Braves Nip Bucs, Cincy Nabs NL Lead Delany Not Sure Of Olympics Spot Rain Halts Spoke Opener Doubleheader (g)tcjion$tate$man Tonight, 6:30 Price States Return For Act in September By A I, I.1GHTNHR Statesman Sport Editor Rain washed nut last night's chedulcd Northwest League baseball series opener at Waters Field between the Spokane In dians and Salem Senators, and with it went the appearance of famous baseball acrobat Johnny Trice. The ball clubs will attempt to make up the rainout tonight, via a 6:30 o'clock doubleheader. Bui those who had hoped to see Price in action with his amazing (eats of throwing, catching and batting, will have )o wait until Septcm ber. That's as soon as his sche-1 dule will permit him to try il again here. Performs Anyway There were about 100 fans in the stands around 7:30 o'clock last night when things were railed off because of the steady downpour. Price had his me chanical helper rigged up and readv to go; so put on a brief ex hibition of catching high fly balls ' while driving around the out field in a ieep, and doing some target practice with his big ha-looka-type gun which propels the halls. Nnbodv left the stands un til he was finished, and the ball players even stuck f'ound to see the fabulous guy perform. In tonight's games, if played, Mgr. Hugh I.uby plans to pitch Big Bill Walsh and Andy (The Bear) George. Walsh is still looking for his first decision, but has been looking sharp in relief appearances lately. George has a 4 2 mark and beat Wenatchee in 11 innings in his last trip. Indians Have Help For Joe Rossi's strengthened Tribe. Carl Rounds, a New York Yankee chattel, and possibly vet eran Frank Chase or Max Weekly, another Yankee farmhand will get the call. The Spokes have many new fares since their last appear; ance. Catcher Ron Carlon, pitch ers Rounds. Chase and Weekly, lnfielders Bob Bourbeau, EdUip pili and Jerry Jackson and out fielder George Huffman have jnmed the team since its earlv Mav dates here Chase and Huff man were with Eugene last sea son and Jerrv Jackson was with Wenatchee earlier this campaign. Rossi himself is out of action at the present time, with an ailing back His loss is a major blow for the club, as he is one of the league's top sluggers. He says he's getting back into shaoe fairlv well, however, and had a hrifc workout at first base last night prior to the rainfall. Mnnv Makeups Due The two clubs have another rainout to make up later on. for their May 3 game was also post poned because of rain After tonight's scheduled pair, the series is to end with single games on Wednesday and Thurs day nights. Salem is now in sixth place in ' the standings. I1? games ahead of Spokane and 1 1 2 behind fifth place Wenatchee. The most recent rainout amounts to the 11th this season for the Senators. Six have now ncrured here at home, five on the road. PCC to Review The Rock Takes a Stripe Statesman, Salem, Ore,, Tues., June 19, '56 (Sec. II)-9 Waters Field Visitor -A, , - . . ' I y p ' ' 1 ! I i 1 ., 1 ... . I ' I ,a7 -riir 1 I ; . a .far " . l far m m T1. '-tV:' XC;.T---!flLN fT ii 1 r- lllTW Penalty Cases President's Group May Ask Revisions By JACK STEVENSON BKI1KKI.KY. Calif. - The powerlul president's council of the Pacific Coast Conference Mon day called for a review of all penalties in the recent cases in ! volving illegal aid to athletes. The school leaders also urged IJ,f a survey and Dossible revision of .' conference rules "to be sure that they are in keeping with prin ciples appropriate to athletic com petition among institutions of high er learning." The action left the door open for possible revision of the stiff1 : penalties already imposed on I Washington and l.'CLA. j ' Tw Cases Pending ' Pending are accusations against th the I'niversity of Southcrp California and California. The presidents council voted to f recommend to their lacully repre 'sentatives that the process of de liberating on individual cases and assessing penalties be carried to a prompt conclusion. Also that as soon as it is concluded, and be fore Sept. 1, all cases and penal ties be reviewed at one time. This review would be to find out whether there has been "fully equitable treatment between and among cases." Washington put on two years probation and (TLA three because of illegal help to athletes by booster organization. riOIll are incneime lor ptiM-.i.i- .,irlier and ml m far as a Irvoul wilh the Chlrafo Cuh. take hat Mantle Slams 25th Homer 1 son games or to share in Rose; Bowl receipts during that period.; 'Equitable Treatment' UCLA football players also were' assessed the loss of a year's elu gibility unless it is proved they did not receive illegal help. This appeared to be a major difference in the penalties in volved and might cotne tinder the subject of "fully equitable treat ment." The charges against I'SC and California were made by J. Miller! IIFRKKLFY. Calif, -Sprinter Leavcy. a I'CI.A alumnus. He Dave Sime's chances of compel says information has been turned, ing for a place on the t'nited over to the conference that a I'SC Slates Olvmpic team remained a alumni group raised $71.2:15 which question mark Monday and the lhas been paid to GO Trojan alh- big fellow probably put it best letes over a two-year period when he said: "I've got my fin ite charged California wilh a cers crossed" Chicago White Sox Bounce Baltimore By ED WII.K.1 Associated Press Sports Writer Milwaukee's Braves, staging a turn-about under new manager red Haney, knocked the Pitts burgh Pirate nut nf fh Yntmnal i i League lead .12 Mondav night and - lining.- irviaiuivu fl the top spot with a 7-4 decision over rnuaaeipnia in 10 innings. j u was ine mira siraigni vinory I ior ine craves since itaney toon over irom lharley Grimm, who resigned Saturday night after Mil waukee lost 12 of the previous 17 games. And it was the first time the Bucs, who released Haney as manager after last season, had lost three in a row this year. No other NL games were sched uled, Maitle Hits loaf Homer In an American league day game. Mickey Mantle' became the. second man to belt a home run out of Detroit's Briggs Stadium, connecting for his 25th with two men on base to break a 4-all tie and give the first place New York Yankees a 7-4 edge over the Ti gers. Ted Williams is the only other player to sock one out of the Detroit park. The victory retained the Yanks' fame hulpe nvpr thp tiw-nruf nl.irp Chirapn Whit Snr uhn clipped Baltimore V2. Joe Adcock. returned to the Braves' lineup as the final man- CHICAGO Rocky Marriano, who onoe aspired U be a major Ira t tie atrial move by Grimm, socked a two-run (Inutile in the lirst inning NEW YORK uB - Ron Delany. Villanova's 3:59,1 miler, left for Rain Stops PCLTHl whose baseball trouble was be couldn't hit. takes a cut to point up June 29 game between Glenview Navy team and police (or wldowa and children of poliremea killed in line of duty. (AP Wircpbota.) ling practice Monday with Chicago police department team. Rocky, i and Milwaukee then picked up the cnnciicr on shortstop Uick Groat s throwing error in the third. In Sunday's doubleheader sweep at Brooklyn, Adcock powered three home runs. Spahi Wlni Fifth Warren Spahn won his fifth with an eight-hitter that included Jack Shcpard's two-run homer. Ron Kline, starting with only twa days' rest, lost his fifth. The Bucs now art a half game behind Cincinnati while the Braves are a halfj game behind third place Rrooklf'h and fourth place St. Uiuis txith a (Cont. page 10, rol. 1) Sime's Chance Question Mark "phony job racket'' in which alh letes. were paid for off-campus jobs entailing little or no work. I'niversity of California officials denied the charges hut later said they "had found violations of con ference rules in the cases of 20 Jae Ratal, above, Vetera a catcher aud Spokane manager has his Tribe in Uw (or a Northwest League acTiea with the Salem Senators. Last Igltl a game was rained out, but the foes hope la gel al II lonlghl lu no( acte(j jn lhosr rjwli but has a 1:30 a clock doubleheader. Kossl li temporarily sidelined wllR aa , a meeting scheduled July 7 8. aning sack, tie a aue m me lop aiuggers m ine circuit mis season. AMERICAN I ESC.l H W I, Pi t W I. Pet N Y'lk- .'IB2II .ti.VV rt.iltnir 2B 4:i Chiraa'o 2J .Mil Irroil !7 .4K Bostun 2D 28 327 K Cm 211.14 4IU Clrvlnd 28 27 Sllfl Wi(htn 24.18 .187 Monday r results: At Chlrairo 5, Baltimore 2; nt Kiinsas Citv 4. Wash Ingion 3. at Detroit 4, New York 7; only fanxi nhdu)J. NATIONAL I I AC. I K W L Prt. W I. Pet. Cinclnn .11 23 .M4 Milwk 2-7 22 .851 PiUbKh 30 2.1 WUChlc'fo 22 29 .411 Broklyn 2 23 .SSSN.Y'rk 21 J2 .396 St Lou 31 M SMPhllad 20.14 ,170 Monday's results: At Philadelphia . vinrinnau i; ai emmurin i. Mil wauket 3; only fames scheduled. j This. that, etc.: Tony Governor, the St. Louis Cardinals scout who stirred up the animals at Corvallis when he snatched prize freshman Curt Janlze a few days back, and then headed for his Palo Alto home in a hurry before Ralph Coleman secured a The record smasher from Duke, expected to he a sure point win ner for t'ncle Sam in the games at Melbourne, Australia, pulled the abductor muscle in his left groin Saturday while running a i curve in the NCAA 200-meter dash athletes who received a total of finals $1,100 in unauthorized payments still Chance lu 10a during 195S-56. xhat jnjliry which forc(,d him The conference, represented by!.n dron from the rarp cancelled the faculty representatives, 'has hi rh9n nf mn.f,m in ihi Olympic 200. but he still has a j chance in the 100. Although the Olvmpic Games don't come until November, final trials for the I'.S. team be held in Los Angeles. June 30 To qualify for the trials a col legiate runner must place in the ' MII.WAl'KEE The Detroit first six al the NCAA or the na- Tigers should know Tuesday tional AAl' meet at Bakersfield, whether they will lose their cap Cahf.. this week tain and shortstop, Harvey Kuenn. PORTLAND l - A field of .122 II 'li a i fin' t run at R n Lr ore f i nl A tfl ill' ArtTlV hilt ttlPV U'tll hni'u youngsters shot qualifying rounds but before his injury he was sec- wait about a week to find out i virtuatly disappeared last Friday Mondav as the Oregon junior golf 0nd in the NCAA 100 so qualified whether lefthander Billy Hoeft whn ,ne ' S ,w,'Pt ,n' lnr,'e championships got underway jn that event. There's optimism , will be inducted into the armed "P0"'"!? matches. In the junior division lor bovs that he'll he in shane apain hv forces. i Monday's rain-delayed conclu- Juniors Open Golf Tourney Kuenn to Get $ Results Today Wightman Cup Won By U.S. WIMBLEDON, England - A veteran team of American women tennis players won the Wightman Cup again Monday by the closest score of the post-war, series five matches to two. It was the 20th consecutive vic tory for the t'nited Slates in the women's international tennis com petition and at the conclusion a British tennis official ruefully pro posed the Americans should be "more decent and let us win once. Britain hasn't won the cup since 1930 and has gained only four vic tories in 28 international contests. Its cnances ot winning this year Izaak Walton Prexy Arrives William Pringle, Pierre, S. D national president of the Izaak Walton League of America will pay Salem a surprise visit tonight. A special meeting, open to both members and public, will be held 1 fl 1' " ', J U Si. (ST- ' f Mm I Vir ,, ' -K0. ' 16 and 17, four players were knot-, (he end of Hie month to run at led at one-under-par 71 for medal- los Angeles. HERMAN LEWIS 'Triple' threat also. special hunting license for base hall scouts, writes that he s sorry he made everyone al Oregon Stale so angry. ' But I feel that Curt ; has all the requirements to go up 'fast, and this may sooth those iho are now so hitter," he ex plains . . . Speaking of young pro spects. NY Giants scout Eddie Montague was in town over the weekend and was pressed for the usual on the young California Ne gro V hiz .lohhny Weekly, who w ill be joining the town Senators at Yakima next week after gradua tion from high school Some of the publicity on the kid describes him ' as "another potential Willie Mays", iwho is a Montague product "All 1 can say about the boy is that he's big enough fi feet. 170 pounds', is very fast and looks like he has what it takes otherwise," was Mon i (ague's answer To which 1'ncle Hugh I.uhy elaborated. "Gad. let's ,t the Salem Izaak Walton club- i nope so. ive nau enougn i "' ."'K- """"' " u" house at 8 o'clock Pringle will anything this year" . . . I.uhy tried to land the veteran lefty Glenn address the meeting and later when he was in town lal week with Roy llelser s Drain outfit, discuss chapter problems with as a capable veteran "slopper is needed on the mound staff. But local and state leaders. Glenn is a wise one. He's now working steadily at the carpenter trade The national president is on a j and augments his income hy pitching fur Drain. ' I'd he crazy lo give tour of Pacific Coast states, but ' that up for a job here, making less money and being faced with find was not scheduled to stop in ; ing another regular job at the end of the season," Eliott calculated. Saem And how right he is . . . Yak' Lrm After ISff'L "Triple" Crown While Ihe Yankees' Mickey Mantle goes after the coveted major league "triple" crown leading his league in batting aver age, home runs and runs baited In we have a gent in our North west League who Is making similar noises. He's Herman Lewis Ihe slender Yakima outfielder who at last look was hilling .419 and was out in front ol Ihe loop derby in home runs (111 and runs batted in I.i9l. And if Lewis has many more, yrir like (he last one here, during which he whacked two homers, drove in eight runs and had five hits nil in one came, he'll make il in a breeze (Cont. page 10, rol. 3) i isi minors iney are boo Miutn and Jerry Cundari, Portland. Ron Weber of Prineville and .Joe llall- 2 I mark of Rosehurg. This div ision LilCIVVU H llll I III UdllU VIUII . Illll. In Ihe hoys division, for youths 12 to 13, Steve Wright of Albany was medalist w ith an ev en par of 72 at Columbia-Edgewater Tommy Kabler. of Sutherlin, 10-yenr-old brother of Carole .lo kab ler, the nations junior women's hampion, led the boys under 12 vision with a nine-hole score of 48. Salem Golfers Paired Beavers Give Adams Release Kuenn, twice deferred because slon ''Dd,,d ln a "landnff. Ameri of a knee condition, recently was 01"1 t('am caP,aln Loulsr BrolKn ordered lo take a new physical nf BVvorlr Hllls' Callf - Kalm'd ,he examination. deciding point with a 3-6, ft-3. M ., . . . . ., ! victory over stubborn Angela Bux- """'." "'"'",u..7. 'r'Jiton. Then Miss Brough and Shirley pitcher from Oshkosh, Wis., took a new examination at the armed forces induction center Monday-. Fry nf Akron, Ohio, took an easy doubles victory over Miss Buxton and Angela Mortimer,' 6-2. 6-2. PORTLAND - The Portland Beavers of the Coast League Mon day released Charles "Red" Ad ams, right hand,ed pitcher who had been with the Beavers seven years. General manager Joe Zienler The girls played at Riverside saj(j Adams, who has been on the and 17-year-old Elaine Porritl of sidelines wilh an injured foot Eugene and June Robison. 13, of SIK.e Inc start of the season, was Tillamook, were tied at the top being released lo make room for with six over par H2s outfielder Frank Carswell, who The medal ties will he played has been purchased from Tulsa off later in the week of th(. Texas League. The tourney continues Tuesday Adams underwent a toe opera- with opening matches, boys and (ion ,n the opening week of plav. juniors at Columbia and girls and (, has b(,(,n ()n thc sj)(.inc: pee wee boys at Riverside The since finals are slated for Friday. , z.uler also announced that Jer- In Ihe championship bracket fur ry Exley. former Oregon State boys, Bingham Powell of Salem. College outfielder, who was signed who shot 79. will meet Doug two weeks ago. was being op- Raten. Oswego, who carded 7(i ,' Larry Evens. Salem. 89. will ! meet Dudlcv Nicnlls, Portland. 91. in a sixth flight match I In Ihe junior division, these mrtchrs are scheduled fur Tues i day: I Championship flight loe Hall mark. Rosehurg. 71, vs-Jim 1 tilt - zel, Salem. 73 6th Flight Marion Helton. Hoe-' ; burg. Bfi, vs. Steve Jackson. Sa j lem, 90. i Fading Bevos Play Sactos ' The slumping Portland Beav-, ers, who have tumbled to seventh j nlao in the Coast Leasue base- ball race after losing 11 straight games, open another PCL series, tonight in Portland with the Sac-; ramcnto Solons who themselves haven't been winning much! latelv. The Sacs were slated for an ex hibition game at Eugene last Dashing Pepper Gomes and his The opening event, a single fall- he had not lost a match in Oregon mt,ht Mexican partner Aivaro Velazco er and Ihe only one on the card, since returning from the Texas In other league series opening go against the Donovan Brothers, puts Texas Tommy Phelps, the area some weeks' ago. Tuesdav San Diego is at Seattle, Doug and Red. In a tag team bat- bear rassler of last week, against the Donovans, who hold the San Francisco at Los Angeles and tie at the Armory tonight, Ihe lea- Tony Borne, Ihe whiskered ( ana- Northwest tag title Irophy, would lure ot a twin mam-evenled pro- man who got nimseii inio quite a raiher do thincs as unit, however. lioncd to Eugene of Ihe Northwest ,cagiie. Tag Mix Feature of Double Mainer Li'flioii Junior Team To I'raclicr Tonipht Coach Rill Rev ens has ( ailed a practice fur the Capital Post No. 9 American Legion Junior Base hall team at p in tonight on Barrick Field The Legion Juniors will play al Mi'l City Wednesday night. 1 I Alt WORK ' LlL GUAKANTttD t We overhaul, rebuild, repair and lervice all makes of outboard motors. Expert mechanics, genuine manu facturers' replacement parts used exclusively. Esti mates cheerfully given . . . surprisingly low costs. Budget payments available. OPEN EVERY EVE. 'TIL 9 P.M. I l Rain Forces Halt To NWL Contests HollvmooH at Vancouver. J ... uini. ai wiii.n win get under way at 1:10 o'clock. la the other half of the dual mainer the twa The Tri-City-at-Yakima North- power boys, Her- west League baseball game was bie Freemaa and rained nut Monday night and a Henry (Golden doubleheader was scheduled Tues- Bay) Lena get day night to make up the postponed together In their remsteh. a ear- --- j , , The exniDttlon game miitrn rjtirr mm !'' eel whea Ihe l mentn nf the Pacific Coast t .nH rno.n H IKS NWJ . Ia full aelsou Daoi wis cancelled becausa of rain at I experta atmigltd U a ao-lall draw. , pulled him k was furious, for be a habit for tht Montana mcaaJt nassir on me same program as tni trfiltti lo iak( on (;nme! its referee. j a(raB unless In a team mix. Gomel Matchmaker Ellon Owens plans chose Velazro, for these two had; lo have either Harry Elliott or ; teamed together successfully la ' Jack (Tiger) Kiser on hand to refe- many outings in Texas and Oklaho-L ree tonight's fare. ma. The Donovans wouldn't put Gomel wanted a rematch wilh P their Irophy. Insisting that Go Doug Donovan tonight, after losing " d Velazco "get a reputation lo the mayhem-minded Montana as a team first." last week when the latter used the Bef Borne wasn't the only one ring ropes Illegally, and undetect- confronted by Ihe Irate customers ed by Borne, to gain leverage (or , last week. Doug Donovan had U tht winning fall. When th spec- scurry, under guard, la the dress-, tarular Gomel learned of the stunt ing room loo. Which Is getting l You haven't tasted life until youVe tried Rainier VANCOUVER. B. C. In- Vaav couver's scheduled Pacific Coast League game with San Diego her Monday was postponed because of vain II will Mil . hi, summer vacation in Ireland The garn. w lht only 6 K Monday night with the warning ,rA pr, . .i lhal ha miohl n.a n.t in In. VI, -n- I " pic Games. "Ireland might not have the money to send a team Ireland had only one athlete la he said. I the 1952 games in Helsinki. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 121$ TO 9 P. OTHER DAYS 9 30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS M. I :'?- " , . f ! ) " 1 - Ssi; ' 5 ' ' : ' ' m " u A 1 1 f ,,''-sxavaiau"ui " si hi 1 1 I I II " ' 1 ' , : v "'i i for true summer comfort . PALM BEACH luxury lined suits 42.50 ' V Rainier Ber For on men wlio. want the famous cool ness of I'alin Hcacli plus thc extra smart ness and comfort of a lined suit, our Palm Head) Luxury Lined is your answer. The patented Million Dollar Collar' assures perfect fit, flattering drape. Its exclusive filler Mend holds shape and resists wrin kling even on hottest days. Choose your new I'alin Heath from our wide selection ol new colors, patterns and lahric effects, All sies. Other Palm Heath suits, VYi.W Mini awl fiiciir (;nrrv MEN'S CLOTHING - STREET FLOOR 7i. viiiiini; ciirf In driits onlMilf our riXiilur trin k iWitrfi rdui J SICKS' SlMllE BRtnlNG I MALIIhG CO , SUIILt. AiH USA. iicni SPOMNf BRtni01'. VA'ANt, Vt3H U $ til''