The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 19, 1956, Page 6, Image 6

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    O o Statesman's HOME
r a nor a ma
Women . . . Music . . . Fashions . . . Features
6-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., June 19, '56
TRAVEL TALK . . . Hying to
Texas, Askinsai and Oklahoma
today will be Mrs. James L.
PayM and children, Nancy and
Larry ... they plan to be awav
a fortnizht and in Dallai will visit
her brother and sistrr-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs, James K. Jones : . . In
' Fort Smith, Arkansas the visitor
will be Kuests of Mr. Payne's
mother. Mrs. John H. Pavne Sr..
and in Oklahoma City will visit
his brother and sister-in-law, the
Duncan Paynes ...
Laaviaf ... by laa May
far New Yark win be Mrs. J. P.
Basait, who h ) East to at
tea Iho weddiaf af ber sea, Her
at 0. BeWii, aid Miss Eaarala
Cerllll, wbkb win be aa eveat at
Jim 8 at St. Matthew's CaarcB
h East Svracase ...
Headlaf aaath .' . . Maaaay was
Miss Naaey Owras. aaa(hler f
lb Elmer Warths, wh will vWI
la Harllaaea, Texas wltk ber
brttker-la-law aad sifter, Lt. and
Mrs. William C, Jahasaa (Laals
Oweasl ... lb traveler plaas U,
ba away several weeks aad ra
rwria win slap la aa Wega la
visit wKb relatives. . .
Aa revalrs . . . were said this
weekend to Mrs. Homer G. Lyon
Jr., who left for Washington,
D.C. to Join her husband, who
left in May to accept a new
tloa with the U,
8. Department of
Enroute Mrs.!
Lyon will visit in Alhambra,
Calif. With her mother, Mrs. Al
bert Perfect ... the latter will
accompany her daughter to
Washington by car . , The Lyon
horn has been leased by the Pal
mer Bathers ....
Retaralag ...this weekead
frtm trip aula wer Mr. aad
Mrs. F. D. McCarmaek aad aaa,
Mlebart . . they ware m Oak
Uad, Calif. ta attead the gradna
tin at tbetr daagkter. Catbrriae
McCarmaek, tram Mills Cellece
... taer I bey wer Jtlaed by
aaother sea, James McCarmaek
f Rlrklaad, Wassw aad their
Mhla-law aad daagkter, Mr. aad
Mrs. A. W. Wllkle, wfca reside la
MIU Valley, Calif. ... Mrs. Me
Carauek ad Mlekael sawat
week at th WUkl - bme he lore
retaralag asrta . . . Miss MeCar
maek la raasatalag la th bay
area far a vtaat wttb caDega
frieads. b( ataa U
of lao aamatar ka lalasa
A atioa trip ... (or Mr.
and Mrs. Claud A. Miller and
daughters, Diana and Pamela,
. who returned this weekend from
Southern California . , . they left
in early June for Reno and the
Ojai Valley Inn, when Mr. Miller
. attended the annual conference
of the Moore Business Forms . . .
Mrs. Miner and ine fins went
oi to Loa Angeles and Disney-
Mrs. Miller and the girls went
travelers stopped In Carmel, San
Francisco and Oakland, where
they visited their families , . .
Arriving . . . In the capital to
night by plane will be Mrs. Owen
Leahy of Santa Fa, New Mexico,
who Is coming north to spend
the summer with her sister, Mrs.
Leahy hat often visited here and
tanght la Salem one year . . .
Make these dainties tor your
home all In lace crochet! Vase
to hold gay summer ilossoms;
cup and saucer as pretty decora
tions! pattern 881: Crochet directions
for life-size cup and saucer, vase
for life-siie cup and saucer, vase
0 inches tall. Use No. 30 mer
cerized cotton; starch stiffly.
LOOK tot smart gift ideas in
our Laura Wheeler Needlecraft
Catalog. Crochet, knitting, em
broidery, lovely things to wear.
Delia, Iron-oni, quilU, aprons,
ixtvelties easy, fun to make!
Scjid 23 cent for your copy of
this book NOW! You will want
to! order every "ie idea in t
eoina (or Uii pattera add a Mil's
for mh aattera lor Ut-cl mall
tn and to Tht Orfn itatMmin,
1Z3 Nndiecrart Dept.. P. O. B
Old Chl Station. N'W.Vork 11.
h V. Print Blulnlv PATTMN NUSS
p.r. your HAM, ADDRkll and
Town . . .
also a. the airport t meet her
will be ber aiere and hasband.
Mr., and Mrs. James Bernbard of
Eagene . . .
Visitors . . . in Salem are
Mr. and Mrs. Heath Lowery and
sons, Heath and Steven, of Rose
ville, Calif., who formerly resid
ed here , . ! they, are spending
the week at the home of: her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Guteknst . . . Steven will remain
in Salem for the summer at the
home of his grandparents . .
A nre-aantial aartv . . . will
fete Miss Marlyn Lareni. August
bride lect nf Ronald Laew of
Fertland, when Mrs. Harold T.
Irvia and Mrs. Ravmond Busies
entertain an Saturday afternoon
at the former's heme North
Hit Street . . . FaHv of the
bride-elect's frieads have been
Invited to the 2 o'clock dessert
and miscellaneous shower . . .
Tea time ... on Wednesdav
when Mrs. .!ac S Bush enter
tains at her Sirjnaw Street home
for the p'e'sure of Mrs. J. Hnrv
Helser of Portlind. who will he
in Salem for the dav with her
husband ... The hostess has in
vited friends to call between 2
and 4 o'clock to meet Mrs. Helser
. . . Presiding at the tea urns
will be Mrs. William Bush, Mrs.
Floyd Waltz. Mrs. Frank Test
and Mrs. Wende'l Jensen ... As-
sisting will be Mrs. Ludwig Mi
kelson and Mrs. Hillard Ftiel
. . . In the evening Mr. and Mrs
Helser will be honored at a no
host dinnc at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wendell Jensen, with
members of the stafLof the J
Henrv Helser and Co. and their
families invited to attend . . .
Dinner hosts ...Saturday
night, were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Underwood, who entertained at i
their Talln Place borne . . . Dur- Ellis H. Jones, Mrs. R. I. McKes
Ing the evening Mr. Underwood ' son and Mrs. E. E. Boring, and
showed the groan his New York Mrs. Lucetta McCoskrie of Cor
ietures . . . Onests were Mr. and , vallis and Mrs. C. L. Newsom
Mrs. oha MauMing. M. and j In the weekly tournament Fri
Mrs. Robert Streblg and Mr. and i day evening at the F.Iks club,
Mrs, Donald Sommer . . . points went to Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
Clnb best . . . Satnrday alght . thur L. Lewis. Mrs. A I Enff
wer Mr and Mrs. Leland Shlnn. and Mrs. C. Todd, and Mrs. W.
wha invited members of their '
dinner bridge club to their
Caadalaria home . . . Additiona
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wsvne
Hadley and Mrs. June Skopll of
Ceo Bay . . .
Celebrating . . . her 11th birth
day Monday afternoon was Cathy
Stone, daughter of the James C.
Stonea . . . Twenty-one of her
classmates were invited to a hard
times party and the guests came
attired in costume . . . there was
prfre for the best tramp and
the play room was decorated with
rags for the occasion . . .
Unite Couple.
On Sunday
The marraige of Mrs. Father
Staggs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Gust of Salem, to Clarence
D. Alexander, son of, Mrs. George
I. Alexander of Rochester, Minn.,
who came west for the nuptials,
took place Sundav afternoon at
the First Baptist Church.
Th Rev HeraM Frntrmn tur.
formed the 2:30 o'clock ceremony
before members of the immediate
family and a few friends of the I
couple. Mrs. Curtis Hale was the
pinist and Mariln Schaad sane, day night meeting with Mr Park
"Think of God", which was writ- hurst serving as the courtesy can-
cii uy inr ui iui'ki iHm it rtiusin.
For her wedding the bride
wore an aqua crown enhanced
with a rose garland desirn and a
white hat. Her flowers were
dusty pink roses
Mrs. Marlin Schaad, the honor
attendant, wore a rose-pink gown J on June 22 for luncheon. The wor
and a corsage of roses. Donald thy matron announced a School of
P. Evans served as best man. , instruction to be held with Ains-
A reception was held at the ; worth chapter on September 5
John Gust home in the Keizer iwhen the associate grand matron,
district. Assisting were Mrs. Earl j Mrs. Laurose llobbcrd, will make
Ridpath and Mrs. R. E. Cleveland, her oflicial visit.
After a wedding trip the A buffet supper was served fol
newlyweds will he at home in lowing the meeting with Mr and
Salem at 510 N. 17th St. Mrs. Harry Charlton as chairmen
'Assisting were Mr. and Mrs Frank
The Salem XVI. Club will meet Nettleton and Mrs Clarence Field.
at the Flower Hnx tonight Inr a
demonstration of flower arrange
ments at 7:IW p.m. The group will
later go to the home of Mrs. Norval
Nunn, 1740 S. High St., for the
business session.
Lyons Mrs. Truman Tibblts j
honored her daughter. Cathy, on '
her first birthday anniversary by
j entertaining a group of young
sters on Saturday, '
To Reside in
:- .-
V if
Making their home in Longview,
marriage are Mr. and Mrs. lloyd W. Cooper. The bride, the
former Janet louise Bolt, is the daughter af Mr. and Mrs.
Ben T. Bolt end Mr. Cooper is the son of James S. Cooper of
Hood River. The wedding look place at the First Christian
Church. (Jeslen-Miller Studio).
Portland, Salem
Bridge Players
Win Tourney
Teams from the Portland and
Salem areas were in the majority
at the'-June master point of the
American Contract Bridge
League here Sunday, but players
from farther up the valley won
on both sides of the duplicate
boards. Mr. and Mrs. John Push
of Shedd were east-west winners,
while Mrs. Jose Moriti and Mrs.
Percy Miner of Corvallis were
high north-south in an eight
table session at the Elks club
Poinls alo" ware--awarded. Mr
and Mrs. Harold Peterson of
Portland, Mrs. Becky Gigandet
and Harrison noimes oi rori-
land. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Frazier
of Bend, Mrs. Catharine Lutz and
!M. Cline and Ellis H.
M. Cline and Ellis H. Jones
Win in Series
Winners in the nine-week series
lust conctuded by the Elks Dupli
cate Bridge club and who will
compete in the Willamette Valley
Sectional meet opening next Fri
day afternoon at the Elks club
rooms include M. A. Beyer of Mt.
Angel, Mrs. P. F. Burris, Mrs.
Elsie Day, Mr. Dewey Howell,
Mrs. Ward Graham, Carl Ruder,
Mrs. A. W. Binegar, Mrs. Stanley
Neuens and Mrs. W. A. Barsch,
all seniors; and the following jun
iors. Wallace Wilson, Mrs. Rich
ard Chambers, Mrs. A. 0. Muel
ler, Mrs. A. L. Elvin and Mrs.
M. A. Beyer of Mt. Angel.
More than 300 entries are ex
pected (or the three-day sectional
event, which includes champion
ships for open pairs, masters
teams and teams-of-four in ad
dition to six single sessions for
seniors and juniors. Several life
masters from the Northwest and
California, including Don Oakie
of San Francisco, member of, the
1954 international champions,
are expected to compete for
trophies and other honors.
Initiation Held by
iTr!n!f fKnrtor
! 1 ,mTy V-nopier
Trinity Chapter. OF.S initiated
Mrs. Virgil Parkhurst at the Fri-
Kingwnod Lodge extended an in-
vitalion to the chapter to attend a
no-host supper on June 25 at the
West Salem Hall,
The social club will meet at the
home of Mrs. Raymond Hoffman
Goin' Rshing?,
Hock into this for a
quick, delicious meal
' -
t -3. j
' It 1 I
Wash., following their1 June 9
j Edward Sox
To Wed in
Of interest to friends in Salem
and throughout the valley is an
nouncement of the forthcoming
marriage of Mrs. Marion Bronson
Forbes of Honolulu. T H. to F.d
ward Kllis Sox of Albany, formerly
of Salem.
The ceremony will take place on I hp Thpv ilM.Iuri.: suardirn.
June 30 at high noon at the Church ,(arrv , ucav aS0CiatP cu?rd
of the Holy Nativity in Honolulu. '. ,,, , ...... ,-Pretnrv Mrs
Mr. Sox and his sons. Edward
E, Sox Jr., who has been attend-
ing' Stanford, and Carl Edward
Sox, are leaving for the Islands
bv Diane on June 24. Mr. Sox. an
.-.. ... ,. .
mm onu iii jiMiiigi -.-.v .-..hi at
tend school in the Islands next fail.
Mrs. Forbes, a well known in
terior decorator in Honolulu, at
tended the Masters School, Dohbs
Ferry. N Y . and Smith College.
Her daughter, Charlotte Merntt
Forbes, a junior at Masters, re
turned to the Islands last week to
be present lor the wedding.
Mrs. Forbes came over from the
Islands in April and visited in Sa
lem and Albany, where she was
leted at a number of parties.
The last queen of the island of
Cyprus' ceded it to Venice in 1489.
Though our budget's small
we've found a way
to carpet our home with ease.
A few pennies a day
is all that we pay for
All Wool
New Job's Daughters Bethel Bonnie Jean Kurth
InstitutedInstallation rtek,B"k
A new Job's Daughters Bethel ; stalled as honored queen of Beth
was formally instituted and of-,Jel I'D and other officers installed
ficers installed at ceremonies i included: senior princess, Shirley
Sunday at the Masonic Temple. ! Beutler; junior princess. Sharon
Miss Barbara Morris, daughter of Forrest: guide, Edith Brown;
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morris, was marshal, Peggy Lucas: chaplain,
installed as honored queen of the Marlene Mathers; musician, Pat
new Bethel UD. The Bethel was Stevenson; treasurer, N a n c i e
instituted and new members obit-, Sears; recorder. Sue Morris; li
uted hv officers of Bethel 43 un- brarian, Nancy Tribble; messen-
der the guidance of the Grand
Guardian Mrs. Conrad Schilds of
Portland and associate Grand
Guardian Frank Mays.
Installing officers for the in
stitution ceremony included: Hon
ored queen. Miss Patti Claggett;
senior princess. Miss Ann Berb
er: junior princess. Miss Pat
White; guide. Miss Linda F.mmcr
ton; marshal!. Miss Carol Boehm;
Misses Karen Van Keulen, Shir
ley Thede, Laura Dilley, Sue
Zwicker, Sue Sickler. messengers:
Miss Marcia Chase, chaplain; Miss
Karen Linn, musician: Miss Lin
Bern', librarian; Miss Joan
iKleinke, recorder; Miss Sharon
Elbert; treasurer; Miss Maude
Smith and Miss Nanvy Van
llouten. custodians: Miss J u d i e
Penera and Miss Joy Peterson,
j guards.
New Bethel Members
Officers and members obligat
ed in the new bethel are Misses
Barbara Morris, Sue Morris,
Peggy Lucas. Edith Brown,
Shirlev Beutler, Sharon Forrest,
Shannon Pver. Nancy Trihhle,
Sharon Pavis. Sarah Busirk. Bar
bara Glorlt. A10 Stevens. Mar
ilvn Pinsnn. Marlene Mathers.
Thclma Hummel. Clarice N'e'son.
Snspn Mnrnsnn Ebine Stand i.
Nancie Seara, Linda Trommlit.
Laura Avers Daphne Ohbr.
I.lovdene Hnllen. N'ancv Grav.
Frances Rtewrrt. Mina Rae Mr
Daniel. Nancv Mae McDaniel.
Caroline Beaver, and Karen
Grand Guardian Mrs Conrad
Schilds. assisted hv associate
grand guardian officers installed
. u . An.,nA,i mnmhnrc fnr the new
p,.. Vnccr treasurer. Mrs. Ken- 1
prth MofTK: musician Mrs. Har
'old Mrlianiels: sociability" ' Mrs
'farohn Wilson- paraphernalia
Mrs C Nelson: finance nr Ken
neth Morris: hospitaldv, Mrs Hall
Standish; enochs. Mrs I. e n n
Brown: merit keeper, Mrs Wil
liam Morrison: fraternal roblions,
Leon Brown., and publicity, Mrs
R Patten
New officers of Bethel CD
were installed at an evening cere
mnnv lv Miss Dinn,i Mci'l'ine
Portland, oueen Miss Jane Bell
Pend. guide: Miss M ir-arf
Wright, Beaverton. marshal!.
Miss Lamona Collins, chaplain,
Miss Pat Whelan, musician Miss
Rommelle Wilson, recorder; Miss
Patti Claggett and Miss Trisha
Perrin, custodians.
Miss Morris is New Queen
Miss Barbara Morris was in-
Park FREE On Our
Lot While Shopping
Our Storal
So. Yd.
gers, Barbara Glodt, Anne Stev
ens, Shannon Dyer. Sarah Busick,
Thelma Kline: cusodians, Susan
Morrison. Sandra Hummel,
guards. Marilyn Pinson, Elaine
Stanriish. lady of lights, Claric
Nelson: pases. Loydene Hnllen,
Nancy Grav; choir members.
Misses Linda Trommlitr. Laura
Avers. Daohnc Gehlar. Frances
Stewart. Mina Rae McDaniel,
Nancy Mae McDaniel, and Caro
line Beaver.
During the ceremony Miss
Nancy Weeks and Miss Sally
Tontz sang, accompanied by Miss
Pat Whrlan. A reception followed-
the installation and pouring were
Mrs. Conrad Schilds and Mrs. '
Paul Gilmer, royal matron of !
by Ilrrnltanl Altjium
The s-veaters that know no season .
boundary. Eleqantly fum'shinn the
warmth you need on a cool
or aboard an ocean
you II mcl 'rie
your vaca'
in case ii turns ch
co'lar Na'i
s;;cs 36 to
Card'gan with rh cc''ar'
hclio. azjre or charcoa'.
3. Wool doeskin flannel kt in co'ors to
natch all Bernnard Altman sweaters Avocado,
It. blue, blonde, he'io, poppy red, gold, lake
blue azure, cognac. Sizes 8 to 18 $15.98
Mnil nnrl
fife fv Kf 4
n? - :. . ' i
i Kurth. age 15. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Kurth, received the
highest rank attainable in Camp
Fire when she was awarded her
: torch rank in social leadership.
This is a national award and
j was presented by Mrs. John
j Lewis, director of the Willamette
I area council.
; In twenty-five years of Camp
Fire in Salem Heights area, this
is the first national award to be
presented in this area She h;s
been in the organization for eight
years, starting as a Blue Bird in
the second grade She has served
as a junior assistant leader for'
'two years in preparation for her
rank ,
Women's Catholic Order of For
esters will meet for a covered dish
dinner Wednesday night at fi 30
p.m. at the home of Mrs Joseph.
Dnmogalla. 20fln Harel Ave A busi-
session will lollow the dinner.
Hanna Rosa Court, which is
soring the hew Bethel
FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P.
Oregon evening
The - one "?weatef
- on
;es 36.40.
4 flffl
bit of rl :, J
r- g'v ' 'P " r i e- taT 1 M
Farewell Party
Honors Miss
A surprise farewell parly held
at the Gervais home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert E. Lewis honored
Miss Dorothy Caspar of Salem.
The co-hostesses were Mrs. Lewis,
and Mrs. David B. Ward.
Miss Caspar has been on the
Gervais I'nion High faculty the
past several years as the hmne
making teacher. She resigned this
spring after accepting the home
making position in Ketchikan.
The evening was spent infor
mally and an Alaskan theme was
featured in the decorations A
farewell gilt was presented to
the honor guest' Attending were
Miss Caspar. Mesdames Ui ham
Kwaliko. Lena lleiniy. Orward
lloye. , Merle l.ucas, John . Mc
fail. Alton May. Paul I.. Kcihng.
Al liingo. Wihani I'ppcndahl, and-
the hostesses.
M. - OTHER DAYS 9:30
( 4 Si. A-.
v. .
' I IU I
pert comfort
Y-' ' day Ir-ng drns 'or comely, comfy liome
vrMr, fir iiiopfjiiiq, 'oi Hardening, for picnick
ii' 1 MM e.P',' rVe and any place you
v.e ' o !:; bandso" " , yet cemfortably dress
pd. Pc'-'e claid g.nrjhani with the famous
"Avt.;-Iec" feature, of action back, vented
slot- ves, deep-cut armi'oles. Red, green or
brown m sizes 12 to 20, 38 to 42 and 12'i
to 22' j.
Mail anil jthonr orders
;)i.v .si;i)nrr rnxt In arms ouUidr our
regular tniek delivery roulef
iiWsaaaaasWBiiaafc,T;" . -WnWaVJmiBWar aaaaaaaaaaWaaal
Wind Instrument
Recital Tonight
E. Donald Jessop will present
a group of his students in recital
at the Jessop Studios tonight at
8 pm.
Students and musical number
featured in the wind instrument
recital are- Edith Gayle Brown,
Mary-Martha Mc.Valiie. Darlene
(irerninger, Norman Ha"'"--
"arley l.aMont, Jim
l L ,i II,
I i.oonaro. .Mxon, lerry
Michael Steiger. Darrel Nordvke,
Itickic Bell. Charles McGee,
Douglas Morgan, Larry Morgan,
John Pickering. Douglas and
Larry Morgan .a durt
The regular meeting of ( entralia
Temple. Pythian Sisters wil! h
held Wednesday night at the Bea
ver Hall at 8 p.m.
(Unit (.alcmlar
; ,. , , KI,N''- "v HhII s n m
'mitT. C.ithiilir Ofrttr nf Tor.
uitl Mr, Jospph Dn.nngallt
M.'t!' A-.p. :M pm , ctHrrpd
Vhhnr of W oiirjiraft. Wonmn'g
. S ni .
j ( .
A. M. TO 5:30 P. M.
I Mil 4t"rr