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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1956)
Valley News Statttman News Swrvict FtHillMiss To Rule Over Sheridan Fete lulnui Stmt Strrtra SHERIDAN - Mi si Darlene Gustafson of ft. Hill Junction, sponsored by the VFW Auxiliary 4211 will rule over the 1936 Phil Sheridan Days celebration. Announcement was made at the queen's cornation dance in the high school gymnasium where Miss Gustafson was introduced by Mayor Fred Boteman. who placed a rhinestone jeweled crown on her dark tresses. Princesses in the court will be Judy At wood. Shirley Barber, De lores Rose, Susan Ball and Shirley Willhite. The queen will receive 60 per rent of her Phil Sheridan button sales in merchandise at any busi ness firm of Chamber of Com merce, members. Princesses will also receive merchandise awards according to their button sales and organizations sponsoring candi dates will receive a cash per centage from button sales. The queen and her court will ride on the Chamber of Com merce float in the Phil Sheridan day parade Saturday morning. Bearback NEWCOMERS IN VAU.FY CENTRAL HOWELL Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bolliger and two sons have arrived from Fairbury, 111 , and plan to locate in this vici nity. They are living temporarily in the Central Howell apartments. jury Generous In Settling By-Pass Suits Statrmu N'rwi Strtfra McMINNVILLE - Two large awards have been given by a Yam hill County Circuit Court jury in land condemnation suits involving I right of way for the Dayton-Lafayette .Bypass Highway. Keith Cobura and others will re reive $29,300, and Mr. and Mrs. Uoen Phelps will get $23,400. The state had offered $14,450 for the Phelps property. In other court action on the condemnation suits, $3,803 was awarded to U. S. Ald erman and others. So far the jury awards have totaled $56,403 for land from the start of the bypass near Dayton junction to the south bank of the Yamhill River. Dream Come True There are 10.000 miles of rail road track in Ontario. SHERIDAN Billed as "the only bear in the world who ridri horseback", Two Gun Smoke? and his owner, I.on Cray, will eatertain spectators at Phil Sher idan rodeo Saturday, Sunday. Polk County Court News SUtnmia Nfwi IrryWa DALLAS The assumed business name of Eola Hills Cherry Or chard has been filed here by E. R. Nelte. The business is located at Salem. a The following estates were filed in Polk County Probate Court: Judson. J. Foster appointed ad ministrator of the estate of George Walton Riggs, estate valued at $.1600. Joseph W. Hutchison was appointed appraiser. Zelma Boyer appointed execu trix of the estate Of Joseph H. Buell. estate valued at $6500. Howard Wooden, Wesley Shenk and Morris Majors were appoint ed appraisers. 324 Youngsters Ride Mt. Angel Fire Truck By LORETTA E. DEHLER Valley rarrrspoadeat MT. ANGEL Like the fife of the Pied Piper of Hamlin, a wailing blast from Mt. Angel fire siren Sunday afternoon started a stampede of youngsters towards the fire hall. True to their promise, the fire de partment was present en masse to see that the 124 children who re sponded got a free ride, gift and entertainment. Tie liremea kaa agree U ! tws hours W Father' Day U yugtters ml the eammuaity, giving them the thrill ml a rMe aa 'htaesl U gaadaess' fire trwek aud a few piBten m the imrn ger mt fire, hut they hadu't antiripalH the crowd f yauuf that tMk up more than three hoars ml their time. Not thai they regretted It. for they seemingly had as much fua as the ehilarea. From 23 to 30 children were placed In the new No 3 track at one lime. Then, with a fireman on guard fore and aft. the truck started on a long ride through the city and outlying district, each trip taking a different direction. Meantime. Fire Chief Francis Schmidt cautioned the next group about the danger of playing with matches and risking other fire hai ards. speaking to the little boys as future Mt. Angel firemen and the little girls as firemen's wives. Assistant Chief Joe Wagner showed two children's films on fire prevention, each child was presented with a little gift and the group filed down to take its place in the returning truck. Beside the chief a ad afsistaal, the fire ueaartmeat lists the following artire members: Jack Srhurr, Jim Bourhoaaais. Wall Kruse. Vie Hoffer, Bab Farasworth, Ed Srhaeeher, Lea Traeger, Billy Srhaeeher, Phil Gooding, William Reaa. Al Sprauer, Jim Well man. Darrell Simple Past Chief Em II Srharbarh. bow living la H'oodbura, was as duly to. Initiated by the youngsters, the converted No. 3 truck is now ready to take its place in line of duly in the Mt. Angel fire department. Farmers Plan Evaluation of Irrigated Crops SUIMaua Nura trrrtro DAYTON - A meeting in Mc MinnviEe on July of Yamhill County Soil Conservation District supervisors wilU discuss whether or not the cash return on irrigated crops in the area of the proposed Palmer Creek irrigation project would warrant the investment of some $300,000 by the farmers in the area. Various economic aspects of the many crops grown on the acreage will be outlined before the ansaer is reached. The farmers involved would have to pay the original loan with interest and buy their own irrigation equipment. Wheatland, Hopewell to Consolidate i Statesman, Salem. Ore., Wed., June 20, "36 (Sec I111 17 North Liberty NO-IRON DACR0N BEAUTY FOR MISSES AND HALF SIZES For vacation and trave trips this cool Dscron is just the thing! Pretty spring floral print of bl pink, maize on grey. . . slimming elastiozed wa self belt. 12-20; 14'2-24 mm L , ' toft J ffL : We Give and Redeem S & H Green Stamps Former Silverton Policeman Dies; Kites atReedsport SUteimin Newt Irrrlca SILVERTON Services for J. C. Fowler, former Silverton policeman, will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the linger mortuary in Reedspnrt. Interment will be in Reedsport Misonie Cemetery. Fowler died ' Sunday at Win chester Bay. He was born May 7, 1884, in Mason. Iowa. - Surviving are his wife. Eva I.ucy Fowler; a son, Jack G. Fowler, Stewarts Point, Calif.; daughter. Mrs. Valderia Malis vewski, Winchester Bay; two sis ters, Mrs. Linn Cogswell, Silver ton, and Mrs. John Granger, Val entine, Nebr; also five grand children and one great-grandchild. CILD IN SURGERY PRINGLE An emergency ap pendectomy was performed Mon day at a Salem hospital on Kris tine Thomas, four year -old daughter of Mrs. Katherine Thomas. 1070 Barnes Ave. Ballston-Sheridan School Merger Asked in Petition SHERIDAN-Elimination of the non-high scnool district is causing considerable argument among residents of Ballston school district as to whether their children will get better educational opportunities in Sheridan or Amity. A Detition has been filed with the Y'amhill County School Superin tendent asking for an election on the question of Ballston joining the Union High School dis- for - look... M For ihe Modern look in ALL STYLES of EyeWear-HIS or HERS-see them at DR. SAM K. HUGHES OPTOMETRIST. NEW LOCATION 1128 CENTER ST. OPPOSITE OWL DRUG Phone 4-0767 Fves Examined, Glasses Fitted Complete Optical Service Repairs Credit If Desired Sheridan trict Robert C. Smith, chairman of the Ballston elementary school dis trict board, says about half of the district lies in the Sheridan area and about half in the Amity area and that residents of each area want to go to the nearer school. Perrydale, Taa While the Ballston school pa trons are conducting a campaign on whether to vole to join Sheri dan or to turn that down and vote later to join Amity Union High School district, they are also being urged to join a proposed Perrydale Union High districts Sheridan, which has a unified high and elementary school dis trict, wants to unionize. To be in cluded in the union high school district would be Ballston, Mill Creek and Sheridan districts, which lie in both Yamhill and Polk Counties,, and Buell which is all in Polk County. Some Ballston resi dents see l'n this, a move to make the greater Sheridan district a unified district for elementary as well as high school purposes. Should the Sheridan election fall, it is expected that proponents of joining Perrydale will intensify their campaign. Priest Dies Unexpectedly At Mt. Angel Stateuua Nam Itrrtr MT. ANGEL - The Rev. Basil Engertsberger, O S. B., died un expectedly Tuesday at Mt. Angel Abbey. He had been assistant pastor at St: Mary's Church In Eu gene since 1944 and liad come to Mt. Angel Monday night to take part in the annual retreat of the Benedictine fathers. Father Basil, 52, was born in Portland, May 19, 1899, and edu cated at Mt. Angel Abbey where he graduated from the prepara tory school and the seminary, en tered the monastery in 1918, was professed in 1919, and was or dained a priest June 14, 1924. Before he wenl to Eugene, he was professor of accounting, busi ness law and corporation finance at the seminary and college here, also serving for two years as mis sionary with the Indians on Van couver Island. The deceased had been under treatment for heart trouble for some time. Two sisters, one in Seaside and one in Los Angeles, and a brother in Portland survive. Pontifical requiem mass will be ence William Donicht, 48, were celebrated by the Rev. Abbott Sheridan War Veteran Dies RlatesRiin Nwi Servtrt SHERIDAN - Services for Clar- Damine Jentges at 10 a. m. Fri day. Divine office for the dead will begin at 9 a. m. Interment held here Monday. Interment was at Willamina Cemetery. Donicht was horn in Molson, Wash.. Dec. 7, 1907. and was a; will be in the abbey cemetery. veteran of World war II. He had resided in the Sheridan area for many years. Survivors include his mother, Mrs. A. J. Donicht, Sheridan; three brothers, Ed Donicht, Oregon City, Ernest Donicht, McMinnville and Walter Donicht, Sheridan: sisters, Mrs. Allen E. Smith. New Ply mouth. Idaho; Mrs. Fred Ander son. Portland; Mrs. Ted Gillespie, Willamina; Mrs. Donald Trow bridge, Sheridan, and Mrs. C. J. Hendricks, Portland. Shaw Approves School Budget StatetiMB Stmt Srrtc SHAW -School distriot W ap proved a $12,709 budget Monday night. The vote was 21 to 1 Willard Carpenter was elected to a five-year term on the Shaw school board and Alice Kindle was elected clerk of the district. The district also cast 23 votes for Walter H. Bell as rural school board director from tone five. lutnau Hfwt srvtr ; HOPEWELL Patrons of Hope well and Wheatland school dis tricts voted to consolidate, a com pilation of the Monday night election revealed Tuesday. At Wheatland the merger car ried 14-3: at Hopewell the vote was 28 "yes' 'and 4 "no". 1 Wheatland pupils "attended tHopewell last school year aad will continue to do so under the new consolidation. Voters of the two districts also elected John Bauer of Wheatland to the school hoard. He succeeds Mrs. Fred Withee of Hopewell. Voters also approved a new tax levy which provides $200 annual raises for the two teachers. Carl Rulschman will be the new prin cipal this fall. Mrs. Harley Fer guson, Salem, will return as the other teacher. . . Air Academy Bids Dovle Statesman Newt Service WILLAMINA - Richard Lee Doyle, son o( Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle, has received word from , Rep. Walter Norhlad and Brig. I Gen. Richard H. Carmichael, that i he has been appointed to Ihe sec-! ond class of the V. S. Air Acad-1 emy, Denver, Colo., due to a va ' cancy. Richard had been appointed as an alternate candidate in May. He will report to the academy on July 9. AUTOMATION STUDY DUE WASHINGTON ifl - The bureau of labor statistics plans to make a dozen different studies on the effects of automation on both jobs and workers. LEWIS & f PERHAPS THE V ( FOR OUTBOARD MOTORS t rrr' m . ) YELLOW PAGES ) IT PAYS TO LOOK ( Explore Effortlessly f can help us in the Russified' paat . 11 il V TAKE A REST J I OF YOUR TELEPHONE BOOK ) T FOR MONTHS AND MONTHS T v . V v ) W5VE PADDLED ( , U(mP V SjW : I J yljSl Used by 9 out of 10 people as a guide to rVrTl those ivho self or serve A) ?Kklttkw You haven't tasted . life until youVe tried Rainier Rainier Beer SICKS' SEATTlE HfWINC 1 MALTING CO SEATTLf . WASH USA, S.CKS SPOKANE BUEWERY SPOKANE, WASH USA. Helps You Ovtrcomt FALSE TEETH Loostntii and Worry No lonftr bt ftnncrrtd or ImI UI-V mm bmiiw of loom, wobbly ftlM Improved alka li n (Doa-eM) powaw, apnntlx om your plaua boMa them firmer as tbaf fl mora comfortable Aveic am bar raaament rauam by Vsosa plataa. Oat t ASTXITH today at aaj drug aauntar. PICTURE WINDOWS Rediscover the "Oregon Trail" at eye level in full natural color from UNION PACIFIC, all-new Dome liner, the City of Portland to Chicafo. Toull relax and thoroughly enjoy every mile and minute of sheer travel luxury ... at no extra fare. Fit ED LING E.N FELD F.I Gea. Passrager Afeat Ft Partial' CApHat 77771 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 111$ TO f tM. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5.30 PJA. mme tceek only! reg. $3J9S DIAL IU FIMSH SPECIAL Our watch face refinijhinq ex pert, will renew the faded face of your watch. . . bring back its original beauty, or you may choose a modern style at this low price. 2.25 reg. $330 guaranteed WATCH CItYSTAL jm 82.50 (jffi'jiyfj Electrically sealed, will not WATCH REPAIR-MEZZANINE a a . Standard asphalt research helps bring taxpayers 3 miles. of paving for the cost of 2 t - 11 ,, , .an " " : .;t-. "'r ' ii;:-2: ' T -v-J Jmmr ''A jWS' i, - nw rogntt In We Weal meana ' 'P7 1956 'om art wnra mm lortahtt, ft then faittr, vhrn y irivf on in ft, modf m roorfi of tlurdy and rftilitnt CROWDED HIGHWAYS waste motorists' time and lives. To build more miles of better roads at lowest cost, highway engi neers turned to asphalt paving for 85 of the nation's roads. They find asphalt costs 30 to 50 less than other pavements. It lasta longer, reduces headlight and sunlight glare, provides noiseless, comfortable driving. To help meet the nation's highway needs, Standard has expanded its asphalt production across the coun try, now operates nine asphalt refineries. Our scientists work with highway engineers on improved construc tion techniques which save millions of your tax dollars each year. This means more and-better roads, to serve a nation on the move. 20,000 milts of additional highway construction by 1965 fArmif Standard"! wholty-mtned mbtidiary, Amnritan Ritumuh t Alpkalt Company STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIAV puff pttrolnum progress fo work tor you V