20-(Scc. I II), Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., June 17, '56 Marilyn, Sparks Appears in Recital Mr i. Ralph Dobbs presented Marilyn Sparks la bumv and orgaa recital Saturday alter noon tl tht Preabyterloa Church. Mm Spark Included in her pro tram p'ano work of BeeHhoven, Debussy, Chopin, Sibelius, and Bar tok, and her wean numbers in- tu tic for Totlfiy Malbin, Rabin Soloists on Weekend Radio Programs , By MAXINE Bl'REN HUlmmaa Music Editor Mozart's "Coronation" Ms will be the featured work in the last of four allMotart programs coming from the Mozart Bicentenniel Fet- Chided the "Utile Preluria and Ku'hcal in Salzburg on CBS' World Music festivals thii morning. fue in G Minor" by Bach, and flection fram the "Musical Clocks" by Haydn arranged by Ktola i. Mist Sparki has Just completed her sophomore year In h'sh school Michael Rabin. 20-year-old violinist, will be curst soloist on the Telephone Hour Monday night on NBC. Maine Malbin sings on the Voice of Firestone on Sunday night. Today's programs are as follows: 10 01 am on CBS-World Mime Fcaltvlla from Mnurt Rl-clftrnmal l .1 . i i . .... J ' VmI.uaI I.K.irtf AlMlrt. pne is ine oaugwer ot Mr. ana L""'"- -7 " , fc.:,r. V"i.S- n.i major, k wh Mwart ann. iu 1 a snuii hy Herbert van KaraJn, Mmrtrteum OrrHniri, eondurtrd by Ernt Mar- I.ondon Symphonic Concertant In Coronation Man .. Moart Monday niihl'f prffraini rt The Spirit of Sports O U KSVSJ M, If S i , I Mrs. Rheinholdt Installed New Unit President WOODBL'RN Officers were in-1 Palmer, Mrs. Scheidegger, and-, year, Mrs. Robert Field. Mrs. L. stalled at the rejular meeting o( j.Mrs. Miller. Also elected asMn. j B. Detweiler, Mrs. Ingram. Mn. the American Legion Auxiliary No. j Green for treasurer, to take the Rheinholdt, and Mrs. Bonacker; 44 Wednesday night. xJHrs. Ken- place of Mrs." Arvid Ostrom. j 5-year. Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. Do it net h Voder, retiring president, Mrs. Bonacker was elected pres-, ner, Mrs, Edith Frentz, Mrs. opened the meeting. Mrs. Jackiidcnt of Past President Parley at J Scheidegger, Krislenc Schooler, ) t. i . yj me ioiiuwiiir ini-ihw No. Salem: Mrs. 1 thieu. Mrs. Jerome H V?! Jack Johnson. Mrs. J their last meeting Mrs. Green spoke on the honor guard system and Mrs. Miller Mrs. Stance, Mrs. Laurcna Whit ney, and Mrs. Voder. Delegates elected to slate con- Simpkins, District No. 2 president, was installing officer., assisted by the following members of Unit Fred Mat- presented the pins. Receiving pins vention at Albany were Mrs. Rhein- ansen, Mrs. j were: 23-year, Mrs. Bentley and holdt. Mrs. Yoder. and Mrs. Joseph Mar- Mrs. Hartley LeFebvre: 20-year, Ramon: alternates. Mrs frees. croft, Mrs. Wayne Purdue, Mis. : Mrs. Hicks and Mrs. Miller; 1ft- Mrs. Frentz and Mrs Stansa jame ueuwry, nui.v rvrmiein Taylor, and Mrs. Ted L'llakko. About 175.00 Americans Dlkv thA " J?h "'"". 1 on ABT-Th v.,i, r rue uivn'inmo in b miitr mmmn tin. with Ewln Mlhin. rgan. 3S? r figure . . : MX U i h IK If unlnml Hnward Harlow, dlrfrnr. and tht rhorui Mu Malbin ilnfi: I.t Vlolatcra Padillii On-hldi in thir Moonlifht Youinana Oavoila, "Ma'Jon" Mamenpt II Bdn Arditi S am. on NBf Tha Telrphnnr Hour, with Bell Svmphonlr Orches Ira .directed hv Donald Voorheea and Michael Rabin, vlolinlit. Coatarli Danrc Irorn ""Majeppa" Tchaikovsky Orchestra .Sea Shell fniel Sweet Hemembranre Installed were Mrs. Albert j$ Rheinholdt, president; Mrs. hen neth Voder, junior past president; Mrs. Kdward Dellaan, 1st vice president; Mrs. Warren Donner. 2nd vice president; Mrs. Genara Ramon, secretary; Mrs. W. 0. Green, treasurer; Mrs. Dorothy Coleman, historian; Mrs. Clara Stance, chaplain; and Mrs. Adrian Sihoolcr, sergeant-al arms. Mrs Rheinholdt named her chairman as follows: Mrs. M. M. Hicks, By CAR!. IIAIX ! ale of Willamette University, where ' and greys, does justice both to Don ch,ld weilare; Mrs. Harold lil- .....- ck.. ,.e tk. he maiored in art. Don s first i Btince urid the tilare nf hnsiness it bert, community service; Mrs I dllMJI I.UIIIT UllfllJ, in Ol m. - . : .. ... i , A young Salem artist, Don Bunce painted this striking mural for the wall of coffee shop, fre quented by Willamette University students. It's the university graduate's first mural com-miision. St Let Ui Restyle Your Furs See what wonders our expert for stvllst can perform with your outdated far coat. Inquire about our low-cost restyl ing tomorrow. i- j muiai .ui in i ii n.Muu is an t'Jirfiifni Jiuurns 11 mpnsurp 11 nv lummmuwii. wj-mno, gnu campus., nas recently acnieveg a (JXan)p)f h6w Salrm business : feet, done on panels and mounted music; Mrs. Amos Bonacker, leg new distinction in its rfdlal can make use of the young talent ' on the wall. All in all it is a happy i islaturc; relationship with the students of in our midst. I experiment, both for Don and the' Mr. ' ,'Hurnrri rvtiann m,.mhor. son without wo.di MenaeiMonn Willamette l niversiiy. ii now nas j nm mural, concerned with the: people who make use of TaJbot s shjp; Mrs j,.nry Scheidegger, fra- 1348 Ferry St. Ph. 3-6114 ivi nit uiaiuiw v,v v L -A-Z-'A Marrh Prnknfier Michael Ribin and Orchetra JnterniaJiu. frooi Manon Leni iul" Puccini OrcliMtra Caprice alter the etude In form ot well? Saint Sarin Michael Rabin and Orchetra Musicals Under Stars Planned on one oi us wans a very sn uung ; over au spirit oi spons, us drive, services, we would like to see torna courtesy Mrs Walter Mil mural executed by a young Salem j energy, grace of movement and more of this sort of thing in ),,r poppy and poppy poster Mrs artist, Don Bunce. A recent gradu-1 action, and done in blacks, whites, I Salem. W ' B Branigar hospital and re- i hahilitation: Mrs. Harold Ingram, NEW MID-WIVES j LABORERS SOt CUT jralio: Mrs. Hartley LeFebvre. EDMONTON, Alta. - Roval : MANILA - Negotiations are ntualist; Mrs. Floyd Maricle. Canadian Mounted Police officers ' under wav to send several hun- Americanism; Mrs. Schooler, jun- Mrs. Rose is New Club President HUBBARD Mrs. E. T Rose are attending classes at a hospital here to fit them for duty in the rugged north country. They are Top musical talent of Portland was installed si president of the j rarning how to deliver babies, Hubbard Woman's Club at the pull teeth, treat wnunds and burns, immunize against rabies The scheduled picnic was held n the home of Mrs. L. M. Scholl Camp i tefntifie design provti that there is no such thing at a figure problem for women with larger than crrerage measurements. Camp's famous "Magic Web" lMim (TivM vrMl maw-4at Rltlnn with sarnrtH'a nl rnmfnrt Light-weight strops let yon adjust to the firmne you want at a touch of a finger. And you can wear your Camp home ii yo like, you nerer hare to wait while it is 'ordered bom the factory." Let us prove to you that your tgure to bo problem, stop in for an expert fitting today. CAPITAL DRUG STORE 401 Stale Street Corner ef liberty Wl OtVt W GREEN STAMPS Bowl this summer, b'Rinmnfj July C Tra tr,fi it mnt uill inrlllis I M. 1 I IV UHnjUVIIOIIi lift mm. , - , . I popular musical comedies "Rio toliowen oy oV u , Rita '- beginning July 5, "Kileen ',sion aim '"" " ' July 19. "On the Town" August 2 1 The club members t hen drove to and "Lady From Paris" August I Salem for vljit to the Bush museum ai dushi mmn. Season tickets are now available, Mrs. Floyd Dominic also in offerlng subscribers 20 per cent stalled Mrs. Elmer Stauffer as discount over single performance vice president, Mrs. Wiyne ticket purchases. For complete In-1 Bridge .i secretary, and Mrs. formation and mail order form, j George Grimps as treasurer, ss write Holladay Bowl. 1002 Termin- sisted by Mrs. Leah Schei. al Sales Bldg., Portland 5, Oregon. Club trophies awarded lo out standing girls were Karen Jones, eighth grade and Sally PeAr nisn j, ' North'Ttfarion high school. Committees appointed by Mrs. Rose included Mrs. Stauffer, Mrs. Lester. Will and Mrs. Ella Stauffer, program; Mrs. A. F. ,1. t ..,,ln.(, eivie anil interna- J,. ? . . tional; Mrs. E Stauffer. fine Wolfbauer got s shock the first r(s Mrt R Bai$cn muslc Mr, time she changed her new baby's j,,,,,,,,.' health and safety; diapers. MrJ A i Murphy. puMioity . Because the infant wore blue- in j Smith sod Mrs. Knnfc for-boys diapers instead of pink Anderson, membership. M r s for-girls it was checked cut of Rmh Kberly nd Mrs. A Fibert. Mwdling's hospital as male and Rowers; Mrs. Elvan Pitney e named Walter tension; Mrs. Hugh Wells, Mrs. It became apparent 'uick!y at lenore Schoor and Mrs. Louise home that lomebodv had been col- Grimps. fjunce; Mrs. Ora lr or Wind or had just goofed. Wal-'rts, Children's Firm Howe T?a ter now has been re-named Re- chairman: Mrs. Hannah Hint, re gina and changed to puikwear Ujious education. rs Not Accurate youiijj iigui'e control at Sears super savings! .11'. I . ft Tk ' ill WL V HI I l TV ' ill - j j h m ! IOU OMI lT ' JsV Kaat, aoMwa an CO. j j our regular I59 Charmode 4 Star Elfin brassieres 50 2 for 2 that The brs with the exclusive Cordtex inserts . . . give you the beauty lift that lasts . . . through countless washings . . . Keeps you alluring through all its weanngs! Crisp white cotton ... or acetate satm. 32A-42C. our regular 359 Charmode brief! Save 60c 99 Nylon lace elastic brief, just right for summer fashions. Cool, and comfortable control, s-m-l. 2 our regular 398 Charmode parity or step-in girdle. -54c off Nylon taffeta front panel for tummy control, cotton and nylon lace elastic to mold the rest of you. Cool as it looks. White. s-m-l 3 44 Just Say II charge it on Sears Revolving Charge Plan cit MRS 550 N. Capitol Phone 39191 dred Filipino farm laborers to lor activities; Mrs. Miller, nospnal work on California farms. The beds and chairs; Mrs. frank Bent Philippines has an acute unem-, l7. (;jrs State; and Mrs. Ramon, ployment problem. The govern-'publicity; ment recently negotiated an ! Finance committee includes Mrs. agreement with British North Bor- Lavcrn LeFebvre and Mrs. Don neo for settlement of 5.000 Filipi- Barrett. Elected by the unit any .evidence of no workers in timber, rubber and . Wednesday night for executive I hemp plantations there. I committee were Mrs. Charles W. and examine eyes, ears, the nose and throat for disease. Salem's Only Children's Shoe Store We Take Special Care in Fitting Your Children Properly. Your Children's Feet Are Our Business. Feature . . . THE JUNIOR BOOTERY 236 N. High Open Friday Til 9 P. M. Ph. 3-8771 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P..M. - OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. IfBrlLl SAVE UP TO 50 Helena Rubinstein Beauty Pairs 6ET TWO FOR THE MONEY... LIMITED TIME ONLY 4 PAIRS SOLVE SKIN PROBLEMS 2 FOI DRY SKIN Bay "MSTIlSIZto"" MCt CHAM srscitk famous all-purpoic clfinter and softener. ..get free His: lotio.i srrciAL-ieliety, toothing lotion for dewy young finish. l Combinorwi Vofuu 2.13 Sovi Wk . . . Sorh for only 1150 A Jttfl -SBtlf .i 2 FO COARSE PORES Buy DfEr- CLtss'sm works deeper to onrlog pores, helps preient sur fsce blemihes...get free "ntassL" SKi! iotion -delightfully tingling, tightening pore freshener. J Combiftorion Volul 2.00 Sav 25 . . . torh for onty 1.50 2 FOR AGE LINES Buy "pasteusked" nicht ctkam estrs rich moisturizer, smooths dry nessandcrepines...get free "hesbal" ssTSMT-softening lotion, overcomes Bakiness. tt) Combination Vofut 275 Son . Both for only 175 2 FOR BLACKHEADS Buy beai'TY washing GBlNS-rine out blackheads, cleans out clogged pores. ..get free medicated creak, helps heal external blemishea over night. Perfect for teen age akin. 94 Combination Voluo 1.90 Sovt 37 ... Both for only 1.35 kw 1 3 PAIRS FOR GLAMOUR MAKE-UP 2 FOR RADIANT MAKE-UP Buy sn k tone rounoATion covers lines, flaws and shadows with lovely color, lasts all day ... get free silk screen (ace powder made with at omized silk for glowing silken finish. J Combination Voluo 2.1J Sovi 29t . . . Both for only 1.50 V MSP 2 FOR MAKING EYES Buy WATF.RPROOr MASCARA -WflB1 run, smudge or streak even swim ming... get free eye cream special . . . helps erase lines, prevent crow't feet Removes Waterproof Mascara. So Combination Volu 2.50 San 50 . . . Soth for only 1.25 I I 3 Helena Rubinstein Beauty Pairs Order Blank 2 FOR FACE AND CHEEKS Buy hinuti make-up, foundation and powder in one for fastest make up ever, pearly smooth finish... get free sn.K-TONE liquid souce for a pretty blush that looks so natural. Combinolwi Volui 1.M San 33S . . . loth for only 1.25 3 PAIRS FOR HEAD-TO-TOE BEAUTY Mm 2 FOR BEAUTIFUL HAIR Buy COLOR TOIU HAIR SPRAT-faba- lous new discovery, adds safe, tem porary color while it grooms, condi tions. ..get free color-tone sham poo -washes your hair with color. t Combinofiofl Volu 2.13 Sovi 1 1 ... loth for only 1.75 2 FOR BODY FRESHNESS Buy PER Ft.' ME SPRAT DEODORANT safeguards even on hottest days . . . get free white macnoua talcum, keeps you smooth, fresh, comfort able between baths. 99 CombrnotKMi Volul I A3 Son 23... loth for only 1 25 If AUTY PAIR OUANTITT PIKE TOTAL I I afl ptoaUi I I I I Crtnd TouL PVw cknek yofir c4orin( Sn Make 9p . Blonde MrdraiBrmG Ka&eaal Breaene Cny 2 FOR FRAGRANCE Bay heaven sent eau de toilette lingering flowery fragrance to splash on all over...grt free heavin sint deodorant cream reliable anti-perspirant, perfumes sweetly. (0 ComlMnarioa) Volvo I J5 Son 32 ... loth for only 1.25 Addn ICi'T- Zone Slate- Charf r O Cbwk Money Order O CO D. Itlw, U 10 r.Tat 4CliSTaa wmt mmntj.) I I j TOILETRIES-STREET FLOOR J . FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS 2a rfm