Cfifly News DrSelfs SALM MAN INJURED James Alvia Burns, MO Evans Ave., was taken to Salem General Hospital about 10:50 a m Sunday by Willamette Ambulance Service for treatment of head laceration received in a two-car collision at Church and Madison Streets, city police said. Hospital attendants said he was in good condition. Driver of the other car was listed hy police as Clarence Morris Skog, 3J0 S. 15th St. During the summer vacation Fred Minifre of Linfield College will be selling Johns-Manville Roofing k Siding for Mathis Bros.' (adv) Dental plates repaired while vuu wait at Painless Parker Den tist, 123 N. Liberty, Salem, (adv.) CI RTAINS TAKEN AVIATION TOPIC Aviation will get the spotlight at the Wednesday noon luncheon ot the Salem Rotary Club at the I:otel Marion as G. H. Macomber ttlks on "The Sky Is for Every one." "SIGN IN PLEASE." You don't have to keep people guessing when you tell your needs through the Classified columns. Ph. 4-6811 for expert help. Adv. Need more elect, outlets? Call Juekon's, 3-4141 for prompt wir ing service. Adv. RUMMAGE SALE: good cloth ing, misc. items. 1 blk E. Capitol Slipping Or., 13.V) Marion, Won. 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Adv. COLLISION DAMAGES CARS I f - 1 ; L. 1 1 .. jn nj , . , . . , ... ,. . about 12:40 a.m. Sunday in a col valued at $2.50 were taken from a . ; . . . . ' . . . , -. .u. c..-. s on in the 1700 block m South vacant apartment at the Sumnard cilv oolice rcDorted Apartments, 640 N. Commercial LiDeJty street c iy ponce reporiea ' " ' . ,,j Drivers were listed as Cecil Lester St. Robert Bern is manage . told plumb Woodhu and Robf.rt police aunua, .um.u .. ... . y, fe . h g was apparently gained bv forcing ; ,.... . . . " vvr . i -.,. ,L ,c em. Whi bys car was parked at a French window. The theft took " ' r .:. . c . ..j the ime ot the accident, police nlace sometime Saturday evening, r j said, they said. , I Promotion Set For Blue Lake Green Beans PORTLAND Associated Blue Lake Green Bean Canners at their June board meeting here approved, an ex it ! panded promo tion budget . for the forthcoming season. S. E. Lasselle of the Portland n r - a loiuimi vu. as " J Sherwood, new- ident of Blue . e. unfile Lake Canners to succeed F. M. Smith of the Stay ton Canning Co-op, said that: "Since the formation of the As sociated Blue Lake Canners in 1951, canned Blue Lakes from the Pacific Northwest have enjoyed an inc r e a s e d --- .. ' - --' "... New Building to House ConsumerFinance Corporation Statman sdm. or... Mon., June is, -se (Sec p-5 Federal Waste 'Costing $83 A Family in Marion County' Dress up your home with new lighting fixtures Large selection, sale priced. Judson's, 279 N. Com'l. (adv.) SO-lb FREEZER SPECIAL $28.95 15 lbs. Beef Roast, 5 lbs. Round Steak, 6 lbs. Ground Beef, 5 lbs. Pork Chops, 5 lbs. Pork Roast, 5 lbs. Cube Steaks, 6 lbs Swiss spocja gjft warP 5a0. rp to , Steak, 3 lbs. Sliced Bacon. of on frjsta stem-ware, imported 1 lb. Wieners tree. rhina, hand made ceramics. Jary Cut and Wrapped for any sire piorls( Capitol Shopping Ctr. family offer expires July 15th U(iv, May substitute beef for equal ! value for pork MIDGET MKT , GIRL BREAKS LEG 351 STATE ST. Thone 3-4988. Nine-year-old Victoria I NF.W YORK Lack of vigorous i This is real money that woull 'artion, economy-wise, on the part j have been available to local of Congress and the Admimstra- j families for actual spending. It tion is costing families in Mar! would have generated just' that ' inn County. Ore . an estimated ! ir.ueh more business for the local $2 640,000 a year in needless ( s.ores and that much better livinf taxes. for each family. The figure is bised on the 1 Pressure on Congress and the. I local level of income, on pre- j Government is generating from vious tax payments and on . DeJow to take action on tht report prepared by the U. S. j Hoover Commission proposal) Chamber of Commerce to show j now. the financial savings that would i result from application of the Hoover Commission proposals. rai"lllttr T 0 1111 ' A growing feeling is apparent o. . . in the average citizen that be is Mate ASSOCiatlOH. being dep. ived of something. He j . M r ... . ha ueard and read ot the worn "r , " v.mmm of the Hoover Commission, which FJigineen Association of Oregon labored nhiertivotv f,.r tw v., formed here with J. Donal movement every year. While we have special pride in the qua This JJ-by-!4-lW, brick veaeer building ( madera "post and bem" Interior plan call far aalural waod finish, asphalt tile flaars aad re- r Dn. .. n-t,i.i ik. .-.k-... .i vik. .i pi nmr. .r ik. ... n.. ,ki-k i k. i ' determine what improvemenU, Commercial aad MrGilchrlst streets. Designed by James U Payae the' coraer fram Mr. aad Mrs. Malhlas Crauser are Richard J. Canis ter the finance company which will arrupy. mast af the aalldlag. tie 4orf, president : Ellis H. Vaa Esckra, tire presidrat; aad Mel Bawrat, structure also will hafe Iwa rental afflre spaces aa the east ead. secretary-treasurer. rtnMlpine Dairy Green bean (am- , Uoat lakes I Air Journey ily, we believe our steady year round promotion New Legal Maneuvers Seen Over Pelton Dam i. M. Smith efforts have, I If lfIfPV 1 al SKlrmlsn involving ine controversial rclton Dam greatly speeded Mr. Blue Lake's v J construction on the uescnutes Kiver appears to be taking shape in national acceptance. As in the ,,, . ,, I the state supreme court, vears past, we will acain in. " x Attorney benerai Kotxrt Thornton Friday filed "strenuous 1956-57 expand every phase ot our ican Airlines flight bound for , objections" with the supreme court "here to the legal ground assigned promotion effort. We can see Washington, D. C, took on an D lne Portland General Electric Company in its motion to dismiss ahead" the biggest year yet." unusual "passenger" at Tulsa " tong-pendim; appeal from de- - - ; Other officers of the Associated . ..." cision against the electric company r, j n Blue Lake Green Bean Canners -"y 'K'- by Marion County Circuit Judge DUlfiil DOV 1118 Russell are: first vxe president. Max It was a French Alpine dairy George R. Duncan. Ic 1 1 l r Adv. was taken to Salem Memorial ho.s- l-rhmann, Aorttiwcst racking to., ; ' u7 ' .V. : Move for Dismissal ll lllliai irOIH ...... ... , I'nr iu EHnml .'im nrm.m , 1 . U'. . nur.u.rii, iiu., u , Dntl r,nnnvl " l nun hv Millamette Amhu ance " v""" . .,. l , i '""" union, r.inun. vwir Bargain, o yr. uiu uim-'., , j;4,rv pr. I'h. 3-W75. 'auvi Richard Johnson, son of Mr. us Bros. Packing Co . Salem: L. ArK 'rendering of the decision of the 45,n st n received notice M .lime. Washington Canners,' She transported the goat to the ' U.S. Supreme Court in June, 1955, , from Philadelphia, Pa., that he I Vancouver. Wash : F. M. Smith, municipal airport here when the it became obvious that the Port- ,... k... ...a.a .w. u..u c- j ii . j ii. ... Dl... I i. iifL, , , r .... . . . I" i.a.u.u .'Mii.viuii. aim l,iuu v . niisi, diuk , yidnr iwptir. r.i .uuir iu v , iana eiecinc company aia nor re- l treatment flrponn Puln I Paner Co . bond lp rpc' tinlHart fnr infiirmyl-nn pnnrern- The k. ...i.n! nf K"-. ini-nme home of the girl's unde. William iiij( .lie n.i.riin - bonds call or see Zilka. Smither Trapnell, Route 4. Box 69.. on A Co. Inc., 203 Oregon Blrig. Ph. Skyline Road, with whom sh-.-3 410g (idv.) was visiting, ambulance attendants i said. k - - " , , i:j. r- i..:i nlan enainppr Prnrtnr who said , . 1 1 1 1 I 1 ice about 5 pm. Sunday for eicn. r.ugene nun, r"' hV to his 1 P8ny las,,wf" m?veo V HIIclUCI IJIIIU . , ,, , ... i ' raum Knoene secretarv trea- wants 10 I3Ke ine goal 10 nis ,e annoal Irnm lnllo Hiinr-on't mem oi a possioie iraciurea - ---.- - fnr hreedinff nurnnu , rr"' . ' " eceived in a fall from a horse. I ?- J 11 North Pacific r 'd'ng purpose , dpc,s, , j 19y wh(.h Rjchar accident took place near ,nc , tanmrs' and Packers, boa d he an mal M-;was adverse to the power com- ',,, . .u.. members. Chester I. Chase, Paul- 'ran i. iarer, rjrnionviue, pany 0) (ne roun(j (,at upon British Troops Die in Cyprus Forest Fire if any, could be made in the fun ctioning of Federal bureaus and activities. Costly Waste The commission, he knows, studied every phase of govern ment and came up with many dis coveries of strange and costly wastefulness. It culminated its work with 314 recommendation,! to Congress. If put into effect, according to the experts, they would have saved the taxpayers ever five billion dollars a year. Only a small fraction of them have been acted upon, however. Who would have benefited chiefly from these efficiency measures, the people with large State School Employes Elect Brown NOTICK For a root that never needs re placing or (or Revolutionary new asphalt shingles see Mathis Bros. 2061 State. Ph. 4-6831. 'adv.i Lal.e Packers, Salem. John Earls, Brooks Area Farmer Dies Adv. Court Apts. 'Court & Cottage' of fer dow n town quiet apis , from '42 ,t0 to Ph 3-7440. 'adv I MKDKORD John Brown. Sa lem will head the Oregon School Mrs Norman (Eileen) -Clark now Kmolovies Association (or the assoc. with l.nveall-Milier Beauty coming vear. Salon. Ph. 3-7870. Brown was named president of the group at the annual meeting o( the association held here last week. Approximately 2.W persons attended the five-day session which BROOKS MAN GRADUATES ennea ;auirnd. Richard T Foster. Brooks, was ! n . m-mKP nf th Ki.r Other officers elected included graduat,.d r,rentlv from the In- ! Cnurch o( CnriM John Hudson, Portland, vice presi-j ternational Business Machines Survivors include three daugh- u.-.u, i.ur uru, ixnmiu.ii. i school st !an Jose, lam. an.a "ta'ry; and A. C. O'Toole, Medford, na. bppn assigned t0 the torn- pany's Portland office. ington from San Francisco. . quire a license from the state of Mrs. Proctor said the goat's Oregon for the Pelton project and mother was Leni Del-Monte, said , the questions involved in the sp in hold -the world's record for goat milk production. The goat was placed in a spec ial straw-filled crate in the bag gage compartment of the plane. BROOKS - John David Earls. Route I.. Box 24HK. Brooks, died at his home Sunday morning. He t'nsichtlv facial hair removed was 70. safely, permanently. Price's; Born Oct 17. 1885. in Little Rock. Reautv Salon. Ph 3 5B59. ( Adv.) ' Ark , Karls came to Brooks in 1 1930. He farmed there until his retirement about six years ago. Hearing Set on peal before the state supreme court have become moot. Thornton, in a formal pleading filed in the supreme court late Fri day contended that the Oregon Newlin Hill Scholarship for 1956. The scholarship is offered an nually to the high school grad uate standing highest scholast irally, whosa father or mother it employed by the Astn-Hill Man ufacturing Company. Young Johnson was graduated Onion Proposal A hearing o( (he federai m. ac, ONTARIO. Ore fin 9 nrnnncoH foHnral marlrntino order for omort growers of Mal- T . -., A her County in Oregon and several '"f ."r fn" ,a,dr ,he Idaho counties will be held June Portland C1WTt llrlrlc,C hydroelectric act. in so far as it j from Brownsville High school in relates to the control, appropria- 1955 and attended the Oregon tion, use or distribution of waters 1 Stile College this past winter of the rivers, streams and lakes of majoring in chemical engineer the state of Oregon is a state law He wi return ,0 Cflrva,is express y recognizeu ann Clear y ,r ,he FM tfrm wimin me uniview 01 secuon 11 NICOSIA. C)-prus -A forest fire Sunday in the Trodos Moun tains of Northwestern Cyprus spread death and inpury among 2.000 British troops hunting rebel ; incomes or those with modest extremists. earnings? The answer . is the Greek Cypriot sources said lj: latter group. More than 75 per- to is Britons had lost their lives ' nt of personal income tax fighting the flames. revenues come from people A British official said several Mrnin und,r W,000 a year. soldiers were reported killed when I W Family they were trapped by the fire and ln Marion County, it is estl- many others were injured. A British Public Information of ficer said the victims ar heinff taken to hospitals all over the j $2,640,000. place. Kroekrr ot Portland as president and Lloyd K. Clark of Salem 01 the board of directors. The initial membership in cludes Lloyd X. Clark. Warrea W. Clark. Gilbert Groff and G. R Boatwright, all consulting . engineers of Salem. nuted, the tax uving would have come to $83 per family. All told, it would have amounted to LUNCH IN COMFORT AIR-CONDITIONED Cherry Room Monday's Complete SPECIAL LUNCH Beef Pot Pie, Cranberry Mold, Hot Rolls, Dea- A(, sert and Drink. 7 JC foaao At Tom Art Park Free With fwrkaat Cause of the fire was not de termined. Previous fires have been blamed on Eoka, under ground Greek Cypriot movement for uniting this British colony with Greece. Other sources accused the Brit ish of starting the fires through carelessness and by mortar fire. " The British forces closed in Friday on what they believed was the hideout of 10 underground Greek Cypriot guerrilla leaders Both of Richard's parents are in the sun-baked Trodos Range. employed by the Salem division ol Asten llill treasurer. Four lone presidents were elect ed lor the first time this year, fol lowing a change in the association constitution and by-laws. Zone presidents are Thomas Graf, Bea verton, lone one; Dean Morrow, Eucene. two: Marcus Brown. Hermiston. zone three; and Earl Tucker. Pnneville, rone four. ! )! Dirthg I : I ters, Mrs. Leona Jackson, Toledo Ore ; Mrs. Ella Lee and Mrs Maddie Wright, both of Brooks, Ore.; four sons. Clarence, Inde pendence, Ore ; John. Oregon City 20 at Caldwell, Idaho. The program is patterned after the Idaho-Eastern Oregon potato marketing order. It would be ad ministered by a committee of six growers and our handlers who would be authorized to recom- Death Takes C. Wampole Of Wood burn Ore.; and Charlie and Audie, both''nond regulations and. when of Brooks; two sisters, Mrs. Aman- j warranted, a shipping holiday, da Pickel, Oklahoma, and Mrs. nnrki. DnKinrnn Tsvac n hfnlhrip ' Ted. Oklahoma; twenty-four grand- Man Arretted on I children and eighteen great grand- onvSUpport Count children. runerai arrangements are in care of I lie Howell-Edwards Funer al Home. SUtriman Nwt Srrvlrt WOODBl'RN Funeral serv ices will be held here Tuesday for Clarence ('. Wampole, who farmed in the Wood burn area for ! Mrs ftf vears prior to his recent retire- i St., a daughter, Sunday, June 17, mp'nl j at Salem General Hospital. Wampole, a native of Tus- CAVELI To Mr. and Mrs. John Cavell. h225 N. 14th St.. a daughter. Sunday. June 17, at Salem Memorial Hospital. FRY To Mr and Mrs Percy A. Fry, 4930 Sunnyview Ave . a sun, Sunday, June 17, at Salem General Hospital. MILLER To Mr. and Mrs Funf.rai services for Dorothv George C. Miller, 2970 Larson j Mane Rrrtchcs. 31. of 1065 Mill St., a son, sunaay, June u, ai , Sl heM ,odav at 3 30 Funeral Set Today For Miss Bretches dismiss this appeal on the ground that the question has become moot 1 settled ' would in effect have the supreme court hold that the fed eral power act had completely superseded the Oregon hydroelec tric act. ' In view of that section of the federal power act 'preserving state jurisdiction over state waters in terment will be matters of irrigation, water sup- idar,o: ply and domestic purposes! this uic-mui. in urn.. uunmr HIC , , , - r ,ki. tv, ,.. ' her home. She was 59. ; nv wja si 1 11 in n mi n , 1 iiui iiiuii a m . . , . 545 pleading contends. i a Not Praper Questioa I act in order to inmate and perfect Rites Set Wednesday For Cora Rasmufwen Funeral services for Mrs. Cora C. Rasmussen, 3450 D St., will be held Wednesday at 1 30 p.m. in the chapel of the Howell-Edwards funeral home, the Elder Harold Peckham officiating. In- at Rathdrum, Mrs. Rasmussen died Saturday Then the forest fires broke out yesterday along the Cordon Line the British were closing on the leaders. The British reportedly told Greek Cypriots living in mountain villages they would not be needed to tight the flames. However, the troops were Inex perienced firefighters, and the blae got out of hand. It roared through timber made tinder dry by a blistering June sun. 1 The extend of the fire was not immediately determined. Appar ently, it spread over a broad area thick with brush and scrub pines. jj MONDAY IS YOUR DAY 111 j ! DOWNTOWN SALEM jS- 1 SHOP V- ... I 1 WITH JJrJ 1 l leif of Sarvice Wida Assortmanfi II jjjj IQAcrasaf Ixciting Marthandisa j Theodore Vernon Complon. Oregon St . was arrested on charge of non-support Sunday aft-; Thornton said a careful reading w,er right for power purposes ernoon. the Marion County sher- of the U.S. Supreme Court deci-,h' a federal licensee, ill s reported. sinn shows that the high court did I "These are questions that are Bail was set at $1,000. The ar- not pass upon the question of not properly before the Oregon rest was made on a circuit court whether or not a license is requir- court at this time," Thornton'aver warrant. ed under the Oregon hydroelectric ; red. Salem ijeneral Hospital. p m jn the n0 A el-Edwards (un- VANLAANEN - To Mr. and ral .apel. Interment will be V. VanLaanen. 805 C a d e ; al, '", miss nreicnes aiea .lamruay ai a Salem nursing home. HEADINGS To Mr. and Mrs R. L. Headings, Salem Route 1, Box 443, a son, Sunday, June 17, at Salem General Hospital. SAVAGE To Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Savage. Monmouth, a daiiEhter, Sunday, June 17, at rarora, N. Y , where he was born Aug. 7. 1868. died Saturday at a Newport nursing home at the age of 87 after a long illness. He had resided in Newport for about a year. Surviving are his widow Sigre Wampole, Newport; sons. Lester Salem General Hospital Wampole, t lac-kama. and Vernon Wampole, Toledo; dauehter, Mrs. Gertrude Lengele, Aurora; broth ers. Charles Wampole, Lebanon, and Amy Wampole. Bradwood; Ore ; sisters, Mrs Nellie Weh rum, Salem, and Mrs Inis Misc ti ler. Portland, and three grand daughters. Final rites will be from Ringo Cornwell Funeral Chapel here at 3 30 p. m. Tuesday with burial folowing in Belle Passi Cemetery. Are yati. planning a purchase and need extra IVn't wait. nrrv or AfnW can irrArwr fnr ;n rtwer of n V car ivr fuimnir-. Prompt pnvatp loans lo inrii nd womfn in IllypwoC work. K 1 $2S to $200C "Cal" Stavenau, Manager 375 N. Liberty St. Phone: 4-3396, Salem Honrs: Mon.-Fri. 9-5:30 Sat. .30-12 Open eremB by appointment laan mat It m lawti it Maf taw NEW... MIRACLE-EAR USES TINY ENERGY CAPSULE TO POWER NEW INVENTION FOR THE DEAFENED! 1 wi .. f a ,M4M -.- a TINT ... SMALLt THAN AN ASftK'N TAILITI Th. never ending learch for better ways and devicai to L.I. .L. J. "I J L... r. rnnvsnienflv hai. it Iteml, raached a climax with Dahlberq'. MIRACLE-EAR. I powered by Mallory'i RM 400 ENER&Y CAPSULE . . . smaller than an ajpiria tabl.t, yet providei many hour of anarqy to enable MIRACLE-EAR to hear for you. MIRACLE-EAR, DaMberq'i new invention powered by the famoui RM 400, provet the more convenient way to hear, became it hat NO CORDS, and reedl NO TUBES . . . PLUS the fact that thii new hvaption over comti the bother and obviom wird-for-$eund diiad vantage of tha ordinary hearing aidi. iNTiaiiT eoaeuu INTilliT rUIILISI WIIGHS ' M. NO WIHl fn yt.rnll H "" MIIACU-Ma viM IM l , . . rkbif tk Mil iMrtl thia ot will t eayi in Ol PHON1 MAIL COUPON NOW 1 4-3501 I Oregon Hearing Center ! .01 1 319 (ourt Street. Salem, Ore. j IN'OHMATION 1 nami OR!ON HEARING, 0B,M, CENTER I 111 Court St. 1 I ITAtt.. J OUTSIDE WHITE 16 11 e raD5g(i A FISHER THORSEN PRODUCT MADE IN THE WEST FOR WESTERN USE 100 Formulated Covers Easily F'jme Proof Self Cleaning An Outside Paint That Lasts For Years EXTRA! For an Additional le A .four inch ill purpose brush valued at 2.98 will ba given whan buying a gallon or mora of thii Royal Paint. ROYAL OUTSIDE PAINT COMPARES WITH OTHER BRANDS SELLING AT 6.65 Now Only Open Monday and Friday Nights ' "'til 9 Penny Savers him ml 236 N. Commarcial 141 Alica Avanue OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:13 TO f P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. Monday Nip is Family Nipt in the Oregon Room H 4W M . Special Oregon Room Plate Dinner 95c Klaked Chicken a la King En Pattie Shell, Frenh Peaa Molded Fruit Salad Coffee Tea Milk Roll Butler I) inner 4 ' Jl Family fashion show inmleling nl the latest stle fnr all the family Br'ui" the children 'hey will enjov the special menu and free favors Enjoy the music nf Kd Synng at the Hammond. Organ Complete Pinner - Included Soup, Salad, Vegetable, Potato, Rolls, Butter, Beverage, Sherbet, Ice Cream Soup Chicken Broth with Rice Salad - Tos.ied dreen, Sour Cream Dressing fi III root ipeelal rompletr ROAST I.EC. OF LAMB-selected from choice spring lambs BROILED FRESH ORECON CHINOOK SALMON, LEMON BUTTER CALVES LIVER STEAK, with ' French fried oninn ring I CHOICE GRAIN FED .WESTERN ROAST BEEF r LARGE HALF SPRING CHICKEN NEW YORK Ct'T STEAK. SAC TED FRESH MiSIIROOMS KHF.t II FRKED .U MBO (.1 I.K SHRIMP SNOWFLAKE or BAKED POTATO FRESH GARDEN PEAS ,.r ( Al Af GRATIN Little folks dinner . . 60r Creamed Chicken ;n Toast, Vegetable, Potato or Assorted Vegetable Plate (no spinach) or Bmiled Hamburger Plate (all the trimmings I Milk or Chocolate Milk $1.11 $1.5 l.M 1.46 1.35 1.75 1.35 l.V 1.25 It 1 B0 2.0) 1.25 I-' Ala Carte ' Hamburgers French fries Milk . . 4,Sc 10c 10c FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS i ri U i t i r r n r-"" am kH