The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 17, 1956, Page 16, Image 16

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    lftSec III) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., June 17, '58
Be Home.of
Santa Barbara, California, will
be the in home of Mr. and Mrs.
Alvia Donald Cummings. who were
married Saturday nixht at the
Bethel Baptist Church. The bride.
' the ionner Ruth Elenore Giese. it
the daughter of Mrs. Walter E.
Giese and Mr. Cummings U the
eoa of Mr. and Mrs. fred Cum
min I of Portland.
The Re. Albert Wardia per-
hrmed the I ('clock ceremony
Al Witt of Portland was the wcal
1st and William J. Beasely of
Santa Barbara was the organist.
A waits gown of whito lace aver
utia was chosen by the bride for
her wedding. The bodice wis de
signed with set yoke ana uny
Elizabethan collar ana me now
fant kkirt was fashioned with
wide panel dowi the front gradu
ating to the hemline in oacs. net
shoulder length veU was caught to
miihox headdress trimmed In
sequins and pearls. She carried a
white Bible marked with white
. orchid, pink rosebuds and stepba-
' Dotis. i - SUfara Tka BrMO
- Miss Caroline Giese wu her
- aiater'a maid of honor and the
bridesmaids were Mrs. Clayton
Wenger. also a sister of the bride,
l Mrs. Robert Allen of Port
land. They wore Identical dresses
of pink silk and cotton maoe who
long, torso bodices and full skirts.
Their matching headdresses were
of raffia braid trimmea in mine
stones and veiling and they car
ried cascades of pink and white
Esther Reed daisies.
The bride's twin cousins, Kathy
and Betty Simonka, were flower
girls and the bridegroom's nephew,
David Cuinmings, was the ring
Brother b Best Man
Melvin Cummings of Portland
stood with bis brother as best
man. Ushers wers Lester Forney,
Keith Forney, David Brinks, all
' of Portland, ftd Clayton Wengrr ,
A two-pioce navy blue dress with
uvy and white accessories was
won by tba bride's mother and
Mrs. Cummings chose a rose silk
crepe gowa with black accessor
ies. Their corsages were white and
pink roses and stephsnotis.
A reception wu held la the
church parlor. Mrs. Ed Lucas and
Mrs. MarUa Geiger of Milwaukie.
aunts of tb bride, poured. Mrs.
Elbert Powell, the bride's aunt.
..j mi.. rrt!nji Slrohmaier. S
cousin, cut the cake. Assisting
wen the Misses Norma Kuper,
, Marjorie Poweu, Ruth Rae, Doro
thy Caspar, Darlena Radke. Janet
PauU of Portland, Mrs. Pa a
SmsU and Mrs. Mila Kuha of Gold
Friendship Night
Ainaworth Chanter. OES will
meet Wednesday evening. June M
at the Scottish Rita Temple for the
last meeting until wpiemoer.
rriendship Night will be observed
win fuests mvitea irora nnoooueD
dron. Zenith, Sweet Home, Cedar.
Cascade and Ramoaa Chapters.
Father's Day will be th theme of
the program and refreshments will i
be served following the meeting
with Mrs. Cyril Parker as chair
man. -
A Bride of Saturday Afternoon
v w
- . ;
Becomes Bride of Doctor
. l 'I V". . - t . f i
rf s
Mrs. Gordon B. Domogslla (Dorothy Suzanne Shepherd) whose wedding was en event of Satur
day afternoon' at St. Vincent dePsul Catholic Chu-ch. The bride is the daughter of the Lyle
D. Shepherds and ne bridegroom i the ton of Hit: ind Mrs. Harold f , Oomogalla, (Art!
Dorothy Shepherd Married to Former Salem
Mr. Domogalla at St. Vincent's Resident Named
aa.l tail
Pink and white was the color scheme for the afternoon wedding I fl VYflO S WnO
of Miss Dorothy Suzanne Shepherd and Gordon B. Domogalla on Sat
urday at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church. The bride is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle D. Shepherd and the bridegroom is the son
of the Harold F. Domogalla.
Father Lowell Blackburn officiated at the 4 o'clock ceremony.
Miss Lorraine Nelke was the vocal
Marie- Pardo
Names Bridal
Announcing plant for her June
29 wedding is Miss Marie Pardo,
who will marry Martin E. (Jack
Young. The ceremony will be
solemnized at I o'clock in the
First Church of the Naiarene with
the Rev. Wayne Green officiating
from the First Christian Church,
assisted by the Rev. Duane Muth.
minister of the Naxarene Church
Soloist be Wilbur Richard and
the organist will be Mrs. C. C.
Mrs. Frank H. Knowlton 'Mar
garet Pardo ', twin suiter of the
bride, is to be the honor attendant.)
Mrs. Thomas Hard wick and Mrs.
Roger King, also sisters of the
bride, and Miss Marie Reinicsek
of Portland, cousin of the bride,
will be the bridesmaids.
Wilmer Young, brother of the
groom, of Orchard, Nebraska, will
be best man. Groomsmen and
ushers will be Bennett Young of
Omaha. Nebraska, also a brother,
Frank H. Knowlton, Paul E. Kopp,
Dennis Mikkleson, and Harris Kir
by of Albany.
The reception will be in the
church parlor. Miss Pardo is the
daughter of Mrs. A. R. ' Sikorra
and William K Pardo. and Mr.
Young is the son of Mrs. Flors
Young of Orchard, Nebrssks, who
will be arriving next week for the
Newlyweds to
Reside in
Corvallis i
MILL CITYThe First Presby
terian Church was the scene of the
wedding Sunday afternoon, June 10
of Miss I .Ha Mel Kelly, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly of
Mill City, and Paul Weston Bark
ley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
W. Barklcy of Ripon, California.
Officiating at the double ring cere
mony was the Rev. Noble Streeter
of Prineville, former pastor of the
Mill utjU'rciihytenap Church,
Matron of honor was Mrs. Marv
in Bibler of Salem, maid of honor.
Miss Carole Aho of Molalla, and on Friday evening at China City,
bridesmaids. Mrs. R. C. Hasemsn , There were M graduates in the
of Waldport, and Miss Dolores class and it was the sixth gradu
Poole. They wore ballerina gowns aling class of the school.
with white headdresses and acces- ter and Karl Brunk called the class1'" n in the afternoon at
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Organ Club Will Meet at Stones
The Hammond Organ Club will
meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James C. Stone, 32SS Crestview
Drive, at I p m. on Tuesday, June
m- . ;,
' All men will be presenting the
program. Those playing will be
Bill Hewitt. R. W. Carpenter.
Charles Forette, Ralph Nolgren.
Salem, Alfred Down, and ten year
old son, Bobby, from Valsetz, Ron-
I aid Hall and Guy Kibble from Car
f Jim Stone win give a talk oa
the use of the precussion on tho
1 Hammond organ.
Hostesses will be Mrs Jonas
Byberg and Mrs. James McCallis
Iter. Following the program there
i will be the usual session of any ,
(one caring to play the organ, or
; so-called Jam-Session.
Mrs. Joseph Gerald Toole (Jo Ann Ricketts) who was married
June 9 st the first Congregational Church. The brido is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth G. Ricketts and Dr. Toole
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G Tools of Klamath Falls.
The couple will live in Oakland, Calif. (Jesten-Millor Studio)
Class of 1911
Holds Reunion
And Dinner
The clsss of 1911 of Salem High
School held its 45th class reunion
Invitations in
Mail for Rites
Invitations are in the mail to
the wedding of Miss Darlene Mary
Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry - T. Myr, - and William
Raymond Meier, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Flaviui Meier.
The ceremony "will take place
on Saturday, July 7 at St. Vincent
dePaul Catholic Church at a 10
o'clock nuptial mass. A reception
land and Miss Pat Miller of Soio from
the Columbus Hall between
members who were unable ,na 0 ciocs.
i From
f Decorating
I Studio
What a feeling of relaxation
' sweat over ui si we stood under
the large tree In a neighbor's
yard to admire ths beautiful
flower beds which surrounded
the pewly-wuhed concrete slab
with its Dots of uraniums snd
f us hiss! Sunlight filtering
through the leaves overhead
traced a cool pattern of shsde
over the whole garden. Later,
standing before a Urge, uncur
tained window with the hot sun
shine pouring in wo sought to
recapture ths emotions ol cool
serenity and beauty of the gar
den. Of course ... let's use
louvre shutters painted in to
match three cream-colored walls,
hsng a mural scenic wallpaper
showing a heavy pattern of
leaves on the lone wall opposite
the window and use louvre doors
' between this snd the adjacent
rooms. Let's by a fresh sprint
green carpet on the floor and
' cover our furniture ia shsdes of
' corsl and blue. Crystal fixtures
and accessories would be nice in
such a room, usini nerhaps a
mirror f scing against the lire
place. How pretty to adjust the
shutter openings for the light
our mood requires! Louvre shut
ters have such a versatility. Be-
sides - being - used as breathing
doors, they are excellent for the
small, odd-shaped windows ia the
halls, bathrooms snd family
moms. Sometimes we use them
oa the high, small windows flank
ing the fireplace mantles of the
older house or in such a house
in front of the old-fashioned
built io china cabinet For
months, our buyer has been
combing; the market for fine
quality louvre shutters which
could bo easily assembled In the
homo workshop, could be carried
In stock for Immediate delivery,
at a price to suit every pocket
book. These requirements were
all met in the new line we show
in our store. Think of buyini
them for leu than half the usual
Driee! Orders oegsn comins in
va hf ore they were unpacked
We are filled with excitement
when we think of their many
beoutlful uses!
fiyt til later, M
Interior Dacerafof
J40 Court Street
ist and Mrs. Norma Given the
organist. -
Of white lace and tulle over sat
in wu the bridal gown, fashioned
with a scalloped neckline and lace
Insertion on the skirt which ter
minated In a chapel train of ruf
fled tulle. A pearl tiara held in
place her fingertip illusion veil. She
carried a cascade o( white baby
orchids backed with pink tulle and
Four attendants ' preceded the
brido to the altar. Miss Sharee
Shepherd wu her sister's honor
maid and she wore a pink nylon
gowa embossed with white and
pink gloves. She carried a cascade
of white and pink daisies and ivy.
The bridesmaids. Miss Danna
Shepherd, Miss Vicki Shepherd, al
so sisters of the bride snd Miss
Leanne Danison, wore white ny
lon dresses embossed with pink
and white gloves. They carried
baskets of pink and white daisies.
The attendants all wore tiaris of
seed pearls.
Mr. Kaaap Is Best Mas
James Knapp stood with Mr.
Domogalla as best man and
groomsmen were Richard Arts.
Tom Pickens and Herbert Trip
lets Ushers were Richard Davis,
Robert Drynan, James Anderson
and Larry Hamilton.
Mrs. Shepherd chose a pink silk
print afternoon dress with navy ac
cessories for her daughter's wed
ding and Mrs. Domogalla wore a
pink lace afternoon gown with
matching accessories. Their cor
sages were pink roses snd feath
ered carnations.
The Sigma Chi house on the Wil
lamette University campus was the
scene of the wedding reception.
routing were Mesdames Gilbert
Davis, J. Lambert of Washougal
Wash.t Helen Mstheson of Portland gin,
snd Stanley PUIette. Cutting the
cake were Miss Kay Pillette, Mes
dames Ted Pillette, Alfred Domo
gslla and Peter Hoffert.
Assisting were Mrs. timer wine-
gar. Misses Ksy Elliott. Bonnie Hil
ton, Janice Brown, Patricia Corri-
gan, Joan Timm, Patricia God
love, Eleanor Jones, Judith Mc
Donald, Rosalie Kerr, Nancy
Hoenslaar, Martha Pappert snd
Rosemary Rhoten.
After a wedding trip along the
Oregon coast the couple will be
at home in Salem at ims n. zstn
St. For going away the new Mrs.
Domogalla donned a pink snd
white print sheet with pink duster
and pink hat.
Unit to Install
New Officers
New officers of Capital Unit 9,
American Legion Auxiliary, will be
installed at the regular meeting
Monday night at the Legion Club
at g o'clock. The officers will be
installed by the Past Presidents
Installation team of which Mrs.
T. J. Brsbec is chairman. Mrs.
Earl Andresen will be the instal
ling officer.
The unit will join the post for
refreshments and a social hour
following the installation.
American War Mothers will meet
for a covered dish luncheon on
Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Flor
ence Hoevet, 1876 S. 13th St., at
12 30 p m. Several birthdays will
be honored and mothers will sew
carpet rags during the afternoon.
Assisting hostesses will he Mrs.
Laura Tandy and Mrs. Clifford El-
r iiin, riuiiua .. ....... .... ... , , tl. ,u (, ik ......
romes news of a former Salem were canuieiigmsrs. junior taiiun-"-nu. .m .... ....... ... . , ,
comes news oi a lurmer aaiem ., , . in., i;. .,,, - s viv" ni:.... T .ml,;, i .,,r. Pimh t nrV
ra.iH.nt Vlr 1 n.m A'tlno RnUT IS .Minn ltd, VUUNg UrO- "I'm " uisiu.-. o. ....j uii.ri .,, iim. h "
resident, Mrs. J. Wavifi 0 Dea , ...... ,..,.1, r.. tw ;hm.. nik u.,kn, im Port and
(Shirley Starke), who has been in-,1""."' "j v,;' ....... Tb" Vs-c aS:.
eluded in the 1958 volume of Who's The bride made her own wedding '" ,rpJ " '
Who in American Education. She gown of Chantilly pleated lace and Mbe",'rT. .t! Gu" 8 M"
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs , tulle over taffeta, with long ft '"', "l " " LTu, Z .ln,re'r'' "' "' wunr"e
L. B. Starke of Salem. She, sleeves, scoop neck of appliqued
.all. Ir.l. Uf (in. '"".Ilia
..... u.u .1 w., . 1 Runner
;....ii.j ,iih. f ..;,, .j ,.j Grace Thompson Sherman. Charles
jewelled pillbox of sequins and seed , ,
bachelor of science degree from pearls. Her bouquet was of yellow : " ' n,,n ph " wiV
Oregon College of Education nt rose, and "rhL
attended Willamette University,
where she wu s member of Alpha
Chi Omegs, and received her
Alice Keene Hughes
:ihaney Riedesel, Naomi
Massee. Ellis H. Jones,
son Cochran, Kita sieiner rry,
Helen Maurer Wiedmer, Harry W.
Cronise, Mem Pearce, Earl Brunk,
Monmoum. Reception Follows rites
Mrs. O'Dea. who has been teach- For her daughter's wedding Mrs
ing in wooaviiie, near lailahassee. ; helly chose a dress of champagne j Clarence M. Byrd and
u iu-auiiiui wiui nrr nusoana 01 , lace over taiieia. wiin turquoise i Slcaife Hill,
several articles published in pro- hat and gloves. The groom's mo- Come From Out-of-Tswa
fessional journals. ther was attired in off-white lace, From out-of-town came Merle
Dr. O'Des is associate professor, frock, with pink and while acces- Tracv Parker, Tacoms, Mignon
ot education at Florida State I'm- sories.
snd Daniel J. Fry,
Letters were received from two
former teachers, Nina Wescott
Ferguson, Burbank. Calif., and
Jessie U. Cox Churchill, Granville.
Earl Brunk saved a brick from
the old senior high school building,
which was demolished in MM, and
members then autographed the
The 1961 reunion will be the gold
en anniversary of the class.
versify and will teach at the Uni
versily of Virginia at Charlottes
ville this summer. In the fall he
will be an associate consultant
with the Science Research Associ
ates. Picnic Is Scheduled
The Women's Association of the
First Presbyterian Church will
meet for a no-host picnic luncheon
on Wednesday at 12:15 p.m. The
picnic will be hell atBush's Park.
Mission Street entrance, weather
permitting. In case of rain, the pic
nic will be held in the social hall
of the church.
A reception was held in Fellow
ship Hall. Mi's. R. C. Haseman of
Waldport. the bride's aunt, cut the
cake, assisted by Miss Lona Har
less of Molalla. Miss Jean Clark of
Hermiston and Miss Ann Brum
baugh of Portland poured. In
charge of the guest book was Miss
Doreen Gates of Forest Grove.
Following a short honeymoon at
the Oregon beaches, Mr. and Mrs.
Barkely will be at home in Cor
vallis. where Mr. Barkley is as
sistant agricultural economist with
the U. S. Department of Agricul
ture. The new Mrs. Barkley will
teach home economics at the Shedd
high school this fall.
'j A N nht Out nt Mft Pr (
f Frank's - Salem - Special
Imenu and dinner music.
f modeling, free favors for the
3:00.1:00 P.M.
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