i f 5 8-(Sk. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Won, Jane 18, 56 Valley News Statesman Ntwt Sorvko WiUaminaM Installs New Hot Press W1LLAMINA A new I75.8M hot crest is beinj unloaded" at Ihe U. S. Plywood Mills. WillanHna. with in- UlUtioa to be completed about Aufust I.' -The m preu will make tbe VilUmiaa plant one of the few ' mills in the plywood industry to be completely a not press operation. The press replaces a cold press. ' The new press arrived from Mo- fine, HI aboard three flat cars. One oli flit units weighs W.ooe pounds. - Valley Youths Named to 4-H Camp Posts CORVALLIS - Tour 4-H club members from Salem and one from Brooks have beea elected to officer posts in their living or ganizations at 4-H Club Summer School at Oregon State College. Salem members elected includ ed Carol Hudson, president of ber bouse; Dan-el SUfek, vice presi dent: Donna Ebert, social chair man; '" and Kathleen Goodrick, song leader. Lorna Zielinskl of Brooks was named social chair man of ner bouse. The nearly MOO boys and girls attending the 41st annual event livi in. 43 different units, includ ing fraternity and sorority bouses and college dormitories. Each liv ing group has its own set of of ficers and carries out its own special projects under supervision of advisers. The 10-day school, one of the largest 4-H activities in tin na tion, will end Juno 21. - Pratum Sets School Voting UUaaua Newt Service PRATUM Albert Scharer and v Cl irenct Hippo have been nonv inated as candidates (or the five - you term on the Pratum School Board. - Tho school district budget and on-high schoor budget will also be voted upon Monday from 2 to I p.m. at the school house. Unusual Mishap Injures Woman at Sublimity tutaiaua Newa Service SUBLIMITY -Mrs. Don Blades Is recovering satisfactorily at San tiam Memorial Hospital from her recent unusual accident in which she was run over while her hus band was backing his truck from the. driveway of their farm home. In aomt wsy Mrs. Blades, who had been standing on the running board talking to her husband, pre sumably turned her ankle, throw ing her under the back wheel of the heavy truck. She suffered three fractures of tho pelvis bones and severe bruis es and will be confined to bed for some time. High Demand for Social Study at OCE MONMOUTH Dr. Floyd B. Albin, director of the summer session at the Oregon College of Education, announced that the work shoo In social studies. scheduled June 23 through July 8, is tilled to capacity. A second social studies work shop will be organized under the direction of Miss Henrietta B. Wolfer. beginning July 9 and closing July 20. Stateamaa Newt Servlre Sublimity -Mrs. Henry Stein ksmp, who has been in poor health recently, was taken to the State Tubercolosis Hospital last week. Sublimity Herman Hauler received word of the death of his oldest brother, Lawrence, who passed away recenUyat his home in St. Louis, Mo., after suffering a heart attack. The deceased was a visitor here several years ago. Hubbard The Hubbard grade school district will elect two dir ectors Monday, June 18, 2 to 8 p.m. at the grade school during tht annual election. They will also vote on the budget for tbe coming year. Valley Briefs Four Salem Students Win Press Awards EUGENE Four IK graduates of North Salem High School art among 117 graduating seniors of the state to win awards from the Oregon Scholastic Press for work on school publications. William Meier and Samuel Ramp of North Salem received Eric Alien awards and Robert Yunker and Judie Hume of North Salem were honored with George Turnbull awards. Winners were 'picked by the Oregon Scholastic Press with co operation of the high school pub lications advisors. The Eric Al lea award is given for newspaper service and the George Turnbull award for work on yearbooks. See the Portland Beavers Play at Multnomah Stadium ED NICHELSON BILL WERLE SAM CALDERONE JIM DAXES DICK YOUNG JACK LATTRELL TOM SAFFELL RENE VALDES TOMMY HOLMES BOB BORKOWSKI 1 n. Si-g Salem Students Given Lin field Forensic Awards llilcn Mwt Mnkf McMtNNVILLE - Four Salem students at LinfieM College were among nearly 100 students receiv ing awards for their work in for ensics, music, drama and student government during the 1963-36 college year. The awards were given for the students' service in the a cappella choir, in speech activities and in dramatic presentations of the col lege. Awards were also presented to student body officers and mem bers of executive council. Salem students honored were Mrs. Shirley Page Jaeger, certifi cate for lour years of forensic competition: Fred Minifie, second year award in forensics: Shirley Blush, first year award in foren sics, and Roberta Amundson, first year award in drama. RfllS 11 11 G' rtr closes midnight U l lwjs JUNE 25th 11 t.' ''ow''fksjrl ''??r mtff.'w :.wiiewp'. . Guaranlrrd by Packard Bell and by Meier 4 Frank's. Buy your television with complete conlidence in the set in stallation and service at Meier & Frank's the store ot integrity. We offer expert installation out Oregon and Washington. (hi Ht Blood Donations Slated at Lyons IttUwn Neva Scrvk LYON'S The Marion County Red Cross blocdmobile unit will make its first visit to Lyons on Thursday, June 21. and will be located at tbe Man-Linn school house between the hours of 2 and I. Whole blood is urgently needed and the blood bank is asking for a minimum of 4S pints, and- any one living here will be entitled to receive it anywhere. During a four hour period before a dona tion a doner should avoid eating of heavy fatty food. HIT, Rl'N COPTER SAIGON, South Viet Nam -Mrs. Tran Thi. So was peddling home from market on her bicycle when a helicopter swept down just outside Saigon. It knocked her from her bicycle and broke her arm. Then it took .off and has not been seen since. All sets sold in our delivery area are deliver ed, installed, connected to your antenna, servi ced, anrl operating instructions are given by a television technician, at no extra charge Fur ther proof IT PAYS TO BUY AT MEIER It FRANK'S. and service on television sets TELEVISION HEADQUARTERS - SECOND FLOOR r-v a.Tr a7fo7 Timber Removed at Hayesville lulnau Nrwi snrtra HAYESVILLE Mrs. Charles McAllister, 5403 Portland, Rd has recently had about ten acres pf her sixteen-acrt tract logged ctf but. has left her yard and grounds intact The McAllister property is one ol the few old remaining tracts of timber left in the Hayesville area, having been in the family's possession since the 1870's. He'd Still Better Not Tangle With Trucks HOPKINSVILLE. Ky. -A car driven by John Browdor. 42, wreck ed a bridge instead of vice versa. The auto hit the side of a span and the railing along one side fell into a creek. Browdcr wasn't hurt and the car wasn't damaged ex cept for a blowout. j-. I. f Here they ore . . . Just (ount 'em . . . and tell in many localities through Every Russ Baptist 'A tittle Billy Graham Cleric Says SEATTLE i Every Russian Baptist is a "little Billy Graham," a visiting Russian Baptist leader 'said Saturday. Alexander Karev, vice president of the All-L'nion Council of Evan gelical Christian Baptists in the Soviet Union, was one of five vis iting Russian clerics at the annual American Baptist convention now meeting here. In Russia, the emphasis is on man-to-man evangelical efforts. Karev said, and there is no such thing as mass meetings in parks or on streets as in the United States. Karev outlined three directions in which the 340.000 Russian Bap tists are attempting 'to strengthen their organization: in places of worship, in private homes and in "individual evangelism." I'. S. Taor The five Russians, headed by OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M. - OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 9 P. M. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1000 CARS FREE Bony other awards, includine TABLE MODEL tADIOS. $40.00 end $70.00 meahondu rdtn en rtCKUO BELl Models 21 DC J. 21 DD I. 24 DDI, and 24 Oi l, FtUS littictt to Portland leaver Gome at Multno mah Stadium, (2S autoerophtd Mover baseballs, (100) Itovir kouball tops, and (2S) Itavtr boh. BEAUTIFUL k CONSOLE V 31995 1956 Model 21 DC-2 AS LOW AS $15 A MONTH NO DOWN PAYMENT us HOW MANY I 'Mail and NO COST TO YOU . . . NO OBLIGATION TO BUY Jakor Zhidkov, president of tbe AU-L'nion Council and vice presi dent, of the Baptist World Alliance, have been touring the United States since. May is, attending Baptist functions throughout the nation. The Russians expressed admir ation for the way in which Amer ican Baptists were so "well or ganized, just like an army." "We in Russia are trying for a similar type of organization," Karev said. "In the West, Christians are concerned also with practical service," Karev said, "but in the East, Christianity acquires a more mystical shade. For instance, a group of Baptists in Russia would meet and study a particular part of the Gospel throughout the entire meeting. In America, the meeting would also be concerned with practical problems." fin i.n i.t si 4flA- 'utii: M Ma1 f- mMJI! cj :.int-!Eujrja?in asm I: ' id 5 if l'h-l w i ran ti - v SLA "INNER i phour nrdrn. Tit shipping cost THtux & Packard-Bell TV COUNT THE BEAVERS' BATS Fill out onlry blank and mail or bring lo MEIER I FRANK CO., Portland 4, Oregon, or MEIER I FRANK'S SALEM, Salem, Ore. The Bat, Not the Court, Was Batty ALBUQUERQUE, N M. I - A district raurt mmf oanel ducked and dodged as a little bat dive- bombed them. Judge Faul Tackett called a 13-minute recess while em ployes tried to nab the intruder. Finally he parked on, the ceiling. Court took up again. So did the bat. But a calm onlooker raised Announce New Way To Shrink Painful Piles Scienco Finds Healing Subs Unco That Data Both Relieve Pain Shrinks HomofThokts Mm Tk. H. 1. (Sl - Far tao Brit tin acwata kat foaad a Baalist tubatanca wlta taa aatoaiak ' big ability U aariak kamarrkoida i BdttrtliTpia-witkattartrr. In nit after raw. wkilt nt!y ; rtlitviir Pi. actual rtductna (hrinkr) took alara. Moat araaiinr all - malt w r I tktrtifk tkal tafftrara mi jj-n THIS PACKAID-IELt TV WdbtlUClY ALSO FREEI SIX faVard.oll Personal Radios, Modal Sll, tho world's largtil stllinj radio in boautiful doiaralor col ors, sloak abany, Ivory, cardinal rod, mini froan, dotort brama. In arms outside our regular MY COUNT OF BATS IS NO FIXE. NO WATER LAS ANIMAS, Colo. UB Thia town of 1.223 went five hours with" out a fire. And it's a good thing, too. The city had no water. A ; melding crew repaired the tit y ! water tank, and opened a valvt to turn the water into the tajik. Heat from the welded portion of the tank caused pressure that kept the water out for five hours. his hat. In went the bat It freed outside. wu attoattkinf atattawatt like "Mao kara naiad U k a problem ! Tka awrct u a atw haaliat auk. ataara ( Bia-Ityaa) dimvtrjr af a wttrld-famaaa raaearck iaatitatc. Thu aobatane is aew available la tuaaatitar ar miant ftrm infer tka ama Prvperatiaa H At year draffiat Money back tnaraataa. ZiM- I?1 .!!.'' w.vr.iuA 1,1 trurk delivery routes. Contest People Do Read Spot Ads (You Art LLOYD MERR1MAN I -.181115 ijit m mmwmm NAME ADDRESS CITY .. TELEPHONE NUMBER I I I i J 9 SJI "