1!HSC II) Statesman, Salem, Ore Wed, June 20. 156 a - " ' ; . I labisli, Bergs, J's Snare Junior Ball Wins; Single j ntlsWestling'sNo-ffiUer i Drai WestliBi! chance to mark up a-hitter kW at the itest Mctible time Tuesday when Douf Ritchie tinfled witk two It la the final lanlnt f the Master Service Stations Labish Center Junior Baseball Leajue fame. Labish won the game, S-U wita Maa- ler gettinj only that eoe hit ta the Oast B fame. la Tuesday I ether twe Class B contest. Berg's Market trimmed Vista Market, s-i. ana J t ana 4 July 4th Boat Paces Slated " Big Program Set j For River DajV tCeatlaaet! trm Bceeeelag Mf leat): A Hydro, A Runabout. B Hydro, B Runabout, D Hydro D Runabout, C Hydro. v The rest of the classes win be Competing (or ISO to $100 pmes In each race: , F Hydro (souped op motors that an hit mph); '. Inboardt: 4 cu. In. Hydro (souped up, bun alcohol, can hit 0 mph); rtock 131 cu. in. Hydro (use V-i engine with (0 hp, can kit M mph); combined class of S and 22 cu. In. Hydro (souped Sbura alcohol, can hit between and 130 myh).t S ' ' ' j la addition to these races, the Salem Boat Club will handle a tug-of-war betweea two tug boats, a tug boat race, and various other items such as water skiing and a drawing for a Tollycraft cabin cruiser complete with Johnson mo tor and boat trailer, Charles Wins TKO PHOENIX Aril.' ( '- Former heavyweight champion Ezzard Charles was awarded a technical knockout Tuesday night when Bob Albright of Saa Fernando, Calif., failed to eeme out for the seventh round of their scheduled 10-round bout, '-" t - '.' '" The onetime champion from Cincinnati weighed 197 pounds and Albright came. In at tui. Emery's walloped the Rotary Club, 13-4. Westliag struckout U over the seven inning route and walked three-all in the same inning which filled the bases and resulted in Master's only rua when the next batter was hit by a pitched ball Labish scored first in the open ing frame when Chris Hornsboe knocked in a run and then added two more ia the fifth oa Fred Dar ling's single. Gene Biggens' double and a 'groundeut by nestling that brought in a runner. MMs Belts Doublet Elvin Paynter hurled a. three hitter in giving Berg's their win over Vista. Dave Jones drove in two runs in the third with a single for what proved to be the decid ing margin. J's pounded out 10 .hits to topple the Rotary team. Mike Mills drove In tour runs with a pair of doubles. Fred Swearinger and Mike Feni more each had two tingles for J's. Pet Melin hit two singles for the Rotary. Class C garnet today are Four Corners 20-30 Club vs. Stelnke's, Dickson's Market vs Jackson Jew elers, and Fields Master Service vs. Legion Post 130. vista mmi-t i i Bergs ' IIIMi-l I I Jones, Yswif ('I and Kimble; Paynter ana Jones, mug (J) ft-Emery V M 09 t-1 It I notary mng-.i i ' Newaome trm Cartridge; Calaba and SaCama, uindtrta (St. Master SOS 100 S 111 Ubtsh - 100 OSS SIS Rllrhto. stellar l and. ParUa Westling and Biggena. American League OM SN ill- I 11 I IS I More Free Baseball Tickets for Kids S'Je- r i i i -eg .3 mmm - , t.-.l-..-..-..t.J1 The Salea SeaaUrt have Jeiaed a last-grewiag move by the Sneboy Oranges eoacera la the Northwest which provides kids with free tickets ta home-park baseball games. The ducats are found la bags of eraageo. This display Is la a local Berg's Market and finds ll-r) Richard McQulsloa, 1UJ N. 1Mb St., Vlckl Carlsea, 1240 Evergreen aad Je Krovs, Brooks, gelling their tlrkrts for Senators games at Waters Field. Baseball clubs all aver the country are striving to lure more of the "small fry" U games. SGC Ladies Slate More Links Action in Miniature Tourney lw York Dcirnft 020 B0I 0)10 Grim. Byroa (3), Sturdcvant (I) and Bern; Lry, Aber () and Houm, Porltr (S), A Boalon lot out 111 f I '1 Cltvtland ISO too Mm S S 1 ixriJxzUTsrjtz m ml Angei to ve h.u m Salem Gals Trim Mt'Angel Team SILVERTONr-fSpeelal) The Salem Merchants girls Softball tesm trimmed Mt. Angel, -2, for the Salem team's second straight Silver Falls League victory here Tuesday night. Maureen Schollian The Salem Women's Golf Assn. i will enter the third round of action in the miniature golf tournament at the Salem Golf Club Wednes day. The women completed their first two rounds last Wednesday, narrowing the field to the final (our in each of the five flights. In the championship flight it will be Mrs. Ralph Hamilton vs. Mrs. Tom Hill snd Mrs. Charles Mc Devitt vs. Mrs. R. I. McLaughlin. All of the five flights will com pete today. Pairings in the other four flights Is as follows: First flight: Mrs. Chandler Browa vs. Mrs. Glen Stevenson; Mrs. L. C. Berry vs. Mrs. Sid Hoffman. Second flight: Mrs. Kelley Pe ters vs. Mrs. Woodson Bennett; Mrs. Eugene Kokko vs. Mrs. Ja mes Van Keulen. Third flight; .Mrs. Val Sloper vs. Mrs. H. A. Simmons; Mrs. Seth Smith vs. Mrs. Clilford Ellis. Fourth flight: Mrs. E. H. Cow an vs. Mrs. Richard Chase; Mrs. James McAlvin vs. Mrs. Homer Goulet. Fifth flight: Mrs. Robert Her rall vs. Mrs. Frank Nichols; Mrs. William Dyer vs, Mrs, Glen Stevens. UCLA Denies Sanders Rumor (Coaiiaoed from preeediag page) the statement by the Presidents' Council (authorizing a general re view of athletic problems look toward an orderly and systematic review of the existing code, the Yankees Dump Detroit, 5-2 Qereland Upends Boston Red Sox 97 (CoaUawd trwat preeediM ) Pirates was their fourth straight since Fred Haney took over as manager Sunday. For the Pirates, it marked their fourth ttfaight loss. Lew Burdette went all the way for the winners, besting Bob Friend, who started with only two days' rest ia an effort to halt the Pirate slide. He lasted seven in nings. AatoaelU Blaakt Cabs Antonelli permitted the Cubs only five hits in hanging up his second shutout of the year and first complete game in a month. In the American League, the New York Yankees remained 5' games ahead of the Chicago White Sox by turning bark the Detroit Tigers, $-2, while the Pale Hose crushed the Baltimore Orioles, S-l. The Cleveland Indians moved into a third place tie with Boston by downing the Red Sox, S-7, while the Washington Senators halted the Kansas City A's, 10-5, to pull within a half game of seventh place. Byrae Belts Homer Tommy Byrne was the winner for the Yanks their sixth straight in relief. He took over for Bob Grim in the third when Grim complained of headaches. He helped his own cause by hit ting a home run. Byrne gave up five hits during his stint. Billy Pierce became the first 10-game winner in the league handcuffing the Orioles with eight hits. Larrv Dobv and Minnie Min- Theyll Do It Every Time . By Jimmy Hatlo UN A-KU ID KUN THc a twins, ru.6iv rtAWY! MS-rM60tN' MCK "TO A SNIPS AH U4VE SOME FUM uk AO mi SBBBBBBfe. I . - SikM ftitki aavf ! I ... . it. V sy-pw our wj j . . Swni' iiV WVE SOME RJN- rB 111 BOG EC JOS, MVSELF-I rlLTEUXXJ-tP W TTTT fatt XEl MOW MCCW WrtLLYOU M4t?By WILL SELL A iJiW Vti 14 TJICE R3R "THE J ME TUg'&UDr.XXJ l . Ji NLLSSI SSrT3 a 2 M04M4"? A C4N W4VE TVUS FOR f't'l H W J WCl llNi r. NWE MUNMEI7T BUCKS I A II ' YJ?14- O IN If XTM AKD TM4T LOT YOO AJl Ca- iH W Viil Hal txm nnnto rr-iwTt; , lj mnrt fttiv ME SEWN STAGES OP IE 4M4TBJR SMD06- OR TOM SECURrrY TO 778-THEVXLOOiT VJ i jmo i tuna mi vi I NASCAR Meet Booked Sunday PORTLAND ( Special! An other of the major stock car races at Portland Speedway the third annual Portland Junior Chamber of Commerce 200-lap attraction has been scheduled oso made his task easy by hitting : for Sunday, and will be a NAS- home runs. It also was Pierce's i CAR-sanclioned event. The 200- 10th straight Orioles. decision over the Willamette Hunts 'Lost Athletes' Willamette U's department of lap main event on the half-mile paved track will be the longest stock car race in the Northwest to date, and it already has en tries from Washington, Oregon and California. With the sanction of NASCAR (National Associa tion for Stock Car Auto Racing), California entries are guaranteed. NCAA Sets Small College Cage Meet KANSAS CITY UP The col-men handles athletic programs lege committee of the National , (nr th' 280 smaller colleges among Collegiate Athletic Assn. Tuesday !,n 4440 NCAA member. A uni-. completed recommendations for a verslty committee serves that pur new annual basketball tournament ; P0-' 'or the larger schools. for the smaller colleges belong-! ing to the NCAA. IVp Wins Drrisinn u Will.bVuS2.,,eam ,0Urney MIAMI BEACH. Fla. - W.1 held in March. Walter Byers ex- ,e f ex-featherweight roam ecutive secretary of the .NCAA.!pion from Hart(ord Conn Tuev sald- . 'day night punched out a 10-round Details cannot be made public unanimous decision over Russ now. Byers said, because they are Tague of Davenport, Iowa, subject to approval by the NCAA i.pp, had to use his ring Executive Committee at a meet- nft to hold off the 128-pound ing in mid-August. Midwesterncr in the sixth and The college committee of nine seventh rounds. MEADOWS ENTRIES I on. W Ltmon. k-Dilock. Btttlmor ' Mt too 800 111 Chins ooi an sos ill Moon, ftmim (1) and Smith; Vlarca aad LoUar. 1 Moor. WuhlRftMl - lot lot 1 11 I karma city SSI SM Ml I IS I Siawart aad Borbmt; StanUtta, Crtmlaa (11, Harrinctoa (JI. Cor. sua (1) and Thorn poon. Ir Santitf. pitching the victory. Vivian Reeves belted a triple and double and Leans Hssi s triple for the Sslem csuse. Salem next plsys Hubbard st Silvertoa Fridjy. Mt Angel, 000 200 0-1 I 7. Salem, 1 W 7 Em h e fo IVS . I IUNNY MASON Salem Coif Club Professional And 1958 Oregon Open Champion Lie Buaay Maiaa ' What the Kentucky Derby Is to horse racing, what the Rose Bowl game is to football and what the World Series is to baseball. That's what the National Open is to golfers all over the world. The spring elastic hat come and gone again, but bat left iu mark on the minds of a great many people -TT . . . The medium of TV brought the Open Into homes where golf had sever even been talked about or considered as a spectator sport. We had a phone call from an interested party who wanted to know what was the matter with Ben Hogsn that he didn't make a Moot putt on the 17th hole. "I thought Hogan was supposed to be s great player," protested the caller. "So how come he misses a lit tle thing like that?" . . . We explained that Hogan is great, but that the great caa miss the little ones ia the Open. The pressure built up around winning the Open is so great that even the favorite seldom wins. Somebody always loses it. mat may not matt sense tha first timn irnnnri j but it is true. This year Cary Middlecoff goes into the book as the winner, but. iooi si tne group of players who gassed it away. Ted Kroll took a horrible 7 on the 17th hole when all he needed was two pars on the last holes to win. Hogan missed a 3-foot putt that would have given him a tie. Julius Boros played the last two holes like a million dollars, only to have two putts in t row rim the cup sad stay free . . . Those of you who taw the Open via TV may not realize what that putt on the last hole meaat to Boros. His second place finish means S3 .000 for him. But tha No. t innt nikM kv Middlecoff ia worth it least 1100,000. ' Every manufacturer in the golfing equipment business will beat a path to hit door, with gobs of money in their hands. And S we know Dr. Cary, he'll be at home with his sgents , . . It ia the sincere wish of the entire golf pro fession that this rest victory for the Memphis dentist will mature him a bit as a public relations man for the game. His career has seen a stormy one with one prims donna stunt after another, from wanting out in the middle of a tourney because he didn't like the course, to refusing to play because hit hotel reservations were fouled up. ' There is ae ridiculing Middlecoff as aa actual player, how ever. He has woa a cool I2JO00 la the last nine years. That's .. mere money than say ether player in history has made In any ' such period. Hogsa and Snesd have grabbed the headlines for the past decade, hut It looks like Middlecoff has most of the i loot " ", Meyers Did Plenty Okeh for a Youngster Salcm'1 Kent Meyers played in the Open and we are proud of : his showing. He failed to qualify for the last day's play, but then itnure inai ur siong is not uncommon even to tne big-time pros Gene Littler and defending champ Jack Fleck were among those absent for the last round also , , . Kent had scores of 82-81, which are not oaa scoses lor a youngster in his first major tourney. Har old West from Eugene had played as a pro for years, and won ev erything the Northwest had to offer for a long time. Yet he beat 1 Kent by a mere stroke over the 36 holes. Myers will be going into : ihm Armv tnnn Kill ha will ta Ir wltti him a mnnnii rt on I ence that will stay with him the rest of his life ... The Salem Coif Club's Men's team seat a group to Eugene . la it Sunday, and came away beaten hut unbowed. We lost by the margin of 1 point, aad were leading until the last foursome , came in. The writer wat ia the last group and lost 24 points to Wendell Weed. We played the Eugene layout from the very hack tees to gsln a little practice for the Northwest Open which Is to he held there la July. It's a mighty long course, ; and since they've fertilised the entire lsyeut this spring there i is enough grasi ea it to supply half a dosea ethers . . . ' Bob Norquist of the U of Oregon team had i dandy thing hap pen to him in the recent Shrine tourney here. He was taking a practice swing on the 17th tee when the shaft of his driver broke ' .... . l ITU. -1 . . L- -I . . -I. lk. kttll . II . ...i V. J L... I rigni. In 1 rre grip, lire emu uuin n iwinicu uy, auu Portland Metdowi, Wednesday. Post Tlma I p m : First Rir. Qrtr. Horn. Purse $00, All Ases Grade C, 3M Yards. I. Sharta Wlnemt, P. Ridalfo . lis I. Okie Twifter, R. Wood! 120 S. Hadwood Panty Jo, L. Knowlei 119 4. Goldy'i Babe, H. Herr Ill I. Bel MiTi A, Duncan US 5. Nellie Domo. C. Dixon 113 7 Stormy Van, H. Earl IIS I. Ina. S MtDowell 119 I. General rilnk, J, oa( 120 Second Race, Qrtr. Horse. Purse S40O. All Aaea Grade A, 390 Yards. 1. Pepper Green. R. Holly . 120 I. Onn ftnd, H Earl - m t. Hebob, , Boat . . ...t .. . K ,127 4. Beauty Hobler, I. MIMct . 122 I. Mlsa Ark, A. Duncan .. 120 5. Kirk! Them, P. Smothera .... 120 7. Defrost, E. Glfford 12J t. Billy Scoot Rnrlck, A Sherman 127 t. Leo Bly, G. Dixon 127 10. Notation, S. McDowell .. 127 Third Rare, Claim, Purse 00, J Y O & Up, (ISIIOi One Mile. 1. Glory Tide, J. Prouty IIS I. Sam Jones. 1. Boag 119 3. Accurate Guess, S. McDowell lit 4. Miomond. 1. Breckona lit 5. Halixo, A. Duncan 114 t. Royal Player, D. Henshaw 1 14 7. Al a Buy, 1. Chonackl I. Speed Fairy. E. Giffnrd . Hindu Eclipse. P. Hidalgo 10. Arezznal, G. Dixon SPORTSMAN'S DIGESTS SPIN-CASTING TIP i. : . 4 : ath plir-c i Innltinir Inr a nnmhpr , . . . . uojetue Deing iu acmevc a sri , , . ""i . i . NASLAH IS the INo. nr nr n ee anrl ru e ui Ih u-h rh "I lost awilfics uiannri llim-S 11 member institutions can live honorably. This will require some time " I'CLA was placed on probation for three years, and fined, in ef fect, approximately , $93,000 and its football players were penalized a year of eligibility unless it is proved that they did not receive undercover financial help from booster club sonrces. 1 racing or ganization in the t'nited States. uhh have never received their lite- time passes to WU athletic events.! A in 1954 "ntl 1955 proceeds Since coach John Lewis has the ! of ,hf race wl" 8 to the Javcee names of those elieihle for life- civic fund. Last year, the rare raised sufficient funds to send delegates to the Jaycee national convention in a bid to bring the 1956 J-C meet to Portland. The Javcees are underwriting IND of r 7T . irsi-a. a. vsar -v. hobizoktAl FLIGHT Of LUH& US 114 119 lit Fourth Race. Maiden. Purse 1600, 1 Y O Oreton Bred. 6' Furs. 1. Clever Ba(, O, Slmonla 114 i. Wee Beau, E. Glfford .114 3. Eaater Beau, J. Prouty 119 4. Neah Kahme. A. Duncan . 114 3 Booter Orejon, J. Breckons 119 t. Cascade Moon. P. Hidalgo 114 7. Country Jark, G. Dixon 119 I. Brick's Pride, J. Boa lit Filth Race, Claim, Purse WW), 3 Y O Ac Up KSOQi Six Furs. I. Idaho Prince, W. Phillips . IIS . Solid One. J Breckons lit 3. Halorlne. P. Hldaljo 114 4. Canned Goods, S. McDowell .. 121 5. Gunfa, G. Dixon lift I. Count Abe. L. Know Irs .IIS 7. Spit Curl, D. Hennhaw '111 I. Leaamor, J. Prouty IIS 1 9. Colonel Nick, G. Simonli lis Slxlh Race, Claim, Purse $"0, 3 Y O Si Up. IBM , 5' j Furs I. Skeets Best. 1. Knnl lit 3 Snow Fllfht. S McDowell 121 3. Dolphin. P. Hidalgo 121 4. Omlcron. G. Simons 11S 9. Dr. Frank, A. Duncan 121 t. Art's Parmet, D Henshaw 1 IS 7. Sir Lou, G. Dixon 121 t. Halladae. J Boat 121 I Early Burlfy, E. Glfford 121 Seventh Race. Claim. Purse S70O, Y O A- Up. 111,0001 1-1IS I. Peaceful Past, S. McDowell . 117 3. Sample Case. I.. Knnwlrs 122 S. Ronmlk Vanrhuk. W. Phillips in 4. Phartop. G. Dixon 123 t. Utt Heather. F. Smothers 123 I. Red Green, G. Slmoms , tt7 7. Dalrae Blen, L Dales '117 Etshth Rare, Allow., Purse S70O. Y O it Up. Six Tun. "Jantr.en Beach Park" I. Fullon Rose. W. Phillips . Nox. A Sherman 3 Slzrlln Smoke, (i. Slmoms 4, Tuahan. L. Knowlei 8. Midland Empire, c. Dixon I. Early Choice. D. Henshaw 7 Shuffles Mite, J. Breckons Ninth Rare, Claim, Purse W0, Y O tt Up, lnoi One Mile. 1. Wasatch Chief. I.. Knnwles .. 3. Netties Pride. F. Cholnarkl . 3. Chief Co-Ed, A Sherman 4. Lycos Jr.. L. Dalea t. Finesse. G. Dixon t. Rime. W. Phillips 7. Sweep l.uck, E. C.ifforrt I. Pretty Choice. J. Prouty 9. Penny Buster. J Breckons 10. Vain Flower, S. McDowell AMERICAN LtAQlK Baltimore at Chicago Loej (t-01 vi Pol let ij.ll or Keeian 12-41. Washington at Kanaas City i N l Wtesler 1 1-1 1 vs Herrlair 1 1 -M New York at Detroit iNi -- Kurki (-3i vs Horft iS-3i nr Gromek iS-.l Boatnn si Cleveland (N I Porter field !3-fl vs Si'ore iS-r.i, UE INDEX FIN&ER AOA1NST BetU. SPOOL'S UP TO 5TOP Lira FoA ACCURATB, CAtTINO INTO STREAMS AND SHALLOW LAKES. SHOOT LURE FORWARD IN A HOR IZONTAL FLIGHT SO THE LUBB . IS JUST ABOVE THE WATER AS IT REACHES THE TARGET (L.I6HT WEIGHT LURES BUCK WIND BEST THUS,ALSC). STOP LURES FLsSHT WITH INDEX FINGER A6AINST THE SPOOL'S LIP TO STOP OUT60INS LINE. THIS WILL DROP LURE INTO THE WATER rVTTH ONLY A SLISHT SPLASH. Some ANGLERS... ... RAISB ROD BE FORE LURE ALIGHTS, CLAlAAINa IT HAS LESS SPLASH. OTHERS LIFT ROD WHILE EH 6A6ING PICKUP BOTH RE MOVE SLACK IN LINE. n 7lli-Tiining Home Kims Give Aunisville Win time passes only from 1948 to the present time, all gratis entitled to passes are asked to contact him if they haven't received their gate cards, sending in name and years of competition in order to recrrvejhe 200-lap race with a guarantee the free pass to all WL sporting ot s-ouu in purse. events. Virtually all the late-mndel cars of the PacifVc Stock Car Rar ing Association which compete regularly at the Speedway will be on hand Sundav when time trials Finest Floor Furnace you can buy! Northwest sets June 31 eel Leairue - 1 on tl. - :M cial-Bill Brown and Bud 'Killin-1 . PORTLAND f-The Northwest eludes such outstanding wheel- kii, V...U.A . ; .u. , 1-eaiiue Will noia ll-S regular miQ- .itniniiy mc irr, nn nil a homer in tne i .bottom of the final inning to give Aumsville a 3-2 victory over In dependence in a WVL softball game here Tuesday night. The two homers accounted for all three Aumsville runs. Independence . 100 000 11 S t Aumsville 000 000 J-3 S 2 Rawlins and Davis; Potter and Krusc. season meeting at Spokane June 'shed second to nationally-lamed 24, League President James 1 Herb Thomas of North Carolina Fleishman said Tuesday. "So tar as I know, nothing important is to come up We'll just talk over, as usual, how we are doing and where we are going," Fleishman said. Meadows Selections : Wednesday. Post Tirr.e S p m : 1 Okie Twister, General FUnk, Nel lie Domo, 2, Rehoh. Notation. Dffrost. 3. Halixo, Accurate Guess, Speed Fairy. 4 Booster Oregon, Clever Bat. Wee Beau. 9. Canned Goods. Leeeamor, Gunga. Dolphin, Snow Flight. Skeels Best 7. Peaceful Pass. Lott Heather. Sample Case S. Tushan, Nox. Midland Empire. 9 Netties Pride. Penny Buster. Finesse. BEST BET -Dolphin. Sth Race. I.ONGSHOT POSSIBILITY: Art's Parmet. flth Race. National League Chicago New York mn nno noo n oio non iox : Rush. Lown (St and Chiti; elli and Sarni. L Rush. St. Ioun 400 000 100 ISO Brooklyn Don 000 000-- 0 .1 2 Dickson and Smith; Koufax, Bes- j sent i3i, Roehuck (7i Drysdale (9i and Campanella. L Koufax. Cincinnati noo non 2nfl-1 4 o! Philadelphia noo nnn 04x-4 s n! Klippstein. Nuxhall Si and Burgess: S. Miller. Meyer ill and Lopata. W Meyer. 1. Klippstein. Milwaukee onl 010 210 - 5 8 1 Pittshurgh joo ooo mil- 3 in 1 Burdette. Slealer (P) and Cranriall; rrlend. Munger ill and Shepard, Kravitl (Si. W Burdette. L -Friend, here Mav 27; F.d Negre, Long view, Wash., who was fourth; "Curly" Barker, Tillamook, Ore., fifth: Hal Hardesty. Kennewick. Wash., sixth; and "Wild" Bill Hyde. Portland, seventh. Other PSCRA drivers are Art Watts, 1955 champion, Portland: Bob Keefe. Don Hamilton and Gordy Haines, all of Yakima, Wash : Royce Hagerty, Bob Car roll. Andy Wilson, Harold Real. Lou Sherman and Don Nelson, all of Portland. with COE MEDALIST OKLAHOMA CITY .P - A de termined Charley Coe. 1949 Na tional Amateur champion, shot his home course in his usual consist ent fashion Tuesday, and wrapped up medalist honors in the 53rd Trans-Mississippi Golf Tourna ment with a three-tinder-par fid. PRESSURE Oil BURNER Highest Qualify. . . Completely Automatic Now Iron Fireman gives you all the advantages of a Boor furnace--PI L'S automatic Bring with the superb Iron Fireman pressure, ofl burner. You get more heat . . . greater fuel economy, with oonornscaJ Not. 2 and 3 oils ... and precision electric thermostat control Iron Fireman's famous dependability means constant home comoft for years and years. Sea us today for the complete noryt C. J. HANSEN CO. 2725 Portland Rd. Phone 26882 punched It into the rough by tne mm green, ine rules ot goit say national i.r.At.iE be has to count tht stroke and play, tne oaii irom where it ended up. It was I bad bresK, tor ne was 2-unuer par ai me time . . . V don't know if Kelley Peters wai under par or not at the time, but he had to climb a treo on the 8th hole to play hit second shot In tho him tourney. That ii real fidelity to tho rulti of the game when a man will risk a broken neck rather than shake the tree or throw rocka. .,...,,..,-,.... , ..i .... Prookl n -Pnholvky (l-0i nr lhman St. Louis at 14-41 vi Millie ll-li. Chicago al New York Kaiser (1-0) va Hearn (Ml. Cincinnati at Philadelphia IN): Fowler (4-1) vs Simmons (1-Si. . Milwaukee at Pittshurgh (N) Conlej (l-l) vi Law (1-7), "V There's i nittmlims XlC. , t ! tMST- V m Pacific Northwest thing AhW'V'ilLW&Mj j A cool Pacific , Northwest beer while the trout are frying A toast to the day's top fisherman with refreshing Pacific Northwest beer. It rounds out the weekend at lake or stream. It adds natural enjoyment to one of the) finest parts of Pacific Northwest lirhg. Fly fishing or bait fishing? You can argne tht point. But overwhelmingly,. Pacific Northwest anglers agree on their beers consistent high quality has made the beers that are brewed here their outstanding favorite. The Pacific Northwest Brewing Industry IUI2WEINHtSDB0NMINClUlelSEWtte4(tlDtllliaelUCKletsOLVMriaINIII