28-(Sec. TV) Statesman, SaTem, Ore, Sun., June 17, 5fl Justices Warren, Black, Douglas Called 'Strong Liberal Bloc of Supreme Court Br MIX M. TOST WASHINGTON If) Chief Jus tice Warraa lined up frequently with Justice Black and Douglas hi tht Supreme Court term ist asded la iorra what many lawyers consider a strau fiber si bloc la hit (bird term aa the klfli beach. Warrea Joined Black and Douilas 11 times la protestiaf a dsieaa by court majorities. Not i aaa of the three east a disseatini vote acaiast i majority drrisioa writtea ay aaoUier of U tna. Together they voted against ma jority opinions writtea variously by Justices Reed, Burton, Clark and Harlan. The trie voted most oftea sisinst Reed-nvt timet. No ether group of Justices stood tot ether at consistently. Statistic for the term thus ap pear ta confirm the comment of various court observers that the Bin Jurists may aow be consid ered as aivkM i west group ings: Coaservatlv Bloc Justices Reed. Burton, Clark, llintoa and Harlaa could be rated as a conservative bloc Chief Jostle Warrea. President Eisenhower's first appointee ta the tribunal, and Justices Black and Douglas, appointee of Pre deat PrankUa D. Roosevelt, could be fisted a a "left of center" group. . . ' Justie Prankfuiter stands la a center position where he can aometime swing decision one way or tht other by voting with the conservatives or with the fib arals. In the term ended last Monday, Warrea Black and Douglas la dis senting opinions and by casting dissenting vote Insiste court ma jorities wen la error in the de cision f major interests: That states have the right to baa mas picketing and violence by striken. .. Secret laienutJoa . The attorney general may as secret information ia- considering whether ta suspend a deportation Civilian wnt accompany tht military force overseas are sub ject t military trial for crime Committed abroad. Tht Da Pent company has aot Illegally monopolized r the cello phane business. ... Cutter Laboratories ta Califor nia could fin for "Just cause" a woman employe who wa a com aiunlst ':.- Louisiana aeed tot grant new trials ta three New Orleans Ne groes sentenced ta death for rap ing whit women. Tht federal aatiracketeerlng act . -i -i-i milana ta Husk-in fthfr-hUine- demand aa mptoytra. Blacked by Clark la tour of their dissents the lib eral bloc was Jointed by Clark: ta another they wart supported by frankfurter. , Warrea; wrote eight majority opinion last term "la four of them he bad unanimous support of all hi associate Justice. Ia the other Jour eases, dissenting vote were cast by various Justice of the conservative group. The principal case among the latter four was that knocking out enforcement of state seditioa laws. Warrea said such state laws had been superseded by tht 1H0 Smith Act and subsequent federal law. Justice Reed, Burton and Mintoa dissented and their views an em braced la biOt pending hi both houses of Congress to nullify the effect of the decision. Clark led ia the output of ma jority opinion, with a total of It. Douglat turned out tea majority opt moos and led la output of dis senting opinions, totaling U Doug las also cast tea dissenting votes, making hire tba court' leading dissenter with a a total. Reed and Burton ranked next, each with a total of M dissenting opinions and dissenting votes. All nine Justices issued a total of M majority opinions, compared with M last term. They cast 1 dissentin votes la disposing of the 1 M cases, compared with 11 dissenting vote cast in the 19M-SS term. . Truman Thanks Motorcycle Escort . n nun hum m.'i, i n . .in i.i i .ii.ii V Y " V - a it, M 0 3 it VMU3SEU, KOJUnm-rtmtt Prealdeat Harry I. Traasaa etpreaaea bla gratitadt Thanday to the aaolareyeit potte oaeeH that aeeoaapaalei ais aa aa ass oauags ta raaen. mmmu as mm wur aaeat 14 hears la ta Betglaa capital, oat at tht stop on thear Karoaoaa tear. (AP Wlreahoto) Jet Hams Into Auto, Wall, Nobody Hurt THANET, England ill - Pilot Thomas B. Adams, 8, at Mill brook, N.Y, rammed hi Jet plane kit aa occupied automobile and knocked M feet out of a garden wal Thursday but aobody waa hurt. , . . "It was a miraculous escape for everyone," said a V. S. Air Force ipwwmsn. no saw k nappenea this wy: . - , Toa late, Adam saw a parked car directly ia his path as be was taking aa la hi TUT tighter bomber, la a split second he nulled back aa th stick, enough to les sen tht Impact oa the car. But the Jet bounced Into tht wall round th garden of Lady Carson. widow at a prominent North Ire land lawyer, and came to a screeching halt M yard from a road full at traffic ' Briaa Hollybead, civilian, was pulled frord hi crumpled car un injured. Adam crept from tht wreckage i hi plan and gasped, "My gosh." . Lady Canon, who has refused to pay ber taxes because of the noise made by the Jets, grimly observed the bricks scattered over her garden and commented. "I have nothing to say, but I think my lawyer shall." U.S. Demands Tito Clarify Protestants in Stand With Russ Leadersitiv w:n By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER WASHINGTON I - The United Slates was reported to have asked Yugoslavia Friday to clarify where It standi as between Russia and the Westen powers. Tht request wa mad la toe light of statements made by Mar shal Tito on his current good wui visit to the Soviet Union. Deputy undersecretary of state Robert Murphy summoned am bassador Leo Mat a the State Department and talked with him for 41 minute Friday afternoon. After tht conference neither State Department spokesmen nor Mates would disclose the subject of the meeting. However. It was understood on excellent authority that Murphy had expressed concern over the implications of comments made by Tito in Russia. Clot Red Tie On the surface at least, Tito ha seemed to be restoring very close ties with the Soviet Union since Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin and communist boss Nikita Khrushchev visited Belgrade more than a year ago. The burden of Titos recent comments in Russia has been that friendly relations with the Soviets were now fully restored. He ex pressed belief that there could never again be such a break as that which occurred in 194 when, under the Stalin regime, Russia kicked Yugoslavia out of the Corn- inform, which at that time was the organisation linking the com munist bloc countries together He has defined his own policy in the past as one of independence and a kind of non-alignment, or neutrality, betweea East and West Slate Department officials have considered it highly improb able that In the light of his ex perience after World War II and up to 141 he would ever again be willing to put himself In a position to take orden from Moscow. President Eisenhower said at a news conference last week two day before be became ill that it was important to note that the Soviets had to make what the President called great concessions in order to get Tito to become friendly with them again. Court Decree ROME If) Italy's constitutional court has ruled that police per mission is unnecessary for hang ing a sign or putting up a poster. Tht decisioa was a victory tor American - backed Evangelical churches In this predominantly Ro man Catholic nation. Tht court's ruling that a police regulation dating from Fascist days is unconstitutional ended a three-year battle by the Evangeli cal Church of Christ in Rome The sign "Chiesa di Cristo" identifying the church's building was torn down by police three times. A church suit contending the police action was illegal was car ried through five courts until it reached the newly established con stitutional court, Italy's highest tri bunal. Last October, Cline R. Paden of Lubbock. Texas, leader of a group of American Church of Christ preachers who csme to Italy after World World War II. was compelled-to leave Italy. He had been a central figure in the fight over the sign. Giacomo Rosapepe, Rome attor ney, who represented the Church of Christ in the long fight, today wired Paden to return to Italy Cline's brother, Gerald Paden, also of Lubbock and another of the six American Church of Christ Dunn the six months he had preachers now in Italy, comment been in office, Judge Williams has ing on the court decision said: Deformed Si marriages, reoorted- "To us, this is the definitive dec u!t Z Tk th. 1-nLt 'V mny mor ,hin olher Judge, jiaralion of our rights for which After the break, the United, ... hv hn fiBhtin since 1949 . . in lit" aurai. i - ----- -- -- !rrll KZ Last week be cam. under fin On the basis of this sentence we military aid to save his eountry j rm ,wo org.niiat.oas and Judge Cuts Wedding Pay To $2 Rate DETROIT. Mich. -A suburban Detroit Judge, who advertised and performed marriage ceremonies for S10, has cut his fee to the $2 chsrge the law allows. Charles 0. Williams, associate municipal judge of Madison Heights, said he had decided to accede to s request for a reduc tion made by the city's mayor snd council. from internal colllapse and bolster it against any Soviet-inspired at tack from Moscow satelllites bor dering Yugoslavia. Break Away That Western policy was based on the. argument that Tito sym bolized the ability of a communist nation to break away from Soviet domination and survive and that this was the vitally important idea to keep alive before Russia's east ern European satellites. Recently there has been grow ing concern in Washington over . Right whales, almost extinct in 1730 now appear to be making a comeback under international pro tective regulations. the prosecutor's office for sending letters to marriage-bound couples advertising his ceremony and the $10 rate. Fellow judges called it "unethi cal." The prosecutor's office said it was against the law. For his part, Judge Williams said: "I was doing nothing wrong and feel that $10 is still a good price for a marriage and that the state legislature should chsnge the 191$ law which allows only a $1 fee But from now on 1 11' charge whether Tito would go beyond the only $2 and I'll still give the same restoration of formal and friendly . courtesy to couples as I did for relations with the Soviet Union $'0 I'll even continue to put on and become once more a member I my coat during the ceremonies. of the Soviet bloc. Policy Defined build our hope that henceforth we will enjoy the fullest liberty The court's decision was a broad ruling that signs, including political posters, may be posted freely without the necessity of first ob taining police permission. Answers to Crossword Puzzle ylHvpnsihcjQniivd3NnaY3cii NOB I n5 I Nilf3 0 I SV 13 N a 3t aios 1 5a iHqkg i An3TiIoMsi Id! i N v all 3on T t n m i naja 5 v d5 I 1 in Imjlp' 511 vrpLfo i a L. EPffly jj3ft OS yeii ong a "a Wa 1 5 ipfai t gortf s a 3 Alajap i a 3 3 A vpis flipQ3P q y Mrajf s ? h I oil rMatiUiwuj 9i9 3U3IA i a i la 0 n 3'Sua i nuh th 3lstj Coos Owners Shift Pinballs COOS BAY - Pinball opera tors continued Friday to remove the machines from cafes and tav erns in the Coos Bay area, and speculation arose that the devices would be sold outside the county Removal of the pinballs followed a raid last April in which Sheriff Charles Strawn and state police seised and destroyed four ma chines. Strawn said at the time that illeeil navoffs had heen OTTAWA - Keith Mills, oil mi0. Last November Dist. Atlv truck driver, got the impression ,j0hn Pickett seized a number of he was being followed by a robin pinballs and arrested the opera on nis rounds ne was. He found a nest under a front fender with two eggs. Mills and dispatcher Don Simpson then put the truck in storage six weeks sgo. Two more eggs appeared and four young robins have been hatched. "We sure could use that truck." Simpson said wishfully as the robin family showed no signs of moving on. INest of Robins Halts Oil Truck tors. The machines now are being re moved for storage by the princi pal owners, the Sunset Automatic Music Co. and the Bay AMuse ment Co. A few pinballs remained in nightclubs and taverns in Coos Bay, North Bend, Empire and Co-quille. ACCIDENT RECORD SET MARACAIBO. Venezuela -The U. S. National Safety Council reports Creole Petroleum Co West workers in Venezuela have set a BOX CAR NEED TOLD SAN .FRANCISCO i Coast industry and farming will world record for continuous opera need T per cent more railroad cars to move their products in the third quarter this year than they did a year ago. the Pacific Coast Shipper Advisory Board eilimat td Friday. r T lion without an accident. The fig ures show 744 workers went 421. JM hours without mishap: the previous record was made by Standard Oil nf California workers who went 302,421 without accident. Advertising ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED, . , Too Late to Classify 400 Agriculture 00 Agriculture 111 fruit t Form Froduc413 Fruit 4 Farm Product Suleiman-Journal Newspapers IS N. rhurca St. FHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mlm. I Uaif WMktUn In pr Iln 1 tlm. 34 .21 pr Un S Umti M M pr tin timti It JO 11 JO Mr lint 1 mo . 3 00 Unci Sun. I ClftMlfld adi U1 t run tn ooth Mprn to fivt artvtrtistri trio ttlvanUrn of th trmcn combind rtrculationi MWhn tn ao is ordered thrtw or six timet and a Sunday luut it includtd tfor example Friday Saturday Sunday) tht lowtr Sunday ratei apply heciute only Tht Statesman publishet Sun days. Clalfijd adi will it art la the mornine Oregon SUteainan, con clude In the evening Capita) Journal but adi will be ac cepted lor Sunday Salesman only. 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Bona fid offers of em- plo)rmnt with pav belong to th "Htip . wanted eoiumna. ai in other columns wmrh ro quire Investment In slocks, aamnloa, equipment or caih bond ahculd be thoroughly In vettliaed before paying out any money Advertnerj re quiring a eah Investment for aamples or merchandise ia!e aids. etc.. must 10 specify In their ads. Kindly report any exception to this rule to tne classified si rertlsing manager N'ELAR UNIVERSITY, nice clean apt. utIL pd Ph. 4-aHSI. Rltpw60D COURTS, J rirTun turn apt , laundry facilities. 3rd St W Sjlem. Ph. 4-Ulf FUHN. APTS, all utll paid. 137 N Com 1 Ph 4-S3D0 FOR RENT.' small I bdrni7ho'me W.Ih. 4-JSil) or a-OI43 SERVICE STATION "for rent al Broadway At Liberty, lnq. &U0 Fan ground Hd. 25x50 offW or business bide, for tease Off-stteet parking for tenant 1'h j-3245 Sun. or 2-.7741 k days GOOD bdrm. mod home. Irg lot. gar or 3 cars 430 Auburn Hd 110.500 Alto new 3 bdrm home at 354TI tjinraitrr. new raneu & diapc. 112.750 Ph. 4-2714 VIEW' LOTS-Hillaide lots glv ing a nice view over the citv Suitable for daylight base ment of drslird Prices start at 11,050 riie cn tie purchased on cunlBrl Call Dean Klair eve phone 2-70BO. Rawlins Realty - TRADE or sHl 4 bdrm 1 baths, bsm't . sawdixt heart. F II A appiaisal 18.750 SI.050 dn or take jour equity in smsll house lor dn pvm't Pat O Bnen. I4S E Miller SPOT t'5ll for clen I9M A l!ij! model cars McCalls I'sed t".ir IJi; Slate ROYAL A.NNES, LAMBKRTS, BINGS, ELK. 4 REPI BLICANS AND WATERHOUSE CHER RIES FOR BRINING PURPOSE. CASH ON DELIVERY GET CHERRY BOXES AT 450 McroKanHIse 455 Houm Goods for Sal 1460 TILE ROAD SALEM, ORE. PHONE 2-4133 408 Pars 50 OI.DS. nerds work Terms or I tade. am deal consideied 1-'M5 S 12th i FRKU to food hoe 2 long haired black kittens. 4-4706 WANTED: Printer." amalfvieek lv. Inq 2M5 N River Rd VERY GOOD Norge refrigerator S75. Ph 2-R836 CAMF.RA Brand "new" LateTt I INHOF Super Technlka 4x5 Complete 3 lens Mtiltifocns View finder, li holders. De luxe Case Onlv 475 Mnmi Contax I1IA fIS lens Snot loss 195 Pn. 3-S4I0 MOORE PETS CHIHU AHt'A puppies. birds boarded. Open Fes 4005 State. REG. WHITE COLLIES PH. 3 7876 FOR SALE or trade: Reg Lab rador Puppies, l't mo. old. Ph 3-S241. PURE BRED Springer Spaniel pups, 3490 Sunnyview Ave Ph 4-2030 300 IVronal 312 Lost and Found Over 115, rs See I Phone 4-6811 for Courteous Ad laker Assistance loo Late to Classify OPEN HOUSE 2 to S.p m at 1450 Erigewnnd Av. NOKTHGATE AUDITION EARL SEAMSTER. BUILDER LOST 6 mo eld male golden tinker spaniel, reward. Ph 3- 96.-14 FOUND Bo s bicycle, owner may have bv Identifying A pamg fur ad 2-(l8.TfS LtST Brown rim glasses. Ph 4 - n.i ! 5 LOST bdv writ vsatrh. in or near Hlhlnd Store Rewsrd Ph 2-1KID LOST lrre brown Water Spanial. Ans to name of Pete' I.ir No 1S7S Albert nVficWrsi P!u 4-3t4i reward FOR SALE Puppies, all kinds Come ee arternoons at 3355 I ivlnBton or call 2-791:9 Will buy puppies anv kind BIRD Paradlsa lor trdaTVages Supplies JIM Livingston 2-1S42 410 Seeds ond Plant j0 Meeting Notic BAH AI world faith Information, write Statrsman-J'rn'l. Box 111 316 Personal TOO MANY BILLS? Dor.'t 1ft yrt-ir Mil fpt cu In 'rouhlr If vou re brhtnd In p.n:nenti, we cm nrlp vou So spcur.tv or rnsigners nrfd pd On Ditcr To pay all bi!l. Par on v wha! vou can af ford' i Bonded and Uctnied for votir prottrtiont CREDIT CONSULTANTS Salem 2-WI44 for Information Fresh Dontrts. 29c doz. In quantity, parties 4 freerers Silverton Rd. 4-4731 OPAL KING Psychic Reader 570 Union St ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group Xo. 1. 208S N. Com! -453l AIOHOUCS AnonymoMa, SSt S Commercial S-210S 400 Ajrrirulture 402 Livestock for Sol FOR SALE young gentle jersey row. milking 3 gal. 44! Silver ton Rd Ph. 4-64.10 For Sale or Trade Reg fiuernsey cow, was senior champion at State Fair 1!55 4-H. Briorile row, good milker For pn kup, hecf or an thing I can use S E. Myers. 4175 Fletcher Hd . Salem ph 2-2S7S. 8 SADDLE horses a ponies. 1 to 8 rs I running pony will pay f'T self in Rodeo. Ptntns, snrrets. cream, roan and black t Western saddles. 3376 Silver to:: Hd TAMWORTHweaner"pigsRt" i. H' x 52 Ph 2-7174 FOR SALE or trade. genUe ponies for children, also good saddle horses Boh Franke. SOS N Water St. Silverton. Ph 3-6134. Salem Meat Co. lot ker beef Custom killing, ruttmr wrap ping, trailer loaned free PROFESS10NALhorie7no"r Lae Hanson, 4-0724 or 4-SOS3. 403 Livestock Wanted CATTLE, horses, at vour farm E. CMcrand!ish. Rt 2. 3-6189 CATTLE Duver 7f SonTnier. 1260JIarmony Dr Ph. 4-9067 CATTLE huyers-42S7 Strte" I H. Sncthen. 2-1345. 2-43M. LIVIiTOCK buver CiaudeEd. wards. Rt J. Box 8B!)E. 4-1113 404 Poultry ond Robbits FOR SALE: Pekingese A Chi huahuas. 3224 Stale, after 4 p m A K.C. reg Boxei pups. 776 5th St . Stayton, pie. Ph 6024 11 C'U. FT-dn-p-fieee. like new. Ph. 4-54.V). 6 YR crib, spring A n.alt . 115 Raskmrte 5 1N) Oxford Pn 4-6145 NEW BENDIX combination Duo mat ic washer - di ver (lim: model 25' disrount. Judsons. W N Com I 14 FT iM.at K tiailt i . lino. liSIl Oxloiri Ph. 4-6145 COt'NTRY FRESH FGCS Tni or, case lots Dressed fryers 'Ki'ne 570 t'nion St TURKEYS, oven readyfilf your Inrkers now. :i.1c lb ,v up Closed Sat p rn A Sunday K'.ivkemlall Fggs A Po iltrv. .135 Lancaster Dr P.'i. 4-31 IS BABY ( HICKS 16c straight run. rhoire of Parmenters New Hnrrps . White Rocks and Leg-hn--ni Srectal New Hamp and White Rock pullets 19c. Par- mentrr red rooster. 6r VA1 1 FY FARM STORE Ph 4-4614 Salem BFGONTAS. Fuchsia Baskets, large & small Started Dahlias Copley Gardens, 2665 Chemawa. STEINEH S Nursery' "Glsdf and Dahlia bulbs, many plants, flowering trees A shrubs, strawberries. Ph. 2-1946. 3160 Market. KC.AN GARDENS BLOOMING plants of Begonias. Fuchsia. Dhl. Petunias. Da.n h.s. I. an. in Also Zinnias A Garden Mums 6 ml No of Keirer Sch. on Salem-St. Paul Rd HK(!()NIA'S" 5 for tl or 12 25 dor. trailing & bedding varieties. Fuchsias S5c A 45c. Ig budded plants MELONS & CUKES banded. 2 for 25c Blooming basket of Ivy Geraniums & Fuchsias, only $2 25 up, Lowery Greenhouse fjH5 Chemawa Rd. I " ANNUAL SALE I.ge blming Fushias tl. Ger eiuuiv.s Fushias, Tub Begon ias. 5 for $1 Fushia baskets. i2 .in Merrills Greenhouse Hrc.oKs ASPARACl'T 10c "irrVfplTlj George Asher. Grand Island. MULCH Peat with mushroom fertiliser Fina for mulch. Ph. 1-0331. PASTEURIZED whole milk 75 gal. Homnrenl7ed, 79c. ' gal ton 40c deary Dairy. 2-3li.:5 U-PICK Marshall-strawberries 10c lb. E C Zitzewitr.. Rt. 2. Box 45S East of l.ahish Cen ter Store Ph. 2-1327. I'-PICK nice ripe norfhwest strawberries. Clean patch 10c lb. Leonard Hays. 5690 Qulna- by Rd Ph. 2-2380 STANDINGlloverlTay"niaire"of. fer. C. Chrtstenson 2-0464 414 Form Equipment 50 MODEL "B" Albs Chalmers Tractor, used very little. Pow er take off. hdraulic left A field cultivator. 9055 Wheat land Rd. Ph. 2-5964. 430 Merchandise 431 Mochlnery Tool R2 CATERPILLAR traitor, re cently overhauled (less than 50 hours! In excellent condi tion, sith power takeolf puilv and grease gun. 1151m 215 E St. Station. Ph. 4(154 JOHN Deei e auto, wire tie hay bailer w ith Wisconsin H U. air cooled motor all in good snspe neady to go to work 1025 Elm St . ph. 4-M46 imt AMf-ttnrotn we!dVr.AC Ph 2-9643. NEW A used welder a & middle lathes. Eve. 3-8566 411 Lown-Gorden Equipt. FOR IS ALE ar trade for small tilkr, 1 garden tractor, disc & spring teeth attachments, 1 hand fertilizer aeparator, new. Also some farm tools, steel bars, forks, pick shovels, drills A other tools. 5 McClane. I USED lawn mower. No. phone calls. Batdorf's Home 6c Auto. 1420 State St 412 Fruit & Form Produce 454 Sewing Machines SEWING MACHINE BEAUTIFUL Singer Desk Mdl left on our hands with $'i2 ba! As,une ( onlrai t for 15 per mo Ph 4-7102 dlr . SEWING MACHINE Repossessed Singer console Bat. I5H Take over contract for fl Ir l Ph 4-710: iDIr i SEWINi; MACHINE Repos.sessed Kenmore, like new cond. New price S154.V.Y bal on contract 177. Take ocr for II per wk. Ph. 4-7102 Idlr i COMPLETE gas floor furnaeSt 130. Sec In operation before Wednesday, 2140 Maplt. Caroet Remnants 1'x" green all wool tweed, Was IM KTesilf ma fio. t,VPTi ens. Nn phone calls, please, HOGG BROS. 260 State St. GOOD OLD, MAGTAG-" Ph. eves.' J-39.KI tmnn n' Buys household of furniture A mi" hi nniem a Low est Overhead Store. Glen Woodry. 160J M. .Summer. MAYTAG Washer, square whit enamel tub, good cond. 150. 4-3660 ROUND oak diningtablepfi! .1-9342 " niLLIARDtahle Tasiiones7S; 2 pc sectional 3-57JS. USED desk drop lid I!) 957hog3 BROS . 246 state St iNLArb Linol J per-iqi R L Elfstrom Co. 160 S Lib erty USED lrnnrlte7iodeT-75 Ph" 4-5756 or see at Sa'em Iron rite Co. 1137 S. Com'!. UN H N IS H EL) f urnlt !ti re" HU StiffFurniture. 175 N llig:i. NEW white enarri toilet-irati J3 SJ. Judson s. 279 N Com I. INLAID Lino" sfV per"lq" R L Elfstrom Co 210 S Lib erty GASR ANG E$nO " I'h 4BOW) SIMMONS rtaveno. excellent condition. Ph 4-1504. Unfinished Chests, New 3 Drawers S6 95 5 Drawers 16 95 No Phone Orders Please HOGG BROS. 24 Sta'e St. ZENITH wringer v. asheT-Exi -ef lent cond 135. 1012 th St. Eves Ph 26125 USED washers 115 A up Voit em Appliance Center, 1141 So, Com' 1 Ph 4-9.195 FREEZER, like new. make an otter SAM Green Stamps. Batdorf's Home A Auto 1428 State St 3-.Vi62. . FRIGIDAIRE autolvTsher. exe". cond . $85. Call 3-3677. USED mahogany corner tahle. M3. I1UOU BROS 24 stste St 1955 KENMOREwringer :ashe7. very reasonable Call 2-157. INLAID Lino.. II 59 per eq yd. o u biisirom o. 5. Lib erty USED :t p:eie chrome dinette set 34 50 HOGG BROS . 24S State St .ROSE, hed daveno Exceilent condition imp A 5t 4S5 House Goods for Sal VACUUM CLEANER ILECTROLUX Vacuum Cleaner for J2Y Ph. 4-5864 eves A Sun NEW FREEZERS iis low"as HW.SJ. Helder s. 363 N. High strawberries. North 4580 Ridge Dr. Ph U-PICK wests, 3-6519 FOR SALE Sour pie cherries, ml. So of Brooks on Highway WE. J. Faix. Ph 4-3S85. KENTISH pie rherries 5c lb.V. pick at Waconda 6 mi. N. Keizer on St Paul Hwy 0-PICK Marshall "strawberries Mc lb Odin Hoihr.. Rt I. Box 167 C Brooks. 2:, mi. E of Brfioks GOOD u-pirk Marshall 10c. Ph. 4-2526 U-PICK Northwest Strawber nes Only I mi from city lim its 10c per Ih Bring sour own containers. Field open fron6 a in to 6 p rn K. A I. Straw berry Farm. 37i5 N. River Rd. Turn West st Tele Treat Drue In MARSHAU. S U-pick I0c lb7l mi. west, of Macleav Rt. 6. Box 465. Ph. 4-2511.1 Carl Moore. No Sunday picking U-PICK Northwest strawberries. 1 p m till 7 pm. clean field, nice berries. 1't ml. E of Keizer A- lj North. Callie Hays STATE irsperted mMk 65c Ph. 4-1111 1', m E. 4 Cor. nn state Carpet Remnants y x 16' S" random texture Wil ton, green Was lis, Now 1129. No phone calls, please HOGG BROS. 260 State St FITORESCENT Desk 'Lain p 17 95 Used Mdse. Mart 270 S Liherty Ph. 4-6:171 Open Fri night 'til 9 No down pajment mar) : NEW 5 PC. Bedroom Set In cludes 2 nite stsnds. bookcase headboard, big Mr A Mrs Dresser, large tilting mirror Walnut finish, lci H5 Used Mdse Mart , 271) S I.ihertv Ph 4-6.171 Open Fri. rights 'HI tt No down payment loaci TABLE LAMPS. Large Choice -S2M up Used Mdse Marl 270 S l.il.erti Ph 4-6:7! Open Fri right tl, : Nn d"Wn paymci" r, a r NEW" PLAT FORM H"('ke-s " Special -I.I4 5(1 I'sed Mdse Mart. 270 S L.hcrti Ph 4-6371 Open Fri night 'til 9 No down pament lo.a.c i COMPLETE Eirepisie Ensemble - Includes Sireerj, Andirons Tools and wood basket all for only- t2'.l fl5 Used Mdse Mart 27(1 S I.ihertv, I'h 4-6.171 Open Fri. night til I. No down pa men iolr i WARDROBE 2 55 Used Mdse Mart 270 S l.iherU Ph 4-6371 Open Fri. night til 9 No down pa ment i o a i BE THRIFTY BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE $.10 down will liny s complet household o( furniture in cluding appliances. 9-drawcr desk, walnut, looks like new . $44 50. ('unfile railm-phnnn rnmhins tion. 3 speed rhanEer, limed oak cabinet, 9"). Davenport k rlub chair sets ai low as $15. Mattresses Inner spring, k cotton as low as $15. Mattresses Inner spring k cotton si low as $3 50. Se our large selection of ranges and refrigerators, every- one guaranteed. Priced from $39.50 up. 7 piece mahogany dining net. Duncan Phyfe. Vou can't tell this is used. $129 50. Gossip bench with lamp at tached. $7 95. WOODHY-'SV? FURNITUlil 515 S. COM'L PH. 4-3319 I'SKD H'ovr vannim "If'anfr, HOGG PROS. ?1 Statt New Strp Frrl Tab! $K M Nr (ni-klatl T.ih!rf; fS a f :r ii W."f)r l'-' N. Suminer NKW H. t, ,; Iindit w'U'fi . : ,h rt.. k. r. r.O Tcnt.s. f.Ien Wnudrv. 1605 N Summer. NFW ni'idrrn Hrdrontr Srt, $7ri n trrm Glrn Woodry. 16t)5 N, Summrr. N'FW Mr A, Mr w mirror, SSftW. Nrw Mr A- Mrs wlvd $fif nr.. (Ilrn Wm.dry. 1805 N. Summrr FOR HI - PH F Ifiieh. ""rtihbrr back uall-tn-wall carpetmR in drrnratnr inf,rs si the prntt vou ran afford, shop A- tavt at Salf m ' low rt Ovrrhrad Store, f.irn Woodry, 1W3 N. Summer. Save time - Save money For the Beit Professional Services Id EWEK C2 Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! LABORATORY Tei hninan, i Istrrrd. vsantrd Iht uf f li -( all Dr Yei-k. 6MI Newport Ol enon. MONTGOMERY WAHO has oprninE f"r an infant & nu clei u far llrpt lirad. Must have recent selling rxprrirnce I i day. 40 nr k Hospital A i medical henfils paid aia-j tor-ns. Ai dlsrnunt nn all pur-1 chass. Apply in pci.nn RETIRF.D'NI'RSF. iaiII rare" for' Infant or small c'Mld hnmr Ph 2-WI7S FURN."aPT pvt. ' ml A bath. , near bus. Sta.r, A On llusp Ph 2-3957 APT HOUSF 2 " hrl' m . utilits j in far. mi nra'rr vstank'i Mission St. S4S I'h. 3-40U2. Cl'STOM DRESSING ."iltr bus rabbits. Wipe s WR.S -tate I'h. 4-3918 FOR SA'.K another hatch of Capons are ready, llmitrd sup- l l Wrih I In I lbs. 35c lb I'll. 3-WI63. Of 1", 408 Pets TO PLACE CLASSIFIED ADS CALL 4-6811 ve away. 21111) FRFF . part Persian Kittens, want Bond home Ph 4-240 III! Markll BOSTON Terrier Slud service Ph I 21H BOSTON Terrier puppies with nr uilhout reg, papers Ph 4-L'ITO KfTTFNS" Hollywood Drive TINY TOY Foic Terriers for sale Ph 2-:i5.'i5, SIAMKSEK I TT K N S Ph 2-5167 FROM "flood Mouscr" by "Trav elu.n Man , 5 lovely kittens tree .1X10 Alea Dr FOR SAI.F.-Rri Collie. Cocker A I'ck pups. C.ernian Short- hair I'ointers :UI5 Vt llllams Av PICK your rej ARC Dachshund puppy now Ph 2-H5H 1 ( IIII.'lRENS ponv. also 1 res Arabian saddle horse gentle for (hildren Homer Zlehnskl Rl I Bos 1) Gervais. Ph. Salem 2-2264 VOITNG parakeetsrcMes-reeelB Mickey's. IMS k Com. S-27U. ADDINC. MAI NINES Bu as you rent. Roen-Ty pewriters. Ph :!fi77:; All makes Court AfCLIAMKR WF.STINGHOUSE . Woodry Furniture Co. 474 So. Coral Ph. 4-J1U CAPITOL Beddlnf Mattreas re novators New mattresses -4ue BRICK BLOCK MASON BRICK and block Work suar anteed. Ph 4-S43S CAPF.VTKr" CONTRACTOR HP buildinjor remodelmi. est. free 4-834(1 after 5 30 please CARP E NT E R CONT R ACTOR Framinf. remodellns, founda tions, retaining wails, jcement or pumice block. Free esti mates. 36 mo. to pay. 2-6280. (.RAIHMi DO.INfi DOZ 1 n LEVELING- Ph 2-Ofl.-i2 DPANTl'VILH BULLDOZING, fleam roads, ponds. D-4, D- rarryall V HukeyI'h2-314. BUfT.DOZINC., jradins4 Land clearlna Kln.o W. Locker owner Ai operator. Ph. 2-5742 HOMR PLANNING EXPERT homebulid7n It re modeling Phone 4-7577 . LAWN MOWEE SHARPFN1NO LAWN mower sharpening, tow prices, work Ruar Ph. 4-S092 CRANE WORK S5-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand Si Gravel Co. 1-2481 EXCAVATING VINCENT C. NEAL Excavating Co Excavatlne - Grading Ph. I-1SS floor coy swings NORRIS WALKER Paint Co Floor-rovertni Division Wual. tty installations Linoleum. As. phslt Ai Rubber Tile Well tile Free Estlmatra 4-2271 PAPERINI A PAINTING EXPERT brush or sprsy paint ing, Hi or contract. Ph. 4-3900 Painting and papr-hanging Free esthnates Ph 3-B5IJ PAINTING Brush or spray. Exterior or In terior., Free estlmatee. 2-9B08. EXPERT-spray, brush-painting" paper hanging, your paint or mine Free est Terms. Ph Nelson 3-B493. J-S54J GRADING Si DOZING Bulldozing" brk"fiiirrjo pu hour. Ph. 1-0933. PAPERING A PAINTING PAINTIM; & DECORATING Dirt Cheap Price 3 7552 j'AINTING Interior Ac exterior Free Est 4-0094, 4-282S ROTO-VATINO CUSTOM Rotovatlng Ford equipment, p lelns. iawns. or chaids Ax gardens. Ph. 2-MSS A: 3-4776. SAND aV 4.RAVFI, WAI LING RAND AND GRAVEL . 1925' McGtlchrlst Crushed quarry rocks snd grsv. r! All i,i.rs for roads, drive ways and parking lots READY M1XFD CONCRETE Garden sand. hull-do7.ing. shoy- el and drasline work. 3-1248 SAI.EM SAND A- GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, irusnea and round pravrl. sand and top soil. 140.1 N. Front St- 2-244L VALLEY SAND & GRAVEL CO. Crushed fc round fravel Sand tt con mix: 1-4001 SIPTIC SERVICE .MIKE S Septic aennoa. Tanks cleaned D'rooter clean esrer drains Phone 3-04(14 IKiWARD'S Roto-Rooter, sewers, septic tanks cleaned. Hamel's sepOc Unka cleaned, line service Guaranteed worn. Phone 1-7404 or 1-0TI4. TREE SERVICE ROOFING SALEM BARTILE ROOFING Most mod life time rneif, color choice. Free est. 1-7SO0 sves. for comp. information. De Roia Tree Service Trees Shrubs Hedges Insured 173S N. Liberty St. 2-wwir. 4 PHOLSI'-RINO UPHOLSTERING Profejsional: guar work free, - cstr'ptrkup. deliver. Ph. 1-4W To place classified ads call 4-6811. i,