New Soviet In Cairo By WILTON WYNN CAino, Kcypt tfu-Bushy haired Dmitri Shepilov, the strapping new Soviet foreign minister, flew into Cairo Saturday for the obvious pur pose of driving new bargains in the Mirirlle East. Shepilov, who is credited with initiating the deal last year by which Egypt traded cotton f o r Occh arms, arrived with hi beau tiful brunette daughter and a party of Soviet officials as Moscow an nounced official diplomatic recog nition of Morocco and Tunisia. Egypt has openly taken under' her wing the Nationalist move ments which have won almost com plete independence for the two Cpmputor Offers Quick Intoxication Calculator TORONTO' 11 - Two Toronto doctors have designed a pocket sized cardboard computer for drinkers who cant tell when they've had enough. The scale on the computer. Called an ' alcodi il." ranges from convivial to carefree and uncon scious. With a twirl of a center dial and a few simple arithmetic calcu lations, a drinker can tell whether he can safely have a final "one for the road" or should settle for a cup of coffee. ! Dr R. Gordon Bell says he and! Dr. K. W, Ferguson, of f'onnaught laboratories at the I'niversity of Toronto, developed the gadget 1 primarily as a gimmick to inter est individuals in the problems of alcoholism. Rut in addition to its long-term value. Or. Bell siys. the Alcndial can cope with more immediate problems including drunken driv ing and the morning-after hang over No Complex Problems The device as kepi simple he fause people "ith a few drinks tinder their belts are not inclined to -rilp intricate matlvmatical pi'nlili'nti ..-. , The Alcndial consists of a ro tating dic with an arrow that is turned to point on a scale the number of drinks consumed For simnlicitv "one drink" is consid ered a I? ounce buttle of beer or 1! ounces of honor sr,''l on the lo' er half of the dial is calibrated in body verbis Opposite these are (ig tires from M to 3V) From the (mure opnosite an in dividual's weight, 1. is subtracted fur everv hour since drmkirrg started. The resulting figure is the alcoholic content of the blood in milligrams per gram. Three Colors To make it even simpler. Dr. Pell said, the card is marked in three sections green, yellow and I red. If a drinker's Alcodial rating! is in the green, he can keep on: the yellow band indicates caution J is needed If a drinker is in the red. he should keep avtnv from ' cars and drinks for a while. Dr Bell, who is head of an in stitution which treats many al- , cnholic, says that from the long! term point of lew a person who consistently drinks into the red. i or repeatedly sags at the knees : while in the yellow range, is in dancer of becoming an alcoholic 1 Estimates made on the dial have little meaning until a person has been drinking for more than an hour. M.ivntiim lecur.K v is ' nWaincd after two or three hours' firinkins. Interest Shown Drs Bell and Kcrtusnn avo had about I ouo of the Air nthals panted Thy sell for $1 Police, insurance comoanii-. health groups and automobile associa tions have cviressrd McnM in the device The Ontario Motor League is reported to lie consid-: ennq 1 1 s ! n r the Alcndial- in a'gn H rcdu-e Christmas and New Year s dunking among it- members Several groups in the C n i t e d Sta-es. including insurance rim pames, have sent for Yendials. ' according l-i Dr Bell While the Canadian fluid ounce is s'i"ht1v larger than the America, t'S li-1 rpior is slighllv stronger Either i way, the Alcodial in both coun tries is accurate enough (or prac tical purposes Dr Bell thinks the Alcodial could be a boon to those who Mif- j fer hangover discomfort Weight Relationship ) For instance, a 2fK)-pounH man i Using the Alcodial discovers his j drinking the nii'ht before got him ; to the 130 mark If no had eight 1 drinks over a two-hour period, a! reduction to live for the same. time would drop him to the SO mark safely in the yellow zone PfflLUS (HEMORRHOIDS) tfAT0 VITMOUT UOfXTAI. OriUTKM iso stomach mo cote (ONVtNKNT CttOf mtt soohiit m cj Jxht Th REYNOLDS CLINIC Wtu'Op(K,c iAtj C)i'opritc PiyltOi mut too i.iwtn n cmtu trie DrfllimND Dr O ('han.N D DRS. CHAN and LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS I'pstairs 407 Court SU Otfltt-Aptn Saureoiiiy la m In I pm , i I 1 p ib C imtnlullna blooe prtftiirt nn4 mrint ttin art frt Al ebarst Prartlrttf ittnrt 117 Wrttt rm tttrtrllvt A Nr Foreign Minister to Begin Bargaining North African states from France, and Moscow has encouraged the movements as a part of its "anti colonial campaign." Wooing Arabs The timing of the recognition of j the two st'ates appeared to be part of the many sided Soviet campaign to woo the nations of the Middle . East. Asia and the Arab world. Shepilov first words, -as he stepped from his Ilyushin 14 plane at Almaza military airport, were tuned to that theme. He said he had come from a country of socialism "wh'rh l-in"-' repudiated the policy of colonial expansion, a country whose eco nomic structure has no place for He'd probably feel reasonably well next day if he would set that pace on future parties. The Alcodial is basde on the average alcoholic tolerance of the human system. Dr. Bell explains. A drinker using it can soon alter his calculations if he is above or below average in tolerance. Overweights shouldn't think they can drink more than their skinny friends. Dr. Bell adds. The Alcodial is based on normal weights. Fat people should use the normal weight for their height and age in adding up the figures. Top Canada Expert Dr. Bell, rated by many as Can ada's top expert on alcoholism, believes the Alcodial can be of great use in educating drinkers to the dangers of alcoholism. "It's a gimmick, or a hook if you like, to get them interested in their drinking problems." he says. "Many people read about alco holism hut the treatment of the suh'ect is too eeneral to get per sonal contact With the dial, any one can figure for himself just what his drinking habits and pit terns are and whether they need correcting " Dr Bell cot the idea for the Alcodial white oV'Veloptng formu lae to calculate alcoholic Wood levels. Then it occurred to me: Why not a slide-rule lo determine drunkenness0 That's where Dr Ferguson came In. I had the idea but it would have taken me MO years to transfer it into simple ma' i inaiical terns that anyone could understand "Dr Ferguson did that " Premier Sunday Cross-Word Puzzle ' 1 ' tyO) j f ! 19 YA I" j'i 3 jf fcl'S 1 1 1 1 7 Its iiilii::iliz:::l!!::: -m. YA 3 J7 77? TT o j4i 7p 43 m as 51 51 S4 55 5 57 56 77 78 79 777 eo WBl tl 8) 64 91 77 92. 93 7ffi 94 95 96 V7. 97 77, 98 99 ico 101 101 ' icj 104 73T ' lot. 737 IOe 109 nte n7 lie W' noiii in hi ii 715 7Z -17 128 w wiizzztrzzz A I 1 HH I I 1 vM 1 I I VM 1 I I HORIZONTAL VEM1CAJ. 1-Confront 5.1 - The 94-Toothed 1-Partsof 36Tabletof 79 Rootstocks 5 Klertneal opposite on the legs stone of New unit V Impel "Ige 2-Moun- 17-Soft. Zealand 10 Arrange fS -Kale 97-Spigo't tains in short fem folds r9 Cement 98-Terrh TurkesUa threnda M -Consume 15 Bitter 6IAnthro- 100-Voleanie J-Mold (weaving) 3 - Silly (Bib ) pl(l tun" 4 Slight J Repeti- 84-Shnib of 19 Dash f2 Klap J02 - Skill convexity tion Mediter- 20 Large 64-Card 103--View of ahaf t 40 Pike-like ranean aerpent game 105 Nine of 6h S7 Emmet 21 Chillier 65 Jest 107 Wood eoluma 41 Append 89-Tapeatry 22Peraia 66- Preriou used in S Easy 44 Appara- 92 Sudden 2JWhere alone baseball 6 Manila tus for motion daylight 8 Mexiran bata hemp measur- S- Lived first tea iSp 108-Town in 7 Plant tngheat 85 Blow appears A.mer ) Belgium disease quantities 96 - Animal fat H- Larva of 70-One 109 -Collector $ Word 45 Call out 99-Coloniat butterfly rarryin 110 To angle of 46-Dissuade 101-Wither 26 Dis- on pers . in conrlu- 48 Baffle 104 lnstru patched 72 j. Equip 112 -Soak aion 49 -Without ment 27- Enormoui 73 -Elastic flax -Defying pause modifying 29 -Day lily bitumen 114 -Dis- 10-Fall in 50 River wilt 30 Choral 76, High covered drops (Sp ) 106 Garment eompo- priest 116 Weaving 11 Cheat M-Wing of IOH Dull aition of instru- sound house 109 Sweet 32 Biblical Israel ment 12-Boring SV-Condition singeri word 77 Part 119 -Power tool 57 -Solemn HI Let 34 - Point of 121-Wood 13-Calm promise 113 - Entire of pen type- hoopoe 14 Wander- 60-Heath man 35 Mister writer I rool ) tng 63 Com- 115 Ornamen Sp 80-Starrh- 125-Recount 15 Wind pound talloopof, 36- Aim like sub 126 -III will of the from edging 39 Urge stance 129 Cloaing Mediter- boron 116-Pace 4t-Buddhist 81- Of passage ranean trihydride 117-Inthii pillar pottery (music! 16 Stretch 65-Rootof place 43-Tracked 85 Agave 130-Sea bird 17 Rave Mexican 118 -Arm bone 47 Ones in- fiber 131 Privately 18 Brazilian plant 119 -Sacred dicated 86 Cram 132 Protuber- tapir 67 -Mature Hindu DISS-District 88 Japanese ance of 25 -Hawaiian 68 Interdict erature in coin the skull food 69-Stannum. 120-City of Sit- Hawaii 89 Awing 133 Hard 28-At no 71- Ever ver State 49 -Fragrani 90-An 134 Pome fruit time (poetic 122 Rail wood artificial 135-Asiatic 31 European 74-Trueto 123 Smell 51 - Drudge aiik country , language the fart 124-Strong- 52 Son (P. II 136-tunrea 33 Chopper 75 Splendor scented of 91 Cuckoo 137-Singlng 35 Ltttlt 77-Thln 127-Margin Gad 92 Strength bird star 78 Nut pine 12J Nothing (Answers oil monopolies or any other kind of imperialist monopolies which suck the vitality of less developed nations." Many Greeleri j Egyptian Foreign Minister Mah 'mooci Fawzi. Soviet ambassador ! K. D. Kisselev, diplomatic repre jsentatives of all Communist coun tries, the head of Communist , China's trade delegation and the Indian ambassador were on hand to greet him. Mrs. Kisselev presented a bou quet of flowers to Shepilov's daugh ter, Victoria, a tall 20-year-old girl in a ,grey suit. During his stay here, Shepilnv 'will have talks with Premier Ga- I mal Abdel Nasser and Hassan Ib- rahim, minister of stale for pro duction allairs. The talks with 1b : rahim suggested that he might ' have something new to offer on the , Aswan Dam. Assistance Offered Russia several months ago of fered technical and financial as sistance in building the giant dam on the Nile which Nasser envisages as the key project in his plans to expand agriculture and industry. The Enited States, Britain and the World Bank have since agreed to gifts and loans totaling 400 million dollars to help Egypt build the i $1,300,000,000 dam, hut Egypt still i needs a water-sharing agreement ' with Sudan in order to go ahead i with construction. Camp Struck By Lightning, Scout Killed CHESTER, Pa. Lightning struck a Boy Scout camp near here shortly after dawn Saturday, kill ing a II year-old youngster and in juring seven others. The bolt blasted a tree in the middle of Camp Mulhearn, a Cath olic retreat in Suburban Chester Heights where some 2.000 Cub JicauU, Rnj Scouts and Uipluw Scouts had spent the hot spring night. The lightning sprang from the tree and set fire to a tent Joseph Simpson, 11, of Stonehurst, was fatally burned. Ite was pfonounced dead at Chester Hospital. Three other boys were injured, while four others suffered sliehl burni and shock, were treated and sent home to Crossword Puule on Pago 24, Foreign Aid Amendment Try Defeated WASHINGTON l - The Senate Foreign Relations Committee beat off Saturday an attempt to tack onto the administration's foreign : aid bill an amendment designed to restrict imports of Japanese ' textiles and other products. ' Administration officials from the State. Commerce and Agricul ture Departments testified in op position to the amendment, of lered by Sen. Green D Mi, at a closed committee session. ! Sen. Mansfield 'D-Mont) ; moved to refer the proposal to i the financeommittee, which han dles tarilf legislation, and this carried by a 8-4 vote. 1 The controversy slowed com mittee action on the House-passed ; bill, which is headed toward a j hot Senate floor battle over the j amount to authorized for the i military and economic aid pro gram in the fiscal year starting July 1. Amount Cut i President Eisenhower asked Congress to authorize $4,900,000, 000, but the House cut this by $1,100,000,000 in a vote that over rode pleas from leaders of both parties as well as the President himself. The senate Foreign Relations Committee has voted to restore 702 million dollars of the house cut, but Sen. Russell (D Ga) and some others have announced they will seek to chop another billion dollars off the total approved by the House. Separate Bill Even after the authorization measure is passed, the actual money for the program will have to be provided in a separate ap propriation bill. This will give op ponents a second crack at it. Sen. Ellender 'D La), a mem- ! ber of the appropriations com mittee, said that when the foreign aid legislation reaches the Senate 1 floor he will fight to cut it "to 'the bone." ., Sea. .'eubcrar .P-Ore). said Ji i an interview that many Demo . crats are reluctant to support in creased funds for the program be cause they want to "let the Re publicans carry the ball. "Many Democrats are con , cerned ov er the belief that a lot of the President's coat-tail riders consider foreign aid unpopular and want our party to he shot at lor passage of the bill," he said. Section 4) Indi ian , T 1 I , t ? vs.: .. V. s ' . ' ' - I -V. ' ' i ' '- .. I 9 .. Rarttc tUa Uanf WORCESTER, Masi.-Ralph A. Bickford, S3, Sioux Indian, looks Deais ine near at himMf ln biAtr ,hop mirf0f ning hI OTnM, Ki)p,n9 to escape Friday's 96 degree heat wve here. Bkkford tamo to Worcester from California several years ago wearing his hair shoulder length. Ho said ho liked the "scalping ho got from the barber and has returned annually for tho samo treatment. The "Mohawk" trim re sembles a warrior's scalplock and Bickford admits if attracts attention but keeps him cool dur ing tho summer month. (AP Wirephoto) . sa TmiiU LONDON Movio actress Linda Maternal Touch chrilfiin wipM tM of hw yeer-old diughrer, Teryn, es they leave' London airport Thursday after their arrival from the United States. Miss Chistian delivered Teryn and her sister. Romina, 4, to their fether and Miss Christian's Power, with whom they will (AP Wirephoto) TAtn Wnu tri Win I WO Ways TO Win y nm m m '''SiaBMWOOeWOBOaiawMaiMl ' vi -pr 4 " s 1 IK V f v "' L,, CSV. )"; . ': "'. "C 1 . V ; , 1 ii ..i' 1 'sir hill, W, departs a tearful winner in the Potomac River Festival baby contest Friday. Eric Wilson, 15 months, Dahlgren, Vi., boy winner in the 9 to IS months class, carries off his victory with a professional f -r-- - -e r.,Li INDIANAPOUS - t- i ' t , .UUtjiii nd w,rn,r Yates, 14, both of Chicago, were captured here Saturday after overpowering a jailer at Hills- boro, III., escaping and taking 7Wo couples as hostages in their own cars near Papa, III. A third jailbreaker escaped on fool at tho west edge of Indianapolis. IAP Wirephoto) r i ocaiDea T a. r - t,' former husband, actor Tyrone stay for or a two-month period. EDCIHILL, Va.-Ovorcomo with M$f( overcome 17 months old air. (AP Wirephoto) f pc t 0 ' . - , ' . 'I Riymond Schneider, 20, right, 1 t 7 1 ! DAM -A FT. WAYNE, .work (94 degrees) so sho headed for tho cool comfort of local Ice factory (21 degrees). That real 2 - tfliJ joy, attention, pooplo well, at Deborah Jane Fines of Edge Pe Devrie SoeoWy I . I m -01 1 -V" M AaoL I ' mM - Ptowee Iktw Hlah T osnneee J-eeo' 1 1 1 pn FynArtpd NEW Y0R,-Ri,' is expected Sunday for most of area from central a,n CApeCieu ,outhern (jrMj Plains eastward to Appalachians, from northern Roe iai aitt to western Great lakes, as well as coasts of Washington and Oregon. ' It will h cooler in Northeast and northern Plains; warmer in the Rockies; and little change elsewhere (AP Wirephoto) .'.. .. Statosman.alom, Ore, Sun., June 17,"56 (Sec..IV)-23 r r tor oummer 11 'rr: (- .' S 'M t i . .' 'i .;. ' ... V, . " t v 1 ;j M . i . I i ,A ti ,.i. .1 Another Libercce ,5S5! brother of famod pianist Uboroco, It shown in Von Nuyt ail Friday after his arrest on suspicion of burglary. Police said young II bar ace was picked up after complaint ho banged ooj door of nearby Granada Hills. (AP Wirephoto) ' A. ' ' . .-cUi --vv " i -- f - v. 1 1. , ,r -. A ' ' 1 I1 It ,t , - ' i Ind. - Pretty office girl Istello Dana decided ft was too warm 9 ko beneath her and in back of "W" scWO. nL A11-J Poking Around side, the Duke of Edinburgh, center, and Swedish King Custaf Adolf peer into e disused dressing room for tho ballot. Tho sightseeing took place Thursday during the British royal couple's visit to the Drottningholm, Sweden, Theater. (AP Wirephoto) BOSMOf " i i . I i ... on iijiii i nil 1 1 1 ' f ft V ' ' ' I ' '' ' ' ' " Li in ni ,t 1 1. ..i i ' i - v- ' her. (AP .Wirephoto) -ti v. k t" T DROTTNINCHOLM, .Swoden Whllo 0u.,Biilx.bihiist.ndsofftoo4o II 09 Prim VX WMWri KWUf