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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1956)
12-Sec. II) Stttfsmin. Salem, Ore, Mon., June 18, 56'i DAILY, CROSSWORD ACROSS , XBitMMl (CbOoO owtaC AStanra ICbOeegrued ll.Wiutnf . Poem UMrtk fcNortlv tlBnrMk eet Mttkar Hbtr) HIM mtI . Rdmrl( 11 A tnb nu tfiatruet (rare) .vSSXESJ S-UltuMl a Mar- fteasese IndaauM llBfsnU II Stupefy IT.Nrw Tort bfar.) 11. Aprolofu . Munsci- pdlity II. lUmaaa) 14. AurioiHsr 11 VifereiMty It. Newt . 'UGrnkWIUr JO-Tarkiryrtos 11 8UJ jr. Of um My Xf.ToWta UtCMMt fSotiUs Jutland 21 HU! L Knfra sSalUlttkdS SJ. Drudges 14. Strike 33. Brtatlelike TfUl M-WtJIl Urate. svattr 3 Cerrsuue iivtr dl-Torrldl 42. Demand. M payment 41 Ctllltesaj i M.TkgklM , 12. Grieresjaly JTUtfed KBtruuhlp Ubor. 14.0m Urn - M Minor 17. Or and e dO.RIvef (Pa.) , J. Not all . il Ring. ahap4 tMTtl Island 41 Kind of leather iS.Clri'a nlcknam Frt lEnftish V monk and historian, "Tha Venerable W M it tt TTIT IT "I 1 I I 1H Tit City Obituaries ereikr Mart BratekH Lata resident labia, at a local tuning ham, una IS. at tha aft at 11 vara. lurvtved by father, George Wesley Bretches. Port Angel w, Watk.i mothar, Hsttle Devine, Oakland. Calif.: brothers, George Bretchea, Port Angeles, Wash.; Csl ia ratchet, Klamath Falls, Ore.j titter, Mrs. Irana Cappuceta, Oakland. Calif.: and several aunte and uncles tncludlnf Mra. ffd Bala. Balem. runaral sarviess wlU ba hold Mon day, J una u. at l:M rm. In tha Chapal at tha Howall-Edwarda Tu- Kal Homa. Intarmant will ka at enat MaaMrlal Park. WlUlaa Addwaa Braaca , At a kwal hoapiul Juna 14th. Lata taitdtat al Philomath, Ortfoo. iur tvd by 1 dauihton, Katharlna Todd at Ktlao, W..h.. Mra. Erma kMvaa af Bcattla, Wuh.i aoni. Kaith Broaka of Garvaii, Ora, Kannath Brooka af Blkton, Or., Albart O. Brooka of Philomath, Jamaa W. Brooka of Areata. Calif; aiitar, Mrs. tnei P. Hrrln of Portland, Ora.i brothard, John T. Brooka of lalera and Bobart H. Brooka ad Bilk to. Ora.: 11 Irandchildran and ona araaUarandchtld akw sunivo. Ban- kas wiU ba bakt tn tha Ckwfh-Baf TKk chapal MoBdajr, Juna 11 at ! M am. Bav. W. BaiDld Lrmaa tU otUcUto. UUrmaflt, Baatlawn Maaaaay Cardana. Mam bar joor, ladttkCataa - Lata aaalaVant ad Bt. 1 Bos U lalarn. at a local twaplUl Juna lllh at tha aia at 11 yaars. Daufhtar af Mr. and Mra. Raymond C. Cataa af salami Iwa uaurf. joyed catet Ann Cataa, both of lalem. Sarvicai will ba bald Monday, June lath, at I N p.m. In tha Pint Baptlat Church anaar ina airacuon of ina nawau Edwarda Funeral Home. Re. Ben Owen and Rev, Kenneth Tablaa will afficlate. Intarmant la Belcraat Me wrlai Park. data Da rid Bark) At tha rati dance. Route 1, Box fMaP. Broaka. Ore.. June IT. lur alved by daufhtar, Mrs. David W right Announeemant of services later by tha Howeil-Bdwards fu- eral Home. lev. riayd B. riabar Uta resident of 411 Marios Bt. at I local Nursing noma Juna lftn at the aga of M years. Survived by soa. U. J. O. Wlllard J. ruber, of Portland. Ora- I daughters, Mra. Com lance It. A. Holllnrworth. of Portland. Mlsa Lucille Plsher, of Car nal, tain, sarvtcoa wui aa Bald la Navy Shuti Down Aged Radio Station WASHINGTON I - Tha Navy i plooccf "Radio Arlington," first trira radio itation In the nation and long one of the world'i most powerful Toicei, clowi down on Juno JO. Tbc 43-year-old station will bold aa "open bouse" Monday In a farewell to Interested persons July 14-U. The skyscraplng tow en at the location across the Po tomac River from Washington wen pulled down la 1ML Advertising Hsli sesaa Jaaiaal Nawipaaari It N. Oarck H. PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES 400 A rri culture 02 Uvaxraxk foe Sla) 1 BLACK gelding. I sorrel sure, a 1 horae trailer. Pn. avaa. or Sun. MM Tbc American Bible Society was started In UK. Batata of Grace D. Mason LEROY B. SKOUSEN Attorney at Law UM falling Bldg, Portland. Oregon NOTICB TO CREDITORS I No. 1U11I la the Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon for tha County of Marlon rro Da la uepenmeni. Notice la hereby given that the tinocrsigned nas been appointed ad ministrator of tre Estate of Grace D . Mason, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and has Qualified All persona having claims against said ratals are hereby notltied to present tha same, duly aerified a by law required. io tne undersigned at Statesman-Journal Box loa. Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published Juna IL una. Last publication July t, lM LEROY B. SKOUSEN Administrator LEROY B. SKOUSEN Attorney xt railing Bldg., Portland. Oreaon. Juna It, IS. IS, July 1, t tha Pint XUB Church (corner Mar ion ii Summer Bta.) Tuesday, Juna It, at 1:0 p.m., under the direction of tha Heweu-Edwaras cnspci. Rev. T. R. Busurd and Rev. A. G. Jam ison will officiate. Concluding serv ices at Rivervlew Cemetery. Port land. Friends -ars requested not to sano uowera. Belka B. Klasple At a local hospital Juna llth. Late resident of 17SS Chemawa Hd. Sur vived by husband. Donald I. Klmpla af Salem: daughter. Paula Kimble of Salem: son. Steven rumple. &a lam; parents. Mr. and Mrs. Trad E. Perln of Salem: sisters, Oelphlno Savage of Salem and Mra. Gordon Hood, Corvallls, Ora. Services will ba held In tha Virgil T. Golden Chap al Tuesday, Juna n. at a.m. or. Brooks Moore will officiate, in' torment, Belcreet Memorial Park. Mrs. Its Savage McOllckrist . At. tha residence. 491 N. Summer St., June ISth. Survived by daugh ter, Mrs. rater Buck of Portland, Ore 4 brother, Alvln Savage of 8a lam; slater, Mrs Walter Reynolds of Portland; grandson. William Peter Buck of Portland. Services will ba held at tha Pint Frecbytertaa Church Monday, juna la. at 1:90 a m. under tha direction of tha Clough-Barrtck runaral Home. Dr. raul Newton Foi ling will officiate. Concludina i tree at Mt, Craat Abbey Meusoleum will ba private. In lieu of flowera, friends may contribute to the Proa. byienaa Building Fund. Marlon C. Miller In this city Juna 1th. At the aga of T4 years. Mother. Mra. Cleo M Surprensnt, Salem. Grandmother of Mrs. Chsrles Beakow, Salem. Re quiem Mass Monday, June It, at 9 TO a.m. at St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Recitation of Rosary Sunday. Juna 17 at I 00 p.m. In the chapel of tha W. T. Rlgdon Co. Interment at St. Bar bara Cemetery. Basel D, Price At tha residence. Hid N. Front St., June 14th. Survived by brother. Everett Price of salemt niece, Mrs. 9. O. Hlnkle, Jr., of Sslem; nephew, Everett Price, Jr., of Independence. Services will be held at tha Virgil T. Golden Chapel Monday, Juna IS. at 1:00 p.m. Ritualistic services by the Sslem Rebecca Lodge No. 1, Inter ment Eena Cemetery. Cars C. Raaaaassea At the residence. 3490 D St., June IS, at the age of M yean Survived by husbsnd, Gordon S. Rssmuasen, Sslem; son, Fsrl C. Rssmuasen, Lar son Field. Wash.; daughters. Mrs. Dorothy R. Lane. Yahsta: Mrs. Enid L. Bolton. Wenatrhee, Wash.; Mrs. Dorothy N. Cosand, Chlco, Calif ; Mrs. Glsdys Bolton, Ephrate, Wash : Mrs, Annette Klndopp, Grass Val- lev. Calif : Bisters. Mrs. Roland Young, Rathdrum, Idaho: Mils Flor ence cuddy, Spokane, waah.; Mrs. Jay Dysr. Port Townaend. Wash.; brothers. William Cuddy, Spokane, Wash.; Ivor Cuddy, Spokane. Wash.; Howard Cuddy. Pasco, waah : John Cuddy, Spokane. Waah.; and eleven Erandchlldren. Funeral services will e held Wednesdsy. June M. st 1 30 p m. tn the t-napel or the Howell-Edwards Funeral Home, the Elder Har old Peckham officiating. Shipment will He made to Rathdrum. Idaho, by tha Howell-Edwards Funersl Home. Lawrears Jae Starss At the residence, Rt. J. Box T51. June 14, at the age of 58 yesra. Sur vived by wife. Linda Storm of Sa lem; aoni, John D. Storm or Salem. Robert L. Storm of Monmouth. Ore : five slaters. Mrs. Roas Sinclair of Salem, Mrs. Hattle McGee ot Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Imma Jorfen sen of Long Beach, Calif , Mrs. Hea ate Johnaon of Long Beach, Calif., Mrs. Msggle Johnson of Spencer Neb.; ons brother, Chris Storm of Minn. Four grandchildren slso sur vive. Member or uood Shepherd Lu theran Church. Servlres will be held st the Howell-Fdwardi Chapel Wed nesdsy, June 10, st 1(1 00 s m Con eluding services at Bslcreat Memo rlsl Park. (Mas. I knee) Weeadars en per haa I ttaee. JS JS per line 1 ttmea. as SS per Una ( tunas. II SS S1JS oar Una 1 ana. - SS (tad. Sua I Classified ada win ba run ta ootk papers to give advertteers ina advanugea of us tremea- combined circulations When aa ad st ordered three or six times and a Sunday issue is Included I for example Friday. Saturday. Sunday I tne lower Sunday rates apply becsuss only The SUtaamaa publish as Sun days, Claaatfiad ada win start ta the morning Oregon Statesman, con clude la the evening Capital Journal but ada (ill be ac cepted for Sunday gatestasa oauy. The deadline far classified ada m ID psa. the day before pub- ueatioa except ror aunaay wnea deadline la S 3 p m. Friday Emergency ads and small Una aaa received arter i:ss p weekdays and until 11 nc Satudray for Sunday may be placed la the "Too Lata ta Claa slfy" column. Ads for Monday papers sniatt aa us ay a aaiuroay. The Suteamaa-Jaurnai Newe- aaners rsasrvs tha right ta re- led quesuonaoie eaves-using; it further reserves the right ta place all sdvertltlng ander tne aropsr classification. The SUiaamaa-Jeurnal News papers Basuane aa financial re sponsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements published la It columns and In esses where this psper Is at fault will reprint that part of sn advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs A "Blind" Ad aa ad contain ing a Statesman-Journal N swa ps per i box number for an ad dressla for tha protection of the advertisers and anuat there fore ba answered by letter. The Statesman Journal Newspapers ars sot at liberty ta divulge in forms ooa as to ina identity ca sa advertiser nslng a "Bund'' ad. THIS NBWSPAPER STRIVES ta protect its readers sgstnst fraud, deception, ar Injuries. Readers sre cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to get a po sition advertised In tha help wanted columns. All help wsntsd ads MUST SPECIFY rHt. NATURE Of THE WOhK. Sales help wfmed ads must state If the pay ii in the form of salary, commissions, gusrantee, or Include firm name. Bona fide offers ot em- fileyment with pay belong ta he "Help Wanted" column. Ada ib other column which re quire Investment la stocks, samples, equipment ar cash bond shcuM ba thoroughly In vestlgsed before paying out any money,. Advertisers re quiring a cash Investmsnt for ssmples or merchsndlas, ssles sida. etc.. must so specify tn their ads. Kindly report sny exception to this rule to the cisssiiiso ad vertising mansgsr U03 Uveatoclt WaatwsJ FOR SALI young gentle leraey row, milking 3 sal eM Silver ton Rd. Ph 4-S43 FOR SALE or trade, gentle ponies far children, alas rood saddle horses Bob Pranks. XH N Water S4 aUvartask. Pb S-glS. Sales Meat Ca. tor sac beet Custeea killing, eu tuns' A snap ping, trailer Bnaraod tree PROFESSIONAL i 4-4TJ4 a a-aota. CATTLB Hoi ii a at your farm a- Mrianouian, Rt. I. x-eisa CATTLE buyer. A. F Sommer. US Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-eaal CATTLE Buyers 4391 State E L at h. snethen. 1-1343, i-ajaa. LIVESTOCK buyer Claude Ed wards. Rt a. Box 9K. 4-1111 430 Merchandise 45S Hawta CoosJa far Sal NEW FREEZERS as tow as 119 aa. Heidrr s. 31 M. High BEAUTYREST bed daveew. t3S Btltarell tilt back chair, otto man, 12 Glass top manoganv cockuil table, 7 M Ph. 3-39TS. irSTlNGHOL'SB S' rctrigerst or. late model, perfect condi tion, sag Phillips Appliance Co.. 3 Center St YR crib, spring A matt. SIS. Basklnete. SS. In Oxford. PH-14S. NEW BENDIX combination Duo snatic washer - dryer floor model W discount. Judaon s. JT N. Com! 404 Poultry Btad Kobbin COUNTRY FRESH EGGS Dos or esse lots. Dressed fryers. King. IT Union St. TURKEYS, oven resdy. fill your . lockers now, 33c lb A up. Closed Sat pm A Sundsv. Kaykendsll Eggss A Poultry. J3ajUncssterDr Ph. 4-31 IS. BABY CHICKS. Ic straight rurC choice of Parmenters, New Hampa. White Rocks and Leg horns Special New Hamp and White Rock pullets, lie. Par snenter red rooster, sc. VALLEY FARM STORE Pti 4-44 Salem CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry. We bur rsbblts. Wings 3m Stats.. Ph. 4-3SU. FOR SALE another batch of Capons ars resdy, limited aup tly. Weigh to g lbs. ISa lb. live. Ph. 1-MS3. Carpet Remnants IT x 13' " Green, heavy sreigtit Wilton. Was S343. NOW 19S. Na phone cells, please. HOGG BROS. W State St NEW modern Bedroom Set. I7SM terms. Glen Woodry. 100 N. Summer. COLDSPOT Refrig . all recon ditioned - I3 Used Md. Mart, r S Liberty Ph. 4-4371. No down payment io. a c ) Open Fn. night 'ttl COMPLETE gaa floor furnace. :w see in operation oetore Wednesday. 114 Maple. 408 Pets FREE 4 part Persisn Kittens, wsnt good hosne. Ph. 4-1240. 4311 Market TINY TOY Fox Terriers for sale Ph. 1-3S53. VOUNO parakeets, csges feeds Mickey's. 3KU 8 Com I-17SS FOR SALE: Pekingess A Chf- huahuss. 1214 State, after 4 p m. A.K.C. reg. Boxer pups. 77 Sth St.. sia ton. ore. Ph. S024. FOR SALE or trsde: Reg Lab rador Puppies, l'a mo. old. Ph 3-4241. PURE BRED Springer Spsntel pups. 3490 Sunnyvlcw Ave. Ph. 4-2030. FOR SALE Puppies, all kinds Corns aee afternoons st 3355 Livingston or call 2-7989 Will buy puppies sny kind BIRD Paradise for Mrds. cares supplies 1110 Livingston 1-1 Mr 410 Seeds and Plants Classified Index "For Your Convenience" CALL FOR RIDS The City of Sslem, Oregon, Is sk lng for sealed bids for the furnish )ng snd placing of approximately 11.9.11 lona of Aaphsltlc Concrete' fur the psvlng or reaurfsrlng of severs! street! within the city of Salem Oregon. Plsns sni specification! may be obtained at the olfire of the C'ilv ingineer. City Hall. Salem. Oreron Bids will be opened by the City iMenseer in nia orrtce. City Hall, Sa lem, Oregon, at the hour of 7 00 pm Friday. June 22. 1M4 The City reserves the right to sc- cept sny or reject sll bids In ths beat interest of ths City of Sslem. J 11.19.20. 11 Msetlna Notices ill Lost and Found 114 Transports Uoa 11 Personal 111 Sumps and Coins 40 AGRICULTURE 401 Livestock for Sals 403 Livestock Wsnted 404 Poultry and Babbits ' 407 Fur Bearing Anlnuat 40 Pels , 409 Sea Foods 41 Seeds and Plants 411 Fruit and Farm Produce 411 Fertllirer 414 Farm Equipment 42 Auction Ssles 49 MERCHANDISE 431 Mschlnery and Tools 45 Wsnted Machinery Tool 434 Sewing Machines 459 House Goods for Ssls 4M Wsnted House Goods 457 Radio and Telsvlslon 451 building Material 45 Do It Yourself 4W Musical Instruments 4S1 Sports Equipment 44 Bicycles .--'i 4M Ttsde Mlscellsnedus ' 44 For Rent, Miscellsneous 470 For Ssle, Miscellsneous 471 Wsnted. Miscellaneous 474 Miscellaneous 174 tusl SO BUSINESS AND FINANCE 11 Money to Loan Sll Losns Wsnted 11 Investments WO EMPLOYMENT Ml Help Wsnted 604 Help Wanted, Man SOS Help Wanted. Lady go pickers wsnted 10 Ssles Help Sll Work Wsnted, Msn (14 Work Wsnted. Lsdy (19 situations w snted 617 Job Information 611 Education 20 Day or Contract 700 RENTALS 701 Sleeping Rooms Board 70.1 Wsnted Rooms, Bosrd 709 Apartments for Rsnt 70 Duplexes 707 Houss for Rent 707-A Furnished 70g Farms for Rent 709 Wanted to Rent 710 Wsnted ta Rent Houss 712 Wsnted to Rent Apt. 714 Business Rentals 711 Resort Rentals 71S Convslescent Homes 180 Hovlng sndStorils BOO HEAL ESTATE ail Buaineaa Opportunities 902 Business Property Mil Suburban 0 Houses for Ssls Sfi7 Apia.. Courts for Ssle 80S Lota for Ssle 10 Fsrms for Ssls II Exchsnge Real Etate It Reaort Property 111 Wanted Rssl Estate t:S Insursncs 50 AUTOMOTIVE I.M New Csrs 152 Used Csrs for Sals 85 Auto Psrts snd Repair 154 Trucks, Trailers for Sal 156 Wanted Cars. Trucks 151 Motorcycles M0 Auto Miscellaneous Ml Houss Trailer! M Hesvy Equipment 880 Aircraft OLD FASHIONED PINKS TO GIVE AWAY T7I N. CHURCH PH. 1-799 BEGONIAS. Fuchsia Baskets? large A small. Stsrted Dahlias Copley Gardens. 2M5 Chemswa STEINER'S" Nursery. Glsds snd Dshlla bulbs, msny plants, flowering trees & thrulis. strawberries. Ph. 2-1944. 3100 Market. 30 00 DN. Bun household of furniture A sppllSnces at Salem's Low est Overhesd Store. Glen Woodry. 1403 N. Summer. OUTDOOR Barbecue, used two times 11199. Used St else Mart. 270 S Liberty. Ph. 4-4371. Open Frl night 'til . No down payment to. a. c.l BILLIARD table A assorles (79. 1 pc. sectional 3-972. S & H GREEN STAMP DIRECTORY "Clip & Save for" This Week's Best Buvs" BASEST Peerlesa Bakery 17 N Commercial v Phone 1-9704 CAMERAS Cobura Csmerss 174 N. Commercial Phone 1-141 ones Caattal Drug Store State A Liherty Phone 1-3111 Cnapmsn's Drug Store 14 Candalarta Rlvd Ph 4-471 Free Delivery Mootry'a Phermary Hollywood Business Dlst. Ketzer Business Dlst. FUEL Oreron Fuel Co Sawdust snd Wood LAWN glTPLIl How atafT Rntft, 113 S 12th Garden Tractor Headquarters Leataer Goads Shsfcr Leather Goods 115 N Commercial Luggage A Fine Leather Goods PAINTS a WALLPAPER Hutcheein's 143 N Commerctsl Ptors 1-4W7 ; RADIO ( Mitchell's Radio TV j IBM State St - Ph 1-7571 I Installing Sales A Service SERVICE STATIONS Batdorfi Texaco Station 5 Fairgrounds Ph 3-7451 14th A State Ph. J-9542 If IJMflll HOI IMPROVEMENT 1 reSkV Itwldirnj Swpplia rvRNiTlss Ennel's Colonlsl Fumltura 2745 S Commercial Phone 3-4743 JEWELS Alexander's Jewelers Diamonds Wstrhea Silverwsre Ml Court St. Webb A Anderson I Richfield) llth A Mission Complete Auto Repstrtng TELEVISION Mitchell s Rsdlo A T V. 1880 Ststc St -Ph 1-7571 Installing Ssles A Service USED mm 949 per M H5 per M . all No 1 & S49 per M Siding lx. lx . Flooring 1x3. 1x4 Common lunber btr :x. to 1x12 . t'sed ahower unlla, only 12 9 ea I'sed V pipe c ft s blsck drainage pipe 3Uc ft 16x.t2 ceiling tile, used 20c ea Jx4 windows A lisines M es All kinds of doors II ii up Mom Said 450 Merchandise 457 Radio end TV NEW 15 H" RCA TV reduced to 11795 Consoles 1199 95 Huyett TV, 19S3 Fairgrounds Rd. 1-7681. DfLAID Lino, fl.S per asj. yd. R. u Eifstrem ca ass a us-arty NEW Mr. A Mrs. wmlrror. 15 5, New Mr. A Mrs. wbed SM 95. Glen Woodry, 109 N. Summer. USF.D lronnte, model 75. Ph. 4-575 or see at Salem Iron rite Co.. 1137 S.ConVl. ELECTRIC Range 4 burners- good oven Plenty ot storage spare Specral t.19 95. Used Mdse. Mart. S70 S. Liberty. Ph 4-6311. Open Fri. night 'til S. No down payment to. a. c I UNFINISHED furniture. H. L SUff Furniture. 179 N. High NEW white enam. toilet seats 13.93. Judaon'S. 27 N. Com L INLAID Lino.. SI 9 per aq. yd R L Elfstrom Co. 260 S Lib- arty ANNUAL SALE Lg. blming. Fushlas. II. Ger aniums. Fushlas. Tub. Begon ias. I for gl. Fushla baskets. II 50 M s r r 1 1 l a Greenhouse. Brooks. ASPARAGUS 10c lb. U-pick. George Asher, Crand Island. MULCH Peat with mushroom fertllttar. Fine for mulch. Pb. t-OUL 411 Lown-Gordan Equipt, FOR SALE or trade for smsll tiller, 1 gsrden tractor, disc A spring teeth sttachments. I hand fertilizer separator, new Alan some farm tools, ateel bara. forka, pick shovels, dnlla A other tools. 3999 McClsne. 412 Fruit I Form PhmW? ZSl. Com'l. Ph 4-9W5 GOOD u-pick Marshsll 10c. Ph 1-2528. ESTATE NOTICE REAL PROPERTY SALE Notice li hereby given that the undersigned. Admlnlatrstnr of the Ealate af Walter H. Graham, by authority of the Circuit Court, Marlon County. Oregon. wlU sell, on and after the 14th day of July. IBM. st private sale for cash at tha office of hla attorney, STEVE ANDERSON at 941 Court treat, Salem, Oregon, at the hour ot 10:00 o'clock A.M. of said day. to the nigneai wooer, au nini, urn, anu interest oi tne estate in and to the fol- sawing aescrioea premises isa a wnole or in parcelsl, to-wlt: Let On (II. Block Five IS I Hicks-Jones Subdivision. Marion County, Oregon (See Volume 14, Page 1, Record of Town Plata for ssld County and StaUi The" property Is located at the corner of Cherry Avenue snd Alder treat, Keiter District, fronts 114 feat on Cherry Avenue and 410 feet on Alder Street ana nas a smau one-mom building. Offers should he suh tilted ta tha aforesaid attorney. For Information call either 1-3435 (At temeyl daytime or i-uu lAomintairaiori evenings. Dated this tth day af June, 19. , 11 CLIFFORD NOPP, Administrator. Estate af waiter it. Graham fTtVf ANDERSON, Attorns for Administrator, Sll Court Street, easasssv OrsjOA . JuoU.l!,isJuljFl 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST- Springer spaniel, black A white, answers tn "King lozs N. 17th or csll Ben st 3-1191 LOST: mo. old msle golden corner spaniel, rewsro. Ph 3-9434. LOST; lsdy wrist wstch. In or near Highland Store. Reward Ph. 2-1114. 310 Mooting, Notlco BAHAI world fsith Information writ Statesman-J'rn'l, Box 11 316 Portend OPAL KING Psychic 570 Union SI. Resdrr. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group .-mo i nine n torn t ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. 0g s Commercial. 1-110 BE THRIFTY Buy used furnl lure A appliances. THE THRIFTY WAY on Easy Terms st WOODRYS THRIFTY USED Ft'RN. ' 51! S Com ! Ph. 4-331 NEW 5 Pc chrome sets Reg ular 184 95 Special 159 95. I'srd Mdse Msrt. 270 S. Lib erty Open Frl. night 'til No down payment Io. sc.l Pn 4-4371. FOR HI-PILE, tough, rubber back 'Wall-to-wall carpeting in decorator colors at the price you ran afford, shop A ssve st Salem'a Lowest Overhesd Store Clen Woodry. 1605 N Summer GAS RANGE. $60 Ph. 4-8060 Unfinished Chpsts. New 3 Drawers I" '5 S Drawers HI 95 No Phone Orders Plesse HOGG BROS. 241 State St New Step End Tables . 18 SS New Corktsil Tables S6 SS Glen Woodry. 109 N. Summer ONE year old. 30" Deluxe Phllco range, terms Phillips Appli ance Co.. 355 Center St. ZENITH wringer washer-F.xt el lent rnnd 135. 1011 Sth St Fves Ph 2125 BIG Rav Barbecue, excellent condition, complete with hood -11995 Used Mdse Mart. 270 I 458 Building Materiols MATERIALS mm ! ! 458 Building Materiols (you qughta look see I Loaded with attrsctlvs paneling. knotty pine, clear fli knotty cedar. VG hemlock and alder. (They're beautifull Sec: Birch, mahog , oak. walnut and oth ers all factory finished, for resl "woodsy' look! Plywood n' Plywood any thick ness 4H sheets or cut to vour size FREF' ft 59 50. Siding 59 50. O. S. White Paint 2 50 gal Screen Doors 'Spring Isn't It? 95 & up an I Mahog. Urs 5 25 up. New load Birch Doors attractively priced Cedar Boards A Batten, invert ed Boarda & Batten Gosh Just come in brouse around we'll appreciate your visit. nuusc riaiis. lire esiwiiaiiiiK ir.r.rl - , , . and delivery I Promnt Tool "-V"" m M'."".""i" Remodeling - NOTHING! Hculers. JS3 N. High. DOWN - MONTHS TO PAY FOR SALE Electric Standard i No Red TspeiSc or 15 00(1 auitar. never used. g.'vO. 695 S Wlil Mahogany Jamba 4 95 ea. 'ir casing 4c lin ft. Itim ronlinit 9 95 sq 1- tj.mcl doors, all aUes, $H 95 ea Fir extenor ply. 9c sq ft 2011 pis 4x8-', Sault fcl Marie i ibinpt hire h plv ,'t9c sq ft lS No 3 S L. S'-S'-IO' lensths 159 50 M OP1-N ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K Lumber Yard Lancaster A Center Ph Salem 2-1500 ROOFING - Siding Installed Highest Quality Material ap plied bv Licensed Workman. 10 vear Warranty FREE ESTIMATES MONTGOMERY WARD Tall J-.1191 Sslem. Ore"i'ht;i New, fresh-milled old A second irowth lumber 2x4 to 2x12 in to 24-foot lengths Delivered prices Salem. 1:10 roer thou minimum Ted Mullcr 1-11M E.S. 6740 Portland Rd Ph 4-M11 4 Mi No. of Saiem. Ml No. of Totem Pole on 99E Open All Day Saturday 430 Merchandise 468. For Rent, Misc. FOR RENT or lease ige ware house space cement floor brick bldg downtown In- o urt H L Stiff Turn M M Your nous will appraise higher and sell better if in top condition. For profes sional sales advice consult tuirdirrg Supplio Salem Board of REALTORS 474 Miscellaneous 460 Musical Instruments ELECTRIC plaver piano for sale, plavs perfectly, (pi rolls 1250. terma if desired. Phillips Ap pliance Co.. 355 Center St 470 For Sole, Misc. 2 WHEEL Trailer wspare. S65 Hawser Bros . 115 S. llth. PIT RUN GRAVEL BLACK TOP SOIL DKL. $1 25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 ANTlgl'F.S Calerdar clock, cut glass bottles lamps, urgsn. Chain, etc 10 iiti -l p m. 281-0 S. 12th. 12 FT FRUIT wringer type Madison. TOFSOILi Phone 2-1575. 2-S301 RECAPS 00-lS Si F70-15 It 95 Exch Lytle's Tire Mart REV S rummase, everyday. 471 ,N cottage. Ph. s-73w. mtii sale will reteie our uliiiiist service ulth a smile. STOP1 SEE'! "Your Building Supply Friends ' at Portland Road Lumber Yard , 14t"ldK"'tph jasa roriianu noaa rn s-ts.i.i 462 Sporti Equipment ti siler. 4.UI45 IHIO 1760 OPEN ALL, DAY SATVRDAY EIGHT 6x1x11 timbers. 2 50 es Ph 4-5B94 Overhead steel garage door with hardware. 138 3. In stalled I4H0 Galvanized sve trough Il'.ic per ft EPP1NG LUMBER CO. 3740 SILVEnXQNyRD. t'OH SALE- Higgins csirplng trailer 1120 N. 15th 2-0619 12 FT. new runsbout, mshog. enter de k. 16 h p. Johnson, 1295. J-77;8, S-7647. BOAT & TRAILER 1 ft fishing boat New fmish.Chesp.2-7191. CASH paid for used guns, mod ern snd sntiqne Cascsds Mere 12.10 Broadwsy 12 ft. Utility Boat, PH. 2-0-101. res. 9S ffi,'1. T: c"! ' 450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise Ph 4-4.171 -PICK Marshsll berries, 10c C F. Andresen. 4M0 N. Lancaster. U-PICKS WANTED ton of ripe atrswberrles. c per lb 1, ml. E of Totem pole, lit field on right psst Hazelgreen store on old Sil veiton Rd. H J Gslle, 58D0 Van Clesve Rd. Sslem -PICK strawberries, Nortlf wcsti. 4580 Ridge Dr., Ph. 3-6511. FRIGIDA1RE suto washer, exc cond.. M5 Call 3-3477. Td 20 S Lib- ENTISH pie cherries 5c lb. U- plclc at Waconda. I ml. N Keizer on St. Paul Hwy -PICKMarshall Strawberries 10c Ib. Odin Hollln, Rt. 1. Box 1H7 C. Brooks, 2'i mt. E. of Brooka. -PICK Northwest Strawber ries Only I mi. from city lim its 10c per lb. Bring your own contslners. Field open from e m to 1 p.m. K. 4i L. Strsw herry Fsrm. 1795 N River Rd Turn West at Tele Treat Drive In U-l'ICK Northwest strawberries 1 pm. till 7 p m. clean field rire berries, l'j mi. F. of Kelier fcj', North. CallleJIsys STATE inspected milk S5c. Ph 4-1111. 4'j m. E. 4 Cor. on stste PASTEURIZED whole milk. 75c gal Homogeniied, 79c, gal lon 40c. Clearv Dslry. 2-M3S. U-PICK nice ripe norUiwest strawberries. Clesn pstch 10c lb Innard Hays. 5400 uulns by Rd. Ph. 2-2M0. INLAID Lino . It 5l per so, R L Elfstrom Co rrty ROSE, bed daveno Excellent condition. 1440 A St NEW Blltwell Daveno wlare club rocker, 159 50 Terms Glen Woodry. 1605 N Summer ELECTRIC Trivets Complete with cord 'Food warmers i An Ideal Gift Reg 15 95 -Special II " I'sed Mdse Mart. 270 S Liberty Open Fn. night til. 0 No down pay ment io. a. c 1 SPECIAL New Simmons Hidea beda 1141 Terms. Glen Woodry 1805 N. Summer. NEW9x!2 Linoleum 14 m New lg. Garbage cans 14 8i Glen Woodry. 1405 N Summer LOVELYnew Biltwell Swing Rockers. M ft". Terma at Sa lem'a Lowest Overhead Store Glen Woodry. 1405 N Summer NEW Brass Firescreens. 112 RB New Simmons Rollawaysll2 BR Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer IF YOU need slnsle Item or a complete household of new or used furniture or appliances Buv now on our easv terms Woodry's Thftftgt t'sed Furniture 515 So Com'l St Ph. 4-7:119 1 block So of Paper Mil New 4' Door Mirrors II 49 New 30" Bar Stoola 1.1 4!) Glen Woodry, 1B05 N Summer 414 Form Equipment 50 MODEL "B" Allls Chslmers Tractor, used very littler. Ppw er take off. hydraulic left ft field cultivator. 1055 Wheat land Rd Ph. 1-5M4. 450 Merchandise $149 50 New Blltwell Daveno wswing rocker, 2 end tables, 2 tabl lamDS. cocktail table Terms Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer COMB gss rsnge ft trash burn er. dinette set. dble. bed Ph 2-7S30 USED reTrigerstorsTllfl 25 A up Al Ijiue, App. 2.150 State St FOR SALE, late model (inwei mower, perfect. 4-5042. 470 For Sole, Misc. 470 Far Sole, Miic. Fill u .v Lb, ARE REMODELING AND HAVE MANY ITEMS FOR THE BUILDER OR PRIVATE HOMEOWNER INCLUDING. SHOW CASES COUNTERS TABLES t LIGHT FIXTURES ladder, washer Easy 180 USED TIRES TRUCK PASSENGER Lytle's lire Mart 215 IV Coptl Ph 4-013 I'YPHWRI'IKRS icitmi ma chines cash registers, dupli cators, desks chairs, tiles sup plies Moen a. 4.V Court 3-67il LOVELY small carved antique love seat 455 University, after 5 .10 except Sunday. ADDING machines, cssn regis Clarv I17 Fairsrounda . 1-5:175 nFNTALPLATl REPAIR l-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASFS OR HARRY SEMLKR Dentlsl Adolph ftklg State ft Com I SU SALEM PH 1-.1311 15 felt ft craft paper 12 31 3 tab 115 IK roofing. Cheap Cedar Shinglea U. 11. New iron rsiofing per aq. 81 Nails per keg. SUM Outside white psinL gal SI M 12-1 wire, roll at 4 jc Garage doors., all sites, cheap Barb wire SO rods IS 95 7 4 Ce ling tile ll'xjr 10c sq ft 4xg plaster hd II 40 1 60 IB no. 1 Asbestos siding 111 10 sq. New Water beaters, sell out Cast soil pipe 75c ft V gslv. pipe 12c. -lc. r.-29i. Tj-.-ek. H gal steel seTT tanks 111 5. 300 sal steel Sep Unks X5 New bath tub complete ISJI Toileu with seats 12640 Wash has w ith trim 119 50 Iron, ateel, stsinleu ateel sinks. Osk flrg rsndem length Cheap New ,indow ssshes. choice 12 0 ) Windows ft frames, large stock Mahg plywood 4x1. 15c sq. ft. l.KH) doors, hardwood ft glase STRICTLY CASH-U-HAUL CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS C O. LONO ft SONS PH 4-5051 1 MI N. KEIZER 476 fuel OREGON FUEL CO. OLD FIR LILLY PADS MULCHING SAWDUST S & II GREEN STAMPS 1-55X1 3017 Broadway WANTED several thousand cords e.' wood all specie Pb 1-7711 Nights 4-56.13 Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Planet F.nds Choice slab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph. 1-7721 ANDE RSON'S s 1 a b w o o d. Ph 2-7751 or 4-254 HIGHWAY FUEL CO SAWDUST A WOOD Spring Special Mulch Sawdust. Fertilizer Block ft Slab Wood West Salem Fuel 1528 Edgewster Ph M0.Y1 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted REAL ESTATE BROKER WANTED o lake charge of going real es tate business Write States-nisn-Journal Bos 127. 604 Help Wanted, Men T V A Appliance repair man. App'. Lee's Electric. 33S0 N. Incastcr ELECTRONIC rnredsmenTsee our ad under Class 417. 500 Bus. & Finance Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam 'Jtal 2-1749 Prompt Delivers; Ketzer Sand ft Gravel Ca. "ATTENTION Paients" We are closing out our line of wagons ft tricycles, also a few chem istry je's and juvenile furnt rure. All must so Everything at wholesale prices. Come in while there is still a selection. Used Mdse Mart. F70 S Lib erty. Open Fn night 'til 8. Ph. 4-6:171. No down payment io a. c i 3AS.MNFTS " inewl'S p e c I a I while th( y last SJ.95 each. I'sed Mdse M;irt. 270 S Lib el i Ph 4.S.I71 Open Fn night 'til 9 No down payment In a C i NEW 52 gal Hotpoint water heaters. 10 vear kbit Reg $1211 '5. now for a limited time M2.50 Phillips Appliance Co.. :i55 Center ft 4 LOTS at Rest lawn Cemeterv Gardens, $150 ea. Perpetual care Wonderful view. E. B. Smith .1-9:101 Pit Run ('.ravel TOP SOIL PH 2-4310 FORMAL white wedding dress A veil. Sire 14 Cost 185. sell for- 145. Ph 4-065.1 510 Money to Loon For Cash HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. 1910 Fairgrounds Rd. l Hollywood District! HOME OWNED HOME OPERATED Nn Investigation Fees. Free Parking Lot. Call 2-70.11 LONG TERM LOANS ' (Farm and Suburban) LOW INTEREST RATES Fh. 2-35.-1 CLl'ETT le KENY0N REALTORS 19R0 Fairgrounds Rd. I Hollywood Dist l COLONIAL Investment Co Val Property Loans - Contracts Purchased Ml Court 4-221S CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone S-0SM. 154 N Winter Adjoining Presbyterian church. Free parking In rear Exclu sive listings ea all types ad employment WANTED, experienced manager for auper market in near by city. Give age. qualiflcatlnna. former employment. Phone No Write Statesman-Journal, Hox 128 OPERATOR- lor-out-of-town ' fast vrnulng 1RM Installa tion, wiring exp. necessary. MuM have supervisory poten- lial. salaij 1400-475. Apply Statesman-Journal Hox 105 WANT several wood cutters. Apply Capital Fual Co, 1900 N River Rd. WANT aonieone to mow lawn at do sard work, must have own mower. 39!5 McClsne. 606 Help Wonted, Lody HOUSEKEEPER for elderl wages Write Statesman-Journal Box 132. MONTGOMERY WARD ffii opening lor an Infant & un derwear Dept. head. Must have recent selling experience. 5 da 40 hi. wk Hospital At medical benfits, paid vaca ticns, A discount on all pur c'lass Apply in person AI'DIT clerk, typing necessarv, the knowledge nf bookkeeping helpful Apply Weisfield's Inc. W5 N Liberty HOL'SFKEEPErTfor gentlensiiv nr 1,'tl Pvt rm TV. Brm 129 Statesman-Journal WANTED older girl or woman for housework In good home, private room, good salary. Ph. 2-1729 RELIABLE hnnic Ph WE HAVE cash buyert for real ; WAITHFSS WOW! Folgen 9:tc Camels tons. II 85 Vel. 2 Ige 9B. . C.olden Weft, tn. II 64. Wins Small Fggs. 2"ic pkgs . 25c- We re hot at Hands Mkt. 404 S High NEW 8' gym ahdes 112 80 Clen Wuodr. 1105 N. Summer. These are only tun- utiles of the manv fix- FlXll'HF. ( l.EAKANt E now soing on at J. C. PENNY CO. lftn N. I.IRF.RTY CONTACT THE MANACER. NO THONE CALLS PLEASE 472 Wanted, Misc. WANTED seversl thousand cords of wood, all species Ph 1-7721 Nights 4-54M TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 Save lime -Save money For the Best Professional Services an um Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! estate contracts snd Ind mort gages Ohmsrt At Calaba. Realtors 477 Court St Phone 1-4115 PRIVATE money to loan. t Interest Ph. 1-0794 FOR MOB S25 to $2500 Pacific Industrial Loans IIS S Liberty Ph 4-1KIJ 18 LOANS 150 00 to 11500 00 Buv What You Seed Consolidate your bills. Finance through WILLA VTFTTE CREDIT COMPANY S. Church St Ph. 1-3457 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted 451 Mochlnery & Tools R2 CATERPILLAR tractor, re cently overhauled iless than 50 hours! In excellent condi tion, with power iakeoff, pully and grease gun. 11500. 215 E St. Slayton. Ph. 4654. JOHN Deece auto, wire tie hay bailer with Wisconsin H.D. air cooled motor all in good ahape. Ready to go to work. 1025 Elm St.. ph. 4-M44. 454 Sewing Mochinet SEWING MACHINE BEAUTIFUL Singer Desk Mdl. left on our hands with I'I2 ha! Assume contract for IS per mo, i-h. 4-71(12 (dir. 1 SEWING M ACHI N E Repossessed Kenmore, like new cond New price 1154 95. bal on contract 177. Take over for II per wk. Ph. 4-7102 (dir.) 456 Wonted House Goods ADDING MACHINES Bus .i' you lt-icn-T pew r Ph. M77.'l All 456 110.000 CASH TJo spend for High grade Used f Furniture A- Appliances I'll :i-5110. Paying Top Prices for Belter Grade Glen Woodry. 1605 N Summer WE NEEDFURN1TURE Valley Furn Co.. 1-7471 FURNITURE Wanted. Courteous service Ph. 3-6098. TOP CASH PRICE - FURNI TURE. APPUANCES. ETC USED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S LIBERTY PH 4-4371 457 Rodio ond TV APPl.lANt rs WESTINCiHOUSE Woodry Furniture Co 474 So CorrT Ph 4-2111 CAPITOL Bedding Msttresa re novators New mattressea 3-4069 RRIC KjTm.OV K M ASON BRICK and block Work guar antecd. Pli 4-Mns. I.IIMIIM. A DIIS(. IM11NG & LEVELING Pn 2 0 :2 D PANTOV1CH III' I I. DOZING." rlcar ng roads, ponds D-4. n-4 cirrvall V ll.isi.ey Ph BIT.I.DOZINr.rgrading"&ijind clearing Flmo W' Locker owner 6c operator. Ph. 2-5742 HOME PLANNINO EXPFRT hone bulldirg it re modeling. Phone 4-7577 KOTO-V ATINC. CI'STOM erpnp'! cl.ards A- .1-47 R o t o v a t I n g nt Fields lawns, or Hi gardens. Ph. 2-8D61 COMMERCIAL Placement Ajrency Since 1948 Specialists in Oflice Placements F-Order rlk . ditto n-ai-h 1205 F-Tvpisl VI 'in, fie. ires J1D5 Ford r-P T Sicno-bk)r l 5n hr. r -( Ik i pist. ins exp liiHi F-Od. typist, form Itrs. S0 baby sitter in my 4-4B63 after 6pm North's Resturant. Center. No. Ph. Captiol Shop. calls ilOI'SFKEEPER w"anTe""d' In Country home fnr 2 adults Ar 1 s. ho,l age child. Ph. 2-6310 Brooks 608 Pickers Wonted STRAWBERRY pickeri wanted rail Rrimann Real eslaf? Ph -1? t'-r lrfnrmaT'on Trans- IM.r!.itinii furnished. PK KKIiS wanitd al Lauderba. k A- Arrrlls on Lardon Rd Straw hf Tries, cherries A- beam, picking now. Ph. 4-SI Si U-PIC'K Nnrthwet ytrawtierne. 8- Kavt nf Totem pr-le, first lelt turn past new Tlareljreen Sfhnfil. Vii Willtamwn ANDRFSFN rarm nnw refit tenne gtrawberr? picken 24 A Marshall 4990 N. Lancas ter Ph. 4-2043. U-PICK Marshall Ph 2-OlOfi straw berriei. STRAWBERRY Pickers wanted; start Thursday, Mav .'list N West berries, 1 block West of Keizer Schl. Ph. 2-0457. I. AWN MOWER SHAEPFNINO LAWN mower sharpening, low prices, work fusr Ph. 4-90H2 455 Houid Good i for Sal DIAL 4-6811 TO PLACE AD VACUUM CLEANER F.I.FCTROl.UX Vacuum Cleaner for 123 Ph. 4-5M4 eves It Sun Carpet Remnants llxT! Sandalwood frlere. ruhberlred hsck. was $S9, NOW K4 No phone calls, please. HOGG BROS. x tun tu RADIOS-A11 must S". table Ac console Priced to move, from SO 95. Used Mdse Mart. 270 S Liberty Ph. 4-M71. No down payment to. a. c.) Open Frl ni(ht '111 9. SUMMER close-out on famous T V. seta. Every T V. aet on our floor at Sid above our cost, ask to see invoice, limit ed time. Phillips Applisnce Co.. .155 Center St. Zenith sll speed rsdlo Ar phono araph. IftO. Helder'a, M.I N Hish NKW Masnsvox HI FI console. Only 1.49 50. Helder s, M3 N. Hlh. PHII.CO 21" T V. sll channel works like new, ISO 50. Hei der', M3 N. Hish 2 1 I n7 S Y LVAN I At7 , TABU mdL Call 1-S03X CARPENTFR CONTRACTOR CARPENTER CONTRACTOR , ppFiNJJ intino Tramms, reniodellne, founda- ! EXPERT brush or spray pamt tions, retamins walls, cement 1 Ind. Hr. or contract. Ph. 4-3900 or pumice block. Free esli mates. 3d mo. to pa. 2-mmi CRANK WORK 25-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand Ai Gravel Co 2-24A1 Paintine and Free estrmatea paper-hanPng Ph 3-9513 PAINTING IXCAVAT1NO VINCENT C. NEAL F.xcavatlne Co Excsvalinn - flradinf Ph M5 FLOOR COVFRINOS NORRIS WALKER Pslnt Co Floor-covering Division Qual ity Installations Linoleum. As phalt Ai Rubber Tile Wall tile Free Eittmatea 4-227 GRADING sV DOZING BULLDOZINO At back fill, 5.50 per hour. rn. J-V9JJ. Brush or spray. Exterior or in terior. Free estimates. 2-9008. EXPERT spray. bTush painting pspr hanjftnf your paint or mint Free est Terms Ph Nelson 3-H413. 3-H243 PAPFRING PAINTING PAINTING " iT IIECORATlNG Dirt Chr.ip Price 3 7552 Fa I N T I N G T I n t e r I o rATexteTloT. Free 4-0094, 4-2828 SXNI) CRAVF.L WALLING SAD AND GRAVEL 1S2S McGllcbrlst Crushpd quarry rocks and rrav el All sics fur ruads drie- a's snd park me lots HEADY MIXED CONCRETE G.rdcti sand, hull-rlolng. shov fl and dragline work. 3-9249 SA! FM SAND aTgRAVElTcO Ready mix roncrete, crushed and round gravel, sand and top soil 1403 N. Front St 2-24S1 F-Checkrr td wfieures 225 M-C.en I Rkpr . Krain. out J.1O0 lest Way to Ihe Rest Jobs 194 State. 411 Ore Bids.. 4-3351 VALLEY SAND At GRAVEL CO Crushed A: round eravel Sand Ai con mix 2-4002 SIPT1C SERVICE MIKE'S Septic service Tanks cleaned D rooter cleans sewers drains Phone 1-S4SS HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter, aewers. septic tanka cleaned. 3-6327 Hamel's septic tanks cleaned, line service Guaranteed work Phone 3-7404 or J-0774. TREE SERVICI ROOFING SALEM BTYDrROOTNG Most mod. life time roof, color choice. Free est. 2-7500 eves. for comp'. Information. De Rosia Tree Service Trees Shrubs Hcdes Insured 1135 N. Liberty St. 2-SM1 eve C'PHOI,rrt,RlNC." UPHOLSTERING Professional: eusr. work, free eat., pickup, deliver Ph. 1-4290 To place classified ads call 4-6811. WANTED AT STRAWBERRY PICKERS 2ND. PICKING 19 A. Irrigated Northwest berries Stanley Snecd lit I Box "3 Brooks, Inra'ert 1 mile N nf Brooks, on Hr.i.iv m. Ph 2-3I4S after 6 n m ' 4 A at fnrnfT loca- l;nn Hlonsum Dr.) 13 A. Nnrthwesli, slart 2nd pick ing June 12th. 4447 Salter Dr. R. A. Fiedler Ph. 4-354u; ' W L Peterson. 2nd vr. Mar shall! He.ivv nuking, trana. furn Ph 2-21198 a"',r4. STRAWBEnnv pfkers wsnted. 3 nil '".It Wallace Rd. Picking May 31 Ph. 4-7656 B. J. Tow ery. Rt. 1. Box 379. STRAWBERR Y pickers wanted"! mi. E of Kelier sch. Stsrtlne June 7th. A. Goldshv. 2215 Chemswa Rd. Ph. 4-8374. HOTEL BENTON IN CORVALLIS, OREGON APPLICATIONS sre now oelns j tsken fnr statesmsn oirvcis routes Seversl routes will be open Applicants must be ac companied by their pi rents or hsve their written permis sion Apply at the Circulation Department of the Itatesm adjournal. STRAWBERRY pickers needed. Picking started June 1st. Clesn fields Ar close In. JERRY At NITA ANDRESEN 4A45 N Lancaster. Ph. 4-1973 610 Soles Help Wonted NEED YOl'NC, LADIES Between 21-24 for Adv. wo'k. $250 month' Neatness essen tial, some travel Apnlv Mrs. Duncan, Marlon Hotel Lobby. Wed. onlv. Ti-5 p m SALESMAN waned. Electrolux Corp. 1079 Brdwy Salem. GOOD mh open for Newspaper Salesman. Must be able to sell A. must be able to furnish ref. erences. Please apply to Mr. Clark, Circulation Dept. of the Statesmen-Journal. MAN to distribute at pick up Fuller Brush catalogs. (100 weekly comm. to start M3SI.