$2.25 Per Week PERFECTION FORCED AIR THERMOSTAT CONTROL GAS SPACE HEATER Lifetime Burner Guarantee 20 Yr. Combustion Unit Guarantee Per Week Thermostat Control Gas-Fired Floor Furnaces 25,000 B.T.U. 35,000 B.T.U. 50,000 B.T.U. 2.25 Per Week Thermostat Control Gas Fired Wall Furnaces All Sizes All Types Nothing Down 2.25 Per Week On Approved Credit D. E. COOPER & Son 540 Hood St. Phone 3-3603 U.S. to Retain Long-Ran&o Policy Of Sustained Yield Timber Harvest (All we story on page 1) The beauty of Columbia River Gorge, one "of our greatest cenic assets," was reason enough for making the exception to the gen eral national policy of not ex panding federal land holding!, E. L. Petemon, assltant secretary of agriculture, said in Salem Mon day. Peterion referred to the re- Official GOP Delegate Tally Unchanged Official count of votes for the Oregon Primary election released here Monday by the state elec tions bureau produced no changes in ranks of Republican delegates to the National convention. Gov. Elmo Smith led the list of state-at-largc delegates with 919 votes. Other successful at large candidates were Earl T. Newhry, Salem. Rudie Wilhelm Jr . Portland, Jess Card, Port land, Howard C. Belton, Canby, Robert A Elliott, Medford. Wen dell Wyatt, Astoria. Gordon Or put. James F. Lnnergan and Lo well (". Paget, all of Portland. Representing the First Con gressional District will he Mark Hatfield and W. W. Chadwick, (both of Salem Delegates from 2nd District will be W. Lowell S t e e n, Milton-Freewater, end George Stadelman. The Dalles; 3rd District, Tommy Luke, Port land, and Francis I Smith. Os wego; 4th District. Ed G. Boehn ke, Eugene and Rodney Keating, Ashland. tently authorized exchange of timber for private land in Colum bia Gorge. He explained that the National Forest policies were his present "bailiwick" in the Secretary of Agriculture department. Recrea tion in National Forest) is of constantly growing interest, and facilities are "way behind de mands," he said. Long Range Program "But we are rapidly increasing our facilities. Shortly we expect to preset.t a longer-range program to modernise National Forest fa cilities," he went on. While harvest of timber in Na tional Forests has doubled under sustained yield management. Pet erson said he would never con sent to letting harvest get beyond sustained y ield. "1 have a two point program in mind, however, in reference to our National Forests." Peterson said. "To me, highest priority goes to maximum sustained yield cut of timber and to adecruate recreation facilities." He explain ed that 23 ner cent of the returns from the timber harvest goes to counties in which the National Forests jtre located; 10 per cent goes to roads and trails fund, and the M per cent to miscellaneous treasury .fnnds. Prefress Made He added that "more progress has been made in getting Na tional Torests under sound man agement during the past three years than in the previous 20 years " Peterson said he would return to Oregon for a week early in August. His family accompanied him west on the present trip and will remain until his return. After his Tuesday talk in Bend, I he will speak it couple of meet ings in Portland before going en I to address the American Seed Trade Association convention and a national Farm Bureau eomodity 'committee meeting in Chicago, ! before returning to his Wash ington, D. C. office m June 21 jWoodburn I Man Faces :Two Charges I A Woodburn laborer who finished : a 30-day sentence in Marion County ' jail Saturday now faces two addi tional charged, according to the I Marion County sheriff's office. ! Jose Bcrna.1 was arrested May 17 I on a charge of driving while intoxi ' rated. He Was sentenced to M days in the county jail. ' The sheriff's office uud Berna! is wanted by authorities in Cald 'well, Idaho, for parole violation. I The U.S. Immigration authorities : has also requested that a hold be placed on Bernal, the office said. .Electric Utility Tax Report Due The electric utility subcommittee of the legislative interim tax study committee, at a meeting in Salem Thursday night will review its recommendations for changes in the methods of taxing different kinds of electric utilities, it was announced Monday. The entire tax study committee will meet Friday and Saturday. Cl.l C-1 r T T 1A 'ri. In mm. ids an? no messy soar!") Mm. I r7c i IIS, s v"i , If 1 4 I, iii iii V-"'Mii'''-ir iT"" TPSHII 5 iSSli p l'm not going to keep my house that dean," you're probably saying. For the white handkerchief test isn't fair to any busy homemtker. But, neither is black, greasy soot on your walls and draperies. It causes extra work keeping the home clean, and shortens the life of fabrics when continually washed. With a natural gas circulating heater you have cn heat ... and convenient, too. There's no fuel to handle or to spill on the floor and rugs. And natural gas is low-cost, thrifty heat. With the new, low natural gas rates you can keep your home warm and comforuble for much less cost. Sff THE NEW, MODERN DESIGN NATURAL GAS CIRCULATING HEATERS AT YOUR APPLIANCE DEALER TODAY, PORTt AND fiAS t COKE COMKANY. . J VtOHUCKANOCG, fv the miracle fuel is on the way . . . Natural msm MAKE YOUR APPLICATION NOW! Apply at Portland Gat and Coke Company in Salem, located at 109 S. Commer cial, or Sears will help you with your application. Visit our appliance or plumb ing departments, ask any salesperson. Sears Is Ready! Complete Line of A.G.A.-Approved Gas-Fired Equipment and Appliances-FREE Surveys and Estimates! vr ,u No Now! Make First Payment Oct. 1st More Mess When You Heil wilh (lean, (onvenienl Gas HOMART GAS CONVERSION BURNER Nothing Down! USI SEARS HOME MODERNIZATION CREDIT PLAN I YEARS TO PAY "11 i i I ': JCplI Bp:- Far fwMcti htihinj tlx tvtrigi 4 li 7 twin haui ..14. t - ? ' - it t 1 Amatken Gat Association Approve1 Nono sofor! Safety Pilot cwri off fl supply in coiO pilot light if extinguished! SEARS WILL ARRANGE LOW.COST, EXPERT INSTALLATION Is Your Present Heating Plant Satisfactory? Replace Your Wornoul Furnace Now Wilh This . . . H0MART GAS FURNACE COMPLETE WITH PLENUM CHAMBER Nothing Down! . Aatoautk Gat ' WALL HEATER : 129.95 . Hcata up to 4 roomi. Com- , kuslion chambor uariita4 for 10 ytari. Automatic '-. aftty pilot. A.QX p provto. Ch A.G.A. Approved USE SEARS HOME MODERNIZATION CREDIT PLAN 3 YEARS TO PAY Now it's possible for you to enjoy the only completely automatic type of heat ing. No more running up and down stairs to check your furnace no more dirt and snot, no more massive furnaces or bins to clutter up your basement. For cleanlineas, for comfort, for absolute convenience you just can't beat gu heat ing. So drop in, see Sears complete selection before you buyl PLENTY OF HEAT FOR THE AVERAGE 5-ROOM HOUSE! " T!Man0mm ' For Gas Appliances as Always, It's "Shop Scars and Save11 For Closet r Utility Installation : 279.95 Heati the average Ooom-u home. Heat exchanger fuar , . antesd 10 years. Equipped with a Honeywell silent gal valve. A.G.A. approved. Copper and Chroma 30-INCH DELUXE KENMORE Smokeless Broiler 95 1.00 Down lndoor Sunshine for Better Drying! DELUXE KENMORE DRYER Thirty, beauty packed inches of modern cooking conven ience! Clock and Kentimer. 25-in. oven has interior light. AGA Approved 0 a) a) S.N 3 temperature selection automatic ignition, handy loads-door holds clothes. AGA Approved M-fial. Automatic Gat . WATER HEATER 87.95 Glass lined tank. 10-yesj guarantee. Heals water 1 times faster than your pres ent heater. The Facts About Natural Gas Q. WHEN WILL NATURAL GAS ARRIYE! A Natural gas is scheduled to be available l consumers of Portland Gas A Coke (nmpsnv In August. Q. WHY IS NATURAL GAS SO POPULAR! ANstural gas is the cleanest, safest, most economical, most convenient furl for home heating. Q. WILL THERE BE PLENTY OF NATURAL GAS! A Yes. Rv linking bv pipeline of natural gas supplies from the vast Can- adian fields with those in New Meilco, insures a dual supply for the Northwest. Q. WILL NATURAL GAS BE CHEAPER! I Yes. Substantial rate reductions will be made upon arrival of natural (ts. 0. WHO WILL DISTRIBUTE NATURAL GAS IN THIS AREA! A Portland Gas & Coke Company. Gasce's 2,500 miles of existing gas dis- tribulion mains will bring natural gas to all present easterners. 0. WILL PRESENT GAS APPLIANCES OPERATE WITH NATURAL GAS! A Yes. Yeur present appliances will be adjusted to use natural gas ky a crew of skilled and experienced experts. This adjustment will be made free of charge. WHY DO I HEAR SO MANY GOOD THINGS ABOUT NATURAL GAS FOR HOME HEATING! Because: Because: Because: Because: Because: Because: Because: Natural gas is the finest heat yen ran bay at any price. Natural gas brings you the most convenient at lowest possible cost Natural gas Is the clesnest and safest heat .f itL You have n delivery problem. You can always count on gas heat Gas heating equipment costs less t buy, lasts yean longer. All modern gas furnaces come with a built-in safety guard which automatically shuts tff the gat should the pllht light ever g out. Gas heating equipment It timplt and treuble-free bat almost moving parts to weir tot and canst expensive repair bills. Phone 3-9191 550 North Capitol