Mus " .V""n" Mis s,ran-., KFX News-Cnnrad Rus Conrad Russ Conrad Russ Conrad KSI.MnKultorr Lewis u.'o-i"n -,t- s s.,v - H 'ves IKOCO News-Sports West Rhvthm West Rhvthm West Rhvihm IH(,A1 Lone I'syin. Lone huh. IKOIN Klrkn.mi slews skinners Newspa. of A!r,NewspH. of Air KGW Courtesy Car Tourtesy Car tvtus McAnultv Mus McAn.i'ti KFX Nrws-fllar';h'rn linli rtlarkniirn 1ob Rlnckh'rn Tnh Blackburn "KSLM-RobrRay RobA Rv ' Rnh Rav 'lXi1rn,Ti; KtK O Ntws-Sporls Songs al Sund Songs at Sund Songs at Sund. IKGAY KGAY News Herbs Show IKOIN Id K Murrow Local News KGW Mus-MrAn'ltv l ocal News K EX Nrw-s-Rlarkb rn'Boh Rlarkh 6! H j PKSI.M .KOI O flah He"er S'evvs-Sports Herb s Stiow Snorts. News Chrt Huntley Fights True Oetective N'ews-Sporta Melodv 3 Star Xtrl Bill Stern Baseball 'ews-S ports Jsck Carson World News Vandercook Baseball Mews-Sports Mv Sort .liep Crourho Mara Rob Adktns Summer Ser. Songs at Sund (Herb a Snow Lowell Thomas Stock Report Fights IKGAY I tOIN K'.VV KEX K SLAT f KO( O True Detertive Ihyth. ii Blues Melodv ! KOIN KGW Man on Go Mental Health KEX 8! 9i I KSLM KOCO KOIN KCW KFX rkSLM Ihoro IKOIN Fkc.w KFX 1KSI.M KOCO KOIN OKC.W X 1KILM KOCO KOIN 1KC.W Rr.x Basebell lews-Spnrt S S-ar rmal Rrhfld Rep. News Music Rvrhall Rvthin. Blues laviee Rep ta Dance Time Danceland Music silent Mus. Tnnlle iDance Time Danceland Vews-Spnrta Naws-Phll Or. tlance Time Danceland BROADCASTS VHF f; KLOR, "HK l I Bar Tl Corral iRetl Dunning Cppt Z-Rn Ncv s (V"tr.Tl Ca-tonn Tha.'oon Thea. V'irI.ey I News Crravan Kil f ;irson IRta-iagnn Kr.ft Theat. I Kraft Theat. li ve a Secret ITve a Secret !NfaQ"rrle 'Masquerade "iMr. D. A. IMr. D. A. ITimes Square (Times Square Pol'ce Dept. 'Police Dept. Twn Tonight ITonight Pstti Page ihow on 'Hrn. T- Thea 'Home Tw. The. iPaul At Ford IPsul A Ford Show on I Show on The Hm Tvsn Thea Home Twn Th KOIN 1 KOH t?0 REX 111 1; REX S2.3; K(,W I no 1 00:30 00:41 K()I. Klorn KOIN Klom Courtesy Car rourteiv Car Keep i ime Keen i ime News 'Tunes A Tune , KGA i' .sens Rabbitt Show Fisner Report Kerp Time Rible Inst ITunes A Time KGA Y News Shelley Sere. Listen Keep Time Rargfin (. o mt'i 1490 Tune St. IKGAV Nevis Mid-Morn N'ws'en Rrk'ti Club Listen Brklst Club Wings of Song 'Wings of Song 14ffl Tune St. 1410 Tune St Snl-lers Hits KG AY Nevis iNota Drake 'Aunt Jenny Weekday Weekday IMv '1 rue Story Mv rue Story Oneen a day M'O Tune St Smder s Hit ICuldmg Light To th i srtir, Paul Harvev Vail Farmcait 'Show time iKGAY News Hnnse Psrtv 'Woman tn Hse. Farm Mews .Herb s hw w '. ' , Herb's Show KGAV News Lone Prh. ' 'uu- I' vi-i- ,Hrrl) s Stow ist.AV .News loin Harmon Frank Giiss ! 'tsson i'l . nrirr rn Boh RIackb rn Rob Blackh'rn rivl '-in- Kav' Songs at Sund Songs al Sund. Hei u s bliow .Sign Off Amos p Andy Amos n Andv Dinner Music j Dinner Music iFlehta Fights Music fur-Out Dope Rhyth. 4- BlueiRhyth. i Blues Bing Croiby jnnnny umiar Old Dustv Old Dusty IBob Adkins IBob Adklns IBaseball 'Baseball Baseball Bhvth -Blues Rhvth -Blues Rhvth -Blues Jack Carson FBI , FBI I Man s Fam. r.i'elle McKcn ".iselle MrKen. Adkins Show Adkins Show Adkins Show Ra'schall Fasehall Baseball Rhvth. Blues iRhvth. Blues Rmyth. Ar Blu'i Ireasurv Show Wishln. D. C. .vihln. D C. Grnucho Mars Dance Time Dim e Ti- c Boh Adkins Jimmy Fldier Fdw Morgan News l Music I4IHI Tune SI !4i0 Tune St. Javcee Reporta flood Evening Dance Time Dance Time Danceland Danceland iMusic IMujIc Mus Tonlte 'vfus. Tnnlle IDsnce Time iDance Time Danceland Danceland KVAL TV, VHF 13 lum: KTAL-TV. Ckuid 11 (WessVaTI: I Stop. Urt tt Listen.- IIS It 'I Fun t Reduce: I -Feather Your Nest; - Matinee Theater with "Crime Smasher"; 41 Modern Bdmum; I X Guest Book : Bif Roundup: J:S Th Stmt; : Sports Headline; S:SS Weather Report; Wild Bill Hlcknk: The Road to Adventure; 1:4a leivw try en Parade: l-l Led Three l ive?: 7:1 Lile c( Riley: I1 Kraft TV Playhouse present "Flying Cb- iert at Three Ci Clock Wteh" a flvm jsr-jcer tale. Silent Drt'on ;Trteaire: i.3-Sher!orlc Holme; with i Ronald Howard ind Howard Marton I Crawford in 'The Greystone In jvrntmn": I-Break the Bank: I la ja Tomorrow Headline' la IV ;Thij Is Vouf Life, II :1V-Injpertnr J Mark Saner. I KOAf, 530 k.r. ! KOAC far Wednesday li:M am. News and Wea-er; 111 Especial! for Women. II -la-Sum- ; mer Storv Time, Il:e The Concert Hall: It: The Ne va rd Weather; !S:IJ pm.' Norn Farm Hour: I : -Melody l ane I Jt-The Mill on the j Plots. I -MerDnnald s Anthninev Memory Bf.ok of Musi ; J:t -Orriton Reporter: :IS Music nf the Mifte-s. 4 Stand By for Music 4 IS-On t-e t'pbesl: 4 J Nri Commentarv , J:0v Children s Thei Irr; S3 London Forum; I It - The ' Kev.-s rd Weather: :IJ-Social Se- Iruril. : l:-A-tov. the IV-k: I The Child Beyond; 7: Game Com nission Bulletin; I IS Evening Farm 'Hour tm Keyboard Clart; 4S Tl e News and Weather: - Music Thai Endure. :i The Nevi and Weather; l aa-Sln Off. CALL FOR BIDS The City of Salem. Oreeon. it ask ing for sealed bids for the furnish ing and placing of approximately 21. 935 tons of Asphaltle Concrete for the paving or resurf icing of several streets within the City of Salem, Oregon ... and snertfirztirns n:iv be ohta iicd a; the otfu-e of li e Titv Enrmeer. Cltv Hall. Salm, Oreron. Bids will be opened by t e t it v M;narer in his office. Cnv HsM, S,i lem. Orcfnn. at the hour of 2 IX) pm. Fridav. June 12. l!Mi Ttie City iee-ves the right tn ac cept anv or reicct nil bids In the best Interest of the City of Siiem j NOTICE OF INTENTION TO 1MPKOVK MAHKe.1' STiiKKT FROM OAKI1URST AUDITION TO THE LAST LTTV LIMITS NOTICE IS HEREBY- GIVKN lhat the Common Council of tiie ( il of Salem. O-eson, ceenis it nee-saiv and expe'Jienl anfl herebv ili purosf aim intention ti uirjiovc T. AHT fir STFF.F.T. Irn'ii t .e'west line of Adc.ttiun lo t. e ea-l City iintn... m tie City ol Salem, h'anon Cuuntv Ciregon. by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, pru vldlng drainage constructing cement concrete cuibs. and paving said por tion of said street witn a 2'i inch asphaltic concrete pavement 44 feet wide, such Improvement to be made at the expense of the abutting and adjacent peapefty for so much of the cost as may be allocated to an lm- provement :ifl feet wide, exclusive of curbs, the City nf Salem to bear the expense of lhat part of the pavement which exceeds 3ft feet In width, and the Citv of Sa'fni to .-sssiime the ex pen'e of imprnvme the street tnier sfctirins fll in scroro.ince with Ihe plan anil s-K-r.iic -tions I irrefnr. wli'c'i -.p-e a lo;ii i, lis- ' e ( ini'm Coi;ncil s,nril 1'i if; 'i ii , t ri'i'l-n-l t I" in t;'F i-"i e o' '-r I ' r -i-oi-nr'- ; nd wrurh liv fin rrici' i'-e 1'f'l ii a : c i. .Hi ,i p .rt hrirnf Tl, -c p'.l'l- nd s. " if.( aii'ins i s :tt . :nincd b' a-iv titcrestrd pint- Tl-r nmmon Co incil hereby declares it.s puriose and intention t inflkf Hie above rlescrthed improvement by and through the street Improvement department The Cnmmon Council has declared its intention of making the; above described improvement even In the face of a remonstrance, but objec tions to the making of such muni rtpal iirprovement niav, nevertheless, he ms-de In writing oT In person to the Common Council in regular meeting asrmh!d at 7 .11 o'rlock P m . Julv 9. 19M. and h nhiecttnns -a ill be considered a' such meeting Any interested pronerty oivners may ascertain tneir approximate share of tne co:.t of the iinoi'ovemrnt at the offire of the (itv engineer Rv Order nf the Common Cnunoil June II, 19W, ALFRED MfNDT Cl'v PecorHe: Dale of Final Publication June f.Vi Jure 1.1. Jfl, ii NOTICE IS HFRFPY C.IVF.N That Brown A; Halev. a Washington cor poration, of Taconia. Washington, has filed ils ' CANTERBURY TALES'" trade-mark for boxed chorola'es with the Secretary of State. State of Ore gon June JO. JT. July 4. VACATION Special en MOTOROLA' CAR RADIOS Only 39.95 Inivrrnl Model MITCHELL SAI.E.S ind SERVICE Radio & Television 1880 Sut St Ph. 3-7577 We Give Z'H' Oreen Stamps WE HANGED Om SOn SOAP when what people really want ed lo hear was the name of a dependable TV and Radio re pair outfit. All he had to say was 21" R (' A Table Model Ri'K 224 99 Now Only 179.99 21" K C. A Console H'-K. 284 95 Now Only 199.95 ssc? n .i w 9kJi3 .Salem Quotations ltt.;H..i irrtRFAT ' Premium IN. 1 . M I BITTER I Wholesale. , Retail .7 ,ECCt (Baytnj) I iWholesa'e prices rang front I ! to I cents oer buying price i ' I .at e A . . Jl .Mecium A I Small POILTRY Colored Hrns 'lchorn Hens . Colored Frer Tntored RoeerS Olr1 Hoosters . J3 .11 . .is ?! . 30 ... 11 Demand High For Wheat CHICAGO ,f An aggressive demand developed lor wheat on the Board of Traie Tuesday, pushing prices up around three cents to Iheir hei level on the curgtnt advance. Behind the upturn was the srow inrj belief the government will per mit more exports of wheat by the private trade, a goal for which the trade has been pressing for more than a month. Wheat clossed 2 S-3a higher, corn unchanged to IS lower, oats '4-4 highT. rye "s-l'i higher, soybeans "i lower to l't higher and lard 10 to 23 cents a hundred pounds lower ('.liirapo Grain CHICAGO Wheat Julv Sep Dec Mar Corn July Sep Dec Mar Oatl Julv Sep DfC Mar Rie Ju,y frp Dec Mir Soybean! July Sep Nov Jan Mar lAPi J 07' -IT ! 11',-'. 2 1?'.-'. 2 H's-17 2 17'. 2;-. i n',-14 J 14i- 1 49'. 1 49g-.S0 lW',-', 1 4.T,-', V,-s, (!', 70' .-70 "it 1 23 1 2.1-.-', i ;.., 1 30', J 14 ',-9.1 2 S5-S', S4.-'. t 5S-574 2SO4 1 4S',-4S I 4R'a 1 .TH', 1 4J er,'.-'-, 7S, 7(1 ', 72'. i :.i', 12", 1 31 1 31a 2 95', -05 2.7'a- 2M-54'. 2 59', 22 Chicago Li vf stork CHICAGO. lAPi-lUSDAl Hogs 7.50U: steadv tn 25 lower: bulk No. 2 and 3 190-250 lb butchers- IS 00-18 ?5: top 17 00: No 2 and 3 it'0.,120 lb. 15 50-1 till 160-lfkl lb. 14 50-14 00, sows 12 M-!5 On c.itt'e (t.ruMi. ilv ?. sl.iuihter :ie, . ami I. e'er- r-np My v ak to :i i-int SO iiiiiri en'' s rnd ,.ult ll'll,v In Inv 01 Vfilrr utat:: slickers .nut ;erdr wralt n' irie HI 'S-12S0 lb stc rs 22 00-:"' 50. I ip'l i noi -e and miNet trade iteers 21 00-21 75; most average r'mice strers 20 25-?0 75. good to low choice I7 2S-20O0; good and choice heifers 17 50-21 00: utility and commercial cows I! 25-13 50- cannfis and cutlers 9 00-12 50: hulls 14 50-IKrV); good and choice sealers 17 00-22 00: medium and good 275-450 lb. stock steers 19 -00-20 00. Sheep 1 000; steady; good to prime native anrlng lambs 22 00-25 00; low good 14 00-21 00, alaughter ewes 2 50 4 50 Hiirago Butter-Eggs CHICAGO. (API flutter steads: wholesale selling unchanged; AA 03 rcr-e 53 OO-.W : A 82 STOO-Sfl 25- B 90 Si, 75-57 25; C A S 00-5S 00 F??s vak: wholesale sellme prices I to li, lower: ex'ra large IS 50-17 00 extra med'um .13 00; atandards 32 00. 12 50: checks 29 00. Portland Grain PORTLAND Coarse grains. 15-day shipment, hulk, coast rloliv rrv: O-vts No. 2. 3R Ih white S7.M1 Sfl'no. Barlev No ?. 4i lh B. W. 49.00-49 50. Corn No. 2. E. Y. ship ment B9 SO Whont bid to arriv e market, haMs No 1 hulk, delivered roast: Soft White 2 09: Soft White ex clndinp Rex i 2.09: W hite Cluh 2 09. Hard rod winter: Ordinary 2.09; 10 per rent 2 09: 11 per rent 2.16; 12 per cent 2 22. Car receipts: Wheat 3.1; barley 19: flour S: corn 5: mill feed 7. WE TAKE BETTER COFY0URTV PHONE ANYTIME 4-3327 for Sstrvir Cn f t Daily U10 S 1?th Sunday $trvict tfm 1 o t m TELEVISION SeRVICE CO. PROTECTION A PRESCRIPTION SAFEGUARDS YOUR HEALTH is i Many of the "wonder drugs" should not be self-administered. A doctor's prescrip tion and our careful compounding assures you of the best for your health. LET US Fill YOUR PRESCRIPTION! CAPITAL DRUG STORE 2 Locations to Better Serve You Main Store: 405 State, Corner of Liberty . Prescription Shop: S17 Chemekela, Griffin BlilJ, WE GIVE -T GREEN STAMPS Our Store is Air Conditioned by Frilidaire Shop Here Comfortably iCtrtl - MnrLat uiajiiv i.mi nvt In Doldrums NEW YORK It might just as well have beea holiday M the stock market Tuesday Judging by the slight activity and minor price changes. In (act. the trading volume of 1 4.)000 shares was the lowest since 1C0 000 shares changed hands on Feb. 11 which was cele brated as the Ijncoln's birthday holiday, The Associated Press average o Wl stocks closed unchanged at liao w with the industrials up SO cents, the rails down SO cents and the utilities down 10 cents. Ot 1.121 issues traded, there were ISA advances and 463 de clines. There were 27 new lows (or the year and i new highs. Storks and RomU (Compiled by The Associated Press) i Jane II STOCk AM R M.I S .10 15 IS fill U I M I M I Ml M I 1 Mo M 7 1011 1 Ml Ina Ri! Inm J 1 Sick A 1 IUI SJ S si a M 1 Ml Ml t.1 7 MS Ml Net chabge TuesCav Prev. cay Week ago Monin ago . Year ago . . 19." High . I95S Low . 19SS High . 193 Low . 15 1 3 I as i i l ssi at M .1 94S 'lea M 1 M 4 7 7 OS 9 PSD MINI June II BOM) AVERAGES 10 Ind O 5 no i III I 140 I 1,4 J 135 '55 1 im o 142 4 114 9 10 t'tll D 1 72 9 73 0 10 For. I'ncii ii a Rails Net change 1 uesdav i'rev. usy . Week aco ... Montii ai;o 'ie-r ago ... 1MI Hign . 19M Low 1855 Hign . IMS Low A 5 ;5oi :m.i ;.v 7 254 4 1.5 II :.r75 2 244 0 257 103 1 IMI1 73 0 151 n 72fl 181.1 734 HIS 75 2 191.5 71 5 171 75 7 11 J r, 1 14a I Dow Jones Averages NEW YORK IAPI Dow-Jones closing Hock aveiages: High low Close m Indus .. .. 43S 4SI in 4P.4 5? 20 Rails im 42 14 M IM 79 15 I'tllr. ... b7a 5 95 S. 65 Stocks . 174 34 172 48 17:1 M Western Securities (ZUka. Smlther It Co. Inc. I These bid and ask quotations, rep. resent prices at which one or more dealers, members of the National As sociation of Security Dealer's Inc., would trade with the general pub lic at tire time the quotations wire gathered at p.m. yesterday: Bid Asked Calif -Oregon Pow er .. Laticadc t'lywood . Consol rrtignt lion Fireman Ja.itrrn Inc.. Coin. Vri.-r ir:i-': Mor. i-in-ia lud.r ii f e.-i' irt. re.rrnt . . Pac P A' I. Com Pope A Tr'bot Portland Gas A Coke Port. Cen. Elec. BANKS Bank of America Bank of California . Chas. Manhattan First National First Nat. Citv NY U. S. National 32 3', 33'i B5, 15 H', l..,a 14' a : i 24 '3', IS', i o 1.4 " .1", 29 :,2 31', .14', 2.1', 23', 31 41 73', 7, 4S' SO', 53 (7 .v, us'; 11 75'i Chicago Onions 'CHICAGO, Onions (AP Nov. i old l Nov. t new i 1 60 I SO 1 SO ID 1 91 1 l 1 I 119-M 2 24 2 24 2 15 2 20 1 40 2 40 ;.H J40 Jan. Feb. NOTirr to Rinnr.RS Sealed bids for the ennstruction of a School Building Add'tinn for Lake Labish. Oregnn. for Schnnl District No. 10. Marlon County, Oregon, will he received al Lake Labish School. Lake Labish, Oregon, until HOD o'clock p. m , PST, July ISM and will then be publicly' opened and read aloud. I The plans, specifications and other , contract documents nnv be examined I and copies thereof mav be obtained ! at the office of James L. Pavne. A I A. j Architect. 725 South Commercial I Street, Salem. Oregon, i A deposit nf $25.00 per set nf drawings will be required Any bid ! der upon returning nls set promptly will be refunded his deposit and anv non-bidder upon returning his set will be refunded one-half of his deposit. This prolect Involves the construc tion nf a wood frame school building addition All elaslflcatinns will be covered under the General Contract Proposal Attention is called to Ihe b-dders nrequallfleatinn requirement of Sec tions 2150U In 279024 Oregon Revis ed Statutes which states that pre quallflcation forms must be fllrd with the Clerk ol the District 10 davs prior to the bid opening date. The forms mav be obtained at the office of the Architect. A base bid. alternates and unit prices are required All proposals must be accompanied bv certified chei k. cashier's check, or hid bond made pavehle In ihe Owner In an rinount of not le'S than S' of the bid A performance bond will he re quired in accordance with terms of contract dncumentr The Owner reserves the right to waive any Informality in. or tn re ject, any or all bids, or to accept any bid. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 102. MARION COUNTY. ORE. VELVA HOLCOM, Clerk. June 20. New York Closing Stocks Reeor'ed e-y MerrtU tync.i Pierre Tenner and Eeane t Fliptko'e i Ford Motor f ' Gen Dv Ban - , Gen Elec Gen Fixh's C.e i Mlais Admiral Corp ...II Al Crtem as Dye 113 Allied Strs . -' Alba Cham ): Alcoa .. - lH'i Aluirinjrr. Ltd . . KT , Am Airlines N'i Am Can . Am Cs-an i?1! Am Slolors .. 4's Gen ; C-eo Pa; Plr i G'tlette Glidrten Am SU Fdr . Am TAT Am Tobacco Am V iscose Anac Copper Armco Armour Atcheeon Top Avco - 'i ' Goodrich -jlel TS .K :j vs C.oo- r"r Grce Vt R C-t No R C.rt Wet Sv. C re nos'-d C. .11 Oi! n Hon-e t.,ke M I Int I'a vester . lot Nickel lnt Ta.ier J John. Vans Jones A M S'l K Ka:er Alum Kerneco't Ke'n Land . I. l.ibbv V,- N I.-e sixers LOr C.I, s. Lockheed Atr te 'nr I on- Ptl A Lorltlard M ataenavcx Marsh F'e'1 M A V Wood x'erck A Co xont Cem . Mont Ward . Motorola N Na'1 Rlscuit Natl Cash Reg Nail neirr .Natl Distill Vs G mum . ssl 1 esrl V-tl u-olv vs' Central Vn m A-ia . v- Par Rv RerMix Asia Beat Foods . Beth Stl Boeing Air . . Rorden Borg Warn . Rucvrus Burro Adding - . C lahf Park . Caniph Soup . Can Psr Rv . Ca e J t fate- d Trac .. CeUnese Celotex Cerlainteed C"e A- O R' . Chi V A St p Chi NW Rv Oil R Ii Rv J C-rvtler I Cllias Serv Climax Molv .. Cluett Pea Coca Cola . Colgate Com C-edlt Comw Ed'son . . Cent Edison . . Conta'oer Cnnt Can . Cont Oil r-s- c Crown 7ell Curtiss Wr n Deere A- Co l";a Match Doue 'r Oow Chem Du P de Ne II East Air I.l Eat Kodak F.I Paso Gas JO v.". I4, S4'i 47'. 47-. :i 7f, 15'. 4'S ? . w 14 M', f i 41', 117 M'. 4', 40-. 45". ' '. 47 I" I NW Airlines i O lOlln Math in Otis Elev 4l P Hfi's I Pauco . 51'a.Pac G A Fl . ' Pac T at T .. Pan Am Air Pennev J. C. 12 I Penn Ry .. Enter Radio . Ex Cello E Falrchtld Markets at Glance NEW YORK 'APi - I Stocks Mixed slow trading Bands lower; governments and corpurates decline . Cotton Irregular; tiade an New Orleans buying. CHltAtiO: Wheat very strong: active trade Corn week; old crop damage. Oats firm; crop damage Soybeans steady, small price changes. Hogs Buteri (teady to weak; op 117 CO Cattle steers weak to 29 centa down; lop ttlM. - --, Portland Produce Trntalive. subject t n immediate chance i'rmium quality, d'-'iv-e.-etl in I'ortlnnd. lb; first quality 57-fi: second qtnlily 3".-.V. ! j Butter-Wholesale, fob. bulk1, cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, j 92 score. 59'i: A Rrade, u score, S8'i; B grade 90 score 57; C grade 89 score, 55. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles, 41- lb; Oregon S-lb loaf, 43H-50. Eggs To wholesalers Candled f o b. Portland, A large, 43-444'i; A medium, 38-40'j; A small, 27 29li. - VnrfeTn relni1nrB.nrRHn AK lame 4J-49- A large, 45-4fi: AA medium 42-4.1; A medium. 41-42; ' Hioice heifers early, few utility small 29-31. Cartons, 2 3 cents heifers 11 50-15.50; canner and cut additional l,pr cnw, "O0-'50. shplls down to Eggs-To consumcrs-AA large, 1 5.00. utility rows 9.50-12.25. few 14-sq A 1arv si-SS: AA med urn. 47-52; A medium, 46-51; A small, 36-41. Live poultry-No. 1 quality, if.o.b. Portland Fryers, 2-5 lbs, ler slow, s'eady-weak: rhoire veal '23: at farm, 22-22'i: light hens, lem 70.00-21 00, high choice indi !U at farm: heavy hens, 17-19 at f virtual 22 00, good offerings 17.00 I farm; old roosters, 1112. ' ; 19 OA; cull calves and vealers Turkeys To producers Live down to 8 00. weight fryers. 27-2R; breeder Hogs salable 250: market now .turkey hens, eviscerated, 30-31; m(Ki,oratcly active, about steady; I breeder toms, 39-40. 'sorted lots C. S. No. 1-2 butchers Rabbits Average to growers- j 1R0.;35 , butchers 19 00 19.50, Live white, 3-4', lbs, a 23; 5-6 sma nS n t butchers 19.75: i lbs, 15-18; old colored pelts 4 cents j mvpr xo. 1-2-3 butchers 18.75 and iless; old does, 10-12, few higher., No 3 butchers 18.00-18.25 ; 300-400 ! Kresh killed fryers to retailers, 56- D ,nw, u oo-ib oo. '$8; cut tip. 82-63. shf(p saah)(1 m. mRTM niod- ' Wholesale Dreiaed Meats fra(fv aHjvfi jlg slaushter I Beef carcasses-Steers, choice. , , wj(h Mnndnv., 500-700 lbs, 35.W-3R OO. gooc, 34 0O-;(ull 2 m d(.cljnp. ,fst 0,d 36 50: standard. LOO-3,-,00. com- d spring feed- mercial cows. 23 O0-29.00; u ility, . , b, slwW.v 'fow. lol, 23.00-27 00; caniiers and cutters. , chojw ,n w h " ,pnniI 5al,ghlfr 21 00-24 00. t,h ) -Jl ) hood hiah chnict. Beef cuts 'choice sleersi-Hind quarters. 45 00-49 00; rounds 142.00-45 00; full loins, trimmed, '85.00 - 73 00: forequarters. 27 00 29 00; chucks, 30 00-32 00; ribs, 43.00-4H 00. Pork cuts Loins, choice. P.-l lbs, 5100-53 00; shoulders. 16 lb, down, 30.00-34 00; sparerihs, 43 00 45 00; fresh hams. 10 14 lbs, 5100 53 00 , Veal and calves (food-choice. all weighls, 31 00-38 00 comnicr- Cial, 26 00-34 00. Spring lamb Choice prune 40 50 lbs, 45 00 48 00; good. 4.100 46 00 Wool Nominal, (lean hssis. ' blood, 10TW15: blond.' I 03-08; 'j blood. I.12-1R: fine. 1 17-23. Counlry-dresKed Meats, ( o h. Portland: Beef Covv s. utility. 24-26 lh: rull(r. !"-:'l. Venl Top quality. liKhlwcighl. 28-30; rouch heavies, 20 28 Hngs-B,.st liKhl blockers. 24 26. leat lisht sows. 18 20 Lambs Top erade soringcrs. 42-45: good veil lings. 30 32 .Mutton Lightweight rwrs and wethers, l! 13 Fresh Prorlure nninns Calif. fllovv . UK 'I 50 lb sk. 'l 00-35 " lute .1 OH-'.'"! Potatoes Calif Long Whiles. No I A. 10 oi mm. UK) lbs. nioly 7.."n-,1 1): No. 2s, mostly 6 r-7ri Hov New crop No. 2 green allall.i. haled, fob. Portland, nnminallly 35 00-36 00 ton New crop prices not established People Do Read Spot Ads (You Are) G ics , 54 W 59'. 41 4.r, VI M .H 1 j 1 Peon Cola Pneipe-Dodge . Philso Corp Phil Morris .. Phil Pe-rol Pilljburs Prnc A- Gam Pug Sd P A L Pure Oil Raain Corn Rson;cr Inc . Rcouh Stl Renol-s Met . Rr nolds Tob . Ric 'ie'd O . Rn- al D,ltrl . t 1', 27'J 4.V, . 42 J 35', 4-'. I sj:.' SO', : ioa. i 15'. Safewav Strs i St Joe I eed 1. A SE Rt ' St Regis Psner i Schenlrv Ind . 52 441, r, sr. is'i 7 30, SO'. 5"l fl St". s . JPV, IS "II . If", 51', sas 93', I', Scott Paper Sears Roe . Slcll Oil Sin.-lai- Oil . Skellv O'l oconv-Mob oii Cal s( . Sou Pac Rv .. Sou Rv Snerrs Rand -td R'ard . . Sto o.i Cl . !M O" li-d -i1 p.t vt .(!. Prk Si-si,' Oil s5,,e.Nme '1 m. ift r.i Svlvania. Fl T Texas Co Tex Gulf Textron ... Tide-A-so r-anra--i Trans Wo A'r Twen Cen Fox 4' 1?5' J4. SM, ?4' . 31'. ills 41 1, 43 3'. 49 41". J1', 21-. M'nionCarb ' 1'ntnn Oil , 1'ivon Pac Rv .. 'I'm At-rr.fl i I'ni Air Lines .. I'm Cnrn 120', 1' I"'. 3. 411, ,i 54', . 17', Si. a-, ' '''"I Fruit "" , l-s Plv.-ood : t phher '5,s I S Steel ! w 5'', : Warner Pic 43 I VV as'v Water P Wen Air Br , 3.1 ' W cstern Air 4V Western, F.lsv 13S1, Westem Union 1 ' WihiIw orth . US', ! z 24 i 7emth 23', 31', 31', 15', 52'. 19', 45', .. . Investment Trusts i Z i ! k a Smlther it Co. Inc I Bid Asked Affiliated Fund 12 2 lar.dulan Fund . .. la.aa 21211 c;iiturv Shares Trust . 23 07 as M Liiem.ial rund 17 21 18.61 Delaware Fund . 1101 U 11 Diver. Invest. Fund B 32 10 31 Dividend Shares ..... l al i 10 Eaton & H. Bal. rund . 22 13 13 68 Gas. Ind 14.11 IJ.42 Group Tobacco 4.24 4 lncorp Invasion M 10 41 Key CtilL rurtfU: E-3 .1S l 90 B-4 10.M 11 OS K-l 55 10 41 S-2 12.31 13 43 S-4 . 10 27 11 21 Van Pond Fund 04 M Mksa. Invest. Trim .. , 34 12 37.4.1 Null Sn rm, ! 1'l-ii.ic S it's . . . !4 6.71 St irk IV i. s S VI 9 n 1 7 ' r t s .... . r IB .' 0 Natl. Dis S-nes 4 73 S.'f : Natl. Crnwtli 6 14 6 71 "innerr Fund .... 13 55 14 73 Tel -F.ler Fund 1164 12 fl Value Line Inc. Fund AM 4 60 Wellington Fund 13 M 14 62 i Portland livestock PORTLAND un-(USDA)-Cattle salable 00; market moderately active, about steady: around six loads choice 952-1,089 lb fed steers 21 50-22 50: lew standard and good steers 17.00-20.00, no sales good or commercial cows u mi-iiw; mm mercial and utilify bulls 15.00- 16.50, few light canner bulls 10.00. Calves salable 500; market rath- '""""""" ,.1 .1a "a snnncers 21 00, lew cnof) ana choice spring lamhs 18 50-20 00. good lambs 18 00: cull lo rhoire shorn similiter ewes 2 00 - 4 50: ennd In i hoice spring leeder lamhs 13 00-13.50. NOTICE OF EXAMINATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that he ("n il Service Commission Exam natii.n fur POLICEMEN'S EN- TRANCE, subjed to the rules regu lations ann proviaos or rne v.iv ser vice Commission nf Salem. Oregon. i as a-ricrrledi will lie held t the Olv Hull Sslem Oregon. THURS DAY. Ji'l V 12 I' no A M GENERAL SCOPE HE EXAMINA TION l-i addition to phvsiial exam ination h tne iilv prt ili-in. kren nefv if nl cnalinn leading rinr. prrhetlMnn ;,lnlll' lo Inllnvv direr. icla'lni'. I1 ! 1 1', othriv Bptilufir Im- poin r Mini. mr ie iirnhleni- PAY l.::1 mi pel nion'h f"r I'e-gim-ers ACE 1.1 VP ?4 V 'ran VV II II iii.n Ain s i n V! c r. i om ts. SKIN'S APPI II ANTS fill he rnimifil u. trikr i i i M!'B i xail'iii.i'ii'ii from thr ii-. pl Miar Each amiluant shall liause ' be fllrd with the Seirrtjrv .nimnvinn a i.tatenn-nt fri-m ihvuisn lertifying that the is ineiii i'l and t'hyl'nllv e in-lif.n he seik .In the f .in h i erllfuate .in an . ,,i l.i- pi I ,"ittrd t" l:t I" s v r tn e it .in h n'i. ;),,' . ,, Ulir lie ( : . .'. S( : APPI H A'' ION e l'v4mnsi ' , BLANKS lr ' he I ,il, i.r "ie 'v I lleriu 1 1 1 . Sn i d r,i. i II l" t i.r im .1 i:. n HMA' -i ii a . enle i fm tiiu l!r . c '! i'r Tvuisdv . Ju's fi ih til'S ei t ic h. u- i i .V I'l' i i i". k 1 DATED AT Salem. Oregon. Jine I A l!i5f civil srnviy.' comvij-siun A'frcd l-ir'!' '-re reii s.-ii ( h.ef tMiinrri June in, :'li. 21. 22 :.! ?4 IIV I K I IH Ml NT H'R "n" Sf.ilnl nriipiisal Inr sriiri-r f ,il. m.'I he cieiiirl liv ,le M '.nn ( nun'-, I .. .1' Bin", II" "Hi' l.,.le Si- ( I I. .-i e ! dav ii' .Ii.l !'- ind ' .en is ''I hr piihln Ti m.rni 1 rt i.r me. I r snrt a'! h 'I- V ' ' T that, h.rl n the hril tr'rie! ' Vt- M ARKW I U S' I V tl l' R T. June 20, 22. ii. StatCMiian, bait-in, Oie., Phnno lf$ for Courteous Ad laker Assistance AOS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . loo Late to Classify l CADILLAC -f Cpe, very sharp, no trades, ph. I-4MT n rORD Cpe. A-t motor. H. Pn I-UOM lti.vj NASH Rambler Statioa Wagon ITue. Ph. 4-ISJt OWNER TranaT SeVnlK-e i Br IM , So , lirepl . Ig. play rm R A. Chernea. Ph.J-Jll OWNER, So.Vbdrm. daylight hasm't . I17.M). Ph. 4-Tg BY OWNER. J bdmt hosise South 14th It Waller. Ph. 4.7w after a p m. RENT MosT"! bdrrru range, refng, dryer. lirepL l-OMO. NICELY furn. aleeplng rm. aoeeln.WN. Winter . 14 YR. nld boy dealrea to earn bike by mowing lawns. M Center. COUPLE to manage apts In ex- rhange for rent plus TO aal- one may be employed elsewhere. Ph. 1-J9WI. WANT thort logger with 4 tmrka tn haul tvith I' stud logs A- gawmlll logs up 1n 30' lengtha. Richardson, rails City, Ph. Sunaet 1-Mlt. LADIES" rlothea Use 14. Tx rliisive atvlea At quality. Must sell. Ph. 1-KH.1 '. W ANTED,la.dlea lolVluba7h. .1-174 after 1 pm. MASTER one-lena reflex ram era. with Zelsa Teaaar T II lena, pre-aet diaphragm, lea ther eaae 4r adapter ringa IM. May be aeen at Mrlwan Phots Shop. rRlCIDAIREMhTr-- dryer, matched pair, all Porcelain, late model. Reasonable. Call S-9M1. FOUND: New pick shoe at SSO Chemawa Kd. Claim as pay ad. 300 Pfitonal 310 MtttUj Mtk4) BAHAI world faith Information, write Stateiman-J'rn'l. Box 111 312 Lost and Found STRAYED yearling while fared hi Her crlf vt' lrlty Eldredge F hool. reward. K. D Eolry, I'.i. 4- 0MI F.I KS tooth on tie chain. Initials J. W. L . reward Ph. :-443. LOSTramali " white temale "pl. Vicinity JoS Kenwood Ave. 4-Cornera. Call 1-70U. LoSTHandbr"alded-brldleAl. rein inmewhere on BsHtle Creek Rd. or old highway. Child ! keepsake, reward. Ph. 4-81M eves Lost: Lady'i Brown Rim GLASSES. PlL4j0515 LOST: Engagement A wedding ring, white gold, aim I. Ph. 4-47M. Reward. LOST: Springer spaniel. bUck tt white, gnawers to "King." Wit N. 17th or rail Ren at .1-4141. LOST: I cocker 3-W4. mo. old male golden spaniel, reward. Ph. LOST: Cold "dorte'bert" wrltt watrh. Downtown dlt. Re ward. Ph. 1-5414 after I or rail Jean at Millers 1-2431. 316 Penonol ALCOHOLICS Anunymoua group No lwai N Com'l t-437 ALCOHOLIC! Aoonymoua. Ml S Commercial I-IIM 400 Agriculture 402 LivtettXR tor Solo I Nice veal calves, sell alive or dressed . I-3I0S. j fiuernsey milk cows, k 1 yra. I fresh Sunday. 1 in Spt., both good milkers Ph. 4.84WJ. 1 BLAChTgriding, I sorrel mare. I horse trailer Ph. evea. or Sun :i-2Bt; FOR SALE or trafle gentle ponies lor children also good saddle horses Boh Iranke 10J N Water St Sllverton Ph j-sr.4 Salem Meat Co locker beef Custom killing, rutting wrap ping, trailer loaned free PR()rETsif')1XLnorseihoer Lee Hanson 4-0724 of 4-f 40r"Clvetock Wonttd CATTLE, norsrs al vour larm E C Mc andllah Rt 1. 8-HH CA rrLE ouver A r Soiiui er, 1260 Harinonyjpr Ph4-0"T CA I 1 I.l. "ouvera 4H7 Slate t 1 Ar II. Snethen. 2-1348. J-4380. Llrl.s KICK buver Claude M vards HI 3. tiox IKWE 4 1113 404 Poultry and Robbiti TURKEYS, oven readv till your liiltri-s now. 'I' ' UP (" srd St pm. A- Sunday. Kmv denrlall Ese A- PnuUrT. m Lancaster Dr Pn 4-.11IS Cl'STOM DRI-SSINC, Of poullrv We tiuj rsl'ints W ing s yiti Slate TH 4-:iHS 112 Fruit & Form Produc412 Fruit tt Form ProducO lidVM. AWKS. LAMBERTS. BINtiS. M.K. RLI'I RI.K ANS AND w ATLKIIOl SK CHER HIES EOlt BHIMNC. PlTvI'OSK CASH ON DELIVERY GET CHERRY BOXES AT llCO TILE ROAD S M l M ORE. RHONE tu., j 400 Agriculture 434 FonlttY od toblMti ': YOUNG, be ivy Lareet. 4-t kscker kejtg aa' ? fc.x.v i fan. ivs its arraignl rwrv ehease est Paisneaiteea K e y Hampa k-ite Revlia ease Let borne Special New Hemp anel While Rjrk pullet IK Par tea let red renaaer. tc VAmry farm rrtiRt Pit IWI avawia 401 Pm W KIT I Peke. also Tiny Tex Ter rier puna 3415. Willlaiise Are. FOR SALtTcutT'esaTker pupd irt'.. t bla'k A- bloexle. CaU 3-lt or le Peace St. AKC reeiatered banr puis. f male. U. PhSilverton. FOR SALE extra nK-echlhuahui .' puppies 4 mo. 3-3473. ' ' SIAMESE KITTENS PH. 3 8S1 -: KITTENS It puppttt i rv away. Ph. 3-313 Cerrau. lOi'Mi a.aKeets Mkkcv 1tr cagta sedw. Com I r.M A K C. reg Eo- ei puna. 7741 KaV, St . Slav ton. Ore. Ph. 6021 ri'RE BRCO Springer Spirtsel pupa 3-? iunnyvatw Ave Ph. 4-JB " EOR8ALt Puppsas, aU umT Come aee afternoon at XJJk Living'toa or call l-7SJ . Will buy yuppie ny kind BIRO Paradise foe trscwfiI- (.PDlte 1IM UvuualsNI l-lisl..- 410 Strtrdl On4 POBH T STEINER't Humry. Cld n4l Dahlia bulbs, many plants, flowering tree A throb, strawberne. Ph. MM. 3110 Market ASPARAClJS IBc lb. U-ptriu George Airier, Creed Island - MULCH Pet with mushroom fertmaef. ' fine for mulch. Ph. t-4031 42S Auction Solot FURNITURE AUCTION Wed. Eve.. June 2Utn;' At 7:30 P.M. EJale of Geo. V.'. Sliard " I Other HouiehoM rurnitiiro 1 I ft rrtftdatr renrll. (VatO model I I PC. Wal, btdroon. ' act. i nc. blonde bedrtsom eeV. I pc. blond dinette tat, I pa.'. Wal. bedroom (tt, birch bsmlf-; bed, Weitlnghoua aula wath- -, r, wool rugs. I yr. baby bed " complete, coffee t lamp), tablea, bed, boa aprtng. Ar..-, mattreaa, roll tprtnft, lii. . mattreaaea, 30x41 mirror, of,, flee desk, wringer, waaher.-,-Table rcdio. miac. dlthe, pio' turea, tank varuuma & mnf", misc. Itrmt nf furniture. Com ' to buy or tell. if f AUCTION SALES x - nu j aawta ( BlliMlasa- M . rnnnt sinio tarii.rMi iw LIVESTOCK AUCTION 5; Thuri., June list . 11 A.M. Mite. rd tool, pro, due, flower, farm machinery s 4 model B Alllt Chalmerl-. tractor, with I it. Undem disc, , A II In I bottom plow A mower. 1 ton Yale chain hoist It many miac. Item. UGO P.M. Livestock . Chickens, rabhlta, calvei s veal pigs, heifers, milk aV beef-, rows, bulla & steen, geati " sheep. . E AUCTION Phone i-im 3911 Sllverton Rd. ' SUNDAY, JUNE 2TH, S P.M. Open Consignment! Sale In he held In ullev ware house hack of 117 8 High. households plus many other Itrme alreadv listed. T are r.mge for conaitning Itema id . aril call Cl-ude Kilgor. 3-SlSl. exl W. Watch lor d llatlnd. merchandise to be sold. V' m (12 Fruit 1 Form rotfueJ MARSHALL tr-Plcka. I0e lb, Lnuren Stettlrr, 3717 Rlo.som . Dr. lit pl-ce S. Chemawa. I'-PICJC Mar-hall alrawberr.e ', Irom 13 lo p.m. every dy, bring ont!ner . W, H. k A -P. Williamson. Rt. J, Box 440 U-PICK Northwcat tlrawbertiia, h-lng ov.n container!, lb" Ib, C. L Hs-ntnn "4TI Rloir -' D-. lurn V'est of nf Portlano) R-l al HayrsvTi S'vwpinf Ctr . go ml Ph. ;-IM7. I'-PICK NV "stra"' 'herriea. 10? lh Albert Pali. 4i Svvegl Tlcl I'-I'KK Marshall herMc. 10. C E Andreaen 4990 N Lan raster U-PICKS WANTED S ton of ripe straw brrrie. He per lb. 1'- " i E of Tnt'ni pole. 1st f'elr! on rlthi pn- Hreljren store nn old S I verton Rd H 1 C.alle. S'iisl Van Cleave Fd Salem VPICK ss-awHrrrlei. No-th. vel. 4.V0 Ridge D- Ph. 3-5l:i K F VTISH pie hemes - II' It pick t Waconda ml N. Krter nn SI Paul Hvsv