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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1956)
Ranks Narrowed at Reunion ojBaby Born to Veterans of Mexican Campaign Actor Couple SANTA MONICA, Calif. I Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh Sunday became parents of a baby By BILL GIBSON I Roy R. Frederickson of La border 40 years after they were Mrillen T Onlv 1114 tit frncc Wis npwlv plprtpH nation. ctAlinnprl hrrp the 150,000 soldiers stationed along al commander of the United Mexi- ' We've been telling them for ln ,nelr Ilrsl "iia. the border during the Mexican can Border Veterans, said that "a three or four years to put a dollar j The newcomer wa born at St. campaign came back for their lot o( the men didn't make it but away for the reunion," he added. John's hospital here and came in lone olanned two-dav reunion, that it was one of our best cenven- Many too Old to the world to meet its own root- ended Sunday. lions." But many of the men have section. A group of the film- j Filly members of 'he women's Fredrrickson said the veterans passed on and others were too old land couple's friends, including j auxiliary al.M) attended. planned years ago to return to the to make the trip. Rosemary Clooney and Jose Fer ine- men were stationed along rer. spent tne morning at me Itos the border in 1926 and 1917 to stop pital awaitibg the birth, the bloody raids of bands of Mex-, The baby, unnamed as yet, icans while Gen. Pershing was weighed in at 6 pounds. Both chasing the forces of Pancho Villa, mother and baby are doing fine, into the interior of Mexico. So is the father. "Just what we Cen. Pershing was only a col- wanted," said Curtis. Tear Gas Halts Socialist Rioters in West Germany MILTENBERG, Germany Socialist rioters were stopped by j Russia and the West. tear gas Sunday when they tried i "For to break up the founding coaven- aires .. .. . , , . ,. onel then, Frederickson said, and oppose the "imperialism of both PrilUnl' v,k hi.: tion of Otto Stwcr's pr- Na tionalist German Social I'nion. At least five persons were in jured in fist ftshts between Slra.s . i followers and left wing dem onstrators who sought to enter a i u-eting hall where Strasser. a former crony of Adolf Hitler, pro ilsimed his new party, wh'rh r-aM for a Germany "independent of Wall Street and the Kremlin." Police riot Squads quickly Id a.,u .nr imm. (j , tampa,gn an(J wa, a jeuten. II 1 f r,.l, or us conservative revolution- , freshPnu of Wes( pojn, llfMly Ot IJUlCll ' "1 ! n.d: Frederickson said all of the men 'a,, l- C.l.. Communism are equally unbear able. Peru Elects New Leader LIMA. were volunteers and all served during the Mexican Border c9m-.f)l T) paign. many of the men also OIICC JC)Ori served in the Spanish American War. World War 1 and a few in THE HAGUE The body ! World War II and in Korea. of Anton Mussert, Dutch Quisling j Trip Planned executed in 1946 for high treason ' Many of the veterans came early during the German occupation of or planned to stay after the con- j Holland, was spirited away Sun vehlion to make trips around the day. valley and into Mexico to look UD Pnli.-e sain unknown nortnni' Peru Peruvians old friends. : due ooen the erave and mad nff quelled the disorders and sealed elected a new president Sunday Col. Alfred L. Moudy of Indian- with the body. Frontier posts off the rneeting hall. The demon- lo succeed Gen: Manuel Odria. apolis. Ind.. was reelected national were alerted to prevent the body orators, slandine in (m"t of 'tie who has ruled this rich mining ' adjutant. The Indiana delegation being smuggled from the coun- hntel where the meeting took and farming nation for almost came two days early. try. place, shouled in chorus. "Out eieht years. Moudy. who hasn't been back fnt f,rs( ,j. WJS , telephone with Nazi Strasser." ' With women voting for the first since he was stationed here almost fa , a newspaper saying the Many Weep im'. thp rountry also chose two 40 years ago. said he was sur- body had been seized. M u I s e r t It was a Strasser follower who utf Presidents and a new con- prised at the changes. When he was wartime leader of the pro- hred the tear gas. II caused the res.s nf 53 senators and 182 depu- was here; Moudy said, the valley Nazi Dutcn Sociaiist movement. .00 delegates to Weep UuWT "mi nit aim kuuiuimk uir cs m'i.-u an kauua auu ui uau. Strasser men took up chairs to P0"' ,ncr,, wrre no reports of Now it is a green, semi-tropical drive about 30 demonstrators violence I'nder the law, Odria land with rich irrigated farm lands frnm the hall Another iso as- cannot succeed nimseii. and modern, industrialized cities, Police Search For Wyoming Hospital Trio EVANSTON, Wyo. I - Search continued Sunday night for three escapees from the criminal ward at the Wyoming state hospital, one of whom was described as "shrewd and homicidal especial ly toward police officeri." That descriptior. of Gordon Gal lington, 29, who " attempted two years ago to blow up the Casper police station, was given by Dr. J. F. Whalen, hospital superin tendent. He also said Gallington and an other of the insane escapees, Don ald Horst, 29, were "very danger ous." The third. Jack Matherry. 2X, was not considered dangerous by Whalen. Galling? escaped three, timet previously from the institution. Whalen termed Horst a "sexual psychopath who might attack children, especially boys." The trio was among five in mates who broke out of the hos pital Friday night after overpow ering two attendants and locking them in a cell. Stanley Herman. 43, and F.arl Tautges, 28. were recaptured a short time after the break while walking along roads a short dis tance from the, hospital. Neither offered resistance. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., June 18, '56 (Sec. I-3 United Steelworkers Cease Joint Negotiations With 'Big 3' Firms NEW YORK - The United Steelworkers of America Sunday halted joint negotiation with the "Big Three" iteel companies. The union said it would turn to individual negotiations with 11 leading steel companies this week. "We've gotten nowhere." said union president David J. McDon ald after an unusual Sunday ses sion. The talks with the "Big Three" U. S.. Steel, Republic MARINES MOVE IWAKL'NI, Japan I - The V S. 1st Marine Air Wing of Korean War fame is moving here from South Korea July I. The air wing reached Korea in the fall of 1950 shortly after war broke out semblcd outside the hall to pro test. Strasser, Sflypar-old doctor of economics, broke with Hitler in the earlv 1930 s and eventually There are l'j million registered voters, including a half million women, in this nation of 9' million. In resolutions the veterans asked congress to recognize the value of their service and extend them the same recognition and benefits of The leftist Aprista Party may ; World War I veterans; condemned u nriiiuoiiY ,. ,, .. - . , ... Dj,. , iuj k- ...... U- mi..-A ilV u,r uaiamr anion): inree con- Halla " IMr umun-j icwn m:w- It L7, Tl,, . , Z mtl ""alive candidates It was far as it attempted to curtail pen- L IZ. J Canada mUCh . formed in the 1920s and outlawed sions of $75 a month for low in oi me iirne in tanaua. 'after Odria assumed office in come veterans over fi.v. opposed He had just begun to speak j October 194 Odria suceeded Dr a" communistic activities; and when the demonstration began. Ijs B,lstanlantp wn0 was de; praised the work of the congres- iie demanded that oermany tie ai,, and sfnt , Areentina I sional committee on un-American neutral, armed country, part ot i a fireproofed wall" of neutral countries stretching from Sweden via Austria to India. Disavows Both Strasser disavowed East end West, claiming there is "a deep rooted identity between Ameri canism and Bolshevism " Burglars Raid Wedding Gifts CORRY. Pa. - A Corry home was burglarized Saturday night while the occupants attend- have died activities. Memorial Service A special memorial service was held before tht morning business session honoring national com mander Louis E. W'unschel, Dav enport. Iowa, who died last Febru ary, and other border veterans who Strasser disclaimed any identi-;e(j a wedding reception. The own ' Oiher officers elected were: ty with the Nazi aims of Hitler. r A! Marty, told police some Frederickson; Robinson Hitchcock, He said he split with Hitler be- $2,noo of his own personal cash Indianapolis, senior vice-president; cause he wanted the Nazis to na- and an undetermined sum in Allan C. Norton, Cedar Rapids, linnalize heavy industry and large , a0out 25 wedding gift envelopes ; Iowa, junior vice-commander; and estates but that Hiller refused be-1 ttas st0ien i Levi A. Beem, Indianapolis, na- cause ne necaea money trom tne i The thief or thieves ignored , tional quartermaster. industrialists. Additionally, Strasser said, he opposed Hitler's "leadership cult" and one-party system and insist ence on the theory of the German master race. Germany, Strasser said, must TODAY'S LUCKY Master Money NUMBERS 562,606 341,222 SHS 309,619 471,977 403,210 $U 578,444 396,365 If vou have a Master Monrv Kill with any of above serial numbers on it. vou win desig nated award if vou collect it before 9 P. M. tonight al Center and Commercial. Fffeitive now VOI R chance of winning Master Money are INCREASED! Starting now and for the balance of June, the three daily awards, if not claimed on one day . . . will he carried over separately they will not (pyramid). To illustrate: if all three awards are not claimed on a given dav . . the. following day's awards will consist of two awards of $25 . . . two of S13 . . . and two nf flO, In other words, instead of three win ners . . . we'd have six win ners. Thus, each unclaimed award from one day becomes an added opportunity for you to win a prise the following day! Free Master Money Bill given at all locations. Winners Must Claim Award Al Center And Commercial By 9 P. M many wedding presents of silver. jewelry and similar articles. Claurice G. Closson of Indepen-; dence, Mo., was reelected chaplain. ; Get Ready-Set-and Go-To (01 V i win. w mi I I n ii r-i I I P.m. iuuat iuw Best of Service Greatest Values 10 Acres of Exciting Merchandise and Bethlehem were moved from Pittsburgh June S. The joint negotiations were the first of their kind in the basic steel industry. In previous years the union al ways negotiated with individual companies, and usually signed a contract with U. S. Steel that set wage patterns for the entire in dustry. Both McDonald and John A. Stephens, vice president of lT. S. i Steel, said the union move did not mean the joint negotiations were di solved. "We shall be in communication with each other," McDonald said. The union chief said that was no change in the situation since the union rejjected a package of fer from the Big Three Friday, calling many of Its , provisions "too little and too late." Starting Tuesday, teams of un-j ion negotiators will meet here in- CANNON GETS KE3T OTTAWA ( A veteran of B Crimean War Is getting a rest. The veteran is a M-year-old mua ile loader cannon which haa boomed out the noon hour her since 1867. The cannon is being converted so it can use percus si on caps costing only a few cents each. The caps they've been using are custom made and cost K.M each. dividually with representatives of the Big Three and with Jones and laughlin, Youngstown, Inland, - Great Lakes. Wheeling. ADc ghany Ludlum, Pittsburgh and ; Armco. $25$ FRED VOLZ $10 -MALCOLM MacKINNON 1237 3rd St. 1125 S. 14th Free Weather-Checker Thermometers With Gas Purchases MASTER Free Master Monet Bill Given At All Stations YOU'RE INVITED TO A SEWING FORUM . . . 1 I L. 1 1 1 cxJ St SURE TO SEE a special display of items from Italy an3 Switzerlandsparkling new sewing ideas for your home and wardrobe. MISS Rl'TH HOLLAND Nerchi Home Economist MRS. La VERNE DOA.N Distributor Home Economist will be In our store on... ALL DAY TUESDAY, JUNE 19 COME mil THESE TALENTED EXPERTS ...i NECCHI SUPERNOVA THEY'LL BE THERE TO, Show you the newest sewing methods Show you professional sewing tricks Answer your sewing questions Help you with any special sewing problems Provide ideas for your spring and summer sewing It mokes no difference what moke jewing machine you now ownl Come end let them show you how to get the most out of your sewing machine how to make your work easier, your results more professional how to have the latest fashions in clothes at much less money. una supermatic FREE GIFTS TO EVERY GUEST! REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED! fAffAfSK... that's all day TUESDAY, JUNE 19 SIWING ClCAC LOW PRICES ON EVERY TIRE IN STOCK! Pick your prke, pick vor tire get new I. P. Goodrich tire safety now for the summer driving oheodl A IjlH M m it II III ULZJ a at j r is 4 iiitiitt l yy ij www v i r B.F.Goodrich brand netf EXTRA-SERVICE Economy tube-type tiro pli$ tax ni yur ntrtidibls tin) 6.0046 plos tix and yonr ritreidabli tin 8. F. Goodrich famous tread n SAFETY-S 1 1 lTUIE.TYPETIRE-t.00-11 U You tiAnH tiAW-tlrn cnfAtvhnrniiftA YOU'RE ONLY AS SAFE AS YOUR TIRES j) B.F.Goodrich SAFETY-S TUBELESS ves pttoU4 knrfs-a(owe( pf foetixs ! " SAFETY TIRE SALE : :S PEC I A L : ' OFF list price as cxtra-nign : trade-in : allowance on all NYLON I passenger tires in stock! : 25 ......jr..,...e 6.70-13 uu plus tax and youf rfradobl tirt POPULAR B. F. Goodrich SAFETYLINER TUBELESS The new-tor original equipment Tvbelets SIS .70-IS Mm tai 14 ywr ratrteeaM tn SEALS PUNCTURES PERMANENTLY NAIL IN OR OUTI LIFE-SAVER Unique I. f. Goodrich UFf-SAVf R Tub.lew ivn yov 3-woy protMon ogoioit pvnxlurei, skids and brvht-bloweutt. Sal prki on UFf -SAVEK whittwalli and Nylon-Nvi LIFE-SAVERS, tool 9S .70. IS Hi wr4 rwf rdkl : --SAFETY REFLECTOR v Yovri no obligation whtft yov join v Sot Driver league. aw"""-"'" , ' ( " j TRAOI NOW PUT ANY I. f. Coodriefc mi on you car ton as low 122 LW J Tsrms viiobl t kitlow marked' B. F. Goodrich EXPRESS TRUCK TIRE Full Size -Fully Guaranteed 1 .oo. u litut las and your, reh-eedoble Hre rlKol IN RUBBER rlKdf IN TUBELESS i 455 Court Street Phone 4-5502 TRl'AX TIRE STORE Center le Church" Sis. k LARSON'S TEXACO 31S7 Portland Rd. ir BILL'S TEXACO IMS Ed newsier CADWEI.L OIL CO. 24 State St. HA'.ER S SHELL SERV. H30 S. Lnratrr Ll'CKV CORNER SERV. Front ti Cnlumbis BOWDEN S TEXACO 1330 Broadway I KS & CHARLIE'S TEX. Silvertoa at Lansing SALEM LYTI.E'S TIRE M ART Pine It N. Commrrrisl HAMER'S ASSOCIATED DalUi Road TEX S TEXACO Ijinrastrr & Sunnyvirw EVERGREEN TEXACO Evernrre n & Msrkfl O.K. Rl'RRER WELDERS mo s. uth st. ( R( ROET SERVICE 3.100 N. Rivrr Rnsd LAN A AVE. SERVICE 2005 Ave. Al RIRN Oil. CO. SIS N. Lancaster Drive OUT OF TOWN DEALERS Al'MSVILLE ( RANDALL'S SERVICE I.OREN'S TEXACO INDEPENDENCE RICHARDSON'S CHEV. O. K. RUBBER WELDERS jefferson santiam oil co. Lyons free s oarage woodbirn O K. Rl'BRER WELDERS JACK'S PRIDE OF OREGON STAYTON GORDON'S SERVICE SCOTTS MILLS HAROLD'S GARAGE MILL CITY PAL SERVICE MONMOUH DITOIT S UNION SERVICI SILVERTON TRl'AX OIL INC. OF SILVERTON 0. K. RUBBER WELDERS DALLAS CARL MAY OIL CO. SHORTY'S SUPER SEKV. ANDY'S SERVICI!