Senators Hear Tactical Air Command Plea By EDWIN B. HAAKINSON WASHINGTON - A strong tactical air command able to fight anywhere in the world wan urged by investigating senators Saturday as the best insurance against "brush-fire or limited type' wars. The Senate air power investi gating subcommittee released testi mony given behind closed doors by Gen. Otlo P. Weyland, head of the Tactical Air Command (TACi, who said that if the I'nited States had had adequate tactical air power prior to lflM "it is question able . whether the Korean War would have started." "Brush-Type" Wan Just as the Strategic Air Com mand i SAC i has prevented out break of global wars, the general testified, "it is obvious to m that we must have adequate tactical air forces in being that are capable of serving as a deterrent to the brush-type of war." Proposals for strengthening TAC came from Sens Symington 'D Mo. chairman of the air power probe, and Jackson D-Wash i They put their suggestions in the form of scores of questions in the 72 pages of testimony, which was censored lor military secrets by the Defense Department. Equally Important Symington said it was just as important that TAC be ready for combat anywhere in the world as it is for SAC to be ready. Jackson protested that missiles, fighters and other equipment now in use by TAC were not the latest and fastest available. Weyland explained that the Tacti cal Air Command must assist theater commanders in any part of the world by providing air su periority, air, ....defense and close support for ground forces. Its first main task is to win the battle for control of the air, he said, so that ground forces can fight "without an enemy on their back." Chop Off Supplies .At the same time, he said TAC; must isolate the battlefield area by "chopping nf(" enemy supplies All IU ..-L.l TA- sin tut niinc mv. iiliiM ;i ut iui close 'supporl tor ground troops' tiyf "moving of obstacles that are in the way of advancing infantry or in the case of a rear action, holding off the enemy." While all this is underway, Wey land said TAC also must provide reconnaissance for both ground and air forees as well as airlift of troops and supplies. Weyland conceded that TAC is loss known to the public than the two other major air commands, strategic ' SAC" i and air defense (ADC i. He described TAC as "the jack of all trades element of our offense air power." Statesman, iakin, Oie., bun., June iJ, oo (dec. if-7 I OPIN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 11:15 TO 9 P.M. 1 OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OYER 1000 CARS f? new UUchen-wise gifts by Rival new de luxe chrome ac cent magnetic can-o-mat Single action handle opens all cans, leaves safe smooth edge. Powerful magnet whisks away the lid. Folds flat against the wall when job is done. Colorful beauty in chrome with white, black, red, yellow, pink or tur quoise. All chrome model, $7.95. table model icc-o-mat Church Group Backs Drive For Knowland LOS ANGELES UP Two mem bers of Gerald L. K. Smith s Chris tian Nationalist Crusade have been disclosed as leaders of a move to back Sen. Knowland R Calif) for the presidency if Presi dent Eisenhower decides not to run. The identity of those behind the movement has been a matter of conjecture since anonymous cir culars were mailed recently by a "Knowland for President .... If Committre " Knowland said last week in Washington, however, that he knew nothing of the origin or sponsor ship of the circulars. At that time Knowland also reaffirmed his sup port of Eisenhower, saying: "I withdrew from the presidential race completely when Mr. Eisen hower announced (or re-election. I am an Eisenhower delegate and he has my complete support." A local Jewish weekly news paper. Heritage, published a copy righted story Thursday saying that Smith and his followers were be hind distribution of (he circulars Smith yesterday told a newsman that the twn top committee of ficers are Charles F Robertson, who edits "The Cross And The Elag." magazine of the Smith "Crusade." and Miss Renla I.e gant. Smith's personal secretary "As far as I am concerned this committee is an independent poli lical committee." Smith said. "II so happens that its officers are friends of mine within the orbit of mv confidence. Naturally. I shall advise my 400.000 enrolled follow ers in California and my followers in other states to support this committee." Have crushed ice speedily, easily, whenever you want it! Dial for fine, medium, coarse crush. No drip. Stainless steel blades. Chrome with black, white, red, yellow or pink cup. Wall model, $8.95. If ivul uliUc1ieneer It's a grinder, chopper, slicer, shredder, grater-a won derful meat grinder and salad maker, large removable hopper for easy cleaning. Use it anywhere-safe suction cup feet. Three interchangeable disks. White, red, yel low or pink. Mail and phone orders' HOUSEWARES-SECOND FLOOR a ft! ill in tim top ialco (able 0 Nation's Home Building Dips WASHINGTON ifv-The govern-' nient reported today Homebuilding during the first five months of 1956 ran 100.000 units or 17 per cent behind the rate in the same period last year. The Labor Department's statis tics bureau estimated home con struction in the January - May period at 463.000 units compared with 561.000 during the same 1955 period However, this year's total compares favorably with similar iui.j nrrinds. it said. Rmlrlers started 108,000 home units in May. a seasonal gain of 2.000 over April, but about 30.000 less than May last year. I nits begun under FHA and VA linn rfurinc Januarv through May dropped 27 per cent below the comparable months ol isfu. DAM HEARING DATED WASHINGTON A proposed Senate bill amendment designed to hall construction of Pelton Dam nn Central Oregon's Deschutes River will have a hearing next Friday before the Senate Interior rrg. 30.95 Now you can buy the fabulous Falco table in aluminum the table with a thousand and one usesl Solidly con structed with, moldings of life-time aircraft aluminum. It'i aluminum top has a Duolux underside for added strength, Supports 1000 lbs. distributed weight. Seats 8 people with room to spare. Size 30"x72 "x30" high. Folds to 30"x36", fits easily in auto trunk. Ideal for picnics, out ings, hunting, fishing as well as endless uses in the home. Mail mul plume orders' HOUSEWARES-SECOND FLOOR for automatic washers All detergent 50-!b. drum J J qKJ Automatic washer makers prescribe this new detergent. Gives controlled suds for a cleaner, whiter wash. ALL will safely launder anything that can be washed by hand including the new miracle fabrics. Moil and phone orders' HOUSEWARES-SECOND FLOOR i(I4: I)) " 1 JK S i ..'III i' ' I I I 1 ft r w P w ft) DISK ' ' ' "I"' ' ' ' liaiiiJV - - "k ' Jill : j A MMy i 1 1 Jt ''''' ' r ' ' - .. G-p 1 NELSON ,M M f t T n f fl i I m lo u y CONQUEST 5'pc. place setting in 6 patterns STAINLESS STEEL FLATWARE per setting Attractive tableware with rich designs , , , hindsomt enough for formal or casual table settings. Thit fine quality stainless steel has all the gleam of silver, but with the non-tarnish virtue that only stainless steel can offer. Won't rust or stein, needs no pampering. Choice) of six newest patterns . . . perfect gifts for weddings, showers. Each place setting includes one-piece knife with drop-forged blade, fork, salad fork, teaspoon, dessert-soup spoon. See thit stunning stainless lablewear now I H fro vpp V 111 I & I ft I M 1 1 J CAROLINE HOUSEWARES-SECOND FLOOR Mail and phone orders jWfitr & frrk l- Stlfoi. Slm, O'tgon Itnd m rh following Ouno fha'rj ) coo n m''- ! Tlus .shipping rot tit an n otitsidc vur rrgnlar truck dcliivry routes. Committee.